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“Effect Of Social Media To The Behavioral

Aspect Of Selected Student In Pasay City West”

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Senior High School
Research in Daily Life

Submitted by:

Matias Laluces Aldrich

Morales S. Rain Justine
Adame Jr. Lysander
Centeno G. Laureanna Vanessa
Abanilla, Jairo Bautista

Submitted to:
Mrs. Roselyn Dela Peña

Table Of Content

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

Background of The Study ……………………………………………………………………..
Rationale for Choice of Methodology ………………………………………………………...
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………………
Scope and Delimitation of the Study………………………………………………………….
Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………………………
Review of Related Literature and Studies……………………………………………………...
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design………………………………………………………………………………..
Respondents of the Study………………………………………………………………………
Instrument of the Study………………………………………………………………………...
Validity and Reliability………………………………………………………………………...

Chapter 4

Presentation of data…………………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 5



Chapter I environment or anywhere the person found
him/herself as a result of the use of mobile phones,
IPads, tablets, laptops and other internet services.
Reasonable attention has been given to the
Introduction negative side of social networking sites; such as
cyberbullying, parent-child interactions, internet
`Today, the world is embracing the addiction, and the influence of social media use on
advancements incommunication technology which sleep disturbance and academic performance
has reduced the limitations of communication (Suhail and Bargees, 2019).
through “Information and Communication
Technologies”, also known as ICTs. Modern The effect of social media on students'
Technology has turned the world into a behavior is a complex and multi-faceted issue, with
“globalvillage”. But like a coin, technology has both positive and negative effects. On the one
both its negative and positive sides. Technology hand, social media can be a valuable tool for
helps people to be informed and updated with communication, collaboration, and learning,
current phenomena and world development. It allowing students to connect with peers and access
exposes mankind to a more simpleand efficient educational resources. On the other hand, excessive
way of doing things. The various social networking use of social media can lead to a range of negative
sites include:Twitter, Skype, Yahoo, and outcomes, including decreased academic
Facebook. These social networking sites performance, poor mental health, and risky
arecommonly used to interact with old and new behavior.
friends, whether they are real oronline (Asemah &
Edegoh, 2018). By doing this studies on the social media
effect on behavior is important for understanding
the effect of these platforms on individuals and
This research will find out what these social society, as well as for identifying ways in which
media are. What are their use in the lives of the we can promote positive behaviors and mitigate
students and their implications on their potential negative effects. The goal of this research
behavior.The Researcher will be conducting a is to address the effect and implications of social
Study on Pasay City West with the participants of media on the Pasay City West Students especially
grade 11 Humss Student in the year of (2023). By those students who are using these medium and the
conducting studies on the social media effect on consequences of that use on their behaviour.
behavior, researchers can identify these potential
negative effects and work to develop strategies to Background of The Study
mitigate them.social media platforms have become
a ubiquitous aspect of modern life, with billions of Social media platforms have become a
people using them worldwide. As social media use ubiquitous aspect of modern life, with billions of
has become increasingly common in daily life, people using them worldwide. The digital
used by billions of people on a regular basis. consumption has drastically changed with the
invasion of social media in all walks of our lives.
Businesses and academics have been intrigued with
This research examines the issues of the the wide application of social media and the way it
relation between social media and its effect on has transformed our lives.
behaviour change of the youth. Today, messages
can reach audiences and target groups in real time The speed of Internet has changed the way
and they can generate changes and tendencies. people receive the information. Many people, who
Crowds are becoming more powerful through have access to the Internet at school, home and at
technology, because technology has the ability to work place use the Internet for no other purpose
unite them.Individuals behaviour is seen as the than to send and to receive the mail. It‘s not just
response or reaction of how an individual behaves friends and co-workers that are receiving email.
and develop his/her relationship in the school
Wherever you look, the web is providing email important for understanding the effect of these
addresses. This has made communication between platforms on individuals and society, as well as for
the strangers easier than ever. Social media can identifying ways in which we can promote positive
improve students' social skills by allowing them to behaviors and mitigate potential negative effects.
connect with people from different backgrounds,
share their thoughts, and collaborate with others on Statement Of the Problem
projects. However, over-reliance on social media
for communication can also hinder their ability to The study aims to find out the effect that
interact with others in person. Social media can social media has on Pasay City West
expose students to privacy risks, such as identity student’s behavior.
theft, cyber stalking, and online harassment.
Students need to be aware of the potential risks and The following research questions guided the study:
take necessary precautions to protect their online
privacy. Social media has been linked to a range of 1. To what extent does the use of social media
potential negative effects on behavior, such as influence the behavior of selected students?
addiction, anxiety, depression, cyberbully, and the
spread of misinformation. 2. What are the effects of social media on the
behavior of selected students?
` It is therefore the aim of this study is to
establish the effect that these social media has on 3. How does the negative impact of social media
the young individual‘s behavioral change and by usage affect the behavior of selected students, and
conducting studies on the social media effect on how do they cope with it?
behavior, researchers can identify these potential
negative effects and work to develop strategies to
mitigate them.social media platforms have become Scope and Delimitation
a ubiquitous aspect of modern life, with billions of
people using them worldwide. As such, `The researcher will be conducting a
understanding the effect that social media has on research on Pasay City West with the participants
behavior is crucial, as it can have significant of grade 11 Humss in the year of (2023). The
implications for individuals, organizations, and researcher will concentrate on the responses to the
society as a whole. offered questions from the chosen sections and
participants, and so on our own experiences. It will
Rationale for Choice of Methodology also focus on the replies to the provided questions
from the selected parts and participants, as well as
The rationale of the methodology for our own experiences.
studying the effect of social media on the behavior
of students is to use rigorous and systematic The study sought to find out the effects in
research methods to answer research questions and social media on student behavior change in Pasay
test hypotheses. This study allowed the researcher City West. While the study recognize individuals
to gather data directly from the students in their other than Pasay City West Student and as much as
natural environment for the purpose of studying it limited itself to only students. Will only focus on
their attitudes, views and comments about their day Pasay City West High school respondents.The
to day interactions with social media. This research researcher will explain to them that the study is
is to address the effect and implications of social purely for academic purposes and not motivated by
media on the Pasay City West Student's especially any other interests whatsoever. The study will used
those students who are using these medium and the a quantitative methods, A methodological
consequences of that use on their behaviour. This preference for qualitative research.
study will try to find out the effect that social
media has on the youth‘s behaviour.Conducting
studies on the social media effect on behavior is Significance of the study
provide flexibility in communicating and sharing
The purpose of this study is to get precise of resources. This new approach to consuming and
data about the effect of social media to the creating information is in particular attractive to
behavioral aspects of selected students in Pasay youths as a platform and space for activities not
City West High School. possible in the face-to-face context. However,
excessive use of social media tools by Senior High
Students. Every student's life revolves School students has led to debate over whether or
around social media in some way. Social media not it has changed the very shape and structure of
frequently makes it simpler and more convenient to students’ social behavior and academic practices,
get information, share information, and and has thus caused leading educators to redefine
communicate. Tutors and students can connect their understanding of interpersonal
with one another and utilize these platforms communication and study dynamics.
effectively for the purposes of studying and
teaching. Social media has turned into an essential
element of individuals’ lives including students in
Society. Social media is very beneficial for today’s world of communication. Its use is growing
society. It has helped individuals connect and build significantly more than ever before especially in
relationships with not just people you know but the post-pandemic era, marked by a great
other people. revolution happening to the educational systems.
Recent investigations of using social media show
Teacher/s. This study might help the that approximately 3 billion individuals worldwide
teacher to guide their students about using social are now communicating via social media (Iwamoto
media. They might give their students an advise for and Chun, 2020).
the advantage and disadvantage pf social media
influence. This growing population of social media
users is spending more and more time on social
Future Researchers. may use this work as network groupings, as facts and figures show that
a guide for their own research. Additionally, this individuals spend 2 h a day, on average, on a
can be used to gain a deeper comprehension of this variety of social media applications, exchanging
subject. pictures and messages, updating status, tweeting,
favoring, and commenting on many updated
Chapter II socially shared information. Information and
communication technology has changed rapidly
Review of Related Literature and Studies over the past 20 years, with a key development
being the emergence of social media. The aim of
Social media has changed not only our this study is to examine whether the use of the
powers of thinking, but today governs our behavior internet and social media has led people to be more
and social conducts as well.Today, technology has concerned about themselves than former
created new styles of communication for us, which generations. The potential consequences of mental
is social media, social media made a huge effect on and emotional distress among different age groups
people's daily lives. Social media has brought are analyzed
together people with common interests and
expanded the horizon of ideas around the world. In the ’20s, social media took over
(Pishu Jain, 2018) communication with Dozens of Mobile
applications and desktop applications which make
Social media has become pervasive, life easy for Everyone. In-home, Every single
effecting the social fabric of our society and person has Cells, Laptops, and other devices to
changing the nature of social relationships. It has engage themselves in social media platforms but
revolutionized the way we communicate, interact seriously none of them know about how is social
and socialize. New technologies help facilitate and media changing relationships and behavior.

