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Anima Prime Resurgence A02

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This is the second alpha version of the Version History
Resurgence edition of Anima Prime.
Consider it an advanced edition (in the 0.2 Some tweaks based on playtesting.
tradition of AD&D), or maybe a sequel. It’s Moved professions and passions into
currently incomplete and has a bunch of attachments. Added some specializations
ideas in it that will not all work out. and grouped them by type. Overhauled
Backgrounds to be reflective of diversity.
I’ve also cut out most of the sections that Reintroduced scene benefits. Made the
would be the same as in the original layout all pretty and such.
Anima Prime to save you ink (and help
focus on what’s new). That means, on the 0.1 Playable, with a demo scenario. A
other hand, that familiarity with the few specializations or masteries yet, few
original Anima Prime will be helpful in enemies. Enough for a first round of
understanding how to run this thing. playtesting.
Though I think it can stand on its own.

Rule Zero for Anima Prime has always

been “People First.” When in doubt about
any of the rules, adjudicate in a way that
lets the players have the most fun. When
a player asks “Can I do this weird thing,”
95% of the time your response should be
“You totally can�” If necessary, followed
by “Let’s figure out together how to do
that in a way that doesn’t break the game
for anyone else at this table.”

If you have any feedback, please tag me

on Twitter (@xenopulse), email me at
chgriffen@gmail.com, or comment at


C.W. Griffen

Main Changes turn, there are no more Awesome
Tokens, which streamlines the turn
If you’re familiar with the first edition of economy.
Anima Prime, here’s a list of the major
changes in Resurgence: • Strikes that fail to wound leave Threat
Dice on the target in the amount of
• Character backgrounds �e the se�ng successes rolled. Further Strikes can
more directly into the mechanics. use these as bonus dice against that
target. Defense can go higher to
• Character abili�es are earned in grids
account for this (in the case of enemy
of different professions, allowing for
bosses, it's a lot higher). It allows for a
campaign-style play during which
team of PCs to build up threat on a
characters gain new abili�es and
boss enemy together, un�l one of
increase their stats.
them can finish it off.
• Character scenes have a resolu�on
• The introduc�on of Threat Dice opens
mechanic for ac�ons, called tests. This
up new enemy types and changed
allows for complica�ons during
abili�es (for example, Poison now adds
character scenes.
threat to the poisoned character each
• The old skills are no more. They are turn).
replaced with different maneuvers
• Eidolons are now hazards (single-
during conflicts, and with skills and
wound, single-ac�on) rather than
training that apply during character
being complete characters. They are
ac�vated with one of the summoner's
• Conflicts happen on maps showing ac�ons. This, too, streamlines the turn
zones. This creates opportunity for economy.
large-scale movement, close vs ranged
• No more building Eidolons or
Strikes, area effects, be�er
Soulbound Weapons. This version is
visualiza�on, etc.
meant to be more straight-forward in
• Maneuvers, Strikes, and Achievements that regard; no need to worry about
come in basic flavors, but also in min-maxing.
variants for different professions (a
• Overall, the startup investment is a lot
Channeler's maneuver mostly earns
lower: pick a background and a
them charge dice, while a Dragoon’s
passion, write a trait or two, and pick a
might let them combo into a strike).
profession grid, and you're set. No
• Maneuvers are given a quality by the more having to read through a
Game Moderator (“GM”) based on the hundred powers and figuring out
descrip�on by the player. This provides which to pick right at the start.
a small bonus of an appropriate kind
and makes the fic�on ma�er more. In

Table of Contents
1 - Character Crea�on.....................................6
2 - Character Scenes .......................................8
3 - Conflicts ..................................................10
4 - Goals .......................................................17
5 - Passions...................................................18
6- Beyond Ghos�ield ....................................19
7 - Backgrounds............................................21
8 - Professions ..............................................25
9 - Enemies...................................................26
10 - Hazards..................................................32
11 - Eidolons.................................................34
12 - Condi�ons .............................................36

1 - Character Creation
Character Overview Selecting the Background is just half of the
deal, though. You should think about how
Characters in Resurgence have the your character fits into this culture, what
following aspects: their personal upbringing was like, and
what motivated them to set out on
• Background, which provides an ability adventures. Just because intimidation is
and skills (for scene test bonuses). common among Tigerfolk doesn't mean
• Profession, which gives the character every Tigerfolk's personality matches well
star�ng stats and an advancement with that mode of interaction. You might
grid. be really good at something, and have
been brought up with certain values, but
• Passion, picked from a list, which
that doesn’t mean you have to act on it.
provides a trigger for earning charge You could be someone who never fit quite
dice. in, who refuses to intimidate people even
• Character Traits, freeform bits that though – or because – you know it would
give a character personality. make it easy to get what you want.

Background Profession
Pick one from the list of backgrounds later You start with a basic profession of your
in the document (also provided in the choice. Take a sheet for your profession
attachments). The backgrounds are and make a mark by the "Basics" box of
cultural rather than genetic. This means the advancement grid, which unlocks that
that a human who grew up among box. This gives you starting Defense and
Tigerfolk would have the Tigerfolk Wound Circles, the number of Action Dice
background, with all that entails. you start a conflict with, and your
training, which can grant a bonus die to
You get one ability from the background. scene tests in the same way skills do.
You also receive a list of skills, which
provide a bonus die to tests in character When a character advances, they unlock a
scenes (for example, you might gain a box on their advancement grid that is
bonus die when you’re trying to linked to any box they already have
intimidate someone if your Background is unlocked. This can raise their stats, earn
Tigerfolk, an environment where them resistances to specific damage
intimidation is common). types, or grant them new abilities.

