Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research - Vol.5, Iss.2 April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research - Vol.5, Iss.2 April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research - Vol.5, Iss.2 April 2023
Associate Editor
Prof. Amin Beiranvand Pour
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Advances in Geological
and Geotechnical
Engineering Research
Prof. Sayed Hemead
Prof. Wengang Zhang
Volume 5 | Issue 2 | April 2023 | Page1-78
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research
76 Editorial for Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research: Vol. 5 Issue 2 (2023)
Amin Beiranvand Pour
1 Application of 2-D and 3-D Geo-electrical Resistivity Tomography and Geotechnical Soil Evaluation for
Engineering Site Investigation: A Case Study of Okerenkoko Primary School, Warri-Southwest, Delta
State, Nigeria
U. Stanley Eze, M. Edirin Okiotor, J. E. Ighodalo, B. Jennifer Owonaro, A. Saleh Saleh, A. Sikiru Jamiu
24 Petrology and Geochemical Features of Crystalline Rocks in Ora-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria
O.A. OlaOlorun, O.O. Akinola, A.O. Oyinloye
38 Toxicity of Radon-222 in Groundwater across Keana in Nasarawa, Nigeria
Abubakar Saidu Bako, Usman Rilwan, Ibrahim Umar, Samson Dauda Yusuf, Idris Muhammad Mustapha,
Abdullahi Abubakar Mundi, Ibrahim Maina
50 Correlation of Ground Penetrating Radar Data with Geotechnical Prospect Profiles: Reduto Case Study,
Belém-PA, Brazil
Danusa Mayara de Souza, Lyvio Luiz Clávio de Alcântara Júnior
64 Radio Direction Finding Method to Mitigate Tsunami Risk in Sierra Leone
Valentino Straser, Daniele Cataldi, Gabriele Cataldi
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
In the design of building structures, joint efforts must be decided to resolve the depth of competent layers across
the intended site to safeguard the durability of civil engineering structures and to avert the disastrous consequences
of structural failure and collapse. In this study, an integrated methodology that employed DC resistivity tomography
involving 2-D and 3-D techniques and geotechnical-soil analysis was used to evaluate subsoil conditions for engineering
site investigation at Okerenkoko primary school, in the Warri-southwest area of Delta State, to adduce the phenomena
responsible for the visible cracks/structural failure observed in the buildings. The results obtained brought to light the
geological structure beneath the subsurface, which consists of four geoelectric layers identified as topsoil, dry/lithified
upper sandy layer, wet sand (water-saturated) and peat/clay/sandy clayey soil (highly water-saturated). The deeply-seated
peat/clay materials (ρ ≤ 20 Ωm) were delineated in the study area to the depths of 17.1 m and 19.8 m from 2-D and 3-D
tomography respectively. 3-D images presented as horizontal depth slices revealed the dominance of very low resistivity
materials i.e. peat/clay/sandy clay within the fourth, fifth and sixth layers at depths ranging from 8.68-12.5 m, 12.5-
16.9 m and 16.9-21.9 m respectively. The dominance of mechanically unstable peat/clay/sandy clay layers beneath the
subsurface, which are highly mobile in response to volumetric changes, is responsible for the noticeable cracks/failure
detected on structures within the study site. These observations were validated by a geotechnical test of soil samples in
the study area. Atterberg’s limits of the samples revealed plasticity indices of zero. Thus, the soil samples within the depth
analyzed were representatives of sandy soil that does not possess any plasticity. The methods justifiably provided relevant
information on the subsurface geology beneath the study site and should be appropriated as major tools for engineering
site assessment/geotechnical projects.
Keywords: 2D and 3D resistivity tomography; Engineering site/structure; Atterberg limits; Orthogonal lines; Radar
U. Stanley Eze, Department of Earth Sciences, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, 330102, Nigeria; Email: uchechuk-
Received: 3 January 2023 | Revised: 4 March 2023 | Accepted: 7 March 2023 | Published Online: 22 March 2023
Eze, S.U., Okiotor, M.E., J. E. Ighodalo, J.E., et al., 2023. Application of 2-D and 3-D Geo-electrical Resistivity Tomography and Geotechnical
Soil Evaluation for Engineering Site Investigation: A Case Study of Okerenkoko Primary School, Warri-Southwest, Delta State, Nigeria. Advanc-
es in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 1-23. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
The study area ‘Okerenkoko primary school’ than about 5 m above sea level.
located in Okerenkoko community in Gbaramatu
Kingdom, Warri-south local government area of
Delta State, was reported to be suffering from poor
maintenance and negligence over a long period of
time which has resulted in visible cracks observed
in the classroom walls, failure/subsidence and di-
lapidated buildings (Figure 1a-1c). The degree of
damage observed in the school building ranges from
moderate to severe risk category according to Bos-
carding and Cording’s [17] building damage classifi-
cation. If nothing is done in addressing the situation,
these are warning signs of instability/structural fail-
ure that will result in differential settlement of the
dilapidated/failed buildings which causes geoenvi-
ronmental hazards. It was this extremity that necessi-
tated the adoption of an integrated methodology that
employed DC resistivity tomography involving 2-D,
3-D techniques and 1-D VES soundings supported
with geotechnical-soil analysis to evaluate the geo-
logic and geotechnical conditions of the subsurface Figure 1(a-c). Physical condition of the study site (Okerenkoko
soil and to adduce the phenomena responsible for the primary school in Okerenkoko community) as at the time of this
structural failure’s observed in the school buildings. study showing the survey location, cracks and dilapidated buildings.
In this paper, an orthogonal set of ten (10) 2-D re- The permanent campus of Nigeria Maritime Uni-
sistivity imaging data all-inclusive of five (5) parallel versity is based in this community. Warri Southwest
and five (5) perpendicular traverses were obtained
local government is home to the Delta State’s Itekiri
within the school premises (Figure 1). The survey
and Ijaw ethnic groups.
was guided, with the objective of assessing the ap-
The geology of the Warri-South Okerenkoko re-
propriateness of the site for building construction
gion is located in the Niger Delta, and the geology of
and defining the subsurface geology characteristics
the region has been examined by many scholars such
beneath the area.
as Asseez [19]; Reyment [20]; Short and Stauble [21]. The
stratigraphic layers of the Niger Delta include the
2. Geological setting of the study Akata, Agbada and Benin Formations. Typical sec-
area and hydrogeology tions of these formations are briefed in other reports
Okerenkoko community is based in the Gbara- such as Short and Stauble [21]; Doust and Omatsola [22];
matu Kingdom in the Warri-south local government Kulke [23]. The Akata Formation is principally com-
area of Delta State (Ijaw-ethnic group). The com- posed of marine shale with sandy and silty beds laid
munity is positioned between latitude 05°37’39.22” down in turbidities and continental slope channel
to 05°37’10.12” N and longitude 005°23’30.64” to fills, about 7000 m in thickness, serves as the source
005°23’08.79” E. It is stationed within the coastal rock [22]. The Upper Agbada Formation is an array of
creeks between the Benin River and the Escravos sandstone and shale deposits [24]. It rests mainly on
River (Figure 2) that links Warri and Escravos. Veg- sand in the upper part alongside limited amount of
etation is defined by mangrove forests and rainfor- shale, and contains shale predominantly in the lower
ests. The Mangrove swamps are low, generally less part. Over 3,700 m thick, Benin`s upper layers are
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
enclosed in divers’ places with thin layers of laterite (the first occurrence of groundwater) is estimated to
of varying thickness, still, are also uncovered bor- lie between 4 m to 5 m beneath [26].
dering the coast. The Somebreiro-Warri Deltaic sand In general, sedimentary rocks are taken into con-
is Quaternary to Recent in maturity and precisely sideration to be good aquifers due to their excessive
underlies the study area. The dominant aquifer entity porosity and permeability which arbitrates the hydro-
in the area falls inside the sands of the upper deltaic geological settings of the rocks relative to its texture
top lithofacies [25]. The water table in the study area and mineralogy.
Figure 2. Geological map of the Niger Delta region showing the areal dispersal of mangrove swamps and the Benin Formation.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
varying from 1 m to 200 m. The Vertical Electrical To perform 3-D inversion, we assembled the en-
Soundings (VES) involved radial sounding at directions tire orthogonal set of 2-D traverses (that is, in the Y
0°(N-S), 60°(NE-SW), 90°(E-W) and 120°(NW-SE) and X directions) into an exclusive 3-D dataset that
at positions 1 and position 2 respectively. The vertical can be viewed by a standard 3D resistivity inversion
electrical soundings (VES 1-13) are acquired to provide software [13,31] using the RES2DINV comparison
subsurface 1-D stratigraphic information to aggregate code. The 3-D apparent resistivity dataset was in-
the 2-D imagery and are performed radially to establish verted by applying Earth Imager 3D software and
the potential direction of groundwater flow and guide RES3DINV software. Using the Earth Imager 3D
future groundwater practice at the site. software, the entire 3-D dataset was inverted as a
block to generate an exclusive three-dimensional
3.2 3-D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) resistivity image beneath the subsurface. The RES-
3DINV software program uses a process established
To establish a good description of the study site on smoothing constrained least squares inversion
and to minimize the errors arising from the assump- technique [9,32,33] to extract horizontal depth slices in
tion of two-dimensional geometry for geological the x-y plane and vertical slices in the x-z and y-z
features, a 3-D resistivity interpretation model that planes from the realized 3-D volume.
gives the maximum detailed results as opined by
Loke [27] was simulated adopting the orthogonal set 3.4 Geotechnical-soil evaluation
of measured 2-D apparent resistivity data. The pres-
ent-day survey cost for 3-D resistivity surveys is A geophysical inversion solution generates a model
equivalently higher than 2-D surveys [27]. Therefore, that should fit the local geology, geophysical field data
a comparison of an orthogonal set of 2-D traverse and be interpretable. However, the principal problem
lines was used to generate the three-dimensional (3- with geophysical inversion is the non-uniqueness prob-
D) apparent resistivity data used in this study. lem and one way to minimize this ambiguity is the use
of additional data to constrain geophysical inversion
3.3 Geophysical data processing and inversion solutions [34]. In this study, the accuracy of our geophys-
ical ERT survey was insufficient to completely satisfy
The VES data were analyzed by manual curve the geotechnical exploration requirements; therefore,
fitting to establish a resistivity model curve, that was our geophysical survey was constrained by the results
further curve fitted to the standard curve and result- of soil samples collected from three (3) holes on the
ing layer parameters were entered into the Win-Re- site (Okerenkoko primary school) as shown on the base
sist computer program [28] and inverted to realize the map (Figure 3). The holes were drilled along traverse
geoelectric parameters (the layer resistivity, depth 1 (Lx1), traverse 2 (Ly1) and at the center of the grid
and thickness) of the site. In addition, vertical elec- (Figure 3) after the time of this field survey and were
trical soundings were made radially along different confined within the first 8.0 m of each of the three trav-
azimuthal angles for a given ‘AB/2’ interval, so we erses. Soils intended to support engineering structures,
plotted this to create a polar diagram. For isotropic pavements, or other loads must be evaluated to predict
and uniform strata, this polar diagram is expected to their behavior under applied loads and variable mois-
be circular. However, the aberration from the circle ture conditions. In subsoil evaluation, the water content
to the eclipse indicates an anisotropic nature of the of the soil is very critical to grading its engineering
subsurface [29,30] and the possible direction of ground- properties. The water content at which soil changes
water flow was inferred from the dominant trend in from one state to the other is known as the consistency
the polar diagram. The 2-D apparent resistivity data limit, or Atterberg’s limit [35]. The Atterberg limits are an
were inverted using the ‘Earth Imager 2D program’ important measure of the critical water content of fine-
to generate a 2-D resistivity-depth structure. grained soils: Its shrinkage limit, plastic limit and liquid
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
limit. Depending on the water content, soil can be in aperture. Moisten the sieved soil with a normal con-
one of four states: Solids, semi-solids, plastics, liquids. centration of tap water (pH = 7.2), seal the moistened
Each state has different soil consistency and behavior, soil in a plastic bag and store for 3 days to meet the
and therefore different geotechnical properties [35,36]. British Standard [38].
Fundamental tests performed on soil samples in-
clude methods to determine the liquid limit, plastic
limit, and plasticity index. These were carried out
according to standard practice [38]. The boundary
between liquid and plasticity in the soil is called the
Ly Profiles
Atterberg limit.
In each case, the basic requirement is the determi-
Lx Profiles nation of the water content or moisture content (Wc)
of the soil samples at a different number of blows or
drops (N).
In each case, the water content (Wc) for each
blow was determined using the formula:
Figure 3. Data acquisition map showing the 2-D resistivity For soil sample-1 collected from the borehole
survey grid lines, VES points and Boreholes occupied in the (BH-1) the number of blows/drops used was 6, 14
study site (Okerenkoko primary school, Warri-south, Delta State, and 34 blows and water content was determined for
each blow respectively. In soil sample-2 collected
The shrinkage limit (SL) is the amount of water from the borehole (BH-2) the number of blows/drops
above which loss of water does not reduce the sam- used was 13, 23 and 54 blows and water content was
ple volume. The plasticity limit (PL) is the amount determined for each blow while in soil sample-3 col-
of water at which a plastic transitions to a semi-solid lected at borehole (BH-3) the number of blows/drops
state, while the liquid limit (LL) is the amount of wa- used was 18, 23 and 30 blows respectively and water
ter at which the soil goes from a plastic state to a liq- content were determined for each blow.
uid state if the soil sample is sufficiently liquid [35,36]. For liquid limit determination we plotted the wa-
Shrinkage limits are used much less frequently than ter content (Wc) values against the corresponding
liquid and plastic limits. The practical importance of number of drops, N, on a semilogarithmic graph with
the liquid-plastic boundary lies in its ability to reflect water content on the arithmetical/linear scale, and
the types and amounts of clay minerals present in the number of drops on the logarithmic scale. A best-
fine fractions. High values of liquid limit and plas- fit straight line was drawn through the plotted points.
ticity index indicate that the soil has high clay and The water content corresponding to the intersection
colloidal size of active minerals and that such soil of the line with 25 (N) drops on the logarithmic axis
has a poor base for bearing capacity [37]. was read as the liquid limit, LL, of the soil in each
In this study, soil samples for geotechnical testing sample. The plastic limit was also determined using
were collected in plastic bags and sent to the Soil the procedure and data required for plastic limit de-
Research Laboratory at the Department of Earth termination which involves the determination of the
Sciences, Federal University of Petroleum Resourc- water content in the soil sample after oven drying for
es, Effurun (FUPRE) for analysis. The samples were a number of trials. The plastic limit was taken as the
air-dried and ground into small pieces. The ground average moisture content for the number of trails. In
sample was then sieved by him through a 4.25 mm each case the plasticity index (Ip) of the soil samples
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
was determined by finding the difference between 20 Ωm to 50 Ωm and below 90 Ωm), were predom-
the liquid and plastic limits as shown below: inant at the third and fourth layers at a depth range
Ip =LL-PL (2) of 9.9 m to 27.8 m and beyond 30.0 m respectively.
