TN015 AscertainingCompliance V1 0
TN015 AscertainingCompliance V1 0
TN015 AscertainingCompliance V1 0
Author: P.W.KEY
(ABN)/ACN (94) 000973 839
Date: July 2021 Page 1 of 57
This Technical Note provides a risk-based fit-for-purpose actionable approach to ascertaining
the compliance of structural steel to meet the performance intent mandated by the NCC and
Australian Standards. The developed ‘steel verification protocol’ allows stakeholders to make
an informed judgement on the most appropriate conformity assessment pathway.
This Technical Note has been reviewed by a panel of industry stakeholders, as detailed in
Appendix A. Their support is gratefully acknowledged.
1 Introduction 2
5 Product testing 29
10 References 47
DISCLAIMER: The Australian Steel Institute Limited shall not be liable or responsible in any way whatsoever and expressly
disclaims any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage, claim, proceedings costs or expenses howsoever incurred by any
person whether the client or any third party and whether accruing under statute or in negligence, contract or otherwise at common
law, including but without in any way limited to any loss or damage, claim proceedings costs or expenses incurred as a result of or in
connection with the reliance whether whole or partial by any person as aforesaid upon any part of the contents of this advice.
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11 Appendices: 49
A. Industry stakeholder review panel
B. Identification and marking of structural steel product
C. Test and inspection certificates
D. Supplier Declaration of Conformity (SDoC)
E. Verification batch testing and inspection
F. Statistical sampling as a means of demonstrating conformity
G. Conformity assessment pathway selection
H. State-based references to NCBP actions
1.1 Context
The procurement, fabrication and erection of structural steelwork for buildings, infrastructure and
resources projects involves a supply chain that is as varied as it is long. Contractual relationships
and commercial and political pressures all influence the ultimate procurement scenario, which
can also change markedly over the period of project delivery. The Regulatory environment is also
continually recalibrating, influenced by tensions that exist between our obligations under World
Trade Organisation (WTO) requirements for free trade, performance solutions enabling innovation
and the most fundamental requirements to ensure our community can expect risk-minimised safe
solutions for their workplaces and habitation.
The steel utilised in a project typically passes through a number of stakeholders in its journey
along the supply chain from the manufacturer to inclusion in the steel structure on site. The quality
and traceability of the steel utilised in a project is therefore ultimately dependent on a number of
parties in the supply chain. If any link in this chain is broken, traceability of the product is lost and
the ability to ascertain compliance compromised. Where steel is sourced internationally the same
principles apply but overlaid with the additional requirement to ensure the steel meets the
performance requirements of the NCC and Australian Standards.
Given the complexity and fluidity of supply chains in today’s procurement environment, meeting
duty of care for stakeholders can be challenging. There is a need to establish a common
understanding of the requirements and clearly articulate responsibilities for all parties in the
supply chain. The ‘Steel Verification Protocol’ outlined in this Technical Note establishes a
methodology to ascertain compliance and works in concert with the ‘Steel Procurement
Framework’ outlined in Section 9, the latter establishing stakeholder responsibilities.
As with the majority of construction products, structural steel product intended for the Australian
marketplace must meet the performance intent of:
a. The National Construction Code (NCC) (Ref. 1) for project types covered under the NCC.
b. The Australian Standards called up in either the contractual documentation (usually the
specification) and/or the NCC as applicable to the project type.
This includes both the permanent steelwork and the temporary steelwork required to construct
the permanent structure.
Regardless of the type of project, the compliance pathways specified within the NCC provide a
robust performance-based approach that should be applied to all project types.
Separate and overarching, the Workplace Health and Safety Act (Ref. 2), Regulations and Codes
of Practice provide a basis for ascertaining responsibilities and duty of care for all stakeholders.
The recommendations on ascertaining compliance in this Technical Note are based on three
significant principles:
1. The performance framework established by the NCC.
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2. The basic principles of duty of care established under Workplace Health and Safety
legislation, and
3. The quality benchmark established by the relevant Australian Standards.
The primary focus of this Technical Note is on ascertaining the compliance of structural steel, not
fabricated steelwork. However, limited aspects of steelwork fabrication are discussed, primarily to
set the downstream context for the supply of compliant structural steel.
