Account Posting
Account Posting
Account Posting
All the Inventory transactions will look for the valuation class and the corresponding G.L. Accounts and
the values in the G.L accounts.
For Example: during Goods Receipt
When the Goods are issued to the Production Order the following transactions takes place:
When the Goods are received from the Production Order the following transactions takes place:
When the Goods are dispatched to customer through delivery the following transactions takes place:
When the Goods are issued to a Cost Center or charged off against expenses the following transactions
takes place:
When the Goods are stock transferred from one plant to another, the following transactions takes place:
When the Work in Progress is calculated the following transaction takes place:
Note: As mentioned above in the FI document, which is created in the background, the SD invoice number shall
be captured. However as per the current accounting procedure the accounting entry passed is as follows :-
Customer Account Dr
Revenue Cr
Excise Duty Billed Cr
Sales Tax Payable (local or central) Cr
There have been very few export transactions in the past. SAP system will be designed to handle export
business. Exports are mainly from the mines and will be handled at the mines, however the documentation part
will be taken care at the Head Office. The accounting entry is:
Customer Account Dr
Revenue (Exports) Cr
The realisation of export sales will be directly credited to the bank. The accounting entries will be as follow:
Bank Dr
Customer Cr
Exchange Fluctuation Dr/ Cr
In case of HZL a complete retirement or a partial retirement of asset is done. The system uses the asset
retirement date to determine the amount to be charged off for each depreciation area. The existing accounting
policy is to provide depreciation for the full quarter in which the asset is sold/discarded, recommended that the
depreciation be provided from the date of acquisition on prorata basis .
Note: In case of any Sales Tax /Excise duty applicable for this transaction, SAP will calculate the Sales
Tax/Excise Duty based on the Tax Code selected the entry is posted to the GL Account (Sales Tax Payable)
A FI Invoice will be prepared for the sale of scrap with the following entries:
Customer Dr
Sale of Scrap Cr
Excise Duty Payable Cr
These advances will be later on adjusted against the invoices raised on the customers. Advances can be adjusted
against more than one invoice at the time of clearing of the invoices against advances.
A financial document would be created for each Bank Guarantee received and this document number will be
referred to in the Sales Order which would then monitor the value and the validity of the of the Bank Guarantee
instrument wise while doing the billing.The letter of credit /Bank guarantee given will be recorded as a noted
Based on the Purchase order and the Quantity actually received Goods Receipts (GR) will be done. Based on
the GR done the following accounting entry will be passed in the Financial Accounts
RM/PM Stock Account Dr
GR/IR Account Cr
Freight Clearing Account Cr
The detail process related to invoice verification is documented in Materials Management Document.
On receipt of vendor bill the following entry will be passed:
GR/IR Account DR
Freight Clearing Account DR
Cenvat Clearing Account DR
Vendor Account CR
GR/IR Account DR
Vendor Account CR
TDS (Work Contract Tax) for Service Orders shall be calculated and deducted accordingly.
The following entry will be passed on bill passing:
Expenses Account DR
Vendor Account CR
TDS Account CR
The accounting in respect of debit / credit memos for FI vendors, the process will be similar to that of invoice
processing. The accounting entries will be:
On issue of debit note
Vendor Account DR
Expenses Account CR
In respect of import vendor - capital goods exchange differences are to be accounted manually through a
Journal Voucher for capitalization.
Exchange rate differences will be accounted at HO. An example of the accounting entry in this case shall be:
Invoice entry @ 40 INR: 1 USD
A new G/L account shall be created for the special G/L transactions.
The accounting entry for making the down payment shall be:
Advance to supplier account Debit
Bank A/c Credit
Wherever, TDS is applicable, the TDS will be deducted at the time of down-payment to the vendor.
Down Payment for Capital (tangible) Assets
Down payment to vendors for capital acquisitions is to be reported separately in the Balance Sheet under the
head Capital Work in Progress. Hence down payment for capital goods would be tracked through a separate
special general ledger indicator.
The Following are the TDS Rates (to be confirmed with the recent changes)
Particulars Tax Rate Surcharge Rate Total
Contractors – 194 C 2% 5% 2.10%
Advertising – 194 C 1% 5% 1.05%
Prof. Fees – 194 J 5% 5% 5.25%
Rent – Others – 194 I 15% 5% 15.75%
Rent – Company – 194 I 20% 5% 21%
Commission – 194H 5% 5% 5.25%
Interest - Others – 194 A 10% 5% 10.50%
Interest – Company – 194 A 20% 5% 21%
Special Concessional Tax
Works Contract Tax
EMD to give the age so as to enable the same to be transferred to unclaimed EMD account.
