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6.4E Power System v1.2

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A Narrative Power System Supplement for Batt’s 6E
At character creation, choose one power source and one personal, honed stat. It also helps describing your power
role. better.

• Describe your power and its limits.

Power Source Role Doing something implausible is ok, as long as it is
Arcane Artillery within the concept of your power source and role. You
Divine Brute still need to convince the majority of the table if it
something near impossible to happen. You can haggle
Elemental Controller by imposing penalties to the roll (+1 to +5), requiring
Martial Lurker specific tools, time, or training, accepting harm for you
Primal Skirmisher or anyone that benefits from the power, or establishing
limits on how the power affects the intended targets.
Psionic Soldier Above all else, it should always be entertaining and safe
Shadow for the whole table.

• Roll the die.

Power Source 6.4E still uses the twenty-sided die. Some cows we like
This determines your training and talents, allowing you to to keep.
attempt outrageous or near impossible actions by tapping to
a power source. It also creates an advantage on Stats when • Exclaim the power’s result.
identifying, appraising, or recalling things related to your If you roll under your renamed Stat, you succeed. Give
power source. your Power a name, if it hasn’t any yet, and write it
down. If you roll over your renamed Stat, you fail and
Role gain a Skill, as if you failed a Stat roll.
This serve as your archetype, and creates an advantage or
disadvantage when it comes to Saves. This is decided by the Signature Powers
concept of the role. At the end of each session, choose one Power to keep and
erase the rest. It is now your Signature Power. You can
Powers choose to improve it, based on how you described it. It can
When you attempt to do something superhuman, be increased effects, bonus on the roll, ignoring required
supernatural, or otherwise beyond your own mundane factors, reducing harm taken, or something similar. You
capabilities by tapping to a power source, choose one of your may also update the power’s name after doing so.
renamed stat, describe your power and its limits, roll the die, and
exclaim the power’s result.

• Choose one of your renamed stat. made by John Erwin Casia. CC-BY-SA 4.0
Power manifests when you perform it using a more halfminotaurfarmer.blogspot.com, mister-erwin.itch.io
6.4E is a supplement for 6E by John Battle

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