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Models - Plasma.electrostatic Precipitator

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Created in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.

Electrostatic Precipitator

This model is licensed under the COMSOL Software License Agreement 5.6.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. See www.comsol.com/trademarks.
In this tutorial are modeled several aspects of an electrostatic precipitator. First, a simplified
model for corona discharges coupled with the Laminar Flow interface is used to compute
the fluid velocity, electric field, and space charge density, which are necessary to compute
the particle charging and relevant forces acting on particles. After, the Particle Tracing for
Fluid Flow interface is used to compute the particle collection efficiency as a function of
the particle radius.

Model Definition
Figure 1 shows the simulation domain, which consists of a cross section of a rectangular
electrostatic precipitator in a wire-to-plane configuration. The DC high voltage source is
applied to the inner electrodes and the walls are grounded. The particles are released from
the inlet at the left and are transported with the fluid. Particles accumulate charge along
their trajectory and become susceptible to electric forces that deflect their trajectories in
the direction of the collecting plates. The operation conditions of the electrostatic
precipitator are presented in Table 1.

Inner electrode radius 0.5 mm

Inner electrode separation 15 cm
Inner electrode distance 5 cm
to wall
Applied voltage V0 20 kV
Inlet fluid velocity 1m/s
Temperature 293.15 K
Pressure 1 atm

Inlet Outlet

Inner electrode
collection wall

Figure 1: Simulation domain of the electrostatic precipitator (the inner electrodes are not to

Corona Model
The simplified corona model is based on the conservation of current transported by the
charged carriers. It should be emphasized that the model is not self-consistent in the sense
that the both potential and the electric field need to be given at the corona electrode. In
other words, the electric field necessary to sustain the discharge is not obtained from first
principles: electron and ion transport, electrons gaining energy from the electric field, and
electrons losing energy in collisions with the background gas.

The simplified model for the corona solves the transport of a charge carrier using the
charge conservation equation coupled with Poisson’s equation. The transport of the
charge carriers includes drift in the electric field and convection. Without source terms the
domain equations are

∇•J = 0 (1)

J = z q μρ q E + ρu (2)

ε 0 ∇2V = – ρ q (3)

where J (SI unit: A/m2)is the current density, zq is the charge number, μ (SI unit: m2/
V·s) is the mobility, ρq (SI unit: C/m3) is the space charge number density, E is the electric
field, u is the fluid velocity (SI unit: m/s), V is electric potential, and ε0 is the vacuum
permittivity. This set of equations can be manipulated to obtain the following transport

 ρq 
μ  -------- – ∇V • ∇ρ q + ∇ρ q • u = 0 (4)
 ε0 

where it is assumed that the mobility is constant. It is interesting to note that the domain
equations do not contain any information related to plasma creation and maintenance. All
plasma physics is condensed in the boundary conditions for the inner electrodes.

The normal component of the electric field at the corona electrode is used as a boundary
condition for Poisson’s equation

n • E = E0 . (5)

The other boundary conditions for Poisson’s equation are V = 0 at the collection plates
and zero charge at the inlet and outlet. The boundary condition for Equation 4 involves
in finding the space charge density ρq at the corona electrode, using a Lagrange multiplier,
so that the imposed potential V0 is verified

V – V0 = 0 . (6)

In this model both potential and electric field are imposed at the corona electrode. To
obtain predictive physical results the value of the electric field at the wire needs to be close
enough to the real one. Here, it is used Peek’s law

E 0 = 3 ×10 δ  1 + -----------
6 0.03
 δr i

where E0 (SI unit: V/m) is the breakdown electric field, δ is the gas number density
normalized to the gas density at 760 torr and 293.15 K, ri is the radius of the corona

Laminar Flow Model
The Laminar Flow interface is used to solve for the fluid velocity and pressure

ρ ( u ⋅ ∇ )u = ∇ ⋅ [ – pI + μ ( ∇u + ( ∇u ) ) ] + F EHD
∇⋅u = 0

where μ is the dynamic viscosity (SI unit: kg/(m·s)), ρ is the fluid density (SI unit: kg/m3),
p if the pressure (SI unit: Pa), and FEHD is the electrohydrodynamic force define as