1.2 Abbreviations
1.3 Definitions
Appropriate authority: means the relevant authority with the statutory responsibility to determine
the particular matter (definition from the NCC)
Batch (of structural steel): A group of structural steel product consisting of finished steel of the
same yield stress gradation and product form, treated in the same manner and from the same
heat (generalised from Refs 6, 7, 8, 9)
Conformity assessment: demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product,
process, system, person or body are fulfilled. The concept of conformity assessment is concerned
with the fulfilment of specified requirements, not with the wider concept of conformity. (From AS
ISO/IEC 17000 (Ref. 4))
First-party conformity assessment: conformity assessment activity that is performed by the
person or organisation that provides the object. (From AS ISO/IEC 17000)
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1.4 Outline
This document establishes an actionable pragmatic protocol to ascertain the compliance of
structural steel, framed within the context of the requirements of the National Construction Code
and Australian Standards.
In order to achieve this aim, the document is divided into the following sections:
• Section 2 provides a summary of the requirements of the National Construction Code and
outlines the distinction between a Performance Solution and a Deemed-to-satisfy Solution
before establishing that steel that has not been manufactured to Australian Standards must
be considered a Performance Solution and treated accordingly.
• Section 3 examines the relationship between product conformity and the design Standards
in order to clearly enunciate the requirements for a steel to be considered as conforming to
the referenced Standard.
• Section 4 documents the recommended ‘Steel Verification Protocol’, consistent with the
requirements of the NCC and recognising that there are a number of stakeholders with a
duty of care in the journey steel takes from the manufacturer to the finished structure. Detail
to support the technical basis for the protocol is presented in subsequent sections.
• Section 5 considers the important aspect of product testing in supporting the verification of
steel to meet the performance requirements of the NCC.
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The primary focus of this Technical Note is on ascertaining the compliance of structural steel,
not fabricated steelwork. However, limited aspects of steelwork fabrication are discussed,
primarily to set the downstream context for the supply of compliant structural steel.
NCC (Regula�on)
Requirement s
Sa�sfied by
• Performance Solu�on
• Deemed -to-sa�sfy (DTS) Solu�on
• Combina�on of above
Verified using
• Evidence of suitability (Part A5)
• Verifica�on Method (Clause A2.2(2)(b))
• Expert judgement
• Comparison with DTS
Structural steel that cannot be demonstrated to have been manufactured to the requirements of
the Australian Standards called up in AS 4100 cannot be a deemed-to-satisfy solution but must
be treated as a Performance Solution and must be demonstrated to comply to all relevant
Performance Requirements through an Assessment Method.
Assessing a performance solution is not a trivial task, and in most cases requires information to
be assessed early in the process, rather than after a building or structure has been procured. The
design, as typically defined in the design drawings and specifications, prescribes the required
product compliance, usually by reference to (Australian) Standards. If a product that does not
comply with the design requirements is proposed to be procured, authorisation for the change
must be obtained from the designer prior to procurement. The designer may need to undertake
verification according to the requirements of the NCC (and this Technical Note) for a performance
This Technical Note provides a protocol for verification of structural steel where a performance
solution is required.
Key takeaways:
Probability of failure
Both the actions and resistance are also subject to variabilities and uncertainties which include:
1. Variations in material properties;
2. Eccentricities due to product and building tolerances;
3. The actual degree of ductility and stability of a member;
4. Differences in behaviour of isolated members compared with members in a structure;
5. Simplifications and inaccuracies in design models.
The resistance is considered to have a log-normal distribution (Ref. 10)) as shown in Figure 2,
with the design resistance represented by ØR u on the curve and the uncertainty represented by
the upper and lower limits.
The probability of the actions exceeding the resistance (the probability of failure) is represented
by the shaded area where the two curves overlap.
To ensure the design assumptions in the calibration exercise remain valid, the structural steels
produced by manufacturers must meet long-term minimum, or in some cases maximum values,
also known as long-term quality (LTQ) levels. To achieve these long-term quality levels, the
manufacturer will target a mean value of material property higher than the minimum target value
to allow for production variability. Figure 3 indicates a typical distribution of actual yield stress
from Australian manufacturer testing for a 300 Grade steel. Notice the majority of tests are
significantly higher than 300 MPa, with an average of around 350-355 MPa.
