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Recent Advances in The Bio Application of Microalgae Derived Biochemical Metabolites and Development Trends of Photobioreactor Based Culture Systems

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3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260



Recent advances in the bio‑application of microalgae‑derived

biochemical metabolites and development trends
of photobioreactor‑based culture systems
Seyedeh Farzaneh Khaligh1 · Ahmad Asoodeh1,2 

Received: 17 January 2022 / Accepted: 24 August 2022 / Published online: 4 September 2022
© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2022

Microalgae are microscopic algae in sizes ranging from a few micrometers to several hundred micrometers. On average, half
of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by the photosynthetic process of microalgae, so the role of these microorgan-
isms in the life cycle of the planet is very significant. Pharmaceutical products derived from microalgae and commercial
developments of a variety of supplements extracted from them originate from a variety of their specific secondary metabo-
lites. Many of these microalgae are a reservoir of unique biological compounds including carotenoids, antioxidants, fatty
acids, polysaccharides, enzymes, polymers, peptides, pigments, toxins and sterols with antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal,
antiparasitic, anticoagulant, and anticancer properties. The present work begins with an introduction of the importance of
microalgae in renewable fuels and biodiesel production, the development of healthy food industry, and the creation of opti-
mal conditions for efficient biomass yield. This paper provides the latest research related to microalgae-derived substances
in the field of improving drug delivery, immunomodulatory, and anticancer attributes. Also, the latest advances in algal
biocompounds to combat the COVID-19 pandemic are presented. In the subject of cultivation and growth of microalgae,
the characteristics of different types of photobioreactors, especially their latest forms, are fully discussed along with their
advantages and obstacles. Finally, the potential of microalgae biomass in biotechnological applications, biofuel production,
as well as various biomass harvesting methods are described.

Keywords  Microalgae · Immunomodulatory · Cancer · Photobioreactor · COVID-19

Abbreviations DCs Dendritic cells

TAP Textured algal proteins MHC Major histocompatibility complex
EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid APCs Antigen-presenting cells
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid EPS Epoxy polysaccharides
CWS Cell wall skeleton ECP Extracellular polysaccharide
IFN-γ Interferon-gamma TSP  Tribonema Sp. derived sulfated
TLR Toll-like receptor polysaccharide
AXT Astaxanthin FAPS Fatty acid potassium salts
QC Glutaminyl cyclase JNK Jun N-terminal kinase
β-SQDG18 1,2-O-Distearoyl-3-O-β-d- MMP Matrix metalloproteinases
sulfoquinovosylglycerol HGF-1 Gingival fibroblast cell line
MCP-1 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
MITF Microphthalmia-associated transcription
* Ahmad Asoodeh factor
Asoodeh@um.ac.ir ROS Reactive oxygen species
1 SP@DOX Biohybrid compound containing doxoru-
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran bicin and spirulina microalgae
2 ISCOMs Immune-stimulatory complexes
Cellular and Molecular Research Group, Institute
of Biotechnology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, AMPS  Amphora subtropica
Mashhad, Iran AF  Amphora frustules

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DE-XER Modified diatoms with silica xerogel they undergo photosynthesis ten times more than terrestrial
MNPs Magnetic nanoparticles plants. Spirulina, chlorella or blue-green algae (also called
GA Gum arabic cyanobacteria) are also well known in this variety. Due to
AMs Alginate microspheres high efficient biomass production, their application of car-
RBD Recombinant receptor-binding domain bon dioxide capture, production of biofuels, and biotech-
ARB Angiotensin receptor blockers nological programs, a great focus has been placed on these
CGN Carrageenan microorganisms. France and Spain have been considered for
I-C Iota-Carrageenan the production of macroalgae, while the focus of Germany,
HRV Human rhinovirus Spain, and Italy is on microalgae (Araújo et al. 2021). In
hCoV Human coronavirus recent years, China has emerged as an important hub for
GRFT Griffithsin the production of microalgae, especially commercially
ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome important ones such as Spirulina (Arthrospira), Chlorella,
ALI Acute lung damage Dunaliella, and Haematococcus. It is estimated that about
ASX Astaxanthin two-thirds of microalgal biomass is produced in China,
PBRs Photobioreactors about 90% of which is spent on human consumption (Chen
ORC Open raceway bioreactor et al. 2020a, b, c). Biomass produced in algae as a result of
ExPS Extracellular polymeric substances photosynthesis depends on inorganic compounds such as
PSBRs Porous substrate photobioreactors ­CO2, solar energy, and various nutrient availability in the
OMEGA Offshore membrane enclosures for growing water body. As a result of the production of biomass, algae
algae have become biological purifiers in wastewater treatment.
TGF Third-generation feedstock According to the following equations, the chemical formula
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory ­C106H263O110N16 indicates algal biomass (ammonium and
nitrate are the nitrogen sources, respectively; Dalrymple
et al. 2013):
16NH+4 + 92CO2 + 92H2 O + 14HCO−3 + HPO2−
Microalgae are a very diverse group of aquatic plants that → C106 H263 O110 N16 P + 106O2 ,
have found a wide range of applications in biotechnology 16NO−3 + 124CO2 + 140H2 O + HPO2−
today. These unicellular species can be classified into two
→ C106 H263 O110 N16 P + 138O2 + 18HCO−3 ,
categories: prokaryotic microalgae, such as cyanobacteria,
and eukaryotic microorganisms like green algae and dia- In recent years, to overcome the lack  of fossil fuels,
toms. These microscopic photosynthesizers, despite their there has been a lot of focus on microalgae as sustainable
effective role in producing oxygen on Earth, are found in renewable energy. Using the oil content of most microalgae
almost all water on Earth due to their high dispersion and (about 20–80%), different types of fuel can be extracted, for
frequency (Li et al. 2019). High nutritional value as well as example, kerosene and biodiesel (Randrianarison and Ashraf
the potential of these microorganisms in the production of 2017). Although algal biofuels have become a promising
bioactive compounds with various pharmaceutical and food technology, there are several barriers such as high optimal
applications, using them as a raw material for the extraction cultivation conditions, the low solar energy conversion effi-
of environmentally friendly biofuels as well as its applica- ciency of photosynthesis, and economic costs related to the
tions in monitoring and purifying environmental pollutants, cultivation and processing of biomass (Radakovits et al.
has attracted the attention of many researchers around the 2010). Therefore, to achieve the maximum amount of algal
world (Majidian et al. 2018; Sigamani et al. 2016). Given biomass, modern methods such as hydrothermal liquefaction
the potential of microalgae to satisfy many global demands, and direct secretion of products through genetic engineering
many countries are looking to create production units for are used (Daroch et al. 2013; Ghasemi et al. 2012; Radako-
these microorganisms. In general, the difference between vits et al. 2010).
macro and microalgae is as follows: macroalgae are mul- Chemical synthesis of algal bioactive compounds is
ticellular organisms that can be seen without the help of difficult. Research shows that microalgae can produce a
a microscope. Its general shape is similar to a plant and wide range of bioactive substances with antimicrobial,
includes stems and leaves having the potential to grow tens antiviral, antiproliferative, antioxidant, and antibiotic
of meters. Of the 4000 different seaweeds, only a few have activities (Talero et  al. 2015). Many of these metabo-
been used for human consumption. Microalgae are unicellu- lites are secreted within the cell to promote the defense
lar photosynthetic organisms that help trap the sun's energy mechanism against harsh environmental factors (Bhadury
due to the presence of chlorophyll pigments. Therefore,