F EHD = ρ q E (9)

Particle Tracing Model

The particle positions are computed by solving second-order equations of motion for the
particle position vector components, following Newton’s second law,

------- = v
dt (10)
d (m v) = F
dt p t

where q is the particle position (SI unit: m), v is the particle velocity (SI unit: m/s), mp is
the particle mass (SI unit: kg), and Ft is the total force (SI unit: N) acting on the particle.
In this example the forces acting on the particles are the drag force and the electric force.
Rarefaction effects need to be included in the drag force because the particle radius
become very small. Here, the drag force FD (SI unit: N) is described with the
Cunningham-Millikan-Davis model

F D = --------- m p ( u – v ) (11)
τp S

where τp is the particle velocity response time (SI unit: s) define as

4ρ p d p
τ p = ------------------------- (12)
3μC D Re r

where ρp is the density of the particles (SI unit: kg/m3), dp is the particle diameter
(SI unit: m), CD is the drag coefficient, and Rer is the relative Reynolds number given by
the expression

ρ u – v dp
Re r = ----------------------------- , (13)

and S is the drag correction coefficient defined as

S = 1 + Kn  C 1 + C 2 exp  – -------  (14)
  Kn 

where are dimensionless coefficients.

The electric force Fe (SI unit: N) acting on the particles is defined as

F e = eZE (15)

where e (SI unit: C) is the elementary charge, and Z is the accumulated charge number on
each particle.

The charge accumulated on the particles is computed with the Lawless model

dZ  R +f ( ve ≤ vs )
τc -------
- =  f a (16)
dt  Rd fa ( ve > vs )

where τc is the characteristic charging time

τ c = ------------------------------- (17)
4πρ q μk B T i

where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and Ti is the ion temperature. Rf and Rd are the
dimensionless charging rates due to field and diffusion transport, respectively, defined as

vs ve 2
R f = ---------  1 – ----- (18)
4ε 0  v s

ve – vs
R d = ----------------------------------------- (19)
exp ( v e – v s ) – 1


v e = ------------------------------- (20)
4πε 0 r p k B T i

ε r, p
v s = 3w e ----------------- (21)
ε r, p + 2

er p E
w e = ---------------- , (22)
kB Ti

where εr,p is the relative permittivity of the particles. fa is a function used to join the
diffusion and field charging rates defines as

 --------------------------------------------
1 -
 ( w e ≥ 0.525 )
f a =  ( w e + 0.475 ) 0.575 . (23)

 1 ( w e < 0.525 )

Results and Discussion

Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 show the fluid velocity, the electrostatic potential, and the
space charge density obtained with the corona model coupled with the Laminar Flow
interface. It is with this information that the particles trajectories are computed.

In the present, the corona and the fluid model are fully coupled. However, model results
show that the fluid velocity is practically not influence by the electrohydrodynamic force,
and the drift velocity is always much larger than the fluid velocity in the regions of interest.
In future works in similar operation conditions it could be of interest to uncouple the two
models since the computation times become considerable shorter.

The space charge density is more intense near the inner electrodes, as expected, where a
corona discharge is luminous. It is in the regions near the inner electrodes that particles
accumulate charge at a faster rate due to the combined effect of large space charge densities
and intense electric fields.

Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 show particle trajectories and charge
accumulated in the particle expressed in color for particles of several radius. Particles are
released at the left and are transported in the fluid flow toward the right outlet. The
particles become progressively charged along their trajectory resulting in electric forces
that deflects their trajectory in the wall direction. The particle radius influences the balance
of the drag and electric force felt by particles and consequently influences the particle
trajectory and the electrostatic precipitator collection efficiency.

Figure 9 and Figure 10 present the particle collection efficiency and the average particle
charge at the last time step as a function of the particle radius. The collection efficiency is
larger at the extremes of the particle dimensions. Larger particles are collected more
efficiently because they attain greater electric charge, while smaller particles are collected
more efficiently because are subjected to less drag force. Between this two extremes, the
drag force influences the most the particle trajectories resulting in almost straight lines
parallel to the collection plates (see Figure 6) that result in low collection efficiency.

