Delivery Technologies For Women's Health Applications: Bioengineering
Delivery Technologies For Women's Health Applications: Bioengineering
Delivery Technologies For Women's Health Applications: Bioengineering
reproductive tract and pregnancy disorders, faces distinct challenges Delivery technologies in
and microenvironments, such as the vaginal mucosa and the placenta, non-pregnant women
Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2Department of Surgery, University
of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 3The Center for Fetal Research, Division of General, Thoracic,
and Fetal Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 4Abramsom Cancer Center,
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 5Institute for Immunology, Perelman
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 6Cardiovascular Institute, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 7Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Perelman School
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 8Penn Institute for RNA Innovation, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. e-mail:
a Non-pregnant women
b Pregnant women
Microparticle ECM
capsule scaffold Hydrogel Liposome Dendrimer
Therapeutics Therapeutics
Anti- Hormone
Growth factor Cell inflammatory
Pre-eclampsia Normal
Synthetic Antibody/peptide
Polymeric NP Lipid NP Drug-conjugate polymeric NP decorated NP
Therapeutics Therapeutics
Fig. 1 | Delivery technologies for women’s health applications. a, Reproductive and fetal congenital disorders. Various delivery technologies and cargoes can be
health challenges in non-pregnant women include endometriosis, gynaecological applied for the treatment of these conditions. ECM, extracellular matrix; miRNA,
cancers and vaginal infections, including bacterial, fungal and sexually microRNA; mRNA, messenger RNA; NP, nanoparticle; pDNA, plasmid DNA; siRNA,
transmitted infections. b, Reproductive health challenges in pregnant women small interfering RNA.
include pregnancy disorders, such as pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction,
tract of rats with similar cytokine levels to those of the control group, vaginal tissue of combination therapies that contain PEGylated nano-
and show higher retention in porcine vaginal tissue ex vivo, compared particles and mucoadhesive polymeric fibres58. Alternatively, hyper-
with the free drug39. Importantly, using the rabbit vaginal irritation branched polyglycerols can improve the bioadhesion of polymeric
assay, the only FDA-approved animal model for testing vaginal irrita- particles encapsulating an antiretroviral small molecule59, resulting in
tion, the liposomes do not cause any histological changes in the vaginal nearly 5 times as much retention of the nanoparticles, compared with
tissue39. Of note, safety and toxicity of vaginally administered thera- the non-adhesive control nanoparticles, in the murine reproductive
peutics have to be evaluated, because biomaterial-induced irritation tract 24 hours after vaginal administration59. Therefore, biomaterials
or inflammation can make the vagina more susceptible to additional can address several delivery challenges for vaginal infection, including
infections39. Together, delivery devices can improve the solubility, mucus adhesion and penetration, and vaginal retention and stability
antifungal activity, sustained release and vaginal retention of antifungal in the acidic vaginal microenvironment.
agents, compared with free drug formulations.
Reproductive tract disorders
Sexually transmitted viral infections. Unlike for bacterial and fungal The female reproductive tract consists of the vulva, vagina, cervix,
infections, for which antibiotics and small molecules have mainly uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Endometriosis and gynaecologi-
been explored, various cargos have been investigated for the prophy- cal cancers are two major disorders affecting the female reproductive
lactic treatment of viral infections, including antivirals40–44, nucleic tract. Endometriosis involves the formation of benign lesions out-
acids45–48, biologics49 and small molecules50,51. Delivering nucleic acids, side the reproductive tract, sharing many physiological traits with
such as siRNA, is particularly challenging for vaginal infections owing malignant gynaecological cancers. For example, both endometriotic
to the dependence on charge-based electrostatic interactions for and cancerous lesions are invasive and can induce inflammation and
many delivery systems and the acidic pH (3.5–4.0) of the vagina45,52. angiogenesis60, which can cause high rates of relapse.
In vivo siRNA-mediated knockdown of enhanced green fluorescent
protein (EGFP) has been achieved in the murine vaginal mucosa by Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent gynaecologi-
using poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles47; here, sper- cal disorder, defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the
midine was used as a low-molecular-weight cationic agent to complex uterus. Endometriosis affects about 10–15% of women at the reproduc-
the negatively charged siRNA and improve cargo loading in the PLGA tive age61,62, and numerous endometriosis-related complications can
nanoparticle by >40-fold47,48. However, nucleic acid delivery systems occur, including chronic pelvic pain and infertility; however, there are
typically contain a cationic or ionizable component to enable endo- currently no curative treatments for endometriosis62. Clinical treat-
somal escape of the nucleic acid at acidic pH2,53. To avoid premature ment typically includes hormonal therapies to suppress oestrogen
cargo release in the acidic environment of the vagina, a pH-responsive synthesis, small-molecule drugs to manage pain, and surgical inter-
film can protect solid lipid nanoparticles encapsulating siRNA45. In vention by laparoscopy to remove endometriotic lesions60. However,
simulated vaginal fluid, the nanoparticle-loaded film demonstrates hormonal therapy can have long-term and systemic adverse side
little to no release of solid lipid nanoparticles at acidic pH, but shows effects, and endometriotic lesions recur in 40–50% of women who
increased cargo release with increasing pH45. This system could be have undergone surgery62.