300 MPa
Frequency of tests
310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380
Yield Strength MPa
Figure 3 – Yield strength histogram based on manufacturer production testing – 300 Grade
(Image courtesy Infrabuild)
Specifically, as noted in the ABCB Handbook: Structural Reliability Verification Method (Ref. 11),
our structural design Standards for steel, concrete and timber, adopt the five percentile
characteristic material properties according to the NCC Volume 1 (Ref. 1) BP1.2, which states in
part “The structural resistance of materials and forms of construction must be determined using
five percentile characteristic material properties…”. This is consistent with recommendations in
ISO 2394 (Ref. 12) (or the equivalent AS 5104 (Ref. 13)) on which our suite of structural steel
related Standards are based.
As an example, the distribution of actual yield strength test results illustrated in Fig. 3 meets the
requirement that at least 95% of the results exceed the design grade of 300 MPa. The
manufacturer must target the long-term quality results to meet this target.
It is important to understand that a single batch test only affords a snap-shot of the manufacturer’s
production at a point in time. A batch test does not give any indication of long-term quality levels.
A statistical approach utilising test data collected over a period of time is required to determine
It also follows from this that test data on test certificates taken from a single batch of steel cannot
be used directly as the basis for design or for (re)grading of the product, as this data does not
represent the five percentile (95% passing) material properties to which AS 4100 design basis
has been calibrated and the NCC requires. The Commentary to AS 4100 (Ref. 40) makes this
The practice of substituting a higher grade of steel where there is limited test data is also not
defendable because, regardless of the steel grade, there are not sufficient tests to determine the
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 11 of 68
five percentile characteristic strength. The designer must have a sound basis for calculating the
five percentile characteristic strength.
If it is necessary to calculate the characteristic or design values, sufficient test results from the
batch must be taken in order to perform the statistical analysis discussed subsequently.
The statistical approaches to verification (batch) testing discussed in subsequent sections of this
Technical Note provide a means to estimate the five percentile design value consistent with the
requirements of our Standards based on a defined but limited number of tests from a single batch.
Consideration of the welding of steel structures, in particular where steel to other than Australian
Standards is utilised, is beyond the scope of this Technical Note. However, AS/NZS 5131 (Ref. 14)
references the AS/NZS 1554 (Ref. 37) Standard series for welding, which sets out the processes
required for qualification of materials, welding procedures, welds and personnel.
A broad range of parent materials can be welded to AS/NZS 1554.1 (Section 2) and similarly AS/NZS
5131 (Clause 5.3), however there are limitations primarily because the materials of construction listed
link into the preheat determination methods given within Section 5 of AS/NZS 1554.1. For steels non-
compliant with Section 2 of AS/NZS 1554.1, or any steel with a boron content ≥0.0008%, preheat and
other requirements are applicable as defined within the Australian Technical Specification SA TS 103
Structural steel welding—Limits on boron in parent materials (Ref. 38) and WTIA Technical Note 1
The Weldability of Steels (Ref. 39). Briefly, these requirements include:
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 12 of 68
(1) There will be a significant amount of work required to be undertaken by fabricators to re-qualify their
welding procedures if steel is used that does not comply with the performance of the steel product
used in their existing welding procedure pre-qualifications.
Key takeaways:
• The limit state design basis for our steel design Standard AS 4100 is predicated on and
calibrated against five percentile characteristic material properties, as required under
the NCC
• Our steel product Standards define characteristic strength based on the five percentile
(95% passing), which is assessed from long term quality testing data
• A single test result provided on a manufacturer test certificate, or a single testing
outcome, cannot be used to establish the five percentile characteristic strength
• Steel manufacturers complying with our steel product Standards must have ITT and
FPC in place to ensure consistent long term quality levels meeting the requirements of
the product Standards
• Particular attention must be paid to the welding of steel structures, in particular where
the steel procured is not compliant to Australian Standards
• The fabricator will need to re-qualify their existing weld procedures if using steel that is
not the same as that used for their existing weld procedure qualifications
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4.2 Context
A robust steel verification protocol must:
1. Establish the veracity of the product at multiple points in the journey from manufacturer to
intended use on a project.