After determining the liquid limit and plastic lim- The presence of mechanically weak/unstable Peat/
it (Atterberg’s limit) of the soil samples, the soil type clay/Sandy clay layers at the third and fourth layers
was classified using the Burmister [39] scheme shown at profound depths within the near surface (27.8 m to
in Table 1. 30.0 m) apparently shows that the subsurface layers
Table 1. Plasticity Indices and Corresponding States of Plasticity at these depths are weak and not suitable for engi-
(after Burmister [39]). neering structures. Although, the dry/consolidated
Soil type Plastic limit State of Plastic sandy layer observed within the second geoelectric
1 0 Non-Plastic layer is competent as a foundation base for building
2 1-5 Slight structures [40], the underlying layers of weak and
3 5-10 Low mechanically unstable peat/clay/sandy clay make it
4 10-20 Medium vulnerable to failure. In general, clay soils exhibit
5 20-40 High unfavorable geotechnical properties (when satura-
6 >40 Very High
tion), due to their low strength, high compressibility
and high level of volumetric changes which cause
negative defects in engineering structures. This ex-
4. Results and discussion plains the visible cracks/subsidence observed in the
buildings at the primary school. The second-layer,
4.1 Vertical electrical sounding (VES) third-layer and fourth-layer resistivity maps for VES
In a nutshell, the VES model values realized from 1 to 13, are shown in Figure 5a-5c. The maps show
1-D resistivity inversion are presented in Table 2. resistivity variation within the second layers at a
The iteration outcome of 1-D inversion for VES 1-6 depth ranging from 2.90 m to 10.40 m (Table 2),
only shows the sounding curves, inverted layer vari- third layers at a depth ranging from 9.60 m to 27.80
ables and root mean square (RMS) error depicted in m (Table 2) and fourth layers at a depth beyond 30.0
Figure 4a-4f. A low RMS error in the order of 6.6%, m. In general, resistivity in sedimentary rocks is
2.4%, 2.2%, 2.7%, 3.6%, 2.6%, 3.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, influenced by porosity [41], void space, degree of sort-
2.5%, 2.5%, 2.9%, and 2.8% was actualized in the ing and grain size assessment [42].
1-D inversion of VES 1, 2, 3... to 13 respectively (as For this reason, within each layer, groundwater
shown in Table 2). These low RMS errors endorse flows from higher resistivity zones (with low poros-
the accuracy of the VES model resistivity values. ity) to lower resistivity zones (with high porosity).
Interpretation of VES data brought to light four This implies that within a layer, areas that are less re-
geoelectric layers within the subsurface classified as sistive tend to be more saturated due to high porosity
topsoil, dry sand, wet sand and peat/clay/sandy clay and will have higher water saturation than areas with
(Table 2). From the layer parameters and inferred high resistivity (as indicated in Figure 5a-5c). From
lithology shown in Table 2, the subsurface is princi- the second layer resistivity map, it was observed that
pally sandy in lithology with varying degrees of wa- high water saturation within this layer (depth ranged
ter saturation. Dry/consolidated sand (ρ between 600 from 2.9 m to 10.4 m) was predominant in the north-
Ωm to ρ ≥ 1000 Ωm) was observed predominantly at eastern and northwestern parts of the site due to low
the second geoelectric layers from a depth range of resistivity values (100-700 Ωm) as shown in Figure
2.9 m to 10.4 m from VES 1 to 13 (Table 2). In Ta- 5a, third layer resistivity map (depth ranged from
ble 2, it was observed that wet sand (ρ < 200 Ωm), 9.6 m to 27.8 m) showed high water saturation in the
Peat/clay (ρ ≤ 20 Ωm) and Sandy clay (ρ between northeastern and western parts of the site, but pre-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
dominant in the northeast part with very low resistiv- for the construction of building structures. At depths
ity values (40-120 Ωm) as shown in Figure 5b. The between 8.6 m to 17.1 m, a very low resistivity vari-
fourth layer resistivity map showed very high water ation of 3.7-64 Ωm was observed which is symbolic
saturation predominant within this layer (at depth be- of peat/clay/sandy clay layers, not suitable for engi-
yond 30 m) as indicated in Figure 5c. In Figure 5a- neering practice (Figure 7a). The 2-D resistivity
5c it was observed that the degree of water saturation section for line Lx2 (Traverse 5) with resistivity
in the study site apparently increased with respect to ranging from 1.0-10,000 Ωm is shown in Figure 7b.
depth, with the fourth geoelectric layer map (Figure A high resistivity structure (1000-10000 Ωm) was
5c) showing more zones with a high water saturation observed at depths of 0 to 8.6 m, 1-8.6 m and 0-10.0
than the overlying third and second layers (Figure m at electrode positions of 5-25 m, 30-60 m and 65-
5a-5b). This observation shows that the subsurface 100 m respectively along this traverse. This resistivi-
geological structure of the site contains materials ty value is symbolic of dry sands with little or no
with high water content which affects their strength water content, which was interpreted as the zone of
and volumetric properties. These findings reflect the better consolidation favorable for engineering prac-
dominance of non-competent materials in the study tice. At depth between 12.8 m to 17.1 m and 6.0 m to
area. The anisotropy polygon based on the radial 17.1 m at an electrode position of 15-95 m, a very
VES survey is shown in Figure 6a-6b. The dominant low resistivity variation of 1.0-10 Ωm was observed,
resistivity trends (as indicated) show that the flow di- which is symbolic to peat/clay layers, not suitable
rection of water is comparable to that depicted in the for engineering practice (Figure 7b). Between the
layer resistivity maps in Figure 5a-5c. consolidated layer and peat/clay layer moderate re-
sistivity structure (100 Ωm) was observed sand-
4.2 2-D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) wiched between these layers and is indicative of wet
The outcomes from 2-D ERT for the ten (10) trav- sand. The 2-D resistivity section for line Lx3 (Trav-
erses are shown in Figure 7a-7j. The 2-D resistivi- erse 6) with resistivity ranging from 2.9-10,000 Ωm
ty-depth sections were labeled according to the traverse is shown in Figure 7c. A high resistivity structure
line directions (-X and -Y) occupied within the 3-D grid (1302-10000 Ωm) was observed at depth of 0 to 6.0
as shown in the data acquisition base map (Figure 3). m at electrode position of 0-100 m along this trav-
In the (-X) direction the 2-D lines were 100 m in length erse. This resistivity value is symbolic of dry sands
and labeled as (Lx1, Lx2, Lx3, Lx4 and Lx5) while in with little or no water content, which was interpreted
the (-Y) direction the 2-D lines were 80 m in length and as the zone of better consolidation favorable for en-
labeled as (Ly1, Ly2, Ly3, Ly4 and Ly5). In either case, gineering practice. At depths between 4.3 m to 8.6 m
the subsurface resistivity structure was imaged to rea- and 8.6 m to 17.1 m, moderate (170 Ωm) and very
sonable depths suitable for precise assessment of its low (2.9-22.1 Ωm) resistivity structures were ob-
suitability for engineering practice. Correlating the 2-D served which are symbolic of wet sand and peat/clay
resistivity interpretation with resistivity values realized layers, respectively (Figure 7c). These layers were
from 1-D inversion (VES survey), it is symbolic of assessed to be weak and not suitable for engineering
sand lithology with alternating degrees in water con- practice. The 2-D resistivity section for line Lx4
tent. The 2-D resistivity section for line Lx1 (Traverse (Traverse 7) with resistivity ranging from 1.6-
1) with resistivity ranging from 3.7-1113 Ωm is shown 7510 Ωm is shown in Figure 7d. A high resistivity
in Figure 7a. A high resistivity structure (267- structure (909-7510 Ωm) was observed at depth of 0
1113 Ωm) was observed at depth of 0 to 8.2 m within to 8.6 m at electrode positions of 0-85 m and 90-
the subsurface at an electrode position of 0-100 m 100 m along this traverse. This resistivity value is
and indicative of a dry sand layer which was inter- symbolic of dry sands with little or no water content,
preted as the zone of better consolidation favorable which was interpreted as the zone of better consoli-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
dation favorable for engineering practice. At depths with little or no water content, which was interpreted
between 5.0 m to 6.0 m and 6.0 m to 17.1 m, moder- as the zone of better consolidation favorable for en-
ate (110 Ωm) and very low (1.6-13.3 Ωm) resistivity gineering practice. At depths between 0-7.1 m and
structures were observed which are symbolic of wet 7.1 m to 14.3 m, moderate (457 Ωm) and low (21.5-
sand and peat/clay layers, respectively (Figure 7d). 99.0 Ωm) resistivity structures were observed which
These layers were also assessed to be weak and not is symbolic of wet sand and peat/clay/sandy clay
suitable for engineering practice. The 2-D resistivity layers, respectively (Figure 7g). These layers were
section for line Lx5 (Traverse 3) with resistivity also assessed to be weak and not suitable for engi-
ranging from 27.8-1758 Ωm is shown in Figure 7e. neering practice. The 2-D resistivity section for line
A high resistivity structure (624-1758 Ωm) was ob- Ly3 (Traverse 9) with resistivity ranging from 7.9-
served at depth of 0 to 9.0 m at an electrode position 4871 Ωm is shown in Figure 7h. A high resistivity
of 0-100 m along this traverse. This resistivity value structure (977-4871 Ωm) was observed at depth of 0
is symbolic to dry sands with little or no water con- to 6.5 m at an electrode position of 5-80 m along this
tent, which was interpreted as the zone of better con- traverse. This resistivity value is indicative of dry
solidation favorable for engineering practice. At sands with little or no water content, which was in-
depths between 9.0 m to 13.0 m and 13.0 m to 17.1 terpreted as the zone of better consolidation favora-
m, moderate (221 Ωm) and very low (27.8-78 Ωm) ble for engineering practice. At depths between 6.5-
resistivity structures were observed which are sym- 8.0 m and 8.0 m to 14.3 m, moderate (196 Ωm) and
bolic of wet sand and peat/clay/sandy clay layers, re- low (7.9-39.3 Ωm) resistivity structures were ob-
spectively (Figure 7e). These layers were also as- served, which is symbolic of wet sand and peat/clay/
sessed to be weak and not suitable for engineering sandy clay layers, respectively (Figure 7h). These
practice. The 2-D resistivity section for line Ly1 layers were also assessed to be weak and not suitable
(Traverse 2) with resistivity ranging from 38.9- for engineering practice. The 2-D resistivity section
1584 Ωm is shown in Figure 7f. A high resistivity for line Ly4 (Traverse 10) with resistivity ranging
structure (627-1584 Ωm) was observed at depth of 0 from 6.1-6442 Ωm is shown in Figure 7i. A very
to 7.0 m at an electrode position of 0-55 m and a high resistivity structure (1130-6442 Ωm) was ob-
depth of 0 to 6.0 m at electrode position of 68-75 m served at depth of 0 to 7.1 m of the subsurface at an
along this traverse. This resistivity value is symbolic electrode position of 5-80 m along this traverse. This
to dry sands with little or no water content, which resistivity value is symbolic of dry sands with little
was interpreted as the zone of better consolidation or no water content which was interpreted as the
favorable for engineering practice. At depths be- zone of better consolidation favorable for engineer-
tween 7.1 m to 8.6 m and 8.6 m to 14.3 m, moderate ing practice. At the near surface (< 5 m) at an elec-
(248 Ωm) and low (38.9-98.0 Ωm) resistivity struc- trode position of 0-5 m, a low resistivity structure
tures were observed, which is symbolic of wet sand was observed (Figure 7i). At depths between 7.1 m
and peat/clay/sandy clay layers, respectively (Figure to less than 10 m and 9.0 m to 14.3 m, moderate
7f). These layers were assessed to be weak and not (198 Ωm) and low (6.1-34.8 Ωm) resistivity struc-
suitable for engineering practice. The 2-D resistivity tures were observed which are symbolic of wet sand
section for line Ly2 (Traverse 8) with resistivity and peat/clay/sandy clay layers, respectively (Figure
ranging from 21.5-9716 Ωm is shown in Figure 7g. 7i), which are weak and not suitable for engineering
A very high resistivity structure (2106-9716 Ωm) practice. The 2-D resistivity section for line Ly5
was observed at depths of 0 to 5.0 m, 0-4.8 m and (Traverse 4) with resistivity ranging from 2.5-
0-7.1 m at electrode positions of 5-15 m, 30-52 m, 9934 Ωm is shown in Figure 7j. A high resistivity
55-65 m and 67-75 m respectively along this trav- structure (1249-9934 Ωm) was observed at depth of
erse. This resistivity value is symbolic of dry sands 0.9 m to 7.1 m at electrode positions of 5-12 m, 0-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
6.0 m at electrode positions of 20-25 m, 28-35 m, with very low resistivity values observed predom-
37-40 m and 55-75 m respectively along this trav- inantly at varying depths i.e. 8.6-17.1 m in profile
erse. This resistivity value is symbolic of dry sands Lx1, 12.8-17.1 m in profile Lx2, 8.6-17.1 m in pro-
with little or no water content, which was interpreted file Lx3, 6.0-17.1 m in profile Lx4, 13.0-17.1 m in
as the zone of better consolidation favorable for en- profile Lx5, 8.6-14.3 m in profile Ly1, 7.1-14.3 m in
gineering practice. At depths between 7.1 m to profile Ly2, 8.0-14.3 m in profile Ly3, 9.0-14.3 m in
10.7 m and 10.7 m to 14.3 m, moderate (157 Ωm) profile Ly4 and 10.7-14.3 m in profile Ly5 (Figure
and low (2.5-19.7 Ωm) resistivity structures were 7a-7j). Therefore, the overlain dry sand layers with
observed which are symbolic of wet sand and peat/ high resistivity values at the near surface interpreted
clay layers, respectively (Figure 7j). These layers as the zone of better consolidation will still suffer
were also assessed to be weak and not suitable for from subsidence due to the underlying mechanically
engineering practice. unstable peat/clay/sandy clay layers which are high-
In general, the interpretation of the ten (10) 2-D ly mobile in response to volumetric changes which
apparent resistivity-depth sections (Figure 7a-7j) cause negative defects to build structures and as a
showed consistency in their subsurface resistivity deduction, explains the visible cracks/failure/sub-
structure within the depths imaged in the study area, sidence observed on structures within the study site
with a dominance of peat/clay/sandy clay materials (Figure 1a-1c).
