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1. The scientist who introduced binomial 11.
Which of the following is practices is not
nomenclature in the classification of used in conserving water? (a) Afforestation (b) organisms was (a) Charles Darwin (b) Carolus Damming (c) Deforestation (d) Reforestation. Linnaeus (c) John Ray Pasteur. (d) Louis 12. The major role played by accessory 2. Which of the following statements is true pigments during photosynthesis is to? (a) Add about arthropods (a) Prothorax bears only legs colour to plants but not to trap light energy (b) (b) Mesothorax bears only legs (c)Metathorax Trap light energy that chlorophyll cannot bears only wings (d) Prothorax bears only absorb (c) Transfer energy from chlorophyll to wings. other pigments (d) Prevent chlorophyll from 3. What leyer of organisation is Spirogyra? (a) absorbing unnecessary light Organ system (b) Organ (c) Cell (d) Tissue. 13. Which of the following processes are 4. The organelle involved in the transport of associated with photosynthesis? I. Glucose is substances within a cell is? (a) Golgi body synthesized II. Oxygen is given off III. Carbon (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) Ribosome (d) dioxide is evolved IV. Energy from sunlight is Mitochondrion. absorbed. (a) I and III only (b) I, II, and IV 5. Which of the following organelles is found only (c) I, II, III and IV (d) II, III and IV only. orily in plant cells? (a) Mitochondria (b) Study the diagram below and use it to answer Lysosomes (c) Plastids (d) Ribosomes. questions 14 - 15 6. Active transport differs from diffusion in that active transport (a) Is a very fast process (b) Allows the movement of substances against concentration gradient (c) Take place in both light and dark reaction of photosynthesis (d) Occurs in both plant animal tissues. 7. Turgor pressure occurs in a cell when the? (a) Volume of its cell sap increases (b) Cell 14. Which part of the flower produces the loses water to its environment (c) Volume of structure labelled I? (a) Pollen (b) Carpel (c) cell decreases (d) Cell is put in an isotonic Stigma (d) Anther. solution. 15. The parts labelled I and II respectively are 8. Tropical rain forests can be conserved by called (a) Pollen tube and Style (b) Anther and the following practices except? (a) filament (c) Stigma and style (d) Pollen grain Agroforestry (b) Deforestation (c) Shifting and pollen tube. cultivation (d) Crop rotation. 16. Which of the following structures is not 9. The order of primary succession by plants in essential in a wind pollinated flower? a very dry habitat is? (a) Xerophytes → (a)Anther (b) Stigma (c) Petal (d) Ovary Mesophytes ~ Shrub (b) Mesophytes → 17. Which of the following is not a skeletal Xerophytes → Shrub (c)Mesophytes → Shrub tissue? (a) Chitin (b) Plasma (c) Bone (d) -> Xerophytes (d) Xerophytes → Shrub → Cartilage Mesophytes. 18. The maintenance of a constant internal 10. Air pollution can be reduced by the environment in an organism is known as (a) following methods except? (a) Building tall Dialysis (b) Diuresis (c) Homeostasis (d) factory chimneys (b) Passing waste gases Homothermis through filters and absorbers (c) Using lead- 19. Which of the following organ is free petrol in car (d) Recycling tins, cans and responsible for the production of insulin. (a) bottles. Pancreas (b) Thyroid gland (c) Spleen (d) Andrenal gland. 20. The cells and tissues of the nose, throat, Grasshopper would increase (b) Hawks would chest, diaphragm and lung form the (a) increase (c) Grasshoppers decrease (d) Grasses Digestive system (b) Respiratory system (c) available for grasshopper would increase. Transport system (d) Circulatory system. 31. Which of the following behaviors is 21. Which of the following organs are used for correctly matched with the corresponding gaseous exchange in a mature toad? (a) Gills, diseases? lungs and eardrum (b) Lungs, mouth and Behaviour Diseases eardrum (c) Skin, lungs and mouth (d) Mouth, skin and gills. A Smoking Liver, cirrhosis, lung 22. Which of the following is not a function of cigarette cancer, AIDS a mammalian skin? (a) Reception of external B Having Liver, cirrhosis, stimuli (b) Gaseous exchange (c) Regulation multiple sexual syphilis, AIDS of body temperature (d) Excretion. partners 23. The amount of starch in a germinating seed decreases because the starch is used to up (a) C Eating Dysentery, cholera, For respiration and building up of cells (b) To uncooked meat food poisoning build cellulose cell wall (c) For the production D Living near Lung cancer, syphilis, of enzymes (d) To develop meristematic dirty gutter river blindness tissues. 32. The blood vessel which carries blood from 24. Which of the following features could be the alimentary canal to the liver is the (a) used to determine the growth of a seedling? (a) Hepatic portal vein (b) Hepatic artery (c) Number of flowers (b) Number of leaves (c) Hepatic vein (d) mesenteric artery. Length of flowers (d) Length of radicle. 25. Which of the following characteristics The diagram below is an illustration of a features is not associated with structure used for gaseous exchange in monocotyledonous plants? (a) Well humans. Study it and answer questions 33 and differentiated sepals and petals (b) Presence of 34 narrow leaves (c) Floral parts are in mutual of three (d) Presence of fibrous root system. 