applied for anti-HIV prophylaxis, ensuring drug release only on expo- Polymeric implantable drug delivery systems can mediate sus-
sure to seminal fluid during heterosexual intercourse, whereby vaginal tained drug release from the peritoneum into the uterus and to endo-
pH increases toward neutral. metriotic lesions, with sustained in vitro release of small-molecule
Drug penetration through cervicovaginal mucus layers into the drugs for up to 30 days62,63. In addition to locally administered systems,
underlying epithelium can be improved by functionalization of poly- selective and active targeting approaches have been explored for the
meric nanoparticles with hydrophilic polymers, such as poly(ethylene treatment of endometriotic lesions. Selective drug delivery, for exam-
glycol) (PEG)54–56 (Fig. 2c). Such mucus-penetrating particles show ple by distinct cargo selection and design, to ectopic endometriotic
higher vaginal retention and coverage in mice, compared with non- lesions rather than healthy endometrial tissue is essential to minimize
functionalized nanoparticles56. Here, oestradiol was used to induce negative effects on female fertility64 (Table 1). A polymer/nucleic acid
the oestrus phase in mice before vaginal administration of nanopar- conjugate comprising miR-200c, a microRNA (miRNA) significantly
ticles to better mimic the cervicovaginal mucus of humans56 (Box 2). downregulated in ectopic endometriotic lesions compared with nor-
These mucus-penetrating particles also better protect mice against a mal endometrial tissue, reduces ectopic endometrial cyst volume in an
vaginal herpes simplex virus 2 challenge, compared with the soluble autotransplantation rat model of endometriosis65. miR-200c interacts
drug56. In addition, unlike mucus-penetrating nanoparticles, vaginal with the untranslated regions of mRNA to trigger translational repres-
administration of non-functionalized nanoparticles causes neutrophil sion or mRNA degradation, thereby suppressing the proliferation and
infiltration into the vaginal lumen, indicating better biocompatibility migration of endometrial cells, and reducing the volume of the cyst.
of PEG-functionalized particles56. PEG-functionalization also improves Similarly, micelle systems and polymeric or peptide conjugates can
the ex vivo penetration in sheep vaginal epithelium of liposomes that deliver small-molecule drugs or siRNA against targets that are upregu-
deliver drugs against HPV infection57, and the in vivo retention in murine lated in endometriotic lesions66–68; for example, overexpression of
NPs or drugs in
gel formulations
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in endometriotic lesions can be targeted Inorganic nanoparticle platforms can also be used as imaging
by lipid nanoparticles that resemble the native structure of LDL69. contrast and photothermal therapy agents for the identification and
These particles can deliver small-molecule drugs specifically to endo- treatment of endometriotic lesions71,72; for example, hyaluronic-acid-
metrial tissues69. Alternatively, active targeting enables preferential modified iron oxide nanoparticles aided in the visualization of endo-
localization of delivery technologies in endometriotic tissue; for exam- metriotic tissue using magnetic resonance imaging, two hours after
ple, silver nanoparticles functionalized with peptides that recognize intravenous nanoparticle administration, in an autotransplantation rat
extracellular matrix (ECM) receptors upregulated in endometriotic model of endometriosis71. Nanoparticles can further improve surgical
lesions enable the targeted delivery of antimitotic drugs60. Similarly, resection of lesions; for example, PEG-poly(caprolactone) (PCL) poly-
peptide–siRNA conjugates can target receptors that are critical to meric nanoparticles encapsulating silicon naphthalocyanine allow real-
the development of endometriosis, thereby inhibiting the migration time near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy of
and invasion of endometrial cells outside the uterus60,64. Iron oxide endometriotic lesions72, demonstrating demarcation, and, on exposure
nanoparticles coated with peptides that bind to vascular endothelial to near-infrared light, complete eradication of endometriotic lesions
growth factor receptor 2 selectively accumulate in endometriotic transplanted from rhesus macaques into immunodeficient mice. The
lesions, generating sufficient ablation temperatures on exposure to effectiveness and clinical relevance of such nanoparticle platforms
an alternating magnetic field to completely eradicate endometriotic depend on the specificity of markers to the ectopic endometriotic
lesions in a mouse xenograft model of endometriosis70 (Box 2). lesions of interest.
Gynaecological cancers. Gynaecological cancers include ovarian, off-target toxicity that may impact fertility. For example, nanoparti-
cervical, uterine, vaginal and vulval cancer. Bioengineering research cles can be functionalized with antibody or peptide motifs for selective
has thus far mainly focused on developing therapeutics for ovarian and localization to a specific tissue or cell type9. For the treatment of ovarian
cervical cancer. With the highest mortality rate of all gynaecological and cervical cancer, delivery systems can be functionalized with epi-
cancers, ovarian cancer also has a high rate of recurrence and a five- dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibodies, human epidermal
year survival rate of less than 50%73–75, partly owing to the asympto- growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) antibodies, arginine–glycine–aspartic
matic nature of stage I and stage II ovarian cancer, resulting in 75% of acid (RGD) peptides, luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone recep-
diagnoses occurring at late stages76. Cervical cancer is more common tor (LHRH) peptides, cell-penetrating peptides and single-stranded
in developing regions, where there is limited access to prophylactic DNA aptamers73–75,78,79,81–83; for example, PCL nanoparticles modified
vaccines against human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, which is highly with LHRH peptides increase drug localization within the tumour,
associated with the development of cervical cancer77–79. However, owing compared with the free drug and non-targeted nanoparticles, in a
to the availability of the Papanicolaou (Pap) test, early detection of mouse xenograft model for ovarian cancer74. Alternatively, through
cervical cancer is more feasible and accessible than for ovarian cancer80 layer-by-layer assembly84–87, the core or surface of nanoparticles can
(Box 1). Chemotherapeutic regimens for ovarian cancer often involve be modified with hyaluronic acid, which binds to CD44 receptors on
intravenous co-administration of a free platinum-based drug, such as ovarian cancer cells84,86.