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 3 of 19  260

and Wright 2004). Today, a high-calorie diet, along with scale is usually done in open ponds and various types of pho-
the modern human lifestyle, has led to health challenges tobioreactors. However, in open ponds, there is a possibil-
such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Therefore, ity of pollution and a lack of control of optimal conditions,
the food industry is trying to enrich human diet by focus- which make it possible for only certain types of microalgae
ing on improving the health of consumers with the addi- to grow (Parmar et al. 2011).
tion of vitamins and dietary supplements (Sigamani et al.
2016). Microalgae are rich natural sources of carbohy-
drates, protein, fiber, and enzymes and have significant Properties of microalgae biocompounds
amounts of B and A vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, as
well as numerous minerals such as iodine, potassium, iron, Algae are a diverse group of autotrophic organisms that
magnesium, and calcium. On the other hand, they are very range from unicellular to multicellular forms. Using light
low in calories and can be used as dietary supplements in energy and inorganic nutrients, these microorganisms pro-
various diets (Laamanen et al. 2021). Among microalgae, duce a wide variety of biochemical compounds in their
the species Chlorella vulgaris, Haematococcus pluvialis, biomass, including lipids, carbohydrates, polysaccharides,
Spirulina platensis, Dunaliella salina, and Aphanizome- proteins, pigments, etc. The relation between the biotechno-
non are now widely used around the world to make food logical world of microalgae and biomedical applications due
supplements for humans and as a nutrient additive to ani- to their bioactive compounds has attracted much attention.
mal feed (Hemantkumar and Rahimbhai 2019; Nicoletti (Fu et al. 2019). In addition to the application of micro-
2016). One of the current challenges is to provide quality algae in the food industry, biofuels, wastewater treatment,
food for humans in such a way that this production has their use in pharmaceutical and biomedical fields as antioxi-
the least risk to the environment. The meat analog indus- dant, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, anti-inflammatory,
try has provided benefits, including reduced ecological immunomodulatory agents, and many other valuable prop-
and environmental adverse effects, and providing healthy erties have become a strong point for human life's survival.
meals for vegetarian and vegan customers, animals, and Microalgae-derived bioactive compounds have shown sat-
welfare. Microalgae’s biomass incorporation into meat isfactory results in treating a variety of disorders including
concentrates creates fibrillary textured extrudates due to diabetes, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and obesity (Mutanda et al.
the highly resistant microalgal cell wall and elevated fat 2020). To extract and utilize biologically valuable algal com-
content. Given that the reduction of moisture is impor- pounds, cell walls are lysed by various methods, including
tant in the formation of the fibrous structure; mechanical mechanical/physical homogenization, ultrasonication and
texture analysis has shown that extrudates with favorable pulsed electric field, microwave, chemical, and biological
characteristics could be obtained with 30% microalgae (enzymes) methods (Balasubramaniam et al. 2021). Recent
incorporation at a moisture level of 60% (Caporgno et al. advances in biomedicine and biotechnology using microal-
2020). In recent years, the production of textured algal gae and their biomaterials will be discussed below.
proteins (TAP) has improved the use of algae in the food
industry. It is fibrous and very similar in structure to meat Immunomodulatory properties of various bio
(MišurCoVá et al. 2010). There are a variety of saturated compounds of microalgae
and unsaturated fatty acids (FAs) in microalgae, including
saturated FAs (n = 19), monounsaturated FAs (n = 26), and Due to the presence of abundant immune-boosting com-
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs; n = 68; Maltsev and pounds, the market for increasing the production of micro-
Maltseva 2021). The source of long-chain unsaturated fatty algae in various forms of capsules, powders, and tablets is
acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexae- very profitable and discussed below. Chuang et al. (2014)
noic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid, which are abundant examined the antileukemia properties of Dunaliella salina
in fish oil, are microalgae that feed on fish. Therefore, the in leukemia-implanted BALB/c mice. The results of oral
use of microalgae genes to produce DHA acid and arachi- administration of D. salina (184.5, 369, and 922.5 mg/kg)
donic acid in transgenic plants such as soybeans, flaxseeds, in the mice are as follows: spleen metastasis inhibition and
and tobacco has been considered (Robert et al. 2005). increased survival in mice increased the population of T and
To achieve successful production of algae-derived B cell accumulations, but reduced the amounts of monocyte
compounds in various fields, it is necessary to create high and macrophage levels in the blood, enhancing the prolif-
amounts of biomass. Different conditions and methods can eration of T and B cells, raising the cytotoxicity properties
affect the growth of microalgae, factors such as (1) suitable of NK cells, and improving the phagocytic activity of mac-
light sources, (2) creating efficient operating procedures, (3) rophages. In another study, the molecular mechanism of the
minimizing contamination rate, and (4) reducing consump- improvement of the human immune system was assessed
tion costs (Konur 2021). Cultivation of microalgae on a large by analyzing the blood cells of the volunteers before and

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after oral administration of spirulina hot water extract. The compounds in the methanolic extract of Sc. Accuminatus
results indicated that extracts of Spirulina platensis can tar- showed a QC inhibition of 81% and 76% at concentrations
get NK cells and monocytes. NK cells function is enhanced of 0.25 mg/mL and 0.025 mg/mL, respectively. Among the
by interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) through an interleukin (IL) 12/ structural properties of glutaminyl cyclase inhibitors are
IL-18-dependent fashion production and cytolysis in > 50% core structure, metal binding group, and flexible linker with
of subjects. The maturation of monocytes/macrophages short length. In this regard, the various sections of sulfona-
in volunteers receiving the extract was demonstrated by mides, including the negatively charged sulfonate group at
increasing in vitro stimulation of blood cells with BCG cell the 6-hydroxyl glucose position, the ether sequence, and
wall skeleton (CWS) as a ligand for toll-like receptor (TLR) the glucose unit, act as the metal bonding group, the linker,
2 and 4 (Hirahashi et al. 2002). In addition, other Spirulina and the scaffold structure, respectively (Hielscher-Michael
immunomodulatory activities include: enhancing the phago- et al. 2016). Furthermore, the role of sulfolipids in improv-
cytic activity of macrophages and the increasing production ing the immune system as an immune adjuvant response is
of cytokines and antibodies (Ghaeni and Roomiani 2016). In mentioned below. Manzo et al. (2017) fabricated a chimeric
the following, we discuss the influence of various bioactive sulfoglycolipid (called β-SQDG18) as a vaccine adjuvant
compounds derived from microalgae, including astaxanthin by using Thalassiosira weissflogii. β-SQDG18 can trigger
(AXT), sulfolipids, and polysaccharides, on immunoenhanc- human dendritic cells (DCs) by a TLR2/TLR4-independ-
ing applications. AXT is a reddish pigment that belongs to ent mechanism to promote an improvement in the immune
the carotenoids. In addition to microalgae, other organisms response against B16 mouse melanoma cells. Other immu-
such as bacteria, fungi, and yeast are the sources of supply. nomodulatory properties of this analog include induction of
Commercial supplements of this compound (approved by CD83 and CD86-positive DCs with upregulation of major
the FDA), which are mainly extracted from Haematococ- histocompatibility complex (MHC) II molecules as well as
cus pluvialis, are important in the global field so that its elevated levels of IL-12 and INF-γ. In addition, the levels of
market value has been over US$100 million in 2018 (Brend- IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-18, and IL-27 expression increased after
ler and Williamson 2019). The effects of AXT on oxida- 24 h. To further explore DC-based vaccines against tumors,
tive stress and immunosenescence in d-galactose-induced subcutaneous injection of β-SQDG18 (at a dose of 25 mg)
aging in rats were determined by Chen et al. (2020a, b, c). was applied against B16 mouse melanoma cells. As a result,
The results showed a decrease in malondialdehyde levels a reduction in tumor growth and spread of both memory
and an increase in AXT-induced antioxidant activity. The lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) was
ability to improve histopathological liver damage as a result observed. Among the various types of bioactive compounds
of inhibiting oxidative stress was also observed. In addi- derived from microalgae, polysaccharides and particularly
tion to the role of AXT in age delaying through activating extracellular polysaccharides (ECP) or epoxy polysaccha-
the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway and suppressing the NF-κB path- rides (EPS) are more important due to their biological and
way, its effect was significant in reducing IL-1β and IL-6 rheological properties (Khora and Navya 2020), which we
and enhancing the levels of IL-2, immunoglobulinG, and will discuss in more detail below. The immunoenhancing
secretionimmunoglobulin M. Moreover, AXT extracted activity of microalgal EPS derived from Thraustochytrii-
from shrimp cephalothorax was applied to investigate the dae sp. mutant GA strain was checked out by measuring
cytokine release of splenocytes in Helicobacter pylori- its impact on the growth of T and B lymphocytes as well as
infected mice. 60 rats (divided into three groups of 20) were cytokine production of T cells. The microalgal EPS causes B
treated with a daily oral dose of 10 or 40 mg of AXT for 6 cell proliferation with about 30% respect to the control group
weeks. The results of this study indicate the effect of AXT even at the lowest dilution (­ 10−11), thus improving humoral
on the alteration of the secretion patterns of cytokines dur- immunity by enhancing antibody production (No effect on T
ing H. pylori (50 µg  ­mL−1) infection so that the levels of cells). In addition, a decrease in IL-6 and INF-γ secretion (at
the IL-10, IL-2, and IFN-γ increased in a dose-dependent ­10−3 dilution) and no effect on tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-
manner (15–2000 pg/mL, P < 0.05). In general, changes in α) level were evident (Park et al. 2017). Tribonema sp. is a
AXT-induced cytokine secretion patterns were observed filamentous microalga rich in lipid and polysaccharides with
during Helicobacter pylori infection (Davinelli et al. 2019). low protein content, so the application of this microorganism
Sulfolipids are involved in the formation of thylakoids in in the biodiesel and bioethanol industry has been developed
algal chloroplasts (Frentzen 2004). There are reports of its (Wang et al. 2014). In the study conducted by Chen et al.
advantages in biomedical programs and the prevention of (2019) after extracting sulfated polysaccharide from Tribo-
several diseases. For example, these can act as an inhibi- nema sp. (TSP) with a yield of 1.5%, first, its composition
tor of glutaminyl cyclase (QC) in Alzheimer's disease. QC and chemical structure were determined and then immu-
inhibitory metabolites in various microalgae species can be nostimulation activities on RAW264.7 macrophage cells
screened using the new “reverse metabolic” technique. The were performed. The results of this study indicate that TSP