2. Maintain verifiable traceability, that is, the ability to link the credentials (documentation
provided by the manufacturer) of the steel to the product in hand
3. Be able to be applied to both locally manufactured and imported product.
4. Maintain a similar ‘quality bar’ (the quality defined by the Australian Standards), regardless
of point of manufacture.
5. Be cost effective and commercially viable and, ideally, reward good procurement practice
with more cost-effective outcomes.
6. Be able to respond in a timely manner to supply of necessary documentation and when
product non-compliance is identified.
Accordingly, within the context of the current Australian procurement environment, the
recommended steel verification protocol must:
1. Establish the acceptable quality credentials of the steel manufacturer
2. Establish the acceptable quality credentials of the steel
3. Establish traceability of the product from manufacturer to use on the project
4. Where steel is not manufactured to an Australian Standard, establish the acceptable
performance requirements of the steel defined in the applicable Australian Standard for the
steel product concerned, as referenced in the NCC.
5. Assign appropriate responsibility to the applicable stakeholders in the supply chain.
Op�on n
Op�on 1
Op�on 2
Op�on 3
Steel Manufacturer Verifica�on
1 • Establishes the quality of the manufacturer’s processes and product produced
Traceability Verifica�on
Mandatory • Establishes the link between the manufacturer’s product and the product used
3 on the specific project
Figure 4 – Steel verification protocol structure using a specific conformity assessment pathway
Within each step of the protocol, a number of options exist. The choice within each step and the
combination of the exact options adopted within each step of the protocol is termed the ‘conformity
assessment pathway’, as indicated in Figure 4. The final conformity assessment pathway may
vary between projects based on project-specific procurement scenarios and contractual
A risk-based approach to selecting the final conformity assessment pathway based on project
type and circumstances is presented in Section 6. The risk-based approach recognises the
realities of project procurement processes in today’s construction environment and represents a
pragmatic solution balancing risk and commercial reality.
Manufacturer Establish evidence
Verifica�on Level
Level Detail
MVL1 Accredited third-party product certification (for product to Australian
Standards): undertaken by an independent Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)
that itself has been independently accredited. The accreditation body must be a
member of the International Accreditation Forum ( The ACRS Scheme
(ACRS | Home - Australian Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steel
(, accredited by JAS ANZ, is an example of a CAB certifying
steel mills manufacturing structural steel products to the Australian Standards.
MVL2 Accredited third-party product certification (for product to non-Australian
Standards): undertaken by an independent Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)
that itself has been independently accredited. The accreditation body should be a
member of the International Accreditation Forum ( Where the mill has
been certified for production of material to other than Australian Standards,
additional verification of the product performance will be required (refer Section 4.7
Product Performance Verification).
MVL3 Non-accredited third-party product certification (for product to Australian
Standards): in this case the CAB has not been independently accredited for the
specific product. The procurer is relying on the name and reputation of the CAB in
respect of the quality (scope and thoroughness) of the certification itself.
MVL4 Third party FPC certification: in this case the factory production control (FPC) of
the manufacturer has been certified but not the specific product. The Conformity
Assessment Body (CAB) may be accredited or not accredited. Additional
verification of the product will be required (refer Section 4.7 Product Performance
MVL5 Non-verified manufacturer: claims by a steel manufacturer that they certify
product to a Standard amount to first-party certification. The veracity of these
claims is entirely dependent on the quality of the processes the manufacturer has
in place, which have not been independently verified. The procurer must undertake
or organise to have undertaken independent review and auditing and may choose
to rely on a ‘trusted relationship’ built up from previous procurement from the same
a) The steel manufacturer must be able to produce a valid and current certificate of approval
demonstrating certification. The certificate of approval must state the scope of products to
which the manufacturer is certified. This must cover the type of material being procured.
b) The authenticity and currency of the certification should be independently checked. Most
certification bodies maintain website lists of current certifications or can provide confirmation
on request. The certification must also display the independent accreditation credentials, which
should also be checked with reference to the accreditation authority website.
d) Where the certification body is not independently accredited, the procurer is relying on the
good name of the certification body to be assured of the veracity of the conformity assessment
undertaken. It is a reality that any party can claim that they can certify to a Standard. The
procurer must have the Scheme Manual reviewed and selected process documentation audited
by an appropriately qualified auditor.
e) FPC certification does not cover the specific product. Additional verification testing, as outlined
in Section 5, must be undertaken.
g) A product certification scheme will have a ‘Scheme Manual’ or similar outlining the basis and
operation of the Scheme and including the basis for conformity assessment to the relevant
h) The Scheme Manual must be reviewed and selected documentation from a representative
Scheme audit also audited.