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the Social media has been shown to be linked
negative effects of social media as they are still in to increased feelings of anxiety upon excessive use.
their developmental years.By the age of 17, Teenagers faced the brunt of this effect by being
approximately 75% of teens already have at least one of the most likely age groups to suffer from
one active social media account, and over two- anxiety caused by browsing and lingering on social
thirds of teenagers have a mobile device they media platforms.Studies have shown that social
personally own that has access to the media is correlated to increased feelings of
Internet.According to the University of Nevada depression among its users. This trend is especially
School of Medicine, teenagers aren’t sporadic in visible in adolescents, highlighted by another study
their use of social media either, with 50% of teens that connects increased screen time among
aged 13 to 17 visiting online platforms multiple teenagers with a higher risk of depression and
times a day. Teenage girls spend over 140 minutes suicide.
per day online, and teens, on average, can reach a
staggering 70 minutes of online time daily Lin, L. Y., et al. (2016) - This study found a
significant association between social media use
A 2019 study published in the European and depression among young adults. It revealed
Journal of Communication analyzed how various that higher social media use was linked to
life changes and circumstances could affect social increased depressive symptoms. The constant
media use in daily life. Researchers discovered that exposure to idealized portrayals on social media,
the most significant change in both the course of social comparison, cyberbullying, and fear of
one’s life as well as their social media usage habits missing out may contribute to the negative impact
came from having children.The Pew Research on well-being.
Center found that in 2021, a rapidly growing 81%
of adults in the United States use YouTube on a Shakya, H. B., & Christakis, N. A. (2017) -
regular basis, and Facebook continued to remain Conducting a longitudinal study, the researchers
one of the most widely-used platforms with a usage discovered that increased Facebook use was
rate of 69%. Among young adults under the age of associated with declines in well-being over time.
30, Instagram, Snap chat, and TikTok were most The study highlighted that the more individuals
widely used. used Facebook, the more their life satisfaction and
mental health declined. This suggests that
excessive engagement with Facebook can have a
Social Media and Well- being negative influence on overall well-being.

As prevalent as social media is today, it’s Hunt, M. G., et al. (2018) - Investigating
responsible for exacerbating mental health the relationship between social media use and
problems and directly affecting the quality of real- mental health, this study found that limiting social
life social relationships in a negative way. Social media decreased feelings of loneliness and
media can evoke feelings of envy that lead to depression. By reducing social media consumption,
depression and anxiety in individuals, potentially individuals experienced improvements in their
causing a downward spiral in psychological well- well-being. This suggests that excessive use of
being. In his 2021 Protecting Youth Mental Health social media platforms may have a detrimental
advisory, the U.S. Surgeon General warned the effect on mental health and overall well-being.
American public of a mental health crises among
young adults caused in part by their overuse of Odgers, C. L., et al. (2018).This
social media. He cited several studies about the longitudinal study examined the association
harms of social media, many of which “argue that between adolescent social media use and mental
digital technologies can lead to depression, anxiety, health in early adulthood. The findings suggested
and self-harm. that higher social media use during adolescence
was associated with increased risk of mental health

issues in early adulthood, highlighting the potential and that individuals with a secondary level of
long-term impact on well-being. education are more likely to be affected.

Houghton, S., et al. (2018).This study Kross, E., et al. (2018) - This study found
investigated the relationship between social media that increased Facebook use was associated with
affective usage and depression symptoms. The decreased well-being and life satisfaction,
findings revealed that individuals who reported potentially due to reduced face-to-face social
using social media to manage their emotions and interactions. Students who spent more time on
seek validation were more likely to experience social media platforms may exhibit behaviors
depression symptoms. This highlights the indicative of decreased social engagement and
importance of considering the emotional changes in their social life. They may become
motivations behind social media use and their more focused on online interactions rather than
potential impact on well-being. building and maintaining meaningful relationships
offline, which can lead to feelings of isolation and
Vannucci, A., et al. (2019). Examining the a decline in their overall social well-being.
association between social media use and body
image dissatisfaction among adolescents, this study Blease, C. (2018) - This research explored
found that higher social media use was linked to the impact of social media on interpersonal
increased body image dissatisfaction. The constant relationships among college students. The findings
exposure to idealized body images on social media indicated that excessive social media use was
platforms may contribute to negative self- associated with decreased intimacy and closeness
perception and well-being concerns. in friendships. Students who heavily relied on
social media for communication may exhibit
Vogel, E. A., et al. (2019). This research behaviors indicative of reduced social
investigated the relationship between passive social contentedness and changes in their social life. They
media use (e.g., scrolling, observing) and may struggle to develop deep, meaningful
psychological well-being. The findings indicated relationships as online interactions may lack the
that passive social media use was associated with emotional depth and nonverbal cues present in
increased depressive symptoms and decreased face-to-face interactions.
well-being. Engaging in more active and
purposeful interactions on social media platforms Dhir, A., et al. (2018) - This study
may be more beneficial for well-being. examined the association between social media use
and loneliness among young adults. The results
Social Media and Social suggested that higher levels of social media use
were linked to increased feelings of loneliness and
A publication in the European Scientific decreased social contentedness. Students who spent
Journal found that approximately 88% of people more time on social media platforms may display
engage in making some type of social comparison behaviors indicative of social isolation and changes
on Facebook, showing a direct link between social in their social life. They may experience a sense of
media use and lower self-esteem.A study from the disconnectedness from their peers and have
University of Pennsylvania found that Facebook, difficulty establishing meaningful connections,
Snapchat, and Instagram use can have negative leading to a decline in their social well-being.
effects on a person’s well-being and can increase
feelings of loneliness and depression. Similarly, a Nesi, J., et al. (2018) - This research
2020 study from BMC Psychology discovered investigated the relationship between social media
several interesting data points regarding “social use and social competence among adolescents. The
media disorder” and its relationship to loneliness. findings revealed that excessive social media use
Researchers found that females are more likely to was associated with decreased social competence
experience loneliness from social media than males and poorer social skills. Students who heavily
relied on social media for social interactions may

