Pneumonita ICI-related in NSCLC
Pneumonita ICI-related in NSCLC
Pneumonita ICI-related in NSCLC
Patterns of immunotherapy‑induced
pneumonitis in patients with non‑small‑cell
lung cancer: a case series
Sarah Picard1,2*† , Desiree Goh1,2†, Ashley Tan2,3, Nisha Sikotra3, Eli Gabbay4,5 and Tim Clay2,6,7
Background: Immunotherapy has become an efficacious option in the management of solid organ malignancies.
Immune-related adverse events including pneumonitis are well described and may be particularly of concern in
patients receiving immunotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer.
Case presentations: In this paper, we describe three cases of immunotherapy-induced pneumonitis occurring in
the management of lung malignancy. Our cases include a 54-year-old Caucasian woman with squamous cell lung
cancer who was successfully rechallenged with immunotherapy after prior significant pneumonitis, a 65-year-old
Caucasian man with metastatic squamous cell lung cancer who developed pneumonitis after multiple cycles of
uneventful immunotherapy, and a 73-year-old Caucasian man with squamous cell lung cancer who developed early-
onset pneumonitis with rebound on steroid taper.
Conclusions: This case series has provided further insight into the presentation and risk factors for pneumonitis in
patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Each of the cases of immunotherapy-induced pneumonitis illustrates the
different potential patterns that may arise when immunotherapy-induced pneumonitis develops. This case series
provides key learning points that may assist physicians managing non-small-cell lung cancer with immunotherapy.
Keywords: Pneumonitis, Immunotherapy, Malignancy, NSCLC, irAE
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Picard et al. J Med Case Reports (2021) 15:332 Page 2 of 9
Pneumonitis is defined as focal or diffuse inflamma- Case 1: key point—rechallenge with immunotherapy
tion of the lung parenchyma [5, 7–9]. Pneumonitis may after prior significant pneumonitis
present asymptomatically and be incidentally found on A 54-year-old Caucasian woman with T3N3M0 stage
computerized tomography (CT) scanning, or present IIIB squamous cell lung cancer was initially treated with
symptomatically with cough, dyspnea, fatigue, or chest induction chemotherapy (carboplatin/paclitaxel) fol-
pain or clinical findings of progressive hypoxemia and lowed by chemoradiotherapy (cisplatin/etoposide) with
respiratory failure [10–12]. Diagnosis is based on appro- curative intent. After 6 months, she relapsed in her pri-
priate history and suggestive radiological findings on CT mary tumor with increased fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
scanning. Definitive diagnosis requires a combination of uptake on her positron emission tomography (PET) scan.
bronchoalveolar lavage and/or a biopsy; however, these She was commenced on the PD-1 inhibitor nivolumab.
investigations are often impractical in an acutely unwell She had a prior history of localized cervical cancer, hypo-
individual [10–12]. Suggestive radiological features thyroidism, and a 6 pack-year smoking history. There
include ground glass opacities, interstitial reticulation, or were no other clear risk factors for pneumonitis. Follow-
cryptogenic organizing pneumonia-like changes [8-10, ing her first dose of nivolumab, she immediately expe-
12]. Pneumonitis caused by immunotherapy is graded rienced facial flushing, fever, myalgia, and night sweats.
using the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Nine days following commencement of nivolumab, she
Events (CTCAE) severity scale, which ranges from grade was admitted to hospital with dyspnea.
