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MAN - ISTR Maestro - EN
MAN - ISTR Maestro - EN
Rew. 2 of 28-09-2011
2 Cut ................................................................................................................................................... 55 Copy ................................................................................................................................................ 55 Paste................................................................................................................................................ 55
3.9. WORKING PROCESSES ...................................................................................................................... 56
3.9.1. Boring .................................................................................................................................... 57 Bore position.................................................................................................................................... 57 Bore Structure.................................................................................................................................. 58 Boring modes................................................................................................................................... 58 Boring technology ............................................................................................................................ 59
3.9.2. Milling..................................................................................................................................... 60 Miling position .................................................................................................................................. 60 Milling form ...................................................................................................................................... 63 Milling modes ................................................................................................................................... 64 Milling technology ............................................................................................................................ 65
3.9.3. Channel ................................................................................................................................. 66 Channel position .............................................................................................................................. 66 Channel structure ............................................................................................................................ 67 Channel execution mode ................................................................................................................. 67 Channel technology ......................................................................................................................... 67
3.9.4. Blade cut................................................................................................................................ 68 Cut position...................................................................................................................................... 68 Cut structure .................................................................................................................................... 69 Cut modes ....................................................................................................................................... 69 Cut technology................................................................................................................................. 69
3.9.5. Contouring ............................................................................................................................. 70 Contouring position .......................................................................................................................... 70 Contouring structure ........................................................................................................................ 71 Contouring modes ........................................................................................................................... 71 Contouring technology ..................................................................................................................... 71
3.9.6. Emptying................................................................................................................................ 72 Emptying position ............................................................................................................................ 72 Emptying structure ........................................................................................................................... 72 Emptying mode................................................................................................................................ 73 Emptying technology........................................................................................................................ 73
3.9.7. Working process tree............................................................................................................. 74 Object selection ............................................................................................................................... 74 Working process ordering ................................................................................................................ 74 Working process display .................................................................................................................. 75 Contextual menu.............................................................................................................................. 76
3.9.8. Working process selection..................................................................................................... 77
3.9.9. Contextual menu for working processes ............................................................................... 77
3.9.10. Working process removal ...................................................................................................... 77
3.9.11. Working process properties................................................................................................... 77
3.9.12. Working process modification................................................................................................ 78
3.9.13. Move and/or copy existing working processes...................................................................... 78 Select the technology....................................................................................................................... 78 Apply technology ............................................................................................................................. 78
3.10. WORKING STEPS .............................................................................................................................. 79
3.10.1. Working step tree .................................................................................................................. 79
3.10.2. Inserting a working step......................................................................................................... 80
3.10.3. Removal of a working step .................................................................................................... 80
3.10.4. Working step properties......................................................................................................... 81
3.10.5. Modifying the workpiece position in one step........................................................................ 81
3.10.6. Moving working processes from one step to another one..................................................... 82
3.10.7. Add workpiece name to working process name.................................................................... 83
3.11. PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................................... 84
3.12. SUB-PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................... 85
3.13. PROJECT MANAGEMENT FROM "SCRIPT" ............................................................................................ 86
3.14. PROJECT GRAPHIC DISPLAY .............................................................................................................. 87
3.14.1. What you see of the project................................................................................................... 87
3.14.2. Where to see the project ....................................................................................................... 88 Zoom................................................................................................................................................ 89 Pan .................................................................................................................................................. 89 Orbit ................................................................................................................................................. 89
3.14.3. How to see the project........................................................................................................... 90
3.15. MACHINE WORKPIECE DISPOSAL ........................................................................................................ 92
3.16. PROJECT OPTIMIZATION .................................................................................................................... 93
3.16.1. Guided Optimization .............................................................................................................. 94
3.16.2. Automatic optimization .......................................................................................................... 96
4. NESTING PROJECT MANAGEMENT................................................................................................... 97
4.1. DEFAULTS FOR “NESTING PROJECTS”................................................................................................ 98
4.1.1. Default Folder for “Nesting Projects” ..................................................................................... 98
4.1.2. Default Nesting Parameters .................................................................................................. 99
4.2. CREATING A NEW NESTING PROJECT ............................................................................................... 100
4.2.1. Nesting Parameters............................................................................................................. 100 Type of Nesting.............................................................................................................................. 101
Rectangular Nesting..................................................................................................................................... 101
Free Form Nesting ....................................................................................................................................... 101 Part sequencing............................................................................................................................. 101
Insertion in sequence by Area...................................................................................................................... 101
Insertion in sequence by Perimeter.............................................................................................................. 101 Minimum distance between two nested parts ................................................................................ 102 Cutting tool..................................................................................................................................... 102 Correction of cutting depth............................................................................................................. 102 Spoil board thickness..................................................................................................................... 102 Enable cutting outside the sheet.................................................................................................... 102