(a) VES 1 (N-S) Iteration result (b) VES 2 (E-W) Iteration result
(c) VES 3 (NE-SW) Iteration result (d) VES 4 (NW-SE) Iteration result
(e) VES 5 (N-S) Iteration result (f) VES 6 (E-W) Iteration result
Figure 4(a-f). Iteration results of 1D resistivity inversion for VES 1 to 4 Location 1 and VES 5 and 6 Location 2, showing the resis-
tivity sounding curves and 1-D resistivity models.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Table 2. Summary of VES results in the study site, showing resistivity values, thicknesses, depths and inferred lithology.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Table 2 continued
Resistivity Thickness Depth
VES-No / RMS-Error Layers Inferred lithology
(Ω-m) (m) (m)
1 1867.5 1.3 1.3 Topsoil
2 467.8 9.1 10.4 Sand (Dry)
VES-11 RMS: 2.5
3 63.8 61.1 71.5 **Sandy clay
4 227.3 -- -- Sand
1 645.7 0.8 0.8 Topsoil
2 864.0 3.4 4.2 Dry Sand
VES-12 RMS: 2.9
3 148.9 23.6 27.8 *Wet Sand
4 20.1 -- -- Peat/clay
1 266.4 0.8 0.8 Topsoil
2 760.7 3.2 4.0 Dry Sand
VES-13 RMS: 2.8 3 138.5 14.8 18.8 *Wet Sand
4 16.5 48.6 67.4 **Peat/clay
5 140.6 -- -- *Wet Sand
*Sandy layer; **Peat/Clay/Sandy clay layer
Figure 5. (a) Second geoelectric layer Map VES 1 to 13; (b) Third geoelectric layer Map VES 1 to 13; (c) Fourth geoelectric layer
Map VES 1 to 13. From the maps, resistivity is low towards the northeastern part of the site (see black arrows).
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 6. Radar sounding plots (a) polar diagram showing the anisotropy polygon of radar sounding for VES 1 to 8; (b) Chart title
for VES 1 to 8 radial sounding.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
4.3 3-D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) resistivity values (2572-15744 Ωm) were also detect-
ed at the top, indicative of dry sand. These findings
The 3-D resistivity volume of the study site were also observed from the 2-D ERT interpretation
simulated from the orthogonal set of 2-D apparent shown in Figure 7a-7j. Therefore, the low resistiv-
resistivity field data is shown in Figure 8. The 3-D ity layers of peat/clay/sandy clay delineated from a
resistivity volume displays resistivity changes in the depth of 6.6 m to 19.8 m (Figure 8) are responsi-
vertical, lateral and perpendicular directions down ble for the structural failures i.e. cracks/dilapidated
to a depth of 19.8 m within the subsurface. The 3-D structures observed in the buildings (Figure 1a-1c)
volume reflects the dominance of low resistivity ma- due to mechanical instability and high volumetric
terials (11-69 Ωm) which are symbolic of peat/clay/ changes associated with peat/clay layers, which
sandy clay layers (as indicated in Figure 8). High results in differential settlement over time. This ex-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
plains the degree of cracks/damage observed in the 6.2-27.2 Ωm) were observed which are symbolic of
school buildings which ranges from moderate to se- peat/clay materials within the subsurface (Figure
vere risk according to Boscarding and Cording’s [17] 9a). These findings are consistent with the results
damage classification. of 2-D ERT interpretation where the dominance of
The 3-D resistivity inversion was also extended peat/clay/sandy clay was delineated and observed
by displaying horizontal depth slices and vertical within a similar depth as imaged in 3-D tomography.
slices from the realized 3-D model volume shown Therefore, the subsurface geological structure of the
in Figure 8. This procedure was actualized using area consists of high-resistivity materials (dry sand)
smoothness constrained least-squares inversion pro- underlain by very low resistivity and mechanically
cess in the RES3DINV program. unstable layers of peat/clay/sandy clay which are
not favorable for engineering structures within the
depths imaged from 2-D and 3-D resistivity tomog-
raphy. 2-D vertical slices were also extracted from
the 3-D depth slices and displayed in the x-z and y-z
plane cells (Figure 9b-9c).
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 9b. 2-D vertical slices in the x-z plane (10 to 15 plane cells).
Figure 9c. 2-D vertical slices in the y-z plane (1 to 9 plane cells).
Table 3. Summary of number of blows and moisture/water content computed in soil samples-1.
No of Blows Weight of Wet Sample Weight of Dry Sample Water content (%)
6 18.2578 14.8801 22.699
14 21.2831 17.8742 19.072
34 21.7296 19.0331 14.168
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
From the plot of moisture content against the approximately 17%. Thus, the liquid limit ≈ 17%
number of blows for soil sample-1 (Figure 10), the (Figure 11).
moisture content corresponding to 25 blows on the The plastic limit was approximated as the average
logarithmic axis is the liquid limit, which was read moisture content from Table 4 which in sample-2 is
approximately as 13%. Thus, the liquid limit ≈ 13% 17.130.
(Figure 10). From the plot of moisture content against the num-
The plastic limit was approximated as the average ber of blows for soil sample-3 (Figure 12), the moisture
moisture content from Table 3 which in sample-1 is content corresponding to 25 blows on the logarithmic
18.646. axis is the liquid limit, which was read approximately
From the plot of moisture content against the as 13%. Thus, the liquid limit ≈ 13% (Figure 12).
number of blows for soil sample-2 (Figure 11), the The plastic limit was approximated as the average
moisture content corresponding to 25 blows on the moisture content from Table 5 which in sample-3 is
logarithmic axis is the liquid limit, which was read 13.147.
Figure 10. Plot of moisture content (%) against number of blows for liquid limit determination in soil sample-1.
Table 4. Summary of number of blows and moisture/water content computed in soil samples-2.
Figure 11. Plot of moisture content (%) against number of blows for liquid limit determination in soil sample-2.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Table 5. Summary of number of blows and moisture/water content computed in soil samples-3.
No of Blows Weight of Wet Sample Weight of Dry Sample Water content (%)
18 15.81 13.597 16.2756
23 26.18 23.07 13.4807
30 23.33 21.27 9.6850
Figure 12. Plot of moisture content (%) against number of blows for liquid limit determination in soil sample-3.
The plasticity index (Ip) which is the range of tomography where the subsurface geology from the
water content over which the soil remains in the top-soil to the first 8.0 m consists of sandy soil with
plastic state, was evaluated for each sample using the varying degrees of saturation i.e. dry sand and wet
relation in Equation (2) recalled as: Ip =LL-PL. sand. The clayey soil became more evident from
For sample-1: Plasticity index (Ip) = 13 – 18.646 depths beyond 8.0 m in the study area. Therefore, the
= –5.646 ≈ 0 (zero) soil samples analyzed were representatives of sandy
For sample-2: Plasticity index (Ip) = 17 – 17.13 soil, and this validates the results of the liquid limit,
= –0.130 ≈ 0 (zero) plastic limit and plasticity index obtained from the
For sample-3: Plasticity index (Ip) = 13 – 13.147 soil samples. Sandy soils do not possess any plas-
= –0.147 ≈ 0 (zero) ticity and their plasticity index is usually assumed to
The plasticity index parameter (Ip) cannot be be zero. These findings apparently justify the subsoil
negative if the plastic limit, in some exceptions is conditions defined in the interpretation of the 1-D
greater than the liquid limit, as observed in soil sam- VES survey and 2-D and 3-D geoelectrical resistivi-
ples-1, 2, and 3. In this case, it is considered to be ty imaging.
zero and the soil is considered non-plastic (Table
1), which is symbolic of sandy soil [43,44]. The plas-
5. Conclusions
ticity of soil is its tendency to undergo deformation
without cracking. It is an important index property 2-D and 3-D geoelectrical resistivity imaging
of fine-grained soil, especially clayey soils. The supported with geotechnical-soil analysis has been
adsorbed water bounded in clayey soil leads to the successfully used in evaluating subsoil properties for
plasticity of the soil [44]. engineering site investigation at Okerenkoko prima-
In this study, the soil samples were collected ry school, in Warri-southwest area of Delta State, to
within the first 8.0 m of each borehole. At this depth, adduce the phenomena responsible for the structural
the soil samples were predominantly composed of failure observed in the school buildings. The dataset
sandy soil as delineated from results of 2-D and 3-D consists of an orthogonal set of ten (10) 2-D geoelec-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
trical resistivity lines obtained with the Wenner array inversion images. The research supports near-surface
and taken as the data density needed for a reliable surveys with specific maximum investigation depths
geophysical-geotechnical exploration study. The da- of 17.1 m, 19.8 m and 21.9 m for 2-D and 3-D im-
taset was analyzed using the Earth Imager Inversion aging, respectively. The methods employed in this
program and Res3DInv software. The results brought study justifiably provided relevant information on
to light the geological structure beneath the subsur- the subsurface geology beneath the study site and
face, which consists of four geoelectric layers iden- its suitability for engineering practice. It is therefore
tified as topsoil, dry/lithified upper sandy layer, wet highly recommended to use these methods as impor-
sand (water-saturated) and peat/clay/sandy clayey tant tools for engineering site assessment projects
soil (highly water-saturated). The profoundly-seated and groundwater inherent investigations.
peat/clay materials (ρ ≤ 20 Ωm) were delineated in
the study site to depths of 17.1 m and 19.8 m from Conflicts of Interest
2-D and 3-D tomography respectively. The domi-
We declare that this research work has never been
nance of mechanically unstable peat/clay/sandy clay
submitted previously by anyone to any journal for
layers beneath the subsurface which are highly mo-
peer review and publication; hence it is an original
bile in response to volumetric changes is responsible
work. All the ethical principles of research in the
for the visible cracks/failure/subsidence observed on
data collection, preparation, analysis and interpreta-
structures within the study site. The DC resistivity
tion were implemented.
outcome was validated using the geotechnical study
of soil specimens collected from drill holes covering
the first 8.0 m on three of the profiles. The consisten- Availability of Data and Material
cy limits of the soil samples revealed plasticity indi- Applicable and available on demand from the
ces of zero for all samples. Soil samples within the corresponding author.
depth analyzed are therefore representative of sandy
soils lacking plasticity and are assumed to have a
plasticity index of zero. These findings seem to justi-
fy subsurface conditions defined in the interpretation There was no grant or financial support provided
of 2-D and 3-D geoelectric resistivity imaging. In from any agency in the public, commercial and not-
this study, generating a 3D dataset by matching a set for profit organization for this research work.
of orthogonal or parallel 2D lines improves the speed
of field processing, reduces the cost of field logistics Acknowledgement
and is relevant to obtaining 3D datasets using square
The authors profoundly acknowledge the good
or rectangular grid methods. Both 2-D and 3-D resis-
people of Okerenkoko community for allowing us
tivity tomography results agreed with each other. 3-D
carry out the geophysical survey used for this study
images displayed as horizontal depth slices and the
within the primary school premises, and to the Fed-
3-D subsurface volume which were realized in the
eral University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun,
study, revealed the dominance of very low resistivity
Nigeria for the use of her laboratory and computing
materials i.e. peat/clay/sandy clay within the fourth,
fifth and sixth layers at depths ranging from 8.68-12.5
m, 12.5-16.9 m and 16.9-21.9 m respectively. Thus,
the 3-D inversion model has improved the accuracy
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Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
This research investigates and reports on the petrology and geochemical characteristics of crystalline basement
rocks in Ora-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria. Exhaustive geological investigation reveals migmatite, banded gneiss, gran-
ite gneiss and biotite gneiss underlie the area. In reducing order of abundance, petrographic examination reveals that
migmatite contains quartz, muscovite and opaque minerals. Banded geniuses contain quartz, biotite, plagioclase, and
opaque minerals. Granite geniuses contain quartz, plagioclase, biotite, microcline and opaque; while biotite geniuses
contain biotite, plagioclase, opaque minerals, and quartz. Silica contents in migmatite (69.50%-72.66%; ca. 71.23%),
banded gneiss (71.66%-77.1%; ca. 75.23%), biotite gneiss (72.32%-76.18%; ca. 73.83%) and granite gneiss (69.82%-
73.15%; ca. 71.95%) indicate the rocks are siliceous. High alumina contents in migmatite (12.18%), banded gneiss
(10.28%), biotite gneiss (11.46%) and granite gneiss (9.97%) are comparable to similar rocks in the basement com-
plex. All the rocks show Ba, Sr and Rb enrichment. Harker diagrams of Al2O3 versus SiO2 and CaO versus SiO2 show
negative trends while Na2O versus SiO2, K2O versus SiO2 and TiO2 versus SiO2 plots showed positive trends. This var-
iation probably depicts extensive crystal fractionation in the magmatic systems that produced the rocks prior to meta-
morphism or partial melting of the precursor rock. SiO2 versus (Na2O + K2O) classifies the rocks as granite to granodi-
orite. The rocks are high K-calc-alkaline and calc-alkalic on SiO2-K2O plot. This shows the rocks are potassic meaning
that they are formed from a potassium-rich source. The plot of Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) versus Al2O3/(CaO +Na2O + K2O)
reveals the crystalline rocks are orogenic and originated from granitoid with meta luminous affinity. The rocks consist
of gneisses of no economic minerals, but the petrology reveals them as common rocks typical of metamorphic terrains
and geochemical features of the rocks reveal they are felsic and of granitic composition.