Character Creation 5
Eventually they unlock one of two Passion
specialization categories for that
profession, which makes them more The passion describes the profound
unique and gives them a new emotional state of the character, the one
advancement grid. For example, a driving force that permeates everything
Martialist might turn into a Tactician or a they do. It tells you something about the
Knight, while a Channeler might specialize character, thereby allowing you to
as an Elementalist or a Conjurer. The roleplay them in interesting ways.
choice of specialization is permanent.
The passion also lets the player earn
At the end of their specialization grid, charge dice when certain conditions are
they have the choice of two mastery triggered. Those conditions are listed with
categories. The aforementioned Martialist each passion. You can change your
turned Knight could become a Sentinel or passion at any time between conflicts, but
a Dragoon, while the Channeler turned it should be a rare story-driven change.
Conjurer could choose the path of a
Summoner or an Abyssalist. The passions are listed in chapter 5 and in
the attachments.
When a character has filled out their
mastery advancement grid, they’ve fully Character Traits
developed their potential. Their
adventure should soon come to a close. Characters have 3 traits. Create them as
freeform sentences that describe a
This playtest version doesn’t have all of personality aspect of your character, and
the specializations or any of the mark them if they’re played out during
masteries. The demo scenario at the end character scenes (maximum of one per
suggests going up three steps after each scene). During conflicts, remove a mark to
conflict (that is, unlocking three new reroll your dice.
boxes), so each character unlocks their
whole profession grid by the end of the If you simply remove the mark without
scenario. This allows them to experience fictional input, reroll all of your dice. If
all of their basic profession's abilities instead you tie the trait into what’s going
during the demo. If you're playing your on, with a short description of your
own scenario and want to go longer, you character’s thoughts, feelings, and�or
can simply grant one advancement step actions, you can pick which dice to keep
for each conflict, or at the beginning of and which to reroll. Whether this tie-in
each game session. The chapter on “works” is only up to you and not subject
Professions talks about this in more to scrutiny by anyone else at the table.

6 Character Creation
2 - Character Scenes
Freely roleplay non-conflict scenes as usual. If another character substantially helps you
A new scene starts when the loca�on or the with the action, which usually requires
par�cipants substan�ally change (up to the them having an applicable skill or training,
GM). gain a helping die.

Most ac�ons simply happen, but there’s a If any or all of these apply and you roll more
roll for dangerous or opposed actions, than one die, the highest rolled die
which is called a test. In most situations, determines the outcome. If you roll two or
you roll a die and get your result from the more 6s, you not only succeed without a
table below. problem, but also with much flair and
possibly additional positive effects.
1-2: It goes wrong. Bad stuff happens.
If the action is particularly difficult or
3-4: It works out, but only partially or dangerous, the GM can subtract a die. If
with a (usually bad) side effect. you’d end up with zero dice, instead roll 2
and apply the lowest result.
5-6: It works out fine, no problem.
If the action, on the other hand, sounds like
Your Background skills add a skill die to the exactly the kind of thing your character
roll, if one of them applies. For example, if excels at and there’s no extraordinary risk
your Background says you get a skill die to or danger, the GM should just let you
intimidate someone, and your action succeed without a roll. For example, if a
involves that, then you add a die to your Clockwork Tinkerer is sabotaging a machine
roll. You only get one skill die, even if without any time pressure, potential of
multiple aspects of your skills apply. discovery, or other risk, they should
succeed without a test.
The training from your profession (basic,
specialization, or mastery) might add a Skills or training can make an otherwise
training die to the roll. Someone trained as impossible action possible. For example,
a Tinkerer, for example, will get a bonus die untrained characters wouldn’t be able to fix
to working on machines. You only get one a steam engine, but a Tinkerer can. Most
training die, even if multiple aspects of your characters can't just mysteriously disappear
training(s) apply. But you can add both a and reappear, but a Shadowborn has that
skill die and a training die to a roll, if both ability.

Character Scenes 7
Scene Benefits
At the conclusion of a character scene,
each involved player can select one of the
following benefits for their character. If
none of these apply because the character
is all healed up and has all of their traits
marked, they gain no benefit (it might be
time for a conflict).

• Heal a wound.
• Lose all threat dice.
• Refresh an eidolon.
• Mark an unmarked trait.
Some Professions, Specializations, or
Masteries give characters additional scene
benefit options to choose from. For
example, the Tactician can spend a scene
studying an enemy and add their name to
their study list, which gives them an
advantage against them in any future

8 Character Scenes
3 - Conflicts
Star�ng Conflicts • Maneuver: these earn the character
charge and strike dice, which in turn
The conflict begins with the GM making a fuel most of the other ac�on abili�es.
map of interconnected zones that can be
Open (like a meadow) or Enclosed (like a • Strike: these are used to raise a
cave). The connections between them can target’s threat dice and ul�mately
be Free (going from the meadow to a mark one of their wounds. Most Strike
nearby forest) or Blocked (a fortress’ abili�es cost charge dice to use, and
gates are closed to the outside). Unless strike dice from maneuvers can be
you’re entirely underground, there’s an added to the Strike’s roll.
automatic Air zone above that connects to • Achievement: these address goals in
all zones, with Free connections to Open the conflicts. Strike dice can usually be
zones and Blocked connections to added to the Achievement’s roll. A
Enclosed zones. goal can be aimed at a story outcome
(“save the hostages”) or have unique
Unless their ability says otherwise, mechanical effects.
characters can't move through Blocked
connections or into the Air zone. If they • Power: these cost charge dice to use
want to, the GM should create a goal that and usually inflict good or bad
allows them to overcome or even remove condi�ons on other characters or alter
a block between zones. a character’s threat dice.
Non-action abilities come in these types:
Taking Turns
• Extra: each character can op�onally do
The GM determines which side goes first. one of these per turn. The most
One character from that side acts (the common ones are movement abili�es.
players can choose their order), then a
character from the other side acts. This • Boost: paid for with charge dice, these
repeats until all characters have acted. An add dice and/or effects to an ac�on
acting character takes one action, and has ability, per the specific ability.
the option also to use one Extra ability • Reac�on: these are triggered by other
(before or after the action ability). ac�ons being taken and usually occur
outside of the character’s turn, for
Action abilities come in four flavors:
example when they are being targeted
by a Strike from another character.

Conflicts 9
You can never use the same ability twice • Aggressive: The PC earns a bonus
in the same turn. For example, you can strike die.
only use each Boost once in a turn, even if
• Cunning: The PC player can add a
you have enough charge dice for multiple
threat die to an enemy.
uses. Reactions can be used exactly once
each time they’re triggered. • Defensive: The PC loses a threat die.
• Heroic: The PC player can add 1
There is a basic ability of each type that all
progress die to any side of a goal.
characters, PCs and enemies, can use.
• Reckless: The maneuver roll gains 2
Maneuvers bonus dice, and the PC earns a threat
Maneuver actions allow you to gain
charge dice, which are used to power • Suppor�ve: Another PC of the ac�ng
other abilities, and strike dice, which you player’s choice earns a strike die.
can add to Strikes and Achievements. • Special: The GM can determine
unique effects, such as staying in the
Whenever a PC takes a maneuver action, Air zone when a PC jumps from a
their player describes what their zeppelin onto a flying creature.
character does to improve their position.
This description can include attacks that You can (optionally) add one or two of
don’t inflict serious damage, such as your action dice to the Maneuver roll.
suppressive shots in the direction of the
Roll the dice and earn the dice shown
enemy, an exchange of blows and parries,
under “Gain.” With the basic maneuver,
taking out a few members of a swarm,
every 6 rolled earns a charge die, every 3,
and so on. The GM assigns a style (only
4, and 5 earns a strike die, and any 1 or 2
PC’s maneuvers receive a style; enemies’
doesn’t earn you anything. There is no
and other characters’ maneuvers do not):
limit to the number of strike dice and
charge dice you can store in your pools.