4.2.2. Nesting Sheets .................................................................................................................... 103 Adding a sheet to the list................................................................................................................ 104 Deleting a sheet from the list ......................................................................................................... 104 Copying sheet data ........................................................................................................................ 104 Pasting sheet data ......................................................................................................................... 104 Editing sheet data .......................................................................................................................... 104 Meanings of sheet data.................................................................................................................. 105
4.2.3. Nesting Parts ....................................................................................................................... 106 Adding a workpiece to the list ........................................................................................................ 107 Deleting a workpiece from the list .................................................................................................. 107 Copying workpiece data................................................................................................................. 107 Pasting workpiece data.................................................................................................................. 107 Editing workpiece data................................................................................................................... 108 Meanings of workpiece data .......................................................................................................... 108
4.3. OPENING AN EXISTING NESTING PROJECT ....................................................................................... 109
4.4. CLOSING A NESTING PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 109
4.5. SAVING A NESTING PROJECT .......................................................................................................... 109
4.6. NESTING PROCESSING.................................................................................................................... 110
4.6.1. Conditions to be complied with in Nesting........................................................................... 110
4.6.2. Recurring strategies in Nesting ........................................................................................... 111 Positioning small workpieces at the center .................................................................................... 111 Contouring outside the sheet ......................................................................................................... 112
4.7. OPTIMIZING NESTING MACHINING..................................................................................................... 112
5. TOOL DATA-BASE.............................................................................................................................. 113
5.1. DEFAULT FOR TOOL DATA-BASE ...................................................................................................... 114
5.1.1. Default "Name Tool Data-Base " ......................................................................................... 114
5.1.2. Default "Folder for tool Data-Base" ..................................................................................... 114
5.1.3. Default "Folder for Import/Export toll Data-Base"................................................................ 114
5.2. TOOL DATA -BASE CREATION .......................................................................................................... 115
5.3. TOOL DATA-BASE OPENING.............................................................................................................. 115
5.4. CLOSING TOOL DATA-BASE .............................................................................................................. 116
5.5. SAVING TOOL DATA-BASE ................................................................................................................ 117
5.6. TOOL DATA-BASE IMPORT FROM XILOG ............................................................................................ 118
5.7. TOOL DATA-BASE EXPORT TO XILOG ................................................................................................ 119
5.8. ACTIVATE TOOL DATA-BASE ........................................................................................................... 120
5.9. TOOLS ........................................................................................................................................... 121
5.9.1. Tool introduction .................................................................................................................. 121 Points............................................................................................................................................. 122 Milling cutters ................................................................................................................................. 123 Blades............................................................................................................................................ 124 Probes ........................................................................................................................................... 125 Heads ............................................................................................................................................ 126
5.9.2. Modifying tolls ...................................................................................................................... 127
5.9.3. Tool removal ........................................................................................................................ 127
6. MACHINE CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................. 128
7. POST-PROCESSOR ............................................................................................................................ 129
7.1. XILOG INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................... 129
7.2. POST-PROCESSOR OPTIONS........................................................................................................... 130
7.3. PROJECT TRANSLATION FOR XILOG ................................................................................................. 131
8. APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................ 132
8.1. SIZES USED BY MAESTRO ............................................................................................................... 132
1. Description of the software
The software described in this manual allows the definition of workpieces and the related
machining operations so that they can be machined on numeric control machining centers.
The setting of all workpieces occurs in a three-dimensional CAD environment very useful
for the user in order to check immediately his schedule.
Working processes are divided in two different steps: firstly, by setting the geometries,
secondly by applying machine tools like in a CAM system.
After setting workpiece and working processes, all of the information will be passed to the
machine, which will carry out the machining.
2. Operator interface
3. Project management
A "project" is defined as an object that may include the definition of one or more
workpieces with 2D geometries and related working processes.
The "Project" file - with a .pgmx size- must contain at least one workpiece and it might
include - but not necessarily- also working processes.
It is a compressed file including:
tool.tlgx Data Base Tools
progetto.xml Instructions to set the geometry.
progetto.epl Clamp/suction pad definition
3.1. Project default
You may change project defaults by clicking on the icon "Options" in the folder "Tools".
3.2. New project setting
Since a project must include at least one workpiece, whenever you create a new Project,
you activate the option
“Create Workpiece”.
If a project was already been started, following option would automatically start.
“Closing project”
For a project that has already been started, following option would be automatically
“Closing project”
For a project that has already been started, following option would be automatically
“Closing project”
3.4. End project
If your project has not yet been saved, following question will be displayed:
If you click on "Yes”, following option will be automatically performed in order to save your
project: "Automatic Saving"
3.5. Save Project
You can specify the project name in the box "File name".
then click on "Save".
3.5.1. Save the sub-program
After the project setting, you can save the 2D geometries and the working processes as
sub-program in order to reuse them for further projects.
Subprograms can be performed only for projects with one workpiece.
The resulting window will allow you to save the .xsp subprogram.
The default folder for saving programs is the Maestro set up sub-folder "Macros".
You can also save sub-programs in another folder but if you wish to use them, you must
save them also in the default folder.
After naming the sub-program and clicking on "Save", following window will be showed:
Fields included in "View Properties" serve as indicators for the menu where the sub-
program will be saved.
If you click on "Forward", on the resulting window - almost like the previous one- you will
be asked to list the names of the bitmap to link with the subprogram. (Optional)
If you click on "Forward", the resulting window will allow you to establish those variables to
be exported.
3.6. Workpiece
If you wish to set a parallelepiped shaped workpiece click on the menu "Create
Introduce the values in the menu on the right.
Name of the
You can change your field values after creating the workpiece.
15 Extruded workpieces
If you wish to set an extruded workpiece - no matter its shape - click on the menu "Crea
Then click on "Extrusion".
Design commands will be activated and the workpiece menu will be showed as follows:
Name of the
Select geometry
Height of
Using the menu commands "Draw" (see paragraph 3.8) a closed outline is set up, then
click on the icon "Select geometry" and on the outline.
If you click on "Apply", our "Extruded workpiece" will be created and outlined by a
parallelepiped as a bulk.
You can change your field values after creating the workpiece.
3.6.3. Import the workpiece
You may also import a workpiece to another project.
To this purpose you can use the command "Import workpiece” of the menu "Home"
The resulting window shows you the list of projects where you can select the workpiece to
be imported.
After clicking on the icon "Open", the list of workpieces in the selected project will be
You can select one or more workpieces to import and click on the icon "Open".
In the tree of our project the selected workpieces will be added.
the workpiece removal implies also that all related workings processes are removed as
3.7. Working planes
The "working plane" is a plane with Cartesian axis where you can add shapes of plane
geometry like line, arc, circle and so on (see paragraph 3.8)
In case of Parallel and Inclined Planes you can also modify - after the creation - any value
in the window - the name of the plane as well.
With regard to all standard faces, all fields remain unvaried.
3.7.1. Standard Faces
A workpiece has six faces in which six working planes called "Standard Faces" have been
created when a new workpiece is created.
3.7.2. Parallel Plane
A parallel plane is a new plane in parallel with an existing plane in the project.
There are two possibilities in order to create a parallel plane:
by using the tree of planes
By clicking - with the right button of the mouse - on the selected face, the resulting menu
allows you to create a "New parallel plane"
By setting following options "Distance from the plane” and "Apply" (apply), a new parallel
Plane will be created.