Keywords: Ora-Ekiti; Crystalline basement rocks; Petrology; Metaluminous affinity
O.A. OlaOlorun, Department of Geology, Ekiti State University, P.M.B. 5363, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria; Email:
Received: 22 November 2022 | Revised: 11 March 2023 | Accepted: 16 March 2023 | Published Online: 6 April 2023
OlaOlorun, O.A., Akinola, O.O., Oyinloye, A.O., 2023. Petrology and Geochemical Features of Crystalline Rocks in Ora-Ekiti, Southwestern Ni-
geria. Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 24-37. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
1.1 Migmatite
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
alongside felsic minerals including quartz and feld- whelming evidence of pegmatite dykes and second-
spar. Biotite gneiss occupies both sides of Aye-Ora ary structures like fold, joints, quartz veins, which
Road. It is medium to coarse-grained foliated with a sometimes crosscut each other in some locations,
preponderance of biotite blades and acicular chlorite and exfoliations. Biotite-gneiss in Ora-Ekiti occurs
minerals (Figure 3c). The outcrops contain over- as a rock with low altitude masses.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
ite. The rock unit varies in composition from tonalite to The method includes fieldwork, sampling, and labo-
granodiorite to adamellite and true granites, and it rep- ratory procedures.
resents the magmatic cycle of the Pan-African orogeny.
Charnockite forms an important rock group emplaced 3.1 Fieldwork and sampling
during this period and is anatectic in origin [14]. The use
of the term Pan African Granitoid for the older granites The fieldwork essentially entails geologic map-
not only on the merit of age and not being available at ping, identification, and description of outcrop
the time they were named older granites is contended [8], exposures. It also involves describing their struc-
but opined that it should be used because it covers sev- tural features. A thorough and careful traversing of
eral important petrologic groups formed at the same the study area was done on foot with a hand-held
time. Older granite occurs together with charnockite Global Positioning System (GPS) following the
along a narrow strip around Ikere-Ekiti and Ado Ekiti major roads, minor roads, and bush paths. Trav-
while a few outcrops dotted Ilupeju and Ayede areas in erses are made to outcrops that are not assessable
the north-central part of the state. through these roads. The area is divided into grids,
each of which is mapped separately, and grid-con-
trolled sampling was adopted. Useful information
3. Materials and methods about the names of localities where good outcrops
The methodological approach adopted includes were found was made possible by people in the
systematic geologic mapping and sampling of rocks. host communities.
Figure 4. Geological map of Ekiti State and the location of the study area (after NGSA [14]).
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
In this study, only fresh samples are considered and taken to the cutting machine for size reduction.
for analysis and are safely put in sample bags. It was The reduced specimen was taken to the lapping
observed during the field exercise that the litholog- machine via lapping jig for final reduction to the
ical boundaries do not have clear-cut demarcations required thickness of 0.5 mm which is the standard
but grade into each other. Photographs of the rocks in thin section thickness. Once the thickness is achieved
situ positions were captured using a (Nikkon Coolpix the specimen is then removed and washed properly
L80) digital camera. Twenty samples of each of the to remove excess slurry around it. After washing, the
four rock types were collected during fieldwork. specimen is allowed to dry and then covered with
Fresh samples with sizes ranging between 4-5 kg glass slips using Canada balsam and washed with
were hewed from rock exposures using a sledgeham- methylated spirit (or acetone) and detergent. The
mer. The rock samples are kept in sample bags and specimen was then rinsed with water and allowed to
labeled. The points where the samples were obtained dry in the air and then labeled accordingly for micro-
in the field were translated into the corresponding scopic analysis.
positions on the topographic base map. This proce- Petrography
dure was repeated at each location, strike and dip For petrographic investigation, thin sections of
values were indicated as appropriate. The sample lo- the rock samples were prepared. The slides were ex-
cations are Oke-Iyila, Olokowu, Oke-IIekan and op- amined under petrological microscopes.
posite Ora Community High School among others. Analytical procedure
Twelve fresh samples selected from those ob-
3.2 Laboratory procedures tained from outcrop exposures during geological
mapping were subjected to analytical procedures.
Samples collected are subjected to laboratory pro-
Major elements (SiO2, A12O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO,
cedures to determine the petrology of the basement
CaO, K2O, Na2O, P2O5, and TiO2) and trace elements
rocks, the mineralogical composition and micro-
(Nb, V, Cu, Ba, Ni, Rb, Sr and Zr, Mo, Ag, Ta, Pb
structures which help to confirm the rock’s name as
and Th) analyses were conducted on X-ray Fluores-
well as the metamorphic grade are noted. In addition
cence equipment (Phillips PW 1404/10) and ICP-MS
to outcrop examinations, the petrographic study was
respectively. The analytical procedures were under-
based on a visual examination of thin sections.
taken at the Bureau Veritas Laboratories, Vancouver,
Preparation of thin section
Canada. The accuracy of trace element analyses is
After reducing the samples to the desired size (2
within ± 5 parts per million (ppm) and major ele-
cm × 1 cm × 0.5 cm) using a cutting machine, the
ments ± 0.5%. (Analytical procedure for the research
smooth surface of the rocks was glued to a glass
followed [15]. Analytical results are presented in Ta-
slide and ground down on the lapping machine.
bles 1 and 2.
Silicon carbide was put on the lapping glass which
was placed on the lapping table with some water
and the equipment was activated and observed until 4. Results
the surface becomes very smooth. After lapping, the The results of this research are presented in the
rock specimen was washed with water and mounted order: Petrography and geochemistry.
on a thermo plate switched to 120 °C for an hour to
remove excess water from the specimen. This baking 4.1 Petrography
process is important as it prevents excess bubbles
from appearing on the slide. Thereafter, the specimen Migmatite
was removed from the hot plate and allowed to cool Petrographic examination reveals Ora-Ekiti mig-
down to room temperature. The specimen was later matite (in reducing order) contains quartz, musco-
mounted into a prepared glass slide by using araldite vite, and opaque minerals (Figure 5a). Quartz being
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
in some slides it forms clustered aggregate. The pre- 10
ponderance of quartz in the rock may be attributed to 0
or high silica content attributable to late-stage mag-
c la
matic crystallization in the precursor rock. Under
plane-polarized light, muscovite has whitish colour Figure 5b. A chart showing the average composition of banded
but with a diagnostic bird-view appearance. It forms gneiss in the study area.
fringence. It can be distinguished from other types of
feldspar by its polysynthetic twinning. Opaque min-
erals occur in subordinate amounts and are mainly
0 magnetite.
Muscovite Quartz Opaque
Figure 5a. A chart showing the average composition of the mig- Granite gneiss
matite in the study area. 30
Banded gneiss
Petrological investigation reveals banded gneiss 10
from the study area in order of reducing abundanc- 0
ic r
the high degree of stability of the mineral and this Figure 5c. A chart showing average composition of Granite
may indicate that the rock is of acidic antecedent. gneiss.
The mineral quartz is colorless under the plane-po- Biotite gneiss
larized light, biotite shows grey to brown coloration Biotite gneiss in Ora-Ekiti in the same order, con-
with characteristic bird view structure and bladed tains biotite, plagioclase feldspar, opaque minerals
appearance. Crystals of plagioclase are colorless in and quartz (Figure 5d). Quartz occurs as clear min-
plane polarized light exhibiting first order grey color eral grains, few are however cloudy and fractured.
under cross polars. Quartz is the least abundant mineral; it is made of
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
grains that have no cleavage or plane of weakness. applied in the classification and determination of the
Its presence in all the rocks may be consequent on evolutionary trends and geotectonic setting of rocks
quartz being one of the most stable minerals in si- in Ora-Ekiti. Harker variation plot of major oxides
liceous igneous rocks. Many siliceous rocks when against SiO2 and its correlation is useful for the pre-
subjected to metamorphic transformation have abun- diction of post-magmatic phenomena that may be
dant quartz. Biotite shows grey to brown coloration related to the rock’s protolith. Binary plots of Al2O3
with subhedral to anhedral habits. The crystals of versus SiO2 (Figure 6a) and, CaO versus SiO2 (Fig-
plagioclase are colorless in plane-polarized light but ure 6b) reveal negative trends with increasing SiO2.
exhibit first-order grey color under cross polars. However, Na2O versus SiO2 (Figure 6c) and K2O
versus SiO2 (Figure 6d) show positive trends with
Biotite gneiss SiO2 which indicates an increase in K2O produces
30 a corresponding increase in SiO2 contents. Positive
20 trends in K2O and Na2O may indicate albitization
processes in the protolith prior to metamorphism or
5 metasomatic alteration during metamorphic remo-
bilization. The plot of TiO2 versus SiO2 (Figure 6e)
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Al2O3 11.96 12.94 11.58 11.43 9.65 9.71 12.91 9.24 11.80 10.45 9.51 11.03
CaO 3.32 4.55 3.43 4.05 1.50 1.37 2.29 1.98 3.45 2.24 2.36 2.50
Fe2O3 5.09 5.36 4.13 4.45 3.2 3.04 2.66 4.19 3.8 5.42 3.61 3.22
K2O 3.04 2.65 3.25 2.69 4.55 4.51 5.08 3.8 3.61 4.31 4.46 4.36
Na2O 3.23 3.10 3.24 3.92 3.19 3.34 3.08 3.55 3.22 3.18 3.24 4.18
MgO 1.08 1.08 0.98 1.13 0.52 0.35 0.46 0.58 1.2 0.45 0.51 0.84
MnO 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.05
P2O5 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.14 0 0.03 0 0 0.06 0.16 0.04 0.07
TiO2 0.61 0.63 0.34 0.56 0.24 0.43 0.23 0.35 0.44 0.61 0.46 0.38
Total 99.99 99.96 99.84 99.68 99.99 99.84 99.91 99.93 99.84 99.78 99.97 99.84
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nb 13 17 13 17 23 30 41 43 12 41 25 18
V 79 62 58 73 25 63 33 61 67 65 43 56
Cu 8 24 0 11 28 7 0 17 33 11 9 21
Rb 333 202 250 234 256 347 241 303 246 282 251 327
Sr 634 468 389 490 430 266 507 496 522 308 311 289
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Table 2 continued
Trace Migmatite Banded gneiss Biotite gneiss Granite gneiss
Mo 28 24 14 17 20 26 19 32 17 173 62 29
Ag 51 49 20 43 15 23 28 27 25 20 32 19
Ba 1647 1063 1005 1254 2663 2344 2426 2382 1318 2477 1863 1504
Ta 0 0 67 0 83 80 135 0 0 88 51 25
Pb 19 14 21 16 28 19 13 19 19 24 8 16
Th 43 0 0 0 40 0 47 0 29 26 38 49
Figure 6. Harker variation diagram of (a) Al2O3 versus SiO2, (b) CaO versus SiO2, (c) Na2O versus SiO2, (d) K2O versus SiO2 (e) TiO2
versus SiO2 and (f) MgO versus SiO2. (Symbols as in Figure 7).
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 7. (Na2O + K2O) versus SiO2 plot of the crystalline rocks in Ora-Ekiti (after Middlemost [16]).
Figure 8. AFM diagram of the rocks in the study area (after Irvine and Baragar [17]).
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 9. SiO2 versus K2O plot showing the geochemical character of the rock samples (after Peccerillo and Taylor [18]).
Figure 10. Binary plot of A/NK versus A/CNK (after Shand [19]) for the crystalline rocks in Ora-Ekiti.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
The most common supply of freshwater for drinking, irrigation, and other domestic uses is groundwater; however,
because of increased radon concentrations brought on by mining activities, its quality is still a severe concern. Using a
liquid scintillation detector, this study investigated the radon content, its related toxicity, and its risk to human health in
the groundwater of the Keana in Nasarawa, Nigeria. Ten (10) borehole samples and five (5) well samples totaling fif-
teen (15) groundwater samples were taken. The results showed that the average radon concentration in water samples
from Keana was 2.25 Bq/L. The mean annual effective dosage (ingestion) for adults and children in Keana was 0.016
mSv/y and 0.027 mSv/y, respectively. In Keana, the additional lifetime cancer risk per adult was 5.65 × 10–5, and per
child, it was 8.79 × 10–5. The study’s radon concentration was lower than the benchmark of 11.1 Bq/L established in
1991 by the Nigerian Standard Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The results of this study
indicate that the level of radon is safe; as a result, people can continue farming and other activities. To reduce the risk
of cancer, however, more research could be done in the area. Further research should be done by looking at additional
sources in the study area in order to cover the entire zone. Further investigation should be carried out both during the
dry and wet seasons because radon concentrations in groundwater alter over time due to dilution by recharge from
Keywords: Ingestion; Inhalation; Irrigation; Radon; Yearly effective dose; Excess lifetime cancer risk
Usman Rilwan, Department of Physics, Nigerian Army University, PMB 1500 Biu, Borno State, Nigeria, 603108, Nigeria; Email: rilwan.usman@
Received: 31 March 2023 | Revised: 19 April 2023 | Accepted: 21 April 2023 | Published Online: 28 April 2023
Bako, A.S., Rilwan, U., Umar, I., et al., 2023. Toxicity of Radon-222 in Groundwater across Keana in Nasarawa, Nigeria. Advances in Geological
and Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 38-49. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Table 1. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) age groups and their Annual Water Consumption Rate (ACR).
