Pathology-MCQs - PDF Copy Copy
Pathology-MCQs - PDF Copy Copy
Pathology-MCQs - PDF Copy Copy
1. An example of a tissue or organ composed of Permenant Parenchymal cells is:
a) Liver
b) Bone Marrow
c) Small Intestinal Mucosa
d) Heart
e) Renal Tubules
4. Metastatic Calcification:
a) Is due to hypercalcemia
b) Is due to hypocalcemia
c) Occurs in Necrotic Tissue
d) Occurs at sites of Chronic Inflammation
e) Is due to malignancy
6. Which of the following processes that occur in the breast allows a mother to
feed the infant:
a) Stromal hypertrophy
b) Epithelial dysplasia
c) Steatocyte atrophy
d) Ductul epithelial metaplasia
e) Lobular hyperplasia
7. An Amputated lower limb from a diabetic patient showing black discoloration PDFelement
of the skin and soft tissues with areas of yellowish exudates is characterized as:
a) Neoplasia
b) Gangrenous Necrosis
c) Coagulopathy
d) Hemosiderosis
e) Gas gangrene
8. Focal fat necrosis, with flecks of chalky tan-white material seen in the
omentum is most often associated with the following:
a) Gangrenous appendicitis
b) Chronic salpingitis
c) Acute pancreatitis
d) Hepatitis
e) Acute gastritis
10. The presence of Columnar Epithelium with Goblet cells in the Lower
Oesophagus is most consistent with:
a) Dysplasia
b) Hyperplasia
c) Carcinoma
d) Ischaemia
e) Metaplasia
13. Which of the following cellular changes is most likely to present irreversible
cellular injury:
a) Epithelial dysplasia
b) Cytoplasmic fatty metamorphosis
c) Nuclear pyknosis
d) Atrophy
e) Anaerobic Glycolysis
14. Which of the following is an Anti-Oxidant: PDFelement
a) Glutathione Peroxidase
b) Catalase
c) Hydrogen peroxide
d) NADPH oxidase
e) Myeloperoxidase
15. Which of the following is the most likely pathologic alteration following
occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery by a sterile thrombus:
a) Cerebral softening from liquefactive necrosis
b) Pale infarction with coagulative necrosis
c) Predominantly the loss of glial cells
d) Recovery of damaged neurons if the vascular supply is re-established
e) Wet gangrene with secondary bacterial infection
17. Which of the following type of necrosis is most commonly associated with
ischaemic injury:
a) Coagulation Necrosis
b) Liquefaction Necrosis
c) Caseous Necrosis
d) Fat Necrosis
e) Gangrenous Necrosis
23. The enzymes responsible for liquefaction in an abscess are derived mainly
a) Tissue
b) Serum
c) Lymph
d) Neutrophils
e) Lymphocytes
40. Digestion of tissue with soap formation and calcification is characteristic of:
a) Coagulation Necrosis
b) Caseous Necrosis
c) Fibrinoid Necrosis
d) Liquefaction Necrosis
e) Enzymatic Fat Necrosis
41. All of the following findings represent changes seen within cells that
represent reversible cellular injury, except:
a) Fatty change in hepatocytes
b) Neuronal cell swelling
c) Skeletal muscle fiber anaerobic glycolysis
d) Renal tubular cell nuclear pyknosis
e) Kupffer cell iron deposition
42. Which is most likely to happen following a stroke with loss of blood supply to
a lobe of the brain:
a) Cerebral softening from liquefactive necrosis
b) Pale infarction with coagulative necrosis
c) Predominantly the loss of glial cells
d) Recover of damaged neurons if the vascular supply is restablished
e) Wet gangrene with secondary bacterial infection
43. The best example of Dystrophic Calcification is seen in a: PDFelement
a) 55 year old woman with metastases from breast carcinoma &
b) Healing granuloma in a 41 year old man with pulmonary tuberculosis
c) Gangrenous lower extremity in a 50 year old woman with diabetes mellitus
d) 62 year old woman with a recent cerebral infarction
e) Abscess of the left fallopian tube in a 19 year old woman with Neisseria
Gonnorrheae Infection
44. Which of the following cellular changes represents the best evidence for
irreversible cellular injury:
a) Epithelial dysplasia
b) Cytoplasmic fatty metamorphosis
c) Nuclear pyknosis
d) Atrophy
e) Anaerobic glycolysis
45. The presence of differentiated columnar epithelium with goblet cells in lower
esophagus is consistent with:
a) Dysplasia
b) Hyperplasia
c) Carcinoma
d) Ischemia
e) Metaplasia
49. Which of the following tissues is most likely to be least affected by Ischemia:
a) Skeletal muscle
b) Small intestinal epithelium
c) Retina
d) Myocardium
e) Hippocampus
50. An amputated foot of a diabetic will most likely show: PDFelement
a) Neoplasia
b) Gangrenous Necrosis
c) Coagulopathy
d) Hemosiderosis
e) Caseation
52. Which of the following types of necrosis is grossly opaque & "chalk" white:
a) Coagulation necrosis
b) Liquefaction
c) Caseous necrosis
d) Fat necrosis
e) Gangrenous necrosis
59. The loss of individual cell through fragmentation of individual cell nucleus is
best described as:
a) Coagulative Necrosis
b) Mitochondrial Poisoning
c) Phagocytosis
d) Apoptosis
e) Liquefaction
60. The light brown perinucleur pigment seen in an old man muscle fiber is:
a) Hemosidrin
b) Lipofuscin
c) Glycogen
d) Melanin
e) Calcium
62. Gangrene of the big toe in a 60 year old female is most likely associated with:
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b) Temporal Arteritis
d) Type III Hypersensitivity
e) Carcinoma of the Bronchus
78. Which of the following is most likely associated with Caseation Necrosis:
a) Diabetic Gangrene
b) Gas Gangrene
c) Myocardial Infarction
d) Inpissated Pus
e) Splenic Infarction
79. The following are known causes of Atrophy except: PDFelement
a) Aging
b) Starvation
c) Increased trophic hormone secretion
d) Immobilization
e) Denervation
82. Squamous Metaplasia can occur in all of the following sites except:
a) Nose
b) Salivary Gland Ducts
c) Jejunum
d) Renal Pelvis
e) Gall Bladder
88. A common manifestation of sublethal cell injury seen in organs such as the
heart and liver is:
a) Glycogen accumulation
b) Fatty change
c) Calcium deposition
d) Apoptosis
e) Deposition of Amyloid
89. In the process of necrosis, a reduction in the size of the nucleus and a
condensation of nuclear material is known as:
a) Karyolysis
b) Pyknophrasia
c) Karyorrhexis
d) Pyknosis
e) Metachromasia
99. Multinucleated Giant Cells of the foreign body type origin from:
a) Nuclear Division of Granulocytes
b) Atypical Regeneration of Epithelium
c) Megakaryocytes
d) Fusion of Macrophages
e) Multiplication of Nuclei Surrounding Fibrocytes
111. Fever and Leukocytes in which most leukocytes are neutrophils typical of:
a) Acute Bacterial Infection
b) Acute Viral Infection
c) Chronic Viral Infection
d) Parasitemia
e) Foreign Body Giant Cell Reaction
112. Epitheloid Cells and Langerhans Giant Cells in granulomas are derived
a) Neutrophils
b) Eosinophils
c) Mast Cells
d) Macrophage
e) Lymphocytes
113. Prostaglandins are formed from Arachidonic Acid through the action of
which enzyme pathway?