exhibit behaviors indicative of reduced social with social media platforms may exhibit behaviors
confidence and changes in their social life. They indicative of a sense of being left out and changes
may struggle with face-to-face communication, in their social life.
problem-solving, and navigating social situations,
leading to challenges in forming and maintaining Vannucci, A., et al. (2017) - This research
healthy relationships. explored the association between social media use
and social anxiety among college students. The
Rosen, L. D., et al. (2019) - This study results suggested that higher levels of social media
examined the impact of social media use on use were linked to increased social anxiety.
adolescents' social well-being. The findings Students who spent more time on social media
indicated that higher levels of social media use platforms may exhibit behaviors indicative of
were associated with increased social anxiety and heightened social apprehension and changes in
decreased social skills. Students who engaged their social life.
extensively in social media activities may display
behaviors indicative of social difficulties and DE Vries, D. A., et al. (2018) - This study
changes in their social life. Excessive social media investigated the impact of social media use on
use may contribute to comparing oneself to others, adolescents' online and offline social integration.
fear of missing out, and self-presentation concerns, The findings indicated that higher levels of social
which can lead to heightened social anxiety and media use were associated with decreased offline
difficulties in face-to-face interactions. social integration, including reduced involvement
in real-life social activities and decreased face-to-
Liu, Q., et al. (2018) - This study examined face contact with friends. Students who heavily
the relationship between social media use and relied on social media for social interactions may
social capital among college students. The findings exhibit behaviors indicative of decreased
indicated that higher levels of social media use engagement in offline social experiences and
were associated with decreased social capital, changes in their social life.
including reduced levels of trust, reciprocity, and
social support. Students who spent more time on Social Media and Family
social media platforms may exhibit behaviors
indicative of decreased social connectedness and Studies have shown that as parents increase
changes in their social life. screen time, so do children. Screen time in these
studies included smartphones, television,
Lee, R. L., & Robbins, L. B. (2018) - This computers, and video games. Children mimic what
research investigated the impact of social media they are taught, and when parents use electronics
use on adolescent social behaviors and peer while sitting at a playground with their children,
relationships. The results suggested that excessive the children were found to more likely to engage in
social media use was linked to increased risky behaviors.In other family-effect of social
cyberbullying perpetration and victimization, as media studies, it was found that when a parent
well as decreased peer acceptance. Students who arrived home from work and their children were
engaged more in social media activities may immersed in technology that the parent was greeted
display behaviors indicative of negative social 30% of the time, and was ignored 50% of the time.
interactions and changes in their social life. And when children who spent a significant amount
of time on social network sites stated they felt less
Frison, E., & Eggermont, S. (2017) - This supported by their parents.Studies have shown that
study examined the relationship between social there is a link between depression and increased
media use and feelings of social exclusion among social media usage, and adolescents are most likely
adolescents. The findings revealed that higher to become affected by it, which in turn, affects
levels of social media use were associated with their family relationships.
increased feelings of exclusion and decreased
social well-being. Students who extensively engage

Liu, M., & Li, R. (2020) - This study higher levels of social media addiction were
examined the impact of social media use on family associated with lower levels of family cohesion
communication patterns among adolescents. The and communication. Students who exhibited
findings suggested that excessive social media use addictive social media behaviors reported reduced
was associated with decreased face-to-face family interactions and communication with family
interactions. Students who spent more time on members, potentially leading to disrupted family
social media platforms reported reduced dynamics and strained relationships.
engagement in family conversations, leading to
potential disruptions in family dynamics and Kross, E., et al. (2018) - This study
decreased quality of family relationships. examined the effects of Facebook use on subjective
well-being and social relationships. The findings
Uhls, Y. T., et al. (2019) - This research indicated that passive Facebook use (e.g., browsing
explored the influence of social media use on without actively engaging) was associated with
parent-child relationships. The findings revealed decreased well-being and decreased feelings of
that high levels of social media use were associated connection with others, including family members.
with decreased parent-child bonding and decreased Students who engaged passively on social media
communication quality. Excessive use of social platforms may have reduced opportunities for
media by students can lead to reduced meaningful family interactions and limited their
opportunities for meaningful interactions with behavior in terms of actively seeking family
family members, affecting their behavior in terms connection and engagement.
of engagement, openness, and connection with
their families. Van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., et al. (2020) -
This research explored the impact of social media
Steers, M.-L. N., et al. (2017) - This study use on parent-adolescent relationships and family
investigated the impact of social media use on functioning. The findings suggested that excessive
family cohesion and conflict. The results indicated social media use was associated with decreased
that excessive social media use was associated with parent-adolescent relationship quality, reduced
increased family conflict and decreased family family cohesion, and increased family conflict.
cohesion. Students who spent more time on social Students who spent more time on social media
media platforms reported higher levels of conflict platforms reported less communication with their
with family members, which could affect their parents and decreased participation in family
behavior in terms of communication patterns, activities, potentially affecting their behavior in
emotional support, and overall family satisfaction. terms of their level of involvement and interaction
within the family.
Mesch, G. S. (2018) - This research
examined the relationship between social media Valkenburg, P. M., et al. (2017) - This
use and parent-adolescent relationship quality. The study examined the effects of social media use on
findings revealed that excessive social media use parent-child relationships and family functioning.
was associated with decreased parent-adolescent The findings revealed that high levels of social
closeness and increased parent-adolescent conflict. media use were associated with decreased parent-
Students who spent more time on social media child communication, reduced parental mediation
reported reduced interactions with their parents, of online activities, and increased parent-
potentially leading to less emotional support, adolescent conflict. Students who engaged
limited bonding opportunities, and strained family extensively in social media reported decreased
relationships. interaction and connection with their parents,
which could impact their behavior in terms of
seeking support, sharing experiences, and engaging
Kircaburun, K., et al. (2019) - This research in meaningful discussions with family members.
investigated the impact of social media addiction
on family functioning. The findings revealed that