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 5 of 19  260

as a heteropolysaccharide is mainly composed of galactose prevention and improvement of cancer due to their richness
and can also strongly stimulate the RAW264.7 cells and in bioactive compounds (Dyshlovoy and Honecker 2015).
upregulation of cytokines including IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α However, in silico techniques and the use of ISE algorithms
(Fig. 1). Also, the results of the effect of different concen- are invaluable in creating a robust model to help identify
trations of TSP on the viability of RAW264.7 macrophages new candidates for natural-based anticancer drugs. Unlike
displayed that treatment with 25 μg/mL TSP significantly traditional methods, using these approaches saves time and
increased cell viability compared to the control. Cell viabil- costs (Rayan et al. 2017). Wide health benefits of omega-3
ity at 200 μg/mL of TSP was close to control. Mainly, TSP and omega-6 fatty acids such as cancer prevention and car-
could be a potent stimulus for RAW264.7 cells. dioprotective effects have attracted the attention of human
society. Microalgae can be a proper alternative to fish oil,
Anticancer properties of microalgae‑derived due to having large quantities of EPA and DHA (Lupette and
biocompounds Benning 2020). Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometry
analysis of the fatty acid content of Chlorella sp. S14 showed
Malignancies can rise anywhere in the body due to the non- a value of 52.87% PUFAs, which contained 12.37% n-3
programmed growth of cells in a multi-stage process. In PUFAs determined by total PUFAs, along with 2.16%
general, there are more than 200 types of cancer that can be α-linolenic acid and 2.16% cis-11, 14, 17-eicosatrienoic
affected by a variety of factors, including genetic alterations, acid. The growth inhibitory effect of the PUFA-rich extract
ionizing radiation, chemical/toxic compounds, and vari- exhibited that the MCF-7 cells were more sensitive than the
ous pathogens. The biopsy is an ideal screening option for A549 cells, so that at the highest concentration, (150 µg/
cancer diagnosis, which clarifies the type and extent of can- mL), the percentage cell viability was equal to 31.5% and
cer. Tissue biopsy is the ideal screening option for cancer 62.56% in the breast and lung cancerous cells, respectively
diagnosis, which clarifies the type and stage of cancer. (Vilakazi et al. 2021). Sayegh et al. (2016) characterized the
Depending on the progression of the disease, various treat- PUFAs constituent in the fungus Thamnidium elegans (cul-
ment approaches will be suggested by health-care providers, tivated on raw glycerol) and the microalga Nannochloropsis
which include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, salina in a laboratory-scale homemade glass photobioreac-
hormone therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplant treat- tor. After lipid extraction, gas chromatography estimated the
ments, targeted therapy, and nanotechnology-based therapies lipid content of algae, mainly fish oil composed of EPA,
(Miller et al. 2019). Over 60% of anticancer medicines are containing glycolipids plus sphingolipids (52.7%), neutral
derived from natural sources. Therefore, marine organisms, lipids (28.5%), and phospholipids (18.8%). In vitro, antipro-
especially microalgae, play an important role in the liferative studies against MCF-7 cells were performed by

Fig. 1  Immunomodulation of
microalgal-derived sulfated bio-
compounds. a Favorable effects
of chimeric sulfoglycolipid
purified from Thalassiosira
weissflogii on dendritic cell acti-
vation as well as increase in the
expression of various cytokines.
Subcutaneous injection of
sulfoglycolipid showed positive
impacts against B16 mouse
melanoma cells. b RAW264.7
macrophage cells stimula-
tion and related cytokines by
sulfated hetropolysaccharide
extracted from Tribonema sp.
(Chen et al. 2019)