a) Cyclooxygenase
b) Lipoxygenase
c) Myeloperoxidase
d) Phospholipase A
e) Glutathione Reductase
119. The first inflammatory cell to show at the site of acute inflammation is the:
a) Monocyte
b) B-lymphocyte
c) T-lymphocyte
d) Neutrophils
e) Mast cell
124. Following an attack of chest infection for three days, a patient becomes very
ill and his chest x-rays shows a 3cm rounded density. He is most likely having:
a) Hypertrophic scar
b) Abscess formation
c) Regeneration
d) Bronchogenic carcinoma
e) Progression to chronic inflammation
125. Which of the following cells is the most important in the development of
tuberculous granuloma:
a) Macrophages
b) Fibroblast
c) Neutrophil
d) Mast Cell
e) Platelet
127. Which of the following mediators are predominantly responsible for pain in
acute inflammation:
a) Complement C3b and IgG
b) Interleukin-1 and tumour necrosis factor
c) Histamine and Serotonin
d) Prostaglandin and Bradykinin
e) Leukotriene and E-selectin
128. Which of the following cell types is most likely to be most characteristic of a PDFelement
foreign body reaction:
a) Mast cell
b) Eosinophil
c) Giant cell
d) Neutrophils
e) Plasma cell
150. The most important factor in the formation of acute inflammatory exudates
a) Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
b) Increased Blood Flow
c) Chemotaxis
d) Increased Vascular Permeability
e) Lymphatic Obstruction
152. Infertility and short stature in a woman with a 45x karyotype are typical of:
a) Rlinefelter Syndrome
b) Turner Syndrome
c) Down Syndrome
d) Achondroplasia Dwarfism
e) Cystic Fibrosis
166. Repair of which of the following involves regeneration and connective tissue
a) Bone fracture
b) Renal tubular necrosis
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
168. Neurogenic, Septic and Cardiogenic shock are all characterized by:
a) Equal prognosis if untreated
b) Need for blood transfusion
c) Peripheral vasodilation at onset
d) Normal blood volume at early stage
e) Progression to irreversible shock
187. A detached intravascular solid, liquid or gas carried to a site distant from its
point of origin is most associated with:
a) Ascites
b) Petechiae
c) Infarction
d) Emboli
e) Hematoma
192. Which of the following is not a major risk factor for atherosclerosis:
a) Family history
b) Hyperlipidemia
c) Physical inactivity
d) Diabetes
e) Hypertension
193. Organs which are less susceptible than others to infarction because of a dual
blood supply include:
a) Liver and Lungs
b) Liver and Kidney
c) Lung and Spleen
d) Spleen and Kidney
e) Pancreas and Lung
201. Of the following histopathologic finding, the one best indicates that a
neoplasm is malignant is:
a) Pleomorphism
b) Atypia
c) Invasion
d) Increased Nuclear/Cytoplasmic Ratio
e) Necrosis
203. Which of the following complications is most likely to occur in a 76 year old
woman who has a swollen leg followed by fracture of femoral trochanter and
who has been immobilized:
a) Gangrenous Necrosis of the Foot
b) Haematoma of the Thigh
c) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIV)
d) Pulmonary Thromboembolism
e) Soft Tissue Sarcoma
207. Which of the following cellular process is most likely to occur in the
myocardium of a patient with myocardial infarction who is being treated with
fibrinolytic agents:
a) Apoptosis
b) Free Radical Injury
c) Fatty Changes
d) Accumulation of Lipofuscin
e) Accumulation of Amyloid
208. Which of the following will predict a better prognosis for breast cancer:
a) The tumor is small in size
b) No metastasis are found in sampled lymph node
c) Numerous mitosis are seen
d) Tumor shows mild hyperchromatism
e) Tumor cells show marked pleomorphism
215. Which of the following malignant tumors has the best prognosis:
a) Hepatocellular Carcinoma
b) Renal Cell Carcinoma
c) Basal Cell Carcinoma
d) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Cervix
e) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Skin
226. All of the following are true of renal cell carcinoma except:
a) The tumor cells secrete erythropoietin
b) It originates from the glomeruli
c) The tumor cells are rich in glycogen
d) The tumor cell is often associated with polycythemia
227. One of the following is not true about amoebic liver abscess: PDFelement
a) There is Neutrophilia
b) The patient is febrile
c) Jaundice is always present
d) The right lobe of the liver is commonly involved
e) Metronidazole is used for treatment
229. The Chemical Carcinogen, Alfatoxin B1, derived from a fungus which may
contaminate peanuts, most commonly induces:
a) Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
b) Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum
c) Hepatocellular Carcinoma
d) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin
e) Renal Cell Carcinoma
242. In Amoebiasis:
a) Condylomata Lata is a feature
b) Granuloma Formulation is characteristic
c) The small intestine is always involved
d) The perianal skin may be affected
e) There is an intense infiltration in the lesions by polymorphs
245. One of the following is not true about bilharzial portal hypertension:
a) Splenomegaly is of the congestive type
b) Iron deficiency anemia is a complication
c) Periportal fibrosis is the cause
d) There is an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma
e) Hepatic failure is not an early complication
