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Guidelines for use of the Scaled Span Method for Surface Crown Pillar

Stability Assessment
T.G. Carter
Golder Associates, Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT: Reliably establishing the competence and adequacy of the rock cover that will remain in place
above a near-surface excavation is key to preventing cave-ins and ensuring surface infrastructure stability
above mine workings or civil tunnels. The Scaled Span approach, developed in the late 1980s, provides an
effective means for empirically sizing a rock crown pillar over a near-surface excavation based on precedent
experience. Despite the fact that this approach has been widely used worldwide for now well over twenty
years, inadvertent collapses through to surface still continue to occur both of mine workings and civil tunnels.
Disturbingly, a number of recent cave-ins have developed, again due largely to lack of adequate
understanding of crown stability, commonly because of limited awareness of the lessons that can be learnt
from the precedent experience embodied in the Scaled Span methodology. Citing examples from the now well
over 500 cases with over 70 failure records of crown collapses, this current paper examines some of these
failures as background to explaining the empirical Scaled Span methodology for aiding crown pillar design.
Problems from collapses of near-surface workings
have plagued mining operations for years, not just at
remote mine sites but often also in urban settings,
Figure 1. Civil tunnel collapses to surface are also
not uncommon in urban areas. Reliably establishing
the competence and adequacy of the rock cover that
will remain in place above a near-surface excavation
is key to preventing cave-ins and ensuring stability
of any infrastructure above underground workings.
Assessing the risk for whether or not any nearsurface mine opening or civil tunnel might collapse
and break through to impact surface infrastructure is
however challenging; while defining an appropriate
minimum rock crown cover thickness that should be
left above a mined opening is a particularly difficult
design task. An attempt to address such problems in
a mining context, more than 20 years ago led to the
development of the Scaled Span empirical design
guidelines for surface crown pillar rock thickness
dimensioning discussed in this paper.
The initial guidelines, (Golder Associates, 1990,
Carter, 1992, and Carter and Miller, 1995), which
were mainly developed looking at steeply dipping
orebody geometries, were targeted at helping mining
engineers define potential collapse risk levels for
new or abandoned mined openings, and also to help
with establishing critical crown pillar dimensions for
any proposed new mine designs.
Since its original development, based on a case
record set of over 200 near-surface openings with 30
failure cases, (Golder, 1990), two minor, but quite
significant improvements have been implemented to
the methodology to aid practitioners in their use of

the procedures for sizing surface crown pillars.

These improvements to the original concept, which
were published during 2002 and 2008 respectively,
address (i) shallow dipping stopes and (ii) definition
of pillar reliability for long term closure planning.

Figure 1. Surface Crown Pillar Collapse, at Waihi, in New

Zealand, 2001 (from Tephra, June 2002, pp.29-33)

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the Scaled

Span approach has been widely used worldwide for
more than two decades for empirically establishing
minimum rock crown thicknesses over near-surface
openings, inadvertent collapses through to surface
continue to still occur both of mine workings and of
civil excavations. Exactly why collapses occur even
today is enigmatic, and in some ways still driven by
many of the same economic and logistical pressures
that lead to mine collapses in the past. Almost,
without exception, the numerous Turn-of-theCentury mine collapses and many others that

occurred in the depression years, not infrequently,

can also be tied to lack of knowledge about ground
conditions, in particular, often lack of knowledge of
crown competence.
Generally the reason that these more recent
collapses have occurred can be traced to the same
basic cause: lack of knowledge regarding key
factors pertinent to adequate design. Industry trends
towards ever increasing sophistication in computer
modelling tools and towards designing out
problems on the computer, rather than spending
money on getting more site specific geotechnical
information on rock and soil conditions is perhaps
also contributing to this apparent lack of
improvement in collapse risk.

mining, not enough attention was being paid to early

microseismic records suggesting disruption up into
the crown, way before collapse occurred.
Needless to say, any near-surface mining or civil
excavation will create stress changes within the
crown pillar that will remain above the new opening.
Whether the degree of change will be sufficient to
create problems depends on crown thickness, on
rock competence, on original insitu stress state and
on a host of other factors. If these are not adequately
understood, and excavations get planned and worse
still executed much closer to the rock surface than is
realized, then collapses and breakthroughs to
surface, such as shown in Figures 1 and 2, are an
inevitable consequence. Perhaps because of greater
reliance on design sophistication nowadays, there is
a greater lack of attention being given today than in
the past to collecting reliable site-specific data. This
perhaps is unknowingly increasing failure risk.

Figure 2. Adverse Impact on Surface Infrastructure from

Crown Pillar Failure Talc Mine, Lassing, Austria, 1998

Industry wide there are disturbing trends towards

more and more fast-tracked or value engineered
projects; with often a tendency to cut corners to
achieve a better schedule on paper, by dispensing
with as thorough a geotechnical site investigation as
maybe should be undertaken. Another consequence
of this trend is more reliance on computer modelling
and less on observation. As a result optimization
of opening dimensions and/or crown thicknesses is
sometimes done completely out of context without
benchmarking to actual field derived parameters or
making subsequent checks during actual mining. In
one of two recent cases, where crown pillars, that
had been subjected to extremely detailed numerical
modelling, failed as a result of the impact of deeper

The development of the Scaled Span concept in the

late 1980s grew out of an industry need for a better
method of assessing risk of crown pillar instability
than was then currently available. The impetus for
this change was that several significant failures had
occurred in Canada that had attracted major public
and media attention (Carter et al., 1988). In addition,
it was soon recognized that these cases were not
atypical worldwide, and indeed that numerous other
collapses had occurred of crown pillars at other
mines for many of the same reasons.
Research showed that many of the surface
breakthroughs had occurred from heritage workings,
but in some cases it was found that there were also
recent collapses, in active mines, which had resulted
from quite recent mining. Further evaluation found
that many of the heritage collapses were related to
ravelling and slow upward migration of caving,
while most of the more recent collapses occurred
due to mining too close to surface or due to poorer
crown pillar rock conditions than expected.
A common theme for the more recent failures
was lack of insight of the basic mechanisms
controlling crown pillar stability. For almost all of
the legacy workings, where subsequent surface
breakthroughs had developed, and for many of the
active mines where collapse problems had occurred
in the period up to the 1980s when the research was
initiated, it was established that Rules of Thumb
were the principal, and in many cases, the only
approach used for sizing of the crowns. While
problematic, this might be excusable, given
available rock mechanics understanding to that era.
However, for a couple of the most recent crown
pillar failure cases it is clear that there is also a
worrying trend today to over-reliance on results

from sophisticated numerical modelling. The critical

missing element highlighted from these recent cases
was adequacy of initial calibration with site specific
geotechnical data. This, notwithstanding the need for
vigilance during mining by looking for unexpected
behaviour and then implementing investigation or
monitoring measures to further refine the modelling
to better reflect reality, are considered causative for
misunderstanding the ground behaviour. Again it is
lack of understanding that is the greatest problem.
These disturbing trends are obviously an issue
that educators of young mining and civil engineers
will need to address so that there will be improved
knowledge in the design community in future years
and so that these problems can be firmly set as a
legacy of the past. Hopefully, some of the discussion
in this paper will help shed some light on key issues
of concern for ensuring reliable crown pillar designs.

Figure 3. Remediation underway for Surface Crown Pillar

Stabilization after collapse of Provincial Highway 11B, Cobalt.

2.1 Public perception of risk

Historically, the impact that mining brings to most
communities is seen as two-fold. Mining is seen to
bring employment and growth opportunities, but
also often once the mines close at the seeming
expense of environmental and legacy stability
problems,. As a consequence of decades of poor
mining practices the public outcry for clean-ups and
for dealing with legacy hazards has meant that
Mines Acts nowadays include stringent regulations
that demand assessment of the Stability of
Underground Workings, with the objective of
preventing the development of surface hazardous
conditions due to ground subsidence into
underground workings. Frequently, such legislation
requires the Mines to restore their mining lease site
to a state suitable for some final approved land use.
As general standards, it is thus common nowadays to
see the Mines Acts of various jurisdictions contain
clauses such as All surface and subsurface mine
workings shall be assessed by qualified professional
engineers to determine their stability. Any surface
areas disturbed or likely to be disturbed by such
workings in the long-term shall be stabilized. The
study shall include an assessment of risk and of the

consequence of crown pillar failure and be submitted

for regulatory review and approval. (ref. Yukon
Energy Mines and Resources, 2005). Frequently
these same Mines Acts call for all areas of concern
to be monitored for physical stability during all
phases of closure until the Mine Site is closed out.
In most Mines Acts, the regulations relating to
surface impact and mine closure have largely been
re-written over the last couple of decades to include
requirements for specifically evaluating the stability
of surface crown pillars as part of closure studies.
The legal language regarding closure and financial
guarantees has at the same time also become much
more stringent, reflecting the increased awareness at
Governmental level that public risk exposure can be
significantly reduced by good crown pillar design.
2.2 Legacy Issues
One of the principal reasons that research into crown
pillar stability, and particularly of old abandoned
workings received significant funding in the late
1980s, was the fact that a number of major
collapses occurred in old mining municipalities in
Ontario and Quebec that attracted widespread public
attention. While crown pillars over old abandoned
workings had been recognized by many mining
municipalities for many decades as constituting a
long term legacy issue, nothing much had been done
to resolve or tackle the risk posed by these problems.
The collapse of a section of Provincial Highway 11B
through the old mining town of Cobalt attracted
media attention and raised risk awareness to
Government level.
Figure 3 shows the remnant section of the crown
pillar remaining over the stope void as exposed once
the overburden was removed down to bedrock. The
remains of the asphalt pavement of the Highway can
be observed in the upper part of the right picture
where a grid of pegs is evident. These pegs mark out
locations of airtrack drillholes used to define the
problem crown geometry, (Carter et al, 1988).
The impact of the highway collapse on traffic
flow and tourism and business in the area, and the
realization by various levels of Government that
mine workings of dubious stability existed under
two public schools, under an old folks home as well
as under several other municipal buildings spurred
action towards resolving the highest risk problems,
not just in Cobalt, but province-wide.
With the last active mine having closed in 1990,
Cobalt was a shadow of its former past when more
than 100 mines operated in the area. By 1987, when
the Highway collapse occurred, the Town was just a
small residential community with a population of
1480 people. Nevertheless, the legacy of its mining
past, however remained very obvious, with glory
holes dotting the landscape and safety fences,

erected by past mining companies and/or by various

Government agencies criss-crossing the community.
At the time of the collapse, studies were already
underway to update the official zoning plans for the
Town, specifically designating areas of potential
mine hazards that needed to be put off limits for
future building development, (ref. Mackasey, 1989,
and Carter, Mackasey & Steed, 1995). Areas where
possible future building would be inadmissible were
identified, as also were "areas of caution" where
buildings or other infrastructure was known or
thought still existed over near-surface workings.
While this study, (initiated in 1981, following a
commission of enquiry into another mine collapse,
this time in Quebec in the same year), addressed
many concerns relating to potential for mine hazards
to impact town planning, no major remediation or
site investigation was implemented although some
additional fencing was completed. It was, however,
recognized, that there was a lack of data on absolute
stability of the crown pillars of many of the known
workings, and also that there was no ready means
for assessing their stability.
2.3 Precedent Case Histories
The research initiative that began within a few
months of the Cobalt highway collapse, but now
with an wider Ontario focus, soon established that
there was a history of collapses of old workings
right across Canada, but mainly within the provinces
of Ontario and Quebec where most of the mines
were located, and that although collapses were not
commonplace problems, they typically happened
unexpectedly, and in some cases long after the mines
had closed down.
In an attempt to try to quantify the extent of the
potential hazard, and also gain some understanding
of the mechanics of crown pillar instability so that
future problems elsewhere in Cobalt and also across
Canada (principally Ontario and Quebec) could be
addressed, it was decided that initial research effort
should be principally focused on old abandoned
workings, but within about a year, now also with
Federal funding, the initiative moved into looking
into design methods that could be used more widely
for evaluating surface crown stability for both active
and abandoned mines.
Some of the earliest results of this research were
published in the First International Conference on
Surface Crown Pillars held in Timmins in 1989. This
was a pivotal meeting, as one of the outcomes of the
initial research to that point was that there was a
dearth of methods available for reliable design,
Hoek, 1989 gave the keynote conference address on
crown plug failure mechanics, noting that even the
now quite sophisticated available numerical analysis
methods being employed at the time seemed