Maneuver Cost Roll Gain

Basic Maneuver 0 5D 1-2 None, 3-5 SD, 6 CD
This ac�on is available to all characters.

10 Conflicts
Strikes of damage you're inflic�ng (for
example, "Weakness: Physical"), the
Strikes have a chance of inflicting a Roll dice you gain from the strike
Wound on a target, and even if they ability are added an addi�onal �me.
don’t, they tend to raise the target’s
threat – which makes it easier to hurt • Boost abili�es, which you have to pay
them later. for with charge dice, can add bonus
dice and other effects to your Strike,
First, pick a Strike ability to use. Everyone such as changing the damage type or
has access to the Basic Strike listed below, adding targets.
but many professions also grant • To the dice listed with the Strike, you
additional Strike abilities. can add a number of strike dice (which
you’ve gained through maneuvers).
Next, select a target within range: in the
The limit of how many strike dice you
same zone as yourself if your attack has
can add this way is listed with each
range 0, or an adjacent zone if it has range
Strike ability as its Strike Dice Limit
1 (or either if the range is 0-1). If your
Strike allows for multiple targets, they can (“SDL”). This uses up those dice (you
be in different zones as long as they are do not get them back a�er the roll).
all within the range listed. If the number • If the target already has threat dice,
of targets says “area,” every enemy in one you can also choose to add one or
specific zone (yours if range 0 or an more of those to your roll. This
adjacent one of your choice if range 1) will reduces the target’s threat accordingly
be affected. (any threat dice you use don’t go back
to the target a�er the roll, unless they
Next, gather the dice for your Strike roll. If are successes; see below).
your Strike has more than one target, the
Strike ability’s Roll dice (including • You can, but don’t have to, add one or
additions to Roll dice from other abilities) two of your ac�on dice to the roll.
apply to all targets, but you need to add • If the target has an applicable
all other dice for each target separately resistance (for example, “Resistance:
(you can spread out bonus dice among Physical 2”), you have to discard that
the targets in any way you like). many dice before you roll.
• Every Strike has a Damage type and a Now you roll all those dice, counting any
Roll (dice ra�ng plus modifier). result of 3 or higher as a success. If your
For example, “Phys” and “3D+1” resulting successes plus the modifier are
indicate a physical a�ack with 3 dice equal to or higher than the target’s
and a modifier of +1. These dice do Defense, you inflict a wound. The target
not come out of your accumulated decides which wound to mark, and they
dice, but are provided by the ability. If lose all remaining threat dice on them.
the target has a weakness to the type Once all of a target’s wounds are marked,

Conflicts 11
they are defeated and out of the conflict. For example, you’re using a Strike that has
There are also sometimes other “Fire” damage and a Roll of “5D+2”. The
consequences for wounds; some target has a threat of 4, Defense 8, and
characters lose specific abilities, while Resistance: Fire 3. You add 2 strike dice, but
others gain them as they are injured. no Boosts, and you decide to roll 3 of their
threat dice (leaving 1 in place). This gives
If you don’t inflict a wound, every die you a roll of 10D+2. You have to discard
showing a success is turned into a threat die three dice due to the fire resistance, leaving
on that target, adding to those it already 7D+2. You roll the 7 dice and get 5
had. If you chose to roll any existing threat successes. The total result of 7 (5 successes
dice, only those now showing successes are plus the modifier of +2) is one shy of
once again turned into threat dice. All inflicting a wound. The 5 dice showing
failed dice of any kind are discarded. successes become threat dice, so the target
(Modifiers aren’t dice and therefore do not now has a threat of 6 (5 threat dice added
add threat, they only raise your chance of to the 1 you left on the target).
inflic�ng a wound with that par�cular roll.
Strikes with high modifiers can be thought
of as finishing moves.)

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Basic A�ack 0 1 0 5 1D Physical
This ac�on is available to all characters.

Power abilities can do extraordinary Some Powers require that certain other
things, like poison your enemies or shield conditions are in place. Those are listed in
your allies. Each Power is listed with a the box below the power’s stats.
cost and an effect. Some Powers can also
be enhanced by Boost abilities.

Power Cost Effect

Catch Your Breath 0 Lose 2 threat dice and gain 2 ac�on dice.
This ac�on is available to all characters.

12 Conflicts
You can use an Achievement action to
• If the goal already has progress dice
address one of the conflict goals, which
are either story-related or have special for your side, you can also choose to
effects. An Achievement action works a add one or more of those to your roll.
lot like a Strike: • You can, but don’t have to, add one or
two of your ac�on dice to the roll.
• The Achievement ability has a dice
ra�ng and a modifier. For example, Now you roll, counting any result of 3 or
“4D+1” indicates a roll of 4 dice and a higher as a success. If your resulting
successes plus the modifier are equal to
modifier of +1. As with Strikes, these
or higher than the difficulty of the goal,
Roll dice are provided by the ability.
you achieve the goal: it is resolved
• To the dice listed with the favorably for your side and then removed
Achievement, you can add a number from the conflict.

of strike dice. The limit of how many If your result is lower, every success is
strike dice you can add this way is turned into a progress die on that goal for
listed with each ability as its SDL. your side. If you chose to roll existing
progress dice, only those now showing
• Boost abili�es, most of which you have
successes are turned into progress dice.
to pay for with charge dice, can add All failed dice are discarded.
dice and other effects to your

Achievement Cost SDL Roll Other Effects

Basic Achievement 0 5 1D none
This ac�on is available to all characters.

Extra Ability
In addition to taking one action per turn, Remember that, unless an ability specifies
each character can also optionally use an otherwise, you can't move into the Air
Extra ability. The most common of these is zone or through a Blocked connection
the Movement ability below. between zones.

Extra Cost Effect

Movement 0 Move into an adjacent zone.
This ac�on is available to all characters.

Conflicts 13
There is one more basic Extra action. This they don’t have (or use) an ability that
one is mandatory for a character to take if would allow them to stay there.
they start their turn in the Air zone and

Extra Cost Effect

Crash 0 Move into an adjacent zone. Gain 4 threat dice.
This ac�on is mandatory, and counts as the character’s Extra ability use for this turn, for any
character who begins their turn in the Air zone and does not have (and use) an ability that
allows them to remain or move from there.
A Boost is an ability that affects an action you can only use each Boost once per turn
taken by the character. Most of these are (like all abilities), even if you could pay for
specific to the profession of your PC. it multiple times. The Boost ability listing
While there is no limit to the number of shows the cost in charge dice (“CD”) and
Boosts you can apply to a specific action, the effect.