3.7.3. Inclined Plane
An inclined plane is a general plane created by the user with origin and inclination.
Two possibilities apply for every plane:
by using the plane tree
By clicking - with the right button of the mouse - on "Workpiece", the heading "New plane”
will appear.
In both cases a window will be displayed:
The definition of Inclined Plane starts with the threesome related to the workpiece placed
at the lower corner on the left.
By setting X values as origin, Y origin and Z origin, the origin of the new plane is
By setting the rotating angles of Z-axis and X-axis, you also set the plane direction.
You must also take into account that both rotation angles are sequential, that is to say:
only after the rotation around the Z-axis, the rotation around the new X-axis position will
be performed.
3.7.4. Work plane tree
The work plane tree collects all planes set for a certain project.
Switch off
This tree - a workpiece from displaying existing planes- allows you to:
- activate an existing plane
- display and change the properties of existing planes
- remove a plane
- create parallel planes (see paragraph 3.7.2)
- create an inclined plane (see paragraph 3.7.3)
Buttons with light bulbs (on or off) allow you to display or switch off the working processes
(see paragraph
The work plane selection will identify the active plane, that is to say, the plane where the
two-dimensional geometry will be drawn.
In order to reactivate an existing plane, click - with the left button of your mouse- on the
name of the plane in the tree.
If you wish to know the active plane, check the plane highlighted in light blue.
23 Properties and plane modification
In order to see or modify the properties of a plane you can activate a plane then click on
the button "Properties” or click with the right button on the name of that plane and on the
heading "Properties" of the plane menu.
On the right side of your screen the menu will show you all current properties of the plane.
If you wish to modify the plane, click on "Apply" in order to change its values.
If you wish to remove a plane click with the right button on the plane name, then click on
"Remove" of the plane menu.
24 Displaying working processes on planes
You are free to decide to display -or not- the working processes on the plane tree.
To the left side of every work plane there is the icon which stands for the face type. To the
left of the icon there is the symbol which represents an "eye".
By clicking with the left button on the eye, you change its status from open to closed.
If the eye is open, it means that all plane working processes will be displayed.
If the eye is closed, it means that all working processes will not be displayed.
The selection on the tree has an immediate impact on the graphic area.
3.8. 2D Geometry
The 2D geometry is used in order to set the profile of an extruded workpiece as well as to
set a profile (open or closed) of a working process
Before introducing any two-dimensional geometric element, you must set and activate a
working plane.
The icons about the commands to insert the basic geometries are diplayed in the menu
"Draw" "Geometries"
All commands to create 2D geometry can be interrupted if you select a new command or
click on "Esc key".
26 Type a new point
Every command aimed at introducing a new geometric shape has to identify one or more
points by the operator.
Firstly, it is important to explain the meaning of "type a new point".
"Type a new point" means that the operator creates a new point or sets an existing one
within the project.
The point can be created with Cartesian Coordinates (X, Y) or with Polar Coordinates
(Lenght, Angle).
If you wish to type a new point with Cartesian Coordinates (X; Y) you can:
- move the mouse (X and Y coordinates are upgraded).
- click with the left button of the mouse or press Enter key.
- type the value of the X coordinate
- move your mouse (Y coordinate is upgraded)
- press Enter key.
- type the value of the Y coordinate
- move the mouse (X coordinate is upgraded)
- press Enter key.
- type the value of the X coordinate
- type the value of the Y coordinate
- press Enter key.
In order to type a new point with Polar Coordinates (Length, Angle) you can:
- move the mouse (values corresponding to Length and Angle are upgraded)
- click with the left button of the mouse or press Enter key.
- type the Length value
- move the mouse (the Angle value is upgraded)
- press Enter key.
- type the Angle value
- move the mouse (the Length value is upgraded)
- press Enter key.
- type the Length value
- type the Angle value
- press Enter key.
27 Type an existing point by using the Osnap
In order to type a point, it is often desirable to use the points of the shapes that are already
on our plane.
To this purpose, the Osnap (Object Snap) in the following menu are a useful support.
QuadrantÆ It is linked to the X and Y points of maximum and minimum in the circles.
28 Point
Point properties
29 Line
It inserts a line
Line properties
30 Arc
It inserts an arc.
In order to insert an Arc whose centre radius initial and final angle are known:
- click on the command "Arc Centre and 2 Points"
- type the point of the arc centre
- insert the radius value and press Enter key
- insert the value of the initial angle and press Enter key
or move the mouse (the radius value is upgraded) click on the left button of the
mouse (also the initial angle is captured)
- Insert the angle value at the centre of the arc
or move the mouse (the angle value in the centre is upgraded) click on the left
button of the mouse
The multiple sequence allows you to insert a further concentric arc to the previous one.
In order to insert an Arc whose final point and radius are known:
- click on the command "Arc given radius"
- type the initial point of the arc
- type the final point of the arc
- insert the radius value and press Enter key
or move the mouse (the value of the radius is upgraded) click on the left button of
the mouse
In order to insert an Arc whose centre and final point are known:
- click on the command "Arco dato centro" (arc given centre)
- type the initial point of the arc
- type the point of the arc centre
- type the final point of the arc
Arc properties
32 Circle
It introduces a circle:
The multiple sequence allos to insert a further concentric circle to the previous one.
The multiple sequence allows to insert a further concentric circle to the previous one.
It is the same command used for the circle given radius, in which the default "Input" has
been turn into "Diameter"
Circle properties
34 Polyline
Modus describes the command to use in order to describe the next geometric element.
The six commands in the menu modus have been described in the previous paragraph
about lines and arcs.
Polyline properties are made of several tables that stand for the properties of all elements
in the structure (Lines or Arcs).
You can surf the tables by clicking on the left/right arrows.
If the field "Length” appears, the element described is a Line.
If the field "Radius” appears, the element described is an Arc.
