English Language
English Language
English Language
Mentor: Student:
Table of Contents
English language
1.UNIT 17..................................................................................................................................3
SOCIAL CULTURE..............................................................................................................3
SOCIJALNA KULTURA......................................................................................................4
2.UNIT 19..................................................................................................................................5
ELEKTRONSKA TRGOVINA.............................................................................................6
3.UNIT 21..................................................................................................................................7
5.UNIT 28................................................................................................................................10
INQUIRIES (ALSO SPELT: ENQUIRIES)........................................................................10
1.UNIT 17
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2.UNIT 19
The trend of doing ecommerce was set in 1998; the next year venture investing in
Europe was around $13 billion, 65% higher than the amount invested in a year earlier.
Prospects of doing business in this way have been promising and it has been so easy to
establish one's own on-line presence. So "dot.com" newly born businesses have been
launched on the back of funds from venture capitalists. For a time, almost anybody with half
an idea about business could raise money. A new breed of young entrepreneurs seemed to
symbolize a far-reaching change, so that much of the new money was aimed at start-ups.
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But, this favorable beginning was adversely effected by a sudden plunge in share prices
on America's stock market. Since then most of start-ups have found far harder to raise fresh
money. The direct consequence has been that young Internet firms started running out of
cash, or had to lower substantially their offer prices. Given the circumstances, it has seemed
that mergers among Europe's Internet firms should come as no surprise. In America, Internet
firms have already begun merging in order to husband resources and speed up their
development. For experts on both sides of the Atlantic, there has been no surprise. As some
of them put it: "It is a neutral phenomenon in emerging industries". The consolidation will
help those firms with the best business models to grow more quickly to a sustainable scale.
Although Internet seems to be "a safe place to do business", it is not without risk.
Recently, there has been an avalanche of fake requests for information on the Internet's most
prominent sites. As a result, they have been paralyzed by a series of "denial-of-service"
attacks which overwhelm even the most powerful network computers. Some experts now fear
that such digital assaults could deal a lasting blow to e-commerce.
The web's openness facilitates electronic assaults, but one should not forget that the
same openness created e-commerce in the first place.
Bavljenje ovim trendom započeto je 1998; sledeće godine poduhvat ulaganja u Evropi
je bio oko 13 milijardi dolara, 65% više od iznosa uloženog predhodne godine. Izgledi
bavljenja biznisom u obom smislu je bilo obećavajuće i bilo je lako uspostaviti sopstveno on-
line prisudstvo. Dakle, "dot.com" novoosnovani biznis je bio pokrenut na osnovama
sredstava kapitalista. Za određeno vreme, skoro svako sa malo ideje o poslu je mogao da
zaradi novac. Nova generacija mladih preduzetnika simbolizovala je dalekosežne promene,
tako da je veliki deo novog novca usmeren na početnike.
Ali, ovaj povoljan početak je negativno uticao na iznenadne padove cena akcija na
američkoj berzi. Od tada je većina početnika otkrila da je daleko teže da se zaradi svež novac.
Direktna posledica je da je mladim Internet firmama počelo da ponestaje novca, ili su morali
da značajno da smanje cene ponuda. S obzirom na okolnosti, izgleda da je spajanja među
evropskim internet firmama došlo očekivano. U Americi, Internet firme su već počele
spajanje u cilju spajanja resursa i ubrzavala njihov razvoj. Za eksperte na obe strane Atlantika,
nije bilo iznenađenja. Neki od njih su rekli: "To je neutralna pojava u razvoju industrije".
Konsolidacija će pomoći one firme sa najboljim poslovnim modelima da rastu brže na
održivom nivou.
Iako internet izgleda kao "bezbedno mesto za posao", to nije bez rizika. Nedavno, došlo
je do lavine lažnih zahteva za informacije o najistaknutijim internet sajtovima. Kao rezultat
toga, oni su bili paralisani serijom "Odbijanja usluge" napadima, koji premašuju čak i
najmoćnije mrežne kompjutere.Neki stručnjaci sada strahuju da bi takvi digitalni napadi
zadali trajni udarac za e-trgovinu.
Otvorenost na internet olakšava elektronske napade, ali ne treba zaboraviti da je ista ta
otvorenost i kreirala e-trgovinu na prvom mestu.
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3.UNIT 21
Nowadays, marketing influences and often actually controls, almost every part of
company's activities.
The Marketing Concept could be simply explained as it follows here:
1) We must produce what customers want, not WHAT WE WANT to produce;
2) We must put the customer FIRST; that means that we organize the company so that it
3) We must FIND OUT what the customer wants, so we carry out market research;
4) We must SUPPLY exactly what the customer requires and we can do it by offering the
right MARKETING MIX - the so called 'the four Ps', i.e.
a) the right Product
b) at the right Price
c) available through the right channels of distributing, i.e. Place
d) all presented in the right way: Promotion
A PRODUCT is not just a collection of components; it is the image of the product, its
design, quality and reliability, as well as its features and benefits. Products have a life cycle
and companies are continually developing new products to replace those whose sales are
declining and coming to the end of their lives.
