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MCS 502

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-4- 2021/ODD/18/24/MCS–502/246

c) Prove that the acceptable-rejection method for UG (CBCS) ODD SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2021
continuous random variables is valid for any x, such Held in April 2022
that 7
𝑃(𝑋 ≤ 𝑥) = 𝑓(𝑦)𝑑𝑦
5th Semester
8. Explain briefly, the following: 14
a) Inverse-transform technique
( Modeling and Simulation )
b) Goodness-of-fit tests
c) Parameter estimation Full Marks : 70
Pass Marks : 28

UNIT-V Time : 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
9. a) Distinguish between transient and steady-state
simulation. 4 (Answer any five questions, taking one from each unit)

b) Why verification and validation is important while UNIT-I

simulating a model. Justify with example. 5
1. a) Define simulation. Write the advantages and
c) Write the strategies used in simulation literature for disadvantages of simulation. 6
constructing a point estimate and confidence
interval for steady-state mean. 5 b) What are the different types of simulation? Explain
the pure-pursuit problem with example. 8
10. Write short notes on the following: 14
a) Terminating simulation 2. a) Distinguish between Discrete and Continuous
b) Non-terminating simulation systems. How discrete event simulation is useful to
c) Steady-state parameters. model a system. Justify your answer. 7

b) What are the different component required to model

a system. Write the steps involved in a simulation
study. 7
-2- -3-

UNIT-II b) Write the basic characteristics of queuing systems?

3. A retailer deals in a perishable commodity, the daily c) Explain the two types of estimators in long-run
demand and supply are variable, the data for last 500 measures of performance of queuing systems. 7
days shows the following demand and supply. 14
Supply Supply Demand Demand 6. a) Simulate the arrival and servicing of N customers
(kg) (no. of days) (kg) (no. of days) by a single server approach, also draw the flow chart
for single-server queue simulation. 7
10 40 10 50
20 50 20 110 b) For a two-server queuing systems derive
30 190 30 200 expressions for 7
40 150 40 100 i) the average length of nonempty queues.
50 70 50 40 ii) the average waiting time of a customer before
he is served.
the retailer buys the commodity at Rs. 20 per kg & sells iii) the average total time spent by a customer in
at Rs. 30 per kg any commodity remains at the end of the the system and
day, has no sales value. Moreover, the loss on unsatisfied iv) the average waiting time of those customers that
demand is Rs. 8 per kg. Given the following pair of random have to wait.
number, simulate 6 days sales, demand and profit (31, 18),
(68, 84), (15, 79), (7, 32), (43, 75), (81, 27). The first random
number in the pair is that of supply and the second random UNIT-IV
number is for demand. Calculate the profit after 6th days.
7. a) Define random variable. Write the properties of a
4. Write short notes on the following: 14 distribution function F(x). 4
a) Discrete distribution
b) Continuous distribution b) Suppose that X and Y are jointly continuous random
variables with 3
c) Empirical distribution
24 𝑥𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≥ 0, 𝑦 ≥ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 1 
𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) =
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
UNIT-III show that X and Y are not independent.

5. a) What do you understand by a queue? Give some

important applications of queuing model. 4

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