Polyline properties
35 Rectangle
1) By inserting 2 vertex:
2) Typing the dimensions
Rectangle properties
36 Buttonhole
It inserts a buttonhole performed with a closed polyline of 4 elements two lines and two
Arcs have a diameter like their width and a breadth of 180°.
Buttonhole line
37 Loop line
- click on the command "Loop line"
- type the radius value
- select the first geometry
- move with the mouse (a loop line next to the cursor)
- click on the left button of the mouse
- click on the command "Loop line"
- type the radius value
- click on the option "Quadrante" (quadrant)
- select the first geometry
- select the second geometry
- move with the mouse (a loop line next to the cursor)
- click on the left button of the mouse
Quadrant serves to insert the loop line in the third mode (2 geometries and the quadrant)
The properties of the loop line are the same of the Arc.
38 Smooth
- click on the command "Smooth"
- type the values to set the smooth
- select the first geometry
- move with the mouse (a smooth will appear net to the cursor)
- click on the left button of the mouse
- click on the command "Smooth"
- type the values to set the smooth
- click on the option "Quadrante" (quadrant)
- select the first geometry
- select the second geometry
- move with the mouse (a smooth will appear net to the cursor)
- click on the left button of the mouse
The Cut/Widen option serves as option to widen or cut the selected elements
The Quadrant option aims at introducing the smooth in the third mode (2 geometries and
the quadrant)
The Type option establishes how to insert the data about the loop line
The values inserted in 1 Distance or 2 Distances are measured along the selected
The length represents the length of the new smooth segment inserted.
39 Offset
It creates one or more geometries that have a steady value compared to an existing
selected geometry.
The option "Repetitions" allows you to create one or more offset geometries
The option Preview - if it is marked - allows you to see - in Preview- the geometries that
will be created by moving the mouse.
40 Text
It inserts a text made of many polylines (one or more for every character)
3.8.2. 2D geometry imported from DXF
After selecting the command, the dialogue box appears which allows you to select a “.dxf”
file from the PC disk.
The “DXF program (*.dxf)” filter is already set in the “File type:” box.
Once you have selected the file, the
menu shown here appears:
In the report, for each layer you can see how many and which entities were imported and
how many and which entities were not imported and the reason why.
The report file is also saved in the “Maestro/Report/DXF” folder in XML format.
The name with which it is saved has the prefix “DxfImpor” followed by the date and time.
Example: “DxfImport_20110920_085538.xml”.
In Autocad 2004 ellipses can be exported as polylines using the “PELLIPSE” variable. This
would allow it to be imported into the packet.
3.8.3. Geometry selection
Once all geometric entities or working processes have been inserted, it is often necessary
to select them in order to carry out several operations
You can select a single entity by clicking with the left button of the mouse on the desired
The selection is clearly visible because it is red-coloured.
In order to select more than one entity you can press - like for the single selection - "Shift".
At this point all entities included in the rectangle will be selected and red-coloured.
3.8.4. Contextual Menu of graphic area
After selecting one or more geometric entities or working processes, if you click with the
right button of the mouse, one of these two menus will appear with the commands related
to the selected geometric elements.
The first menu will appear if you select two or more elements.
The second one if you select one geometric element.
The third if you select only one working process.
If there is no geometric entity among the selected elements, the commands "invert”, "Join”
and "Explode” are inhibited.
In case of one working process, it is possible to display the "Properties" of the working
process or the "Properties" of the geometry concerning the working process.
3.8.5. Geometry removal
The tables displayed for every entity have been reported in the paragraphs related to the
geometry inserting commands.
By marking the field "absolute Coordinates”, the data will not refer to the faces on which
the geometry has been built but to the three-dimensional "Zero" of the Project.
By changing the values in the fields of properties it is possible to modify the geometry.
3.8.7. Modifying existing geometries
Icons related to commands to modify basic geometries are to be found in the menu "Draw"
"Modify". Cut Invert
It inverts the initial point with the final one of any geometric entity.
The command is available in the menu "Draw” “Modify” as well as in the “Contextual
The inversion is evident when the symbol linked with the geometric initial point has
48 Initial point
The representation of the initial point is performed with an arrow that detects the position
and the direction. Join
One or more polylines can be combined only with the entities that have coinciding vertex.
In case of more entities with coinciding vertex, the entities inserted in the polyline will
follow the selection order. Explode
The direction of the single entities will be the one inside the polyline.
3.8.8. Move and/or copy the existing geometries
The icons on the commands to move, rotate, mirror or copy the existing geometries are to
be found in the menu "Draw” “Modify”
50 Move
- click on the command "Move”
- select one or more entities
- type the reference point
- type the final point
The option "Create a copy” allows you to make a copy out of the source text.
The option Multiple Sequence allows you to keep on moving the element by typing further
final points.
The option "Absolute Coordinates" allows you to stop the select geometries at a certain
level starting from a zero level of the work plane.
51 Rotate
- click on the command "Rotate”
- select one or more entities
- type the reference point
- set an angle (typing the point or inserting the value)
The option "Create a copy” allows you to make a copy out of the source text.
The option Multiple Sequence allows you to keep on moving the element by setting other
52 Mirror
It mirrors one or more entities compared to the axis of the centre line in the work face.
The command is available in the menu "Draw" "Modify" as well as in the "Contextual
The option "Mirror in X” mirrors the geometry compared to the Y-axis of the centre line in
the active face.
The option "Mirror in Y” mirrors the geometry compared to the X-axis in the middle of the
active face.
The option "Mirror X/Y" mirrors the geometry compared to the X and Y axis in the middle
of the active face (this mode is like a rotation of 180°)
The option "keep the source geometry" allows you to make a copy out of the source
The option "Invert working process” allows you to invert the direction of the working
process if the command "Mirror” is used to mirror a working process.
53 Oppose
It copies one or more entities on the standard face opposite to the active one.
The command is available in the menu "Draw" "Modify" as well as in the "Contextual
The option "keep the source geometry" allows you to make a copy out of the source
The option "Invert the working process” allows you to invert the working direction if the
command "Oppose" is used for a working process.
54 Cut
It cuts one or more geometric elements or working processes in order to put them in the
buffer for the option "paste”.
