Molecular Pathogenesis
Molecular Pathogenesis
Molecular Pathogenesis
Early Events in the Molecular Pathogenesis of
Lung Cancer
Humam Kadara1,2, Paul Scheet2,3, Ignacio I. Wistuba1, and Avrum E. Spira4
The majority of cancer-related deaths in the United States and that underlie lung cancer development and that would constitute
worldwide are attributed to lung cancer. There are more than markers and targets for early detection and prevention. This review
90 million smokers in the United States who represent a signif- summarizes the state of knowledge of human lung cancer path-
icant population at elevated risk for lung malignancy. In other ogenesis and the molecular pathology of premalignant lung
epithelial tumors, it has been shown that if neoplastic lesions lesions, with a focus on the molecular premalignant field that
Figure 1.
Premalignant airway fields in the molecular pathogenesis of lung cancer. A, smoking induces widespread molecular alterations, such as gene expression
changes (small red circles), in exposed epithelia throughout the respiratory tract. This airway field of injury has been described in smokers with or
without lung cancer and is highly relevant for the identification of markers for minimally invasive and early detection of lung cancer. B, the adjacent airway
field of cancerization represents the field in normal-appearing airways adjacent to lung tumors. It has been suggested that in this adjacent field of
cancerization, there is closer molecular genealogy between lung cancers and airways that are in closest proximity to the tumors compared with
airways that are more distant from the tumors [illustrated in the figure by the decreased number of red circles (i.e., aberrations) in airways with
greater spatial distance from the tumor]. C, the progression of the molecular airway field of injury to preneoplasia and lung malignancy is still not clear.
Understanding molecular changes involved in the development of the airway field of injury and changes mediating progression of this field to lung
preneoplasia would enable the identification of early markers for lung cancer detection and chemoprevention.
even harmful, results (6, 17). Additionally, early discovery and genome-wide changes in lung premalignant phases as potential
diagnosis of lung cancers is still suboptimal (5). These limita- means to identify new markers that can guide strategies for early
tions are largely attributed to the scarcity of reliable molecular detection and prevention of lung cancer.
targets (e.g., genomic loci or genes) on which to assess the
efficacy of agents in clinical trials (6, 16, 17) and markers for
early detection of lesions (5, 18). Identification of these mar- Lung Cancer Pathogenesis
kers and targets is thought to heavily rest on comprehending Multistep tumorigenesis, in which tumors develop through a
early lung oncogenesis. In spite of this urgency, we still do not series of progressive pathologic changes (preneoplastic or pre-
know the molecular mechanisms by which the airway field of cursor lesions) with corresponding genetic and epigenetic aber-
injury evolves to a lung cancer (Fig. 1C) and we are unable to rations, has been demonstrated in various organs, including the
identify the individuals at higher risk (e.g., heavy smokers) who skin, lung, and colon (19–23). Hyperplasia, squamous meta-
are more likely to develop these lesions. Further and in par- plasia, squamous dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ (CIS) com-
ticular, we still have no effective means to predict which prise changes in the large airways that precede or accompany
premalignant lesions will go on to progress to malignant lung invasive LUSC (10, 12, 13). Dysplastic squamous lesions them-
cancer and, if so, how we can prevent or block this process. selves are typically categorized by different intensities—mild,
Here, we review the current state of knowledge of the molecular moderate and severe—based on a continuum of cytologic and
pathology of lung preneoplasia and oncogenesis. The review also histologic atypical changes (10, 12, 13). The sequential pre-
describes the airway field of injury phenomenon and how molec- neoplastic pathologic and molecular changes associated with
ular alterations in this epithelial field are relevant to the biology of LUSCs point to a multistage manner in the development of this
lung cancer and to early detection and prevention of the disease. lung cancer subtype from the respiratory mucosa (22). On the
We will also consider new approaches to better understand other hand, studies have suggested that the accumulation of
molecular abnormalities beyond a certain threshold, rather There are shared molecular alterations between LUADs and
than the sequence of alterations, is the basis for development AAHs and they provide further evidence that AAHs represent
of the malignant phenotype (14). For example, sequential preneoplastic lesions in the course of LUAD pathogenesis (46).