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water-soluble forms of PUFAs, i.e., fatty acid potassium and caspase-9. Therefore, this type of polysaccharide can be
salts (FAPS), which indicate a dose-dependent lethal effect a promising prospect for cancer treatment. Due to the asso-
­(IC50 = 0.45 μg/mL). It has also been reported that the anti- ciation of JNK activity with ROS production, MCF-7 cells
tumor properties of DHA are induced through prolongation were treated with 5 μM SP600125 as a JNK inhibitor for 1 h
of the cell cycle between the G2-to-M transition phase and before exposure to polysaccharides. Flow cytometry results
increased expression of caspase-3, procaspase-8, and Bcl-2 showed a significant increase of ROS in MCF-7 cells within
genes (Kang et al. 2010). Studies of growth inhibitory and 48 h (p < 0.01). Parra-Riofrío et al. (2020) used two auto-
apoptosis properties of DHA belonging to Crypthecodinium trophic and heterotrophic conditions to evaluate the yield of
cohnii showed that this fatty acid (40–160 μM) inhibits the EPS derived from Tetraselmis suecica. Heterotrophic culture
growth of MCF-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner by 16.0 of T. suecica has benefits relative to autotrophic, such as
to 59.0% of the control after 72 h. According to flow cyto- improving the EPS content and its antioxidant properties,
metric studies, induction of G1 sub-cells was equivalent to further increase in algal biomass, and enhancement of lipids,
64.4–171.3% of control levels after incubation with 80 mM proteins, and carbohydrate accumulation. Extraction EPS
fatty acid for three incubation times of 24, 48, and 72. In under autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions showed cyto-
addition, western blot analysis showed an increase in Bax/ toxic effects against the gingival fibroblast cell line (HGF-
Bcl-2 ratio of 303.4% and 386.5% after 48 and 72 h, respec- 1) with ­IC50 equivalent to 165 μg/mL and 61 μg/mL, respec-
tively (Chiu et al. 2004). In n-3 PUFA-treated cancerous tively. Therefore, their use for biological activities is not
cells, increased ROS production and increased lipid peroxi- recommended. Recently, a great deal of focus has been
dation play a significant role in inducing antitumor proper- placed on microalgae as a source of new proteins and pep-
ties (Kang et al. 2010). The impact of n-3 PUFAs on plasma tides with anticancer, antioxidant, and other biomedical
membrane composition and their transduction pathways has properties. The unique features of these biological peptides
been considered in several cancer cells. Lipid raft structures are mainly due to their unusual amino acid, which is mainly
are mostly made up of saturated fatty acids, especially cho- produced as a result of enzymatic digestion (Kang and Kim
lesterol. Placement of PUFAs in these structures, due to their 2013). One of these attractive features is the ability of pep-
less favorable interaction with cholesterol, makes PUFAs- tides extracted from chlorella to inhibit the UVB-induced
rich/cholesterol-poor non-raft domains which disrupt the MMP-1 level (MMP-1 leads to premature aging under UV
development of cancer cells (Ulmann et al. 2013). In a study irradiation). The mechanism of this inhibitory process is
by Altenburg and Siddiqui (Altenburg and Siddiqui 2009), proved by suppressing the expression of transcription factor
n-3 PUFAs-treated MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells AP-1 and cysteine-rich 61, and also by enhancing the gen-
showed a significant reduction in chemokine receptor eration of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in
CXCR4 levels because successful CXCR4-mediated signal- human skin fibroblasts (Chen et al. 2011). Therefore, the use
ing requires the lipid rafts. Extensive studies have studied of microalgae-derived peptides in the cosmetics industry,
the antitumor properties of algae-derived polysaccharides especially in the skincare line, is very developed (Apone
and identified them as promising therapeutic agents. Ume- et al. 2019). Also, Oh et al. (2015) purified a special peptide
mura et al. (2003) revealed that d-galactan sulfate is associ- with a molecular mass of 526 Da and Met-Gly-Arg-Tyr
ated with l-(+)-lactic acid (GA3P) extracted from toxic sequence from the fermented microalga, Pavlova lutheri by
Gymnodinium sp. A3 is a potent catalytic inhibitor of both yeast Hansenula polymorpha and examined its anti-melano-
DNA topoisomerase (topo) I and topo II. Unlike topo poi- genesis and antioxidant activities (scavenging of DPPH,
sons such as camptothecin or teniposide, GA3P does not hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide radicals with ­IC50 was
cause the accumulation of DNA–topo I/II cleavable com- reported as ­IC50 0.285, 0.068 and 0.988 mM, respectively).
plexes and even diminishes their amount (induces inversion In addition to reducing the production of intracellular ROS,
of the reaction). This observation indicated a high affinity of the results showed the ability of the polypeptide to inhibit
the GA3P for the enzymes relative to the topo poisons. Fur- melanin synthesis by suppressing microphthalmia-associ-
thermore, GA3P showed moderate toxicity (0.67–11 mg/ ated transcription factor (MITF) and tyrosinase protein
mL) in different cell lines. Xie et al. (2018) extracted a novel expression by the activation of the ERK pathway in α-MSH-
polysaccharide (100 μg/mL) from sargassum (family Sar- stimulated B16F10 melanoma cells. Hence, P. lutheri-
gassaceae) and studied its anticancer mechanism. The result derived polypeptides can be considered in cosmetic prod-
demonstrated that although most processes in cancers are ucts. Wang and Zhang (2016) isolated 15 polypeptides from
carried out through the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 Spirulina platensis using hydrolysis and gel filtration chro-
mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) signaling and matography which exhibited cytotoxic effects against five
the downstream matrix metalloproteinases-(MMP) 9/MMP- cancer cells including HepG-2, MCF-7, SGC-7901, A549
2, this polysaccharide inhibited MCF-7 cell proliferation by and HT-29 with the ­IC 50   values between 31.25 and
activating the JNK signal pathway involving p53, caspase-3, 336.57  μg/mL −1 . Among them, a new peptide,

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 7 of 19  260

YGFVMPRSGLWFR, was determined by papain-digested Targeted drug delivery to cancer cells without damage to
hydrolysates which showed potent antiproliferative proper- healthy cells has become a promising strategy in cancer
ties on A549 cancer cells (Its I­ C50 value was 104.05 μg/ treatment. The use of diatom microalga for the synthesis of
mL−1). These spirulina-derived peptides can be used as an an innovative hybrid multifunctional drug delivery system
effective tool in biomedical activities by inducing toxic has recently been studied in targeted cancer therapies (Hus-
effects on cancer cells without adversely affecting normal sein and Abdullah 2020). The outer layer of these structures
cells. Salem and Ismail (2021) studied the protective mecha- is composed of functionalized microalga with vitamin B12
nism of Spirulina platensis in γ-irradiation and/or thioacet- linked with photoactivatable elements, which cause specific
amide-treated rats. Induced nephrotoxicity was associated identification of colon cancer cells. Rhenium (I) tricarbonyl
with changes in antioxidant enzymes, kidney function mark- as a chemotherapeutic agent is released slowly at a specific
ers, inflammatory markers, and markers associated with site, thus reducing the need for a lower dose and its adverse
oxidative stress. Spirulina extract exerts a protective effect effects. Furthermore, at least a twofold toxicity effect of this
by regulating the expression of miR-1 and miR-146a genes structure on HCT-116 was observed upon light irradiation
(by adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase/ (Delasoie et al. 2020). A summary of the anticancer action
mammalian target of rapamycin signaling route), inhibiting of biochemical compounds derived from different algal spe-
the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammatory cies is given in Table 1. One of the main goals of proteomic
factors, and autophagy (via AMPK/mTOR pathway). research is to provide information on the direction of early

Table 1  Types of biocompounds derived from different microalgae and their biological activity 

Bioactive compounds Microalgae Target cell Mechanism of action References

n-3 PUFAs Chlorella sp. S14 MCF-7 breast cancer cell/ Growth inhibitory effect of Vilakazi et al. (2021)
A549 human lung epithe- tumor cells
lial cells
EPA Nannochloropsis salina MCF-7 breast cancer cell Dose-dependent lethal Sayegh et al. (2016)
DHA Crypthecodinium cohnii MCF-7 breast cancer cell Induction of sub-G1 cells/ Chiu et al. (2004)
down-regulation of Bcl-2
gene expression
GA3P (d-galactan sulfate Gymnodinium sp. A3 Human myeloid leukemia Induction of apoptosis Umemura et al. (2003)
associated with l-(+)- K562 cells
lactic acid)
Polysaccharide Phaeophyceae (Sargassum) MCF-7 breast cancer cell Cell growth inhibition by Xie et al. (2018)
activating the JNK signal
Exopolysaccharide Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) HL-60 myeloid leukemia Antiproliferative effects Parra-Riofrío et al. (2020)
cells, MCF-7 breast
cancer cell and NCI-H460
lung cancer cell line
Peptide Chlorella Human skin fibroblasts Suppressing expression of Chen et al. (2011)
transcription factor AP-1
and cysteine-rich 61/
MCP-1 production
Peptide (Met-Gly-Arg-Tyr) Pavlova lutheri B16F10 melanoma cells Suppressing microphthal- Oh et al. (2015)
mia-associated transcrip-
tion factor (MITF) and
tyrosinase (TYR) protein
Peptide (YGFVMPRSGL- Spirulina platensis A549 cancer cells Antiproliferative action Wang and Zhang. (2016)
Carotenoids Chlorella ellipsoidea Colon carcinoma (HCT- Dose-dependent cytotoxic Cha et al. (2008)
116) activity
C-Phycocyanin Spirulina platensis MDA-MB-231 cells Antiproliferative effect Jiang et al. (2018)
through the MAPK sign-
aling pathway
Fucoidan (polysaccharide) Fucus vesiculosus Lewis lung carci- Triggers of TNF production Alekseyenko et al. (2007)
noma (LLC) cell line and phagocytic activities