At the small particle branch partial charging becomes important. A model that correctly
describes partial charging should capture the random nature in which a particle can have
a charge of 1 or 0. In the present model, particles can be charged with a number between
0 and 1, which might result in inaccurate collection efficiency results for small particles.

Figure 2: Velocity magnitude of the flow in the electrostatic precipitator.

Figure 3: Electric potential.

Figure 4: Space charge density.

Figure 5: Particle trajectories with the charge number along the trajectory expressed in color
for particles with a radius of 0.01 μm.

Figure 6: Same as in Figure 5 for a particle radius of 0.2 μm.

Figure 7: same as in Figure 5 for a particle radius of 2 μm.

Figure 8: same as in Figure 5 for a particle radius of 5 μm.

Figure 9: Particle collection efficiency as a function of the particle radius.

Figure 10: Average charge accumulated per particle at the last time step as a function of the
particle radius.

Application Library path: Plasma_Module/Corona_Discharges/

1. M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials
Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

2. A.A. Kulikovsky, “Positive streamer between parallel plate electrode in atmospheric

pressure air,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 30, pp. 441–450, 1997.

3. LXCAT, see http://fr.lxcat.net for Phelps database (2016).

Modeling Instructions
The following instructions show how to create a 2D model of an electrostatic precipitator
and how to obtain the particle collection efficiency as a function of the particle radius. Two
studies are needed:

• A Stationary study that couples the Laminar Flow (spf), Electrostatics (es) and Charge
Transport (ct) interfaces.
• A Time Dependent study that solves for the particle trajectories using the Particle Tracing
for Fluid Flow (fpt) interface to obtain the particle collection efficiency.

From the File menu, choose New.

In the New window, click Model Wizard.

1 In the Model Wizard window, Select the Laminar Flow (spf) interface and Corona Discharge
to compute the fluid velocity, the electric field, and the space charge density that are
necessary for the Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow (fpt) interface to compute the particle
charging and trajectories.
2 click 2D.
3 In the Select Physics tree, select Fluid Flow>Single-Phase Flow>Laminar Flow (spf).
4 Click Add.

5 In the Select Physics tree, select Plasma>Corona Discharge.
6 Click Add.
7 Click Study.
8 In the Select Study tree, select General Studies>Stationary.
9 Click Done.

Add some parameters for the precipitator dimensions, the corona electrode configuration,
and the ion reduced mobility.


Parameters 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Global Definitions click Parameters 1.
2 In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:

Name Expression Value Description

H 0.1[m] 0.1 m Height
rin 0.5[mm] 5E-4 m Electrode radius
W 0.7[m] 0.7 m Width
sp 15[cm] 0.15 m Electrode separation
muN 3e21[1/(V*m*s)] 3E21 1/(V·m·s) Reduced ion mobility


Rectangle 1 (r1)
1 In the Geometry toolbar, click Rectangle.
2 In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Width text field, type W.
4 In the Height text field, type H.
5 Locate the Position section. In the y text field, type -H/2.

Circle 1 (c1)
1 In the Geometry toolbar, click Circle.
2 In the Settings window for Circle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Radius text field, type rin.
4 Locate the Position section. In the x text field, type W/2-sp.

Array 1 (arr1)
1 In the Geometry toolbar, click Transforms and choose Array.
2 Select the object c1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Array, locate the Size section.
4 In the x size text field, type 3.
5 Locate the Displacement section. In the x text field, type sp.

Difference 1 (dif1)
1 In the Geometry toolbar, click Booleans and Partitions and choose Difference.
2 Select the object r1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Difference, locate the Difference section.
4 Find the Objects to subtract subsection. Select the Activate Selection toggle button.
5 Select the objects arr1(1,1), arr1(2,1), and arr1(3,1) only.
6 Click Build All Objects.

1 In the Home toolbar, click Add Material to open the Add Material window.
2 Go to the Add Material window.
3 In the tree, select Built-in>Air.
4 Click Add to Component in the window toolbar.
5 In the Home toolbar, click Add Material to close the Add Material window.

Add inlet, outlet and Volume Force features. The Volume Force feature is used to introduce
the electrohydrodynamic force computed in the Charge Transport (ct) interface into the
Laminar Flow (spf) interface.