premalignant changes have been poorly documented for Previous studies have reported that 30% to 40% of AAHs
LUADs, neuroendocrine tumors, and SCLCs. Atypical adeno- display KRAS (codon 12) mutations (25). In addition, EGFR
matous hyperplasia (AAH) is the only sequence of morpho- mutations are shared at similar frequencies between AAHs,
logic change identified so far for the development of invasive AIS lesions, and LUADs, particularly in sequence of lesions
LUADs (12, 13, 24, 25). Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuro- preceding development of the TRU subtype of LUADs (11). It is
endocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH), a rare lesion worthy to note that EGFR mutations were detected in adjacent
that includes local extraluminal proliferation in the form of normal-appearing peripheral respiratory epithelium in 43% of
tumorlets, is considered to be the precursor lesion for neuro- EGFR-mutant LUAD but not in patients wild-type for the
endocrine carcinoids of the lung (26). Notably, there are no oncogene (44), suggesting that there may be different cells of
known preneoplastic lesions for the most common type of origin (bronchiolar epithelium and AT2 cells) for EGFR-mutant
neuroendocrine lung tumors, SCLCs. Increasing our under- LUADs. Other molecular aberrations that were identified
standing of early events in lung cancer pathogenesis would in AAHs include overexpression of Cyclin D1, survivin, and
allow us to better pinpoint the manner (multistep vs. linear) in ERBB2 oncoproteins (24, 47, 48), loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH)
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Early Molecular Events in Lung Cancer Pathogenesis
frequencies that increase with histopathologic progression and colleagues provides important clues into early mecha-
(24% in squamous metaplasia and 50% in CIS; ref. 63). Vas- nisms of LUSC pathogenesis and potential biomarkers for
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms and VEGF chemoprevention. It is important to note that the findings were
receptors (VEGFR) have been found to be elevated in bronchial limited by a small number of LUSC patients (n ¼ 4; ref. 76),
squamous dysplastic lesions compared with normal bronchial thus warranting future studies with larger sample sizes. In
epithelia (64), supporting the notion that angiogenesis devel- addition, similar studies that comprise orthogonal (e.g., DNA
ops early in lung carcinogenesis and that these abnormalities sequencing) analyses will allow the identification of drivers in
provide a rationale for the development of targeted antiangio- the development of squamous preinvasive lesions and in their
genic chemoprevention strategies. Further, angiogenic squa- progression to malignant lung tumors.
mous dysplasias (ASD), a subset of squamous dysplasias,
exhibit vascular budding in the subepithelial tissues with SCLC pathogenesis
elevated microvessel density pointing to an architectural rear- To date, there is no phenotypically identifiable preneoplastic
rangement of the capillary microvasculature (65). Additionally, lesion for SCLC. Compared with NSCLC, very little is known
the presence of this lesion in high-risk smokers suggests that about early events in the molecular pathogenesis of SCLC. A
aberrant patterns of microvascularization may occur at an early study assessing LOH at several chromosomal sites and micro-
stage of bronchial carcinogenesis (65, 66). Besides altered satellite instability in histologically normal and hyperplastic
aberrant gene expression, LOH) that precede and thus inform were associated with clinical response as measured by regres-
of the onset of primary lung cancer (15, 90–95). Because sion of the dysplastic lesion (104). More recently, Shaykhiev
airways of smokers invariably exhibit some degree of inflam- and colleagues demonstrated that airway basal cells in healthy
mation and inflammatory-related damage, the field of injury in smokers undergo reprogramming toward an embryonic stem
the lung may also be explained by both direct effect of tobacco cell–like phenotype and postulated that this process represents
carcinogens and initiation of the inflammatory response, and an early event in the development of lung carcinomas in
this concept has been extensively reviewed elsewhere (15). smokers (105). It is worthwhile to mention that expression
Various studies have suggested that adjacent normal-appear- profiling studies also demonstrated widespread extent of
ing airway epithelia exhibit molecular alterations that are spread of the molecular field of injury, revealing common
characteristic of the nearby lung tumor, an effect referred to alterations in bronchial, nasal, and buccal epithelia of smokers
by our group and others as the molecular and adjacent airway (106). Also, 119 genes were found to be modulated similarly by
field of cancerization (14, 96, 97). As mentioned before, smoking in both bronchial and nasal epithelium (107),
detailed analysis of histologically normal, premalignant, and although the bronchial and nasal compartments also exhibited
malignant epithelia from LUSC patients revealed that multiple, notable differences in gene expression.
