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Full Adder 8858

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Name: Syed Hamza Ali

Roll No. 8858

Subject: VLSI Systems Design

Faculty: Prof. Dr. Engr. Zamin Ali Khan

Computerized innovative gadgets enormously affect our lives today. We use cell phones, PDAs, and
different gadgets in our regular routines. Comparators, Adders, and Dividers are instances of these.
The productivity with which these essential circuits work decides the working and execution of this
gadget. As far as adding various pieces, a full viper is incredibly favorable. Contingent upon the
power supply and engendering delay, each circuit has specific advantages and cutoff points. The
fundamental part of VLSI design is the full viper. It can lead elements of expansion and deduction as
well as other math activities. These computerized circuits are comprised of a progression of rationale
doors. There are two kinds of frameworks created with entryways: combinational and consecutive.
Full adders have a place with the class of Combinational Logic Circuits. This is because of the way
that the created yield pieces are dependent on the ongoing information.

A greater part of computerized circuits that perform expansion or deduction capacities have a full
viper circuit. It gets its name from the way that it adds two double digits, alongside a convey in digit
to create a total and a complete digit. It gets three data sources and gives two results, therefore.

For example, on the off chance that the initial two sources of info are An and B, and the third
information is C-IN, the result complete will be C, and the typical result would be S, i.e., the Sum.

The convey bit is flowed starting with one snake then onto the next in a full viper rationale.

The full snake works by adding parallel numbers and records for both inbound and outbound
information. Three the slightest bit values, for the most part communicated as A, B, and Cin, are
added by a the slightest bit full viper.

The operands are An and B, and Cin is a convey bit from some past, less-significant stage.

The full snake is oftentimes important for a fountain of adders that add twofold whole numbers of 8,
16, 32, etc. The signs C-out and S demonstrate the worthless result, yield convey, and aggregate
created by the circuit.

A full snake might be inherent a scope of strategies, either utilizing a custom semiconductor level
circuit or by joining different doors.

The absolute last OR door before the complete result can be subbed with a XOR entryway in this
methodology without influencing the rationale. In the event that the circuit is fabricated utilizing
fundamental IC chips with only one door type for every chip, utilizing just barely two sorts of
entryways is more down to earth and plausible.

Through the association An and B to the contribution of one half snake, the absolute from that to
one contribution of the subsequent viper, Ci to the next input, as well as the two convey yields, a full
snake might be shaped from two half adders. The basic way of a full viper passes through both XOR
doors and completions at the aggregate piece.

For adding pieces to an inconsistent length of pieces, as 32 or 64 pieces, full adders are frequently
associated with each other. An OR entryway associates two half adders, a XOR and an AND door, to
frame a full viper.

Truth Table:

The truth table for a Full adder circuit are shown in the following table

Circuit diagram:

The circuit to implement the full adder is shown as follows:


A full addar might be found in an assortment of greater circuits, for example, the wave convey viper,
which adds n bits all at once.

• Carryout Multiplication: This is utilized by the particular duplication circuit.

• Number juggling Logic Unit (ALU) (one of the circuits is a full snake).

• The ALU involves the full snake for delivering memory areas inside a PC and for making the
Program Counter highlight the following guidance.

• The GPU utilizes a superior ALU, which includes full adders and different circuits, for designs
related applications where refined calculations are required.

It is principally utilized in the formation of ALU, which is utilized in a wide scope of uses (from
planning CPU to GPU).

A portion of the normal advantages because of which full snake circuits are utilized are referenced as

• A full snake circuit goes about as an essential structure square of on-chip libraries
• It is designed according to the necessary intricacy of numeric and number juggling calculations.

• Adders are likewise utilized in the Arithmetic Logic Units for processors are other comparable
sorts of figuring gadgets

• These are utilized in different parts of a PC processor also, for serving the capacity of
computing addresses, table lists, and comparable activities.

module tb_fulladd;

// 1. Declare testbench variables

reg [3:0] a;

reg [3:0] b;

reg c_in;

wire [3:0] sum;

integer i;

// 2. Instantiate the design and connect to testbench variables

tb_fulladd fa0 ( .a (a),

.b (b),

.c_in (c_in),

.c_out (c_out),

.sum (sum));

// 3. Provide stimulus to test the design

initial begin

a <= 0;

b <= 0;

c_in <= 0;

$monitor ("a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c_in=0x%0h c_out=0x%0h sum=0x%0h", a, b, c_in, c_out, sum);

// Use a for loop to apply random values to the input

for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i+1) begin

#10 a <= $random;

b <= $random;

c_in <= $random;




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