Boost Cost Effect

Power A�ack 3 CD Add 4 bonus dice to any of your Strikes.
This ac�on is available to all characters.
You can use a Reaction ability once each
The only abilities you can use when it’s time it’s triggered, as long as the
not your turn are Reactions, and only requirements are met and you can pay for
when their condition is triggered. Some of it. For example, if you have a Reaction
them also cost charge dice or have other ability that is triggered by someone
requirements, so they aren’t available aiming a Strike at you, you can use it once
unless you’re prepared. Whenever the for each separate Strike aimed at you.
condition is triggered and you have the
requirements in place, it’s up to you The Support ability is available to all
whether you want to use the Reaction characters. Note that the characters don’t
ability. have to be in the same zone to use it.

Reac�on Cost Effect

When an ally is about to make an achievement or maneuver
Support 0
roll, add one of your ac�on dice as a bonus die.
This ac�on is available to all characters.

14 Conflicts
Ending Conflicts and bow out of the conflicts once they have
achieved those goals. That means they can
The conflict ends when all characters on play defensively and o�en not even a�ack
one side retreat or are defeated (meaning anyone else. The GM should create goals
all of their side’s wound circles are filled and arrange conflicts in a way that allows
up). Hazards, traps, and eidolons don’t this to happen for those players.
count for this determina�on; they cease to
be (important) at that point. All of the That said, the main enemies in this game
helpful dice go away: charge dice, strike are fascists. The Kannissian Empire is an
dice, and ac�on dice. Similarly, all authoritarian regime led by a singular
condi�ons are removed. dictator, with “values” that see compassion
and kindness as weaknesses. They are a
However, all wounds and threat dice thema�c representa�on of fascist regimes,
remain. These can be healed with character and they are bent on oppressing and
scenes. eradica�ng whole swaths of peoples in
occupied Enendia.
Some�mes a retreat is easy and the GM can
just allow one side or the other to do so. Similarly, the Unending Legion is a
Other �mes they need to fulfill a goal to metaphorical expression of the kind of
successfully get away. fascist forces that worship death and have
skulls in their insignia, as well as a
When PCs lose a conflict, they are never fascina�on with the occult. The Torrent, too,
killed. Instead, their story con�nues in a less is a single-minded force bent on
than perfect way. Maybe they're now destruc�on, led by one power-hungry man.
prisoners, they lost track of the criminals
they were chasing, they were saved by their Neither you nor your players should feel
rivals in a really embarrassing fashion, or bad about punching, shoo�ng, and
they wake up and everything around them otherwise commi�ng violence against
that they tried to protect is destroyed. fascist forces in order to stop their agenda
and fiercely protect the targets of their
Violence in Conflicts hatred. As we can see from real-life history,
some�mes that’s what the world needs.
Having the conflict mechanics be so central Violence against the armed forces of hateful
to the game might imply that it strongly oppression is jus�fied and necessary.
promotes violence. While it is, at its core, an
ac�on game, it does not have to be about To sum up: most conflicts should have goals
direct violence. At least, not to the extent other than simply “defeat all enemies,”
that many other RPGs are. which also keeps the conflicts much more
interes�ng. But some�mes it’s okay to just
Almost all of the conflicts in your game want to punch Nazis.
should have Goals (see the next chapter).
PCs are free to pursue those goals that they
find valuable, simply defend themselves,

Conflicts 15
4 - Goals
Difficul�es Scene tests before the start of a conflict
can also influence starting dice.
Most conflicts have goals. They are things
that can be achieved aside from just Some goals are timed. Use a die to count
beating up the other characters involved. down each round until it ends badly for
There can be one or multiple goals, the PCs.
depending on the situation. You should
write down the goal somewhere where Localized goals can only be targeted with
it’s visible to all of the players, listing its Achievements by characters in their zone.
difficulty and providing space for both
sides to add progress dice, for example on Goal Effects
index cards:
In addition to fictional effects, goals can
also have mechanical effects. These can
range from affecting characters’ stats to
Rescue the Civilians: 10 inflicting conditions to creating or
removing hazards to allowing access to
PCs Enemies situational abilities (like firing the gun of a
stationary artillery cannon at a giant
monster). These are up to the GM, but
player suggestions are encouraged.

Unresolved Goals
At the end of a conflict, each side rolls
their progress dice for unresolved goals.
Higher number of successes determines
the outcome. Ties always go to the PCs.
The difficulty of goals is up to the GM.
Here are some defaults: 6 for easy goals, If one side gave up or ran away, they lose
10 for moderate goals, and 15 and higher any unresolved goals.
for difficult goals.
Goals can also have the “looming”
Goals can start with dice already on one keyword. When such a goal is unresolved
side or another, based on the fictional at the end of a conflict, it always goes
circumstances, per the GM’s judgment. against the PCs.

16 Goals
5 - Passions
Every PC has one passion from the
following list. You only have one passion
at a time. You can change it once per
session, during a character scene, in
between scenes, or even during a conflict.

Anger Love
You have a lot of stored-up aggression This passion is aimed at a particular other
and react powerfully to attacks against person. It can be a romantic interest, a
you. family member, or a very close friendship
Trigger: Gain 1 charge die every time a (but it must be with another PC). The
character makes a strike roll against you feeling does not have to be requited.
with at least 5 dice. Trigger: Gain 1 charge die every time a
character (but not a hazard) makes a
Bloodlust strike roll against your loved one.
You revel in dealing out pain, mostly for
the sake of seeing your opponent suffer. Redemption
Trigger: Gain 1 charge die whenever you You’ve done something awful, and now
make a strike roll with at least 6 dice. you’re trying to make up for it.
Trigger: Gain 1 charge die every time you
Compassion add at least 4 progress dice to a goal or
You care deeply about other people. You successfully achieve a goal.
put others first and feel their pain.
Trigger: Gain 2 charge dice every time one Self-Loathing
of your fellow PCs sustains a wound. You hate some part of yourself, but you
don’t necessarily have a death wish. You
Glory purposely put yourself in dangerous
You revel in victory and applause. Why do situations and revel in pain.
anything if you’re not getting praised? Trigger: Gain 3 charge dice for each
Trigger: Gain 1 charge die each time you wound that you take.
defeat a character, destroy a hazard, or
accomplish a goal.