inadequate, and generally incapable of appropriately

defining onset of instability.
The evaluation of case histories to that time also
showed that, except for a very few well documented
failure cases, nothing much was known about the
root causes for how, or why many of these failures
had developed. The fact that some of the failures had
occurred during initial mining and some had taken
many decades to fail posed one of the most puzzling
questions. Some light, however, had been shed on
the different types of failure as a result of research
underway at the time by CanMet to gather precedent
case history data, (e.g. CanMet, 1984, 1985), but
these very useful studies gave little comprehension
of the actual behaviour of the surface crown pillars
leading up to failure. Most of the focus to that time,
despite the attention that was being addressed to the
topic was on data gathering. The simple fact
however emerged that it was difficult, and in some
cases almost impossible to undertake rigorous backanalysis, because of paucity of good geotechnical
information on the collapses, (Betournay, 1987).
While failures, by their very nature were treated
as problems, and attracted much public attention and
scrutiny, there was general reluctance to publicize
any of the relevant facts related to the actual failure
mechanics. In fact, mostly the technical publications
available at the time were found to concentrate on
successes, not failures. Research into Industry and
Government records showed that even where a
crown failure was known to have occurred; often
precious little, if any, pertinent geotechnical data
could be located. It seemed that the only exceptions
to this situation was when expert witness testimony
had been lodged in evidence in legal cases related to
fatality enquiries (e.g. the Belmoral Investigation
Report, Government of Quebec, 1981).
Lack of data on geotechnics, let alone design was
found to be particularly commonplace where pillar
failures had taken place on properties now defunct.
Also, where pillars had been laid out on the basis of
traditional "rule of thumb" methods, generally no
documentation of the "experience" component could
be found. The fact that "rules of thumb" were still
widely being applied for crown sizing at that time in
Canada, and worldwide, seems anachronistic, but the
approach can still be found being employed even
This should not be criticized unnecessarily, as it
may not actually be wholly detrimental to apply
such methods, if they have been developed for a site
specific situation, as such methods may in reality be
entirely appropriate. Rockmass classifications and
many design methods have, in fact, grown out of
such rules of thumb.
Often where traditional rules are still in use by
the Mines today it is probably more from caution
and uncertainty on behalf of the ground control staff
that are using such rules that there is any more valid

or appropriate procedure, than from any desire to

short-circuit more rigorous design approaches.
One of the prime reasons for this reliance still on
rules of thumb for crown pillar design, in the past, at
least, stemmed from the perceived lack of sufficient
realistic calibration between more esoteric numerical
modelling and/or theoretical predictions and reality.
This was in part attributed in the 1980s to lack of a
sufficiently valid database with which to verify the
then available analytical and/or numerical methods.
The comprehensive crown pillar back-analysis
report issued in 1990, based on a database of over
thirty failure cases and more than 200 case records
eventually provided such a basis and continues so to
do through extra added case records providing a
benchmark for calibration.
3.1 Morphological Controls
Numerous similarities in morphology exist between
various crown pillar collapses. Remarkably few of
the documented cases show failure resulting directly
from central crown cracking, as might be expected
for a typical beam analogy. Most seem to occur as a
result of dislocation or sliding on well-developed
adversely oriented joints or shears within the rock
mass, at either the hangingwall or footwall contact,
or by ravelling or degradation processes. Further,
only rarely do the failure geometries seem to have
been dominated by single, weak structures, such as a
fault or cross-cutting shear zone. Such weaknesses,
(perhaps because they are more easily recognizable
by mine operators, than more subtle problems), do
not appear, in many of the case records as an
important cause for unexpected failure as the more
mundane features of the rock mass, which perhaps
were ignored in the original crown pillar design.
Kinematics seem in many cases more important
also than stress effects, with discontinuity controls
taking a major part in dominating failure behaviour
in most hard rock cases. For many narrow vein stope
situations, failures seem to have preferentially
occurred close to the intersection of adversely
oriented cross-joints with the main ore-vein
structure. In most of the ubiquitously weak schistose
rocks, by contrast, failures commonly seem to have
occurred by progressive crown destabilization
through processes of tensile de-lamination at the
hangingwall. In such cases, overall control of global
stability may not be merely the kinematics of the
weakness planes, but rather the influence of an
adverse overall stress state within the abutment rock
Carter, 1989 outlined some of the initial findings
coming out of the back-analysis studies being
undertaken at the time of the numerous failure cases
in the Golder-CanMet database (Golder. 1990).

Figure 4, which was presented at the time showed

four of the ultimately five categories of crown pillar
configurations that were consistently recognized
from the database, reflecting similar patterns of
geology and geometry, namely:
tabular, narrow vein orebody situations, with
usually, but not always weaker sheared ore zone
rocks bounded by more competent hard wall
rock conditions (Category A);
complex, blocky rock mass conditions, often
with structurally controlled weaknesses crosscutting both the large scale ore body geometry
and the wall rocks (Category B);
foliated rock environments, almost always with
well-developed anisotropic weak structure,
generally parallel to the strike and dip of the ore
(Category C);
disseminated ore zone situations, usually with
similar geometrical characteristics to Category B
or C, but often set within an overall competent,
but frequently slabby rock mass, which exhibits
at least one sub-planar discontinuity set parallel
to the ore zone dissemination, (Category D);
faulted or structurally dominated situations
where a weak or adversely oriented structure
(other than the ore zone), usually either crosscuts or parallels the stoping, (Category E).

Figure 4. Four of the major sub-classifications of surface

crown pillar geometries, (modified from Carter, 1989).

It will be noted that in Figure 4, Category D is

missing. This is because; at the time of the 1989
paper only four of the five categories had been
recognized. An extra disseminated category was
added into the 1990 final Golder Report as
numerous disseminated ore crowns were found
which exhibited somewhat different failure
behaviours than more common with the Category B
and C cases.
3.2 Failure Mechanisms
While the general geometric categories encapsulated
in Figure 4 were found useful for characterizing the
various types of crown in the database, it was quite
quickly realized that they did not always necessarily
correlate with actual failure mechanisms, and in fact
often the failure cases exhibited different processes
even for crown pillars within the same morphology.
Examination of the failure cases included in the
Golder-CanMet database (Golder, 1990) suggested
five principal failure mechanisms, each of which has
been shown schematically in Figure 5. As is evident,
each is quite distinctive, and equally obvious, each is
not amenable to the same type of analysis. It is of
importance to note that classic beam theory methods
have applicability in very few cases and certainly
not for failures driven by ravelling or degradation.
Equally important is the observation that using
just one type of numerical modelling approach may
not be appropriate either. Discrete fracture models
will function satisfactorily, but model block size
replication has to be accurate, or the results will be
totally misleading. It is therefore critical if numerical
modelling is to be employed that the model be able
to precisely mimic actual failure behaviour expected
for that type of rockmass. Figures 4 and 5 and the
bullet list below provide some guidelines on
selection of appropriate analysis approaches:
Plug failure Limit equilibrium analytical plug
models have most applicability here, empirical
methods including the Scaled Span approach,
plus also numerical modelling can be applied,
but only if the models allow accurate replication
of controlling plug structure;
Chimneying Several chimney/cave limit
equilibrium analysis methods have applicability,
the Scaled Span approach can be applied; also
some forms of Voussoir limit equilibrium
analysis and some numerical modelling
approaches can also be workable;
Caving Mathews-Potvin / Laubscher stability
graph assessments plus Scaled Span checks are
all valid tools, plus it is feasible to use several
discrete element forms of numerical modelling
code, but only when such codes can accurately
mimic the caving process;

Unravelling Numerical codes should only be

used if they can incorporate or create discrete
blocks and structure that simulates unravelling,
which it must be appreciated is generally often
different in character to caving. Some numerical
codes which allow block cracking and others
which permit Voronoi block tessellation and
subsequent breakage along the micro-blocks
have application for examining unravelling and
disintegration processes, but most codes are not
appropriate. Some empirical methods including
Scaled Span assessments can be applied if they
have adequate correlation cases on which they
have been constructed; and
Delamination Some forms of limit equilibrium
beam and plate analysis have applicability, also
Voussoir solutions and numerical modelling with
appropriate fabric replication, plus yet again the
various appropriate empirical methods including
Scaled Span assessments.

Figure 5. Principal Surface Crown Pillar Failure Mechanisms


For stability assessment three basic approaches can
be taken for design of new crown pillar layouts or
for evaluating the stability of old surface pillars,
(i) empirical methods - using either Rules of Thumb,
or more quantitatively, based on descriptive rock
mass classifications,
(ii) structural analysis and cavability assessments
.. and/or ...
(iii) numerical modelling procedures.
Although each of these, seemingly might have
equivalent applicability, they do not, and deciding
the most appropriate approach can thus be tricky.
What is clear is that whatever method is chosen it
must be robust enough to be capable of handling the
correct failure mechanism, selected from the various
diagrams in Figure 5. In addition, irrespective of
whichever approach and mechanism is chosen as
appropriate, some key information is always needed
on geometry and on rock quality and competence so
that one can place oneself within the framework of
the diagrams within Figures 4 and 5. One must also
be aware of information limitations and that data
may not always be available, or even adequate
enough for undertaking sophisticated modelling, so
often the best analysis approach is actually the most
simplistic that replicates reality.
4.1 Data Adequacy
As commented above. obviously for any crown
assessment to have validity, good reliable input data
is needed. Some information is clearly required on
bedrock geometry, data is needed on rock quality
and also with respect to weathering effects or any
other process that could degrade rock competence.
The same basic suite of data needs collection in all
cases in order to adequately evaluate the stability of
any crown pillar situation (Table 1).
4.2 Empirical Methods
Design for most of the legacy crown pillars over
near-surface workings that were mined at the turnof-the-Century had been arbitrary at best, purely
based on precedent practice, and random at worst
based simply on "leaving just one more round to
surface". Traditionally, with years of mining in a
given area, some cognizance of the effects of stress
state and of weathering/degradation reduction of
rockmass competence had been acquired through
experience and thus was intrinsically incorporated
into the classic Rules of Thumb for mining beneath
crown pillars in that mining camp.
In many cases these Rules of Thumb were simple
and could be applied in different mining situations
where similar rock was encountered. However some
rules were site specific, and applicable only locally.

Attempts were therefore made to understand overall

mechanics that might be controlling failures. It was
recognized by the end of 1989 that more than 70%
of the crowns had never been formally designed
but had been simply laid out on the basis of
traditional Rules-of-Thumb. While most survived
well, a few failures had occurred, obviously where a
rule simply proved inappropriate.
Table 1. Basic data requirements for crown pillar design

Rock Mass

- Topography
- Presence or absence of water body
- Thickness, Material Properties
- Stratigraphy
- Groundwater regime
- Bedrock/overburden interface
- General geological regime
- Ore zone dip
- Rock types and classification
characteristics - Hangingwall
- Footwall
- Ore zone in crown
- Structural controls
Jointing, faulting, cleavage, etc.
- Geometry of crown pillar and upper
openings, width, thickness, stope spans,
filling if present, support methods if
- Other factors
- available data on stresses
- complicating geometry e.g.
multiple ore zones, etc.

Through discussions with old miners and review

of classical mining texts, such as Peele (1918, 1927,
and 1941), attempts were made to try to improve the
existing rules by undertaking detailed checks of
available data to establish rock mass characteristics
and pre-failure geometry for as many failed and nonfailed surface crown pillars as possible.
Early checks found little in the way of published
principles, but discussion with old miners and with
Ministry of Mines personnel familiar with Turn-ofthe-Century operations, suggested a few benchmark
guidelines good rock 1:1 thickness to span; poor
rock 3:1 or more. With this in mind the database was
queried for rockmass quality and then sorted for
thickness to span ratio. Figure 6 shows the resulting
graph which is essentially a plot of the traditional
thickness to span ratio rule-of-thumb, but tied to
the Q rockmass quality scale, rather than to a single
descriptive value good or poor. A power
regression dividing the failure cases (shown as black
circles) from the stable cases (shown as open
circles), has been drawn as follows:
T/S = 1.55 Q-0.62
where T is crown thickness, S is span. and
Q is the NGI rockmass quality index.

cantilevered situation in these analyses always

proved the most critical design situation.

Figure 6. Thickness to Span plot of Crown Pillar Case Record

Database with respect to Rock Quality, Q

Initially, it was considered that this simple update

to the traditional thickness to span rule of thumb, but
now tied to a rigorous rockmass classification would
provide a basic, reliable guideline relationship that
would be suitable for checking crowns in geological
settings similar to those for which there were
assessments held in the database. It was, however,
quite quickly realized that since the relationship was
not scale independent, its use without calibration
could easily lead to significant errors. Accordingly,
efforts were made to develop a better relationship
that would more accurately describe crown pillar
geometry with respect to rockmass quality, that
could be properly scaled to crown geometry. This
marked the starting point for the Scaled Span
concept development as discussed in detail in the
next chapter of this paper.
4.3 Structural Analysis and Cavability Assessments
Various structural beam-type analysis methods have
long been utilized to examine surface crown pillar
stability, typically making some simplifying
assumptions of equivalent beam thickness and
looking at the most critical failure mode of the beam
in shear or tension, either cantilevered or supported
at both ends. A thorough review of all sorts of
beams, slabs, plates, arches and Voussoir and
delamination modes was undertaken as part of the
back-analysis studies completed in the late 1980s,
(Golder, 1990). Some beam analogy geometries
were in fact examined as part of the remediation
design for dealing with marginally stable areas
alongside the highway zone that had collapsed in
Cobalt in 1987 (Figure 3). Figure 7 shows some
results for a cantilevered and simply supported beam
analogy for the competent crowns in this situation
bounding weak silver-calcite veins at various
locations above the mined stope. The Case 2,

Figure 7. Results from parametric analysis of simple crown

pillar geometry for two possible silver vein locations seen in
Cobalt stopes (from Carter et al. 1988)

Figure 8. Beam analogy for thinly bedded strata (from Hoek

and Brown, 1980, p.235)

Figure 8 shows another beam analogy, this one

studied for classic de-lamination of thin strata in a
In addition to these beam type analogies, wedge
kinematics and plug type failures, such as sketched
in the uppermost diagram in Figure 5 have been
looked at by various authors, with the solution for
the plug case, as analyzed by Hoek, 1989 now
available in the program code CPillar by
As with all of these approaches to simplify the
problem to something tractable, either sensitivity or
parametric analyses or probabilistic approaches are
recommended as never are all the parameters
known, not even the geometry. In the case of the
plug failure CPillar code, data for the rockmass and
the crown are entered as means and standard
deviations to estimated ranges for the field
conditions, and analyzed probabilistically.

