DRC Unit-1
DRC Unit-1
DRC Unit-1
A. Rectangular
B. Parabolic
C. Rectangular Parabolic
D. None of these
14. An RCC beam can have maximum tension reinforcement as:
a. 6% bD
b. 2% bD
c. 3% bD
d. 4 % Bd
15. What does R.C.C. stand for?
(A) Reinforced Cement Concrete (B) Reinforced Concrete Cement (C) Reinforced
Combined Cement (D) Reinforced Constituent Cement
16. The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed
(A)2% (B) 4% (C) 0.15% (D) 1.5%
17. The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than
a) 6 mm
b) 8 mm
c) 10 mm
d) 12 mm
18. For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed _____________
a) 1/15th of span
b) 1/10th of span
c) 1/20th of span
d) 1/30th of span
19. Spacing of stirrups in a rectangular beam, is
(A) kept constant throughout the length (B) decreased towards the centre of the beam (C)
increased at the ends (D) increased at the centre of the beam.
20. Dimensions of a beam need be changed if the shear stress is more than
10 kg/cm2 (B) 15 kg/cm2 (C) 20 kg/cm2 (D) 25 kg/cm2
21. An R.C.C. beam not provided with shear reinforcement may develop cracks in its
bottom inclined roughly to the horizontal at
(A) 25° (B) 35° (C) 45° (D) 55°
22. For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed
(A) 1/15th of span (B) 1/20th of span (C) 1/25th of span (D) 1/30th of span
23. . If d and n are the effective depth and depth of the neutral axis respectively of a
singly reinforced beam, the lever arm of the beam, Is