The command is available in the menu "Home" "Clipboard" as well as the "Contextual
and works only for elements of the active face.
As a result of the geometry of the selected working process it will disappear from the
display. Copy
It copies one or more geometric elements or working processes in order to put them in the
buffer of the option "Paste)
The command is available in the menu "Home" "Clipboard" as well as the "Contextual
and works only for the elements of the active face.
You do not notice any effect but the previously selected geometry will be available to be
copied through the option "Paste” Paste
It pastes one or more geometric elements or working processes that have previously been
selected from the option "Cut” or "Copy”
The command is available in the menu "Home" "Clipboard" as well as the "Contextual
3.9. Working processes
The commands in order to insert the working processes are to be found in the menu
Every working process must be carried out combining a tool with a 2D geometry.
As a result, it is necessary to activate a Tool- Data-Base (see paragraph 5.8)
In order to set any working process, it is useful to keep this structure in mind:
1) Set the position in which you carry out the working process (Pos)
2) Set the Geometric Shape of the working process (Geo)
3) Set the Work mode (Mode)
4) Set the technology adopted (tool, speed and so on).
3.9.1. Boring
- select one or more 2D elements
- click on the command "Boring”
57 Bore Structure
In order to set the bore structure, Diameter, Depth and bore Type must be set in the menu.
The field "Extra depth is filled with the extent through which the bore must go beyond the
thickness of such workpiece (this heading will appear only if the option "Passer-by" has
been selected")
The type of bore must be specified when it is not linked to a drilling tool and in this case, in
order to choose the tool, you need this information.
In order to set how to structure the bore, you use the sub-menu "Strategy”
58 Boring technology
In this step, you set all technical aspects related to tools, spindles and machines at
In the menu "Technical data” you can select the tool, set the
speed and set the spindle rotations.
In the field "Head data” you select the chunk to use in order
to perform the boring.
By choosing "Automatic, the system will automatically set
the chunk to use for this boring.
3.9.2. Milling
- select one or more 2D elements
- click on the command "Milling”
In the following tables it is possible to understand how the different combination of options
The light blue line stands for the "2D geometry" and the red line represents the tool path in
the tool centre.
By marking "Correction C.N.”, it implies that the coordinates of the 2Dgeometry are passed
and the effective path (red line) will be calculated by the CN.
If you mark "Cad correction”, the coordinates of the red line are directly transferred to the
CN and this latest will not make any correction.
Behaviours with left, central and right corrections without any correction in length and
without any super-material.
Behaviours with left, central and right corrections in length and without any super-material.
Behaviours with left, central and right correction without any correction in length and with
Behaviours with left, central and right corrections in length and with super-material.
62 Milling form
In order to set he milling form you have to set Length and Depth in the menu.
The field "Extra depth" sets the extent of the milling to cross the workpiece. (This heading
will appear only the option "Passer-by" has been selected)
63 Milling modes
In order to set how to perform the milling, you use the sub-menus "Strategy" and
In the menu "Approach/Removal" you set the in-and-out mode from the milling path.
For the entry as well as for the exit, you can choose the line or
arc geometry.
The length of these paths is set by "Radius multipl." that, in
case of a milling cutter of 10 radius and a multiplier of 1.2, a
length line of 12 will be added to our path or a radius ray of 12
with a width of 90° and tangent to the initial/final point or the 2D
3.9.3. Channel
The channel is a milling process with one limit and some added-values compared to the
general milling process.
The limit is due to the fact that the channel can be applied only for a line.
The added-values will be showed in the menu explanation.
- select one or more 2D elements
- Click on the command "Channel”
The selection of 2D elements can be single or multiple
because the function "Channel" will perform milling cutters
associated with the lines.
We can also change the channel position by using the
parameter "Enable edge” in the sub-menu "Advanced data".
By using this function, the selected segment will be stretched
until it crosses the panel edges.
3.9.4. Blade cut
- select one or more 2D elements
- click on the command "Blade cut”
The selection of 2D elements can be single or multiple because the option "Blade cut" will
performs cuts associated with the lines.
If no line has been selected, the position for a new line can
be set in this way:
- Fill the X field initial point
- Fill the Y field initial point
- Fill the X field final point
- Fill the Y field final point
- fill the Inclination field
We can modify the cut position using the sub-menu
"Advanced data”
See the use of the parameter “Invert” of the menu Advanced data in the paragraph
(Milling mode)
3.9.5. Contouring
The contouring is a milling that can apply the external contour of the workpiece or the
- select one or more 2D elements
- click on the command "Contouring"
If the contouring is set to the geometry, then it is possible to choose the "Eternal" "Internal"
"Side" from the menu where you can set it.
70 Contouring structure
In order to set the contouring structure, you must set Length and Depth in the menu.
See the use of the parameter “Invert” of the menu Advanced data in the paragraph
(Milling mode)
See the use of menu parameters "Approach/Removal” in paragraph (Milling mode)
3.9.6. Emptying
- select one or more 2D elements
- click on the command "Emptying"
In order to set the emptying structure, you have to set Length Cut and Depth in the menu.
72 Emptying mode
In order to set how to perform the milling, you use the sub-menus "Strategy" and
See the use of menu parameters "Approach/Removal” in paragraph (Milling mode)
3.9.7. Working process tree
The working process tree represents the workpiece and all working processes set in a
certain project.
Move on working process Display
Properties Remove
You can perform the object selection on the tree by clicking with the left button of the
mouse on any displayed element.
It is possible to select the workpiece or a working workpiece and it is not possible to select
more than one object.
When an object is selected, the name is written in white on a blue background.
The selected object in the tree will be marked also in the graphic area.
The working process tree shows us the working processes in our project as well as their
sequence. so you could benefit from ordering the working process sequence.
This option is inhibited by the working process tree when the project has more than one
step (see paragraph 3.10.6 )
74 Working process display
On the working process tree you can display or not the different working processes.
To the left of every working process name, you can see the icon that represents the type
of working process and to the left of the icon there is the symbol that stands for an eye.
