Science 10 Q3-W1
Science 10 Q3-W1
Science 10 Q3-W1
This Supplementary Learning Material will help you to:
1. describe the parts of the reproductive system and their function
2. explain the role of hormones in the female and male reproductive system
3. relate the importance of reproductive hormones
I. Arrange the male reproductive II. Arrange the female reproductive parts
organs from production to release of sperm from oogenesis to discharge of unfertilized
cells. egg.
_____a. Urethra _____a. Vagina
_____b. Vas deferens _____b. Cervix
_____c. Testis _____c. Fallopian tube
_____d. Epididymis _____d. Ovary
_____e. Cowper’s gland/seminal vesicle _____e. Uterus
The Human Reproductive System
Label the diagrams below using the following terms
The morphological and physiological structure of the male reproductive system is
different from the female reproductive system. The external and internal parts differ in size and shape as
well as its functions. Though the parts and functions of the reproductive system are different in some
aspects ,they are coordinated parts and functions. The role of the male reproductive system is to
produce and transport sperm cells while the female reproductive system is to produce egg cells and for
child-bearing. Without the fusion of the gamete from the testis of the male organ with gamete from the
female organ, reproduction will not occur.
Activity 1 What a Journey
1. Trace the pathway of sperm from testis to urethra.
2. Trace the pathway of egg from ovary to vagina
3 4
B. Journey of Ms, Egg
Trace the journey of Ms. Unfertilized Egg in order to get out of the female reproductive system.
The LH of the male sends signals in the testes to produce testosterone with FSH to control
the production of sperm and the growth of facial hair. In females, the pituitary hormones LH and FSH
stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible to produce
ova or mature egg cells
OVARIES (Female)
➢ The Reproductive System is a collection of organs in an organism that function together for
sexual reproduction. The male reproductive organs are the penis, the testicles, epididymis, vas
deferens and the prostate gland. The female reproductive organs are the vagina, uterus, fallopian
tubes and ovaries.
➢ Hormones play an importnt role in both male and female reproductive systems. The pituitary
gland controls the functions both the testes and the ovaries. These hormones keep the
reproductive system properly functioning.
➢ Reproduction is the process by which organisms produce offsprings and perpetuate species.
➢ Female gonad or ovary produces hormone estrogen and progesterone. It also produces egg cell
while male gonad or testis produces hormone testosterone and sperm cell.
➢ Production of gametes in males and females is controlled by hormones o the endocrine glands.
➢ Fertilization is the union of egg cell and sperm cell forming zygote, a fetilized egg.
➢ Continous mitotic divisions allow the developing orgnism to increase in size and develop many
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Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their
Explain the role o hormones in the female and male
reproductive systems?
Directions : Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. Which process refers to the union of an egg and sperm cell?
a. fertilization b. menstruation c. menstrual cycle d. ovulation
2. The hormone that aids in follicle maturation is _____
a. estrogen b. luteinizing hormone c. progesterone d. semen
3. Fertilization of the ovum by the sperm usually occurs in the _______
a. fallopian tube b. ovary c. uterus d. vagina
4. Which is the correct pathway of the sperm?
a. epididymis → seminiferous tubules → vas deferens → urethra
b. seminiferous tubules → epididymis → vas derens → urethra
c. urethra → vas deferens → epididymis → seminiferous tubules
d. vas deferens → urethra → seminiferous tubules → epididymis
5. Which is the correct pathway of the egg?
a. fallopian tube → uterus → follicle
b. follicle → fallopian tube → uterus
c. follicle → uterus → fallopian tube
d. uterus → fallopian tube → follicle
Printed Materials
Andaya, Mylene et. al Science Links 10 Worktext for Science and Technology Literacy Revised
Edition 2020, Rex Publishing House.
Itatano, Vivian Science Worktext for Grade 10 Philippine copyright 2019
Pavico, Ferriols et. al Exploring Life Through Science copyright 2015, Phoenix Publishing
Publishing House ,Inc.
Electronic Sources