cisplatin, and a taxane chemotherapeutic, such as paclitaxel; these To address the recurrence of ovarian and cervical cancer, delivery
chemotherapeutic regimens typically supplement surgical resection systems can be designed to achieve sustained release of encapsulated
of the ovary or tumour75. Similarly, clinical treatment of cervical can- drugs (Table 1); for example, chemotherapeutics can be encapsu-
cer involves surgery or radiotherapy for early-stage cancer, with the lated in injectable or implantable hydrogel formulations to reduce
addition of chemotherapy for late-stage disease78. side effects and tumour size with a single local hydrogel injection,
Targeted delivery can improve the localization and efficacy of compared with multiple injections of free drug88–90. In a mouse xen-
drugs against reproductive cancerous tissues and minimize their ograft model for ovarian cancer, tumour burden can be reduced
Box 2
Table 1 | Preclinical delivery technologies and their design considerations for women’s health applications
Vaginal infections
underlying epithelium
Fungal infections Liposomes Small molecule 39
Polymeric films Antifungal 34
Liposomes Cytokine 57
nanoparticle photosensitizer
Table 1 (continued) | Preclinical delivery technologies and their design considerations for women’s health applications
Pregnancy-related conditions
Target: delivery systems may be designed Understanding drug Polymer conjugate Small molecule 107,110
Stability: premature drug release from pregnancy Liposomes Fluorescent marker 130
and inflammatory responses that can be Preterm birth Silk protein hydrogel NA 121,123,125
exacerbated by foreign biomaterials and
result in fetotoxic effects Polymeric nanoparticle- loaded gel Small molecule 19,126
birth and may improve organ specificity Lipid nanoparticles mRNA 146,150
and can pose distinct protein content and Spina bifida Polymer hydrogel Unloaded, small molecule, fetal 156,161–163
mRNA, messenger RNA; miRNA, microRNA; NA, not applicable; NIR, near-infrared; pDNA, plasmid DNA; PNA, peptide nucleic acid; siRNA, small interfering RNA.
with a single intratumoural injection of a platinum-based, thermo- mucoadhesion, mucus penetration and retention for cervical cancer
sensitive polymeric gel system loaded with paclitaxel, compared applications80,93,94.
with multiple systemic injections of free chemotherapeutic88. Local In addition, new cargos are being explored to avoid drug resistance
injection or implantation, such as intraperitoneal administration, for recurrent gynaecological cancers. For example, siRNA, photo
can further minimize the dilution effect of therapeutic cargo as well sensitizers for photothermal therapy, microRNA inhibitors, and
as off-target side effects that may result from systemic administra- small-molecule drugs, such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors,
tion91; for example, an alginate microparticle capsule encapsulating curcumin and histone deacetylase inhibitors77,86,95–98, can be delivered in
cells that stably express interleukin-2 (IL-2) can be intraperitoneally combination with chemotherapeutics; however, new animal models for
injected for ovarian cancer cytokine immunotherapy91,92, achiev- recurrent ovarian and cervical cancer would be needed to investigate
ing therapeutically relevant levels of IL-2 in the peritoneal fluid for their efficacy and to evaluate repeated dosing and drug resistance.
15 days post-capsule administration and near complete eradica-
tion of tumours in a murine xenograft model of advanced ovarian Delivery technologies in pregnant women
cancer. Alternatively, drugs can be intravaginally delivered for Pregnancy-related conditions
cervical cancer treatment, which requires distinct design consid- Conditions that develop during pregnancy are complex and difficult to
erations for the delivery system, including drug retention in the treat owing to the synergistic effects on the mother, fetus and placenta.