Coyne, S. M., et al. (2017) - This study use were associated with decreased family
examined the association between adolescents' connectedness. Students who spent more time on
social media use and parent-adolescent relationship social media reported reduced opportunities for
quality. The findings revealed that higher levels of family interactions, decreased shared activities, and
social media use were linked to decreased parent- lower perceptions of family support and
adolescent relationship quality. Students who spent understanding.
more time on social media reported lower levels of
parental knowledge, increased conflict with
parents, and reduced overall satisfaction with the Ryan, T., & Xenos, S. (2017)They
parent-child relationship. examined the association between social media use
and individuals' narcissism. The results revealed
Moreno, M. A., et al. (2017) - This research that higher levels of social media use were linked
explored the relationship between social media use to increased narcissistic tendencies among
and family communication patterns among students. Students who engaged extensively in self-
adolescents. The findings indicated that social promotion and sought validation through social
media use, specifically texting and video chatting, media platforms displayed behaviors indicative of
facilitated more frequent and open communication narcissistic personality traits. Amichai-Hamburger,
between adolescents and their parents. Students Y., & Vinitzky, G. (2019) - This study investigated
who used social media platforms for the impact of social media use on individuals'
communication reported increased levels of family loneliness and social skills. The findings indicated
connectedness and enhanced family interactions. that excessive social media use was associated with
increased loneliness and reduced social skills
Yau, J. C., & Reich, S. M. (2018) - This among students. Students who relied heavily on
study examined the impact of social media use on online interactions may exhibit decreased face-to-
parent-child communication and relationship face social competence and decreased ability to
quality. The results indicated that frequent social form deep, meaningful relationships.
media use by parents and adolescents was
associated with increased parent-child Odgers, C. L., et al. (2018) - This research
communication about online experiences and examined the relationship between social media
improved overall relationship quality. Students use and adolescents' mental health and well-being.
who engaged in active discussions with their The findings suggested that high levels of social
parents about social media reported more positive media use were associated with increased risk of
family interactions and increased trust between developing depressive symptoms and decreased
family members. life satisfaction among students. These negative
effects on mental health could influence students'
Nesi, J., & Prinstein, M. J. (2018) - This behavior, such as withdrawal, decreased
research explored the association between social motivation, and changes in their personality traits.
media popularity and adolescents' relationship
quality with their parents. The findings suggested Kircaburun, K., & Griffiths, M. D. (2018) -
that higher social media popularity among students This study explored the association between social
was linked to decreased parent-adolescent media addiction and individuals' psychological
relationship quality. Students who were more well-being and personality traits. The results
popular on social media platforms reported lower indicated that social media addiction was linked to
levels of parent-adolescent communication and decreased psychological well-being and higher
reduced perceptions of parental support. levels of neuroticism and extraversion. Students
who exhibited addictive social media behaviors
Fraser, A. M., et al. (2017) - This study may display changes in their behavior, such as
investigated the impact of social media use on increased impulsivity, decreased emotional
family connectedness among adolescents. The stability, and reduced overall well-being.
results revealed that higher levels of social media

Laestadius, L. I., et al. (2017) - This study Odgers, C. L., et al. (2018) - This research
discovered that higher levels of social media use revealed that high levels of social media use were
were associated with increased body image associated with an increased risk of developing
concerns and dissatisfaction among adolescents. depressive symptoms and decreased life
Students who extensively engage with social media satisfaction among adolescents. These negative
platforms may exhibit behaviors related to negative effects on mental health could influence students'
body image and changes in personality traits such behavior, such as withdrawal, decreased
as self-consciousness and self-esteem. motivation, and changes in their personality traits.

Nesi, J., et al. (2018) - This research found Al-Menayes, J. (2018) - This study found
a positive association between social media use that higher levels of social media use were
and depressive symptoms among adolescents. associated with decreased self-esteem and life
Higher levels of social media use were linked to satisfaction among university students. Students
increased depressive symptoms. Students who who spent more time on social media platforms
spend more time on social media platforms may may exhibit behaviors indicative of low self-
exhibit behaviors indicative of depressive esteem and reduced life satisfaction.
tendencies and changes in personality traits such as
introversion and withdrawal. Elhai, J. D., et al. (2017) - This research
discovered a positive association between
Wang, P., et al. (2018) - This study problematic social media use and higher levels of
revealed that excessive social media use was anxiety among college students. Students who
associated with disrupted sleep patterns among engaged in problematic social media use may
college students, including shorter sleep duration display behaviors indicative of heightened anxiety
and irregular sleep schedules. Students who engage and changes in personality traits such as
in extensive social media use may display neuroticism.
behaviors indicative of sleep disturbances and
changes in personality traits such as irritability and
fatigue. Social Media and School Works

Shakya, H. B., & Christakis, N. A. (2017) - Kirschner, P. A., & Karpinski, A. C. (2010)
This research found that higher levels of social - This study explored the relationship between
media use were associated with decreased well- social media use and academic performance among
being, including lower life satisfaction and college students. The findings indicated a negative
increased depressive symptoms. Students who correlation between time spent on social media and
engage extensively in social media use may exhibit academic achievement. Excessive use of social
behaviors indicative of decreased well-being and media was associated with reduced study time,
changes in personality traits such as negative poor time management, and lower grades,
affectivity. suggesting that social media can have a detrimental
effect on students' behavior regarding their school
Liu, D., et al. (2019) - This study found work.
that higher levels of social media use were
associated with increased extraversion and Junco, R. (2015) - This research examined
decreased conscientiousness among college the impact of social media multitasking on
students. Students who engaged more in social students' academic performance. The findings
media activities may display behaviors indicative revealed that engaging in multiple social media
of extroversion and changes in their activities while studying led to lower academic
conscientiousness, such as decreased self- outcomes. Multitasking on social media platforms
discipline and organization. during school work was associated with
distractions, decreased focus, and reduced
productivity, negatively affecting students'