1, asymptomatic, through to grade 5, where death occurs On admission, her observations were oxygen satura-
[2] (Table 1). Initial treatment is often empiric. Treat- tion 80% on room air, heart rate 116 beats per minute,
ment options include supportive therapy alone, oral or and respiratory rate 20 breaths per minute. Her CT scan
intravenous corticosteroids, cessation of immunotherapy, showed extensive patchy ground-glass infiltrates bilater-
and, in refractory cases, the use of steroid-sparing agents ally (Fig. 2). She received supplemental oxygen via nasal
as part of prolonged immunosuppression with mycophe- prongs. She was commenced on intravenous methylpred-
nolate, infliximab, or cyclophosphamide [11, 13]. The nisolone 500 mg daily for 4 days followed by a prolonged
outcome of patients who develop pneumonitis can range taper on oral prednisolone over 3 weeks. She was con-
from complete resolution to death [12, 13]. currently treated with intravenous piperacillin–tazobac-
tam and oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for 6 days
Case presentations to cover for potential concurrent infection. During her
We present three separate cases of immunotherapy-asso- admission, other causes of pneumonitis were considered
ciated pneumonitis seen at our institution, each of which and excluded, and antibiotics ceased. The pneumonitis
we believe has important teaching points, in accordance was grade 3 as per the Common Terminology Criteria for
with the CARE reporting checklist (Fig. 1). Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5. Upon discharge, her
Table 1 CTCAE grading of pneumonitis with suggested management as per ESMO guidelines
Grade Clinical features Management
Case 1 Admission #1
Case 3 Admission #2
Case 2 Immunotherapy Case 2 Death
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Time (Months)
Case 3 Death
Case 2 Admission #1 Case 1 Death
Fig. 7 Case 2—CT chest lower lobes with deterioration of Fig. 8 Case 3—CT chest before immunotherapy commenced
pneumonitis despite treatment
Case 3: key points—early‑onset pneumonitis with rebound oncologist in clinic 3 weeks after discharge from hospi-
on steroid taper tal. Immunotherapy was not recommenced. A repeat
A 73-year-old Caucasian man with was diagnosed with CT scan showed marked resolution of the ground-glass
T3N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. He changes, and he had returned to his premorbid function
received treatment with chemoradiotherapy (weekly (Fig. 10).
carboplatin/paclitaxel) with curative intent. An early One week after clinic review, the patient was readmit-
FDG-PET scan showed partial response, and consolida- ted to hospital with increasing dyspnea and hemoptysis.
tion immunotherapy durvalumab, a PD-L1 inhibitor, He had been on corticosteroids for a period of 4 weeks
was commenced. He had a background of emphysema, and 4 days at this time. He was hypoxemic at 92% oxygen
cerebellar hematoma, cerebrovascular disease, coronary saturation on 4 L of oxygen per minute via nasal prongs,
artery disease, hyperlipidemia, and hypothyroidism. He
was an ex-smoker with a 75 pack-year history. The signif-
icant smoking history, emphysema, and recent radiother-
apy were considered as risk factors for the development
of pneumonitis. After consideration, treatment pro-
ceeded, given the clear survival benefits demonstrated in
the PACIFIC clinical trial [14]. Six days following the first
dose of durvalumab, he developed dyspnea and a produc-
tive cough.
The patient was admitted to hospital. His initial obser-
vations showed oxygen saturation was 96% on room air
with a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute, temper-
ature of 37 °C, and heart rate of 78 breaths per minute.
His CT scan of the chest showed diffuse peribronchial
ground-glass changes and a decrease in size of the lung
cancer (Figs. 8, 9). He was admitted for 6 days and com-
menced on oral prednisolone 100 mg with a weaning
regime and concurrent doxycycline for grade 3 pneumo-
nitis. The patient improved clinically, his observations
were within normal cardiorespiratory parameters, and he
Fig. 9 Case 3—CT chest after immunotherapy given revealing signs
was discharged on a prolonged steroid taper. The patient of pneumonitis, diffuse peribronchial ground-glass changes. There is
was reviewed by his respiratory physician and medical decrease in size of lung cancer
Picard et al. J Med Case Reports (2021) 15:332 Page 6 of 9
with the patient, given the uncertainty about the risk intravenous corticosteroids, cessation of immunotherapy,
of further episodes of irAEs on immunity rechal- and, in refractory cases, the use of immunosuppression
lenge. drugs including mycophenolate, infliximab, and cyclo-
phosphamide [11, 13]. Patients may require admission to
Nishinu et al. identified that pneumonitis more com- hospital and respiratory support in a high-dependency or
monly occurs in patients who have NSCLC 4.1% and intensive care unit. The outcome of patients who develop
renal cell carcinoma 4.1%, compared with patients with pneumonitis can range from complete resolution to