By clicking with the left button on the eye, you change its status from open to closed.
The open eye means that the working process will be displayed.
The closed eye means that the working process will not be displayed.
The selection on the tree has an immediate impact on the graphic area.
75 Contextual menu
After selecting any object of the tree, by clicking with the right button of the mouse, a
contextual menu will show us what kind of operations we can carry out with the selected
3.9.8. Working process selection
The working process selection in the graphic area occurs in the same way as the
geometry selection (see paragraph 3.8.3)
you can also select a single working process from the working tree (see paragraph
After selecting one or more working process you can remove them:
- by clicking with the button "Canc"
- or clicking on the command "Remove" of the menu "Home" "Clipboard"
- or on the command "Remove" if the contextual Menu.
If you wish to know an existing working process properties, the dialogue menu during the
working process inserting will be showed.
3.9.12. Working process modification
After selecting one working process (on the screen or in the tree) it is possible to modify
the parameter values in the dialogue menu.
- Move
- Rotate
- Mirror
- Oppose
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
these same options are also used for the geometries (see paragraph 3.8.8)
Apart from the mere copy of the working process, there is also the possibility of copying all
technological information of a working process and apply them to the new 2D geometries.
(it means to copy the whole working process apart from the geometry).
To this purpose, you use following commands "Select technology” and "Apply technology"
in the menu "Operations" "Modify".
3.10. Working steps
A working step describes the positioning of one or more workpieces and which working
processes must be performed if they are in the positions described.
When you create a new project, the step "Setup" is automatically created.
The working step tree represents all working steps set for a certain project.
Switch off
Move on working process
Move down the working
process Add
3.10.2. Inserting a working step
In order to insert a new working step, you use the command "New step” in the contextual
menu of the step tree.
After selecting the command, the menu to the right will show you where you can insert the
name of the "Working step".
In order to remove a working step, you use the button with the red cross or the command
"Remove" in the contextual menu of the step tree.
The initial "Setup" cannot be removed.
3.10.4. Working step properties
In order to display a working step, you use the button "Properties" or the command
"Property" in the step contextual menu.
After selecting such command, the menu to the right will show you the name of the
"Working step" and the workpiece positioning in that step.
- X origin
- Y origin
- Z origin
3.10.6. Moving working processes from one step to another
In order to move the working processes from one step to another one, you use the buttons
with the blue arrows on the tree.
Move up working process
In the image above, if you click on the button with the arrow downwards, the Contouring
will be shifted on the Milling but it will remain the same during the step "Setup".
By using the arrow downwards, the Countering will always occur before the boring, but will
shift from "Setup" to "Working step"
3.10.7. Add workpiece name to working process name
If you look at the step tree, we see what kind of working processes are performed in every
step but we do not know to which workpiece they belong.
In order to obtain this information, you use the button "Add workpiece name".
As you see in the step tree, you cannot understand to which workpieces the working
processes belong. By using the command "Add workpiece name", the step tree will
appear in this way:
The working processes are not modified, but you see only a temporary representation that
can be restored by clicking on "Add workpiece name".
3.11. Parameters
If you insert a workpiece in the project, parameters dx1, dy1, dz1 will be available in the
workpiece dimensions.
By inserting a second workpiece in the project, also dx2, dy2, dz2 will be also included.
The list of parameters available in the project is to be found in the interface down on the
By using the command "Create a new variable", it is possible to insert new parameters.
Create a new
Delete variable
By using the command "Variable Properties", the same window used for the creation will
By using the command "Delete variable", it will be possible to delete the variables created
by the user but not those which have been automatically created (dx1, dy1, dz1).
All parameters available in the project can be used in every field that accepts a number in
order to create 2D geometries as well as to set working processes.
In order to use a parameter, it is sufficient to write it in place of such number, or you can
also write the formula with more parameters and mathematic operators.
Parameters can also be exported with the sub-program as input data (see paragraph 3.5.1
"Saving the sub-program").
3.12. Sub-programs
A workpiece from existing sub-programs, the user can create further programs as
described in paragraph 3.5.1 (Sub-program saving)
If you wish to know details about variables, geometries or working processes of every
macro route, you need to refer to a dedicated manual.
3.13. Project management from "Script"
3.14. Project Graphic display
The project is displayed in the mein are at the centre of the screen.
it is a three-dimensional representation.
The operator can choose what, where and how to see interesting project workpieces.
In order to select the working processes to display among all those included in a sole
project, you can use the commands available:
- In the plane tree (see paragraph )
- in the working process tree (see paragraph )
- in the menu of the step tree:
The command "Dim" displays only the working processes of the active plane.
If one or more working processes of the active plane have been switched off with the tree
menu, these will no be displayed.
3.14.2. Where to see the project
If you wish to see the project, it is possible to set the point from which you display it.
The main references to this purposes are the "Standard faces".
Immediate commands are available to see the different faces.
In the menu "Home" sub-menu "Views"
Clicking on the commands with the Face names, you will only display the face related to
the seleced view.
In the same menu, you can also see three commands related to three isometric views.
After selecting one out of ten views, you can zoom, size, shift or rotate the project view by
using the menu "Surfing" to the right of the menu "Views".
88 Zoom
The icon "Zoom" allows you to zoom through a rectangle. You can select it by clicking on
the left button of the mouse.
The icon "Zoom +" allows you to size the view whenever you click with the left button of
the mouse.
You can use this option also by rotating the mouse roller forward.
The icon "Zoom" allows you to size the view when you click with the left button of the
You can select this option by rotating the roller backwards.
The icon "Dynamic Zoom" allows you to zoom by cliking with the left button of the mouse
on the area to be zoomed and then to move in order to zoom/size the view.
You can select this option by rotating the roller backwards and forwards.
The commands "Zoom +", "Zoom -" and "dynamic Zoom" can be disabled if you click on
the "Esc key". Pan
Pan allows you to shift the view by keeping the left button of the mpuse pressed and then
to shift with the mouse.
You can disable the command with the button "Esc" or by modyfing the command.