Employee Advances will be paid by the Accounts Department unit wise based on the requisition or
recommendation of the respective departmental head.
Employee Travel Advance A/c DR
Cash / Bank Account CR
At times some incorrect documents might have been entered in the systems.
If you have entered an incorrect document, you can reverse it. Note that R/3 can reverse a document only if the
following conditions are met:
- Contains no cleared items
- Contains only vendor, customer, or G/L line items
- Was posted within the FI system
- Contains only valid values, such as business areas, cost centers, and tax codes
Ordinarily, you post a reversing document in the same period you posted the original document. The period of
the original document must be open to post a reversing document. If the period is not open, you can overwrite
the posting date field with a date in an open period, such as the current period.
Reversal can be done individually - FB08 or Mass F.80.
If the document to be reversed contains cleared items, then cleared item must be reset before the reversal of
1-19 customer
20-39 Vendor
40 & 50 GL
70 debit Asset
75 credit Asset
3. Create Group wise clearing GL (You should create clearing account through OBD4)
for eg. Capital General Clearing A/c
Capital Initial Clearing A/c
Expenditure General Clearing A/c
Expenditure initial clearing A/c
Customer General Clearing A/c
Customer initial Clearing A/c
Create the GL each Account Group.
4. Create one Doc.Type "LD" for upload Legacy Data.
5. Post the Balance Sheet Figures through T.Code F-02 use Doc.Type "LD"
for eg. Sundry Debtors Balance Rs,5 lac in Balance Sheet. This fig was arrived from 5
customers Mr.A - Rs.75,000 Mr.B Rs.25,000 Mr.C Rs. 400000
Customer General Clg A/c Cr.5,00,000
Customer Initial Clg A/c Dr.5,00,000
Like that post all the Balance Figures in SAP group wise. Maintain one XL Sheet. Carefully maintain
this sheet.
All the General Clg GL figures are opposit to BS, only for controlling
Then post
Customer Inital Clg A/c Cr. 5,00,000
Mr.A A/c Dr. 75,000
Mr.B A/c Dr. 25,000
Mr.C A/c Dr. 4,00,000
After completed the posting all the inital accounts are "0" Value and all the General Clg A/c are "0".
If you want to post the Customer open item line by line, prepare the XL sheet upload through LSMW.
If you want to check the TB in SAP to Tally, select all the document and filter the Doc.Type "LD" the debit
balance and credit balance are "Zero".
FI-SD integation:
This integration done using Tr Code VKOA. here we have to define GL account codes to Condition types.
Process :
1) SD Raises Sales Order - No implication in FI
2) SD raises Delivery doc - No implication in FI
3) SD processes billing - no implication in FI
4) SD releases billing doc to FI - FI document gets generated (Tr Code VFX3)
Each movement type has quantity and value string, which decides what to update. Also each movement type
has transaction event key (account modifier) which in turn depending upon valuation grouping code and
valuation class decides which G/L account to post.
Material type --> Account Category reference --> Valuation class -->Material.
Movement type -->Transaction event key-->Account modifier.
Try with Tr.code OMBW to check which G/L accounts are being hit on Plant, Material and movement type.
OBYC Different transaction like BSX, GBB
Stock posting (BSX) - This transaction is used for all postings to stock accounts. Such postings are effected, for
In inventory management in the case of goods receipts to own stock and goods issues from own stock.
In invoice verification, if price differences occur in connection with incoming invoices for materials valuated at
moving average price and there is adequate stock coverage.
In order settlement, if the order is assigned to a material with moving average price and the actual costs at the
time of settlement vary from the actual costs at the time of goods receiptBecause this transaction is dependent
on the valuation class, it is possible to manage materials with different valuation classes in separate stock
Take care to ensure that:
A stock account is not used for any transaction other than BSX.
Postings are not made to the account manually.
The account is not changed in the productive system before all stock has been booked out of it.
Otherwise differences would arise between the total stock value of the material master records and the balance
on the stock account.
Offsetting entry for stock posting (GBB) - Offsetting entries for stock postings are used in Inventory
Management. They are dependent on the account grouping to which each movement type is assigned. The
following account groupings are defined in the standard system:
You can also define your own account groupings. If you intend to post goods issues for cost centers (mvt type
201) and goods issues for orders (mvt type 261) to separate consumption accounts, you can assign the account
grouping ZZZ to movement type 201 and account grouping YYY to movement type 261.