Age Group Age Range (Years) Water Consumption (L/day) Water Consumption (L/years) Reference
3 Months 0 to 1 0.55 200
1 Year 1 to 2 0.71 260
5 Years 2 to 7 0.82 300
10 Years 7 to 12 0.96 350
15 years 12 to 17 1.64 600
Adults Greater than 17 2.00 730
Measurement of radon content in water sources demonstrates that radon concentrations in these plac-
near the Ririwai Artisanal Tin Mine was the focus es are significantly influenced by the local soil com-
of Zakari et al.’s (2015) research [21] who did their position.
research in Kano State, Nigeria. In their research, the Despite the fact that Nasarawa’s geology revealed
amount of 222Rn in three water sources near the Riri- that it has a high concentration of clay soil, there is
wai Artisanal Tin Mine was determined using liquid no reliable information on the concentration of radon
scintillation analysis. The annual effective dosage in the area from a review of the literature. As a re-
caused by the concentration of 222Rn in domestic and sult, this study aims to determine the potential health
surface water sources was also calculated. After their risk posed by radon in Nasarawa’s water sources as
analysis, they concluded that the mean 222Rn concen- well as the annual dose of radon consumed through
tration found in this study was less than the 10 Bq/L
drinking water. The results must be contrasted with
levels that WHO and UNSCEAR recommend. Ad-
industry standards and the results of other studies.
ditionally, the study’s annual effective dose was less
than the UNSCEAR-recommended upper limit of 0.1
mSv/year. Also, Garba et al. (2013) [22] started a pro- 2. Materials and methods
ject called Radon Assessment of Groundwater (wells 2.1 Materials
and boreholes). In their research, samples were taken
from different parts of Zaria and its surroundings, The equipment and its specifications are listed in
including Sabongari, Tudunwada, Danmagaji, Sa- Table 2, and Plate 1 shows the liquid scintillation
maru, and Bomo. In accordance with the findings of counter that was used to gauge the radon levels in
their study, the 222Rn content in borehole sources is Keana’s groundwater.
higher than that in well water sources, and both were Table 2. Materials and their specifications.
above the USEPA-set MCL of 11.1 Bq/L. In another S/N Materials Specifications
research, the estimation of indoor radon and its prog- 1 Water sample 100 mL
eny in dwellings of Akoko Area, Ondo State, South- 2 Plastic sample collection bottles 50 mL
ern Nigeria, was undertaken by Adeola and Isaac in Liquid Scintillation Counter
2017 [23]. Accustar alpha-track long-term passive test 3 (manufactured by Packard Tri-carb 1
LSA 1000TR)
devices with CR-39 solid-state nuclear track detec-
Disposable hypodemic syringe (20
tor foil were used for the test. In the Akoko region 4 mL, 10 mL and 2 mL) capacity with 8
of Nigeria’s Ondo state, radon levels were tested in 38 mm hypodermic needle
a few residences constructed from various types of 5 distilled water 1 litre
materials. The detectors were out in the elements for 6 Scintillation vial-20 mL with cap Plastic
six months. The detectors were electrochemically 7 Surgical globe 1 pack
etched after removal, and a computer-aided image 8 Indelible ink and masking tape 1
analysis system was used to count them. The study 9 Mineral oil (insta-gel) 1
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
2.2 Method
Study population
The population of the study includes all of the
boreholes and wells that are situated within the Kea-
na Local Governments of Nasarawa State, which are
Ewagu, Oleye, Emir Palace, Oki, Market, Aloshi,
GGSS Keana, Jimini, Kachiya, Kalachi, Obne, and
Study area
The Nasarawa South senatorial district is locat-
ed in northern Nigeria’s Guinea Savannah and is a Figure 1. Map of the area showing the sample locations.
part of the low plains of Benue origin. A number
of weathered volcanic cones, mostly made of sand- Technique used to collect samples
stone, surround the salt mining community of Kea- In plastic containers with coverings, five (5) water
na. These detached synclinal areas were created by samples and fifteen (15) groundwater samples (from
localized folding. Table 3 displays Keana’s sample wells and boreholes) were gathered. The plastic con-
codes and GPS coordinates. Figure 1 shows a map tainers were first cleaned and rinsed with distilled
of the research area. water to avoid radon in the samples from becoming
Table 3. Sample codes and GPS locations of Keana. contaminated. Water samples were held with 20 mL
of concentrated HNO3 per liter of water in order to
Sampled Sample Latitude Longitude reduce radon absorption on container walls.
S/N Location
Water Code (°) N (°) E
The water samples were only collected after the
1 Borehole Ewagu KEB1 8.1504 8.7901 boreholes had been operational for at least four minutes
2 Borehole Oleye KEB2 8.1305 8.6311 in order to ensure that new samples were obtained.
The containers were quickly sealed to prevent
3 Borehole KEB3 8.1202 8.7023 loss of radon during transport to the lab and were
then completely filled with the water sample without
4 Borehole Oki KEB4 8.1513 8.8012
any headspace. This was done to avoid CO2 being
5 Borehole Market KEB5 8.1234 8.7601 trapped and dissolved in water, which could change
6 Borehole Aloshi KEB6 8.1340 8.8103 the chemistry, such as pH, at each location.
GGSS The samples were sent for examination as soon as
7 Borehole KEB7 8.1241 8.6201
Keana they were obtained and for no more than three days
8 Borehole Jimini KEB8 8.1321 8.6420
at maximum in order to minimize the effects of ra-
dioactive decay. This is done to guarantee complete
9 Borehole Kachiya KEB9 8.1622 8.8210
accuracy without altering its composition.
10 Borehole Kalachi KEB10 8.1524 8.7204 Technique for preparing samples
Emir Each sample of water was divided into 10 mL
11 Well KEW1 8.1140 8.6622
Palace pieces, added to a 20 mL glass scintillation vial with
12 Well Obne KEW2 8.1441 8.6734 10 mL of an insta-gel scintillation cocktail, and shak-
en. The vials were tightly closed, shaken for more
13 Well Ewagu KEW3 8.1401 8.7904
than two minutes, and then Radon-222 in the aque-
14 Well Oleye KEW4 8.1503 8.8010
ous phase was extracted into the organic scintillate.
15 Well Madaki KEW5 8.1310 8.7521 The samples were then gathered, and for 60 minutes,
KEB = Borehole Water Sample; KEW = Well Water Sample. they were tallied in a liquid scintillation counter em-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
the dose conversion factor (7 × 10–8 mSv/h/Bq/L). Table 4. Rn-222 concentrations in Bq/L of water samples from
d. Estimating the excess lifetime cancer risk Keana.
Garba et al. (2013) and USEPA (2019) [22,25] com- S/N Sample ID Radon Concentration (Bq/L)
puted the increased lifetime cancer risk using Equa- 1 KEB1 2.10
tion (4) as follows: 2 KEB2 2.21
ELCR = AEDE × DL × RF×10 (4) 3 KEB3 3.20
where ELCR is for excess lifetime cancer risk, 4 KEB4 2.41
AEDE is for annual effective dose equivalent, DL 5 KEB5 2.03
is for average life expectancy (about 70 years), and 6 KEB6 2.18
RF is for risk factor (Sv–1), which refers to the risk 7 KEB7 1.91
of dying from cancer according to Sievert. The ICRP 8 KEB8 2.00
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
ranged from 0.023 mSv/y for sample point KEB7 borehole and well water samples have a mean ef-
as the lowest value to 0.038 mSv/y for sample point fective dosage by inhalation owing to Radon-222 of
KEB3. Both borehole and well water samples have 0.055 mSv/y.
a mean effective dosage via consumption of Ra- Table 6. Annual effective dose by inhalation of water samples
don-222 for children of 0.027 mSv/y. from Keana.
Table 5. Annual effective dose by ingestion of water samples
Annual Effective Dose by
from Keana. S/N Sample ID
Inhalation (mSvy–1)
1 KEB1 0.053
Annual Effective Annual Effective
S/N Dose by Ingestion Dose by Ingestion for 2 KEB2 0.056
for Adults (mSvy–1) Children (mSvy–1)
3 KEB3 0.055
1 KEB1 0.015 0.024 4 KEB4 0.061
2 KEB2 0.016 0.026 5 KEB5 0.051
3 KEB3 0.023 0.038 6 KEB6 0.055
4 KEB4 0.018 0.029
7 KEB7 0.048
5 KEB5 0.015 0.024
8 KEB8 0.050
6 KEB6 0.016 0.026
9 KEB9 0.055
7 KEB7 0.009 0.023
10 KEB10 0.075
8 KEB8 0.015 0.024
11 KEW1 0.056
9 KEB9 0.022 0.035
10 KEB10 0.016 0.026 12 KEW2 0.053
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
ing to Radon-222 of 5.65 × 10–5. Table 8. Comparison of radon concentration from present study
The excess lifetime cancer risk for children in with standards.
water samples was found to be 8.75 × 10–5 for sam- United Nation
Scientific Committee
ple points KEW2, KEW4, and KEW5 as the lowest [21,26]
1 on Effect of 4.0-40.0
value to 9.45 × 10–5 for sample point KEW1. Both Atomic Radiation
borehole and well water samples have a mean extra (UNSCEAR)
lifetime cancer risk for children owing to Radon-222 United States
of 8.57 × 10–5. Environmental [21,26]
2 11.1
Protection Agency
Table 7. Excess lifetime cancer risk of water samples from Keana.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
S/N Location Concentration Reference
1 India 2.63
2 Turkey 9.28
3 Romania 15.40
Jordan (many [23,25]
Figure 4. Comparison of radon concentration of groundwater
4 2.8-116
locations) samples from present study with other parts of the world.
Lebanon (many
According to Table 10 (Figure 4), groundwa-
5 11.30
Tassili, South-east [23,25]
ter samples from Keana have radon concentrations
6 0.67-21.25
Algeria that are lower than those from countries like India,
Eastern Doon Valley,
20-95 [23,25] Romania, Jordan, the outer Himalayas, Finland,
outer Himalayas
Turkey, Lebanon, and the United States, but higher
8 Northern Venezuela 0.1-5.76
than those from some regions of Algeria and some
9 Finland 63.0
regions of Northern Venezuela.
United States of [23,25]
10 5.20
Present 4. Discussion
11 Keana, Nigeria 2.25 Study
(2023) The results of this study showed that Keana’s
mean radon concentration was 2.25 Bq/L. This value
was lower than the global average of 10 Bq/L, the
Standard Organization of Nigeria’s (SON) 11.1 Bq/L,
the European Union Commission’s 100 Bq/L, the
United Nations Scientific Committee on Atomic Ra-
diation’s (UNSCEAR) 4.0-40.0 Bq/L, and the Unit-
ed States Environmental Protection Agency’s (11.1
Bq/L) (USEPA). The results of Zakari et al. [21], who
discovered a mean radon concentration of 2.29 Bq/L
is within the same range, are consistent with our dis-
Figure 2. Comparison of radon concentration from present study covery.
with standards. This result differs from that of Garba et al.
(2013) [22], who discovered that the mean radon concen-
tration was 12.29 Bq/L. The results of Adeola and Isaac
(2017) [23], who discovered that the mean radon concen-
tration was 35.54 Bq/L, are also out of sync.
The corresponding measured radon concentra-
tions in the borehole water samples from Keana
were 0.017 mSv/y for adults and 0.028 mSv/y for
children, whereas the corresponding measured ra-
don concentrations in the well water samples were
Figure 3. Comparison of radon concentration from present study 0.015 mSv/y for adults and 0.026 mSv/y for chil-
with other places in Nigeria. dren.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
The Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) ap- State. Also, future researchers should determine the
proved the WHO’s recommended reference level of levels of radon in both surface water and groundwa-
0.1 mSv/y for intake of radionuclides in water and ter.
the ICRP’s recommended intervention level of 3-10
mSv/y for radionuclide intake. Author Contributions
The radon concentrations in the borehole water
samples from Keana that corresponded to the mean Idris Muhammad Mustapha, Abdullahi Abubakar
annual effective dosage by inhalation were 0.056 Mundi and Ibrahim Maina created all the figures
mSv/y and 0.054 mSv/y, respectively. in the work, while Abubakar Saidu Bako, Usman
All annual effective dosage by ingestion readings Rilwan, Samson Dauda Yusuf and Ibrahim Umaru
fell below the 1 mSv/y threshold that is advised for wrote the majority of the manuscript. The work was
the general public. examined by all writers.
For well water samples, the excess lifetime can-
cer risk was 5.39 × 10–5 for adults and 8.96 × 10–5 Conflict of Interest
for children, whereas the excess lifetime cancer risk
The corresponding authors affirm that they have
from the same annual effective dose of borehole wa-
no known financial or interpersonal conflicts that
ter samples from Keana was 5.79 × 10–5 for adults
would have appeared to have an impact on the re-
and 8.71 × 10–5 for children.
search presented in this study.
According to the global average of 2.9 × 10–4 as
reported by Ibikunle et al. in 2018, the extra lifetime
cancer risk of water samples from the Keana Local Funding
Governments was found to be lower. No funding was sought for this work because the
authors are not associated with any company that has
5. Conclusions a direct or indirect financial interest in the topic cov-
ered in the manuscript.
According to the findings, the radon levels in the
groundwater samples from Keana are safe for home
use and human consumption because they are below Acknowledgment
the maximum limit of 11.1 Bq/L established by the The corresponding authors express gratitude to
USEPA and adopted by the Standard Organization of the remaining authors for their positive criticism and
Nigeria (SON). Since this work pioneered the deter- review, which makes the work contributive and wor-
mination of radon in groundwater in the study area, thy of publication.
the data in this study might be utilized as a reference
for the study location. In order to cover the entire
zone, more borehole and well investigations inside
the study region should be conducted. Because radon [1] Aruwa, A., Gyuk, P.M., Dogara, M.A., et al.,
concentrations in groundwater change over time due 2017. Determination of Radon-222 concentra-
to dilution by recharge from rainfall, research should tions and effective dose by ingestion in ground
be done both during the dry and wet seasons. Most and surface water sources from Idah and En-
importantly, government officials at all levels should virons, Nigeria. International Journal of Re-
raise awareness of the dangers of radon exposure for search—Granthaalayah. 5(9), 15-25.
people. In order to establish a comprehensive refer- [2] Farai, I.P., Sanni, A.O., 1992. Yearly variability
ence database for radon levels in groundwater in Na- of 222Rn in a groundwater system in Nigeria.
sarawa State, it is also advised that future researchers Journal of African Earth Sciences. 15(314), 399-
expand this study to other senatorial zones of the 403.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
[3] Galan, L.M., Martin, S.A., Gomez, E.V., 2004. quality, 4th edition. WHO: Geneva.
Application of ultralow level liquid scintillation [13] Hamanaka, S., Shizuma, K., Wen, X.Q., et al.,
to the determination of 222Rn in groundwater. 1998. Radon concentration measurement in
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemis- water by means of α liquid-scintillation spec-
try. 261(3), 631-636. trometry with a PERALS spectrometer. Nuclear
[4] Darko, E.O., Adukpo, O.K., Fletcher, J.J., 2010. Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
Preliminary studies on 222Rn concentration in Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detec-
groundwater from selected areas of the Accra tors and Associated Equipment. 410(2), 314-
metropolis in Ghana. Journal of Radioanalytical 318.