The other side of the coin the shape of stable

and unstable opening geometries has also been the
subject of extensive evaluation over the years, with
various analytical and empirical approaches
considered of value for different rock conditions.
Numerous rules of thumb also exist for estimating
the influence heights of cave-ins. Bell et al., (1988),
in reviewing causes of ground movements,
suggested that ratios of 1.5 to 3 times the span of a
mine opening, was commonplace for cave heights in
many rock masses. Piggot and Eynon,(1978) in their
landmark caving study (ref. Figure 9) suggest
maximum crowning heights of up to 10 times seam
thickness in bedded strata above coal mine
workings; a value supported by Whittaker and
Breeds, (1977) and by Garrard and Taylor, (1988).
Other workers, e.g., Madden and Hardman, (1992),
looking at caving in South African coal mines above
gate roadway intersections suggested relationships
between seam thickness and the height of caving
over an intersection, consistent with the ratio of 23 times drift span width, again suggesting initial
caving heights typically occur in this range before
onset of void ravelling.

Other approaches for predicting upwards caving

for weak rocks derive generally from studies of
particle flow behaviour in grain silos. Two
approaches can have particular application for crown
pillar considerations, depending on the rock
conditions the chimney caving approach of
Btournay, 2004, 2005 (Figure 10) and classic
ellipsoid concepts per Janelid and Kvapil, 1966, Just
and Free, 1971, and Kendorski, 1978 and others,
(Figure 11).

Figure 11. Concept of silo caving mechanics with the draw

cone and ellipsoid of draw defining the rockzone in motion and
the limit ellipse defining the influence extent of incipient
rockmass damage (after Janelid and Kvapil, 1966)
Figure 9. Empirical caving estimates for different geometry
and bulking assumptions (from Pigot and Eynon, 1978)

Figure 10. Chimney cave analysis methodology for weak

rockmasses (after Btournay, 2004, 2005)

Basically, the assumptions behind use of either of

these models for assessing degree of potential
upwards caveability, and thereby establishing a
probable limit for caving height, (as a means to
assess whether breakthrough to surface is feasible or
not) devolves into checking balance between extent
of available underground void space to extent of
possible caved material. Establishing whether
choking off occurs of an underground void depends
almost entirely on the degree of probable bulking
of the caving rockmass. For rock masses with high
Qs/GSIs (Q>10, GSI>60 typically) bulking factors
are in the 30-40% range, while for rocks in the low
Q/GSI range, (Q<0.1, GSI<25) bulking factors can
be lower than 20%, suggesting that upward caving
for such rockmasses can extend way higher before a
given stope chokes off. Analysis for different
rockmass types and conditions is thus critical if
accurate replication of behaviour is to be achieved.

The obverse of these same questions are of

paramount importance to those designing block and
panel cave mines, because controlled caving is
much desired in these mining applications. As such,
it is beneficial to look in a little more detail at the
current design approaches being used in the block
caving arena, as they help provide needed insight for
assessing potential for crown pillar caving risk.
Firstly it should be appreciated that in the last
twenty years, there has been a revolution in block
cave mining, largely driven by the need to compete
with large open pit operations. Traditionally most
cave mining operations initially started with
deliberate surface breakthroughs, termed glory
holes, or as a result of unexpected crown pillar
collapses. As a result, there is much synergy in the
early design approaches, which again relied heavily
on rules of thumb, which were learnt through hard
experience from uncontrolled caving behaviour and
inadvertent crown cave-ins. The silo models of cave
mechanics (such as illustrated in Figure 11), which
were developed in the 1960s, provided much
needed understanding and improved insight to aid
cave mine design.
Unfortunately, this analytical ellipsoidal algebra
proved difficult at best, and misleading at worst to
apply for accurately determining Height of Draw,
drawpoint spacing and/or cave progression, let alone
prediction of actual cave behaviour. In consequence,
most modern block cave mine design over the period
up to the last 8 to 10 years, resorted to and then
remained heavily biased toward use of empirical
caving rules, such as those published by Laubscher,
1977, 1994 and by Diering and Laubscher, 1987,
rather than on the analytic approaches shown in
Figures 10 and 11.
The use of empirical methods though was not
without problems, and many criticisms have been
levelled over the years against application accuracy
of Laubschers original design charts. The problems
that occurred at North Parkes in 1999, when the cave
stalled, (Ross & van As, 2005) prompted a
resurgence of research work into cave mechanics
and in particular into trying to better understand
more competent rockmasses. Several new or updated
design approaches were formulated, some based on
the existing empirical methods. In parallel major
work was initiated on developing new numerical
models that could truly cope with and replicate
actual cave mechanics.
One of the empirical approaches that came out of
this work and has applicability for crown pillar
failure assessment, was developed by Trueman and
Mawdesley (2003) as an extension to the Mathews
method for stope design, (Mathews et al., 1981),
They concentrated on re-examining and extending
the original databases used for the previously
published empirical caving charts, noting that the
biggest variance in actual versus predicted caving

prediction capability occurred with competent strong

rock masses and partially with misinterpretation of
the adjustments in the MRMR rating scheme for
such rockmasses. The revised empirical Mathews
chart for caving application, which was derived by
Trueman and Mawdesley, solves a number of the
perceived problems with the earlier empirical charts.
However, as pointed out by Brown (2003), largely
because of insufficient case record, its use may need
to be restricted to low aspect ratio undercut
geometry (with length to width ratios <3:1) due to
inability to assess 3D confinement effects around
high aspect ratio rectangular undercut footprints.
In parallel with these advances on the purely
empirical front, some consideration was also given
in the same time frame to see if it was feasible to
define a semi-empirical caveability failure criterion.
Karzulovic and Flores (2003) found that by
defining the rockmass as a Hoek-Brown material
and examining the deviatoric stress state around a
developing cave with respect to rockmass strength,
crude checks were possible on whether or not caving
would continue or not. They termed their deviatoric
stress:strength ratio, the Caving Propagation Factor,
CPF = (1 - 3) / (ci (mb.3/ci + s) a). Application
to cases such as North Parkes, which were used for
validation, suggested this approach could be useful
in the interim, until better numerical modelling
methods could be developed.
Rather than being the poor cousin of the hardrock
underground mining industry, the cave mines are
now at the leading edge of research initiatives. In
fact, as a result of significant work undertaken since
the North Parkes disaster, not only have cave mine
design approaches advanced appreciably, but all
fronts of rock mechanics have benefitted as these
new numerical methods now allow better replication
of reality. One of the major developments that has
come out of these cave mining needs and initiatives
has been the merging of developments in discrete
fracture network (DFN) and synthetic rockmass
mechanics approaches to rockmass characterization,
coming out of oil-field and high level nuclear waste
research, with rock material caving mechanics and
rockmass material particle flow codes, such as PFC
and REBOP (Pierce, 2009, Chitombo, 2010,),
thereby allowing progressive caving behaviour to be
more holistically examined with synthetic rock mass
models with constituent ubiquitous joint behaviour,
Sainsbury et al, 2008, 2011.
4.4 Numerical modelling
All of these major advances coming out of cave
mechanics have applicability for crown pillar design
as essentially the problem is the same in reverse
for a cave mine the need is for the rockmass to
cave in a controlled manner; for a surface crown
pillar the need is for the rockmass to remain stable.

As will be evident from the preceding discussion

numerical modelling advances have been significant
since the initial publication of the crown pillar backanalysis report (Golder Associates, 1990), with the
result that most of the now available numerical
modelling tools are far more sophisticated than were
available at that end of the 1980s. However many
of the fundamental issues and problems remain the
same, with most of the same analytic formulations
still being used in rock mechanics evaluation today
as they were 25 years back, but with much greater
computing power and hugely improved graphics
capability. While there is today less use of boundary
element methods, and more use of finite element,
finite difference and much more application of
distinct and/or discrete element methods today, there
still remain significant problems in getting
appropriate and representative input parameters
defined. Just like the caving situation, there also are
still many difficulties evident in achieving accurate
replication of actual failure processes observed with
real surface crown pillar failures. This remains true,
even when instrumentation data and patterns of
microseismicity are available to guide back-analysis
modelling. This continued problem of not being able
to precisely replicate the complex, essentially
gravity-controlled mechanisms which characterize
cave mechanics and also crown pillar failure
behaviour remains an issue and a caution for
indiscriminate use of numerical models as a panacea
for crown pillar rock mechanics design.
Several of the available current program codes,
many of which allow post-failure behaviour to be
modelled, have validity for being able to examine
the types of geometry and failure mode portrayed in
Figures 4 and 5 respectively, but the definition of
parameters, and particularly, capturing the
variability of real rockmasses still lags far behind
advances made in the various modelling codes.
Major progress has been made in modelling rock
breakage as part of various initiatives related to
block caving design, but still the problem remains of
input parameter definition for the reliable use of
these codes. Advances have also been spectacular in
modelling various progressive failure processes of
caving, ravelling and tensile fragmentation of rock
masses, and in developing discrete fracture network
replications of known ground conditions, but from
the perspective of analyzing and designing surface
crown pillars, where there is often much greater
variability in rockmass properties than occurs at
greater depths in many other mining situations,
current numerical modelling approaches still have
some way to go. Making correct choices of input
parameters, and ensuring that the codes can handle
the most appropriate constitutive model are still
major concerns to numerical methods becoming
sufficiently reliable for use as a sole tool for surface
crown pillar design.

Right now, reliance must still be placed on doing

multiple analyses with different approaches,
including numerical methods, with rigorous cross
checks being carried out, not only between analysis
techniques, but also back to empirical approaches to
check against precedent case behaviour and hence
expected rockmass response. Verification to known
precedent experience has to be the watchword.
While one may have high hopes that advances in
computing power and in ease of applicability will
continue; to the extent that creating DFNs will
become the norm for initiating new rock engineering
studies, and that any new mines will tackle crown
pillar design with much improved sophistication;
there will however always be a need for two things:
(i) proper characterization of actual ground
conditions, so that the models have validity, and
(ii) a means for ensuring reliable verification
against precedent behaviour for similar construction
in similar rock conditions.
It was precisely for these latter reasons in the late
1980s that the Scaled Span empirical method was
developed for evaluating the 30 failure cases in the
crown pillar database, as by that time, it had been
recognized than none of the then available analytical
or numerical modelling approaches could adequately
and uniquely replicate the actual failure behaviour
documented from the historical records.
In fact, it was quite discouraging that no one tool
or technique that was in current use at the time could
achieve even half adequate replication, sufficient
that it could be considered reliable enough to be
recommended for ubiquitous design use, (Carter et
al., 1990). This lack of reliable computer design
tools is much less of a problem today as compared
with the late 1980s, as so many of the numerical
modelling tools have been so dramatically improved
that replicating behaviour is much less difficult, but
only if input data is reliable and the mechanism is
correctly calibrated back to precedent experience.
In 1989, focus was therefore turned back to
attempting to improve the old Rules of Thumb
approaches as the best means for checking back to
the precedent case records and using these for
benchmarking the back-analyses of the old failures.
This turned out to be a bit of a circular exercise as
all the modelling that was at that time being
undertaken was looking at different types of failure
mechanism, with the intention being to use the
precedent data for calibration. It was because of
this circular lack of a valid checking approach that
eventually the Scaled Span concept came to be
developed into a design tool in its own right.