metastatic melanoma 1.6% [1]. Similarly, a meta-analysis relapse, palliation, or death and is dependent on a multi-
of 16 randomized controlled trials found that the low- tude of variables [12, 13]. The mainstay of therapy is cor-
est rates of pneumonitis were seen in patients treated ticosteroids; however, steroid-refractory cases challenge
for advanced melanoma (0.72%) and highest in patients clinicians’ decisions regarding the appropriate dose, tim-
treated for advanced NSCLC 4.7% [2]. Patients with ing, and route of administration [19]. Steroid-sparing
NSCLC are more likely to have underlying lung disease agents are often employed in the case of steroid refrac-
such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), toriness; however, there appears to be limited data on the
potentially increasing their susceptibility to pneumoni- efficacy of these treatments [11]. The length of treatment
tis and/or to developing higher-grade pneumonitis [12]. and weaning regime implemented can also be a chal-
A recent study by Suzuki et al. [15] indicates that lower lenge with rebound toxicity on withdrawal of steroids
lung static volumes such as with large thoracic tumors [19]. As per the European Society for Medical Oncology
are associated with higher pneumonitis risk post-immu- guidelines, prednisolone should be weaned over 6 weeks
notherapy [16]. A past or current smoking history may minimum in grade 2 pneumonitis or minimum 8 weeks
also be a risk factor for the development of severe pneu- in grade 3 or 4 pneumonitis to prevent rebound of pneu-
monitis. Whether this is due to smoking itself or due to monitis symptoms. However, despite a prolonged wean-
smoking-related lung diseases is unclear and perhaps dif- ing regime of immunosuppression following an episode
ficult to discern, with two studies showing smoking on of pneumonitis, pneumonitis may relapse without fur-
its own was not associated with an increased risk or inci- ther exposure to immunotherapy, with cases of chronic
dence of pneumonitis [17, 18]. immune checkpoint pneumonitis as described by Naidoo
Pneumonitis was demonstrated in this case series to et al. [21]. This highlights that the biological effects of
present at variable time frames following administra- immunotherapy can persist for a long time, and relapse
tion of immunotherapy. The onset of pneumonitis from may occur following a prolonged wean.
time of administration of immunotherapy can be vari- The clinical decision to rechallenge with immunother-
able, which can complicate and delay the diagnosis [19]. apy is difficult and needs to be considered on an indi-
In a study by Nishino et al., the median time to onset of vidual basis. Invariably, the use of immunotherapy agents
immunotherapy-induced pneumonitis was 2.6 months, is currently occurring in the setting of advanced disease
ranging from 0.5 to 11.5 months [13]. Pneumonitis where the goal of prolonged cancer control is associated
must be considered among the differential diagnosis for with improved survival. The mortality associated with
patients presenting with early clinical deterioration and the progression of cancer must be weighed up against
respiratory symptoms early in their treatment course. the potentially life-threatening irAEs, and this can be a
However, late onset of irAEs including pneumonitis can challenge for physicians with limited data available. The
occur more than 90 days after cessation of immunother- decision of whether to rechallenge with immunotherapy
apy [20]. Delaunay et al. [9] found that the time to onset following high-grade toxicity is challenging for clinicians
of pneumonitis was shorter in patients with NSCLC com- and patients. In general, it has been suggested that rede-
pared with melanoma, with a median time to onset of velopment of irAE after rechallenge is more common in
2.1 and 5.2 months, respectively. In the same study, they patients with higher-grade irAE (grade 3 or 4). Santini
found that the time to onset and severity of pneumonitis et al. [22] recommend avoiding rechallenging patients
appeared to have no correlation [9]. As pneumonitis has who required hospitalization for their initial irAE, as
a widely variable and unpredictable onset, pneumonitis the recurrence/new rate of irAE’s was up to 87% in these
must be carefully considered in the differential diagnosis patients. Interestingly, in a study of 93 patients who were
of any patient who has received immunotherapy present- rechallenged with immunotherapy for a range of different
ing with dyspnea, hypoxia, and/or cough, regardless of irAEs, the recurrence of new irAE was not more severe
the time of onset. than the original event [23].
Management of pneumonitis is based on the grade We believe that this case series has provided further
attributed by clinicians using the CTCAE definitions insight into the presentation and risk factors for pneu-
[19]. Treatment options include observation, oral or monitis in patients with NSCLC. Each of the cases of
Picard et al. J Med Case Reports (2021) 15:332 Page 8 of 9
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