254. The following are not features of the primary focus in pulmonary
tuberculosis except:
a) Usually undergoes cavitation
b) Commonly occurs in the apex of the lung
c) May give rise to miliary tuberculosis
d) Is known as Assman's Focus
e) Is a common cause of haemoptysis
255. During the early bacteraemic phase of Typhoid Fever, diagnosis is PDFelement
established by:
a) Blood Culture
b) Widal Test
c) Stool Culture
d) Urine Culture
e) Peritoneal Fluid Culture
269. Which of the following is not used for diagnosis of Typhoid Fever:
a) Blood Culture
b) Widal
c) Stool Culture
270. The activation of chemical procarcinogen requires activation by: PDFelement
a) Neuropeptidases
b) Dismutases
c) Collagenase
d) P450 dependent Oxygenase
e) Alkaline Phosphotase
272. Exposure to UV light will give rise to which of the following tumours:
a) Hepatocellular Carcinoma
b) Basal Cell Carcinoma
c) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
d) Both A and C
e) Both B and C
273. Who of the following is more likely to develop Squamous Cell Carcinoma of
the Skin:
a) Sudanese
b) Nigerians
c) Kenyans
d) Scandinavian living in Zimbabwe
e) Bantu South African
275. Which of the following is used for screening of food handlers for Typhoid:
a) Blood Culture
b) Stool Culture
c) Widal
d) Sputum Culture
e) Stools Hatching Test
282. Which of the following can give rise to Nitrosamins when ingested:
a) Fresh Vegetable
b) Citric Fruits
c) Preserved Food
d) Biscuits
e) Beef
283. Individuals with Sickle Cell Trait are resistant to Malaria because:
a) They have low hemoglobin
b) Anopheles mosquito does not bite them
c) Their red blood cells sickle when parasitized and are removed by spleen
d) Their red blood cells contain antiparasite antibodies
e) None of the Above
284. Sandy Patches are feature of: PDFelement
a) Primary Tuberculosis
b) Urinary Schistosomiasis
c) Tuberculoid Leprosy
d) Sarcoidosis
e) Tertiary Syphilis
310. Which of the following statements is not true about Unconjugated Bilirubin:
a) It is Protein Bound
b) It is Water Insoluble
c) It is Excreted in Urine
d) Can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier
e) It is increased in Hemolytic Anemia
319. All of the following are thought to be related to the capacity for tumor cells
to invade except:
a) Elaboration of Type IV Collagenase
b) Expression of Laminin Receptors
c) Mitotic Rate
d) Production of Proteases
320. Which of the following are characteristics of Malignant Neoplasms: PDFelement
a) Encapsulation
b) Expansile Growth
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A nor B
321. Which of the following is the best candidate as the origin of a Metastatic
Neoplasm in the Liver:
a) Carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix
b) Adenocarcinoma of the cecum
c) Renal Cell Carcinoma, right kidney
d) Germ Cell Neoplasm of the testis
e) Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the bladder
322. The most important enzyme system for the Metabolic Activation of
Chemical Carcinogens is:
a) Glutathione Reductase
b) Cytochrome-P450-dependednt Monooxygenases
c) Epoxide Hydrolase
d) UDP-Glucuronic Acid Transferase
337. Which of the following clinical patterns of Leprosy is associated with a well
developed cell mediated response:
a) Lepromatous Leprosy
b) Tuberculoid Leprosy
c) Borderline Leprosy
d) Indeterminate Early Stage
e) Borderline Lepromatous
351. Under Polarized Light, Amyloid Stained with Congo Red appears:
a) Pink
b) Blue
c) Vacuoles
d) Apple Green Birifringence
e) Granulated
366. Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia include all of the following except:
a) Peptic Ulcers
b) Hemorrhoids
c) Low Dietary Iron
d) Intra-Vascular Hemolysis
e) Menorrhagia
398. Which of the following is most likely to be found in a 30 year old female who
has SLE:
a) Severe Atherosclerosis
b) Glomerular Immune Deposits
c) Amyloid Deposition
d) Vascular Chronic Inflammation
e) Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody
403. Which of the following is not true about Post-Primary Pulmonary TB:
a) Patient has Hypersensitivity to Bacterial Antigen
b) Infection may be Endogenous of Exogenous
c) Hilar Lymph Nodes are significantly enlarged
d) Usually located in Upper Lobe
e) Usually Cavitating
404. Which of the following is not associated with Schistosomiasis: PDFelement
a) Portal Hypertension
b) Pulmonary Hypertension
c) Intestinal Pseudotumors
d) Anti-Basement Membrane Glomerulonephritis
e) Splenomegaly
405. The following are common features of Anemia due to Vitamin B12 and Folic
Acid Deficiency except:
a) Oval Macrocytosis in the Peripheral Blood
b) Erytheroid Hyperplasia in the Bone Marrow
c) Hypochromia
d) Hypersegmented Neutrophils in the Peripheral Blood
e) Masking of the Macrocytic Blood Appearance if concomitant iron
deficiency exists
413. Which of the following is true about Uric Acid Calculi (stones):
a) Occur in patients with Hyperuricemia
b) Occur when the urine pH is low
c) They are Radiolucent
d) Only A & C
e) All of the Above
416. Which of the following properties of Sickle Cells protect Sicklers against
a) Decreased available Oxygen
b) Faster clearance of cells by Spleen
c) Low Intracellular pH
d) All of the Above
e) None of the Above
417. Which cell in the Central Nervous System is predominantly infected in HIV:
a) Astrocyte
b) Oligodendrocytes
c) Neurons
d) Ependymal Cells