sequentially occurring allelic imbalance events such as LOH Field carcinogenesis has also been shown to comprise aber-
commence in clonally independent foci early in the multistage rant modulation of microRNAs (miRNA; ref. 108). Global
522 Cancer Prev Res; 9(7) July 2016 Cancer Prevention Research
Early Molecular Events in Lung Cancer Pathogenesis
activation of therapeutically pliable signaling pathways, thus similar studies in premalignant lung tissues have been very
creating an opportunity for the development of early targeted limited.
chemoprevention strategies. Beane and colleagues interrogated the transcriptome of air-
The above studies in field carcinogenesis hold the potential way epithelia from a small number of smokers with and
to directly impact clinical care by providing novel strategies without lung cancer by RNA-seq (120). This study identified
for early detection and diagnosis (7). Although bronchoscopy markers and operative signaling cues, in the airway field of
is routinely used as an initial diagnostic tool in smokers with injury, that appear pertinent to lung oncogenesis (120). More
a suspicious lesion found on chest imaging, it is frequently recently, using deep-sequencing technology, Perdomo and col-
non-diagnostic, often resulting in additional invasive testing, leagues identified a novel lineage-specific miRNA, miR-4423,
including surgical lung biopsy even when the lesion is benign that is primarily expressed in normal airway epithelium (110).
(113, 114). In order to address this clinical unmet need, Following RNA-seq, the study then demonstrated that miR-
Whiteny and colleagues extended the initial observations of 4423 regulated airway epithelial cell differentiation in vitro and
a cancer-specific gene-expression signature in the mainstem suppressed features of the lung malignant phenotype in vitro
bronchus (94) by developing a 17-gene classifier, derived from and in vivo (110). Recently and as described above, RNA-seq
bronchial epithelial cells collected during bronchoscopy, able was used to interrogate genes that are differentially expressed
to discern current or former smokers with lung cancer from between paired normal epithelia, preinvasion squamous
Identification of subtle alterations in lung premalignancy subtle events of allelic imbalance in the adjacent normal-
Airway epithelia with field carcinogenesis or premalignant appearing airway that are also present in the nearby NSCLC
lesions present unique challenges when profiling their molecular as well as within different multiregion intratumoral biopsies
changes via standard genomic technologies. These technologies within the same early-stage NSCLC tumor. Applying these
were originally designed for scenarios of higher purity of the sensitive methods to infer the order of somatic events should
targeted tissue, or at least more balanced contributions of com- lend valuable insights into studies of field carcinogenesis and
ponents of interest, i.e., the cells of the premalignant lesion preneoplasia and offer windows into the earliest genomic
harboring somatic mutation (129, 130). When the proportion changes associated with lung cancer pathogenesis and, thus,
of aberrant cells in the targeted tissue is low, analogous to low targets for chemoprevention.
tumor purities ("cellularity," or proportion of DNA harboring an
aberration), the task of identifying alterations becomes exceed- Concluding Remarks
ingly difficult. For the normal-appearing airway fields of injury/
Despite numerous efforts that have centered on characterizing
cancerization and preinvasive lesions, genomic alterations will
molecular profiles in lung cancer, this malignancy still accounts
certainly be subtle, and in some cases rare (within samples and
for the biggest fraction of cancer-related deaths in the United
across individuals).
States and worldwide (1, 2, 7). Despite encouraging findings from
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