behavior in terms of their ability to concentrate and Seo, M., et al. (2018) - This research
perform well academically. examined the relationship between social media
use and self-regulated learning among college
Verduyn, P., et al. (2017) - This study students. The findings revealed that heavy social
investigated the relationship between passive social media users demonstrated lower levels of self-
media use (e.g., scrolling through feeds) and well- regulated learning behaviors, such as goal setting
being among college students. The results showed and planning. Excessive use of social media
that passive social media use was associated with platforms negatively impacted students' behavior
decreased well-being, including lower life regarding their ability to manage their time
satisfaction and increased depressive symptoms. effectively and engage in proactive study
These negative effects on students' well-being can strategies.
impact their behavior in terms of motivation,
concentration, and overall engagement with their Wang, Z., et al. (2018) - This study
school work. investigated the effect of social media use on
students' academic performance and psychological
Raths, R. (2017) - This research explored well-being. The results indicated that excessive
the influence of social media on students' study social media use was associated with poorer
habits and academic success. The findings academic performance and increased psychological
suggested that excessive social media use could distress among students. These negative effects on
lead to poor study habits, such as procrastination behavior could be attributed to the distraction, time
and reduced focus. Students who spent more time displacement, and negative social comparisons
on social media reported lower levels of academic often experienced on social media platforms.
success, indicating that social media can affect
students' behavior by diverting their attention away Marengo, D., et al. (2018) - This research
from school work. explored the impact of social media use on
students' reading and writing skills. The findings
Lee, S. J., et al. (2014) - This study suggested that frequent social media use was
examined the impact of social media use on college associated with lower levels of reading
students' academic engagement and achievement. comprehension and written expression. Students
The findings revealed that high levels of social who spent more time on social media exhibited
media use were associated with lower academic reduced attention span, limited vocabulary
engagement and performance. Students who spent development, and less practice in formal writing,
more time on social media reported lower levels of which negatively influenced their behavior
classroom participation, reduced time devoted to regarding academic reading and writing tasks.
studying, and decreased academic achievement,
suggesting that social media can influence students' Woods, H. C., & Scott, H. (2016) - This
behavior in terms of their level of engagement and study examined the relationship between social
dedication to their school work. media use and sleep patterns among college
students. The findings indicated that higher levels
of social media use were associated with poorer
Al-Menayes, J. J. (2017) - This study sleep quality and increased daytime sleepiness.
explored the impact of social media use on These negative effects on behavior can impact
students' academic performance. The findings students' school work by reducing their ability to
indicated that excessive social media use was concentrate, affecting cognitive function, and
associated with reduced study time, decreased contributing to fatigue during academic tasks.
concentration, and lower grades. Students who
spent more time on social media reported higher Lepp, A., et al. (2017) - This research
levels of academic procrastination and reduced investigated the impact of social media use on
engagement with their school work. students' academic success and well-being. The
results revealed that excessive social media use

was associated with lower academic performance procrastination. Students who spent more time on
and increased levels of anxiety and depression. social media reported higher levels of delaying
These negative effects on behavior could be academic tasks, leading to lower productivity and
attributed to the time-consuming nature of social poorer time management behaviors in relation to
media, leading to reduced study time, decreased their school work.
focus, and emotional disturbances that affect
students' engagement with their school work. There has been a growing concern over the past
couple of decades regarding social media usage
Junco, R. (2018) - This study examined the among senior secondary school students, and its
relationship between social media use and student influence on their life and education. Today’s
engagement in academic tasks. The findings younger generation is hooked on social media, and
indicated that moderate social media use, with this digital landscape has put increased pressure on
purposeful breaks, had a positive effect on teenagers. Formerly, communicating and free
students' behavior. Brief social media breaks sharing of thoughts between individuals was
during study sessions were associated with limited due to distances, but now even with the
increased engagement, reduced boredom, and barriers of nationality or religion, the flow of
improved cognitive performance, suggesting that information and knowledge is still continuing
controlled and strategic use of social media can through the new globalization of social media.
have beneficial effects on students' academic Social media refers to the means of interaction
behaviors. among individuals young and old where they
create, share, exchange, and comment within
Rafi, A., et al. (2020) - This research themselves using different networks at their
explored the influence of social media use on disposal. Oberiri and Greg (2017)
students' time management skills and academic
performance. The findings indicated that excessive Oberiri and Greg (2017) observed that
social media use was associated with poor time most utilized social networking site was Facebook
management behaviors, such as time wastage and hence only very few students use the sites for
increased distraction. Students who reported higher academic progress or development. While the most
social media use exhibited lower academic encountered problems are receiving unwanted
performance and compromised behaviors regarding comments, pictures, and videos, however, the idea
their ability to prioritize and allocate time of social media was to keep this global world more
effectively for their school work. connected, but it has done more than that, it has
become the fourth meal of the day for the
Odaci, H., & Çikrikci, Ö. (2019) - This younger generations.
study examined the impact of social media use on
students' attention and concentration in classroom Keles et al. (2020) provided a systematic
settings. The results revealed that students who review of the effect of social media on young and
engaged in high levels of social media use teenage students’ depression, psychological
experienced more difficulty in maintaining focus distress, and anxiety. They found that depression
during class activities. Excessive social media use acted as the most frequent affective variable
negatively affected students' behavior by impairing measured. The most salient risk factors of
their attention, reducing their ability to concentrate, psychological distress, anxiety, and depression
and leading to decreased academic performance. based on the systematic review were activities such
as repeated checking for messages, personal
Koc, M., & Gulyagci, S. (2018) - This investment, the time spent on social media, and
research explored the relationship between social problematic or addictive use.
media use and academic procrastination among
university students. The findings indicated that Mathewson (2020) investigated the effect
higher levels of social media use were associated of using social media on college students’ mental
with increased tendencies for academic health. The participants stated the experience of

anxiety, depression, and suicidality (thoughts of Many researchers agree that new forms of
suicide or attempts to suicide). The findings social media are likely to exacerbate this sort of
showed that the types and frequency of using social homogeneity and promote group isolation based on
media and the students’ perceived mental health one’s differing ideologies. One study that
were significantly correlated with each other. examined this process found that, “around 18% of
social network users have blocked, unfriended, or
This study explored the relationship hidden someone because they disagreed with what
between Facebook use, academic performance, and that person posted about politics” (Heatherly, Lu
class standing of college students. It found that and Lee 2017:1274).
excessive Facebook use was associated with lower
academic performance, potentially influencing Walsh (2017) noted that adolescents
students' behavior and study habits. (Junco, R., reported lower levels of self-worth after passively
2015). browsing social media sites like Facebook and
This research investigated the connections
between loneliness, problematic internet use, and Luna (2018) found that modern technology
addiction to social networking sites. It suggested use is detracting from moments we have in face-to-
that higher levels of loneliness were associated face interactions.
with problematic internet use and addictive
behaviors related to social media, potentially Participants with smartphones lying face
affecting students' behavior and emotional well- down at the table during a meal with a friend or
being. (Odaci, H., & Baruh, L., 2018) family member cited lower levels of enjoyment
and connectedness, along with higher levels of
boredom and distraction than those participants
Negative Effect of Social Media who put devices away (Luna, 2018).