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diagnosis and effective treatment of diseases with a better processes of spirulina, the loading of cargo is possible
understanding of their physiology and pathology. Further- through continuous water channels and junctional pores on
more, recent advances in bioinformatics have led to rapid the cell membrane. These swimmers can move and navigate
growth in analysis,and the collection of a lot of biological the intestinal tract through an external magnetic actuation.
data. The Reinado research team has analyzed the Nanno- The release of drug cargo from the swimmer is released by
chloropsis gaditana proteome based on applied proteomics two mechanisms: induced biodegradation by the host and/
(comparative analysis of obtained protein information with or concentration gradient-driven diffusion. Bioactive protec-
the existing patents database). They identified 488 proteins tion of guest TGF-β1 as a cargo inserted in swimmers was
with potential industrial applications, among which the confirmed by human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
UCA01 protein (related to the prohibition family) was (Fig. 2; Yan et al. 2019). Spirulina platensis has been used as
selected for validation studies, so that, the recombinant form a natural carrier to fabricate a novel biohybrid system con-
of this protein exhibited antiproliferative activity against taining doxorubicin (SP@DOX) for targeted delivery and
colon adenocarcinoma (Caco2) and hepatocellular carci- fluorescence imaging-guided chemotherapy (Zhong et al.
noma (HepG-2). Generally, the study of the bioalgorithm of 2020). The drug-loading process was performed through an
proteins identified in the proteome of model microorganisms electrostatic force between the positively charged doxoru-
can promise the emergence of new tools for cancer treatment bicin and the negatively charged spirulina. Studies on the
(Carrasco-Reinado et al. 2021). release kinetics of SP@DOX in the pH range of 5.5 to 9.0
showed that DOX released more than 58% in response to
Influence of microalgae in pharmaceutical fields low pH, especially pH 5.5. Therefore, the use of biohybrid
systems can be promisingly effective in tumor tissues. On
Today, modern drug delivery systems can be a viable alter- comparing the results of the MTT assay of DOX and SP@
native to conventional drugs with major barriers (e.g., high DOX within 72 h, less toxicity was observed in the biohy-
toxicity and low solubility). Recently, microalgae have brid compound due to its time-dependent release character-
been noticed for utilizing biodegradable microencapsu- istic. Among the advantages of making this biodegradable
lated delivery systems. The existence of junctional pores compound are: (1) high accumulation in the target tissue
of about 14–16 nm in diameter is considered a pathway followed by increased therapeutic effect, (2) great fluores-
for the transfer of small and larger biomolecules (Barsanti cence imaging capacity for noninvasive in vivo explora-
and Gualtieri 2014). To increase drug delivery efficiency tion as a result of high chlorophyll, (3) sustained-release
in gastrointestinal diseases, the use of engineered spirulina pH-responsive drug (Chen et al. 2022). A variety of drug
with a magnetic coating to make micro-swimmers has been carriers are commonly used micelles, inorganic nanoparti-
reported. By controlling the dehydration and rehydration cles, virus-like particles, virosomes, liposomes, silicon oxide

Fig. 2  Improving drug delivery efficiency using spirulina as micro- navigate cargo-laden micro-swimmers inside a sinuous microfluidic
swimmers. a The dehydration and rehydration processes of Spirulina channel filled with mouse intestinal fluids. b The cargo release mech-
cells allow the loading cargo through continuous aqueous channels anism is done in two ways, host degradation, and/or concentration
and extra junctional pores on the membrane. Magnetic actuations gradient-driven diffusion (Yan et al. 2019)

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 9 of 19  260

nanoparticles, nanoemulsions, polymeric nanoparticles, and seaweed is a simple method and it can be extracted from
immune-stimulatory complexes (ISCOMs; Trucillo 2021). dried brown algae by using dilute mineral acid and sodium
Although silica nanoparticles have become a promising tool carbonate (Uyen et al. 2020). Alginate microspheres (AMs)
in nanomedicine due to their convenient properties such as have received a lot of attention as a novel drug delivery sys-
small size and allowing surface modification, and ease of tem. The AMs act as a transient cover to support the various
synthesis, the existence of toxic materials and the require- encapsulated drugs (e.g., indomethacin (Bose et al. 2016),
ment for high cost and energy cannot be ignored. Biosilica metformin hydrochloride (Nayak et al. 2016), diloxanide
derived from diatoms as a single cell eukaryotic microalga furoate (Shukla et al. 2014), and metoprolol tartrate (Rajini-
is a good alternative to synthetic silica, and various studies kanth et al. 2003). Three techniques have been considered
have examined its impact on drug efficacy (Khavari et al. for fabricating microspheres, i.e., extrusion, spray drying,
2021). Sasirekha et al. (2019) used natural silica from the and the emulsification/gelation method. According to the
Amphora subtropica (AMPS) species for drug delivery encapsulation route, microspheres can be divided into two
applications. After extracting the Amphora frustules (AF) groups: microcapsules and micromatrices. In microcapsules,
exoskeleton from the AMPS cultures, functionalization was the drug nucleus is covered by a polymeric material, while
performed by chitosan (Chi@AF) for doxorubicin loading in micromatrices the drug is uniformly distributed in the
(Chi@AF-DOX). The encapsulation efficiency of the DOX polymer matrix (Solanki 2018).
was 89%. The anticancer behavior of DOX and Chi@AF-
DOX in A549 cells by MTT assay showed dose-dependent
toxicity in both compounds. The ­IC50 value of free DOX Can algae contribute to the war
and Chi@AF-DOX was reported at 6.15 ± 0.005 μg/mL with COVID‑19?
and 65 ± 0.005 μg/mL respectively. The use of Chi@AF-
DOX causes higher stability and lower toxicity effects of From the end of 2019 until today, a new virus from the corona-
free DOX, efficient drug loading, and strong luminescence. virus family threatens human society and other animals. Con-
The low cytotoxicity of Chi@AF-DOX could make it an cerns about the new Corona or COVID-19 virus are that for
alternative to synthetic nanomaterial used in drug delivery the third time in less than two decades, the world is facing a
applications. Uthappa et al. (2018) designed a hybrid com- deadly coronavirus epidemic (Andreadakis et al. 2020). Com-
pound containing modified diatoms (DE) with silica xerogel mon diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 are separated based on
(DE-XER) through a facile sol–gel method which acts as a a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
pH-sensitive micro drug carrier for diclofenac sodium drug. assay and serological tests. However, the hasty production of
The pore volume of the bare DE was 0.021 ­cm3/g and after many of these kits has caused uncertainty in the interpretation
surface modification increased to 0.199 ­cm3/g. The presence of the test and its effectiveness (Lerner et al. 2020). Nowadays,
of n xerogel skeleton on the surface of the diatom causes the possibility of using synthesized products from microalgae
an increase in the surface area and pore volume so that, in the production of serological test kits based on the immu-
according to the FESEM results, the pores of the diatom noassay method has been investigated. Mainly, SARS-CoV-2
were measured around 200–300 nm. This material improves recombinant receptor-binding domain (RBD) has been con-
the obstacles related to diclofenac sodium, including its sidered in serological tests. Microalgae have become a sig-
short half-life and rapid metabolism in the liver. According nificant promising platform for the production of viral protein
to the study by Zamani et al. (2019), oral administration of antigens (Chia et al. 2021). For example, Berndt et al. (2021)
Dunaliella salina extract was successfully conducted using reported the production of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) grafted with gum arabic RBD by using the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
(GA) as a biocompatible scaffold. The physicochemical They described three versions of the RBD by appending dif-
investigation of GA-coated MNPs exhibited the favoring of ferent intracellular localization motifs to the transgene includ-
encapsulation, uniform shape, hydrodynamic size > 200 nm, ing (a) a chloroplast-directed design with the psaE chloro-
and 6.8% content of GA. According to the in vitro release plast sequence presented in the N-terminus. (b) a secreted
study, the final relative release values of 72.41% in the first type with pherophorin 2 (PHC2) signal peptide localized in
8 h in the logarithmic phase were reported. The antioxidant the N-terminus (c) an ER-Golgi retained type by the addition
and cytotoxic investigation of microalgal extract-loaded GA- of a C-terminal KDEL target motif to the C-terminus of the
MNPs on both MCF-7 and HeLa cells showed strong anti- RBD fusion protein containing the PHC2 secretion peptide.
oxidant and anticancer impact in a time- and dose-dependent The results showed that among these three variants, the ver-
manner. Alginates are polysaccharides found in brown sea- sion targeted for ER–Golgi has applicable size, folding, and
weed and most abundant among marine biopolymers and, amino acid sequence as well as has the potential to bind the
after cellulose, the most abundant among biopolymers in angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor (the main
the world. The process of extracting alginate from brown target of SARS-CoV-2; Fig. 3). So, algae could be recognized

