Chapter 1 5
Chapter 1 5
Chapter 1 5
Donica G. Diamzon
Tiffany Gonzales
Jonna Lagera
In today’s generation a lot of teenagers are addicted to using social media platforms.
It’s like social media is an escape for them, wherein they can do such things like building
relationships and communicating with their loved ones. It might also become a habit for them
to use social media in their daily lives, because it gives them a huge happiness and contentment
Social media has evolved into a strong and beneficial instrument that allows
individuals in current culture to easily engage and associate with one another through the
internet. Nevertheless, social networking seems to have a nasty but very little side of addiction.
Internet users have the ability of becoming severely addicted. Because of the addictive presence
Whereas Goldberg (1996) coined the phrase "Internet Addiction" this was the
psychologist Young (1996) who was the one who established this field of study with the very
who spent over than sixty hours each week surfing. Following that, a number of studies began
to replicate and extend of information by looking into different forms of Internet Addiction
(IA) and PIU illnesses (e.g., Griffiths, 2000; Hardie and Tee, 2007; Jun and Choi, 2015; Kuss
and Griffiths, 2015; Mitchell, 2000; Pantic et al., 2017; Young, 1998).
The study of Hilliard (2021) stated that internet addiction is a form of cognitive
addiction defined by increased concern regarding social media, an uncontrolled want to connect
onto it and utilize social media, and investing far more work and attention to media platforms
that one interferes with other vital aspects of living. Excessive internet use might resemble
anyone else component utilizing illness, with signs such as psychological adjustment (i.e.,
networking), sensitivity (i.e., expanding through use media platforms over time), and side
effects (i.e., going to experience undesirable symptoms when online networking use would be
constrained or stomped out) (i.e., after some time of separation, people with mental health
Due to the increase of teenagers who are exposed and consistently using social media,
the researchers want to conduct this study to know the social media usage of the students and
to determine if the student is a social media addict. Thus, to know the excessive effects on their
health and studies. After finding the results the researchers will aim to suggest or come up with
ways on how to decrease the social media addiction among the students.
This study aims to determine the usage and level of using social media of Senior High School
1.2. Gender
2. How many hours do Senior High School Students spend in using Social Media and what
4. What are the effects of using excessive social media on Senior High School Students?
It is expected that the result of the study will reveal information concerning about the Social
Media Addiction Among Senior High School Students in Tarlac National High School results
Students. The Grade 12 Senior High Students are the center of the research because they are
mostly the ones who are capable of being addicted to social media, through this study we
could find the reasons why they are into social media and how we could help them limit their
Parents. In this study, Parents will realize how important it is to give more guidance to their
Teachers. This study will give information to the teachers regarding this topic to help their
challenges of distance learning among students. This also aims to know what are the things
Researchers. The process and the outcome of the study will produce a great awareness
Future Researchers. For the future researchers this information will help them as a guide
To conduct this research, Grade 12 Senior High Students were the primary respondents.
They came from different strands on senior levels in Tarlac National High School, where the
convenience and availability to carry the questionnaire needed in this study were factored in.
The background of the students was taken. The study investigated the students who claim that
they are social media addicts. This study focuses only on the causes, effects, manifestations,
and forms of intervention on social media addiction among the respondents. The researchers
selected social media addiction because of the alarmingly high rate of students who put so
much time on social media, which is not good. This is to bring about a sense of responsibility
The following terms are defined for a better understanding of this research, within the
Addiction- Addiction is an urge to do something that is hard to control or stop. In this study,
Internet - A vast network that connects computers all over the world. In this study, this is the
one they used to access social media like facebook and etc.
Mental health - Includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how
we think, feel, and act. This is the main focus of the study.
Students- Refers to a person who is studying at a school. This is the main target of the study.
Social Media- Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to
participate in social networking. This is the platform where the students addicted.
This part of the study reviews and takes a closer look at the studies and pieces of
literature published that the researcher sees may provide a clearer and wider background and
Related Literature
of ideas, information, and thoughts via virtual networks and communities (Dollarhide, 2021).