Inlet 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Laminar Flow (spf)
and choose Inlet.
2 Select Boundary 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Inlet, locate the Boundary Condition section.
4 From the list, choose Fully developed flow.
5 Locate the Fully Developed Flow section. In the Uav text field, type 1[m/s].

Outlet 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Outlet.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.

Volume Force 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Volume Force.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Volume Force, locate the Volume Force section.
4 Specify the F vector as

ct.Fehdx x
ct.Fehdy y

In the Electrostatics (es) interface only the ground needs to be defined. The applied voltage
is defined in the Electrode feature in the Multiphysics node.

In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Electrostatics (es).

Ground 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Ground.
2 Select Boundaries 2 and 3 only.

In the Charge Transport (ct) feature the electric potential for the charged species migration
comes automatically from the Electrostatics (es) interface. The ion mobility and the charge
number of the ion need to be set.

Add a second coupling mechanism between the Charge Transport (ct) and the Laminar Flow
(spf) interfaces by adding convection to the transport mechanisms.


1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Charge Transport (ct).
2 In the Settings window for Charge Transport, locate the Transport Mechanisms section.
3 Select the Convection check box.

Transport Properties 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Charge Transport (ct) click
Transport Properties 1.
2 In the Settings window for Transport Properties, locate the Migration in Electric Field

3 In the μiN text field, type muN.
4 Locate the Convection section. From the u list, choose Velocity field (spf).

Create an explicit selection of the corona electrodes to be used below.


1 In the Definitions toolbar, click Explicit.
2 In the Settings window for Explicit, type Electrodes in the Label text field.
3 Locate the Input Entities section. From the Geometric entity level list, choose Boundary.
4 Select the Group by continuous tangent check box.
5 Select Boundaries 5–16 only.

The voltage and the electric field at the corona electrodes are defined in the Electrode


Electrode 1 (el1)
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Multiphysics Couplings and choose Boundary>Electrode.
2 In the Settings window for Electrode, locate the Boundary Selection section.
3 From the Selection list, choose Electrodes.
4 Locate the Electric Potential section. In the V0 text field, type 20[kV].
5 Locate the Electric Field section. In the rc text field, type rin.


1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Mesh 1 and choose
Edit Physics-Induced Sequence.
2 In the Settings window for Size, locate the Element Size section.
3 From the Predefined list, choose Normal.

Edge 1
1 In the Mesh toolbar, click Edge.
2 Right-click Edge 1 and choose Move Up.
3 Right-click Edge 1 and choose Move Up.

4 Right-click Edge 1 and choose Move Up.
5 In the Settings window for Edge, locate the Boundary Selection section.
6 From the Selection list, choose Electrodes.

Distribution 1
1 Right-click Edge 1 and choose Distribution.
2 In the Settings window for Distribution, locate the Distribution section.
3 In the Number of elements text field, type 50.
4 Click Build All.


1 In the Model Builder window, click Study 1.
2 In the Settings window for Study, type Corona and laminar flow in the Label text
3 In the Home toolbar, click Compute.

Add a Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow interface and a Time Dependent study to compute the
particles trajectory.

1 In the Home toolbar, click Add Physics to open the Add Physics window.
2 Go to the Add Physics window.
3 In the tree, select Fluid Flow>Particle Tracing>Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow (fpt).
4 Click Add to Component 1 in the window toolbar.
5 In the Home toolbar, click Add Physics to close the Add Physics window.


1 In the Settings window for Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow, locate the Additional Variables
2 From the Particle size distribution list, choose Specify particle diameter.
The smallest particle radius is of 10 nm. So, it is necessary to introduce rarefaction
effects that significantly reduce the drag force on the smallest particles.
3 Locate the Particle Release and Propagation section. Select the Include rarefaction effects
check box.
4 Locate the Additional Variables section. Select the Store particle status data check box.

Particles are released on the left boundary and are collected at the walls. A particle counter
is added at the outlet on the right in order to compute the particle collection efficiency.

Outlet 1
1 Right-click Component 1 (comp1)>Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow (fpt) and choose Outlet.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.

Particle Counter 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Particle Counter.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.

Add drag and electric forces to the particles.

