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MCQ For Training

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Cell injury

1. In hypoxic cell injury, What is the substance that accumulate intracellularly in cell
swelling ?
a) Water
b) Protein
c) Glycogen
d) Lipofuscin
e) Fat

2. Which of the following is a feature of apoptosis?

a) Cellular swelling
b) Involvement of a large number of cells
c) Chromatin condensation
d) Associated inflammatory changes

3. Which of the following is a feature of necrosis?

a) Reduction of ATP synthesis
b) Reduced cellular pH
c) Clumping of nuclear chromatin
d) Defects in cell membrane

4. Which of the following is the criteria of Fatty change?

a) Caused by alcohol by an increase in intracellular alpha glycero phosphate
b) Irreversible
c) Does not impair cellular function
d) Most commonly due to diabetes

5. What is the type of necrosis that occurs in peripancreatic tissue in acute pancreatitis?
a) Liquifaction
b) Fat
c) Coagulation
d) Fibrinoid

6. Which of the following is a feature of atrophy?
a) Occurs after partial hepatectomy.
b) Triggered by mechanical stimulants
c) Increases function of an organ exponentially.
d) Occurs after denervation.
7. What is the form of adaptation that happens in reflux esophagitis?
a) Dysplasia
b) Atrophy
c) Metaplasia
d) Hyperplasia
8. Which of the following represents poliomyelitis?
a) Atrophy
b) Hyperplasia
c) Metaplasia
d) Hypertrophy
9. A male patient 50 years old know to have chronic hypertention, on ecco examination,
what is the expected feature to be seen in the cardiac muscles?
a) Atrophy
b) Hyperplasia
c) Hypertrophy
d) Metaplasia
10. Define is the change seen in a lactating breast?
a) Physiologic hyperplasia
b) Pathologic Hyperplasia
c) Pathologic Hypertrophy
d) Pathologic atrophy

Intracellular accumulation:
11. Which of the following is a feature of metastatic calcification?
a) Is encountered in areas of necrosis.
b) Commonly develops in aging or damaged heart valves.
c) Can occur with normal serum levels of calcium.
d) Commonly associated with hypoparathyroidism.
12. Where does amyloid deposits in Liver?
a) Liver cells
b) In sinusoidal lumen
c) Sinusoidal basement membrane
d) In portal vein
13. Which of the following is the cause for Brown atrophy?
a) Melanin deposition
b) Lipofuscin pigment
c) Hemosiderin Deposition
d) Carbon deposits
14. A heavy smoker male patient 55 years old died in a car accident. On autopsy, the lung
shows black discoloration. Define this change?
a) Anthracosis
b) Melanosis
c) Brown atrophy
d) Fatty Change
15. A male patient 26 years old, known to have diabetes mellitus with regular check up
he has liver cirrhaosis and heart failure. This condition is due to:
a) Melanosis
b) Hemosiderosis
c) Dystrophic calcification
d) Amyloidosis


16. A diabetic female patient presented to the hospital with lower limb diffuse redness
hotness and swelling and fever. This form of inflammation is:
a) Furuncle
b) Curbuncle
c) Abscess
d) Cellulitis
17. Which of the following is a feature of the exudate?
a) High fibrin content
b) Low specific gravity
c) Clear
d) Few mesothelial cells
18. What form of inflammation happens in common Cold?
a) Serous inflammation
b) Catarrhal inflammation
c) Membranous inflammation
d) Chronic inflammation
19. Which of the following represents phagocytosis?
a) Leukocytes rolling
b) Leukocytes emigration
c) Leukocytes engulf the bacterial bacilli
d) Leukocyts diapedisis
20. What is the definition of chemotaxis?
a) Migration of leukocytes to the site of infection
b) Leukocytes rolling
c) Engulfment of the bacterial bacilli
d) Vascular dilatation

21. What is definition of keloid?
a) Mass of tumor tissue
b) Mass of fibrous tissue
c) Excessive formation of keratin
d) Formation of keratinous cyst.