e) Microglia
418. Which of the following is not a feature of RPGN: PDFelement
a) Oliguria
b) Hypertension
c) Crescents
d) Urine WBC Casts
e) Uremia
420. Which of the following cannot be detected in a Urine Dip Stick Analysis:
a) Glucose
b) Ketones
c) Bilirubin
d) Ova of Bilharzia
e) Nitrites
433. During the Intestinal Phase, Enteric Fever is best diagnosed by:
a) Blood Culture
b) Stool Culture
c) Urine Culture
d) Widal Test
e) Intestinal Biopsy
435. Which of the following stimulates Milk Production from the Breast:
a) Oxytocin
b) Prolactin
c) Oestrogen
d) Dopamine
e) Growth Hormone
439. Which of the following is not associated with Initial Bacteremia phase of
Enteric Fever:
a) Enlarged Spleen
b) Diagnosis by Blood Culture
c) Fever with Stair-Case Rise
d) Skin Rash
e) Leucocytosis
442. Which of the following does not cause Acute Diffuse Tubular Necrosis:
a) Shock
b) Septicemia
c) Extensive Burns
d) Transfusion with Hepatitis B infected blood
e) Post-Partum Hemorrhage
445. Glucagon:
a) Is secreted by the Beta Cells of Langerhans
b) Is secreted by the Gamma Cells of Islets of Langerhans
c) Helps correcting Hyperglycemia
d) Promotes Glycogen Storage
e) Decreases Gluconeogenesis
450. Which of the following lung changes occur in Falcifarum Malaria due to
Secondary Involvement of Micro-circulation:
a) Pulmonary Oedema
b) Interstitial Oedema
c) Hyaline Membrane Formation
d) All of the Above
e) Only A & B
451. Which of the following is not a Tumor Marker: PDFelement
b) CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen)
c) AFP (Alfa Fetoprotein)
d) Alfatoxin
e) Chorionic Gonadotrophin
463. The following features are true in Von Wilbrand Disease except:
a) Inheritance is Sex-Linked
b) The Bleeding Time is prolonged
c) There is Defective Platelets Adhesion
d) The PTT is prolonged
e) The Patient is Normal
484. Which of the following is a risk factor for Transitional Cell Carcinoma of
the Urinary Bladder:
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b) Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
c) Therapy with Ampicillin
d) Cigarette Smoking
e) Use of NSAIDS
487. Which of the following can arise as a complication of using Ampicillin and is
associated with Eosinophilia:
a) Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
b) Interstitial Nephritis
c) IgA Nephropathy
d) Acute Tubular Necrosis
e) Nodular Glomerulosclerosis
489. A 3 year old child with a solid 10cm Right Renal Mass is most likely having:
a) Hydronephrosis
b) Renal Cell Carcinoma
c) Transitional Cell Carcinoma
d) Wilm's Tumor
e) Papillary Necrosis
491. Which of the following Renal Changes is most likely to improve following a
course of Corticosteroid Therapy:
a) Glomerular Crescents
b) Fusion of Podocyte Food Processes
c) Patchy Tubular Necrosis
d) Hyperplastic Arteriosclerosis
e) Mesangial Immune Complex Deposition
508. The following are features of the early stages of Ischemic Tubular Necrosis
a) Azotemia
b) Oliguria
c) Hypokalemia
d) Metabolic Acidosis
e) Hypotension
518. In the absence of smoking, Coal Worker Pneumoconiosis (CWP) does not
predispose to:
a) PMF (Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis)
b) Pulmonary Tuberculosis
c) Bronchogenic Carcinoma
d) Emphysema
e) Chronic Bronchitis
523. Which of the following is not a known risk for Carcinoma of the Larynx:
a) Tobacco Smoker
b) Alcohol
c) Irradiation
d) HPV
e) EB Virus
525. Bronchi in patients suffering from Chronic Bronchitis will most likely show:
a) Ulceration of Mucosa
b) Squamous Metaplasia
c) Hypertrophy of Mucus Glands
d) Both A & B
e) Both B & C
529. Which type of Necrosis is most typically associated with Pyogenic Infection:
a) Fibrinoid Necrosis
b) Enzymatic Fat Necrosis
c) Coagulation Necrosis
d) Caseous Necrosis
e) Liquefaction Necrosis
533. A 65 year old man has had Congestive Heart Failure for the past year. His
Blood Pressure is 125/85 and is Afebrile. Chest X-Ray shows Left Ventricular
Hypertrophy. Which of the following diseases is he most likely to have:
a) Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
b) Calcified Bicuspid Aortic Valve
c) Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis
d) Aortic Dissection
e) Amyloidosis
534. A 35 year old man who has Infective Endocarditis, which of the following
laboratory findings is most likely to be present:
a) Positive Urine Screen for Opiates
b) Elevated Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO)
c) Increased Urinary Free Catecholamines
d) Elevated Coxsackie B Viral Titer
e) Rising Creatine Kinase (CK) in Serum
536. A 12 year old child who lives in a mud hut in Northeastern Brazil presents
to the clinic in Congestive Heart Failure. On physical examination, she has Right
Conjuctival Oedema, Preauricular Lymphadenopathy and Exophthalmos. The
most likely etiology for these findings is:
a) Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
b) Chagas Disease
c) Endomyocardial Fibroelastosis
d) Toxoplasmosis
e) Beriberi
537. A 44 year old previously healthy man had the sudden onset of Severe
Dyspnea. A Chest X-Ray shows Pulmonary Atelectasis involving all of the Right
Lung. This is most likely to have resulted from:
a) Aspiration of Foreign Body
b) Pulmonary Embolism
c) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
d) Penetrating Chest Trauma
e) Bronchioectasis