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Fig. 3  Potential of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii microalgae in the cellular localization motifs in the C. reinhardtii transgene. The vector
production of SARS-CoV-2 antigens and its application in sero- comprises the AR1 promoter (PAR1), bleomycin resistance gene
logical tests. a Schematic illustration of SARS-CoV-2 structure. b (BleR), FMDV foot-and-mouth disease virus 2A (F2A) ribosomal-
SARS-CoV2 spike protein structure. NTD, N-terminal domain; RBD, skip motif, mClover green fluorescent protein tag, and hygromycin
receptor binding domain; FP, fusion peptide; HR1 and HR2, homol- resistance cassette (Hyg cassett). d Recombinant RBD can be applied
ogy region 1 and 2; TM, transmembrane anchor; IC, intracellular tail. to produce vaccine antigens or reagents to recognize antibodies in
Amino acids 319–537 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was selected patient serum via various assays including ELISA  (enzyme-linked
to generation of recombinant RBD. Green fluorescent protein deriva- immunosorbent assay), CLIA (chemiluminescence immunoassay),
tive mClover was used for high-throughput screening. c Vector con- and lateral flow tests (Berndt et al. 2021)
struction. Generation of three versions of the RBD by different intra-

as a novel approach to vaccine antigen development and rea- approval, drug resistance, and cardiovascular toxicity, they
gents to identify antibodies in patient's serum, rapidly and have to some extent been able to improve COVID-19 patients.
cost-effectively. Also, innovative advances in gene editing Unique antiviral and immune-boosting properties of several
technologies increase the potential for algae to participate species of algae can provide reliable pharmaceutical tools
in the production of proteins needed to identify or amplify (Hans et al. 2020). Polysaccharides extracted from marine
SARS-CoV 2 proteins to resolve health concerns caused by microorganisms have been identified as antiviral agents for
COVID-19. The production of injectable vaccines should not many years. Seaweed polysaccharides can disrupt various
overlook recent advances in the development of oral vaccines stages of the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle by inhibiting adhesion,
(Gunasekaran and Gothandam 2020). The Biotech Company, reverse transcriptase activity, and protease activity (Iravani
TransAlgae, has developed an edible vaccine using genetically and Varma 2021). Chen et al. (2020a, b, c) have come up with
engineered Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for SARS-CoV-2. an interesting idea for the treatment of COVID-19 based on
It was reported that it is possible to produce up to 1 mg of nanotechnology. They proposed that loading S or N protein of
the recombinant antigen per gram of dried algal biomass (if coronavirus onto carrageenan (CGN) oligosaccharides capped
contamination is ignored). Finally, lyophilized algae can be AuNPs would produce an immunological vaccine adjuvant
encapsulated to produce an “edible vaccine” for oral admin- and stimulate antibody secretion. Carrageenan belongs to the
istration. The resistant wall of algae transports active antigens family of sulfated polysaccharides found in certain red algae
in a protected manner from acidic, protease-rich surroundings species. The basic structure of these compounds consists of
in the stomach to the intestine, which in turn induces immune alternating repetitive disaccharide units including 3-linked
and hemorrhagic events (Sami et al. 2021). A variety of β-d-galactopyranose (G-units) and 4-linked α-galactopyranose
therapeutic approaches against COVID-19 to date have been (D-units) or 3, 6-anhydro-α-galactopyranose (AnGal-units;
proposed, such as remdesivir, chloroquine, and angiotensin Jiang et al. 2021). The successful observation of inhibition of
receptor blockers (ARB). Although many of these available coronavirus by lambda-CGN has been published. Cell cul-
therapeutic options present obstacles such as the need for FDA ture studies have shown that this compound not only inhibits