5.1 Scaled Span Concept

When it was realized that all of the old empirical
rules were scale dependent and thus problematic to
apply for bigger or smaller crowns than they had
been developed for, a method for treating the scale
problem and for characterizing the three dimensional
geometry of a typical crown pillar was sought. There
was a desire also to try to maintain correspondence
with the available rockmass classification methods
so that the wealth of experience included in these
procedures could be used to advantage for defining
key rockmass characteristics pertinent to the stability
state of a typical crown pillar. After some research
into how the geometry of a typical pillar could be
analyzed, the concept of dimensional scaling was
explored, with the basic precept for the Scaled Span
approach being that one should be able to scale the
entire three dimensional geometry of the pillar down
to some measurement, related solely to span.
It was therefore decided to follow the approach
used in the Mathews Method for open stoping
based on Laubschers scale for undercut sizing for
block cave operations, and utilize a hydraulic radius
scaling term to account for the third dimension.
For defining the other critical control on crown
stability rock quality, it was decided to use the
readily available NGI Q-system quality scale as this
seemed a reasonable benchmark. The decision was
also made to keep the scaling term solely related to
the geometry of the crown, following the analogy of
treating the crown pillar as a simply supported
beam, with some degree of two way spanning, that
would depend on width and strike length. The initial
concept at this stage was solely to create an
improvement on the thickness to span chart in
Figure 6 with an x-axis rockmass scale utilizing
either Q or RMR, so that all the standard tables of
descriptions for parameters could be maintained,
yielding estimates of rockmass quality that would be
widely understood.
The chart progressed quickly to something
similar to the Q-support chart, (Barton, 1976) but
was extended in a similar manner to the Mathews
Method open stope design chart (Potvin et al, 1989)
to consider the third dimension into the term plotted
on the y-axis.
In the final 3D-scaling arrangement developed
for the chart, it was decided in the end not to use a
direct hydraulic radius scale, but rather to
dimensionally scale all the key facets of a crown
pillar, in a new term, - defined as the Scaled Span.
The intuitive principle on which this scaling was
developed was that as the size of an underground
excavation increases, so does the degree of failure
risk and the likelihood of collapse of that structures
crown. Conversely, as rockmass quality into which
the excavation is made increases, so the likelihood
of failure of the crown decreases (because rock

block size increases and intrinsic rock mass

competence and strength improves, thereby helping
to resist failure).

Figure 12. Crown Pillar Nomenclature

Given the typical stope geometry and geological

and rockmass conditions comprising a typical crown
pillar situation, such as shown in Figure 12, it was
recognized that:
Crown Stability f h


where increased stability for any rock mass quality

would be reflected by an increase in:
T, the rock crown thickness
h , the horizontal insitu stress
and/orin , the dip of the foliation or of the
underlying opening, and;
where decreased stability for any crown would
result from increases in:
S, the crown span
L, the overall strike length of the opening
, the mass (specific gravity) of the crown
and/orin u, the groundwater pressure.
Noting that this stability expression could be split
into two, based on (a) mined opening geometry and
(b) rockmass characteristics, led to the development
of the basic deterministic assessment approach of
comparing the dimensions of the crown pillar over
the stope opening geometry, as characterized by the
Scaled Crown Span (CS), against a critical rockmass
competence, Qcrit (at which failure might be
expected) as defined from the boundary between the
failure cases and the stable cases.
5.2 Geometry Definition
In developing the three dimensional geometry term
for characterizing the overall crown pillar with
respect to its actual span, S, four component terms
were considered a thickness to span ratio term, to
maintain some connection with the original nonscaled rules of thumb, an inclination factor term,

reflecting the fabric of the rock mass and typically

the stope dip angle, a term to account for the three
dimensional geometry of the crown (incorporating a
hydraulic radius (span ratio) factor), and a weight
term to account for equivalent Terzaghi-style rock
loading effects with respect to the size of the crown
and due to any superincumbent loads such as
The final Scaled Span, CS relationship was thus
defined as follows:

T 1 S R 1 0.4 cos



where: S = crown pillar span (m);

= specific gravity (which is dimensionless but
has the same numerical value as rock mass unit
weight, tonnes/m3);
T = thickness of crown pillar (m);
= orebody/foliation dip, and;
SR = span ratio = S/L
(crown pillar span/crown pillar strike length)
In the same manner as the Q-chart, this scaling
expression, CS, is plotted on the y-axis against rock
quality on the x-axis. Figure 13 shows the original
chart published in 1990, with each of the case
records identified as to whether the case was an
open stope, or backfilled, and whether stable or not.

5.3 Rock mass quality definition

As shown on Figure 13, the Scaled Spans for all of
the original case records have been plotted against
rock quality, using both the RMR/Q classification
axes, each positioned relative to each other on the
basis of the well-known Bieniawski 1976 correlation
expression; RMR76 = 9 ln(Q) + 44, where RMR76
values were categorized according to the 1976
codings, thereby maintaining an equivalence with
GSI, (Hoek et al., 1995, Marinos & Hoek, 2000).
In the original work, rather than merely defining
the critical rockmass quality Qcrit for each given case
and using this for comparing with the Scaled Span, a
limiting span at which failure might be expected was
defined based on a regression fit to the data.
As it was noted that the best fit line dividing the
failed and stable case records was similar in shape
and closely matched the empirical unsupported
span curve originally proposed by Barton et al,
1974 for the tunnelling and natural cavern cases, a
similar power curve regression fit was formulated to
define the Critical Scaled Span (SC or SCrit), at which
failure might be expected; viz:
S C 3.3x Q 0.43 x sinh 0.0016 (Q)

where the hyperbolic sinh term was introduced into

the expression in an attempt to fit the marked trend
of significant non-linearity to increased stability at
high rockmass competence.

Figure 13. The Original Scaled Span Chart, showing stable and failed case records plotted as Scaled Spans versus Rock Quality



In Figure 13, each of the individual failure cases

have been plotted as best as possible with respect to
what could logically be defined as the controlling
rock quality reflecting the condition thought most
likely characterized the failure case behaviour. For
cases where dislocation occurred on a footwall or
hangingwall contact, the contact rock quality was
taken as representative. For crowns which ravelled
due to a weak ore zone rockmass, the ore quality
was assumed as representative. Similarly for the
non-failed cases, the geometry (Figure 4) and the
most likely failure mechanism (Figure 5), were both
assessed and then the most likely and representative
(ie., controlling) Q value for the ore zone,
hangingwall or footwall then assigned in order to
plot a point on the chart.
In determining the controlling rock quality, care
had been specifically taken to examine the probable
stress state and groundwater conditions prevailing in
the crown zone, and Q was then reduced
accordingly. In this regard, it must be appreciated
that the crown pillar scaling expression for CS
characterizes solely the geometry of the crown. The
influence of clamping stresses and/or groundwater
are explicitly excluded. Rather it is expected that
these will be considered in defining, and, if
necessary, appropriately derating the defined
rockmass quality Q and/or the RMR76 / GSI
assessments.. Suggestions for assigning appropriate
SRF and Jw (and other non-rock material property
terms in RMR) are discussed subsequently, in 7.3.
Application of the chart through the early 1990s,
often as part of planning activities for mine closure
studies, and mostly for making decisions on stability
of old and/or abandoned mine workings, proved its
usefulness as an effective tool for ranking various atrisk workings. However, merely defining a pillar as
stable or probably of concern because it plotted on
the non-safe side of the critical span line was found
insufficiently quantitative for continuing use of the
chart as a basis for multi-million dollar remediation
decision-making. It soon became apparent that some
formalized measure of acceptability and conversely
of residual risk was needed. This lead to an attempt
in 1994 to develop a risk ranking for crown pillars of
various competence, so that prioritization of hazard
remediation measures could be better formulated.
With increasing use of the chart to tackle actual
mining cases, with real data, it was also found that
there were certain stope geometries that were not
adequately addressed by the then available scaling
approach. Essentially the problem boiled down to
the existing orebody dip and obliquity terms in the
scaling equation not being able to properly define
stability characteristics for shallow dipping stopes.

Two major improvements were therefore worked

on throughout the late 1990s and through till 2008
(i) improving the ability of the scaling expression to
handle a wider range of stope geometries and crown
configurations, and (ii) extending the methodology
so as to generate better estimates of potential failure
risk to aid decision makers evaluating remediation
options, mainly for mine closure planning purposes.

6.1 Revised Scaling Approach Shallow Stopes

Detailed evaluation of the Golder-CanMet database
following initial problems being highlighted with the
applicability of the scaling expression for shallow
dipping stopes, found that the problem lay in the fact
that the original relationships had been mainly
derived from steeply dipping case studies (i.e. with
excavation/foliation dips, >40). This essentially
meant that the original crown pillar database was not
particularly representative of shallow dip stoping
geometries. Further, experience showed that stability
for the steep cases was largely controlled by
ravelling of the ore zone or margins, or by shear on
weakness planes at the hangingwall and footwall
ore/reef zone contacts, whereas, for the shallower
cases it was clearly more controlled by hangingwall
breakthrough. As a result, in 2002 supplemental
improvements were made to the definition
expressions to better account for shallow dipping
geological structure influences.
The 2002 paper, as a basis for extending the
applicability of the method to shallower dipping
situations, therefore reviewed available analysis
methods commonly employed for design of flat and
low dip workings and extended the original database
by an additional 114 cases, primarily from shallow
dipping situations, including twenty one additional
failure cases. These cases included both hard rock
situations and coal and soft rock examples.
Relevant analyses and data from near-surface
shallow dipping hard rock mining locations along
the gold reef mines in the Witwatersrand were also
examined in order to check onset of tension crack
opening (termed progressive hangingwall caving).
These analysis checks to real situations found
that, provided that the controlling hangingwall
rockmass characteristics, rather than the mined seam
characteristics were utilized for analysis, the scaled
span approach reasonably replicated observed crown
stability on a single opening basis, such as illustrated
in Figure 8. It was however established that the
geometry definition for a crown over multiple rooms
or wide-span non-flat situations, was not generally
correct, as collapse in this sort of situation required
breaking across the hangingwall strata in order for
caving to progress. Accordingly, modifications were
made to the geometry term to handle this situation.
The 2002 publication extending application of the
Scaled Span concept to incorporate these shallow

dipping stopes was therefore predicated on further

study of failing and stable case records of shallow
geometry (Carter et al., 2002). From this work it was
found that with increasing obliquity, even with
competent rock, crown arching would not develop
and failure up into the crown would actually begin
as shown in the left diagrams in Figure 14 either
through hangingwall delamination and/or through
voussoir buckling, rather than by direct sloughing of
the orebody core or by propagation along the
ore/host rock contact margins up into the crown.
In the revision to the basic relationships
published in 2002, the controlling span at crown
level was therefore redefined to take into account the
equivalent effective span, SEFF of the hangingwall
projection up to the elevation of the stope crown, as
shown in the right diagram in Figure 14, with the
extent determined from the cave line, L with the
failure geometry, that might develop post-collapse of
the crown and hangingwall estimated by drawing
break lines up from the base of the stope.

Figure 14. Concept of Effective Span for Shallow Dipping

Stopes based on Zone of Influence and Cave and Break Angles

The logic for this definition was, in concept, that

the mode of failure associated with a shallow
dipping stope in blocky rock, while intrinsically
different from caving in coal, would still tend on a
gross scale to encompass a similar extent of ground
deformation, as crudely might still be postulated
based on inferred cave and break angles.
To apply this correction, an expression for the
effective crown span (SEFF) as defined as the actual
span at crown level, plus the horizontal projection of
the hangingwall span-length (within the cave line
extent), was developed as follows:

S Eff . S L H cos


where: S = actual crown span of the stope (m);

LH = (hangingwall length of the stope (m);
L = cave angle, and;
= stope/ore body dip
Note that this expression has been modified from
the original version published in Carter et al. (2002),
as the original equation for SEff only considered the

hangingwall projection of the stope and thus tended

to underestimate true effective spans for stopes of
wide extraction geometry, where the crown span
itself was also of significant dimension.
While not critical to apply this correction for all
moderately dipping cases steeper than about 45 this
expression could be applied ubiquitously if adverse
hangingwall behaviour were anticipated. Typically
though, for angled stopes with relatively steep dips
(i.e., greater than approximately 45) the
competence of the stope crown itself or the strength
of the ore/host rock contacts has generally been seen
from the database records to control behaviour.
Control in the intermediate dip range (40-50),
however appears from the case records to differ
appreciably dependent on the competence of the
rock mass comprising the ore zone and hangingwall
(back). If the ore zone is weaker than the host rock
mass, then stability seems to always be controlled by
crown failure through ravelling of the ore or by
shear on the ore contact margins, and as such in
defining the controlling span, use should be made of
the original uncorrected true stope span, S.
If, however, hangingwall rock mass quality is
adverse, hangingwall failure might be more likely,
and in this case the shallow mode effective span
criteria should be adopted.
When the dip of the stope is very shallow but not
actually flat (i.e., in approximately the 15 to 20
range), the hangingwall length will again be the
main control on crown pillar stability, and the
effective span calculated based on the back length
needs to be used for the calculation of CS.
Definition of an appropriate span for nearly flat
dipping stopes (ie., with dips of less than about 15),
such as would be found in many seam mining
situations (gold and platinum reefs, bedded gypsum,
coal etc), will depend on the extraction length
between abutments or between pillars. For this range
of dips, it is suggested that a span appropriate to the
controlling room or panel longitudinal or transverse
dimensions be selected. Obviously in the effective
span expression, the seam thickness, S, would then
be ignored in this calculation.
Application of the cave angle concept as an
indicator of the extent and geometry of probable
hangingwall disruption appears to remain valid up to
a mined seam (stope) dip angle within 5 degrees of
the inferred friction angle for the roof rockmass.
Beyond this point, breakthrough of the hangingwall
is generally unlikely and sliding mechanisms within
the mined reef/ore zone width, and shear on the ore
hangingwall or footwall contacts tend to dominate.
As this is the dip range for which the original
scaling relationship was initially developed, it was
suggested in 2002 and experience confirms this, that
the shallow stope angle refinement to the scaled
span method should not be applied for stopes steeper
than about 45.