Passions 17
6- Beyond Ghostfield
Things Have Changed Core is a raw force that feeds on life and
turns it into something utterly different.
When we last visited the world of Anima General Rameck created a new army of
Prime, the Kanissian Empire had occupied warped creatures, made from loyal
several smaller independent nations and fanatics as well as innocent people and
tribal regions. Rebels had united under animals subject to Chaos Core
the Enendian flag, an old regional alliance experimentation. He called it the Torrent.
of smaller principalities and nations His experiments with the Chaos Core also
revived by this outside occupation. The twisted Rameck, in body and in mind. He
Kanissian Empire had justified its invasion no longer seeks to lead the Empire; he
by the incurrence of strange creatures via yearns to corrupt everything.
an unstable rift to the Beyond in an area
known as Ghostfield (so named because The Torrent seemed unstoppable. Driven
Enendians used to think of the Beyonders by desperation, Empress Takea instructed
crossing over on occasions as spirits). her most powerful mages to perform the
one ritual that could stop the Torrent: the
The division between these two worlds ritual to bind death. But things went
was called the veil, and Kanissians were horribly wrong.
sending expeditionary forces through the
rift in the veil to the Beyond. They found a Six factions emerged from the ensuing
dimension of floating asteroids of varying chaos around the Ghostfield:
sizes, each with their own Core that
created localized gravity and repelled The Enendian Coalition, formed by
each other, keeping an equilibrium. The surviving rebel factions of Enendia, the
Kanissians started mining these Cores, as locus of the Ghostfield. The Coalition
their unique properties could be used for consists of a hodgepodge of those who
a variety of military and other purposes yet fight for freedom, from the ascetic
(such as hovering and flying vehicles). practitioners of the Flowing Stream to
Kanissian turncoats to the various non-
However, the Kanissian Empire was far human cultures such as the Tigerfolk and
from unified. Empress Takea’s uncle and the Muroid. Freedom fighters from other
leader of the Expeditionary Force, General regions continue to join the cause, driven
Rameck, had his eyes set on usurping the by their own fights against the Empire,
throne. When he found the Chaos Core the Torrent, or the Legion.
hidden away in a corrupted region of the
Beyond, everything changed. The Chaos

18 Beyond Ghostfield
The Kanissian Empire, which took There are occasional rumors of creatures
extreme measures in an attempt to who break free from the Chaos Core’s
ensure their survival. Ruled by Takea, the domination and use their warped powers
Forever Queen – made immortal at the to fight against the spreading corruption.
cost of the creation of the Legion – their
society glorifies war and despises every The Beyonders are semi-corporeal
notion of weakness. In order to create an creatures from a vast dimension of open
endless stream of recruits, the Empire has space with localized-gravity asteroids.
invaded other regions and imposed their They are as dangerous as they are
rigid military culture on them. They see ethereally beautiful. Their thought
themselves as the saviors of humanity and patterns are completely alien, and while
are willing to go to any lengths for this the Kanissians believe that they
purpose. purposefully set out to attack the human
world, others believe that the Beyonders
The Unending Legion is an army of the simply acted out of self-defense when the
undead led by the ex-archmages of gate to their dimension opened. Some
Empress Takea, who split from the empire even speculate that they were merely
after the ritual to bind death turned them trying to prevent anyone and anything
into immortal lich sorcerers. Their initial from freeing the Chaos Core. Some
host was a large portion of the Kanissian Beyonders have the ability to temporarily
Court that had been turned into ghouls, or permanently merge with corporeal
zombies, and other undying creatures . creatures (such as humans or Tigerfolk),
There are also vampire lords and ladies though why they would choose to do so is
and other powerful undead carving out one of their mysteries.
their own little fiefdoms. The Legion does
not have to try hard to grow their The Clockworkers are comprised of a vast
numbers; they recruit from the dead and force of steambots and mechanized
living alike. Still, there are competing infantry led by a few ingenious clockwork
factions even among the unliving, and inventors who are trying to preserve
many of them yet have souls and the science and progress in the midst of the
ability to stand against evil. raging chaos, as well as establish
themselves as the rightful philosopher
The Torrent is a horde of mutated regents of all. They believe that the
creatures driven by an immoral force from current crisis was brought about by
the deep darkness Beyond known as the emotional irrationality, and they place all
Chaos Core. Each Torrent creature was their faith in cold-hearted logic and
once another kind of being, but is now a scientific progress. At the same time, they
twisted monster that knows only are historically each other's bitter rivals
perpetual hunger and bloodlust. The and are unlikely to unite for their cause.
torrential horde grows as more and more
creatures are corrupted and warped.

Beyond Ghostfield 19
7 - Backgrounds
Every character gets a Background. It either find a way to adapt, become more
usually represents the cultural training involved in a subculture that expresses
that the character received, which is different values (like Serene communes or
expressed through rituals, taught by Nomadic families), or move out of the
parents, codified into laws, and even community altogether.
baked into a region’s very language.
Similarly, there are Muroids, Humans, and
That said, cultures are never monolithic: others living with the Tigerfolk who fit
in every state, region, city, and so on, right into the mainstream Dominating
there are a multitude of groups and culture and adopt those values and traits.
subgroups. For example, while the
Tigerfolk community as a whole, with its When picking a Background, you should
language, gestures, ways of settling figure out whether your character was
conflicts, and so on generally expresses part of a comfortable cultural majority,
and reinforces the values of the grew up as an outsider, is fond of the
Dominating background, many Tigerfolks’ values they were taught or strives against
personalities don’t match up, and they them, and so on.

By picking this background, you the safety of those who cannot defend
determine that being a rebel shaped you themselves. About a third of all Enendian
more than being part of a traditional rebels are humans, while the rest are
cultural community.The Enendian Tigerfolk, Muroid, or other sentient
Coalition, a hodgepodge of resistance animalfolk.
fighters, is the prime example of this
Background. Maybe you grew up at a Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you
rebel camp or under the tutelage of a try to ally against a common foe, appeal
small rebel cell, or even just one personal to someone’s better nature, sabotage war
mentor, trained to fight for freedom and equipment, or stand your ground.

Extra Cost Effect

Add or remove a progress die from any side of any goal.
Subvert 0
If the goal is localized, you must be in its zone.

20 Backgrounds
You believe that strength and willpower Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
should settle disputes. The Tigerfolk are the trying to intimidate others, apply
largest culture that expresses these values. strength to an obstacle, chase
Maybe you grew up in one of their someone, or inspire others.
enclaves, though groups of this Background
exist pre�y much anywhere.

Reac�on Cost Effect

Once per round, when an enemy in your zone moves to
Hunt 0
an adjacent zone, you can move along.