26. The food substance that would produce the highest amount energy is (a) Glucose (b) Amino acid (c) Fat (d) Protein. 27. Organisms that feed on dead, decaying tissues of other organisms are known as (a) Heterotrops (b) Parasites (c) Saprophytes (d) Autotrophs. 28. A group of organisms belonging to 33. The parts I, II, III and IV respectively are different species that coexist in the same (a) Larynx, bronchus, bronchiole and trachea habitat and interact is referred to as (a) (b) larynx, trachea, bronchiole and bronchus Population (b) Community (c) Biosphere (d) (c) bronchiole, trachea, larynx and bronchus Niche. (d) bronchiole, trachea bronchus and larynx. 29. Which of the following organisms would 34. The part labelled III would be found in the be the producer in a food chain? (a) Maize (b) (a) Heart (b) Kidney (c) Lung (d) Sternum. Goat (c) Man (d) Bacterium. 35. The branch of Biology that deals with the 30. The illustration below is a food chain. principles of classification of organisms is Grass grasshopper domestic fowl known as (a) Biological index (b) What would happen if the population of nomenclature (c) taxonomy (d) ecology domestic decreases? The population of (a) 36. Which of the following features is not an the group consitutute the highest number of adaptation? (a) Breathing roots for entry air (b) humans (c) There are no of antibodies in thier Flowers are raised above water to attract blood plasma (d) The antigens in thier blood pollinators (c) Spongy tissues containing gases cells are easily destroyed for boyancy (d) Hairy structures on the leaves 47. Which of the following diseases can be to reduce water loss inherited? (a) Pneumonia (b) Whooping cough 37. The biological association that contributes (c) Sickle cell anemia (d) Malaria. directly to succession in a community is (a) 48. The instrument used in measuring wind is Competition (b) Predation (c) Parasitism (d) (a) a wind vane (b) a wind gauge (c) a Commensialism barometer (d) an anemometer. 38. The conservation of natural resources is 49. Which of the following pairs of cells carry enhanced by the following practices except (a) out the same function? (a) Check cell and red Controlling farm activities (b) Protecting blood cell (b) Spermatozoon and ovum (c) endangered species (c) Poaching in game Palisade cell and epidermal cell (d) Root tip reserves (d) Establishing parks and gardens. cell and guard cell 39. The burning of farmlands ahould be 50. All of these are methods of asexual discouraged because? (a) Destroys organic reproduction except (a) Binary fission (b) components of the soil (b) Increases Conjugation (c) Budding (d) Intercourse. population of wild animals (c) Increases (50 MARKS) dormancy period of some seeds (d) destroys some plant seeds. THEORY 40. The use of a lighter instead of matchsticks Answer all questions from this section. is a way of conserving (a) Petroleum (b) 1(a). What is a cell? Forest (c) water (d) wildlife. (b)i. State four Cell theory 41. The process that brings about the shrinking (b)ii. Describe briefly two levels of cell of a spirogyra cell when placed in a strong organization in living organisms giving an solution is ? (a) Osmosis (b) Autolysis (c) example of each type. Plasmolysis (d) Diffusion (c). Make a diagram, 6cm to 8cm long of a 42. The region of a plant stem in which cells plant cell and label the essential organelles. divide to increase its diameter is (a) Cambium (b) Phloem (c) Xylem (d) Collenchyma. 2(a). What are autotrophs? 43. The total number of caudal vertebrae in (b). Name two unicellular organisms that are animals X and Y is 4 and 27 respectively. The autotrophs animals are likely to be. (a) Fish and human (c). Explain briefly what happens to the (b) Toad and rat (c) Toad and fish (d) Humans glucose formed in a plant during and rat photosynthesis. 44. Which of the following blood components has the greatest affinity for oxygen and carbon 3. Relationships I, II, III, IV and V exist (IV) oxide? (a) among some organisms in an ecosystem. Use Lymphocyte (b) Thrombocyte (c) Erythrocyte them to answer the question (d) Blood plasma I: Organism A grows on dead organism B. 45. Which of the followig traits in humans is II: Organism C feeds on the remnants of food an example of physiological variation? (a) left by organism D without affecting organism Skin colour (b) Fingerprint (c) Toungue D negatively or positively rolling (d) height III: Organism E provides shelter for organism 46. Individuals belonging to the blood group O F while organism F transports organism E are universal donors because ? (a) Antigens towards food are absent in thier blood cells (b) Members of IV: Organism G kills organism B for food V: Organism H feeds on organism J, causing organism J a disease. (a)i. Name the type of relationship in: I,II,III,IV,V ii. What is the biological term for each of organisms B and G? (b). Draw a typical pyramid of energy using four feeding levels
4(a). What are sense organs?
(b). Name three sense organs that respond to the stimulus of chemicals. (c). List two types of cellular respiration
5 (a) Explain briefly the following ecological
terms: (i) biosphere (ii) habitat (b) State two types of germination. (b)ii. Explain them. (c) State six methods of conserving soil. (100 MARKS)