The fact that good matching to actual case

behaviours as reported in the 2002 paper has over
the past decade continued to be proven, supports
ongoing use of this range for application of the
modification for better characterizing the controlling
span for shallow and intermediate dipping openings.
The equations for calculating the effective span
needed for establishing if potential breakthrough to
surface of shallow dipping, given in the 2002 paper,
are summarized in the following paragraphs.
Appropriate break and cave angles for the
hangingwall rock mass can be calculated, as follows:
H tan 1

2 . tan (45 / 2){1 0.32 sin(2 )}


and L tan 1 2 . tan (45 / 2)

Both equations require an estimate of the
instantaneous friction angle, at an appropriate
normal stress for the inferred break-line geometry.
This can be readily achieved by means of the
following relationships, given an assessment of the
hangingwall rockmass quality (in terms of
RMR/GSI or Q) and the Hoek-Brown failure
criterion parameters, viz:
= Arctan
4 h Cos 2 - 1
where; h = 1 +

16(m n + s c )
3 m2 c

and, 1 / 3 [90 + Arctan

3 - 1

and where
m and s can be defined from GSI, using the well
known Hoek-Brown regression relationships,
mb/mi = exp{( GSI 100 ) / ( 28 14D )} and
s = exp{( GSI 100 ) / ( 9 3D )} where
D is the disturbance factor as listed in Table 2.
c and mi are respectively the uniaxial
compressive strength and the Hoek-Brown
intact material constant appropriate for the
hangingwall rockmass, as determined from
laboratory testing, or estimated from Table 3,
n is an estimate of the prevailing normal stress
that would be acting across the break-line (this
can be initially calculated using the vertical
depth to the bottom of the stope and a typical
minimum break-line angle of 60 ~ equivalent
to the Rankine wedge failure angle 45+/2),



Thus, with the dip angle of the stope, , known,

and the friction angle for the hangingwall rock mass
defined from the above relationships, the break and
cave angles can be derived, allowing calculation of
SEff for the cave-line geometry shown in Figure 14.

For correct use of this shallow span approach, it

is critical to always use the hangingwall rockmass
Q/RMR values, not the ore zone characteristics.
Note however that these updated expressions not
only include D, the disturbance factor, but also GSI
has been substituted for RMR76. These changes to
the equations have been introduced to maintain
consistency with the 2002 updating of the HoekBrown failure criterion to the following generalized
1 = 3 + ci (mb .3/ci + s) a
where a = 1/2 + 1/6 [exp{ GSI/15} exp{20/3}] as
defined by Hoek et al, 2002.
For determining an appropriate friction angle for
estimating the cave and break angles, however there
is merit in making an overall change to use of GSI,
rather than RMR76, especially for very poor quality
rockmasses, as definition of RMR, particularly at the
low end of the competence scale can be problematic.
Table 2. Guidelines for the selection of the Disturbance
(Blast Damage) Factor D (after Hoek et al. 2002)


Open Cuts and
Open Pits

Disturbance Characteristics

High Quality Perimeter Blasting (100% half barrel traces)

or Mechanical Excavation with TBM or Roadheader
NATM excavation in weak rock with mechanical excavation


As above (but with invert heave issues)

Poor Quality Blasting (<50% half barrel traces)


Controlled Blasting (>80% half barrel traces)


Poor Quality Blasting (<50% half barrel traces)

Mechanical Excavation in Weak Rock with Face Shovel etc
Typical Open Pit Production Blasting/Quarry Blasting

Table 3. Typical values for ci and mi for range of igneous,

metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (ref. discussion in Carter
& Marinos, 2014 regarding range variability for application
with GSI for different parent rock type characteristics)








(Gabbromember of




(Biotitic Gneiss)
(Phyllite, Slate)




(Sericitic Schist,



Quartz Gneiss)






(Dolerite /
member of

Medium quartz
Sandstone members
of flysch or


(Serpentinitemember of



Fine, (clastics)
(Siltstone/ Siltstone
members of flysch or
Fine, Calc-rock
Mudstone / sheared
Siltstone, Shale
members of flysch)



As explained in Hoek et al., 2013 and in Carter

and Marinos, 2014, GSI and RMR76 can be used
quite interchangeably while in the normal range of
blocky rockmasses, but, care needs to be taken
towards the low end of the rock competence scale.

Similarly care must also be taken with Q definition

in this low range, as also pointed out by Palmstrm,
and Broch (2006). As correct definition of the
controlling friction angle is important for getting
good estimates of the cave and break angles, if rock
strength has been seriously degraded, by pervasive
alteration for example, so that ci < 15MPa, there
might be merit to consider application of the low end
transition m and s values introduced by Carvalho et
al, 2007 and further discussed in Carter et al, 2008,
and in Carter and Marinos 2014, as follows, but
possibly using the slightly modified equations for s*
from Castro et al, 2013:
mb mb (mi mb ) fT 4a* 1


s s [(1 s ) f T ] /( 4 a * 1)


where a* varies from 0.5 when completely rocklike, and behaviour is Hoek-Brown through to 1.0
when behaviour is Mohr Coulomb. The expression
for a* and for the transition function, fT updated to
better match ISRM strength grades for the R0 / R1
boundary, as plotted in Figure 15, are as follows:
a a (1 a ) f

1 , ci 1 .0 MPa

f T ci
1 / ci , ci 1 .0 MPa


where mb, mi, s and a are the normal range values

of the regular Hoek-Brown constants, and the
uniaxial strength ci is expressed in MPa.

Figure 15. Range of Applicability for Transition Function to

deal with Low Strength Rock Masses (after Castro et al. 2013)

Application of these relationships will generally

not be necessary for most mining situations, as intact
rock strengths are generally way higher than 15MPa.
Nevertheless, care must be taken to ensure that an
appropriate friction angle is used within the cave and
break angle equations. It should be representative of
the rockmass strength for a new break-line structure
cross-cutting through lithology, such as shown in
Figure 14, not the friction angle of specific
weaknesses, unless they happen to sub-parallel the
inferred breakline geometry.

6.2 Logistic Regression and the Improved Chart

The other significant improvement made to the
Scaled Span methodology has been in improving the
chart and rankings to make it easier to better address
various levels of allowable risk from the perspective
of different stakeholders, (Figure 16, Table 4).
In its most basic form the Scaled Span method
can be applied deterministically to assess failure risk
by simply comparing the Scaled Span (CS) reflecting
the mined geometry, to the Critical Span (SC),
reflecting the rockmass quality and calculating an
approximate Factor of Safety, Fc SC/CS. If this is
done and the Scaled Span, CS exceeds the Critical
Span, SC, as defined by the assumed rock quality,
unless the stope had been sufficiently supported, or
fill approaches had been used in mining; for any
opening with Fc less than 1.0 the likelihood of
failure would be predicted to be high.
While this simplistic approach is straightforward,
with increasing use of the Scaled Span approach
being made for checking whether or not abandoned
mine workings might or might not need remediation,
this deterministic Factor of Safety approach wasnt
found to provide sufficient discrimination for
making expensive decisions, particularly at the high
consequence end of the risk scale (where these
needed to be made more on the basis of estimates of
the likelihood of failure). As both regulators and
mine operators wished to prioritize solutions based
on the severity of perceived problem excavations
using risk ranking matrices, so that the likelihood of
failure and potential consequences could be better
assessed, attempts were made in the mid-1990s to
develop a better, probabilistic assessment approach
for use with the scaling expressions.
Multiple probabilistic spreadsheet analyses using
@Risk with Latin Hypercube sampling were
therefore conducted on case records from the
database where sufficient rock quality information
was available to characterize rock mass quality
Plotting the SC/CS ratios as a cumulative
frequency distribution from this assessment
suggested that the variability was approximately
normally distributed, which then allowed a crude
error function fit to be formulated between the
assessed probability of failure (Pf) and the SC/CS
quotients, (Carter, 2000); as follows:

2.9Fc 1
Pf 1 erf

where: Pf = Probability of failure;

Fc an approximate Factor of Safety
= SC/CS, and;
erf( ) is the standard error function


Table 4 Acceptable Risk Exposure Guidelines - Comparative Significance of Crown Pillar Failure
(from Carter et al., 2008, modified from Carter & Miller, 1995)



























,1990; BARTON, 1974)




Cs=S[/({T(1+Sr)}{(1 - 0.4 cos)})]0.5




















Figure 16. Updated Scaled Span Chart with Probability of Failure Contour Intervals



Although simple to apply as a method for rapidly

estimating failure probability, use of this expression
was found to consistently overestimate failure risk
for very low probability situations. While not a
problem from the viewpoint of helping prioritize
crown pillar cases for defining which needed more
detailed follow-up assessment, (the original purpose
for developing the expression), the fact that the
expression consistently over-estimated Pf values by
5-10% compared with more rigorous probabilistic
methods, largely constrained widespread acceptance
of this formula for more than ranking assessment
purposes. This, in turn, also partially prompted
development of the approach outlined below as it
was clear from multiple projects where rigorous
application of quantitative probabilistic methods had
been employed in order to determine crown failure
probability from Scaled Span data, that undertaking
this degree of analysis for each and every crown was
not only time consuming but also very difficult to
objectively validate. To improve on this and to
simplify and expedite stability assessment on a
crown by crown basis, logistic regression analysis
techniques were applied in early 2008 to develop the
probability of failure contour lines shown on the
updated Scaled Span chart in Figure 16, and
itemized in Table 4, both from Carter et al, 2008.
The basic relationship for the Critical Span Line
defining SC, which is plotted through the centre of
the chart as an update to the original division line
was developed by simple regression fitting the
selected cases on either side of the stable versus
failed line from the original database. Plotting this
update line constitutes a classic example of the use
of classical linear regression for fitting continuous
dependent variable data. This however is a
simplification of the actual situation for the crown
pillar database points as they have variability with
respect to more than one variable and as a
consequence ordinary linear regression cannot do
full justice to assessing the probability of occurrence
of an event, such as a crown failure, when there are
discrete, ordinal, or non-continuous outcomes.
Over the past two decades, significant advances
have been made in log-linear modelling for
multivariate analyses of categorical data such as the
crown database. As this was thought would hold
promise for improving the applicability of the Scaled
Span Method, analyses were undertaken using a
special form of the general log-linear model, known
as the logit model. As the logit itself, is the natural
logarithm of the odds, or the log odds, for the crown
pillar problem, using this model it became possible
to express the log odds of failure (or stability) as a
function of each of the key variables (rockmass
quality, Q and the Scaled Span, Cs).
For the crown stability case the log odds
expression (i.e. the relative probability that the
outcome has, of falling into one of two categories)

takes a form similar to an ordinary linear regression,

as follows:
f (z) = 1 / (1+ez),
where z = + 1ln(Q) + 2ln(CS)
where z is the predicted log odds value,
f(z) is the predicted logit probability value,
and , 1 and 2 are the numerical
coefficients assessed through the logit
The terms Q and Cs are respectively the rock
quality and Scaled Span variables of interest.
This approach has allowed the statistical
distribution of the case record Scaled Span data to
be quantified to generate the suite of iso-probability
lines shown across Figure 16. Each of these lines
basically represents a Critical Span line for varying
probabilities of failure (0.5% to 99.5% Pf).
This in turn allows definition also of the limiting
50% probability of failure (Fc = 1) line, analogous to
the previous Critical Span expression, as follows:
SC 3.58Q 0.44

(50% Probability of Failure)


It is of note that in comparison to the original

Critical Span equation, this updated Critical Span
line for 50% probability of failure, (which
incorporates the updated database records) follows
very closely the original 1990 best fit line (Golder
Associates, 1990; Carter 1992, Barton et al., 1974).
This mid-line, taken together with the other lines
across the chart now allows very rapid assessment of
possible risk for any known crown geometry and
rockmass quality.
Such application of logistic regression analysis to
rock mechanics related data sets is not new, the
Mathews Stability Method having been previously
tackled in this manner by Mawdesley et al. 2004.
While use of this new chart has indisputably
made almost direct assessment of the probability of
failure quite feasible for almost any given
excavation opening geometry, crown pillar thickness
and controlling rockmass quality, this ease also
seems to have created a tendency to ignore
variability in input parameters and report only the
single value probability that is computed from the
equations given in Table 4 or interpolated off the
chart. Consideration still needs to be given to
defining ranges, means and standard deviations for
the controlling input parameters used to compute CS
and Q, so that not only is the probability of failure
computed for the means, but some appreciation can
also be gained for variation in risk due to differences
in geometry or rock quality. It is clear that failure
probability tolerance based on even small variance
in Scaled Span (CS) or Q becomes very low for poor
to extremely poor mass quality rock masses.
For these poor quality rockmasses a slight
increase in excavation span, or decrease in rock
quality significantly increases failure likelihood for
the crown pillar. On the other hand, for good to very

good quality rockmasses a much higher tolerance for

variation in excavation geometry is evident.
While the logistic regression relationships shown
on Figure 16 and listed in Table 4, as derived from
analysis of the more than 500 points now in the
crown pillar database, help towards improving our
means to better estimate the relative probability of
failure (Pf) for any crown and opening geometry (as
defined by the Scaled Span, (CS) for any inferred
rockmass quality (Q), this must not be done blindly.
Consideration needs to be given to the most
likely failure mechanism (Figure 5) and also to the
probably range of rockmass quality. Because of the
fact that failure probability tolerance, based on the
Scaled Span (CS) variance becomes so very low for
poor to extremely poor rock masses, it is
recommended that computations for these types of
rock masses always consider a range of probable
rockmass qualities, rather than simply making
deterministic assessments of crown stability using
single value Q estimates.