538. A 5 week old baby was brought to the hospital because of difficulty of
breathing and occasionally turning blue. There is a Pansystolic Murmer. Which
of the following Congenital Cardiac Anomalies is most likely to be present:
a) Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis
b) Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
c) Coarctation of the Aorta
d) Ventricular Septal Defect
e) Bicuspid Aortic Valve
541. Which of the following is not associated with Carcinoma of the Larynx:
a) Tobacco Smoking
b) Irradiation
c) HPV
d) EBV
e) Alcohol
542. Which of the following is most likely to develop in a patient who has
Congenital Ventricular Septal Defect when he becomes 20 years old:
a) Left Atrial Dilation
b) Mitral Valve Prolapse
c) Pulmonary Hypertension
d) Myocardial Infarction
e) Cardiac Tamponade
543. A 66 year old man has had Increasing Malaise for the past year. On physical
examination, Ausculation of the chest reveals a Friction Rub. Laboratory Studies
show Serum Urea Nitrogen of 100 mg/dl and Creatinine of 9.8 mg/dl. Which of
the following forms of Pericarditis is he most likely to have:
a) Fibrinous
b) Hemorrhage
c) Purulent
d) Serous
e) Constrictive
552. Which of the following is NOT used for the diagnosis of Visceral
a) Liver Biopsy
b) Renal Biopsy
c) Bone Marrow Aspirate
d) Lymph Node Aspirate
e) Splenic Puncture
564. Which of the following tests is most useful in the diagnosis of Rheumatic
a) ASO
b) Acute Phase Reactants
c) Chest X-Ray
d) Both A and B
e) Both A and C
576. Which of the following will give small kidneys with narrowing of Renal
Arterioles due to Concentri Intimal Thickening:
a) Polyarteritis Nodosa
b) Diabetes Mellitus
c) Syphilis
d) Malignant Hypertension
e) SLE
578. Which of the following is not a major manifestation (Jones Criteria) for
Acute Rheumatic Fever:
a) Carditis
b) Erythema Marginatum
c) Migratory Polyarthritis
d) Infective Endocarditis
e) Sydenhams Chorea
583. Which of the following would give rise to Ineurysmal Arterial Dilation of
Medium Size Renal and Mesenteric Artery:
a) Benign Nephrosclerosis
b) Polyarteritis Nodosa
c) Malignant Hypertension
d) SLE
e) Giant Cell Arteritis
585. Which of the following is most likely to be found in an adult male who
developed Sudden Pleurtic Chest Pain 15 days after Abdominal Surgery:
a) Lobar Pneumonia
b) Pulmonary Infarction
c) Upper Lobe Abscess
d) Bronchiectasis
e) Extrinsic Alveolitis
586. A 21 year old drug addict who develops Fever, Splenomegaly and Sphincter
Hemorrhage is most likely to be suffering from:
a) Glomerulonephritis
b) Rheumatic Fever
c) Infective Endocarditis
d) Bronchopneumonia
e) Visceral Leishmaniasis
595. Examination of a Peripheral Blood Film is essential for the diagnosis of:
a) Hereditary Spherocytosis
b) Multiple Myeloma
c) Hodgkin’s Disease
d) Myelofibrosis
e) Myelodysplastic Syndrome
597. A known Diabetic presented with Coma. The first thing you will do is:
a) Take Blood for Glucose and wait for the result
b) Give the patient Insulin, blindly
c) Give intravenous Glucose, blindly
d) Take Urine for Glucose
e) None of the Above
598. Patients with Cushing’s can present with all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Moon Face
b) Impaired GTT
c) Thinning of the Skin
d) Hypopigmentation
e) Hypertension
600. In Hyperaldosteronism:
a) There is a Low Potassium and a High Urinary Sodium
b) The Potassium concentration is High in Serum and Low in Urine
c) The Potassium concentration is Low in Serum and High in Urine
d) The Serum Calcium is Increased
e) The Blood Glucose is Low
601. Actions of Parathyroid Hormone: PDFelement
a) Increased Osteoclastic Resorption
b) Increased Excretion of Calcium by the Urine
c) Inhibits Vitamin D
d) Increased Reabsorption of Sodium in the Kidney
e) None of the Above
603. Which of the following is needed for the transport of Triglycerides from the
Liver to the Extrahepatic Tissues:
a) LDL
c) Chylomicrons
d) HDL
e) IDL
612. Which of the following would give rise to an Eczematous Scaling of the
Nipple in a 40 year old Female:
a) Galactocele
b) Paget’s Disease of the Breast
c) Fat Necrosis
d) Fungal Infection
e) Inflammatory Carcinoma
613. Which of the following Benign Bone Tumors is most likely to become
a) Osteochondroma
b) Osteoblastoma
c) Enchondromatosis
d) Chondroblastoma
e) Brown Tumor of Bone
618. A large breast malignant tumor with rich lymohoid tissue is most likely a:
a) Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma
b) Paget’s Disease of the Breast
c) Medullary Carcinoma
d) Lobular Carcinoma
e) Cystosarcoma Phyllodes
627. Which of the following is most likely to give rise to Osteoblastic Secondaries
& an Elevated Alkaline Phosphatase:
a) Adenocarcinoma of Colon
b) Oat Cell Carcinoma of Lung
c) Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast
d) Renal Cell Carcinoma
e) Adenocarcinoma of Prostate
631. Which of the following is the most common in the age group 40-50 years:
a) Osteosarcoma
b) Chondrosarcoma
c) Ewing Sarcoma
d) Giant Cell Tumor
e) Osteoid Osteoma
632. Which of the following breast malignant tumors has a prominent Fibrous
Tissue component:
a) Schirrhous Carcinoma
b) Lobular Carcinoma
c) Medullary Carcinoma
d) Tubular Carcinoma
e) Paget’s Disease
637. Which of the following is the most significant risk factor for Cervical
Squamous Carcinoma:
a) Obesity
b) Diabetes Mellitus