Drag Force 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Drag Force.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Drag Force, locate the Drag Force section.
4 From the Drag law list, choose Standard drag correlations.
5 From the u list, choose Velocity field (spf).

Electric Force 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Electric Force.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Electric Force, locate the Electric Force section.
4 From the Specify force using list, choose Electric potential.
5 From the V list, choose Electric potential (es).

To model the charge acquired by particles while being transported in the presence of space
charge add a Charge Accumulation feature.

Charge Accumulation 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Charge Accumulation.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Charge Accumulation, locate the Ion Properties section.
4 From the ρq list, choose Space charge density (ct).
5 In the μiN text field, type muN.
6 Locate the Electric Field section. From the V list, choose Electric potential (es).

Particle Properties 1
1 In the Model Builder window, click Particle Properties 1.
2 In the Settings window for Particle Properties, locate the Particle Properties section.
3 From the ρp list, choose User defined. Locate the Charge Number section. From the
Charge specification list, choose Charge Accumulation 1.
4 Locate the Additional Material Properties section. From the εr,p list, choose User defined.
In the associated text field, type 5.

Release from Grid 1

1 In the Physics toolbar, click Global and choose Release from Grid.
2 In the Settings window for Release from Grid, locate the Initial Coordinates section.
3 Click Y Range.
4 In the Range dialog box, choose Number of values from the Entry method list.
5 In the Start text field, type -0.049.
6 In the Stop text field, type 0.049.
7 In the Number of values text field, type 50.
8 Click Replace.
9 In the Settings window for Release from Grid, locate the Initial Velocity section.
10 Specify the v0 vector as

u x
v y

11 Locate the Initial Particle Diameter section. From the Distribution function list, choose
List of values.
12 Click Range.
13 In the Range dialog box, choose Logarithmic from the Entry method list.
14 In the Start text field, type 2e-8.
15 In the Stop text field, type 2e-5.
16 In the Steps per decade text field, type 10.
17 Click Replace.

1 In the Home toolbar, click Add Study to open the Add Study window.
2 Go to the Add Study window.

3 Find the Studies subsection. In the Select Study tree, select
Preset Studies for Some Physics Interfaces>Time Dependent.
4 Click Add Study in the window toolbar.
5 In the Home toolbar, click Add Study to close the Add Study window.


Step 1: Time Dependent

1 In the Settings window for Time Dependent, locate the Physics and Variables Selection
2 In the table, clear the Solve for check boxes for Laminar Flow (spf), Electrostatics (es), and
Charge Transport (ct).
3 In the table, clear the Solve for check boxes for Space Charge Density Coupling 1 (scdc1),
Potential Coupling 1 (pc1), and Electrode 1 (el1).
4 Locate the Study Settings section. In the Output times text field, type range(0,0.01,

5 Click to expand the Values of Dependent Variables section. Find the

Values of variables not solved for subsection. From the Settings list, choose
User controlled.
6 From the Method list, choose Solution.
7 From the Study list, choose Corona and laminar flow, Stationary.
8 In the Model Builder window, click Study 2.
9 In the Settings window for Study, type Particle tracing in the Label text field.
10 In the Home toolbar, click Compute.

Plot the particles trajectories for several particles radius and represent the charge number
of the particles as a color expression along the trajectories.


Particle Trajectories rp = 1e-8 m

1 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Particle Trajectories rp = 1e-8
m in the Label text field.

2 Click to expand the Title section. From the Title type list, choose Manual.
3 In the Title text area, type rp = 0.01 \mu m.
4 Clear the Parameter indicator text field.

Particle Trajectories 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Particle Trajectories rp = 1e-8 m node, then
click Particle Trajectories 1.
2 In the Settings window for Particle Trajectories, locate the Coloring and Style section.
3 Find the Line style subsection. From the Type list, choose Line.
4 From the Interpolation list, choose Uniform.
5 In the Number of interpolated times text field, type 1000.

Color Expression 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Particle Trajectories 1 node, then click
Color Expression 1.
2 In the Settings window for Color Expression, locate the Expression section.
3 In the Expression text field, type fpt.Z.