Sensitivity deterministic evaluations can be

carried out assuming a mean and a spread of say one
standard deviation of probable rockmass quality,
along the lines of the approach suggested in Carter
and Miller, 1995, as shown in Figure 17.
This diagram shows the original chart, but in
concept the revised chart can equally well be
utilized, and then estimates made of probability of
exceedances of any of the regression lines shown on
the chart, either graphically as per the illustration on
Figure 17, or algebraically using the individual
regression equations listed in Table 4.
Alternatively, rockmass quality variability can be
treated more rigorously using probabilistic analysis
methods, ranging in complexity from two point
estimation methods (such as used by Hoek, 1989 for
examination of inter-dependency of rock quality
variables on Factor of Safety calculations for crown
evaluations), through to use of Monte-Carlo and/or
Latin Hypercube random variable simulation models
to capture variability in actual rockmass conditions.

Figure 17. Example application from Carter and Miller, 1995 of method for considering variability in rockmass quality as a
means to improve understanding of changes in probability of failure for a surface crown pillar of known geometry


Irrespective of the complexity or simplicity of the

analysis approach chosen, it must be remembered
that controlling rock quality can really only be
properly defined once a viable failure mechanism
has been postulated, (Figure 5). Estimation is then
needed of the likely range of rockmass quality for
that controlling rock mass segment, wherever it may
be located viz., the crown, the contact margins or
the hangingwall or footwall. A representative Q
histogram of rockmass quality should then be
prepared so that appropriate characterization ranges
can be considered for use of the Scaled Span chart.
While direct assessment of the probability of failure
can analytically be derived from the following

Pf (%) = 100 / 1 441 e



..where Fc = SC / CS, as previously defined,

it is recommended that this equation also not be
evaluated for a single value of rockmass quality, but
rather calculations be made for the mean and also for
a credible range of rockmass quality variation, either
side of the mean.
As this might be more easily accomplished by
direct input of Q values for the mean and for say one
log standard deviation of Q either side of the mean
(as per the estimation method shown on Figure 17),
the exponent term (6/Fc) in the above equation can
be replaced with the expression (1.7CS/Q0.44).
This then allows direct calculation of Pf values either
(i) deterministically directly from the Scaled Span
chart or merely by substituting for CS and Q or (ii)
by use of more advanced probabilistic simulations to
better describe rockmass variability.

Figure 6. Probability of failure as a function

of Scaled Span, CS for Q = 1

As is evident from Figure 18, which plots the

critical span intercept values for a Q of 1, derived
with from this expression, this relationship generates
a probability of failure curve fit that is near normally
distributed for most of its range, with excellent

matching between the actual logistic regression

intercept points computed from the raw database
records and the exponential curve fit up to a Pf of
around 75%, with increasing divergence above. This
mirrors the behaviour of the previously proposed
expression derived from Latin Hypercube sampling
evaluation (Carter, 2000), and reflects the
increasingly non-gaussian distribution shape of the
data spread as one moves to higher risk likelihoods.
As with the previous expression, it has been
chosen to attempt to match the curve fit to the lower
probability end of the distribution as this is the area
which is, in general, of most concern and where this
updated expression gives much improved results as
compared with the earlier relationship. Comparison
of the two expressions, in fact shows that the earlier
relationship can overestimate failure probability by
up to 10% in certain parts of the tail segment of the
probability distribution, particularly for Pf <5%.
Thus, while the conservatism that is inherent in
the original relationship has generally benefited
initial screening assessments, its inbuilt pessimism
at the low end of the probability scale has, in some
circumstances, been seen as a hindrance to proper
decision-making, where choices were needed to be
made between expensive remediation measures in
order to develop walk-away closure solutions.
Experience over the last five years since the
introduction of this revised chart suggests that the
chart allows much improved efficiency in assessing
inherent risk associated with any new excavation
under design, or any old excavation potentially
requiring remediation measures.
Designing for stability of near surface crown pillars
over excavated openings requires an understanding
of many factors including the excavation geometry,
the characteristics of the rock mass, data on stress
conditions, overburden loads, and ultimately an
understanding of the relative degree of risk (factor of
safety) associated with the planned near surface
excavation, (Hutchinson, 2000). There are however
two perspectives on design acceptability, and in fact
a whole spectrum in between. At the one extreme,
design for a crown may just be needed to be
sufficient to maintain stability long enough to
undertake underground excavation before open
pitting down to the top of the previously designed
workings. At the other extreme, many government
regulators will be looking for essentially zero risk
for public access over the top of a "closed out"
crown pillar. This is realistically the situation
demanded for civil tunnels and excavations where
public access or buildings exist directly over nearsurface underground excavations.

Collected experience from evaluation of the

crown pillar database, as illustrated in Figure 19,
clearly shows that there are two distinct time periods
when a higher percentage of crown pillar failures
seem to occur: immediately with excavation and/or
within a few years of service life and much later,
with this latter peak in the time dependency data
being to some extent rock quality controlled, likely
related to rockmass fabric degradation over time.

While the initial Scaled Span chart (Figure 12)

was originally formulated as essentially a design
chart for correctly sizing crown pillars over
underground excavations, it has grown more to be
used as a risk assessment tool than purely a design
The updated chart (Figure 16) now includes isoprobability lines that define seven classes of stability
state, based on their likely longevity / design ;life
expectancy, based on extrapolated experience from
stability assessments for geotechnically controlled
risks as observed not just for crown pillars but also
for other underground and surface excavations, as
discussed by Cole (1987), Kirsten and Moss (1985),
McCracken and Jones (1986), Priest and Brown
(1983) and Pine (1992). While these stability
classes can conveniently be plotted as shown in
Figure 20 to readily define an appropriate stability
state for a given crown geometry and rockmass
quality, several facets of raw data input for such
assessments require very careful consideration in
order to ensure correct design decision making.

7.1 Estimating controlling rock quality

Figure 19. Time Dependency of Failure (from Carter & Miller,
1996, based on over 400 case records and nearly 50 failures in
the Golder-CanMet Crown Pillar database)

Appropriate assessment of risk, to assess the

likelihood of failure, must be cognizant of these
observations, as deciding what level of risk is
appropriate for a given situation governs decisions
for both the design of new excavations, as well as
for remediation of existing mine workings.

Much discussion in the literature on use of empirical

design methods, such as Mathews, that include
classification parameters such as Q' and that
applicability of only Q' or RMR76' is valid for use in
the Hoek-Brown criteria has led to confusion with
some practitioners with respect to use of Q in the
Scaled Span method. Suffice it to say that the full Q
with water and stress terms must be used so as to
properly account for these important controls on
crown pillar stability.

Figure 20. Example use of Scaled Span Chart with Probability of Failure Classes for assessing stability state for variable
geometry and variable rock quality (as suggested by Richards, 2013, based on concepts outlined in Figure 17)


Irrespective of whatever the decided level of risk

tolerance, considerable care is essential in correctly
interpreting rock quality factors properly for the
purpose of crown stability assessment. Precision in
definition of the spread and variability of controlling
rockmass quality is the most critical parameter for
correct application of the chart.
As all the case records have been analyzed on the
basis of controlling quality, so too should be the
crown being considered for design. The aim should
be to define the most likely controlling rockmass
quality, which is generally not the mean for the
overall rockmass, but often the Q for some part of
the crown geometry or for some key lithological or
structural component.
Proper understanding needs to be first gained of
the presumed failure mechanism for the pillar under
examination, (Figure 5) so that the proper Q value
range for the key controlling rockmass element can
be properly assessed. Then, the propensity, if any,
for ravelling and/or degradation that could lead to
variations in rockmass quality over time need
evaluation, as long term stability is almost entirely
dependent on rockmass competence state, given that
the original pillar geometry was correctly sized for
the mining conditions, and that subsequent mining
does not bring about adverse stress changes.

7.2 Assessing change in rock quality and failure

risk with time
Assessing stability state under long-term conditions
remains one of the key problems for characterizing
crown pillars for mine closure. The historical
database provides a time history of stable and
unstable cases, some of which were known to have
been stable, from a general perspective point of view
for many years before they failed. As explained in
detail by Carter and Miller, (1996), and as shown in
Figure 19, the two clearly different maxima in the
failure cases occur within a decade or so of original
mining and then after 60 to 70 years. The reason for
these two maxima is likely completely different.
The initial peak is largely thought to originate
because of design problems due to the crown
thickness being underestimated or the rock quality
less competent than expected. The second peak is
however likely related to rock competence, and
degradability behaviour. This difference is of
importance in assessing longevity, as although the
updated Scaled Span chart and evaluation
methodology can be used to rapidly assess failure
risk, cognizance must always be given to the fact
that longevity of a given excavation will differ
dramatically dependent on the rock type and initial
quality, and whether or not support has been
designed for permanence, or not.
All of the case record data continues to support
the 1996 observations that suggests that from the

viewpoint of long-term stability, there appear to be

two basic, quite different rock mass behavioural
characteristics; i.e.,
the essentially non-degradable, competent
rock types (hard igneous and metamorphic
types and well cemented sedimentary units)
which exist, tend not to spall and hence seem
to survive,
the degradable, weathering susceptible, weak
or highly fragmented rock types, that most
commonly fail in due course of time, due to
disaggregation and spalling.
These latter rockmasses are of most concern
when applying the Scaled Span methodology, as
they are notoriously difficult to properly
Of importance also is the fact that the exact
timing of the second peak is not just a pure function
of time (i.e. always problems happen after 60-70
years), but rather on original mined stope void space
as well as crown pillar thickness, rock quality,
propensity of the rockmass to degradation and also
stress changes that may occur with ravelling.
It is recommended, therefore, that when
examining the potentially degradable rockmasses
using the updated probability chart that some
parallel evaluation also be conducted of caving
mechanics, specifically checking whether bulking
will be a feasible restraint on cave ravelling or
whether chimney caving might be problematic
(Btournay, 2004).
Figure 21, which was presented in the 1996
paper, provides the clue to the puzzle of better
defining a long term stability state and for estimating
an appropriate controlling rockmass quality that can
be utilized for assessment of crown stability for
long-term design. The diagonal line of data points
across the centre of the diagram represents the
immediate onset of instability for an unsupported
span, in, for example, a tunnel or drift. This is the
classic stand-up time as defined by Lauffer, 1958,
Bieniawski, 1973, 1989 and others.
The y-axis on this chart is time; time from
initiation of excavation to onset of collapse. As is
evident all of the crown pillar points plot way high
on the y-axis, reflecting the many years it takes for
ravelling to occur if the crown pillar is thick, and the
stope does not choke off. By contrast the data points
across the centre of the graph show a clear trend of
increasing time to failure based on rock quality.
Accordingly, as stand-up time is controlled by
excavation span, the y-axis on this chart can also be
thought of in terms of block size, with the smallest
block sizes close to the bottom axis and the largest
block sizes near the top.s.

Figure 21. Rockmass Quality Controls on Time for Crown Pillar Collapse
as compared with Stand-up Time estimates from Tunnel Cases (from Carter and Miller, 1996)

Defining an appropriate rockmass quality Q value

characterizing the controlling mechanism for a given
crown pillar situation thus requires some judgement
as with time there will inevitably be some degree of
degradation for certain rock types, resulting in a
change in effective rock quality over time.
For other situations, the enhancement provided
by support will also degrade, which if an improvedQ has been defined (as per the method suggested in
Carter et al, 1993) using the graph in Figure 22, this
will also result in one moving left on the rock
quality axis in the crown pillar Scaled Span chart, to
a poorer and poorer effective rock quality. This in
turn demands thicker and thicker crowns, as the only
control on caving mechanisms is basically simply
choking off the void space due to infill of the bulked
rockmass into the remaining stope volume.

Figure 23 illustrates the typical mechanism where

caving of intact rock from the crown or the
hangingwall falls as debris into the open void space
of the mined working. As is obvious, if there is no or
limited volume increase as rock blocks fall from the
crown, then the void theoretically will eventually
cave through to surface, ie., classic chimney caving.