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[5] Rilwan, U., Yahaya, I., Musa, M., et al., 2022. dioactivity measurements in Kastamonu region
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Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
The study presented in this manuscript aimed to relate the sedimentary strata imaged by the ground penetrating
radar (GPR) method through numerical modeling with the mapping of sedimentary strata acquired through geotechnical
surveys. The study aimed to expose how obtaining subsoil information through noninvasive/destructive electromagnetic
waves is beneficial, as they are reliable and less costly than drilling holes beyond what is necessary to have a subsurface
mapping. In this sense, physical-geological modeling was carried out. The information on the type of sediments, acquired
through simple recognition surveys carried out in the city of Belém-PA, helped to create a model of a sedimentary
package with its respective intrinsic physical properties. The result shows that the GPR recovered with good vertical
and horizontal resolution at the beginning and end of the layers of the sedimentary package studied, proving to be very
effective for locating geotechnical sounding points and safely reducing costs.
Keywords: Geotechnical prospecting; Ground penetrating radar; Numerical modeling
Danusa Mayara de Souza, Geophysics Graduate Program (CPGf), Geosciences Institute, Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém, Pará, 66075-
110, Brazil; Email:
Received: 21 March 2023 | Revised: 22 April 2023 | Accepted: 25 April 2023 | Published Online: 30 April 2023
Souza, D.M., Alcântara Júnior, L.L.C., 2023. Correlation of Ground Penetrating Radar Data with Geotechnical Prospect Profiles: Reduto Case
Study, Belém-PA, Brazil. Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 50-63. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
dation structures is paramount among the stages of ground surface and an electrical current source that
civil construction, as the total load dissipation of the injects a current into the ground through the elec-
structure will depend on it, especially in densely oc- trodes. The resulting electrical potential is measured
cupied residential buildings [2]. by a series of receiver electrodes, which are also
Considering this scenario, obtaining information placed on the ground surface. Analyzing the volt-
from the subsoil, such as that obtained from geo- age and current data makes it possible to infer the
physical measurements, which use electromagnetic electrical resistivity of the subsurface materials. The
waves and electrical resistivity data from the soil, resistivity data can then be used to create two- or
is critical, primarily because it provides essential three-dimensional images of the subsurface materi-
information about the geological environment at the als, showing variations in their resistivity properties.
study site. Geophysical methods are widely used The Slingram method involves the use of a
for soil and subsurface investigations. These meth- transmitting coil and a receiving coil. The trans-
ods involve the use of the physical properties of the mitting coil generates an electromagnetic field that
subsurface materials to infer their composition and penetrates the subsurface materials. If there is a
structure. Some commonly used geophysical meth- conductive object in the subsurface, it will affect the
ods for soil and subsurface investigations include electromagnetic field and induce a secondary electro-
ground penetrating radar, seismic refraction surveys, magnetic field that is detected by the receiving coil.
electrical resistivity imaging, and slingram. For more details about geophysics methods [3-7].
The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method The delimitation of layers and information about
involves using a radar antenna that emits high-fre- the beginning and end of different lithologies and
quency electromagnetic waves, typically 10 to 1000 soil strata through the response to electromagnet-
MHz, propagating through the subsurface materials. ic stimuli is a great advantage, especially because
The waves reflect the surface when they encounter geophysical methodologies are nondestructive and
a boundary between materials with different dielec- noninvasive and can be carried out quickly and often
tric properties. By analyzing the amplitude, phase, free of charge (under an agreement with the univer-
and time delay of the reflected waves, it is possible sity to provide service to the community).
to infer the subsurface materials and objects’ depth, At the discretion of compliance, standardization,
location, and properties. The GPR method can also and mainly technical responsibility, the engineer car-
create two- or three-dimensional images of the sub- ries out at least one survey of simple soil recognition
surface materials and objects. for building foundations every 200 m2 of the project-
The seismic refraction method uses a seismic ed area in the plan before executing any building up
source, such as a sledgehammer or a small explo- to 1200 m2 of area, see ABNT NBR 8036 [8]. How-
sive, to generate seismic waves propagating through ever, in small works and even to reduce costs, it is
the subsurface materials. The waves are detected by common for some professional engineers to choose
a series of geophones placed along a line on the sur- to minimize costly steps, such as geotechnical in-
face. By analyzing the travel time and velocity of the vestigation, which, in turn, can result in unnecessary
seismic waves, it is possible to infer the depth and expenses with foundations or with the recovery of
composition of the subsurface materials. The seis- structures and settlements beyond those foreseen [9,10].
mic waves refract or bend at the interfaces between The use of GPR in engineering studies can be
materials with different seismic velocities, allowing considered advantageous in the application of geo-
the determination of the depth and thickness of each physics, as it allows the execution of continuous
layer. and high-resolution profiles, presents ease of data
The electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) method acquisition, performs measurements with different
involves using a series of electrodes placed on the frequencies, and has the versatility of the equipment
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
in the field, allowing its application even in urban NBR 6484 [15] and soil classification according to
areas and inside buildings. Compared to other inves- ABNT NBR 6502 [16]. The ABNT NBR 6484 [15]
tigation techniques, this method has a low cost-bene- defines the SPT drilling procedure as follows: The
fit ratio combined with the speed of execution. GPR drilling and dynamic driving of a standard sampler
numerical modeling is well established, with several every meter result in the determination of the type of
works and studies published [11], which bring the soil and a resistance index, as well as the observation
state of the art of methodology to various fields of of the water level inside the borehole. For the defini-
knowledge, including engineering. tion of these results, this standard incorporates two
Considering the previous events, the present work test systems: The manual system and the mechanized
seeks to elucidate how and to what extent geophys- system. The two systems will give different resist-
ical methodologies, particularly GPR and numerical ance index results.
modeling, can assist engineering in identifying geo- As a rule, the process is divided into stages, the
logical features and bedding in the subsurface. The first being the collection of the soil sample (zero
lack of prior knowledge about the typology of un- level). Then, the excavation stage begins, in which
derground sediments in areas where it is intended to a manual auger is usually used to remove the soil
build buildings, mainly vertical ones, before carrying sample (zero level). Then, the excavation stage be-
out direct studies such as the standard penetration gins, in which a manual auger is usually used. Then,
test (SPT), combined with insufficient information the insertion of the sampling rod is initiated using
about subsurface geology, can generate mistakes in a manual or mechanical hammer. The descent of
the location of underground studies. It generates a the rod occurs in three stretches of 15 cm, totaling
lack of essential data for the designer, which, in turn, 45 cm. The initial 15 cm is discarded for measure-
can lead to errors in the dimensioning of founda- ment purposes, and only the final 30 cm of soil pene-
tions, generating oversizing (in the case of the inser- tration is considered ABNT NBR 6484 [15].
tion of safety margins beyond the necessary ones), The SPT is performed (manual test method) using
settlements (from insufficient sizing), and patholo-
a trephine (rod with a bevel at the end) that promotes
gies (from different origins). For more information
the perforation and deterioration of the soil layers
about subsurface anomalies and their detection [12,13].
and removes debris removed through water circula-
The present study aims to obtain information on the
tion. When the depth to be analyzed is reached, the
subsurface from indirect and nondestructive meas-
sampler is inserted at the end of the rod in place of
urements, which use electromagnetic waves and
the trepan, and a typical weight (65 kg) is used as a
information on electrical soil resistivity, to correlate
hammer. The number of blows required to reach 45
the strata described by geophysical methodologies
cm (15 cm initial and 30 cm final) must be counted
with the strata mapped by SPT soundings.
to calculate the Nspt. Figure 1 shows a schematic
drawing of how a manual SPT probe is performed.
2. Materials and methods According to the ABNT NBR 6484 [15] standard,
as the sampler is introduced, in addition to providing
2.1 Standard penetration test
Nspt, soil samples are collected and stored for later
The ABNT NBR 6122 [14] establishes that any geological classification. At this stage, the depth of
building must undergo preliminary geotechnical the water level and the thickness of each sediment
investigations of at least percussion soundings. The layer (beginning and end) are also measured. In
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) provides informa- Belém, manual geotechnical surveys are the most
tion on the stratigraphy and lithological classification common [18,19]. Figure 2 depicts a photographic re-
of soils, groundwater level, and measurements of cord of the manual execution of an SPT sounding in
penetration resistance indices according to ABNT a city lot.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 2. Photographic record of the manual SPT drilling process in the field.
2.2 Ground penetrating radar the electrical properties of the medium. In the case
of geological materials, the electrical properties are
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical mainly controlled by the mineralogy of the constit-
method based on the propagation of high-frequency uents, the presence of clays, the content of metallic
ElectroMagnetic (EM) waves. Practically speaking, minerals, and the water content. If there is a contrast
EM energy waves are emitted from a transmitting in at least one of the physical properties (electrical
antenna from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. When the EM wave conductivity σ, dielectric constant K, and magnet-
reaches the interface between geological materials ic permeability μ) of subsurface materials, part of
with different physical properties, part of its energy is the signal is reflected and received by the receiving
reflected toward the surface, where it is captured by antenna that directs the signal received from under-
the same antenna or a second receiving antenna [20]. ground to the receiver [20,21].
The propagation of the subsurface radar signal de- The resulting section, the radargram, is formed by
pends on the frequency of the emitted signal and each trace (scan) representing the arrival time of the
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
reflected pulses, the pulse transmitted through the air, to know two parameters: the transit time between
and the direct wave propagating through the ground. the beginning of propagation and the arrival of the
Early reflections appear later (or more significantly) reflected wave and the propagation velocity of the
in the scan. As the antenna is moved over the terrain, wave; for more details [23]. The data collection pro-
different scans are recorded at different points. The cedure is straightforward, as illustrated in Figure 4,
set of scans positioned side by side (Figure 3) in the which shows a photographic record of surveys con-
sequence of their acquisitions forms an image, which ducted in the city.
is a display analogous to a magnetic resonance im- In the present study, the analysis and modeling
age performed in humans, changing the composition were carried out in an area in the Reduto neighbor-
of the EM field from a magnetic field (Hx, Hy, and hood (in this work, it will be treated as Report RE-
Hz) that GPR uses to image to mainly the electric 001). The region was chosen because the neighbor-
field (Ex, Ey, and Ez) [22]. hood of Reduto has a high population density and
The depth of the reflection interfaces can be areas with deep foundations [18,19]. The area has three
obtained from the radargram, thus facilitating the boreholes that are not aligned laterally and a slight-
interpretation of the profile and providing an approx- ly uneven topography (a level similar to that of the
imate location of the targets. For this, it is necessary street) (Figure 5).
Figure 4. Photographic record of the profile organization process and data acquisition with GPR.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
The individual profiles of the holes show a good strokes. The three asterisks (***) in the Nspt descrip-
lateral correlation of the sedimentary layers with tion indicate that the sampler could not exceed the
each other when placed side by side. Therefore, Ta- initial 30 cm, as shown in Figure 6.
ble 1 presents the primary information contained in The sequence of sedimentary layers corresponds
drilling report RE-001. to the second hole, although the holes are not par-
Profile SP 01, in which excellent resistance to allel. As in SP 01, borehole No. 02 ends at 15.05 m
penetration is noted in a few meters of sampling and has a resistant layer of thick white sand impene-
(15.03 m) and that from 13.70 m down, the sampler trable to the standard sampler, descending only 5 cm
was unable to descend the last 30 cm, leaving 8 cm in 58 strokes at the end of the borehole, as shown in
for 46 blows, 5 cm for 49 strokes, and 3 cm for 55 Figure 7.
SP01 prof Nspt SP02 prof Nspt SP03 prof Nspt
Light gray silty clay 02,80 6 Light gray silty clay 04,70 6 Light gray silty clay 03,90 14
Coarse white sand 15,03 55*** Coarse white sand 15,05 58*** Coarse white sand 15,08 55***
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Next, in the third hole SP 03, the lateralization of analyze the behavior of the electromagnetic field and
the layers is maintained, as shown in Figure 8. the electrical properties that simulate a GPR survey.
The correlation between the layers can be seen Modeling begins with the insertion of information
more clearly in Figure 9, which illustrates the afore- about layer thickness (top and bottom depth), phys-
mentioned lateral continuity by observing the de- ical properties (σ, k[ɛ], and µ), and sediment type to
scription of the sequence of the layered sediments. form a data matrix in which each element (i, j) cor-
With the framework of information obtained responds to information. Completing the modeling
from the SPT drillings, the modeling stage began, stage, correlating the information between the geo-
in which both geotechnical and physical informa- technical soundings and the responses of the GPR
tion was inserted into the modeling software. The profiles, which combine geological information with
models used here were made in Reflex software to the inserted physical properties, began.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 9. SPT profiles No. 01, No. 02, and No. 03—RE-001.
3. Results and discussion GPR equipment, and the wave propagation direction
(Ey component) is from the transmitting antenna to
Aiming to minimize errors in the dimensioning of the geological environment.
foundations due to erroneous information about the With the completion of the setting and configura-
subsurface region, the present work uses numerical tion of the electromagnetic characteristics of the sim-
modeling resources to simulate the behavior of dif- ulation, tomography (generation of multiple scans,
ferent types of sediments and degrees of water satu- called a “radargram”) is generated and can be seen in
ration through electromagnetic stimulation, similar Figure 11.
to a conventional GPR campaign. The scale on the left in Figure 11 represents the
Figure 10 shows the graphical interface of the Re- propagation velocity window of the EM wave in the
flex software by Sandmeier [24] with physical param- geological medium (m/ns); the scale in the upper
eters enabled. Entering layer information is simple to center represents the distance (m) or length from SP
carry out. It defines the initial and final depth data in 01 to SP 03, which is 10 m; and the correct scale rep-
the “layer” field and the respective values of electrical resents the depth (m) of the layers, which can reach
conductivity, dielectric constant/electrical permittivity, 15.08 m. Using interpolation, a three-dimensional
magnetic permeability, and lateral extension. model (Figure 12) was created with the information
The right part of Figure 10 shows the configura- obtained from modeling the GPR response.
tions of the boundary conditions (absorbing edges), Analyzing the radargram, it is clear that the pres-
which prevent the energy emitted by the antenna ence of saturated clay (clayey sediment with the
from reverberating at the edges and contaminating presence of water in its pores) attenuated the propa-
the model. The source type (plane wave) establish- gation of the electromagnetic wave in an accelerated
es that the electromagnetic wavefront will arrive in way, causing a fading of it in the deeper layers, even
each layer as a plane, thus disregarding its spherical though these are composed of sand. More studies
aspect (simplification). The Kuepper signal simulates on the effects of clay presence on the attenuation of
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
GPR data [25-28]. This behavior is consistent with what high electrical conductivity and causes a large part
is observed in the literature and real-world surveys of the energy sent to the medium to be absorbed and
carried out in other studies. This is because clay has dissipated along the top of the layer.