Filter 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Particle Trajectories 1 and choose Filter.
2 In the Settings window for Filter, locate the Particle Selection section.
3 From the Particles to include list, choose Logical expression.
4 In the Logical expression for inclusion text field, type abs(fpt.rp-10^-8)<1e-20.
5 In the Particle Trajectories rp = 1e-8 m toolbar, click Plot.

Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7 m

1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Particle Trajectories rp = 1e-8 m and choose
2 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7
m in the Label text field.

3 Locate the Title section. In the Title text area, type rp = 0.2 \mu m.
4 In the Model Builder window, expand the Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7 m node.

Filter 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7 m>
Particle Trajectories 1 node, then click Filter 1.
2 In the Settings window for Filter, locate the Particle Selection section.
3 In the Logical expression for inclusion text field, type abs(fpt.rp-10^-6.7)<1e-10.
4 In the Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7 m toolbar, click Plot.

Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6 m
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-7 m and choose
2 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6
m in the Label text field.
3 Locate the Title section. In the Title text area, type rp = 2 \mu m.
4 In the Model Builder window, expand the Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6 m node.

Filter 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6 m>
Particle Trajectories 1 node, then click Filter 1.
2 In the Settings window for Filter, locate the Particle Selection section.
3 In the Logical expression for inclusion text field, type abs(fpt.rp-10^-5.7)<1e-10.
4 In the Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6 m toolbar, click Plot.

Particle Trajectories rp = 5e-6 m

1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Particle Trajectories rp = 2e-6 m and choose
2 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Particle Trajectories rp = 5e-6
m in the Label text field.

3 Locate the Title section. In the Title text area, type rp = 5 \mu m.
4 In the Model Builder window, expand the Particle Trajectories rp = 5e-6 m node.

Filter 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Particle Trajectories rp = 5e-6 m>
Particle Trajectories 1 node, then click Filter 1.
2 In the Settings window for Filter, locate the Particle Selection section.
3 In the Logical expression for inclusion text field, type abs(fpt.rp-10^-5.3)<1e-10.
4 In the Particle Trajectories rp = 5e-6 m toolbar, click Plot.

Create a Particle Bin dataset to be used to plot the particle collection efficiency and the
accumulated charge as a function of the particle radius.

Particle Bin 1
1 In the Results toolbar, click More Datasets and choose Particle Bin.
2 In the Settings window for Particle Bin, locate the Expression section.
3 In the Expression text field, type fpt.rp.

4 Locate the Bins section. From the Entry method list, choose Tolerance.
5 In the Tolerance text field, type 1e-9.

Efficiency vs. Particle Radius

1 In the Results toolbar, click 1D Plot Group.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Efficiency vs. Particle Radius in
the Label text field.
3 Locate the Data section. From the Dataset list, choose Particle Bin 1.
4 From the Time selection list, choose Last.
5 Click to expand the Title section. From the Title type list, choose None.
6 Locate the Plot Settings section. Select the x-axis label check box.
7 In the associated text field, type Particle radius (µm).
8 Select the y-axis label check box.
9 In the associated text field, type Particle collection efficienty.
10 Locate the Axis section. Select the x-axis log scale check box.

Particle 1
1 In the Efficiency vs. Particle Radius toolbar, click More Plots and choose Particle.
To compute the efficiency use the variable fpt.pcnt1.rL that is created by the Particle
Counter feature.
2 In the Settings window for Particle, locate the y-Axis Data section.
3 In the Expression text field, type 1-fpt.pcnt1.rL.
4 Locate the x-Axis Data section. From the Parameter list, choose Expression.
5 In the Expression text field, type fpt.rp.
6 From the Unit list, choose µm.
7 In the Efficiency vs. Particle Radius toolbar, click Plot.

Accumulated Charge Number vs. Particle Radius

1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Efficiency vs. Particle Radius and choose
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Accumulated Charge Number vs.
Particle Radius in the Label text field.

3 Locate the Plot Settings section. In the y-axis label text field, type Accumulated charge

4 Locate the Axis section. Select the y-axis log scale check box.

Particle 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Accumulated Charge Number vs. Particle Radius
node, then click Particle 1.
2 In the Settings window for Particle, locate the y-Axis Data section.
3 In the Expression text field, type fpt.cacc1.Za.
4 In the Accumulated Charge Number vs. Particle Radius toolbar, click Plot.


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