The same function is always available if you press the central button of the mouse and
then you move with the mouse. Orbit
This option allows you to rotate the view by keeping the left button pressed and then move
with the mouse.
You can disable the command with the button "Esc" or by modifying the command.
This option is also available if you press the button "Ctrl", the central button of the mouse
while moving the mouse.
3.14.3. How to see the project
The command CAMCAM allows you to display the tool path and the side of correction.
Here you can see a workpiece with a profiling and two tenonings in Shading
representation (25%)
3.15. Machine workpiece disposal
3.16. Project optimization
This option allows you to minimise the number of tool changes and the paths related to the
transfer from one working process to another one.
Starting from a saved project, a new project will be created, with a working processes
structure according to the modes indicated.
The project name will be "NameProjectOriginalOpt.pgmx".
After the process, the source project will be closed and the optimised project will be
After applying the optimization modes described in following paragraphs, the file
"NameProjectOriginalOpt.pgmx". will be created.
If the optimised file was already been created, following message would appear:
By choosing "No", the optimization will end without saving any optimised file.
If you choose "Yes", following message will appear:
3.16.1. Guided Optimization
This mode allows you to restructure the working process ordering in every step before
optimizing the project.
You can decide the optimization on one step or all steps by using the area "Working
This workpiece of the menu will appear only if working processes on almost two steps
In the area "Working processes", all working processes in the step or in the selected steps
will be displayed. You can change the working process ordering with the arrows.
In the area "Tools", all tools in the selected type of working process will be selected. It is
possible if you change the tool ordering with the arrows.
If you select the check "Sub-programs optimization", all working processes in the sub-
programs will be drawn, following the same structure of the previuos project. In order to
avoid losing the ordering operations, following message will appear:
If you select the check "Optimization tool path", apart from tool change minimization, also
the whole tool path is minimised among the different working processes.
The command "restore" could restore the working tree as it was in the source project, so
following message would appear:
With the command "Apply", the optimization for the tool change would be carried out
without keeping the technological sequence on all working processes in the selected step.
3.16.2. Automatic optimization
If you do not insert any check, the optimization for tool change is carried out on all project
working processes without changing the technological sequence.
If you select the check "Disable technologic sequence", you perform the optimization for
tool change on all working processes without keeping the technological sequence.
If you select the check "Optimization tool path", apart from tool change minimization, also
the whole tool path is minimised among the different working processes.
IIf you select "sub-program optimization", before starting the process, all working
processes in the sub-programs will be drawn. The working tree of the source project will
be modified.
4. Nesting Project Management
The “Nesting Project” file has a (.nstx) extension and is a compressed file containing:
pezzo1.pgmx Workpiece 1 design
pezzo2.pgmx Workpiece 2 design
pezzon.pgmx Workpiece n design
foglio1.pgmx Nesting Arrangement on sheet 1
foglio2.pgmx Nesting Arrangement on sheet 2
foglion.pgmx Nesting Arrangement on sheet n
Progetto Nesting.xml information for positioning workpieces on panel
4.1. Defaults for “Nesting Projects”
To change the name of the folder in which the Nesting Projects are saved:
Click on the “Options” icon and the following window opens:
4.1.2. Default Nesting Parameters
4.2. Creating a new Nesting Project
Select the “Nesting” command and you will be asked for information grouped into three
parts of a dialogue box, in this sequence:
1) Parameters
2) Sheets
3) Parts
100 Type of Nesting
Rectangular Nesting
Rectangular Nesting allows only rectangular workpieces, which may even be rotated anti-
clockwise through 90°, to be positioned on the sheet.
This type of nesting has a relatively low processing time, since it has a lot fewer degrees of
freedom than Free Form Nesting.
Free Form Nesting allows workpieces having any shape and arranged at any angles to be
positioned on the sheet.
This type of nesting has longer processing times than Rectangular Nesting because it
involves many more degrees of freedom.
Part sequencing allows definition of the sequence in which the workpieces must be
arranged on the sheet.
Possible alternatives:
1) By Area
2) By Perimeter
In this mode, the arrangement of the parts on the sheet is done starting with the workpiece
which has the largest area and ending with the workpiece which has the smallest area.
In this mode, the arrangement of the parts on the sheet is done starting with the workpiece
which has the longest perimeter and ending with the workpiece which has the shortest
101 Minimum distance between two nested parts
This value represents the distance remaining between a workpiece and the tool machining
the adjacent workpiece.
A default tool can be set, which will carry out contouring (separation of the parts) for those
workpieces for which a tool has not been programmed.
It is possible to change the cutting depth of the tool which separates the workpieces in
such a way as to separate them completely or leave them joined to the rough sheet.
Set a positive value and the workpieces will be separated from the sheet.
Set the value 0 and the machining will precisely reach the spoil board.
Set a negative value and the workpieces will not be separated from the sheet.
For setting the size of the panel placed beneath the rough sheet to be machined.
Tick this box and separation of the workpieces at the border of the sheet can be carried
out even outside of the sheet.
4.2.2. Nesting Sheets
In this session you can set the dimensions of the rough sheets to be used for Nesting
The sheet which is shown is that set in “Default Nesting Parameters” (see sec. 4.1.2)
Right click with the mouse in the Sheets area and the following
context menu appears:
103 Adding a sheet to the list
A new sheet immediately appears with the same features set in “Default Nesting
Parameters” (see sec. 4.1.2)
The selected data will be placed in a temporary memory so that it can be pasted.
To paste the data previously copied from one sheet to another sheet:
- Right click on the number to the left of the sheet you want to paste the data to.
- Left click on the “Paste Ctrl+V” item in the context menu.
- Or simultaneously press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys
Note: Some data items have preset values. In this case, the new value must not be typed
in, but selected from a drop-down menu which can be displayed by clicking on the arrow to
the right of the value or on the value itself.
104 Meanings of sheet data
- The Vertex and Direction parameters are only available in Free Form Nesting
- The Rotation parameter is only available in Rectangular Nesting.
4.2.3. Nesting Parts
Right click with the mouse in the Parts area and the following context
menu appears:
106 Adding a workpiece to the list
The selected data will be placed in a temporary memory so that it can be pasted.