Drakel et al. (2018) show that students are Ashford (2017) found that individuals may
more focused on social media when they are in the experience feelings of social isolation, de pression,
teaching and learning process, and when they are insecurity, jealousy, and poor self-esteem while
outside the classroom, there is almost no using social media. Some individuals develop
communication between students. cognitive distortions when comparing their lives to
other users’ content, which may lead to feelings of
While smartphones are bringing individuals sadness and depression.
closer, they are also, to some extent, pulling people
apart (Tonacci et al., 2019). For instance, they can Vernon et al. (2017) explored change in
lead to individuals ignoring others with whom they negative investment in social networking in
have close ties or physical interactions; this relation to change in depression and externalizing
situation normally occurs due to extreme behavior. These researchers found that increased
smartphone use (i.e., at the dinner table, in investment in social media predicted higher
meetings, at get-togethers and parties, and in other depression in adolescent students, which was a
daily activities). This act of ignoring others is function of the effect of higher levels of disrupted
called phubbing and is considered a common sleep.
phenomenon in communication activities
(Guazzini et al., 2019; Chatterjee, 2020). As described by Iwamoto and Chun (2020),
when students are affected by social media posts,
It increases some cyber threats, such as especially due to the increasing reliance on social
cyberbullying, which could be regarded as a media use in life, they may be encouraged to begin
societal concern (Abaido, 2020; Chan et al., 2020). comparing themselves to others or develop great
unrealistic expectations of themselves or others,
which can have several affective consequences.

students. - This study revealed a significant
Charoensukmongkol (2018) reckoned that association between excessive online activity
the mental health and well-being of the global (including social media use) and increased
population can be at a great risk through the depression and suicidal ideation among college
uncontrolled massive use of social media. These students, suggesting the potential negative impact
researchers also showed that social media sources of social media on students' mental health and
can exert negative affective impacts on teenagers, behavior. Lepp, A., et al. (2017). The relationship
as they can induce more envy and social between cell phone use, academic performance,
comparison anxiety, and satisfaction with life in college
students. - The research found that excessive cell
Barry et al. (2017) explored the phone use, including social media engagement,
associations between the use of social media by was negatively associated with academic
adolescents and their psychosocial adjustment. performance and life satisfaction while positively
Social media activity showed to be positively and associated with anxiety among college students.
moderately associated with depression and anxiety.
Liu, C., et al. (2017). Social media use and
Social media is not only addictive but can academic performance: A meta-analysis. - This
also lead to suicide and self-harm. Teenagers on meta-analysis indicated a negative correlation
the internet can do anything to receive attention. between social media use and academic
When youth see someone is getting attention by performance among students, suggesting that
doing self-harm activity, they copycat without a increased social media use may lead to decreased
second thought. They do it to show their bravery or academic outcomes and potentially affect students'
because of poor mental health.The situation behavior in terms of studying habits and
worsens when they start sharing suicide methods engagement in educational activities.
and encourage others to engage in suicidal
behavior. Researches and case studies show suicide Orben, A., et al. (2019). The association
is contagious and can spread through social between adolescent well-being and digital
networks. When a person notices the suicide technology use. - The study found a small negative
attempt or death, it stimulates that person’s risk of association between digital technology use
suicidal thoughts and attempts. (Vinay Prajapati, (including social media) and adolescent well-being,
2021) suggesting that excessive use of digital
technologies may contribute to negative changes in
Primack, B. A., et al. (2017). Social media behavior and well-being among students.
use and perceived social isolation among young
adults in the U.S. - This study found that higher Chou, H.-T. G., & Edge, N. (2012). "They
levels of social media use were associated with are happier and having better lives than I am": The
increased feelings of social isolation among young impact of using Facebook on perceptions of others'
adults, potentially leading to negative changes in lives. - This study highlighted the potential
their behavior and social interactions.Primack, B. negative impact of social media, specifically
A., et al. (2017). Social media use and perceived Facebook, on students' self-perception and
social isolation among young adults in the U.S. - behavior, as they may compare their own lives
This study found that higher levels of social media unfavorably to the seemingly perfect lives
use were associated with increased feelings of portrayed by others on social media.
social isolation among young adults, potentially
leading to negative changes in their behavior and Rosen, L. D., et al. (2017). The impact of
social interactions. screen time on children: A white paper. - This
literature review emphasized the negative effects of
Yang, F., et al. (2018). Examining the excessive screen time, including social media use,
longitudinal relationship between online activity, on children's behavior, such as decreased attention
depression, and suicidal ideation in college

spans, impaired social skills, and increased risk of students. This suggests that excessive use of
cyberbullying and online harassment. Facebook may lead to negative changes in
behavior and overall well-being, potentially
Duffy, E. L., et al. (2018). The association affecting students' self-perception and life
between problematic social media use, sleep satisfaction.
disturbance, and self-esteem in young adults. - This
study demonstrated that problematic social media Jelenchick, L. A., et al. (2013) - This
use was associated with sleep disturbance and systematic review focused on the association
lower self-esteem among young adults, potentially between Facebook use and depression and anxiety
affecting their behavior in terms of sleep patterns symptoms among adolescents. The findings
and self-perception. suggested that excessive use of Facebook may
contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety,
Frison, E., & Eggermont, S. (2017) - This potentially influencing students' behavior and
meta-analysis examined the relationship between emotional well-being. The curated highlight the
Facebook use and adolescents' well-being. The need for a balanced approach to social media use
findings revealed a small negative association among adolescents.
between Facebook use and well-being, suggesting
that excessive use of the platform may have Machackova, H., & Pfetsch, J. (2016) -
detrimental effects on students' behavior and This study examined the impact of cyberbullying
emotional health, potentially leading to decreased on the health-related quality of life of adolescents.
life satisfaction and increased psychological The results indicated that cyberbullying was
distress. associated with lower quality of life in emotional,
social, and physical aspects. Such negative
Reinecke, L., et al. (2017). The effects of experiences can affect students' behavior and
preexisting conditions on digital media use and the overall well-being, potentially leading to
impact of digital media use on psychological well- withdrawal, avoidance, or changes in their social
being: A diary study. - The research showed that interactions.
preexisting conditions, such as depression and
anxiety, can interact with social media use to Kircaburun, K., & Griffiths, M. D. (2018) -
exacerbate negative psychological outcomes This study investigated the association between
among students, potentially influencing their Instagram addiction, personality traits, and self-
behavior liking. The findings suggested that excessive
Instagram use may lead to addiction and negatively
Odgers, C. L., et al. (2018) - This study impact self-liking. This can potentially influence
investigated the association between adolescent students' behavior, self-perception, and overall
social media use and mental health symptoms. The mental well-being.
findings from three longitudinal studies indicated
that increased social media use was associated with De-Sola Gutiérrez, J., et al. (2016) - This
higher levels of mental health symptoms, such as literature review focused on the potential negative
depression and anxiety, among adolescents. These impact of social media on children's mental health.
findings suggest that social media use may impact It highlighted the increased risk of anxiety,
students' behavior and contribute to negative depression, and addictive behaviors associated with
psychological outcomes. excessive social media use. These negative effects
can influence students' behavior, emotional well-
Wolniczak, I., et al. (2019) - This cross- being, and overall psychological health.
sectional study examined the association between
Facebook addiction, self-esteem, and life Marchant, A., et al. (2017) - This study
satisfaction. The results showed a significant examined the relationship between Facebook
relationship between Facebook addiction, low self- intrusion, subjective vitality, and positive mental
esteem, and decreased life satisfaction among health. The findings suggested that excessive

Facebook use may lead to intrusion and decreased For those who have a hard time with eye
subjective vitality, which can have implications for contact or feel socially awkward, social media
students' behavior and overall mental well-being. networks allow them an opportunity to connect
Decreased vitality may impact motivation, with others in a format that may be more
engagement in activities, and social interactions. comfortable, helping them form an identity and be
more in control of other’s perceptions of them
Shakya, H. B., & Christakis, N. A. (2017) - (Shafer, 2017).
This longitudinal study investigated the association
between Facebook use and compromised well- Users can gain a greater sense of purpose of
being. The findings revealed that increased life, increased levels of happiness, improved
Facebook use was linked to lower life satisfaction mental health, and be provided with a sense that
and increased depressive symptoms over time. one is loved, cared for, listened to, supported and
These negative outcomes can potentially influence encouraged (Strickland, 2017).
students' behavior, mood, and overall well-being,
highlighting the need for mindful social media use. Social media platforms have the ability to
“raise awareness, connect with people across the
world, and share moments of beauty that can be
Positive Effects of Social Media empowering and uplifting” (Shafer, 2017, para. 7).