The Muroid most commonly express this Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
Background, as they have mostly stayed out trying to sneak, climb, distract
of the chaos by hiding in tunnel systems, someone, hide, or escape.
ruins, catacombs, and so on. In addition,
survivors exist in solitude in the wilderness
as well as within subcultures among all
larger settlements of all peoples.

Extra Cost Effect

Remove a threat die from yourself. Op�onally, move
Scurry 0
into an adjacent zone.

Many cultures, as well as groups as small as Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
families, are fundamentally mobile. This is trying to impress strangers, resist
especially common among the tribal lands fatigue or harsh conditions, engage
north of Enendia, which have been invaded in a competitive event, or interact
by the Unending Legion. Several of those with working animals (including
tribes still remain, fighting off the undead mounts).
and surviving as best they can.

Extra Cost Effect

Grandstand 0 Gain a threat die. Then Gain 2D: 1-2 None, 3-6 SD.

Backgrounds 21
You practice kindness, temperance, and Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
humility, but also believe in courage to trying to calm others, focus,
stand against those that would hurt the perceive truth or hidden things and
innocent. The monastic order of the meanings, endure stress, or tend to
Flowing Stream is one of the larger plants or animals, or other living
communities expressing this Background. creatures.

Extra Cost Effect

Safeguard 0 Remove one threat die from an ally in your zone.

You might be an undead creature, you Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
(openly or secretly) grew up among them, trying to interact with or predict the
within the Unending Legion or a smaller actions of undead, resist fear,
enclave of independent undead, or you suddenly appear or disappear, scare
otherwise had a fascination with the cycle or unsettle others with dark
of life and death, birth and decay. You feel prophecies, or help or interfere in
most at home when it’s cold and dark. sorcerous rituals.

Reac�on Cost Effect

Whenever a condi�on would be inflicted upon you, you
Abnormal 0 can choose to roll a die. On a 5 or 6, you do not gain
that condi�on.

Maybe you grew up among the energy- Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
bodied Beyonders, are the fusion of a trying to navigate difficult or alien
Beyonder and a corporeal creature, or just territory, glide through the air, move
never really fit in with the world around in unpredictable ways, or converse
you. What seems logical or obvious to you with Beyonders, Torrent creatures,
often seems strange to other folks. or those cast out from society.

Extra Cost Effect

Glide 0 Move into an adjacent zone or stay in the Air zone.
Using this ability allows you to avoid crashing down from the Air zone. It does not allow you
to enter the Air zone (you're gliding, not flying).

22 Backgrounds
Maybe you were raised as a prodigy by Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
clockwork engineers, are one of their trying to stay detached or
creations, have clockwork parts (such as a unaffected, interact produc�vely
mechanical heart), or your extreme with machines, discern patterns, or
rationality has always set you apart from do something requiring incredible
everyone around you. You have a soul, even precision or timing.
if your emotions or their expression don’t
always align with what others expect.

Extra Cost Effect

Analysis 0 Add a threat die to one enemy in your zone.

You have committed a vile act in your past, Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you are
and you’re searching for redemption. You trying to help the meek, question
sought out Old Hundred Eyes and donned a authority, gather information,
mask from the Pillar of Souls, which is prevent the kind of act you’re guilty
unremovable but will shatter the moment of, or take on someone else’s
you find your karmic debt repaid (which is burden.
en�rely up to your judgment).

Extra Cost Effect

In Harm’s Way 0 Gain 3 threat dice and 1 charge die.

You were raised as a savior of humanity Skills: Gain a skill die to tests when you
(most likely in the Kanissian Empire), a follow through on someone else’s
soldier taught to see compassion and plan, display ruthlessness, socially
mercy as weaknesses that could lead to interact with soldiers or other
the eradication of all human life. But militants, or act against the
you’ve started to doubt your upbringing innocent or weak for the greater
and are seeking a better way. good.

Extra Cost Effect

Ask a fellow PC what to do this turn. If you generally
Follow Orders 0
follow what they say, gain a bonus die to that ac�on.

Backgrounds 23
8 - Professions
When you choose a profession, you gain There are two axes for advancement:
the training and stats shown in the green speed and completion. First, the speed:
box. Whenever you advance, you gain the
ability or upgrade from a box linked to • Slow: gain one advance at the start of
one you already have unlocked. Each box each session a�er the first.
can only be unlocked once. Following a • Moderate: gain one advance a�er
link to a specialization or mastery gives each conflict.
you access to a new advancement grid,
where you start in a new green box (you • Fast: gain three advances a�er each
retain all your previous stats and abilities). conflict.
The completion requirement is either:
For example, take a look at the Martialist
profession. You start in the green box on • Par�al: you can unlock a Specializa�on
the left, gaining Martialist Training, or Mastery when you reach it.
Defense 5, 2 Action Dice, and 2 Wound
• Full: you can only unlock a
Circles. Your first advance will either
Specializa�on or Mastery a�er you
unlock the Direct Attack ability (following
the link to the right) or raise your Defense have unlocked all other boxes.
by one (following the link below). Your game’s choice of speed and
completion should be based on how many
At the end of the grid, you gain a sessions you intend to play. You can use
Specialization from one of two available Fast�Partial one- or two-shots to quickly
categories, which will provide you with a try out different character builds and
new advancement grid. That one, in turn, introduce new players to the game. For a
will lead to a choice of Mastery grids. standard campaign, I recommend
Moderate�Full. If you have two or three
The categories of Specializations allow conflicts per session, you could reach full
some crossover. For example, both the Mastery after about a dozen sessions.
Martialist and the Healer can choose a
Specialization from the Bravery category. On the other hand, if you’re planning on
This means that two characters could having a long campaign, you should go
become Ascetics even though they started with Slow�Full, which will last you for
from different approaches (and will have approximately 30 sessions.
different stats and Profession abilities).
This allows for a variety of character You can always adjust advancement to
builds and combinations. suit your needs during a campaign.