Figure 23. Typical crown and hangingwall cave progression in

a steeply dipping rockmass

Figure 22. Equivalent effective rock quality improvement

for different support types (from Carter et al, 1993)


Almost all of the crown pillar collapses that have

occurred years after excavation in poor rock
qualities have developed because of progressive
ongoing caving. In some cases, particularly for turnof-the-century mines, no thought was given to the
bonus provided by free-muck, whereas in reality
this free-muck was the product of upward caving
of the stope crown or hangingwall. The fact that this
caved muck was within the ore and thus made grade
and moreover required no additional blasting or
mining excavation cost outlay, was a bonus during
the mining stage, but led to larger and larger open
void space with no infill debris.

This inadvertently, in quite a number of the

database cases, actually increased crown pillar
collapse risk, as the additional void space created
underground actually made matters worse, allowing
progressive caving to continue unabated all the way
through to surface, once the mine closed.
Assessment of the likelihood for a crown to cave
through to surface within the life of the mine, or at
some stage later thus clearly depends on the mass
balance between available void space and infill
volume of bulked broken rockmass. The bulking
factor (sometimes called swell of the rockmass) as
it caves is the critical parameter to determine in
order to increase precision in these estimates.
Bulking depends on original rockmass quality
and durability, on original block size and shape and
also on propensity for degradation and breakdown,
and last but by nowhere near least overall final
bulking factors are a function of cave void height, as
even large blocks falling from significant cave
height will fragment more than those with less drop.
Comminution and breakdown during compaction
also mean that bulking factors decrease with age and
depth into the debris. Much data is available for
surface stockpiles on bulking of freshly quarried
rock, less information is available on underground
behaviour of different rockmasses. Many of the
larger older cave mines, exploiting soft ores report
bulking factors in the teens, as compared to some of
the newer block caves and sandstone-rich rock cover
zones above coal longwalls, which show bulking
factors in the high 30s. Table 5 gives some ideas
on the rock type dependency of different bulking
Table 5. Bulking Factors for Different Rock Characteristics
Rock Characteristics

Typical Rock Types

Bulking Factor

Weathering Susceptible,
Readily broken down;
Low LA Abrasions and
Low Slake Durabilities
competent, durable, hard
rock; High Los Angeles
Abrasions and
High Slake Durabilities

Many weak volcanosedimentary rocks, shales,

siltstones, mudstones, tuffs;
Foliated, weak metamorphic
rocks, schists, phyllites etc;

Low to
10% to 30%

Most igneous rocks, eg.,

diorites, diabase etc,
Competent metamorphic
rocks, quartzites,, hornsfels

Moderate to
30% to 50%

This to a large extent explains the difference n

choking heights for different caves, and why with
some rockmasses ravelling through to surface could
be considered a real risk, whereas with other
rockmasses the risk would be minimal. In
consequence, if one is dealing with rockmasses with
Q values way less than 1.0, then specific checks are
recommended for defining an appropriate bulking
factor for that rockmass, so that realistic estimates
can be made of the ratio between probable mined

stoped volume versus potential bulked caved

volume. Establishing this ratio is key to defining to
what height caving might progress before it chokes
off a factor of critical importance to establishing
longevity for any surface crown pillar in weak rock.

7.3 Influence of Structure

The crown database and much of the preceding
discussion has treated each crown pillar as basically
comprising three different zones from the
perspective of controlling rock conditions the
crown, the hangingwall and the footwall. In many
cases, these zones are different lithologically and
structurally. In some cases discrete foliation or
shearing is a controlling factor. In all of these cases
the rock quality of the weakest or most pervasive
element should be chosen for defining the Q ranges
for computation of the critical span SC for use in the
Scaled Span chart.
The difficulty that sometimes complicates crown
assessment is deciding how much emphasis to put
on defining the influence of faults and other major
structures as these can completely dominate crown
behaviour. Large weak faults that intersect a given
crown must be considered the controlling weakness
from the viewpoint of assigning appropriate Q
values. Faults and other major structure must also
be carefully considered with respect to evaluation of
progression of ravelling and/or caving. Such features
can totally over-ride natural break-back geometrical
control, so must be carefully considered both in the
design stage and for closure evaluation.
Depending on the angle of the fault structure with
respect to the ore zone geometry and stoping zones,
they may affect calculation of the effective crown
span to be considered for CS estimates. They also
may exert considerable influence on cave mechanics
and thus take control of potential extent of surface
impact, as occurred at the Athens Mine in the 1930s
(Obert and Duvall, 1967) and more recently at
Ridgeway, Figure 24).

Figure 24. Influence on cave propagation of weak sub-vertical

fault at the Ridgeway Mine, NSW (modified from Sainsbury,
2012, after Brunton, 2009)

In many such cases, adversely oriented faults not

only can take control of back-break angle, they also
often change cave rate and thus potential timing for
surface breakthrough, by virtue of the mechanism
change they create from controlled caving due to
ravelling and arch breakdown to more rapid chimney
cave propagation along the fault. Well documented
recent block cave mining cases, such as Ridgeway,
where cave progression rates increased to three
times normal cave rates seen from undercut initial
development, support historical records from the
Crown Pillar database that chimneying is a far more
rapid process and therefore perhaps more
problematic from a surface breakthrough perspective
as it is harder to analyze (Btournay, et al, 1994).
In the case of major structures, often there is a
zone of more sheared rock that constitutes the
controlling weakness. Similarly, sometimes within a
metamorphic assemblage there may be weak schist
zones. These types of feature need specific rockmass
characterization in order to define appropriate
Q/RMR values for use in the Scaled Span algebra.
Use of the sub-parameter descriptors in the Q or
RMR system (ie., Jr, Ja, Jcond) can aid definition of
appropriate qualities for specific shear surfaces. The
observational GSI chart, in combination with
extrapolation of GSI from definition of the Jr/Ja
quotient within the Q system, as per the following
relationship from Hoek et al., (2013) can also assist
markedly in reaching a satisfactory estimate of
controlling rock quality for these difficult situations:
52.Jr / Ja
RQD / 2
1 Jr / Ja


7.4 Optimizing definition of water and stress terms

As indicated in Section 7.1, Q rather than Q' should
be used with the Scaled Span method. However this
raises another issue of concern to ensure that
correct definition of rock quality is achieved for
crown pillar stability evaluation. This requires
rational definition of what stress state and what
water term should be considered when using the Q
system for rockmass characterization.
The crown pillar database records and hence the
background to the Scaled Span design charts have
been benchmarked to the complete Q, rather than to
Q' specifically so that water and stress can be
considered. Although Q and Q' both become
identical numerically for many rockmasses, under
typical water and stress conditions, i.e. JW = 1,
suggesting dry conditions, and SRF = 1, suggesting
normal confinement. These may not be appropriate
for many crowns where rivers and lakes exist above
the crowns where Jw might have a lower value than
unity, or for any thin crowns or crowns with any
significant degree of weathering. In all these cases
an SRF of 2.5 is suggested as per Bartons 1976

For many cases, setting JW and SRF to unity is

quite reasonable for the stopes beneath the crown,
however, in quite a number of situations these
parameters can and should be set significantly
differently reflecting imposed stress state or adverse
groundwater conditions. An example case in point
might be that one wishes to de-water an old mine,
where the hangingwall rockmass contains bands of
very low permeability schist. In such a situation
drainage of the stope and of the footwall rockmass
may be rapid and follow directly with the drawdown
of the shaft or wherever pumping is taking place.
Groundwater pressures in the hangingwall may
however remain elevated, due to poor drainage
through the schist bands. This in turn may lead to
potentially significant differential pressures,
between the drained footwall and stope zone and
trapped water within the hangingwall. This, under
worst case conditions could lead to hangingwall
destabilization, such as shown in Figure 23. This
sort of situation can be representatively modelled on
the crown pillar graph using the JW parameter to
reflect the change in pressure gradient conditions.
An effective lower Q will then be computed as JW is
matched to more and more adverse differential
groundwater pressure.
Similarly, when de-stress influence occurs, due to
for example, large-scale adjacent mining, such ad
development of an open pit or large block cave or
bulk stope excavation close to an underground
crusher station. In such cases, the SRF factor for the
crown pillar over the near surface working should
also be altered to account for the change, leading
again to an apparent decrease in Q, reflecting a
lower stability state. The benefit of high horizontal
stress clamping can also be replicated with a slightly
increased SRF.

7.5 Accounting for overburden or lake bodies

In many situations, rock crown pillars exist beneath
thick overburden cover. The question thus often
arises, as to how one takes account of the impact
that thick overburden, or high groundwater level
imposes on crown stability. Utilizing the Scaled
Span chart, two simple approximations have been
found effective for considering these two situations.
Instead of just using the natural specific gravity for
the crown pillar rockmass in the geometry term for
the y-axis on the Scaled Span chart, the influence of
high overburden thickness or an overlying lake can
be considered as a straightforward density increase
in the geometry term; and if the stopes are open, so
that a significant pressure gradient might also arise,
as discussed in Section 7.4, an alteration can also be
made in the JW groundwater term within the
rockmass quality definition.
Considering here just the effect of the additional
dead weight of overburden, an equivalent increase in

specific gravity can readily be computed to reflect

this within the overall geometry term.
Although crude, these approximations allow
some sensitivity assessment to be undertaken where
these sorts of problems are of concern. However if
the issue is significant, such as planning to
undertake mining beneath tailings or beneath
saturated overburden, this analysis approach using
the Scaled Span chart should be thoroughly checked
using numerical modelling techniques where the
pore pressure controls within the overburden and
within the upper part of the crown pillar can be more
precisely examined.

potential ravelling rates suggested from Figure 21.

The concept of a ravelling progressive breakthrough
rate is illustrated also in Figure 25 by the two dotted
lines towards the left side of the graph, showing time
lines for ravelling and potential breakthrough for
pillars of Stability Classes C and D, for which
minimum longevity is estimated as being in the
order of 5 and 10 years, minimum, respectively (ref.
Table 4, column sevent). The dotted curves shown
on Figure 25 are asymptotic to the upper axis,
representing Probability of Failure P[F] = 1, ie., in
terms of crown stability, breakthrough to surface.


8.1 Background
In many mining and civil engineering projects,
qualitative, and in some cases quantitative risk
assessments are becoming more commonly applied
in order to attempt to rank and prioritize measures to
deal with identified risks. The results of Scaled
Span assessments are often used in these situations
as part of decision matrices for hazard ranking
In discussions related to such risk assessments the
question often arises as to which Stability Class
included on Table 4 corresponds to the state when
risks are synonymous with the publics appreciation
of being as low as reasonably possible. (ALARP).
Questions also arise regarding definition of
acceptability and Expected Service Life, as
longevity, for closure, is a key issue.

8.2 Expected Service Life

As with all natural systems there is an expectancy
that stability will deteriorate with time, and this is
implicit in the guidelines included in Table 4. The
recommendations on service/design life from the
perspective of crown pillars, take into account the
fact that real change from a longevity perspective
will occur to stability state because of material
changes in rock quality, stress and water pressure
conditions, irrespective of any change in crown
geometry due to frittering and fall-out from the
crown and/or hangingwall slabbing effects if the
underground openings beneath the crown have not
been backfilled. Figure 25 attempts to put some
time frame around the degree to which there is a
direct relationship between expected crown pillar
performance as listed in Table 4 and likelihood of
failure, as extrapolated from the logistic regression
Probability of Failure fits to the database of failed
and stable cases.
In the chart in Figure 25, each of the Stability
Classes shown on Table 4 have been plotted with
respect to estimated "Design Life" based on

Figure 25: Conceptual relationship between Probability of

Failure, Design Life Expectancy and Crown Pillar Longevity

Three curves have been plotted with dashed lines

in the central part of the chart on Figure 25 to show
potential change in P[F] with time for three different
initial quality rockmasses, each with the same initial
P[F] corresponding with Class F. Uncontrolled
degradation has then been assumed, with the
breakthrough time of 60 years set for the behaviour
of the worst initial rock quality to match with the
database records for the second peak of failure
events (Figure 19). . For the best rock quality of the
three plotted curves, the change in stability state is
almost imperceptible, while for the intermediate
rockmasses failure appears to extend to well past the
50-100 years service life expectancy.
Table 6. Observed residual subsidence duration over longwall
mines (after Singh, 2003, from Sainsbury, 2012)

These curves while conceptual do give an

appreciation of potential magnitude of change in
P[F] depending on rock quality. For the higher risk
categories, Classes A and B, some verification of
service expectancy can be gained from looking at

breakthrough timing for full surface collapse

following longwall extraction. Data on the time
taken to reach full relaxation and cessation of
residual subsidence movements above longwall coal
panels, as summarized in Table 6 suggests that
interaction is relatively short, typically varying
between a few weeks and about 5 years, consistent
with the suggested design life timings listed in
column seven of Table 4. The geometry in all these
cases can be considered super-critical (Figure 26),
ie., surface impact is inevitable.

The type of hazard likelihood-consequence matrix

chart shown in the top part of Figure 27 is in very
common used for such risk evaluations, with
appropriate subjective or quantitative evaluations of
the cell contents in the matrix being used to aid the
rankings of each key identified hazard. The triangle
diagram in the lower part of the figure is less
commonly applied, but shows where the ALARP
concept of making sure that risks (in this case to the
public, at closure) are as low as reasonably possible,
fits in with moving from the definition of risk to
assessment of mitigation measures.