vagina and penetration through the mucus to the underlying vagi- The placenta is an organ and biological barrier unique to pregnancy
nal epithelium; in particular, nanoparticle surface functionaliza- that develops in the uterus in early gestation and mediates exchange of
tion and drug encapsulation in a hydrogel formulation can improve nutrients, oxygen and waste between maternal and fetal circulation16
Maternal side
Uterine Cross-section of chorionic villus
vein Decidua
Basal lamina
Spiral artery Fetal blood space
Fetal endothelial cell
Fetal Cytotrophoblast
Umbilical artery
Maternal blood space
cord Fetal vein
Fetal side
High blood flow Low blood flow
Fig. 3 | Physiology of the human placenta in healthy and pre-eclamptic of extravillous trophoblasts into the uterus and decidua results in lower blood
pregnancies. a, The placenta is an organ of both maternal and fetal origin that flow in the placenta, which can lead to maternal hypertension and lower fetal
develops during early gestation to supply nutrients and oxygen to the fetus by birth weights. On a cellular level, dysregulation in angiogenic factors, such as
mediating exchange between maternal and fetal circulation. The decidua is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placenta growth factor (PlGF),
the first layer of the placenta located on the maternal side, which forms upon also plays a role in placental insufficiency disorders. Upregulation of soluble
implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall through a process called fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1), the soluble version of the VEGF and PlGF
decidualization. Remodelling of the uterine tissue allows maternal spiral receptor, is observed in the serum of pre-eclamptic women, which decreases
arteries to extend into the placenta and to supply blood to the chorionic villi. the bioavailability of VEGF and PlGF to mediate vasodilation in the placenta. c,
These villi are the site of oxygen and nutrient transport to the fetus, and they Rodents, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, non-human primates and humans have
separate the maternal and fetal blood spaces by means of layers of villous haemochorial placentas, which are defined by the presence of trophoblast-lined
trophoblasts (the syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblasts) as well as fetal chorionic villi that are directly exposed to maternal blood. However, the nature
endothelial cells. b, In healthy pregnancies, extravillous trophoblasts invade of trophoblast cell layer(s) differs amongst species, which can affect the utility of
the decidua and uterine myometrium, remodelling the spiral arteries to create these animal models as representations of human conditions during pregnancy.
a high-blood-flow environment to meet the oxygen and nutrient demands of Panel a adapted from ref. 103, Springer Nature Limited.
the fetus. In pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction, inefficient invasion
(Fig. 3a). On the maternal side of the placenta is the decidua, which is artery remodelling by invading the decidua and uterine wall to create a
a thick mucosal membrane that contains placental immune cells and high-blood-flow environment99,102. Insufficient spiral artery remodel-
regulates cell invasion into the uterus99,100. In a process called deciduali- ling and placentation can result in placental insufficiency disorders,
zation, the decidua forms following implantation of the blastocyst into such as pre-eclampsia99 (Fig. 3b).
the uterine wall and induces remodelling of uterine tissue. The maternal The placenta can be exploited as a biological barrier for selective
spiral arteries extend from the uterine wall through the decidua and therapeutic delivery to the mother, fetus or placenta during pregnancy
supply blood to chorionic villi — the site of blood exchange between (Table 1). However, to treat maternal, fetal or placental disorders with
maternal and fetal circulation101. In healthy pregnancies, extravillous drug delivery systems, their behaviour and placental transport during
trophoblasts, one of the main cell types in the placenta, mediate spiral pregnancy must be well characterized.
Understanding drug and nanoparticle biodistribution in pregnancy. preclinical model to study delivery technologies for pregnancy appli-
Besides mediating nutrient and oxygen transport between the mother cations. Humans have haemochorial placentas, defined by the pres-
and fetus, the placenta also minimizes the transport of toxins from ence of trophoblast-lined chorionic villi that are directly exposed to
maternal to fetal circulation101. This is achieved through a complex maternal blood119 (Fig. 3a), limiting the use of large species, such as
layer of cells, including the syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblasts and pigs and sheep (with epitheliochorial placentas), and dogs (with endo-
fetal endothelial cells that separate maternal and fetal blood spaces in theliochorial placentas), as appropriate preclinical models for preg-
the chorionic villi103 (Fig. 3a). As gestation proceeds, cytotrophoblasts nancy applications119,120. By contrast, rodents, guinea pigs, rabbits
progressively fuse into the syncytiotrophoblast, which is a continuous, and non-human primates have haemochorial placentas and are thus
epithelial syncytial structure that serves as the endocrine portion of common preclinical models for studying placental development,
the placenta by producing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) delivery and transport119 (Fig. 3c). In particular, humans, non-human
and placental growth factor (PlGF) to mediate vasodilation and angio- primates and guinea pigs have haemomonochorial placentas with a
genesis104–106. Although this layer of trophoblasts and fetal endothelial single layer of syncytiotrophoblast in the chorionic villi. Conversely,
cells functions as the barrier between maternal and fetal blood spaces, rabbits have haemodichorial placentas with one complete layer of
many small-molecule drugs can transport across the placenta, and cytotrophoblast cells in addition to the syncytiotrophoblast layer,
some can induce fetal malformations16,107,108. For this reason, pregnant whereas rats, mice and hamsters have haemotrichorial placentas with
women are often advised to restrict their intake of small molecules, three distinct trophoblast layers119. These differences in placentation
including antiepileptic drugs, depression and anti-anxiety medications, must be considered when evaluating therapeutics for pregnancy, parti
antibiotics and chemotherapeutics, owing to potential harmful effects cularly when studying placental transport; the presence of additional
on fetal development. However, discontinuing these medications can cell layers in rodent placentas is likely to affect the extrapolation of
also have detrimental effects on pre-existing maternal disorders when results from these models to humans (Box 2).