Some of these are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc. that are used by using electronic
devices or gadgets like tablet, smartphone and laptop. Hence, Facebook, the most popular
social media platform, was the first to surpass one billion registered accounts, and it now has
more than 2.89 billion monthly active users. Facebook (core platform), WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger, and Instagram are the company's four largest social media platforms, each with
over one billion monthly active users (Statista). Moreover, social media is also created for
effective conversations especially for people who are in a long distance situation and for
entertainment purposes. Eventually, using social media is rampant now due to its easy
accessibility from people of any age. According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA),
Filipinos aged 10 to 64 were more likely to use the internet for social media (73.9 percent) than
for research and e-mail (63.6 percent). This was true in both urban and rural areas, as well as
October 2021, accounting for 57.6 percent of the total global population. As shown in these
statistics, more than 9 out of 10 internet users now use social media at least once a month. On
the other hand, In January 2021, the Philippines had 89.00 million social media users. Between
2020 and 2021, the number of social media users in the Philippines increased by 16 million
(+22%) that makes the Philippines social media users accounted for 80.7 percent of the total
teens aged 13 to 17 have used social media. Seventy-five percent say they have at least one
active social media profile, and 51 percent say they visit one at least once a day. Two-thirds of
teenagers own a mobile device that can connect to the internet. Teens spend nearly nine hours
per day online on average, not including homework time (The American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2018). However, in an article written by Aaron Smith and Monica
Anderson, teenagers (especially those ages 18 to 24) stand out for embracing a variety of
platforms and using them frequently. Some 78% of 18- to 24-year-olds use Snapchat, and a
size able majority of these users (71%) visit the platform multiple times per day. Similarly,
71% of Americans in this age group now use Instagram and close to half (45%) are Twitter
users. People spend so much time on different sites and they are not able to handle the social
media revolution that it begins to interfere with their lives. Psychologists are referring to this
much concern for social media, an uncontrollable impulse to log on to or use social media, and
give so much time and effort to social media that it interferes with other important aspects of
one's life (Hilliard, 2021). According to some researchers, social media addiction is similar to
cell phone and internet addiction. These types of disorders are not new, and people have been
discussing them for decades. Students of today’s and one of them are High School students
who are exposed to social media and with that they are part of the population who experiences
social media addiction. It is important to conduct the present study to explore and determine
the negative impact of social media addiction to the Senior High School students and to their
studies. Negative impacts like internet dependency, sleep deprivation, and dysfunction in daily
life. Also, the study aims to know the social media usage of the Senior High School students.
A. Foreign
strong determination to access on to it and have been using SNSs, and devoting such a large
amount of time and energy to Networking sites that something that hinders other recreational
being. "Physiology, identity theorist (need for expertise, independence, but also sense of
interactions), society, and other aspects can all play a role in social media addiction
(Andreassen, 2015). Researchers shall investigate the links between social media addiction and
Young coined the term "internet addiction" (IA) in 1996, and it became largely
acknowledged in 2000. It's a way of thinking about those who can't tell the difference between
online and offline lives. Characterized us as an internet addict, a psychologist or physician must
propose IA in DSM-5 in 2006, due to the belief that IA is specific to the type of addiction.
According to Steinfield et al. (2008), individuals with low levels of personality have
elevated amounts of Internet addiction and interpersonal trust linkage. Worries of failure,
researchers hypothesized, could clarify whether people with limited consciousness choose
Strom's research has also found that internet addiction has an effect on academic
working incompetently, and performing much worse. As a result, IA's status as a mental
Researchers dedicated their lives to another sort of internet addiction known as social
media addiction as a consequence of social media transformation (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011).
Andreassen and Pallesen (2014) characterized social media addiction as being overly focused
on social media websites, obtaining a motivating reward to gain access including using social
media websites, as well as expending a significant amount of effort to online communities that
interferes with certain other group interaction, findings, social interactions, or psychological
A study entitled "Social Media Addiction among Students of the university of Ghana”
conducted by Akua Adoasi, out and published in the year of in the month of October. This
study is a qualitative analysis with its main purpose of indicating whether students of the
University of Ghana are addicted to social media and the level of their addiction as well this
study therefore sought to examine addiction among users of social media in the said university
the participants are the students of the University of Ghana this quantitative study presents the
findings of the data collected from students of the University of Ghana to find out their usage
of social media and to test their level of addiction to it A 20 item questionnaire was handed to
respondents and a100% response rate was achieved this method includes frequency tables and
charts the research questions and objectives of the study Based on the research findings more
than half of the respondents said they use WhatsApp on a regular basis followed by Facebook
which has over a quarter of the respondents using it regularly the results show that majority of
the respondents use their social media account for entertainment, followed by 22.3% who use
social media for creating media content and sharing opinions while 20.3% said they use social
media to meet new people. A little above half of the 200 respondents said they use it for social
events and about a fourth said they use it to maintain relationships the relation of this study
with our study is that it focuses on the level of addiction the students are being addicted to
B. Local
Lopez (2015) Social media provides a wide range of important devices that handle
many platforms and engage students to participate effectively in the construction of their own
language learning, providing for such application of even more efficient instructional methods.