Figure 26: Definition Sketch for 1Sub-Critical, 2Critical

and 3Super-Critical Conditions for onset of Subsidence

8.3 ALARP risk

As discussed in Carter and Miller 1995 and in Carter
et al, 2008 there is merit in using the Scaled Span
approach as a ready means for defining likelihood of
failure in the context of qualitative or quantitative
risk assessments. Determining the acceptability of a
given P[F] value though will depend on the
perspective of the stakeholders involved in the
decision making. The levels of risk that may be
tolerable within an active mine site, for example
within an open pit as one is mining down to the top
of old workings, where necessary precautions can be
taken, may be totally different from the perspective
of a regulatory authority looking at a mine site
closure report.

Figure 27: Typical Risk Matrix for Ranking Crown Pillar

Stability for Closure Planning, with colour coded Decision
Chart for selection of allowable post-closure usage


In designing any new underground excavation, or

designing remedial measures for an old excavation
near surface, engineers and managers often are
required to make decisions using charts such as
included in Figure 27 to establish some acceptable
level of risk associated with a particular situation.
The scaled span empirical approach not only gets
utilized in these situations as a diagnostic measure
for decision-making regarding closure options, but
also gets used to help in deciding whether to
remediate a given situation, or to fence it off and
remove it from access by the public.
The acceptability of solutions can be quite
different depending on the stakeholders. The public
and regulators have a very different perspective as
compared with folk within the mining industry who
typically live on a daily basis with the sort of risk
levels that crown pillars pose. In fact, even surface
collapses are perceived differently as a consequence
of familiarity, and expectation. This does not justify
allowing collapse to occur, but it does provide some
insight on measures that may be acceptable in
different municipalities and jurisdictions.
In an area of still ongoing mining, even though
many of the workings may now be defunct and the
mines closed, fenced hazards provides an acceptable
solution to the local population, as they have lived
with these sorts of mining related problems for
generations. An expensive full crown remediation
with heavy capital civil construction costs, would
thus not be seen as the optimum solution in many of
these cases. However, if the zone of concern was
located where a new highway or new school was
planned, the approach would be different and the
acceptability of the remediation solution different,
although the risk of collapse would remain identical.
In Table 4 guideline equations for each isoprobability contour interval have been added for
each category of exposure risk to help make use of
the updated Scaled Span chart for assessing stability
risk clearer for decision makers, moving forward on
their specific projects.

For new excavations, such as a subway or water

intake tunnel in an urban area, tolerance to risk is
limited and the acceptable degree of risk must be
very low. However, for remediation of say an area of
existing 50 year old mine workings in a desolate
region, still on mining property, the acceptable
degree of risk against crown pillar failure could be
higher. A higher acceptable risk tolerance allows for
more cost effective remedial measures, such as
fencing and signage to be utilized rather than
adopting a more costly, arguably safer, alternative,
such as backfilling or capping or plugging.
Figure 28 shows a matrix of different types of
remediation solution amenable to different types of
geotechnical characteristics of a given crown pillar
and stope geometry.

Figure 28: Matrix of feasible remediation measures for

differing rock conditions (from Carter and Steed, 1990).

Two options can generally always be considered

remediation with complete public access or partial
access, versus remediation with isolation and no
access or availability.
In the former case one would be envisaging stope
backfill, concrete caps and/or similar civil
construction measures as to make the crown safe for
public use of the surface over the old stope zone. In
the latter case the design approach would be to
isolate the hazard far enough from public access that
it would not present a risk for personnel or surface

9.1 Remediation with access

The risk levels and recommendations included in
Columns 8 and 9 of Table 4 describing Public
Access and the Attitude of Regulatory Bodies to
Closure can be used directly to estimate the potential
extent of work that may be required to bring a crown
pillar of a certain stability up to adequate
acceptability for public access.
Many tens of remediation projects have been
undertaken using these crown pillar empirical
guidelines as a framework for definition of measures
for remediation worldwide. The approach has
validity when used as a guideline but should not be
considered more than a planning aid. As a minimum,
detailed analysis and evaluation of potential risk

levels for the crown and for the various remediation

solutions should be undertaken bearing in mind
longevity requirements, not just for the remediation
measures, but also for the rockmass (as discussed in
Section 7.2).

9.2 Remediation with isolation

One of the major issues for deciding to isolate a
potential hazard from access is the extent of
prevention of such access. In remote areas when
fencing is put up around hazards, often these fences
are broken down or otherwise damaged, to allow
access to interested, inquisitive parties. In the
Canadian North often ski-doo trails, rather than
avoiding a hazard area, pass straight through,
particularly if winter conditions have created high
snowbanks so that the fences have been wholly or
partially obscured. In many situations, curiosity of
the public, particularly of small boys, leads to
uncontrolled access to hazardous locations. The
onus of responsibility for maintenance of fencing
then becomes onerous if one considers that the
hazard is real and sufficiently dangerous as to
warrant isolation. In a number of older mining areas,
legacy workings, which had broken through to
surface or contained extremely thin crown pillars
have been tempting to young rascals to go and
explore them. Such bravado has resulted in some
unfortunate fatalities. It is however not practical, nor
economic to undertake full-scale civil remediation of
all mine hazards as many thousands of open
excavations and old workings exist in every country
where mining has been undertaken for centuries.
The maxim must thus be practical decision-making,
based on minimizing exposure and reducing public
risk, with the aim being to implement pragmatic
cost-effective solutions, satisfactory to the three
principal stakeholders:
- the Mining Company
- the general public and
- government regulators

9.3 Establishing Safe Set-Backs

Last but not least, one of the major issues with
respect to closure and possible restrictions for public
access, is how much land to cordon off to
encompass the zone that could potentially be at risk
for subsidence impact.
Public perception of underground mining is
generally that it should involve no surface impact.
For most hard rock mining situations this is true, as
surface impact should be negligible to non-existent.
It is only in the rare situations where a surface
collapse occurs unexpectedly, or where significant
disruption/subsidence settlement occurs on surface
due to planned caving impact (e.g., from a block or
panel mine operation, or from longwall coal

extraction) that the public's awareness may be

raised. While planned impacts can be a topic of
concern to regulators trying to ensure that a mine
closure is well managed; the bigger problem is for
situations where unexpected surface caving could
occur, such as clearly was the case for all of the
crown pillar failure cases in the database.
Of concern here is attempting to characterize the
unexpected, and the most appropriate means for
rapidly assessing impact influence and risk
Two methods have ready applicability for
assisting in defining the extent and area of possible
subsidence strain estimation, and
progressive hangingwall caving (PHC)
Both approaches require knowledge of the
geometry and geology of the mined zone and
adjacent rock mass, so that potential for break-back
post crown pillar failure and collapse can be

9.4 Checks of extent of influence and likelihood for

progressive hanging wall failure
Estimating the extent of potential break-back is
not trivial particularly where no experience exists of
previous collapse or caving in the particular
geology. This again brings us back to looking
carefully at the geological controls on potential
failure, and then looking at the geometry of the
mined excavations. Typically for a near-vertical
stope in near-vertical geological structure, with
competent hangingwall and footwall rockmasses, the
potential for possible back-break and surface impact
is usually relatively narrow, whereas for more
shallowly dipping stopes in similarly inclined
geological structures the potential surface impact
width could be much wider. Ultimately, for flat or
extremely shallow dipping excavations of significant
plan area, (e.g., a longwall coal extraction panel) the
impact from underground extraction will almost
exactly mirror the footprint of the extraction panel
with some break-back extension on the sides.
The two easiest approaches for assessing
potential impact width, cover this spectrum - the
approach used in soft rock mining of strain
estimation as a means for predicting zone extent of
surface impact provides arguably the best approach
for evaluating the potential impact from shallow
dipping workings. For steeper, and sub-vertical
workings one of the best and simplest approaches
for establishing possible setback is to use the
progressive hangingwall caving analysis model
(Hoek ,1974).
In the context of crown pillar design neither
method should be considered as providing absolute
magnitudes of subsidence or ground disturbance.

Both should again only be used as diagnostic

indicator methods for establishing potential backbreak extent outside the excavation footprint.
Considerably more information is needed to
undertake evaluation of magnitudes of potential
subsidence impact, depending on the strain created
at surface by the underground extraction, which is a
function not just of extraction size, but of depth,
rock mass characteristics and extraction ratio.
Many of the most problematic legacy mine workings
with remnant crown pillar were mined at the turn-ofthe-Century. For such cases, crown pillar design had
been arbitrary at best, purely based on precedent
practice, and random at worst based simply on
"leaving just one more round to surface".
Theoretical advancements to improve on this simple
design approach prior to the 1980s and the
development of discrete fracture computer codes,
such as UDEC and now various synthetic rockmass
numerical equivalents, have so far met with little
general acceptance for crown pillar design, because
the complexities of the geometry and geology of the
typical rock masses comprising such crowns are
difficult to categorize and simplify for analytical
calculation or modelling purposes.
Although this is changing to some degree today
as modelling codes are increasingly becming more
sophisticated and better able to tackle these
problems, this certainly was not the case in the late
1980s and this was one of the main rationalizations
for the development of the Scaled Span method. Its
original development was targeted to try to fill the
gap between rules of thumb and use of analytic and
computer modelling methods of analysis. As such it
was based solely on calibration back to case record
failure behaviour.
As the stability of any given crown pillar was
recognized as being quite clearly three dimensional
in nature, it was problematic that in most of the
crown pillar case records little if any data on 3D
geometry existed, let alone details of crown
rockmass conditions. In most cases some
information was available on general geometry, on
orebody dip and mined thickness. Only sometimes
was data available on ground conditions and
rockmass competence.
Some approach to simplifying the problem was
clearly necessary so that the salient observations
from the failure cases could be synthesized and out
of this perhaps a method for undertaking future
analysis could be formulated. This led to the
development of the scaling relationships.
Since the introduction of the original Scaled Span
chart in 1989, further updates, including the addition
of several hundred new database case records and

modifications to the span definition to account for

shallow dipping workings, have been completed;
none necessitating any revision to the basic
Initially, the Scaled Span concept was put
forward on the basis of assessment and backanalysis of over 200 case records of near-surface
mine openings and crown pillars, including 30
documented failure cases; but this database now has
been extended to over 500 cases with more than 70
analyzed failures. Ongoing development of the
Method has generally been concentrated more on
refining the analysis approach and on adding new
crown pillar case records, to improve its
applicability. The basic information required for
conducting a Scaled Span analysis has remained
essentially consistent, viz:

defining Thicknesses of Rock Crown cover

documenting Opening Spans and tunnel,
cavern, drift or stope dimensions
outlining data on Dip/Orientation of the
principal structural fabric of the rock mass
calculating and assigning Rockmass quality
classification values, either as Rock Mass
Rating (RMR76, Bieniawski, 1976) or as
GSI (Marinos and Hoek, 2000) or as Q
(Barton et al. 1974, Barton, 1976),
including assessment of water and stress
terms, and
tabulating and assigning available data on
rockmass density and Hoek-Brown friction
parameters, (Hoek & Brown, 1988)

Uncertainty however still remains in definition of

many of the key geotechnical factors controlling
stability state. In particular, the role of in situ stress
within the crown pillar zone is still far from clearly
understood. In certain situations, lateral clamping
stresses are significant and in other cases they seem
to be ineffective or completely absent. Theoretically,
the presence of clamping stresses and the
development of a compression arch within a crown
pillar will significantly enhance the stability of the
pillar. As it is of such importance, there is a case to
be made that determination of the in situ stress state
in a stable thin crown pillar would provide
invaluable data to further current understanding of
crown pillar behaviour in a marginal stability state.
The initial work to develop the original crown pillar
database was partially funded by CANMET under
Contract No.23440-8-9074/01-SQ, other parts were
funded by the Ontario Ministry of Northern

Development and Mines or conducted as part of

programmes funded by various mining companies.
Over the past almost two decades of use of the
procedures, studies for many of these same mining
companies have contributed to advances in current
understanding. While specific thanks is due to these
organizations that have supported the work by
information to form a case study data base,
acknowledgements must also go to many colleagues
at Golder Associates and other consultancies and
universities who have added additional case records
or made significant contributions to improvements
in the formulation and testing of some of the
methods outlined herein.
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1st North American rock mech. symp. Austin, 1994, 987-96.
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Canada. pp.177-187.
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Design. Proc. 16th Can. Rock Mechanics Symposium,
Sudbury, pp. 75-83.
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engineering and rock mass characterization assessments. In
Proc. 4th. Italian conf engineering rock mechanics, Torino,
1992, paper 1, 22 pp.
Carter, T.G. 2000. An Update on the Scaled Span Concept for
Dimensioning Surface Crown Pillars for New or Abandoned
Mine Workings. Proc. 4th North American Rock Mech. Conf.,
Seattle, pp.465-472
Carter, T.G. et al. 1988. Investigations and remedial measures
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