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 11 of 19  260

influenza A and B viruses (range of ­EC50 values from 0.3 proinflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1, and
to 1.4 μg/mL), but also inhibits SARS-CoV-2 ­(EC50 value chemokines (CCL3, CCL2, CXCL9, CXCL10), leading to
of 0.9 ± 1.1 μg/mL). In addition, intranasal administration of severe immune system activity and acute lung damage (ALI;
this compound into mice resulted in 60% survival of mice Tang et al. 2020). Microalgae-derived astaxanthin (ASX)
infected with influenza A without weight loss. The antivi- is a reddish pigment that belongs to a group of chemicals
ral mechanism of λ-CGN inhibits the binding of the virus such as terpenes. In addition to its antioxidant and oxida-
to receptors on the surface of the host cell, which prevents tive stress-reducing properties, its anti-inflammatory action
the virus from penetrating (Jang et al. 2021). The develop- in cytokine release syndrome is very significant. Therefore,
ment of CGN in nasal decongestant sprays and lozenges in applying the ASX in lungs infected by SARS-CoV-2 may
the treatment of throat infections has received much atten- suppress the excessive secretion of inflammatory factors
tion. Recently, the effectiveness of nasal spray comprising such as IL-1B, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, INF-γ, TNF-α, and
Iota-Carrageenan (I-C) in preventing SARS-Cov-2 has been VGEF as well as modulate oxidative stress by inhibiting the
evaluated by hospital health care workers who are associ- production of oxidative enzymes and ROS (Talukdar et al.
ated with COVID-19-infected patients. After receiving four 2020). Spirulina is a green–blue alga in the form of a spi-
daily doses of I-C spray or placebo for 21 days by 394 vol- ral that contains 70% protein and is rich in phenolic acids,
unteers, the findings showed that the prevalence of COVID- essential fatty acids, amino acids, sulfated polysaccharides,
19 in the I-C receiving group was significantly lower than and vitamin B12. Therefore, the use of spirulina as a popu-
in placebo (1.0% vs. 5.0%). In addition, no difference was lar supplement has long been considered. Numerous studies
observed between the two groups in terms of the occurrence have reported the antiviral properties of spirulina. Induction
of adverse effects (17.3% in the I-C group and 15.2% in the of interferon-gamma production and activation of immune
placebo group; Figueroa et al. 2021). Also, Morokutti-Kurz cells by spirulina play a significant role in activating the
et al. (2017) developed carrageenan-containing lozenges as immune system against viruses (Daoud and Soliman 2015).
a therapeutic agent against viral infections human rhinovirus Calcium spirulina is a novel sulfated polysaccharide isolated
(HRV) 1a, HRV8, influenza virus A H1N1n, coxsackievirus from spirulina that contains several units of monosaccha-
A10, and human coronavirus (hCoV) OC43 of the throat. rides such as ribose, rhamnose, mannose, galactose, xylose,
Lozenges containing 10 mg of I-C cause structural changes in fructose, glucose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, sulfate,
viral glycoproteins by maintaining low pH inside the mouth. and calcium. This polysaccharide has been shown to inhibit
They observed during the residence time of the lozenge in the the replication of several enveloped viruses including human
mouth, the viral titer is reduced by 85% and 91% for influenza cytomegalovirus, mumps virus, herpes simplex virus type 1,
A virus and hCoV-OC43, respectively. measles virus, HIV-1, and influenza A virus (Hayashi et al.
Red alga-derived griffithsin (GRFT), which is a carbo- 1996). Spirulina-derived phycocyanin is also known as an
hydrate-binding protein, is effective in reducing the spread NADPH oxidase inhibitor with anti-inflammatory activity.
of multiple viral infections, including the hCoV-OC43, According to reports, spirulina may be an effective candi-
hCoV-229E, and hCoV-NL63 in  vitro and SARS-CoV date for adjuvant therapy for COVID-19 patients (Singh
in  vivo. GRFT is prevented from spreading viral infec- et al. 2020). Numerous biotechnological studies have dem-
tion by binding to spike glycoproteins (Zumla et al. 2016). onstrated the potential of algae in the pharmaceutical field to
Therefore, it seems that GRFT can be efficient in inhibit- have a great potential to help fight COVID-19. In addition,
ing SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry and various enzymatic using an algae supplement in powder or capsule form can
activities. The structure of the GRFT is in the form of a strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of
homodimer where each of its subunits is composed of three severe viral infections.
carbohydrate-binding domains of 121 amino acids. These
domains can bind to the mannose, glucose, and N-acetyl
glucosamine monosaccharides in enveloped viruses. Such Microalgae harvesting techniques
a unique structure can also induce broad-spectrum antiviral by various types of photobioreactors
properties against HIV (human immunodeficiency virus),
hepatitis C virus (HCV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), To exploit and commercialize microalgae as a valuable natu-
herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), and porcine epidemic ral resource for biomedical programs, their production in a
diarrhea virus (PEDV; Lee 2019; Alsaidi et al. 2021). In large area has become a challenge. Recently, the construc-
severe COVID-19 patients, activation of oxidative stress tion of photobioreactors with new and innovative designs for
and severe pulmonary inflammatory responses induce a algae cultivation on a large scale has attracted attention.
violent immune response cytokine storm, which in turn Among the most important features of these systems is the
leads to the development of acute respiratory distress syn- control of culture conditions including light, gas transfer,
drome (ARDS). ARDS is associated with elevated levels of temperature, acidity level, and protection from the entry of

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pollutants and foreign particles (Vasumathi et al. 2012). In (polycarbonate, plexiglass, or plastic bags) that are con-
general, photobioreactors (PBRs) can be divided into two nected in a rectangular cube to form a small-diameter aquar-
categories: open and closed types. Among the open types, ium. The flat-panel photobioreactor has received a lot of
first introduced by Ostwald in the 1960s, the open raceway attention due to its high level of light absorption. However,
bioreactor (ORC) was examined (Mehariya et al. 2021). due to the self-shading of microalgae cells between the flat
ORC with an area of about 1000 and 5000 ­m2 has low energy plates, LED lamps are used (Xu et al. 2009). Vertical column
consumption (3.72 W/m3) and construction costs. The basic PBRs are composed of transparent cylindrical columns to
structure of ORC consists of two channels with linked curves facilitate good light penetration. Several factors have made
with mixing devices for continuous circulation of culture vertical column reactors important, including the homogene-
medium and microalgae. The role of the light source and gas ous distribution of photosynthetic organisms, increasing the
supply for biomass growth is also obvious (Raes et al. 2014). illumination exposure time, and increasing residence time
There are different configurations of open bioreactor sys- of ­CO2 due to the longer contact time between gas and liquid
tems, such as circular pond systems and inclined surface (Pawar 2016). The presence of a gas sparger at the bottom
systems (Hosseini et al. 2015). The open system has several of the reactor causes conversion of the influent sparged gas
obstacles, including the possibility of contamination by pro- into tiny bubbles which improves the mixing process and
tozoa and bacteria (excessive use of antibiotics to address removes the ­O2 generated in photosynthesis. Depending on
this issue, in addition to creating antibiotic resistance, the flowing manner, vertical column PBRs are divided into
reduces the safety of biomass produced for human and ani- two groups: bubble column and airlift reactors (Ugwu et al.
mal feed production), the need for large non-arable land for 2008). Bubble column PBRs have satisfactory properties
real-world application, lack of light penetration into the such as desirable heat and mass transfer rates, decreased
deeper layers of the culture medium, nutrient shortages, and shear stress on microorganisms, enhanced light scattering
temperature fluctuations (Ryu et al. 2019). The closed pho- and penetration due to the bubbles, and improved scalability.
tobioreactors family can be divided into a tubular bioreactor, The salient limitations of this model are the random flow
a flat plate bioreactor, and a vertical column bioreactor. The pattern and sedimentation process. Photosynthetic efficiency
limitations of open systems have been removed with the and biomass yield greatly depend upon the gas flow rate. The
advent of closed types in various geometric configurations significant limitation of this model is the random flow pat-
so that increasing the surface-to-volume ratio enhances effi- tern which affects biomass yield efficiency (Wong et al.
ciency and value-added microalgae biomass (Carvalho et al. 2017). Airlift reactors are developed from a cylindrical ves-
2011). A Tubular photobioreactor is one of the most suitable sel containing several interconnecting zones which is com-
types of PBRs, which include plastic or glass tubes. They posed of an inner tube (called a riser), where the gas mixture
can be in different shapes, such as horizontal, spiral, vertical, flows upward from the sparger and an outer part (called
near horizontal, fence-like, conical, and sloping and the cul- downcomer) which circulates the medium from downward
ture is rotated employing pumps or air pressure systems into the riser (Yen et al. 2019). Airlift reactors have been
inside the tubes (Tan et al. 2018). The turbulence process of widely used in biotechnological processes in recent decades,
the culture medium is applied by an air pump to prevent the including aerobic fermentation to produce a variety of food
deposition of algal cells. In these systems, dissolved oxygen products, wastewater operations, and other similar opera-
accumulation is usually high, which causes light respiration. tions. These types of reactors are suitable for processes in
Other limitations of this system are the accumulation, pre- which uniform and rapid distribution of reactive components
cipitation, and, adhesion of algae to the walls of the tubes is necessary, as well as for multiphase systems (liq-
(Singh and Sharma 2012). The general structure of tubular uid–gas–solid) that require high mass and heat transfer
PBRs is divided into two parts: the tubular part (where algal (Fuchs et al. 2021; Yen et al. 2019). Although all the men-
biomass grows) and the degasser unit (which prevents light tioned PBRs have been considered and used for many years,
oxidation). Microalgae are circulated from the degasser unit the obstacles related to cultivation conditions, harvesting
to the reactor part and returned to the degasser unit on an and equipment as well as low algal cell density have made
ongoing route. Another disadvantage of this system is the them unpopular. Algal biofilm-based systems have become
problem of temperature regulation as well as the aeration a promising technology in that the algal biomass is immobi-
inefficiency that is done in the degasser section. At the lized on a substrate and is separated from the aquatic culture
beginning of the tube, the concentration of carbon dioxide medium (Gross et al. 2015). To manufacture these systems,
is high and oxygen is low, and its temperature is adjusted, there are several pivotal steps: firstly, there are various car-
but near the end of the tube, these values are reversed and rier materials such as a film for microalgae attachment.
the desired temperature changes (Huang et al. 2017; Con- Proper attachment of microalgae to the support surface
verti et al. 2006). Generally, a flat-panel photobioreactor like requires a gel-like matrix of extracellular polymeric sub-
closed PBRs consists of two transparent flat plates stances (ExPS) that is secreted by a variety of