Figure 10. Information from the geological model of SPT RE-001 is being inserted into Reflex.
Figure 11. GPR response for the geological model of SPT RE-001.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 12. Data cube with the GPR response for the SPT RE-001 geological model.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
el, and wrote the manuscript. The coauthor super- otechnical study of land subsidence and vulnera-
vised the data and revised the text of the manuscript. bility of rural buildings. International Journal of
Geosciences. 3(04), 878.
Conflict of Interest [6] Bahia, V., Luiz, J.G., Fenzl, N., et al., 2009. A
subsuperfície rasa na área do Parque Ambiental
The authors declare not to have any conflict of
de Belém: Estudo a partir de dados geofísicos e
de poços (Portuguese) [The shallow subsurface
in the Parque Ambiental de Belém area: Study
Funding based on geophysical and well data]. Brazil:
This research received no external funding. Contribuições À Geologia da Amazônia. 1ed
Belém-PA. 6, 183-192.
[7] do Nascimento, C.T.C. (editor), 2011. Determi-
nação da estrutura vertical de latossolos usando
The authors are thankful to the CPGf/UFPA, sondagens elétricas verticais (Portuguese) [De-
Cosmopolita College, and his fellow professors of termination of the vertical structure of latosols
the Civil Engineering course, Glauciane Santos da using vertical electrical soundings]. 12th Inter-
Silva and Clementino José dos Santos Netto. national Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical
Society; 2011 Aug; the Netherlands: European
References Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. p.
[1] Mello, F., 2007. A Verticalização em Belém do
Pará: Um Estudo das Transformações Urban- [8] ABNT NBR 8036, 1983. Programação de sond-
as e Arquitetônicas em Edifícios Residenciais agens de simples reconhecimento dos solos para
Multifamiliares (Portuguese) [Verticalization in fundações de edifícios (Portuguese) [Program-
Belém of Pará: A study of urban and architec- ming of simple soil recognition probes for build-
tural transformations in multifamily residential ing foundations]. Brazil: Brazilian Association
buildings] [Master’s thesis]. Brazil: Universi- of Technical Standards.
dade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. [9] Marcelli, M., 2007. Sinistros na Construção
[2] Carvalho, L.M.D., 2019. Fundações superfi- Civil—Causas e soluções para danos e prejuízos
ciais: controle de concepção e execução para em obras (Portuguese) [Claims in civil construc-
evitar manifestações patológicas nas edificações tion—Causes and solutions for damages and
(Portuguese) [Surface foundations: Design and losses in works]. PINI: Brazil. pp. 270.
execution control to avoid pathological manifes- [10] Sena, G., Nascimento, M., Nabut Neto, A.,
tations in buildings] [Bachelor’s thesis]. Brazil: 2020. Patologia das Construções (Portuguese)
Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido. [Construction pathology]. Ekoa Educação: Bra-
[3] Rahnema, H., Mirassi, S., Dal Moro, G., 2021. zil.
Cavity effect on Rayleigh wave dispersion and [11] Guizzi, F.T., Leucci, G., 2018. Global research
P-wave refraction. Earthquake Engineering and patterns on ground penetrating radar (GPR).
Engineering Vibration. 20, 79-88. Surveys in Geophysics. 39, 1039-1068.
[4] Mirassi, S., Rahnema, H., 2020. Deep cavity [12] Moradi, M., Rahnema, H., Mirassi, S., 2022.
detection using propagation of seismic waves in Detecting the depth and thickness of weak layer
homogenous half-space and layered soil media. in soil media using phase velocity spectrum and
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering. 21(8), 1431- theoretical dispersion curve of Rayleigh wave.
1441. Iranian Journal of Geophysics. 16(3), 57-77.
[5] Rahnema, H., Mirasi, S., 2012. Seismic and ge- [13] Rahnema, H., Mirassi, S., 2014. Crisis man-
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
In this study, the Radio Direction Finding method is proposed for the detection of electromagnetic signals, in the VLF
band, to try to anticipate the occurrence of potentially destructive geophysical events. The experimentation concerns the
interception of electromagnetic anomalies in Sierra Leone, in the five-day time window, associated with seismic events
that could potentially generate tsunamis. The area of investigation is Sierra Leone, whose coastline is subjected to tidal
wave hazards triggered by earthquakes generated in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Although Sierra Leone is not affected by
recurrent earthquakes, there is nevertheless a low probability, estimated at 2 percent, of the occurrence of destructive
earthquakes in the next 50 years. Also in estimates, the risk of rogue and potentially damaging waves is estimated to strike
the Sierra Leone coast at least once in the next 10 years. The Radio Direction Finding experiment carried out continuously
24/7, has shown a close relationship between increased radio-anomalies, in the frequencies of 6,000 Hz, a time window
between electromagnetic anomaly detection and the imminence of an earthquake, and higher frequency times for the risk
of earthquake occurrence in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Keywords: Tsunami; Radio direction finding; Destructive earthquakes; Mid-Atlantic ridge; Sierra Leone
Valentino Straser, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Makeni, Fatima Campus, Makeni, 00232, Sierra Leone; Email: valentino.straser@gmail.
Received: 9 March 2023 | Revised: 25 April 2023 | Accepted: 28 April 2023 | Published Online: 12 May 2023
Straser, V., Cataldi, D., Cataldi, G., 2023. Radio Direction Finding Method to Mitigate Tsunami Risk in Sierra Leone. Advances in Geological and
Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 64-75. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
have prompted the scientific community and technol- Electric and Magnetic Phenomena” [9], described
ogy to experiment with methods and make devices to some electrical phenomena magnetic and related to
intercept preseismic signals. Research that has mul- seismic activity. It was the first scientific publication
tiplied in recent decades has shown that we are con- ever in which they described a series of electromag-
fronted with a technological limitation that hopefully netic phenomena, about one hundred years later,
can be overcome as early as the next few years. In the international scientific community renamed as
this study, a method, Radio Direction Finding (RDF), “electromagnetic seismic precursors” or ESP [10]. In
is proposed based on intercepting electromagnetic 2007, Gabriele Cataldi and Daniel Cataldi founded a
frequencies, identifying their propagation direction scientific research project (Radio Emissions Project)
and potential source. The RDF method, still under- dedicated to monitoring and study of Electromag-
going experimentation and technological evolution, netic Seismic Precursors (ESPs) and, in a few years,
was devised in 2017 in Rome, Italy, by physicists they have developed an innovative electromagnetic
Daniele Cataldi and Gabriele Cataldi. Its application tracking method, who was able to provide valuable
has been tested on both seismic events, including po- data on the pre-seismic electromagnetic anomalies,
tentially destructive ones, and volcanic activity mon- meaning by this term also electromagnetic phenome-
itoring. The experimentation has recently started in na of solar origin and those of geomagnetic nature [11].
Sierra Leone, a geologically ancient land that is rare-
ly affected by strong earthquakes. Precisely for this 1.2 Theoretical basis on pre-seismic radio
reason, Sierra Leone represents an open-air labora- emissions
tory for the study of potential catastrophic scenarios,
induced by geophysical events, which could affect, The pre-seismic radio signals are generated by a
especially, stretches of Atlantic Ocean coastline and series of mechanisms that occur at the level of the
the capital Freetown. lithosphere (Earth’s crust) which have been well
known and studied for years. They are mainly emit-
ted by the micro-fractures that are generated on the
1.1 The electromagnetic seismic precursors
seismic fault plane when the level of mechanical
stress reaches such levels as to start breaking up the
The study of electromagnetic emissions associ- rocks. Studies confirming the production of radio
ated with earthquakes is based on mechanisms for frequency emitted by rocks placed under mechani-
the production of radio emissions generated by me- cal stress have also been conducted in recent years
chanical deformation, and the following fracturing thanks to the funds allocated NASA (National Aero-
of rocks present in the earthquake preparation zone nautics and Space Administration) [3,4].
in the preseismic phase. Electromagnetic anomalies Microfractures are small cracks in the rock which,
were observed, for example, on March 11, 2011 be- from a geological point of view, generally have a
fore the earthquake that occurred in Japan [1], or those length of a few millimeters (or less) and a width
of the Peruvian earthquake of September 25, 2013 [2], of less than 0.1mm and are formed in the phases
or even those recorded on August 24, 2016 in Italy [3]. preceding the macrofractures. Since the size of a
These cases are just some of the earthquakes preced- microfracture substantially depends on the homoge-
ed by electromagnetic emissions or electromagnetic neity of the rock subjected to tectonic stress, it is ev-
anomalies recorded on a global scale [4-8]. It was 1890 ident that fractures of much more varied dimensions
when the British geologist John Milne, inventor of have also been observed. The first microfractures
the eponymous horizontal seismograph, a professor were observed in 1850 through transmitted light mi-
at the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo and croscopy (TL), while only in 1960 it was possible to
founder of the Seismological Society of Japan (SSJ), observe them through scanning electron microscopy
in his work entitled “Earthquakes in Connection with (SEM) [11]. The creation of experimentally induced
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
microfractures was demonstrated for the first time and considering the volumes involved, this ratio is >
through triaxial compression tests [12] and current- 200:1. Subtracting the energy released by the seismic
ly, the study of microfractures produced in the waves by the energy that theoretically is accumulat-
laboratory has allowed us to provide important in- ed as a result of tectonic stress within the earthquake
formation on rock breaking processes and a better preparation zones, the result is that only a small part
understanding of faults and formation of microf- of the energy contained in the earthquake focal zone
ractures in nature [13]. Since the faults do not have is converted into seismic waves. According to T. Lay
a planar morphology but are irregular, they can be and T. C. Wallace [20], only 1-10% of the energy and
described graphically as a fractal [14]. This condi- seismic moment contained in earthquake zone prepa-
tion means that when tectonic stress accumulates, ration is converted into seismic waves. It is therefore
the geometric irregularities of the fault influence conceivable that 90% (or more) of this energy, or
each other, leading to the formation of addition- part of it, can be converted to radiofrequency. Taking
al microfractures in the surrounding rock that has as a reference an earthquake of magnitude 5, this has
a different orientation than the main ones [15-17]. an energy and a seismic moment between 1012 Nm
It is therefore evident that the volume of the Earth’s and 1018 Nm [20].
crust involved in the creation of microfractures Over the decades, since the 1980s, the interna-
is larger than the area defined as the “earthquake tional scientific community has been concerned with
preparation zone”: According to some estimates, the study of pre-seismic radio emissions by creating
this volume could be between 24 and 520 times ad-hoc research projects. Some of them are listed be-
larger than the earthquake preparation area. The low:
locally generated pre-seismic radiofrequency is an - EMSEV (Electromagnetic Studies of Earth-
electromagnetic phenomenon caused by the tectonic quakes and Volcanoes). A project of the “Earthquake
stress that deforms and creates microfractures and Prediction Research Center” of Tokai University
macrofractures in the rocks present in the earthquake (Japan) to promote cooperation among researchers in
preparation area through the phenomenon of piezo- scientific research on earthquake prediction (2009).
electricity [18]. The amplitude of the electromagnetic
signals caused by the formation of microfractures - EMV (Electromagnetic Variations). Greek pro-
of the rocks subjected to tectonic stress in the earth- ject for monitoring electromagnetic seismic precur-
quake preparation area mainly depends on the den- sors active since 1987.
sity of the microfractures and their size; The mor-
phology of the electromagnetic field depends on the - SEMEP (Search for Electro-Magnetic Earth-
orientation of the microfractures; on the other hand, quake Precursors). A project established as a collabo-
the period of oscillation of the electromagnetic field ration between the European Community and Russia
(temporal modulation) depends on the geological in 2010 after a meeting at the Seventh Framework
characteristics of the fault and on the characteristics Programme (FP7).
of the tectonic stress that determine a growth of the
microfractures that does not proceed linearly. Ac- ing/en;
cording to a study carried out in 2007 [19], the volume reporting
of the Earth’s crust concerned issues pre-seismic - Pre-Earthquakes Project - The project was born
electromagnetic due to the accumulation of tectonic out of an agreement between Italy (University of Ba-
stress, it has a much larger size than the volume of silicata), Germany, Turkey and Russia that dealt with
the affected Earth’s crust solely on the production the study of pre-earthquake radio emissions (2011-
of micro-fractures (focal area of the earthquake). 2012).
Taking as reference an earthquake of magnitude 6 - iSTEP Project (integrated Search for Taiwan
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Earthquake Precursor) Chinese scientific research with destructive earthquakes. The Chinese-Italian
project to study earthquake precursors (2002-2012). agreement involves the launch into orbit of an arti-
T52D.08T/abstract ficial satellite capable of making measurements of
- Integrated Earthquake Frontier Project. Scientif- the Earth’s geomagnetic field and solar wind ionic
ic project for the study of earthquake precursors cre- parameters.
ated by the former Japanese Government Technology
and Science Agency (JST) after the disastrous M7.3 - Stanford University, Department of Geophysics.
earthquake that was recorded on January 17, 1995, Stanford University’s Department of Geophysics has
in Kobe. Under this project, two agencies were sent created an inter-graduate course dedicated to moni-
to conduct 5 years of studies (1996-2001) on the fea- toring electromagnetic seismic precursors.
sibility of using electromagnetic seismic precursors: - MEMFIS (Multiple Electromagnetic Field and
The RIKEN (Physical and Chemical Institute) and Infrasound Monitoring Network), complex geophys-
the NASDA (National Space Development Agency ical monitoring project produced by the University
of Japan). This study project was named the “Earth- of Bucharest, Romania, active since 2004 [22].
quake Remote Sensing Frontier Project.” https://iee- - QuakeSat. Stanford University nanosatellite, launched into space in 2003 (mission ended in 2005).