Note: The following data will not be pasted: File, Name and workpiece dimensions
107 Editing workpiece data
Note :
- Note: Some data items have preset values. In this case, the new value must not be
typed in, but selected from a drop-down menu which can be displayed by clicking
on the arrow to the right of the value or on the value itself.
- Note: the data “File”, “Name” and “workpiece dimensions” cannot be edited.
- The parameters Angle, Priority and Distance from edge are only available in Free
Form Nesting
- The Rotation parameter is only available in Rectangular Nesting.
4.3. Opening an existing Nesting Project
To open an existing Nesting Project, click on the “Open”
4.6. Nesting Processing
Nesting project processing takes place when you click on the “Finish” command in the
“Parts” dialogue box (see sec. 4.2.3 ).
You access the “Parts” dialogue box both when a Nesting project has been created and
when an existing Nesting project is opened, since all of the data entered at the creation
stage was saved in the .nstx file.
(No parts could be processed because their thickness, material or grain is not compatible
with any of the sheets available. Update the parts or sheets data and run the algorithm).
4.6.2. Recurring strategies in Nesting
A recurring technique in Nesting is that of positioning small workpieces at the center of the
panel to overcome hold-down problems.
To do this:
- assign small workpieces a priority value higher than that of larger workpieces
- for the small workpieces set a “Distance from edge” value which places them at the
Example :
111 Contouring outside the sheet
To increase the number of workpieces which can be obtained from a sheet, you can use
the technique of producing workpiece contours which are on the edges of the sheet
outside of the sheet.
To do this, simple put a tick by the “Enable cutting outside the sheet” parameter (see sec. )
Example :
After Nesting processing and before the workpieces are machined on the machine, it is a
good idea to optimize the Nesting project produced.
(see sec. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. Optimizing Projects)
5. Tool Data-Base
The tool data-base includes all necessary information to choose the tools for the working
processes as it has been established.
In order to manage the tool data-base you use the “ToolManager.exe” , launched by
clicking on hte icon "Tools" of the menu "Machines".
Tool Manager can be also launched from the installation directory by clicking on the file
“ToolManager.exe” .
5.1. Default for tool Data-Base
It is possible to change the Data-Base defaults by clicking on the menu "Options" in the
folder "Tools"
5.2. Tool Data -Base creation
In order to create a tool data-base, you use the command " in the menu “Home” “File”.
If a tool data-base has been already open, the option "Tool data-base closing" would be
automatically performed.
5.4. Closing tool data-base
If the tool data-base has not yet been saved, following question will appear:
By clicking on "Yes", the option "Saving tool data-base" will be automatically performed.
5.5. Saving tool data-base
The default folder proposed for the saving is set as described in paragraph 5.1.2.. Default
"Folder for tool Data-Base"
You can specify the data-base name in the folder "File Name".
then click on "Save".
5.6. Tool data-base import from Xilog
In order to import a tool data-base from Xilog, use the command "import" in the menu
"Home" "Conversion".
The default folder proposed to import a tlg file is set as in paragraph 5.1.3 Default Folder
Import/Export tool Data-Base.
You can also specify the tool data-base Xilog (tlg) in the fiedl "File name:"
then click on "Open".
5.7. Tool data-base export to Xilog
In order to export a tool data-base to Xilog (tlg) in the menu "Home" "Conversion".
select the file. Tlgx to be exported from the dialogue window and click on the button
5.8. Activate Tool Data-Base
In order to insert any working process on a sole project, you have to select a tool data-
base to be activated since the working processes are described by combining a tool and a
2D geometry.
You find the information about the tool data-base is to be found also in the lower
workpiece to the right of Maestro interface.
5.9. Tools
In order to insert a new tool in the data-base, you use one of the commands in the
following menu:
After selecting the command about the tool you have to fill the fields in the menu "General
These data are common for all tools, for every category will be necessary to insert the data
related to the tool type.
121 Points
Lance Point Flared Point Flared Lance Point Flared Plain Point
In order to insert a point in the data-base, click on the command related to the wished
head in the menu "Point s" and fill all fields in order to describe the point shape and use
properties (speed, rotation number and so on)
122 Milling cutters
In order to insert a cutter in the data-base, click on the cutter type in the menu"Milling
cutters" and fill all fields to describe the cutter shape and use properties (speed, rotation
number and so on).
123 Blades
In order to insert a blade in the data-base, click on the command "Universals" in the menu
"Blades" and fill all fields to describe the blade shape and use properties (speed, rotation
number and so on)
124 Probes
In order to insert a probe in the data-base, click on the command " sphere-shaped" in the
menu "Probes" and fill all fields to describe the probe shape and use properties (speed
and so on).
125 Heads
In order to insert a head in the data base, click on the command related to the head type in
the menu "Heads" and fill all fields to describe the head shape and use properties (speed,
rotation number and so on).
If you wish to add a spindle in the multi-spindle head, click with the right button on "User
head", a contextual menu will appear with the command "Add spindle".
5.9.2. Modifying tolls
In order to confirm the tool data-base modification, the tool data-base saving must be
performed (see paragraph 5.5 )
In order to confirm the tool data-base modification, the tool data-base saving must be
performed (see paragraph 5.5 )
6. Machine configuration
7. Post-Processor
Projects performed with Maestro can be exported in xxl or pgm files as input data for the
interface "Xilog"
In order to translate project into files compatible with Xilog (xxl or pgm) it is necessary that
Xilog is installed.
In order to choose the field for Xilog installation, click on the icon "Options" in the field
7.2. Post-Processor Options
Post-processor options can be set by clicking on the icon "Options" in the folder "Tools".
The "Output Folder" is the folder where XXL or PGM projects will be written as selected in
"Output Format"
7.3. Project translation for Xilog
In order to translate the open project in a file compatible witht Xilog (xxl or pgm) use the
command "Post" in the menu "Machines".
You have to insert the correct path where Xilog has been inserted (see paragraph 7.1)
8. Appendix