c) Multiple Pregnancies
d) Many Sex Partners
e) Oral Contraceptives
644. Which of the following is NOT true about Diverticular Disease (colonic
a) Most common is Sigmoid Colon
b) Risk Factor for Carcinoma
c) Occurs alongside Taeni coli
d) There is focal weakness in the Colonic Wall
648. The MOST common Malignant Epithelial Tumor of the Ovary is:
a) Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
b) Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma
c) Endometriod Carcinoma
d) Brenner Tumor
e) Dysgerminoma
651. Crohn’s Disease (regional enteritis) is associated with each of the following
Extraintestinal manifestations EXCEPT:
a) Pernicious Anemia
b) Uveitis
c) Ankylosing Spondylitis
d) Rheumatic Carditis
e) Erythema Nodosum
655. Which of the following Uterine Lesions has a greatest potential to evolve
into carcinoma:
a) Simple Hyperplasia
b) Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia
c) Submucosal Fibroid
d) Intramural Fibroid
667. A Localized White Plaque on the Oral Mucosa with Atrophic or Dysplastic
Epithelium and an Inflammatory Infiltrate is most likely:
a) Diptheria
b) Leukoplakia
c) Oral Candidiasis
d) Mucosal Leishmaniasis
e) Iron Deficiency Anemia
668. A single 6 month old ulcer on the lateral side of the tongue of an adult male
is most likely:
a) Candidiasis
b) Leukoplakia
c) Secondary Syphilis
d) Squamous Carcinoma
e) Mucosal Leishmaniasis
678. Antimitochondrial Antibodies are most likely used for the diagnosis of:
a) Microscopic Polyarteritis Nodosa
b) Celiac Disease
c) Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
d) Pernicious Anemia
e) Crohn’s Disease
679. In Primary Hemochromatosis, Iron is deposited in the following tissues PDFelement
a) Liver
b) Myocardium
c) Neurons
d) Pancreas
e) Endocrine Glands
682. Which of the following is NOT a Risk Factor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma:
a) Hepatitis B
b) Hepatitis C
c) Saxitoxin
d) Cirrhosis
e) Alcoholism
686. Estimation of which of the following is used for the diagnosis of Carcinoid
a) Urinary 5HIAA
b) Urinary VMA
c) Urinary Amino Acids
d) Urinary Serotonin
e) Urinary Gastrin
694. Which of the following is not associated with deposition of Amyloid AA:
a) Rheumatoid Arthritis
b) Tuberculosis
c) Systemic Lupus Erythematous
d) Multiple Myeloma
e) Lepramatous Leprosy
703. Cavitary Disease at the Apex of the Lung suggests a Diagnosis of:
a) Pancoast Tumor
b) Pneumococcal Pneumonia
c) Hypersensitivity Pneumonia
d) Secondary Tuberculosis
e) Bronchogenic Carcinoma
704. The following are known risk factors for aetiology of Breast Carcinoma PDFelement
a) Positive Family History
b) Ophorectomy before age of 35 years
c) Early Menarche
d) Late Menopause
e) Hormone Replacement Therapy
707. Which of the following cells has the most significant role in the pathogenesis
of Rheumatoid Arthritis:
a) CD4 T-Helper Cells
b) CD8 T Cells
c) NK Cells (natural killer)
d) Mast Cells
e) Polymorph Neutrophils
710. Which of the following Maternal Conditions is most associated with Infant
Respiratory Distress Syndrome:
a) Hyperemisis Gravidarum
b) Iron Deficiency Anemia
c) Folate Deficiency
d) Gestational Diabetes
e) Systemic Lupus Erythematous
711. Which of the following Auto Antibodies is associated with Microscopic PDFelement
Polyarteritis Nodosa:
a) Antimitochondrial Antibodies
b) Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody
c) Antinuclear Antibody
d) Anti Smooth Muscle Receptor Antibody
e) Anti Basement Membrane Antibody
712. Which of the following Ovarian Tumors is associated with Struma Ovary:
a) Serous Cystadenoma
b) Granulosa Cell Tumors
c) Dysgerminoma
d) Choriocarcinoma
e) Mature Cystic Teratoma
713. Which of the following Malignant Tumors is most likely to be found in the
a) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
b) Adenocarcinoma
c) Clear Cell Carcinoma
d) Lymphoma
e) Fibrosarcoma
715. Which of the following Bone Lesions is associated with Café-au-Lait Skin
Pigmentation and Endocrinopathy:
a) Osteomalacia
b) Osteopetrosis
c) Osteogenesis Imperfecta
d) Polystitic Fibrous Dysplasia
e) Anuerysmal Bone Cyst
724. 24 Hours after a patient had a Myocardial Infarction, which of the following
complications will he most likely experience:
a) Constrictive Pericarditis
b) Cardiac Arrhytmia
c) Thromboembolism
d) Myocardial Rupture
e) Floppy Mitral Valve
725. 80 year old male suffering from Left Ventricular Failure is most likely PDFelement
having as an underlying cause:
a) Acute Rheumatic Fever
b) Dilated Cardiomyopathy
c) Mitral Valve Stenosis
d) Calcific Aortic Stenosis
e) Infective Endocarditis
727. Which of the following has the worst long term prognosis:
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
d) Hepatitis D
e) Hepatitis E
729. Which of the following Primary Bone Tumors has a differential diagnosis of
Lymphoma and Secondary deposit from Neuroblastoma:
a) Osteogenic Sarcoma
b) Chondrosarcoma
c) Multiple Myeloma
d) Giant Cell Tumor
e) Ewing Sarcoma
731. Visual Disturbances and Weak Upper Extremity Pulse are signs of:
a) Goodpasture Disease
b) Kawasaki Disease
c) Polyartritis Nodosa
d) Takayasu Disease
e) Thromboangitis Obliterans
732. Cobble-Stone appearance is seen in: PDFelement
a) Ulcerative Colitis
b) Ischemic Colitis
c) Crohn’s Disease
d) Non-Familial Polyposis
e) Diverticulitis
737. Crypt Abscesses, Pseudopolyps and Broad-Based Ulcer are seen in:
a) Intestinal Schistosomiasis
b) Intestinal Amoebiasis
c) Crohn’s Disease
d) Ulcerative Colitis
e) Enteric Fever
738. Which of the following Cardiac Lesions is most likely to develop in a patient
who has advanced Carcinoma of the Pancreas:
a) Dilated Cardiomyopathy
b) Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
c) Acute Fibrimous Pericarditis
d) Endocardial Fibrosis
e) Obstruction of Right Outflow Tract
739. Which of the following risk factors for Atherosclerosis is controllable: PDFelement
a) Increasing Age
b) Male Gender
c) Cigarette Smoking
d) Family History
e) Genetic Abnormalities
741. Which of the following has the highest risk for Colo-Rectal Carcinoma:
a) Ulcerative Colitis
b) Crohn’s Disease
c) Familial Polyposis Coli
d) Non-Familial Polyposis
e) Diverticulosis
742. Which of the following Bone Tumors gives rise to pain which is relieved by
a) Osteoblastoma
b) Osteochondroma
c) Chondromyxoid Fibroma
d) Osteoid Osteoma
e) Endochondroma
750. In a 23 year old female with a Butterfly Skin Rash, Vegetations on the
Mitral Valve and a Positive Antinuclear Antibody the most likely diagnosis is:
a) Rheumatic Fever
b) Infective Endocarditis
c) Cardiovascular Syphillis
d) Mitral Valve Prolapse
e) SLE
751. Which of the following Bone Tumors has the Best Prognosis:
a) Osteogenic Sarcoma
b) Chondrosarcoma
c) Myeloma
d) Ewing’s Sarcoma
e) Giant Cell Tumor
756. Which of the following Cardiac Valves are most likely to be affected in
Rheumatic Heart Disease:
a) Aortic and Tricuspid
b) Mitral and Pulmonary
c) Aortic and Pulmonary
d) Mitral and Tricuspid
e) Mitral and Aortic
758. Crypt Abscesses, Fissures, Serpentine Ulcer & Granulomas are seen in:
a) Intestinal Schistosomiasis
b) Intestinal Amoebiasis
c) Crohn’s Disease
d) Ulcerative Colitis
e) Enteric Fever
762. The most important factor in the aetiology of Female Breast Cancer is:
a) Prolonged use of Contraceptive Pill
b) Early Marriage
c) Cigarette Smoking
d) Strong Maternal History
e) Strong Paternal History
768. CSF Examination showed Turbid Colour w/ Low Sugar and High Protein.
The most likely cause is:
a) Viral Meningitis
b) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
c) Bacterial Meningitis
d) Cerebrovascular Syphilis
e) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
769. The following histologic patterns are seen in Fibrocystic Disease of the
Breast EXCEPT:
a) Adenosis
b) Epithelial Hyperplasis
c) Paget Cell
d) Apocrine Metaplasia
e) Fibrosis
782. The following CSF Findings: Low Glucose, High Protein & High Neutrophil
Count are characteristically seen in:
a) Meningococcal Meningitis
b) Tuberculous Meningitis
c) Viral Encephalitis
d) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
e) All of the Above
787. Which of the following morpholgic features are NOT SEEN in Ulcerative
a) Non-Caseating Granulomas
b) Pesudopolyps
c) Toxic Megacolon
d) Crypt Abscesses
e) Infiltration of Lamina Propria by Mononuclear Inflammatory Cells
788. The Ovarian Tumor most commonly associated with Endometrial PDFelement
Adenocarcinoma is:
a) Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
b) Mucinous Cyst Adenoma
c) Brenner’s Tumor
d) Granulosa Cell Tumor
e) Gonadoblastoma
791. The following are true about Sickle Cell Anemia EXCEPT:
a) The Spleen is Not Enlarged in Adult Patients
b) Hydroxyurea is usedul in management
c) Inheritence is Sex-Linked
d) Patients present at Birth
e) HbS is a High Affinity Hb
796. In Hemophilia A:
a) The P.T.T is Normal
b) Cryopredcipitate is given to arrest Bleeding
c) Inheritance is Autosomal Recessive
d) The Bleeding Time is Prolonged
e) Skin Hemorrhage is the commonest presentation
800. Which of the following is most useful for monitoring long term (2 -3 months)
compliance in a Diabetic on Insulin:
a) Glycosylated Hemoglobin
b) Random Blood Glucose
c) Urine Ketones
d) Fructosamine Assay
e) Post-Brandial Blood Sugar
803. A patient has Hypertension, Low Serum Potassium, Alkalosis & Low
Plasma Renin. A likely cause of this is:
a) Pituitary Tumor
b) Adrenal Cortical Tumor
c) Parathyroid Tumor
d) Pancreatic Islet Tumor
e) Adrenal Medulluary Tumor
809. All of the following are High Risk Factors for Cervical Carcinoma
a) Multiple Sex Partners
b) Early Age at First Intercourse
c) High Risk Male Sex Partners
d) Birth Control Pill Usage
e) To HIV Infection
813. A 20 year old female presents to you with numerous wart-like lesions on the
Vulvular and Perianal areas. The best diagnosis is:
a) Herpes
b) Bowen’s Disease
c) Paget’s Disease
d) Condyloma Acuiminata
e) Primary Syphilis
814. All of the following are true about Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix EXCEPT:
a) Make up approximately 10% of Cervical Carcinoma
b) Arise in the Endocervical Glands
c) Have a better prognosis that Squamous Cell Carcinoma stage for stage
d) May occur in the daughters of women exposed to DES
e) Is a Mucus-Secreting Carcinoma
815. The most common Malignant Epithelial Tumor of the Ovary is: PDFelement
a) Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
b) Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma
c) Endometrioid Carcinoma
d) Brenner’s Tumor
e) Dysgerminoma
817. A Low Blood Urea level is seen in all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Pregnancy
b) Dehydration
c) Liver Disease
d) Malnutrition