unmanaged during pregnancy109. To address this challenge, drugs can
be conjugated to polymers to increase their size and limit placental Preterm birth. Preterm birth is defined as the premature delivery of the
transport107,110; for example, a PEG–drug conjugate shows less placental fetus, before 37 weeks of gestation19,121,122. Globally, an estimated 15 million
uptake than the free drug in an ex vivo human placental explant model107, babies are born prematurely every year, and preterm birth is the leading
demonstrating the potential of delivery systems to reduce placental cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity19,122. Like many conditions
transport and increase drug localization in maternal circulation. that develop during pregnancy, preterm birth is a multifactorial disor-
Reducing placental transport is not the only consideration for der, with potential causes including cervical insufficiency, intrauterine
minimizing fetotoxic effects. Indirect effects can also occur, including inflammation and premature onset of uterine contractions123,124.
maternal-mediated fetotoxicity and placental-mediated fetotoxicity, Cervical insufficiency resulting in a shortened cervix has been asso-
where delivery of foreign materials to maternal organs or the placenta ciated with an increased risk of preterm birth and is often treated with
can induce oxidative stress and consequently inflammation, which can cervical cerclage, whereby the cervix is supported and closed with a
impair fetal development17 (Table 1). Therefore, in addition to evaluating stitch placed vaginally or abdominally121,123. However, cerclage therapy
direct fetotoxicity (that is, the presence of the drug or delivery technol- has the risk of cervical tissue damage or laceration, in particular if the
ogy in fetal tissues), these indirect fetotoxic effects must be evaluated cerclage is present during labour121,125. As cervical cerclage does not
to ensure the safety of the platform before clinical translation. address the underlying pathogenesis of cervical insufficiency, that is, the
The pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of drugs during preg- impaired mechanical properties of the fibrous connective tissue of
nancy can be modulated by encapsulating drugs in nanoparticles. Here, the cervix, preterm birth can still occur following cerclage therapy121,125.
the physicochemical properties of the nanoparticles, such as size, charge To address tissue softening in cervical insufficiency, silk-fibroin-based
and surface modification, have a substantial impact on their biodistribu- hydrogels can be injected directly into the cervix to increase cervical tis-
tion during pregnancy111–116; for example, 15-nm gold nanoparticles have sue volume121,123,125. Such hydrogels promote the viability and proliferation
higher accumulation in placental tissue than 150-nm gold nanoshells113, of cervical fibroblasts in vitro, and lead to a substantial increase in the
and increasing the molecular weight of elastin-like polypeptide drug cross-sectional area of the cervix in pregnant rabbits121,125. In addition to
conjugates from 25 kDa to 86 kDa can also improve accumulation in increasing tissue volume, the silk hydrogel may also improve resistance
the placenta110. Regarding charge, cationic polymeric nanoparticles against stresses that act to dilate the cervix and induce preterm birth125.
have higher accumulation and penetration in placental cells than do Progesterone is the only FDA-approved therapeutic agent for
more anionic delivery systems114,115, and surface modifications, such as treating preterm birth126, and can either be used alone or to supplement
PEGylation, carboxylation or addition of targeting moieties, can improve cerclage therapy. Since its approval in 1956, intramuscular injection of syn-
cellular uptake in or transport across the placenta111,112,116. thetic progestin had been administered to millions of pregnant women
In addition, gestational age has a substantial impact on the ability in the United States, but progestin was removed from the market in 1973
to deliver drugs to the placenta, transport across the placenta to the owing to a lack of evidence in preventing preterm birth127. In 2011, the FDA
fetus, and consequently fetal survival113,114,117, which may be explained by approved Makena for the treatment of preterm birth after a randomized,
the physiological changes in placental development that occur during double-blind clinical trial with 463 women demonstrated a reduction in
gestation. For example, in humans, the surface area of chorionic villi the risk of recurrent preterm birth with synthetic progestin128. However, in
and the volume of the intervillous space increase throughout gesta- 2020, the FDA proposed to withdraw approval for Makena after a second
tion to increase the efficiency of exchange between maternal and fetal clinical trial with 1,708 women demonstrated no significant differences
circulation118. For similar reasons, the thickness of the syncytiotropho- in neonatal outcomes compared with the placebo group126,128. In 2022, an
blast and fetal endothelium decreases during the last two trimesters. increased risk of cancer was reported in the offspring of women treated
Therefore, differences in placental structure and development between with intramuscular synthetic progestogen, further raising concerns
species are a major consideration for selecting the most appropriate over the safety of the therapeutic127. Therefore, delivery technologies
are required that enable selective progestogen delivery to the uterus and fetus fails to achieve their full growth potential in utero, which can lead
cervix with minimal negative effects on fetal health. to impaired respiratory development and higher chance of infection, as
As an alternative to systemically administered Makena, Crinone is well as long-term risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes132,133.