Moreover, social media's connectivity possibilities, combined through its ability to transcend
boundaries of time obstacles, facilitates teamwork and participation among as well as between
globally disparate learning and teaching, allowing people to expand their own perspectives and
The internet has become an inventive means for persons to interact as the computer industry
has progressed. Upon this online, social networking sites had spawned some phenomena that
had already grown considerably over the previous few years. Lopez (2015)
on internet pals or internet activity. Issues. It includes risks and problems which could arise as
a result of online consumption but may interfere with teenagers' everyday routines. Lopez
Lopez (2015) Moderate social media users included forty percent (40%) of individuals
with an increase in social media addiction ranging from 20 to 49. Fourteen (17) or 17 percent
of the people for whom the degree of social media addiction differed from 80-100, implying
that social media created severe difficulties, have been regarded increased consumers; and
forty-three (43) or 43 percent of the people who encountered infrequent or common difficulties
due to digital networking have been regarded reasonable consumers; and seventeen (17) or 17
percent of the people whom the degree of social media addiction differed from 80-100,
implying that social media created severe difficulties in the development of people have been
Throughout the Philippines, 46 percent of the country's 107 million inhabitants take
advantage of social media, with an estimated average viewing interval of 10 hours and 2
minutes. Filipinos use social media sites such as Facebook and Other social media on a regular
schedule. According to studies, a substantial percentage of people use gadgets to access the
website. In 2010, 65.3 percent of individuals used cell phones, and by 2020, that number is
predicted to climb to almost 70%. The growth in social media usage among Filipino students
is fueling the adoption of low-cost cell smartphones. Throughout the Philippines, 46 percent of
the country's 107 million inhabitants take advantage of social media, with a current average
viewing interval of 10 hours and 2 minutes. Filipinos use social media sites including Facebook
and Other social media on a regular schedule. As a result, a substantial percentage of people
use mobile devices to access the website. In 2010, 65.3 percent of individuals used cell phones,
and that number is predicted to climb to almost 70 percent by 2020. The surge in social media
use among students in the Philippines is driving the adoption of low-cost cell phones.
on to or have been using Social medias, but also to dedicate just too much work and attention
to Online communication that something that affects those certain leisure events, experiments,
social interactions, and/or emotional functioning including well." We can't identify if someone
is addicted depending on the description mentioned only if also assess their various features.
Instructors at Butuan City School of Arts and Trade, like professors in other schools, devote a
great deal of time and effort to their students' education. If executed right, evaluating a
addiction may aid in the use of prevention to treat them. Considering this necessity, it is
senior high school learners" in Butuan City School of Arts and Trades states that social media
has been widely accessible to all in the advent of new technology specifically in the emergence
of mobile devices. Many researchers are studying related to the effects of social media on the
different walks and aspects of life. The study aims at profiling and identifying the extent of
social media addiction of senior high school students of Butuan City School of Arts and Trade.
The study was administered to 513 senior high students with social media accounts. It was
found out that 294 out of 513 are social media addicts and mostly use Facebook. The majority
of social media addicts are female, grade 12 students, and 18 years of age.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptualization of this study is to know the profile of Senior High School
students in terms of age and gender and to determine the Social Media Addiction among Senior
Analysis of data Determine the
Demographic through usage of social
profile of Grade media and what
12 students of · Survey social media
TNHS: · Questionnaires platform do they
a. Age usually use.
b. Gender
Social media Stop the social
usage and what media addiction
social media among Senior High
platform they are school students.
Manage the time of
using social media
This chapter is important as it will explain how the researchers will gather data and results.