If you use goods receipts without a purchase order in your system (movement type 501), you have to check to
which accounts the account groupings are assigned ZOB.
If you expect invoices for the goods receipts, and these invoices can only be posted in Accounting, you can
enter a clearing account (similar to a GR/IR clearing account though without open item management), which is
cleared in Accounting when you post the vendor invoice.
Note that the goods movement is valuated with the valuation price of the material if no external amount has
been entered.
As no account assignment has been entered in the standard system, the assigned account is not defined as a cost
element. If you assign a cost element, you have to enter an account assignment via the field selection or
maintain an automatic account assignment for the cost element.
GR/IR clearing (WRX) - Postings to the GR/IR clearing account occur in the case of goods and invoice
receipts against purchase orders.
You must set the Balances in local currency only indicator for the GR/IR clearing account to enable the open
items to be cleared.
Price differences (PRD) - Price differences arise for materials valuated at standard price in the case of all
movements and invoices with a value that differs from the standard price. Examples: goods receipts against
purchase orders (if the PO price differs from the standard pricedardpreis), goods issues in respect of which an
external amount is entered, invoices (if the invoice price differs from the PO price and the standard price).
Price differences can also arise in the case of materials with moving average price if there is not enough stock to
cover the invoiced quantity. In the case of goods movements in the negative range, the moving average price is
not changed. Instead, any price differences arising are posted to a price difference account.
Depending on the settings for the posting rules for transaction/event key PRD, it is possible to work with or
without account modification. If you use account modification, the following modifications are available in the
standard system:
None for goods and invoice receipts against purchase orders.
Purchase account(EIN), purchase offsetting account (EKG), freight purchase account (FRE)
These transactions are used only if Purchase Account Management is active in the company code.
Due to special legal requirements, this function was developed specially for certain countries (Belgium, Spain ,
Portugal, France, Italy, and Finland).
Before you use this function, check whether you need to use it in your country.
Journal Entry Vs Journal Voucher
What is the difference between Journal Entry and Journal Voucher?
Explain briefly?
Journal Voucher is a draft which needs to be approved before it is posted to the General Ledger - bottom line is
it does not affect General Ledger dollars until it is approved and posted.
Journal Entry is a real live document which updates the General Ledger dollars as soon as it is created.
Journal Entry is the final Account Posting and Journal Voucher is just a Save as draft in which Journal Entries
are saved as draft.
When you post Journal Entries from Journal Voucher it gets finalize for accounting.
Basically, a clerk will create a Journal Voucher where they believe the dollars should be posted to specific GL
Accounts. At this point no dollars are posted to GL. Then a supervisor or manager goes in to review the Journal
Vouchers which were created and either approves those vouchers so they become Journal Entries and,
therefore, post the actual dollars - OR - the supervisor can change the Journal Voucher with different
accounts/amounts - OR - the supervisor can delete the Journal Voucher and have a new one created by the
The whole reason for the Journal Voucher is to give some control to the process so the dollars which are posted
are accurate. Think of it basically as a double check to make sure things are going correctly.
Now having said that, SAP B1 creates Journal Entries automatically when a document is created - for example,
posting dollars to Business Partner and Sales GL Account when an AR Invoice is created. There are many
Journal Entries created by SAP B1 in this way.
If you encoded directly in Journal Entry, the entry is automatically posted in the General Ledger. On the other
hand, if you encoded in the Journal Voucher, which consists of one or more journal entries, the entries will not
be posted to GL not unless the Journal Voucher is approved.
You may use the Journal Voucher to group similar journal entries.
1. When PO is created :
2. When GR is posted
Points to know : Movement Types, Assignment of Movement types to T-keys (T-code OMJJ), Value string (I
also need some information on this) , OMWN and OMWB transactions.
There is a close integration b/w FI & MM, actually document flows from MM to FI in the following areas such
Used to enable the system to find the predefined posting rules determining how the accounts of financial
accounting system are to be posted & to update the stock fields in the matrl master data.(Goods Receipt, Goods
Issue, etc)
Assignment of material to grp of gl account, used to determine the gl accounts that are updated as a result of
goods movement.
Used to control the storage or filing of documents & assignment of documents.Used to differeniate b/w various
transactions such as goods movement tht occur in inventory.
4. Material Type:
Each material should assign mtrl type in mtrl master record used to update whether changes made in qty are
updated in material master record & change in value also updated in stock account.
4. Payment Received
Points to Know : Good to understand the pricing procedure and how the different transaction keys are used like
ERL, ERS etc.