The increased use of social media platforms

such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Manca, S., & Ranieri, M. (2016) - This
Twitter, among others, may provide opportunities study investigated the role of social media in
for decreasing social isolation. For instance, the collaborative learning. It found that social media
improved interpersonal connectivity achieved via platforms provide opportunities for students to
videos and images on social media helps users engage in collaborative activities, share
evidence intimacy, attenuating social isolation knowledge, and communicate effectively. This
(Whaite et al., 2018). positive impact on students' behavior promotes
active participation, cooperation, and engagement
Various kinds of technology created by in academic tasks, fostering a sense of community
humans have a function to facilitate human life and enhancing their overall learning experience.
itself. Some use social media when they need
entertainment. Someone who has these feelings Junco, R., et al. (2017) - This research
usually uses social media to deal with the examined the influence of Twitter use on student
loneliness experienced due to a lack of direct engagement and grades. The findings revealed that
communication with others (Rosy 2018). incorporating Twitter into educational activities
encouraged students to actively participate in
Social media provides several ways to discussions, interact with peers, and seek
interact both with close ties, such as family, clarification. This positive effect on behavior
friends, and relatives, and weak ties, including resulted in increased engagement, better
coworkers, acquaintances, and strangers (Chen and understanding of course content, and improved
Li, 2017), and plays a key role among people of all academic performance.
ages as they exploit their sense of belonging in
different communities (Roberts and David, 2020). Hew, K. F., & Cheung, W. S. (2017) - This
study explored the effects of social media use on
It positively impacts students in providing students' academic performance. The findings
them with continuous connectivity with peers and suggested that strategic and purposeful integration
lecturers, increasing information exchange, access of social media in education positively impacted
to learning materials and support, and students' behavior. By leveraging social media
entertainment (Abbas et al., 2019) tools for learning, students demonstrated improved
study habits, increased collaboration, and enhanced

information sharing, leading to higher academic adolescents' well-being. The findings highlighted
achievement. that social media platforms provided opportunities
for emotional expression, social support, and
Kabilan, M. K., et al. (2012) - This research positive interpersonal connections. These positive
investigated the impact of social media use on experiences influenced students' behavior by
English language learning. It found that promoting positive communication, empathy, and a
incorporating social media platforms into language sense of belonging, which contributed to their
learning activities facilitated communication, overall well-being.
collaboration, and interaction among students. This
positive influence on behavior encouraged active Junco, R., et al. (2012) - This study
participation, motivated learners to practice examined the impact of social media use on civic
language skills, and fostered a supportive learning engagement among college students. The findings
environment, resulting in improved language indicated that social media platforms served as
proficiency. channels for students to express their opinions,
engage in civic activities, and participate in social
Junco, R., et al. (2015) - This study causes. This positive impact on behavior fostered
explored the influence of social media use on active citizenship, encouraged social responsibility,
students' sense of belonging in college. The and promoted students' involvement in their
findings revealed that social media platforms communities.
served as virtual spaces for students to connect,
share experiences, and form supportive Selwyn, N., et al. (2019) - This research
relationships. This positive impact on behavior explored the positive effects of social media use on
enhanced students' sense of community, educational engagement among students. The
encouraged engagement in campus life, and findings highlighted that social media platforms
promoted a feeling of belongingness, which is vital supported educational activities by facilitating
for their overall well-being and academic success. information sharing, collaboration, and resource
discovery. This positive influence on behavior
Burke, M., & Kraut, R. E. (2016) - This enhanced students' motivation, encouraged active
research examined the effects of Facebook use on participation, and improved learning outcomes,
well-being and social capital among college ultimately enriching their educational experience.
students. The findings indicated that active
engagement on Facebook, such as participating in
groups and connecting with classmates, positively Li, C., et al. (2017) - This study examined
influenced students' behavior. It enhanced their the impact of social media use on students'
social capital by expanding their networks, academic achievement and psychological well-
fostering supportive relationships, and promoting being. The findings indicated that moderate use of
positive social behaviors both online and offline. social media was associated with higher academic
performance and increased psychological well-
Dhir, A., et al. (2018) - This study being among students. This positive effect on
investigated the impact of social media use on self- behavior suggests that balanced social media
esteem and well-being among adolescents. The engagement can support students' academic
findings revealed that positive online experiences, success and mental health.
such as receiving social support and positive
feedback, were associated with higher self-esteem. Madge, C., et al. (2019) - This research
This positive effect on behavior boosted their explored the role of social media in facilitating
confidence, encouraged self-expression, and online learning communities among students. The
contributed to overall well-being. findings highlighted that social media platforms,
such as Twitter and Facebook groups, promoted
Lin, L. Y., et al. (2016) - This research collaborative learning, peer support, and
explored the positive effects of social media use on knowledge sharing. This positive influence on