This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, data-gathering instrument,
Research Design
This study will use descriptive research design under quantitative research. Descriptive
research is a type of research that describes the population, situation, or phenomenon under
study. If there is a research problem, it focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where
questions rather than the why (Formplus, 2020). The researchers will use this design to fully
understand the aim of the study which is to know the level of social media addiction of Senior
High School students. Therefore, researchers will use descriptive research design because of
its compatibility to the present study wherein to know social media addiction among Senior
prohibited. This incident limits the choice of the researchers in data gathering and selection of
participants. This study was conducted in the researcher’s respective homes. Social interactions
between participants and researchers were done through social media platforms.
The chosen respondents for this study are the Grade 12 students in Tarlac National High
school. The researchers selected Grade 12 students of Batch 2020-2021, specifically those
under the Humanities and Social Sciences strand/track with a total population of 591 students
as the main participants in order to fulfill the indicated purpose of this study.
Data-gathering Instrument
The instrument that will be used in this study is survey questionnaire that will be created by the
researches. Due to the pandemic, researchers will provide a link for the respondents for them
to answer the survey questionnaire. The researchers will conduct the survey to determine its
positive and negative effects on social media addiction among senior high school students at
Tarlac National High School. The questionnaire composes of questions like, how their daily
routine of using social media has been simplified and how it has also affected them. Participants
can access the link to the questions by clicking on the link the researchers will provide.
Data-gathering Procedure
The researchers constructed a questionnaire to obtain an applicable response for the study.
Under the observation of the research adviser the questionnaires have undergo consultation
After the questionnaires has been approved, the researchers will conduct the survey
questionnaires through google forms via social media platforms. The respondents who
voluntarily accept the survey questionnaires will answer the forms, the google form will be
open for 3 to 4 days until a certain target of respondents has been completed. The day after the
survey the questionnaires will be gathered and interpret the results based from the gathered
Statistical Treatment
Observations, face-to-face interviews, and individually delivered surveys were improbable and
expressly prohibited due to the nature of the study and the appearance of the pandemic. This
study is a quantitative in nature, statistical analysis and interpretation of the numerical data
The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to obtain the mean, percentages, frequency,
and standard deviation after collecting and marking the responses to the prescribed codes.
This chapter includes the presentation, analyses, and interpretation of findings based on
the problems of the study. It covers the use of social media as described by hours spent of every
student who are addicted in using social media. In the case of this study, the use of social
media platform may or may not affect the study of the students.
This section offers graphs relating to the demographic information supplied in the
survey by Senior High School pupils. The profile of the respondents which are the Senior High
School students of Tarlac National High School includes the age and sex. This part gives graphs
by grade 12 student under humanities and social sciences strand who completed the
questionnaire. The researcher was able to determine the students’ profile based on the
1.1 AGE
To categorize the SHS HUMMS students from grades 12 to 12, the researchers
classified them by age. The ages of the respondents were divided into distinct age groups in the
questionnaire, with the options of 16 years old, 17 years old, 18 years old, and 19 years old. As
a result, the data was altered. A pie chart was used to show the data.
Figure 2. The percentage of respondents in terms of age groups.
Figure 2 shows the demographic data of the participants: 37 students representing the
(52.90%) of respondents the age 17 years old, 26 students representing the (37.10%) of
respondents the age 18 years old, the 6 students representing the (8.60%) of the age 16 years
old; and the last two ages of 19 years old has (1.4%) equivalent for 1 student. So when we
1.2 Sex
Graph 3. In terms of sex, the percentage of respondents.
Based on the responses in the questionnaire, the researchers identified the number of
respondents who fell under each sex and presented it in a pie chart to indicate the percentage
that the males and females and prefer not to say covered in the total number of respondents.
According to Figure 3, the majority of respondents were female, making up 72.90 % (51
students) of the total population of respondents, while their male counterparts accounted for
the remaining 21.40 % (15 students) and the remaining 5.70% (4 students) of the total of
2. Hours spent by senior high school students using social media and social media
These are the hours spent by senior high school students using social media and social
media platform do they usually use according to the data gathered using the self-made
instrument of researchers.
Table 1
Hours spent by senior high school students using social media and social media
1.01. This means that students are like using social media to keep informed about what happens.
The lowest computed mean is 3.5 with a standard deviation of 1.13, students spend more time
The table below shows the effects of using excessive social media on Senior High School
Table 2
The data in this table indicate that in Effects of using excessive social media on Senior
High School Students have been observed, Having a grand mean of x̄ = 2.79, Respondents
experiencing difficulty in effect of using social media, some respondents are not having
difficulty to notice that they hungry and thirsty when they are using social media. Social media
is a tool that is becoming increasingly popular these days due to its user-friendly features.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others enable people to
connect with one another across long distances. However, most people are constantly
The implication of this study to the Senior High School Students is they can determine
the social media addiction among Senior High School Students of Tarlac National High School.