24 Professions
9 - Enemies
Enemy Types Swarms don’t provide extra targets for
abilities with multiple targets. But when a
Enemies are ranked to make it easier to swarm is targeted by an ability that affects
create appropriate encounters for the their entire zone (Target: area or all), the
PCs. It's also a bit of JRPG flavor. ability’s dice against them are multiplied by
the number of wound circles that the
Ra�ng Appropriate for swarm has remaining. This only multiplies
D One PC at the start of their the dice from the ability itself, not from
Profession boosts or other added dice. For example, an
C One PC at the start of their ability with Roll: 3D+1 and Target: area
Specializa�on against a swarm with 3 wound circles
remaining would actually count as Roll:
B One PC at the start of their
A One PC at full Mastery In addition, Strikes with Target: area or all
S Two or more PCs at full Mastery can inflict multiple wounds on a swarm if
the resulting successes (from all dice plus
There are three different types of enemies: the modifier) are multiples of the swarm’s
characters, squads, and swarms. The main Defense. In the previous example, if the
way in which they are treated differently is 9D+1 roll, plus a few strike and boost dice,
when they are targeted by abilities that resulted in 11 successes, and the swarm’s
allow for multiple targets or that affect Defense was 4, it would take two wound
whole areas (zones). circles of damage (one more success and it
would have wiped out the swarm with a
Individuals work just like PCs: they each single attack). The swarm still loses all
count as a separate target. threat dice on them whenever they take
one or more wounds.
Squads provide two targets. Any ability that
only allows for one target, or that targets an When a swarm is attacked with an area
area (Target: area or all), functions normally Strike that also has a damage type to which
against squads. But if a PC can choose the swarm is vulnerable, the multiplier for
additional targets, they can attack the same the Roll dice is increased by one rather than
squad twice in a row (but no more than doubled. In the previous example, if the
twice). The first strike is resolved fully and damage type was Frost and the swarm was
separately before the second one, and vulnerable to it, the Roll would be increased
therefore the second strike can use threat to 12D+1.
dice inflicted on the target with the first.

Enemies 25
Damage Types Example Enemies
Several enemies either inflict a particular The following is a list of example enemies,
kind of damage, or are resistant or sorted by which faction they belong to.
vulnerable to certain types. The possible Enemies are easy to make or modify,
types of damage are as follows: especially given that they all have access to
the basic abilities, which don’t need to be
• Physical
• Energy
Each enemy has a stat block showing their
• Fire
Name, Type, Wound Circles, Defense,
• Frost Action Dice, and Rank. It also lists any
special abilities they have in addition to the
• Electric
basic ones.
• Toxic
• Acidic
• Necro�c

As a reminder, resistance requires the

attacker to discard the rating’s worth of
dice from their strike roll before making it,
while weaknesses double the dice granted
by the Strike ability (but not the modifier,
strike dice, or boost dice).

26 Enemies
Kanissian Empire
The Kanissians rule over their empire with an iron fist. Anyone standing up for freedom and
compassion is going to get into conflict with them, as they see those traits as weaknesses to
be rooted out.

Footsoldiers (Swarm)
Firing Line 3 3 0 D

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Firing Line 3 CD area 1 4 2D Physical

Skirmishers (Swarm)
Harass 2 5 0 D

Extra Cost Effect

Harass 0 Add two threat dice to each enemy in your zone.

Shock Troops (Squad)

Direct Shot 3 6 4 C

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Direct Shot 1 CD 1 0-1 4 2D+1 Physical

Expeditionary Corps (Squad)

Resistance: Physical 1, Explosives 2 8 6 C

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Explosives 2 CD area 1 4 3D Physical

Enemies 27
Steam Armor Officer (Individual)
Resistance: Physical 2, Minigun, 3 10 4 B
Flamethrower, Weakness: Electric.

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Minigun 2 CD 3 1 4 3D+2 Physical

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Flamethrower 2 CD area 0 6 5D Physical

Unending Legion

The Legion has succeeded in their original mission: they have made themselves immune to the
corrupting influence of the Chaos Core that drives the Torrent. However, in the process, they
have turned themselves into something completely unnatural. The Legion broke away from the
Kanissian Empire, with the liches that once were Takea's archmages establishing themselves as
a council of scheming equals. While they control the largest number of undead, there are
plenty of fallout creatures who don't obey their commands.

Skeleton Warriors (Swarm) 4 4 0 D

Skeleton Archers (Squad)

Can use Basic Strike at Range 0-1 2 6 0 D

Walking Corpses (Swarm)

Resistance: Physical 1, Surround, 2 5 0 D
Vulnerable: Fire

Extra Cost Effect

Add threat dice to one target in your zone in the
0 or number of wound circles you have le�. Op�onally,
1 CD spend a charge die to inflict the Immobilized condi�on
on that target.

28 Enemies
Toxic Ghoul (Individual)
Resistance: Physical 1, Poison Breath, 2 6 0 D
Vulnerable: Energy.

Power Cost Effect

Inflict the Poisoned condi�on on all enemies in your
Poison Breath 2 CD

Lykhora (Swarm)
Fly, Grab & Drop 3 5 0 D

Extra Cost Effect

Move into the Air zone, move from the Air zone to an
Fly 0
adjacent zone, or remain in the Air zone.

Power Cost Effect

If you move into the Air zone a�er using this power,
Grab & Drop 2 CD
move one enemy character from your zone with you.

Old Ghoul (Individual)

Resistance: Physical 1,
Vulnerable: Energy. Inflicts necrotic 2 8 4 C
damage with Basic Strike

Bonecaster (Individual)
Doomfinger, Channeling 4 5 0 C

Power Cost Effect

Doomfinger 2 CD Inflict Doomed condi�on on an enemy in your zone.

Maneuver Cost Roll Gain

Channeling 1 CD 5D 1-2 None, 3-6 CD

Enemies 29
Giant Skeleton (Individual)
Resistance: Physical 1 2 12 0 C

Nightlord (Individual)
Drain 2 12 8 B

Power Cost Effect

Move up to 4 threat dice from yourself to an enemy in

your zone. Spend an addi�onal charge die to
Drain 2 CD
immediately take a Basic Strike ac�on against that

The Clockworkers are ingenious inventors and each other's bitter rivals, fighting both each
other and any of the other factions (and innocent folks) getting in their way. They primarily
rely on their steambots and mechanized infantry to control their territories and keep their
workshops and laboraties safe.

Spiderbots (Swarm)
Vulnerable: Electric 5 3 0 D

Steambot Guardians (Squad)

Resistance: Physical 1, 3 8 0 C
Vulnerable: Electric.