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 13 of 19  260

microorganisms, such as bacteria. ExPS is made up of vari- of bacteria, increase their enzymatic activity in the decom-
ous biomolecules, including nucleic acids, proteins, polysac- position of organic matter, which in turn improves the pro-
charides, and lipids produced by different types of microor- liferation and photosynthesis process of microalgae (Liu
ganisms which play an important role in the creation of an et al. 2016; Villanueva et al. 2011; Gross and Wen 2014).
adsorbent, diffuse, and heterogeneous scaffold for the growth Usually, algal biofilm PBRs fall into two categories: sub-
and cell interactions of microalgae (Fig.  4). The higher merged systems and porous substrate photobioreactors
diversity of bacteria causes more microalgal binding and (PSBRs). In submerged-biofilm PBRs, the biofilms are usu-
provides more carbon sources for them (Choudhary et al. ally attached to impermeable surfaces, which are either con-
2017). Next, the binding potential of microalgae to the film stantly or intermittently soaked in the culture medium. In the
surface should also be considered. For example, Chlorella case of PSBRs, a biofilm containing a fine-microporous
sp. and Scenedesmus sp. as well as cyanobacteria and hetero- substrate is used, which separates the biofilm from the
trophic bacteria have been studied for this purpose (Ahn aquatic medium. The smaller size of the substrate pores than
et al. 2013). Finally, optimizing environmental conditions the algal cells causes the biomass to separate from the
from an engineering perspective should also be considered. medium and accumulate on one side of the substrate (Fig. 5;
The flow velocity of the cultivation environment and tem- Li et al. 2017). Conventional PBRs require large amounts of
perature are two influential factors in the distribution of algal energy resources to overcome air resistance. Therefore, the
species and the efficiency of biofilm composition. Generally, construction of cost-effective alternative devices has been
lower flow rates are desirable for the placement of filamen- considered. Recently, pressure-driven bioreactors as novel
tous microalgae and higher flow rates induce colonization devices are equipped with a vacuum pump that raises the
of green microalgae. Furthermore, higher temperatures, culture medium flow to the container at the top of the device.
despite their positive effect on the growth and colonization In these systems, energy consumption is reduced by about

Fig. 4  Schematic illustration of
algal biofilm formation

Fig. 5  The schematic illustra-

tions of important classes of
biofilm systems. According to
the relative motion of cultiva-
tion medium and biofilm sup-
port, these systems are divided
into three categories: perfused
biofilm systems, constantly
and intermittently submerged
biofilm systems (top row).
Besides, due to the position
of the biofilm support, these
arrangements can be classified
into horizontal, vertical, and
flow cell (bottom row; Li et al.

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99.3% (Zhong et al. 2020). In the years 2000–2012, the Microalgae biomass
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of
the USA introduced the Offshore Membrane Enclosures for Microalgae biomass has become an inspiring source of
Growing Algae (OMEGA) method. NASA’s OMEGA sys- energy with multifaceted applications in the production of
tem is an innovative method to grow algae, wastewater treat- sustainable nutrients, biofuels, and dietary supplements.
ment, and C­ O2 catch and ultimately produce aviation biofu- Therefore, mass cultivation of these natural biofactories has
els. OMEGA photobioreactors consist of large flexible been considered in the last few decades. High efficiency,
plastic tubes floating in seawater and the mixing process is high content of lipids and other bioactive components, abil-
done by force driving by waves (minimizing energy con- ity to grow in wastewater, and no need for large farms are
sumption). The advantages of these systems are very signifi- the advantages of algal biomass production compared to tra-
cant, including: addressing concerns about the cost of struc- ditional crops (Orejuela-Escobar et al. 2021). To use micro-
tural mechanical equipment and commercial culture media algae as a source of renewable energy (biofuels) and envi-
as well as algae cultivation on the offshore eliminates com- ronmental applications, large-scale industrial production of
petition with agricultural land and costs associated with land algae has been proposed. However, it is possible to use tra-
resources (Ullman and Grimm 2021). The different types of ditional small-scale cultivation for human consumption. The
photobioreactors for algal growth are shown in Fig. 6). first sure step in the commercialization process of microal-
gae production is the selection of suitable species and strains
for cultivation. Selected strains must be able to withstand
a wide range of environmental conditions of temperature,
salinity, light, and pH. To produce biomass on an industrial
scale, green microalgae belonging to the Chlorophyceae

Fig. 6  Various models of algal photobioreactors. a Open ponds cul- 2021), e conical type (Koller 2015), f pressure-driven type (Zhang
tivation systems (circular and raceway designs), b horizontal tubular et al. 2020), g flat plate type, and h Offshore Membrane Enclosures
type (Brányiková and Lucáková 2021), c vertical tubular type (Alas- for Growing Algae (OMEGA; Ullman and Grimm 2021)
wad et  al. 2015), d inclined tubular type (Brányiková and Lucáková

3 Biotech (2022) 12: 260 Page 15 of 19  260

class, including species such as chlorella, hematococcus, and The use of microalgae due to their potential in the produc-
donalilla, are commonly used (Benedetti et al.2018). The tion of combustible oils up to 60% in some species for the
largest units producing D. salina were built in Australia in production of biofuels has yielded valuable results and has
wide and shallow ponds (each pond up to 400 ha and a total turned them into a renewable energy source. In one of the
area of more than 700 ha). The production of this algae for sections of this paper, the focus is on the cultivation of algae
its valuable product, beta-carotene, attracted a lot of atten- in photobioreactors, so that the function of these systems is
tion (Borowitzka and Moheimani 2013). Genetic modifica- described and their advantages and drawbacks are reported.
tion has the potential to revolutionize the microalgae-based Cultivation of microalgae in photobioreactors can be consid-
industry. Transfer of genes isolated from other species such ered a promising approach for the integration of wastewater
as resistance genes to light, excessive heat stress, pH altera- treatment and ­CO2 capturing, which have become universal
tion, and pathogens have been welcomed to produce strains challenges. In the field of nanomedicine, the use of microal-
with favorable commercial characteristics. Genome sequenc- gae as a safe and innovative carrier for targeted drug deliv-
ing, advances in metagenomes, and genetic manipulation ery improves drug-loading efficiency and reduces toxicity
all make important contributions to studies on microalgae effects. According to the major articles reviewed, usually,
(Fajardo et al. 2020). Following the growth of microalgae immunoenhancing properties of various bio compounds of
in different types of cultivation systems, biomass harvesting microalgae are induced mainly through the activation of
and drying is an important step in terms of cost and energy various types of cytokines, NK cells, and several immu-
intensity. Using various physical and chemical techniques, noglobulin classes. Furthermore, In addition to examining
such as flotation, centrifugation, filtration, coagulation ad the anticancer properties of various compounds extracted
flocculation, and algal biomass can be isolated (Roy and from microalgae, the latest achievements in controlling the
Mohanty 2019). It should be noted that the use of the men- COVID-19 pandemic were reported.
tioned methods requires investment and high operating costs.
Biological methods including auto-flocculation as a result of Acknowledgements  The authors appreciate the support provided by
the Research and Technology Council of the Ferdowsi University of
increasing pH or using high concentrations of ­Ca2+ ions and Mashhad, Iran (Grant Nos. 3/50639, 1398/06/26).
biological flocculation using microbes and biopolymers have
also been considered (Wrede et al. 2014). The energy crisis, Declarations 
pollution, and the devastating environmental effects of using
fossil fuels have led to the use of renewable energy. There- Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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