- SSTL (Small Satellite for Earthquake Predic- It was equipped with a triaxial magnetometer and
tion). Active between 2001 and 2003, it was the an electric field sensor. Instruments specifically de-
research project of the Surrey Space Center of the signed to study electromagnetic seismic precursors.
University of Surrey (England), dedicated to the
study of ionospheric seismic precursors and carried - INFREP (International Network for Frontier
out through electromagnetic background monitoring Research on Earthquake Precursors). European elec-
and space meteorology [21]. tromagnetic monitoring network for the study of
- Berkeley Seismological Lab. Scientific research earthquake-induced ionospheric disturbances [22].
laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley,
under which electromagnetic seismic precursors are 1.3 Correlation between electromagnetic waves
monitored and studied. and earthquakes Analysis of ambient radio frequency conducted
- Quake Finder Project. Scientific research project since 1890 has led to the understanding that there are
dedicated to elettromagnetic seismic precursors ac- natural radio emissions, with wide bandwidth, that
tive since 2000 and subsidized by N.A.S.A. can be observed with greater intensity in the imme- diate vicinity of potentially destructive earthquake
- DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic epicenters [23,24]. Laboratory experiments have shown
Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) that this pre-earthquake radio frequency is generated
Satellite. First project of the French National Center through direct piezoelectric effect when crystalline
for Space Studies (CNES) to study ionospheric and materials in the earthquake preparation zone polarize
environmental electromagnetic anomalies preceding due to tectonic stress, generating a potential differ-
earthquakes. Active between 2004 and 2010. ence. Electromagnetic emission starts during defor- mation of crystalline materials and not only during
ence.htm their rupture (microfractures and macrofractures).
- CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satel- In this context, the greater the volume of the
lite). Project operational since 2018, established Earth’s crust included in the earthquake preparation
in collaboration between China and Italy to study zone, the greater will be the intensity of radio emis-
ionospheric electromagnetic anomalies associated sion generated through the direct piezoelectric effect
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
(Epicentral Ionic Emissions or EIE—Term coined structures, and loss of life [28]. The long lapse of time
by the Radio Emissions Project in 2012) [25,26]. When from the occurrence of disastrous tsunamis until now
these radio emissions emerge from the Earth’s sur- induces caution and consideration of potential pit-
face, they propagate within the Earth-ionosphere falls for the coastal population, and the capital Free-
cavity and can be detected through electromagnetic town, in the coming years. At least from a statistical
monitoring stations that can identify their geograph- point of view.
ical area of origin using Radio Direction Finding
(RDF) technology. This scientific approach enables 1.5 Seismotectonics and tsunamis
crustal diagnosis by identifying areas of the Earth’s
surface from which broadband pre-seismic radiof- Sierra Leone is included in the fourth of the
requency is emitted, making it possible to identify six seismotectonic provinces of the West African
areas of the Earth’s surface within which a seismic Craton [29], formed by three Archaic and Paleopro-
event may occur. Since a pre-seismic electromag- terozoic metamorphic and magmatic shields that
netic source cannot be considered an isotropic elec- include the Central African fault systems of Angola,
tromagnetic source due to the characteristics of the DR Congo, Cameroon, and Chad, determined by
Earth’s crust and tectonic stress, it is evident that it the tectonic regime [30-32]. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge
is more convenient to study this pre-seismic elec- earthquakes are essentially related to an extensional
tromagnetic phenomenon through a dense network tectonic regime, which, however, do not rule out an
of electromagnetic monitoring stations rather than interaction with magmatic activity in the Ridge [33].
through a few stations. Recent studies have shown that the crust of the
equatorial Atlantic Ocean, with a thickness of about
5.5 km, is predominantly magmatic, ranging in age
1.4 The risk of geophysical and catastrophic
from 8 to 70 Ma. The semi-diffusion of the ridge
events in Sierra Leone
is about 16 mm/year, fed by three mega-transform
Sierra Leone is a West African state located on faults running east-west, St. Paul, Romanche and
the coast of the Atlantic Ocean bordering Guinea to Chain. The St. Paul transform fault system, which is
the north and east and Liberia to the southeast. It has related to tectonic activities of fracture systems and
a population of about 8,421,000 as of 2021 census. earthquakes that could potentially generate tsunamis
Sierra Leone has a low seismic hazard but, never- on the Sierra Leone coast, includes four minor faults
theless, there is a 2 percent probability of potentially that collectively extend a total of about 600 km [34].
destructive seismic tremors occurring within the Seismic studies of the mid-Atlantic ridge have made
next 50 years. Probabilistic assessment has indicated it possible to interpret the structure of the oceanic
very long return times of major seismic events, on crust and catalog historical earthquakes to draw up a
the order of 475, 2475, and 9975 years [27]. The risk map of seismic and potentially destructive tsunami
of coastal flooding, on the other hand, is classified risk [35-37]. The Atlantic Ocean, except for the Lisbon
as high, i.e., that potentially damaging waves may tsunami of 1755, does not generate transoceanic
inundate the Sierra Leone coast at least once in the tsunamis due to the geodynamic conditions of the
next 10 years. In fact, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge can Mid-Atlantic Ridge, unlike the Pacific and Indian
generate major earthquakes with magnitudes that can Oceans. Instead, Atlantic Ocean tsunamis have local
reach and exceed M7.1, as in the case of the strong significance and of their impact on cities and human
1982 earthquake ( activities, requiring an effective warning system for
one). The potential damage induced by geophysical high risk on the coasts [38,39].
events, is an element of concern for Sierra Leone, Looking at Sierra Leone’s population density data
especially in terms of coastal effects, and the conse- for 2000, the majority of the population is concen-
quences on society, with economic losses, damage to trated on the coast, which faces the Atlantic Ocean
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
where strong earthquakes and tsunamis can be pro- tween 0,000 Hz and 96 kHz; in this study, the elec-
duced [40]. tromagnetic signals monitored are those between the
SELF band and the VLF band (0,000 Hz - 30 kHz).
2. Materials and methods The range detected in the electromagnetic spectrum,
where electromagnetic signals appear most frequent-
This study is based on electromagnetic moni-
ly, potentially indicates a pre-earthquake signal that
toring of Sierra Leone through Italy’s 24/7 Radio
can anticipate strong earthquakes that can generate
Direction Finding (RDF) network. The monitoring
tsunamis [41].
data were analyzed, modeled, and compared with the
Precursor signals (SEPs—Seismic Electromag-
occurrence of earthquakes published on the network
netic Precursors) are those of crustal, and local,
in real time.
origin, that is, generated by the Earth’s lithosphere
The monitoring stations used for signal detection
(crust), which due to the tectonic stress to which the
are in Italy at an average distance of about 4,900 km
rocks are subjected, generate electrical (ions) and
in the SSW direction,
electromagnetic (electromagnetic field—moving
1) RDF station in Pontedera, Pisa, Italy.
ions) emissions, which can then be picked up at a
2) RDF station in Lariano, Rome, Italy.
distance [7,42-44].
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
edera (Pisa), both located in Italy. The earthquakes Atlantic Ocean, in the period between January 28,
considered in this study, with magnitude between 4.7 2023 and February 18, 2023 detected by the Italian
and 5.0, occurred in the Central Mid-Rigde of the RDF network (Table 1):
Table 1. Earthquakes list (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 2. The graph shows the electromagnetic frequency of radio-anomalies recorded by Italian RDF stations, which appeared in the
Atlantic area facing Sierra Leone, and the number of earthquakes that always occurred in the same area monitored by the Italian RDF
network. Credits: Radio Emissions Project.
Figure 3. The graph shows the distribution of the duration in minutes of radio-anomalies recorded by Italian RDF stations. Credits:
Radio Emissions Project.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Figure 4. The graph shows the distribution of UTC time at which radio-anomalies recorded by Italian RDF stations occurred. Cred-
its: Radio Emissions Project.
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
ate transoceanic tsunamis. SET Journal of Earth- [42] Straser, V., Cataldi, D., Cataldi, G., 2018. Radio
quake Technology, Technical Note. 42(4), 227- direction finding system, a new perspective for
236. global crust diagnosis. New Concepts in Global
[39] Alaneme, K.K., Okotete, E.A., 2018. Critical Tectonics Journal. 6(2), 203-211.
evaluation of seismic activities in Africa and [43] Rabeh, T., Cataldi, D., Adibin, Z.Z., et al., 2020.
curtailment policies–a review. Geoenvironmen- International study Italy-Malaysia pre-seismic
tal Disasters. 5, 1-17. signals recorded by RDF—Radio Direction
DOI: Finding monitoring network, before earth-
[40] Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center quakes: Mw 6.3, occurred at 111 km SW of
(SEDAC)—A Data Center in NASA0s Earth Puerto Madero in Mexico and Mw 6.3, occurred
Observing System Data and Information System at 267 km NW of Ozernovskiy in Russia, No-
(EOSDIS)—Hosted by CIESIN at Columbia vember 20, 2019. New Concept in Geoplasma
University [Internet]. Available from: https:// Tectonics. 8(2), 105-118. [44] Cataldi, D., Straser, V., Cataldi, G., 2021. Crust-
ulation-density/maps/2?facets=region:africa al relaxing—a new seismogenesis phenomenon
[41] Straser, V., Cataldi, G., Cataldi, D., 2015. Ra- associated with seismic trigger on a global scale.
dio-anomalies: Tool for earthquakes and tsunami International Journal of Social Relevance &
forecasts. EGU General Assembly Conference Concern (IJSRC). 9(7), 137-163.
Abstracts. 17, 2508. DOI:
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Kuala Nerus,
Terengganu, 21030, Malaysia
Amin Beiranvand Pour, Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Kuala Nerus, Terengganu,
21030, Malaysia; Email:
Received: 28 April 2023 | Accepted: 12 May 2023 | Published Online: 15 May 2023
Pour, A.B., 2023. Editorial for Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research: Vol. 5 Issue 2 (2023). Advances in Geological
and Geotechnical Engineering Research. 5(2): 76-78. DOI:
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Bilingual Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Nigeria. Results of the investigation show that the The deeply-seated peat/clay materials were delineat-
study area is underlain by migmatite, banded gneiss, ed in the study area to the depths of 17.1 m and 19.8
granite gneiss and biotite gneiss. Migmatite occupies m from 2-D and 3-D tomography, respectively. 3-D
western and northern parts, banded gneiss underlies images presented as horizontal depth slices revealed
Ora-Ekiti town and extends towards the northeast. the dominance of very low resistivity materials i.e.
Granite gneiss underlies the eastern and southwest- peat/clay/sandy clay within the fourth, fifth and sixth
ern corners of the area while biotite gneiss occurs to- layers at depths ranging from 8.68-12.5 m, 12.5-16.9
wards the south. Petrographic study shows the rocks m and 16.9-21.9 m respectively. The dominance of
are mainly dominated by quartz, plagioclase, biotite mechanically unstable peat/clay/sandy clay layers
and opaque each contributing slightly varying per- beneath the subsurface, which are highly mobile in
centages to the modal composition. The rocks have response to volumetric changes, is responsible for
high alumina content with pronounced enrichment the noticeable cracks/failure detected on structures
in Ba, Sr and Rb. The rocks are dominantly peralka- within the study site. These observations were val-
line in nature. The rocks experienced either crystal idated by a geotechnical test of soil samples in the
fractionation before metamorphic remobilization or study area.
partial melting in the precursor rocks. The chemical Abubakar Saidu Bako et al. [3] investigated the ra-
composition of the rocks depicts them are metalumi- don content, its related toxicity, and its risk to human
nous granitoids of calc-alkaline affinity. The rocks health in the groundwater of the Keana in Nasarawa,
consist of gneisses of no economic minerals, but Nigeria. Several borehole and well samples were
the petrology reveals them as common rocks collected. The results showed that the average radon
typical of metamorphic terrains and geochemical concentration in water samples from Keana was
features of the rocks reveal they are felsic and of 2.25 Bq/L. The radon concentration is less than the
granitic composition. benchmark of 11.1 Bq/L established in 1991 by the
U. Stanley Eze et al. [2] applied 2-D and 3-D Nigerian Standard Organization and the US Environ-
Geo-Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Geo- mental Protection Agency. Accordingly, this study
technical soil evaluation for engineering site investi- designates that the level of radon is safe and people
gation in Okerenkoko Primary School, Warri-South- can continue farming and other activities. To reduce
west, Delta State, Nigeria. In this study, an integrated the risk of cancer, however, more research could be
methodology employed DC resistivity tomography done in the area. The future investigation could be
involving 2-D and 3-D techniques and geotechni- executed during the dry and wet seasons because
cal-soil analysis was used to evaluate subsoil condi- radon concentrations in groundwater alter over time
tions for engineering site investigation to adduce the due to dilution by recharge from rainfall.
phenomena responsible for the visible cracks/struc- Valentino Straser et al. [4] proposed the Radio
tural failure observed in the buildings. The results Direction Finding method for the detection of elec-
obtained brought to light the geological structure tromagnetic signals, in the VLF band, to anticipate
beneath the subsurface, which consists of four geoe- the occurrence of potentially destructive geophysical
lectric layers identified as topsoil, dry/lithified upper events such tsunami. The area of investigation is
sandy layer, wet sand (water-saturated) and peat/ Sierra Leone, whose coastline is subjected to tidal
clay/sandy clayey soil (highly water-saturated). The wave hazards triggered by earthquakes generated in
results obtained brought to light the geological struc- the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Although Sierra Leone is
ture beneath the subsurface, which consists of four not affected by recurrent earthquakes, there is never-
geoelectric layers identified as topsoil, dry/lithified theless a low probability, estimated at 2 percent, of
upper sandy layer, wet sand (water-saturated) and the occurrence of destructive earthquakes in the next
peat/clay/sandy clayey soil (highly water-saturated). 50 years. The Radio Direction Finding experiment
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023
Advances in Geological and Geotechnical Engineering Research | Volume 05 | Issue 02 | April 2023