1. The document contains a 65 question quiz about topics related to biology, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Questions cover their classification, structures, life cycles, and roles in diseases and industrial processes.
2. The quiz contains multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. Questions assess knowledge of key characteristics of different microbes, how they cause diseases, and their applications in food production and other areas.
3. The document is a lesson plan or study guide, with a quiz to test comprehension of important microbiology concepts.
1. The document contains a 65 question quiz about topics related to biology, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Questions cover their classification, structures, life cycles, and roles in diseases and industrial processes.
2. The quiz contains multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. Questions assess knowledge of key characteristics of different microbes, how they cause diseases, and their applications in food production and other areas.
3. The document is a lesson plan or study guide, with a quiz to test comprehension of important microbiology concepts.
1. The document contains a 65 question quiz about topics related to biology, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Questions cover their classification, structures, life cycles, and roles in diseases and industrial processes.
2. The quiz contains multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. Questions assess knowledge of key characteristics of different microbes, how they cause diseases, and their applications in food production and other areas.
3. The document is a lesson plan or study guide, with a quiz to test comprehension of important microbiology concepts.
1. The document contains a 65 question quiz about topics related to biology, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Questions cover their classification, structures, life cycles, and roles in diseases and industrial processes.
2. The quiz contains multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. Questions assess knowledge of key characteristics of different microbes, how they cause diseases, and their applications in food production and other areas.
3. The document is a lesson plan or study guide, with a quiz to test comprehension of important microbiology concepts.
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Achiever’s Maths academy
Lesson -1 :- Bio botany
1) Which one of the following statement about virus is correct? (a) Possess their own (b) They are (c) They contain (d) Enzymes metabolic system facultative DNA or RNA are present parasites 2) Identify the incorrect statement about the Gram positive bacteria (a) Techoic (b) High percentage of (c) Cell wall is (d) Lipopolysaccharide acid peptidoglycan is found in cell single layered is present in cell wall absent wall 3) Identify the Archaebacterium (a) Acetobacter (b) Erwinia (c) Treponema (d) Methanobacterium 4) The correct statement regarding Blue green algae is (a) lack of motile(b) presence of (c) absence of mucilage (d) presence of structures cellulose in cell wall around the thallus floridean starch 5) Identify the correctly matched pair (a) Actinomycete - (b) Mycoplasma - (c) Bacteria - (d) Fungi - Sandal Late blight Lumpy jaw Crown gall spike 6) Basidiomycetes do not possess this feature. (a) Clamp connection(b) Club Fungi(c) Dolipore septum(d) Lack sexual reproduction 7) A plant growth promoter got from fungi is (a) Rennet (b) Gibberellin (c) Ergot (d) Griseofulvin 8) Monotropa derives nutrition by (a) Root Nodules (b) Lichens (c) Mycorrhizae (d) Roots 9) are considered as pollution indicators. (a) Mycorrhiza (b) Actinomycete (c) Lichens (d) Cyanobacteria 10) Living organisms constitute (a) Living world (b) Non-living world (c) Animal kingdom (d) Plant kingdom 11) Living thing is otherwise called as (a) Organ (b) Organelle (c) Organism (d) Cell 12) Living things are made of (a) Organisms (b) Atoms (c) Organs (d) Cells 13) Sum total of constructive reactions is called as (a) Anabolism (b) Catabolism (c) Metabolism (d) Embolism 14) Sum total of destructive reactions is called as . (a) Metabolism (b) Catabolism (c) Embolism (d) Anabolism 15) A multicellular organism grows by (a) budding (b) cell division (c) fission (d) spore formation 16) Growth in plant is (a) Diffusable (b) Unlocalized (c) Limited (d) Life long 17) Organisms grow by (a) cell division (b) spore formation (c) fragmentation (d) vegetative propagation 18) Increase in body mass is considered as (a) cell division (b) homeostasis (c) reproduction (d) growth 19) do not growth. (a) Living organisms (b) Microorganisms (c) Dead organisms (d) All the above 20) multiply and spread very fast by producing millions of asexual spores. (a) Bacteria (b) Pteridophytes (c) Fungi (d) Sea weeds 21) Some fungi, filamentous algae and the protonema of mosses multiply by . (a) fission (b) fertilization (c) pollination (d) fragmentation 22) Yeast and Hydra reproduce by (a) Budding (b) Fission (c) Spore formation (d) Vegetative propagation 23) is the building block of all living things. (a) Cells (b) Organs (c) Atoms (d) Compounds 24) is a basic unit of life. (a) Atoms (b) Compounds (c) Soils (d) Cell 25) Earth was formed billion years ago. (a) 4.6 (b) 5.5 (c) 4 (d) 3 26) is a sexual method of reproduction. (a) Binary fission (b) Budding (c) Conidia (d) Gametangial contact 27) Vaccination for small pox was discovered by (a) d' Herelle (b) Edward Jenner (c) Robert Gallo (d) F.W. Twort 28) 1 nanometer = (a) 109 meter (b) 10-9 meters (c) 108 meters (d) 10-6 meters 29) Size of TMV = (a) 300 × 200 μm (b) 30 × μm (c) 280 × 150 μm (d) 280 × 40μm 20 30) Viruses were classified into seven classes by (a) David Baltimore (b) Twort (c) Ehrenberg (d) Alexopoulos 31) Identify the criteria not used for classification of viruses. (a) -ss or -ds (b) Use of RT (c) (+) RNA or (-) RNA (d) Reproduction 32) A virus with ds DNA. (a) Pappo viruses (b) Reo viruses (c) Adeno viruses (d) Retro viruses 33) TMV has a molecular weight of Daltons. 6 (a) 39 × 10 (b) 38 × 105 (c) 39 × 107 (d) 39 × 1010 34) TMV has approximately capsomeres. (a) 2030 (b) 2130 (c) 2330 (d) 2000 35) Match the following: (1) Toga Virus (a) Mottling (2) TMV (b) Eater of bacteria (3) Phage (c) Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (4) Ribo virus (d) ss RNA (a) (b) (c) (d) 1234 1234 1234 1234 c dab bc da abc d dabc 36) Identify the sequence involved in lytic life cycle. (a) Pinning (b) Maturation (c) Synthesis d. Ghost (a) ABCD (b) ADCB (c) DACB (d) ACDB 37) Mad cow disease is caused by (a) Prions (b) Virion (c) Viroid (d) Phage 38) is considered to be a new kindgom. (a) Protista (b) Chromista (c) Monera (d) Plantae 39) The classification published in recent times was given by (a) Carlwoese (b) Ruggero et al (c) Whittaker (d) Copeland 40) Founder of modern Bacteriology (a) Koch (b) Griffith (c) Lederberg (d) Gram 41) Bacteria was first discovered by a scientist. (a) German (b) Dutch (c) French (d) American 42) Identify the correct statement regarding bacterial genome. (A) Nucleoid (B) Contains histone (C) Linear (D) Absence of nuclear membrane (a) A and D (b) A and B (c) C and D (d) All the above 43) are obligate aerobes. (a) Streptococcus (b) Clostridium (c) Micrococcus (d) E. Coli 44) Griffith demonstrated Transformation in (a) 1928 (b) 1930 (c) 1975 (d) 1900 45) Detection of changes in their living place by organisms is called (a) Interactions (b) Consciousness (c) Autotropic (d) Meterotropic 46) are superior among all living things as they have an additional ability of self-consciousness. (a) Animals (b) Plants (c) Humans (d) Monera 47) Bacteriophage varies in size from (a) 10-100 nm (b) 1-10 nm (c) 50-500 nm (d) 20- 40 nm 48) Viruses that cause diseases in fungi are called (a) Cyanophages (b) Bacteriophages (c) Lactophages (d) Mycophages 49) Viruses that attack blue green algae or cyanobacteria and cause diseases are called
Lactophages 50) Virus that infects bacteria is called (a) Mycophage (b) Lactophage (c) Bacteriophage (d) Cyanophage Two marks :- 51) Differentiate Homoiomerous and Heteromerous lichens. 52) Write the distinguishing features of Monera. 53) Why do farmers plant leguminous crops in crop rotations/mixed cropping? 54) How do living things grow? 55) What is Homeostasis? 56) How was the word virus derived? 57) Name the exceptions in viruses with regard to Nucleic acid. 58) What is a Prophage? 59) What are prions? 60) Name two viral diseases affecting Humans. 61) Mention any two features of Bacteria. 62) What are capnophilic bacteria? 63) Categorise the following based on nutrition. (a) Chlorobium (b) Iron bacteria 64) What is retting of fibres? 65) What is the role of bacteria in production of Tea? 66) Name the bacteria which causes. (a) Food Poisoning (b) Plague 67) What is the unique feature of cell membrane of Archaebacteria? 68) What is plectenchyma? 69) What are holocarpic fungi? 70) What are coprophilic Fungi?