behavior fostered active participation, enhanced Alhabash, S., et al. (2019) - This study
learning outcomes, and facilitated a sense of examined the relationship between social media
belonging in virtual learning environments. use and social capital among college students. The
results indicated that engaging in social media
Tsetsi, E., et al. (2018) - This study activities, such as connecting with friends and
investigated the effects of social media use on the participating in online communities, positively
interpersonal skills of college students. The results influenced students' behavior by expanding their
revealed that engaging in positive social social networks, fostering relationships, and
interactions on platforms like Facebook and promoting social support.
Instagram positively influenced students' behavior.
They reported improved communication skills, Vrieling-Teunter, E., et al. (2018) - This
increased empathy, and enhanced relationship- research explored the positive effects of social
building abilities as a result of their social media media use on students' self-regulated learning. The
use. findings revealed that social media platforms, such
as discussion forums and online communities,
Greenhow, C., & Askari, E. (2017) - This supported students' self-regulation processes,
research explored the role of social media in including goal setting, planning, and self-
supporting collaborative learning practices in reflection. This positive impact on behavior
higher education. The findings demonstrated that enhanced students' learning strategies, academic
platforms like Twitter and Facebook groups motivation, and overall self-directed learning
facilitated communication, knowledge sharing, and skills.
peer feedback. This positive impact on behavior
promoted active engagement, critical thinking, and Chao, C. (2019) - This study investigated
the development of collaborative skills among the impact of social media use on students'
students. creativity and critical thinking skills. The results
indicated that active engagement on social media
Sponcil, M., & Gitimu, P. (2017) - This platforms, such as blogging and content creation,
study examined the influence of social media use positively influenced students' behavior by
on students' civic engagement. The results promoting creative expression, fostering critical
indicated that social media platforms provided thinking abilities, and encouraging innovative
opportunities for students to participate in civic problem-solving approaches.
activities, express their opinions, and engage with
social issues. This positive effect on behavior Heiberger, G., & Harper, R. (2018) - This
encouraged active citizenship, increased political research examined the positive effects of social
awareness, and promoted students' involvement in media use on students' career development and
their communities. professional networking. The findings revealed that
leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn
Kuznekoff, J. H., et al. (2020) - This and Twitter supported students' behavior in terms
research investigated the impact of social media of career exploration, industry connections, and
use on students' communication skills and accessing job opportunities. Social media provided
academic performance. The findings revealed that a platform for students to showcase their skills,
social media engagement, particularly through build professional networks, and enhance their
platforms like Twitter, enhanced students' employ ability.
communication abilities, including writing and
critical thinking skills. This positive influence on
behavior contributed to improved academic Theoretical Framework.
performance and effective communication in
various contexts. Theories and evidences supporting this study are
described and can be proven useful to others trying
to study the Effect of Social Media to the Behavior.

or social media influences, and that they may be
The Uses and Gratification Theory reinforced through likes, comments, and other
forms of social validation. This theory suggests
Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) is an that students may use social media to construct and
approach to understanding why and how people reinforce their identities, and that they may
actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific compare themselves to others online, leading to
needs. The driving question of UGT is: Why do feelings of envy, anxiety, or low self-esteem.
people use media and what do they use them for?
UGT discusses how users deliberately choose Conceptual Framework
media that will satisfy given needs and allow one
to enhance knowledge, relaxation, 28 social The conceptual framework that was used in
interactions/companionship, diversion, or escape. It the study is the Input-Process-Output Model as
assumes that audience members are not passive shown in figure The (IPO) framework was used to
consumers of media. Rather, the audience has show the process of the effect of social media to
power over their media consumption and assumes the behavioral aspect of selected student in Pasay
an active role in interpreting and integrating media City West. In the IPO model, a process is viewed
into their own lives. as a series of boxes (processing elements)
connected by inputs and outputs. Information or
Technological Determinism Theory material objects flow through a series of tasks or
activities based on a set of rules or decision points.
Technological Determinism state that Flow charts and process diagrams are often used to
media technology shapes how we as individuals in represent the process. (Harris & Taylor, 1997).
a society think, feel, act, and how the society
operates as we move from one technological age to The system approach (Input-Pocess-Output
another (Tribal- Literate- Print- Electronic- Social system) was used in describing the conceptual
media).The theory explains that when new systems framework of the study. As shown in figure 1, the
of technology are developed, the culture or society input consist of some background profile of the
is immediately changed to reflect the senses respondents and theories that support the study of
needed to use the new technology. Social media the effect of social media to the Behavioral,
brought about by emerging technology requires namely the The Uses and Gratification Theory,
people to listen and engaged often. People then Social Learning Theory and the Technological
interpret the messages sent to them from social Determinism Theory. The next process is
media in their everyday life. The theory predicts gathering information and data through an
that with every new system of media technology, interview and after that the researchers will then
society will change and adapt to that technology. It analyze and interpret the data collected resulting to
explains that there is a simple cause and effect having an output of knowing different Behavioral
analysis between the introduction of new effect of Pasay City West Student of Humanities
technology and the changes in society's way of and Social Sciences (HUMSS).
thinking, feeling, acting, or believing.

Social Learning Theory

which posits that people learn behavior

through observation, imitation, and reinforcement.
In the context of social media and student
behavior, this theory suggests that students may
learn certain behaviors or attitudes from their peers


Profile of the Respondents in

terms of:

 Age  Data gathering Gathered different

 Gender through an perception of Pasay
 Educational level interview.
City West Students of
Social support for Social Humanities and Social
Media’s Behavioral Effect  Presentation
based on theoretical Analysis and Sciences (HUMSS) to
framework: Interpretation of the said issue which is
collected data Effect of Social Media
 Uses and Gratifications
Theory (UGT-
from the to the Behavior Of
interviews. selected Students.
- This theory may help explain
why students use social media
and how it affects their

 Social Learning Theory

-This theory suggests that
students may use social
media to construct and
reinforce their identities.

 Technological
Determinism Theory
- Technological Determinism
state that media technology
shapes how we as individuals
in a society think, feel, act.

Definition of Terms Media -In this study, it refers to an instrument of

communication, like the internet (while TV, radio.
Behavior- In this study, it means that the way in and newspapers are examples of more
which one acts or conducts oneself, especially traditional forms of media).
toward others
Senior High School (SHS)- In this study it refers
Effect- In this study, a change which is a result or to Grades 11 and 12,Student that has last two
consequence of an action or other cause. years of the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Social-In this study, Its an interacting with other questionnaire for the respondents. The surveys
people by sharing information with them and contains 20 questions in the survey obtaining data
receiving information from them. for each variable, variables are measured by asking
the questions with an open ended questions.
Chapter III
The intent of this section was to describe
the methodology dimensions that were proposed to The validity of research instrument is the extent to
be used to determine the effect of social media on which such an instrument is able to measure what
student’s behavior in Pasay City West. This it is supposed to measure. According to
chapter will therefore discuss the following: Researchers, validity is the accuracy and
research design, target population, and meaningfulness of inferences, which are based on
instruments. the research results. The content related technique
will measure the degree to which the question
items reflect the specific areas covered.
Research Design
The researcher proposed to use in the study
is the descriptive survey design to gather data
To test the reliability of research instruments used,
relating to the effect of social media on student’s
behavior in Pasay City West. The researcher test and re-test techniques will be used. The
proposes to use the descriptive survey design to
reliability of the questionnaire will be computed
gather data relating to the effect of social media
among the youth on behavior. A descriptive survey using SPSS.
aims at describing the distribution of a
phenomenon in a population and thereby
establishing the facts (percentages and Chapter IV
Presentation of data
Respondents of the Study Analysis
The population for this study would be
Senior High School students of Pasay City West Discuss
taking up the strand Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS). The researchers used cluster
sampling as their sampling technique because the
researcher can randomly select from HUMSS
student. With that, the researchers will randomly
pick 25 respondents from sub-groups of the
population who will answer the given

Instrument of the Study

The research instrument used by the

researchers is a survey questionnaire to easily
gather and determine the needed data and for the
researchers to accumulate the information
moderately and effectively.The researcher will be
using Google Formwas used to create the


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