22. Which of the following reparesents replacement of damaged tissue by similar cells?
a) Fibrosis
b) Regeneration
c) Resolution
d) Repair by scar tissue
23. Which cells are responsible for remodelling in bone fracture?
a) Osteoclasts
b) Chondroblasts
c) Osteoblasts
d) Fibroblasts

24. A boy had a large skin wound in his leg while playing football. He didn’t care for it or
seek for surgical repair till it got infected and started to discharge pus. The process of
healing of that wound will be by:
a) Regeneration
b) Primary intention
c) Secondary intention
d) Remodelling
25. What is the name of the granulation tissue formed in healing bone fracture?
a) Ossifious callus
b) Procallus
c) Keloid
d) Hematoma
Circulatory Disturbance
26. Where does Wet gangrene happen?
a) bowel.
b) kidney.
c) liver.
d) brain.

27. What is the cause for “nutmeg” liver ?

a) Acute venous congestion.
b) Chronic venous congestion.
c) Anemia.
d) Shock.

28. What is the most common site of origin of thrombotic pulmonary emboli?
a) Lumen f left ventricle.
b) Deep leg veins.
c) Lumen of right ventricle.
d) Superficial leg veins.
29. Where does Line of Zahn seen?
a) Pulmonary congestion.
b) Postmortum clot.
c) Arterial Thrombi.
d) Amniotic fluid embolism.
30. What is the type of Infarction seen in the intestine?
a) Liquifactive necrosis
b) Pale infarction
c) Fat necrosis
d) Hemorrhagic infarction.

31. Which of the following define multiplication of the bacteria and their toxins in the
a) Septicaemia
b) Pyaemia
c) Toxaemia
d) Bacteraemia
32. A male patient 40yrs old came to the hospital complaining of fever, cough, night
sweat and loss of weight. His chest x ray shows a subpleural lung lesion. Microbial
laboratory investigations showed acid fast bacilli. The characteristic microscopic
feature of that lesion is:
a) Granuloma
b) Coagulative necrosis
c) Infarction
d) Congestion
33. Which of the following represents Gohn’s focus?
a) Primary pulmonary complex
b) Primary cervical complex
c) Secondary intestinal complex
d) Secondary pulmonary complex
34. What are the Endotoxins?
a) Secreted from living bacteria
b) Parts of dead bacteria
c) Neutralized by specific antibody
d) Simple proteins

35. What is the condition of circulating septic emboli with multiple small abscesses
formation in different organs ?
a) Empyema
b) Pyaemia
c) Toxaemia
d) Sapraemia

Neoplasia (1) and Cancer immunology (2)

36. Which of the following is a feature of a benign tumor?
a) Many mitotic figures
b) Vascular invasion
c) Mature cell proliferation
d) Local invasion
37. Which of the following describes the biopsy finding of the cells with marked
hyperchromatism and increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio involving the full thickness
of the epithelium and above the basement membrane?
a) Metaplasia
b) Minimal dysplasia
c) Hyperplasia
d) Carcinoma in situ

38. Which of the following is a feature of Epstein barr virus?

a) Breast carcinoma
b) Hepatocellular carcinoma
c) Prostatic carcinoma
d) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
39. What is the tumor grading?
a) Anatomical extent of the tumor.
b) Lymph nodal metastasis of the tumor.
c) Tumor Cells' differentiation.
d) Blood metastasis of the tumor.
40. Which of the following is a feature of Dermoid cyst?
a) Benign cystic teratoma
b) Malignant cystic teratoma
c) Malignant solid teratoma
d) Emberyonal malignancy.
41. How does Basal cell carcinoma spread?
a) transcoelomic
b) blood
c) lymph
d) Direct invasion of the surrounding tissue.
42. What is the origin of Teratoma ?
a) Multipotent cells
b) Unipotent cells
c) Totipotent cells
d) Blast cells
43. What does TNM stand for?
a) Tumor size, lymph node, malignancy
b) Tumor size, leimyoma, malignancy
c) Tumor shape, lymph node, metastasis
d) Tumor size, lymph node, metastasis

44. Which of the following represents a benign neoplasm derived from epithelial surfaces
a) Papilloma
b) Sarcoma
c) Adenoma
d) Hamartoma.

45. Which feature differentiates carcinoma from “carcinoma in situ”?

a) Anaplasia
b) Number of mitoses
c) Pleomorphism
d) Basement membrane invasion

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