e) Diuretic Therapy
819. Poor prognostic factors in Breast Cancer include all of the following
a) Insitu Carcinoma
b) No Involvement of the Axillary Lymph Nodes
c) Inflammatory Carcinoma
d) Tumor Size less than 1 cm
e) Women with Hormone Receptor Positive Cancer
821. The following are true about Primary Biliary Cirrhosis EXCEPT:
a) Common in Females
b) Present with Pruritis
c) Jaundice develops early in the course
d) Associated with Antimitochondrial Antibodies
e) Alkaline Phosphatase is Elevated
822. The most frequent Malignant Thyroid Tumor in the young is: PDFelement
a) Papillary Carcinoma
b) Follicular Carcinoma
c) Medullary Carcinoma
d) Anaplastic Carcinoma
e) Lymphoma
826. The following statements about Aplastic Anemia are False EXCEPT:
a) Can be caused by Viral Hepatitis
b) Splenomegaly is a consistent feature
c) The cause is usually Malabsorption
d) Blood Products are of Minimal Value in its Treatment
e) Usually a disease of the elderly
830. Which of the following would give rise to an Arrhythmia and Sudden Death
in a 20 year old male:
a) Rheumatic Heart Disease
b) Viral Myocarditis
c) Systemic Lupus Erythematous
d) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
e) Diabetes Mellitus
832. Which of the following is associated with Carcinoma of the Head of the
a) Dilated Cardiomyopathy
b) Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
c) Acute Fibrinous Pericarditis
d) Endocardial Fibrosis
e) Acute Myocardial Infarction
833. Which of the following will give rise to a small scarred contracted kidney:
a) Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
b) Arterial changes with Diabetes Mellitus
c) Vascular Disease with Hyperlipidemia
d) Malignant Hypertension
e) Monckeberg’s Sclerosis
848. Patients with Multiple Myeloma present with the following EXCEPT:
a) Painful Bones
b) Hypercalcemia
c) Infections
d) Uremia
e) Peripheral Neuropathy
849. Inhalation of which of the following will increase the risk for Bronchogenic
Carcinoma in Smokers:
a) Cotton Fibers
b) Silica Dust
c) Fumes with Iron Particles
d) Asbestos Crystals
e) Berryllium
850. Which of the following can arise as a complication of Aspiration of Vomitus: PDFelement
a) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
b) Lung Abscess
c) Chronic Bronchitis
d) Bronchiectasis
e) Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
853. Which of the following is the most frequent risk factor of Anaplastic Small
Cell Carcinoma:
a) Silicosis
b) Radon Gas Exposure
c) Smoking
d) Asbestosis
e) Passive Smoking
859. Which of the following tumors is likely to rise because of Loss of Tumor
Suppressor Gene:
a) Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of Breast
b) Small Cell Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Lung
c) Retinoblastoma of the Eye
d) Cerebral Astrocytoma
e) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
872. In a Cross Static Needle Biopsy, Small Crowded Glands lined by cells
having Prominent Nucleolis are feasture of:
a) Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate
b) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
c) Chronic Prostatitis
d) Metastatic Carcinoma
e) Infarction of Prostate
873. In a 28 years old male, which of the following would give rise to an Enlarged
Left Testis and Serum Elevated B-HCG and AFP:
a) Choriocarcinoma
b) Embryonal Carcinoma
c) Seminoma
d) Yolk Sac Tumor
e) Leydig Cell Tumor
874. The Source of Bleeding of an Extradural Hematoma is: PDFelement
a) Bridging Veins
b) Cavernous Sinus
c) Great Vein of Galen
d) Middle Meningeal Artery
e) Inferior Cerebellar Artery
876. Fibrous Intimal Thickening of the Right Ventricle and Tricuspid Valve is
seen in:
a) Rheumatic Heart Disease
b) Drug Addicts
c) Infective Endocarditis
d) Carcinoid Heart Disease
e) Dilated Cardiomyopathy
883. The most significant criteria for the histological diagnosis of Barrett’s
a) Presence of Lamina Propria Papillae in the Upper 1/3rd of Epithelim
b) Neutrophil Inflammatory Infiltrate
c) Presence of Goblet Cells
d) Hyperkeratosis and Acanthosis of Squamous Epithelium
e) All of the Above
885. White Plaques in the Oral Cavity of 3 days duration in a Child 8 months old
are most likely:
a) Snail Track Ulcers
b) Mucosal Leishmaniasis
c) Burkitt’s Lymphoma
d) Oral Candidiasis
e) Bullous Pemphagoid
892. An 80 year old male suffering from Left Ventricular Failure is most likely
having as an underlying cause:
a) Acute Rheumatic Fever
b) Dilated Cardiomyopathy
c) Mitral Valve Stenosis
d) Calcific Aortic Stenosis
e) Infective Endocarditis
906. Which of the following is NOT True about Medullary Carcinoma of the
a) Secretes Calcitonin
b) Has Amyloid Depositis
c) Arises from Parafollicular C-Cells
d) Contains Psammoma Bodies
e) Can be Familial
908. All of the following are True about Renal Cell Carcinoma EXCEPT:
a) Tumor secretes Erythropoietin
b) Originates from Glomeruli
c) Often associated with Polycythemia
d) Invades Renal Vein
e) The Cell appears Clear in most cases
909. Which Cells are responsible for the Destruction of Hepatitis B Infected PDFelement
a) Plasma Cells
b) Activated Macrophages
c) Multinucleated Giant Cells
d) CD8 T Cells
e) Langerhans Cells
911. Histologic Criteria for the Diagnosis of Follicular Carcinoma of the Thyroid
a) Trabecular Growth Pattern
b) Capsular Invasion
c) Vascular Invasion
d) B & C
e) All of the Above