Steambot Dreadnought (Individual)

Resistances: Physical 3/Fire 2/
Frost 2/Necrotic 5, Smash, 2 15 4 B
Vulnerable: Electric

Strike Cost Targets Range SDL Roll Damage

Smash 3 CD 1 0 6 5D+4 Physical

30 Enemies
10 - Hazards
There are things that have an effect on a or charge dice. The GM can choose the
conflict but aren't really characters. These order in which hazards activate. The default
can range from traps to wildfires to action, as you can see above, is a Strike with
automated turrets, but also allies or two dice in its own zone.
posi�ve influences.
By default, Hazards don’t use existing threat
A hazard has the following defaults: dice on a target. This means they are o�en
unable to deal a finishing blow. Instead,
• Counts as an individual for targe�ng
they add danger to an existing conflict. But
a hazard with the “Finisher” keyword will
• One wound circle (hazards can never use the threat dice already on the target
have more than one) when this would lead to a roll of at least
twice as many dice as the target’s defense.
• Defense 4
• Ac�on: Strike 2D When a hazard Strikes against one or more
targets, the GM should select the targets if
• One target for its ac�on
there’s a good fictional reason for doing so,
• Range 0 or randomly choose them if not. Sometimes
it makes sense for a hazard to attack the
• Damage: Physical
same target every turn after it’s selected
• No use of threat dice that are already one, other times it might be randomized
on the target each time.

A listing for a specific hazard (or one the You can represent allies of the PCs as
GM makes up) can override these defaults hazards as well. If they manage to free
by listing a different defense, more targets some prisoners via an achievement who
(including “area” to affect every enemy in a then fight by their side, for example, create
particular zone or “all” to affect all enemies a default hazard to represent them and aim
and allies in the zone), a different range, or their strike at the enemy. That way the PCs
a different damage type (like Fire or get the help of an extra two-dice strike
Electricity). every turn. They might even use goals to
turn hazards against their enemies.
Each hazard has exactly one action that it
performs each turn, and it does so when all
other characters are done taking their
turns. It does not have access to any of the
basic abili�es and never uses ac�on, strike,

Hazards 31
Example 1: Gun Turret, action: Strike 3D, Example 3: Toxic Waste Containers,
Range 1. This gun turret (which has the Defense 7, action: inflict Poisoned, Target:
default of one wound circle, Target 1, and all. This hazard does not use Strikes or add
Defense 4, because it didn’t list overrides threat dice directly. Instead, anyone who’s
for those values) will attack a single target in the same zone as the Toxic Waste
at range 1 with three dice (instead of the Containers during the hazard turn will
default of two). It won’t use any threat dice automa�cally gain the Poisoned condition.
that are already on the target, so it will If they already have that condition, nothing
simply roll three dice and add between zero further happens.
and three threat dice to the target. If there
are no eligible targets (all enemies are
either 2 or more zones away, or in the same
zone as the turret), it will skip its turn.

Example 2: Burning Inferno, Defense 15,

action: Strike 5D, Target: all, Damage: Fire,
Finisher. It’s really hard to put out this fire
directly (with a Defense of 15), though
maybe there’s an associated goal that
would be easier. It will strike against all
targets (PCs and enemies) in its zone (the
default range of 0), as its flames burn
everyone indiscriminately. It might add
threat dice on targets to its rolls (for
example, if a target with Defense 6 already
has 7 or more threat dice on it, the Burning
Inferno will add these to its strike, because
then it will roll 12 or more dice, double the
target’s defense). That said, anyone with
Resistance: Fire will be somewhat protected
(the Burning Inferno will take this reduction
in dice into account before deciding
whether to use the threat dice from the

32 Hazards
11 - Eidolons
Some characters can summon eidolons eidolon does not have access to any action,
from Beyond. These help the character in a strike, or charge dice (its own or its
conflict and disappear at the end of it. For owner's), and they can’t be affected by
the most part, they function like hazards: abilities that specifically target “characters”.
they have one wound circle, a listed
defense rating, and an action they can A summoner can dismiss a summoned
perform each round. Usually that action is a eidolon at any time without taking an
strike with a listed number of dice and a action. Summoned eidolons are
damage type. The defaults are the same as automa�cally dismissed at the conclusion of
for hazards (see previous chapter). a conflict.

Summoners have a limit to the number of When an eidolon is defeated or dismissed,

eidolons that they can have summoned at it will be unavailable (it can't be summoned
the same time, as specified by the again in a conflict) un�l the summoner
Summoning ability they are using. All refreshes it with a character scene benefit.
eidolons move with their summoner unless During character scenes, characters can
otherwise noted. summon and interact with their eidolons
freely (for roleplaying purposes).
Eidolons do not act without being activated
by their summoner. Like hazards, the

List of Eidolons


A cacophony of sounds and melodies fills the air as a colorful circle appears and the shaleya
flies out of it, making a few loops and turns before it se�les down. It is an eight-foot snake with
six rainbow-colored wings and 2 pairs of bird legs. Shaleya are usually very friendly, but also
fiercely protec�ve of those they care about.

Shaleya (Individual)
Resistance: Energy 2, Vulnerable: Physical 1 4 D
Action: Strike 2D, Range 1, Damage: Energy.

Eidolons 33

A cold wind breezes through the area, followed by a fur ball rolling into sight and around the
summoner. The kyanet unfolds from it, looking like a very young, 3-foot tall polar bear, with
thick white fur and a wide bushy tail. Its home dimension is incredibly cold, but their internal
heat allows the kyanet to survive. They are faster and climb be�er than their appearance

Kyanet (Individual)
Resistance: Frost 2, Vulnerable: Fire 1 4 D
Action: Strike 3D, Range 0, Damage: Physical.

Inkots are a collec�on of �ny black demonic beasts that burst individually from the ground
when they are summoned. They are covered in retractable spikes and bounce around all the
�me, which makes them hard to hit.

Inkots (Swarm)
Vulnerable: Necrotic 1 6 D
Action: Strike 2D, Range 0, Damage: Physical.

34 Eidolons
12 - Conditions
Character Condi�ons Immobilized

The following is a list of the common This character can't move or be moved
conditions in the game. Conditions last out of their current zone. Remove at the
until they are removed, either by Powers end of this character's turn.
or through the mechanism described by
the condition. Poisoned
At the beginning of this character's turn,
There are additional conditions inflicted
roll a die. On a 1, remove this condi�on.
by specific character Powers. Those are
On any other result, the character gains 1
described within those Powers.
threat die.

Whenever an ability would remove threat
This condi�on adds 1 bonus die to the
dice from this character, the threat dice
character’s maneuvers.
remain in place (but other effects of the
ability s�ll occur, and inflicted wounds s�ll
remove threat). Shielded
This condi�on adds 2 points to the
Doomed character’s defense.
At the beginning of this character's turn,
they gain 2 threat dice. Slowed
The character has to discard 1 die showing
Empowered a success from any maneuver roll (that is,
one die of their choice that would have
This condi�on adds 1 bonus die to the
earned them a strike or charge die).
character’s strikes.

The character has to discard 1 die showing
The cost of all abili�es of this character is
a success from any strike roll.
increased by 1, except those that cost 0
(which remain free).

Conditions 35

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