PRICE means making it easy for the customer to buy the product.
Pricing takes account of the value of a product and its quality, the ability of the
customer to pay, the volume of sales required and the prices charged by the competitors. Too
low prices can reduce the number of sales just as significantly as too high prices.
PLACE means getting the product to the customer.
Decisions have to be made about channels of distribution and delivery arrangements.
Retail products may go through various channels of distribution.
PROMOTION means presenting the product to the customer. It involves the packaging
and presentation of the product, its image, its brand name, advertising and slogans, brochures,
literature, price-lists, after-sales service and training of staff, trade exhibitions and fairs,
public relations, etc. Every product must possess a UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION, i.e.
the features and benefits that make it unlike any other product in its market.
Everyone who works for the company must "think marketing"
Danas, marketing ima uticaj, često zapravo i kontroliše, skoro svaki deo aktivnosti
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By submitting an offer, the seller declares his willingness to sell certain goods at certain
prices and on certain terms. The price at which the seller offers the goods, and the offer
containing the price, are called quotation. Quotations are sometimes made in the form of the
pro-forma invoice. A tender (US bid) is a quotation for the supply of goods or the
performance of work made in response to an invitation to tender. (This term is also loosely
applied to the whole system of awarding contracts on a tender basis.)
Offers can be made orally or in writing. Verbal and telegraphic offers should be
confirmed by letter. Frequently offers are prepared on printed forms (quotation forms), which
are mailed either with or without a covering letter.
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Neželjene ponude se šalju starim kupcima da budu obavesteni o posebnoj ponudi, ili da
"obnove neaktivne račune", to jest, da povrate stare kupce koji su prestali da šalju narudžbine.
Da bi kreirali nov biznis, biznismeni šalju neželjene ponude i prodajna pisma na pažljivo
odabranoj listi potencijalnih kupaca (mailing liste).
Ponuda je fiksna, to jest, obavezujuća za prodavca, osim ako klauzulom nije određeno
drugačije. Ako prodavac napravi fiksnu ponudu, on se obavezuje da obezbedi robu po ceni i
pod uslovima koji su navedenim, pod uslovom da je ponuda prihvaćena u razumnom roku.
Prodavac često određuje rok za prihvatanje, na primer, "ova ponuda je fiksna ukoliko
prihvatite do 10. juna".
Fiksna ponuda može biti povučena sve dok kupac ne pošalje svoj pristanak
(porudžbinu).Kada ponuda bude prihvaćena, prodavac može da promeni svoju ponudu samo
uz saglasnost kupca.
On takođe može zahtevati da su"cene podložne promenama bez najave", da je roba
"predmet je neprodat", itd
Kompletna ponuda treba da podrazumeva sledeće tačke:
1. Poreklo i kvalitet ponuđene robe
2. Količina
3. Cene i popusti / ako se popusti odobravaju /
4. Rok isporuke
5. Uslovi isporuke
6. Rokovi plaćanja
Ako je potrebno, ponuda je dopunjena štampanim materijalom, ilustracijama, uzorcima
ili obrazcima. Ukoliko ponuda ne bude prihvaćena, mogu se poslati propratna pisma. Odgovor
prodavca na upit kupca sa kojim redovno posluje, treba da bude ljubazan i direktan. Potrebne
informacije treba da budu jednostavne i jasne i ništa više od neophodnog.
5.UNIT 28
The need for information arises daily in almost every type of business. The reasons for
writing a request letter, i.e. an inquiry are many, namely:
1) to obtain information about the supply of goods
2) to receive printed matter / booklets, leaflets, catalogues/
3) to get sample products
4) to order merchandise
5) to obtain information as for terms of payment, delivery terms, method of transport,
Most letters of inquiry are short and simple, so much so that many firms have adopted
the practice of sending printed inquiry forms, thus eliminating the need for a cover letter. As
a prospective buyer, the writer of an inquiry introduces himself, stating briefly and clearly
what he is interested in. At this stage, this is all the receiver of the letter needs to know. If a
prospective customer approaches suppliers for the first time, it is useful to tell about his own
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business, the kind of goods he needs and what they are required for. In the case of customers
of long standing or repeated order, the inquiry may be very simple. Often a phone call will
do. When writing this type of a business letter, do not forget to make your inquiry easy to
Ključni termini:
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Supplier - the manufacturer or another entrepreneur from whom the goods are supplied
for resale or end use. The supplier can work in its own name and for its own account or on
the authority, on behalf of others.
Dobavljač - je proizvođač ili neki drugi preduzetnik kod kojeg se nabavlja roba za
dalju prodaju ili krajnju upotrebu. Dobavljač može raditi u svoje ime i za svoj račun ili, po
ovlašćenju, za tuđi račun.
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