Course Outline ENGLISH 10
Course Outline ENGLISH 10
Course Outline ENGLISH 10
Missed Tests
It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements, ahead of time, for any
tests/quizzes that are missed. If a student misses a test/quiz for an unforeseen
reason such as illness, the student must bring a note signed by a parent or guardian
and be prepared to write the test/quiz immediately upon return to school.
Assessment Strategies
Personal response journals, book responses, checklists, rubrics, supported opinion essays, performances and demonstrations, oral
presentations, role playing, teacher observation, timed in-class writing, teacher-student conferences, peer checklists, cooperative
learning, visual or graphic organizers, self-evaluation, problem solving.
Course Outline
Anthology: Sightlines 10
Novels selected from: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, The Catcher in the Rye, Three-Day
Road, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Great Expectations, Mr. Pip, Who Has Seen the Wind, The
Kite Runner or another appropriate novel.
Student-Produced Media Texts – Media studies are an important component of the English curriculum. The
following are examples of potential student-made media texts that provide students with opportunities to
demonstrate expectations: creating their own advertisements; movie posters; verbal-visual essays; a news report.