However, through this study they can find out if they are addicted to social media and what can
A study also indicated that social media has a significantly detrimental effect on the
emotional well-being of chronic users and their lives, negatively their real-life relationship and
academic achievement.
. Chapter 5
Grade 12 students under the Humanities and Social Sciences, to determine the addiction of
senior high school students to social media. Respondents answered our online survey with a
The raw scores that the researchers gathered were converted to standard scores by
computing the overall average and standard deviation of each item. The result shows
the study.
Summary of Findings
1.1. Age
The total sample included 52.90% of 17-year-olds and 37.10% of 18-year-olds. More
than half of the students in the sample were aged 17 to 18, with the remaining 1.4% aged 19
and up. This indicates that by the twelfth grade, the majority of respondents will be between
The majority of Grade 12 students on the academic track were females, accounting for
72.90 % of the total sample size. Female participants are more likely to be chosen than male
participants. This was due to the gender distribution in the entire population of Grade 12
2. Hours spent by senior high school students using social media and social media
It shows that the highest computed mean is 4.0 with a standard deviation of 1.01. They
always surf social media and they can’t use social media for a day or every second.
The research found that the lowest computed mean is 3.5 with a standard deviation of
1.13. Students spend more time on social media to see some special announcements. Many
The data in this table show that in Effects of Excessive Social Media Use on Senior
High School Students has a grand mean 2.42 that disagree when they are not on social media.
According to the data in this table, in Effects of Excessive Social Media Use on Senior
High School Students, with a grand mean of x = 3.35, Respondents experiencing difficulty look
The significance of this study for Students is that it can be used to determine social
media addiction among Tarlac National High School Senior High School Students. They
may, however, find out if they are addicted to social media and how becoming addicted to
Based on the findings stated in the previous chapter, the following concl
academic track, most of whom were 17 years old, female, and under the
HUMSS strand.
when using social media. It reveals that the highest computed mean is
agreed. This means that students like using social media to keep
3. The researchers show that students usually prefer to communicate with people via
social media announcements and want to spend time on social media when they are alone. In
addition, it can be seen from the instrument they used that students prefer to surf on social
media to keep informed about what social media groups share, and keeping informed about the
things related to courses (e.g. homework, activities) makes students always stay on social
4. The researchers have trust in the grade 12 students and their perception of social media
addiction among senior high school students in Tarlac National High School. Their response
was neutral. Students’ experiences are similar, inferring that they are neither in agreement with
nor opposed to the findings of the researchers, Response time was adequate and well organised
by the respondents
5. Although there are more grade 12 students who usually spend time on the internet to
keep up with social media, in the proportion of the pie, and their percentage is bigger than the
result of others, the effects of excessive social media use among senior high students were
neutral. Some respondents do not have difficulty noticing that they are hungry and thirsty when
Social Media Addiction among Senior High School Students in Tarlac National High
School was investigated in this study. The following recommendations are made and listed
communication. It allows people to share photos, videos, audio, opinions, and news, among
other things. As we can see at the respondents, some of them are having trouble using social
media effectively. Students must reflect on themselves at least once a day. Students must focus
2. Social media starts to have an impact on emotional and mental health, leading to social media
addiction. Students should keep track of how much time they spend on such sites in order to
reduce their addiction. Furthermore, regaining control of their behaviours before becoming
3. As for students, they should all participate in raising awareness and voice their concerns
about the current state of student addiction. In addition, to break free from social media
addiction, go on a weekend vacation without your smartphone or other gadgets. It's fine to use
social media in moderation to engage with friends and family. Too much of anything, however,
4. Social Media is an internet that is concerned about the impact of Social Media Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram on student's focus. In particular, they believe that too much time spent on
social media can negatively impact a student's academic performance. The problem has gotten
5. Social media is where we can post, talk , and get associated with others and communication
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, GPS functions and games are
youth because most students whether higher learning students or low level students are more
because it tries to explore the reasons behind poor education of youth students
6. As for students, instead of doing physical fitness activities, you are lying down scrolling