A Review of Bayesian Machine Learning Principles, Methods, and Applications
A Review of Bayesian Machine Learning Principles, Methods, and Applications
A Review of Bayesian Machine Learning Principles, Methods, and Applications
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Bayesian machine learning is a subfield of modeling uncertainty and updating beliefs based on prior
machine learning that incorporates Bayesian principles knowledge and observed data. Unlike traditional machine
and probabilistic models into the learning process. It learning methods that focus on point estimates, Bayesian
provides a principled framework for modeling machine learning incorporates probability distributions over
uncertainty, making predictions, and updating beliefs model parameters and predictions, providing a more
based on observed data. This review article aims to comprehensive understanding of uncertainty. Bayesian
provide an overview of Bayesian machine learning, machine learning methods have applications in various
discussing its foundational concepts, algorithms, and domains, including classification, regression, clustering, and
applications. We explore key topics such as Bayesian reinforcement learning. They offer advantages such as
inference, probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian neural principled handling of uncertainty, flexible modeling, and the
networks, variational inference, Markov chain Monte ability to incorporate prior knowledge. However, they also
Carlo methods, and Bayesian optimization. Additionally, present challenges in terms of computational complexity and
we highlight the advantages and challenges of Bayesian scalability. Future research in Bayesian machine learning aims
machine learning, discuss its application in various to develop scalable algorithms, improve computational
domains, and identify future research directions. Deep efficiency, bridge the gap between Bayesian methods and deep
learning is a form of machine learning for nonlinear high learning, and address interpretability issues. Overall, Bayesian
dimensional pattern matching and prediction. By taking a machine learning provides a powerful framework for
Bayesian probabilistic perspective, we provide a number modeling uncertainty and making informed predictions in
of insights into more efficient algorithms for optimisation machine learning tasks.
and hyper-parameter tuning. Traditional high-
dimensional data reduction techniques, such as principal BAYESIAN networks are playing an important role in
component analysis (PCA), partial least squares (PLS), realworld intelligent systems dealing with uncertainty.
reduced rank regression (RRR), projection pursuit Recently, many systems have been constructed based on this
regression (PPR) are all shown to be shallow learners. paradigm in a variety of different application areas including
Their deep learning counterparts exploit multiple deep vision recognition; ship identification from radar image,
layers of data reduction which provide predictive medical diagnosis, trouble-shooting of complex devices, and
performance gains. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) time-critical decision support system, e.g., the Vista project
training optimisation and Dropout (DO) regularization developed by the joint effort between Johnson Space Center of
provide estimation and variable selection. Bayesian NASA and Rockwell Palo Alto Laboratory. Building a
regularization is central to finding weights and connections Bayesian network involves enormous time and effort of
in networks to optimize the predictive bias-variance trade- knowledge engineers and domain experts. It is inevitable that
off. To illustrate our methodology, we provide an analysis inaccuracies can occur during the construction of a Bayesian
of international bookings on Airbnb. Finally, we conclude network. For example, if knowledge is acquired from domain
with directions for future research. experts, miscommunication between the expert and the
network builder might result in errors in the network model.
Keyword:- Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial Similarly, if the network is being constructed from raw data,
Intelligence, Bayesian Hierarchical Models, Marginal the data set might be inadequate or inaccurate. Nevertheless,
Likelihood, Pattern Matching and Tensor flow. with sufficient engineering effort an adequate network model
can often be constructed. Such a network can be usefully
I. INTRODUCTION employed for conducting inference or reasoning about its
Bayesian machine learning is a branch of machine
learning that combines the principles of Bayesian inference
with computational models to make predictions and decisions.
It is based on the Bayesian framework, which allows for