a commercially available, vaginal progesterone gel for the treatment of Preclinical therapeutics that address placental dysfunction, under-
reproductive disorders, which has been used off-label as a prophylactic lying these disorders, are often administered systemically, aiming to miti-
drug for preterm birth126. As a vaginal gel, Crinone can take advantage gate impaired vascularization by targeting placental trophoblasts and
of the first uterine pass effect, resulting in selective drug accumulation endothelial cells134,135. Intravenous administration is often preferred for
in the uterus126. To further improve drug accumulation in the uterus and therapeutic delivery to the placenta owing to the cardiovascular changes
prevent preterm birth, polymeric nanoparticles can be loaded in gel that occur during pregnancy, including a 45% increase in total cardiac
systems to deliver progesterone or histone deacetylase inhibitors19,126. output by 24 weeks of gestation, compared with non-pregnant individu-
These platforms show more effective prevention of preterm birth in als136. Of the total cardiac output, 20–25% represents blood flow to the
progesterone antagonist or lipopolysaccharide-induced murine mod- uterus and placenta, demonstrating the potential for high localization
els of preterm birth, compared with Crinone19,126. In addition, the expres- of intravenously administered delivery systems in the placenta137.
sion of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, and Nanoparticles made of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) and encapsulat-
cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, increases in the uterine myometrium in mice ing soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) siRNA can exploit passive
treated with the Crinone vaginal gel, compared with the nanoparticle- placental targeting during pregnancy for treating pre-eclampsia138, by
in-gel formulation, indicating potentially better safety profiles19. There- knocking down sFlt-1, which is an antiangiogenic factor upregulated
fore, biomaterial delivery systems may prolong drug release, increase during pre-eclampsia and secreted by the placenta138. sFlt-1 is the soluble
retention and improve stability, compared with free drugs. receptor for VEGF and PlGF and acts by binding to the receptor binding
Systemically administered delivery systems encapsulating small- domains of these growth factors, preventing their ability to interact
molecule drugs are also being explored for the treatment of other with trophoblast or endothelial cell surface receptors and resulting
conditions associated with preterm birth, including intrauterine in vascular dysfunction104 (Fig. 3b). The PAMAM nanoparticles can
inflammation and premature contractions. For example, dendrimer reduce maternal blood pressure, proteinuria and serum sFlt-1 levels
nanoparticles encapsulating N-acetyl-L-cysteine, an antioxidant small in an induced tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) rat model of pre-
molecule with anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce the rate of pre- eclampsia138, without gross morphological changes in the histological
term birth and T-cell immune infiltration to the placenta in a lipopoly- analysis of the major organs. Of note, as pre-eclampsia is believed to
saccharide-induced murine model of preterm birth124. Alternatively, the occur spontaneously only in humans and non-human primates, preclini-
tocolytic agent indomethacin can be delivered in targeted liposomes cal models generated with the administration of exogenous agents can
to inhibit uterine contractions122,129. Indomethacin is a small molecule often only model portions of the disorder (that is, exacerbated maternal
and member of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug family, and immune response)139 (Box 2). Alternatively, gene therapies for angio-
can freely cross the placenta; however, indomethacin has also been genic factors, such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF), can be delivered
associated with negative fetal development side effects and adverse to treat pre-eclampsia and FGR133,140; for example, a diblock copolymer
effects on maternal cardiovascular health122,129. Encapsulating the drug delivery system encapsulating IGF plasmid DNA that possesses the addi-
in targeted liposomal nanoparticles, typically about 200 nm in size, can tional design feature of trophoblast-specific promoters133,140 achieves
minimize drug transport across the placenta and decrease systemic trophoblast-specific gene expression in immortalized trophoblast cell
drug dosing. The liposomes can be further functionalized with an lines, with the potential to reduce off-target effects compared with other
antibody against the oxytocin receptor, which is highly expressed in the systemically administered nanoparticle technologies.
uterus of pregnant women122,129, to improve nanoparticle localization To improve nanoparticle uptake in the placenta in the treatment of
in the mouse uterus, compared to non-targeted systems, and to reduce pre-eclampsia and FGR, delivery systems can be modified with placenta-
accumulation in the fetus, compared with the free drug control122,129. specific targeting moieties; for example, peptide-decorated nanopar-
To promote clinical translation of these liposomes, however, their ticles can deliver cargos such as miRNA inhibitors, nitric oxide donor,
stability in vivo needs to be improved to limit premature drug release epidermal growth factor and IGF132,141–143. In addition to new synthetic
before uterine localization and to prevent free drug transport across peptide sequences, peptides targeting chondroitin sulfate A, a protein
the placenta that may harm the fetus. present on the surface of placental trophoblasts, can be used to localize
nanoparticles in the placenta131,144; for example, chondroitin-sulfate-A-
Pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Pre-eclampsia and fetal targeted polymeric nanoparticles encapsulating sFlt-1 siRNA decrease
growth restriction (FGR) are multifactorial placental disorders that the circulating levels of sFlt-1 in a genetically engineered mouse model
affect 5–8% and 7–15% of all pregnancies worldwide, respectively130. Pre- of pregnancy-associated hypertension, compared with non-targeted
eclampsia is defined as the onset of hypertension and proteinuria after nanoparticles, and decrease the rate of maternal and neonatal mortal-
20 weeks of gestation, posing a risk of seizures, pulmonary embolism, ity144. These preclinical studies demonstrate that nanoparticles and
renal failure, liver dysfunction, and maternal and fetal death131. Clinical biomaterials can deliver a variety of therapeutics to treat placental
treatments for pre-eclampsia, such as antihypertensive drugs to manage disorders, such as pre-eclampsia and FGR, and may allow the design
blood pressure and anticonvulsants to prevent seizures131, only address of combination therapies by combining multiple delivery systems
the associated symptoms rather than placental dysfunction, which is
often the underlying cause. The only curative treatment option for pre- In utero therapies for congenital disorders
eclampsia is the induction of labour and early delivery of the placenta and Advances in prenatal diagnostics, such as genetic testing through detec-
fetus, which often resolves maternal hypertension within a few days132. tion of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal circulation and high-resolution
However, early induction of labour can cause fetal morbidity and mortal- ultrasound, have enabled the early diagnosis of genetic disorders and
ity, especially if FGR occurs concurrently with pre-eclampsia. In FGR, the birth defects in utero145,146, including haemoglobinopathies such as
β-thalassaemia, congenital lung disorders such as cystic fibrosis and postnatal treatment options, in utero therapies have the advantage
diaphragmatic hernia, and spinal defects such as spina bifida145,147,148. that the tolerogenic fetal immune system and small fetal size allow
Prenatal diagnostics can identify these disorders early in gestation; treatment with foreign materials with minimal fetal immune response
however, in utero treatment options for haemoglobinopathies and and maximal dosing per fetal weight145,151. Thus far, viral platforms
congenital lung disorders remain elusive. In the prenatal treatment of have mainly been explored for in utero gene therapy owing to their
myelomeningocele, which is the most common form of spina bifida, the well-studied, efficient gene transduction151,152. However, viral plat-
Management of Myelomeningocele Study demonstrated the benefits forms can potentially lead to ectopic integration into offsite regions
of prenatal surgical intervention, compared with postnatal surgery149. of the genome and may be immunogenic for the mother147,153. Alter-
However, both open surgical repair and fetoscopic surgery may lead to natively, non-viral delivery technologies may enable in utero gene
maternal complications and increased occurrence of premature rup- therapy.
ture of membranes148,149. Therefore, biomaterials and delivery systems Only a few nanoparticle delivery technologies have been devel-
are being explored for in utero intervention. oped for in utero gene therapy thus far (Fig. 4a, Table 1). Nanoparti-
cles encapsulating therapeutics can be intravenously administered
Gene therapies. In utero gene therapy may enable protein replace- to the fetus by injection into the vitelline vein, which drains directly
ment and gene editing therapy to treat congenital disorders, such into the fetal liver, the site of hematopoeisis146,147. This administration
as β-thalassaemia or cystic fibrosis, before birth150. Compared with route simulates umbilical vein blood transfusions, which have been
Vitelline or
umbilical vein Hepatoblast
(fetal precursor
of the hepatocyte)
Intra-amniotic injection
Cystic fibrosis, surfactant protein syndromes, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Epithelium Cells
Ciliated Basal Endothelium Polymeric and ECM scaffolds
cell cell Blood
Fig. 4 | In utero therapies for congenital disorders. a, In utero gene therapy (HSCs). Alternatively, intra-amniotic injections take advantage of fetal breathing
allows treatment of congenital disorders before the onset of irreversible disease and swallowing of the amniotic fluid to deliver gene therapeutics to the fetal lungs
pathology through protein replacement therapy or gene editing therapeutics. and treat disorders such as cystic fibrosis and surfactant protein syndromes.
These nucleic acid cargos are encapsulated in nanoparticle delivery systems and b, Delivery technologies can also be applied to treat congenital structural
can be administered through the vitelline vein or by intra-amniotic injections abnormalities, including spina bifida, in utero. For example, cell-seeded polymeric
in utero. Vitelline vein injections are comparable to umbilical vein transfusions and extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds, natural and synthetic polymer patches, and
performed clinically and provide direct access to the fetal liver to treat congenital drug-loaded alginate microparticles can be used to protect and repair spinal
disorders, such thalassaemia and anaemia, by targeting hematopoietic stem cells defects associated with these congenital disorders. RBC, red blood cell.
performed safely in humans since the 1980s147. Both polymeric and In the clinic, MMC is treated prenatally by open or fetoscopic surgi-
lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) can deliver nucleic acids to the fetal liver cal repair of the defect; however, these treatment strategies may cause
through intravenous administration; for example, peptide nucleic premature labour148,157 (Fig. 4b) and are only offered at a few fetal sur-
acids and donor DNAs can be delivered by intravenously injected PLGA gery centres worldwide148,149. Alternatively, less-invasive intra-amniotic
nanoparticles to correct a mutation in the β-globin gene in a mouse administration of therapeutics using a amniocentesis-related proce-
model of β-thalassaemia147. Importantly, both polymeric and lipid- dure can promote protection and healing of an MMC defect148,157; for
based delivery platforms have demonstrated minimal toxicity for the example, alginate microparticles loaded with basic fibroblast growth
dam, as assessed by cytokine analyses. In addition, they have no effects factor can be intra-amniotically administered to improve soft tissue
on fetal survival. Non-hepatic delivery to the fetal lung, intestines and coverage in a retinoic-acid-induced rat model of MMC157. However,
brain may also be achievable145–147. rigorous testing in large animal models will be required to demonstrate
Alternatively, intra-amniotic administration of gene therapeutics the safety of this platform.
mimics amniocentesis procedures, which are used clinically to sample Matrix and scaffold biomaterials have also been investigated to
amniotic fluid during gestation for genetic testing147 (Fig. 4a). This improve soft tissue coverage and repair during fetoscopic surgery.
route of administration provides the opportunity to target organs, For example, natural biomaterials, such as cryopreserved human
such as the fetal lung and intestine, that are challenging to reach post- umbilical cord and acellular dermal matrix patches, and synthetic
natally through systemic administration routes145,147,150. Intra-amniotic polymer patches have been evaluated in vivo to cover and repair
administration takes advantage of fetal breathing and swallowing of the open spina bifida defects158–160. In a surgically induced sheep model
amniotic fluid, but requires consideration of the stability and dilution of spina bifida, a human umbilical cord patch can better repair the
of delivery platforms in the large volume of amniotic fluid150,151. The defect than a biocellulose film158, and compared with an acellular
stability of LNPs in amniotic fluid can be assessed through ex utero dermal matrix patch in a retinoic-acid-induced rat model of spina
screening of different LNP formulations in a series of amniotic fluids, bifida, the human umbilical cord patch can reduce acute inflamma-
with the aim to achieve mRNA-mediated in utero protein replace- tion and improve cellular growth at the defect site159. In addition,
ment therapy150. mRNA LNP formulations that are stable ex utero in polymeric gel systems can be chemically functionalized to adhere
amniotic fluid mediate higher in utero protein expression compared in the amniotic fluid environment and protect an MMC defect161,162.
with unstable LNP formulations150. Thus, the material composition of Scaffold materials, such as gelatin, collagen, chitosan and ECM, can
nanoparticles should be optimized to prevent aggregation and deg- further encapsulate cells or therapeutics for additional regenera-
radation in the protein-rich environment of amniotic fluid. Moreover, tive effects156,163–166; for example, treatment of surgically induced
cell-level delivery of polymeric nanoparticles has been explored in fetal MMC defects in time-dated ewes with small-intestine-derived ECM
lungs, including fetal lung epithelial cells, which are the target popu- seeded with placental mesenchymal stromal cells improves neuron
lation for treating cystic fibrosis and surfactant protein syndromes cell density and motor function, compared with defects treated with
in utero145. Polymeric nanoparticles (250 nm) of polyamine-co-ester ECM scaffolds alone164. Similarly, hybrid gelatin–collagen scaffolds
(PACE) administered intravenously to gestational-age E15 fetal mice encapsulating basic fibroblast growth factor cause the formation
enabled accumulation in up to 50% and 44% of lung epithelial and of granulation tissue to preserve the spinal cord in a retinoic-acid-
endothelial cells, respectively145. induced rat model of MMC163. Toxicity to both mother and fetus will
Transplacental delivery of non-viral delivery platforms provides need to be assessed for these platforms.
an alternative to vitelline vein or intra-amniotic administration to reach
the fetus in utero154,155. For example, delivery technologies encapsulat- Outlook
ing nucleic acids can be systemically administered to the pregnant Clinically translatable therapeutics for women’s health applications
dam through tail vein injections; here, delivery to the fetus relies on may greatly benefit from delivery technologies that have already been
transport across the placenta. Plasmid DNA–lipid conjugates can explored and tested in other applications, such as cancer and vaccines.
cross the placenta and deliver the plasmid to fetal hearts in a trans- However, the behaviour of delivery systems during pregnancy and
genic mouse model, which can be quantified by knockout of EGFP155. their capacity to treat pregnancy-related conditions remain poorly
Similarly, transplacental delivery of antibody-targeted liposomes understood. Indeed, a consensus on the ideal therapeutic target or
encapsulating reporter plasmid DNA leads to luciferase expression in type of cargo has not yet been reached for the treatment of many
neonatal brains, 48 hours following tail vein administration to pregnant women’s health-related conditions (Table 1). Therefore, new combi-
dams154. Although encouraging, neither maternal and fetal toxicity nor nations of delivery systems and cargos should be explored to identify
long-term neonatal survival have been assessed here, which would be formulations that can treat women’s health-related disorders most
important in evaluating an active targeting platform that crosses the effectively.
blood–brain barrier. Importantly, the most suitable administration route has to be
identified for targeting a specific organ, including consideration
Spina bifida. Spina bifida is a hereditary congenital disorder that would of the microenvironment and its impact on the delivery technol-
be likely to benefit from in utero prenatal treatment to minimize the ogy. Intravaginal delivery allows delivery to the vaginal epithelium
onset of irreversible disease pathology. Open spina bifida, or mye- but requires platforms to penetrate the thick vaginal mucosa. In
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of the vertebrae148,156. In utero, chemical and mechanical interactions of the amniotic fluid has not yet been well explored and has distinct
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membrane lead to neural toxicity148. Therefore, prenatal intervention delivery systems. In addition, the pharmacokinetics, biodistribution,
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184. Turanov, A. A. et al. RNAi modulation of placental sFLT1 for the treatment of preeclampsia.
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gene silencing in the placenta in a baboon model of pre-eclampsia.
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