5. If there are concerns about the veracity of the sample collection and material testing
process, then it is recommended the steel is treated as unidentified steel in accordance
with the requirements of AS 4100, which requires the design steel yield strength to be
treated as 170 MPa. A sampling and testing plan must also be implemented to establish
that the steel ductility, chemical composition and weldability meet the performance
requirements of the steel product Standards, AS/NZS 5131 and AS 4100. Alternatively,
that sampling and test plan can also include testing of steel strength (see Section 5.3)
to provide a statistically appropriate basis for assessing the material strength.
6. As an alternative to adopting a design yield strength of 170 MPa as noted in point 5, and
given the lack of any form of traceability, testing a steel sample from every member
could be used to check the properties of every member and establish a statistical basis
for the design value to be utilised. This approach is obviously expensive and time
consuming and would be a last resort, perhaps in combination with identifying and
excluding those members where the 170 MPa design yield strength was acceptable and
therefore excluded. If there is sufficient documentation to link certain members to an
individual batch of steel, then the statistically based verification testing outlined in
Section 5.3 may be adopted by taking sufficient samples from each identified batch,
rather than a sample from each member.
7. If the steel arrives in a fabricated structure and there are concerns about the veracity of
the traceability, then it is recommended the steel is treated as unidentified steel in
accordance with the requirements of AS 4100, which requires the design steel yield
strength to be treated as 170 MPa. A sampling and testing plan must also be
implemented involving cutting of samples from the fabricated steelwork under the
direction of a suitably qualified trusted third party. The sampling and testing plan must
establish that the steel ductility, chemical composition and weldability meet the
performance requirements of the steel product Standards, AS/NZS 5131 and AS 4100.
Alternatively, that sampling and test plan can also include testing of steel strength (see
Section 5.3) to provide a statistically appropriate basis for assessing the material
8. It must be noted that if steel in a fabricated structure does not have demonstrable
traceability, it is likely not known which steel members come from the same batch of
steel (or even the same mill) and therefore every piece of steel must be verified if the
responsible party is to certify the structural adequacy of the structure to the requirements
of the NCC. This is generally a commercially unrealistic scenario and therefore it is very
important that the protocols for verifiable traceability are established early in a project in
order to avoid a situation where it is impossible for the responsible party to certify the
9. The designer is the responsible party for the original design of the structure and must
be provided sufficient information (as outlined in this Technical Note) if requested to
certify the structural adequacy of the constructed structure. The designer must approve
changes to the design, including use of alternative materials. Where unauthorised
changes are made, for example due to procurement practices, then design responsibility
is transferred to the party making those changes.
a) Section 11.1 of each of the Australian product Standards (Refs. 6, 7, 8, 9) specifies the
requirements for identification and marking of product (refer Appendix B). Material not identified
and marked in this manner must be treated as non-compliant with the requirements of the relevant
b) Where requested by the procurer, the supplier/distributor must provide photos of the member
marking and tags for the batch of material supplied.
c) Section 11.2 of each of the Australian product Standards (Refs 6, 7, 8, 9) specifies the
requirements for test and inspection certificates (refer to Appendix C) and that they must be
available to the purchaser. The Standards specifically state “A test and inspection certificate shall
be available to the purchaser for all products manufactured to this Standard for each batch
produced” (or “for each section produced” in the case of AS/NZS 3679.2). It is recommended that
test and inspection certificates are requested for all steel procured.
d) Section 11.2 of the product Standards requires the manufacturer to provide as part of the test and
inspection certificates a declaration that the products supplied comply to the requirements of the
Standard (refer to Appendix C). AS/NZS 5131 recommends a Supplier Declaration of Conformity
is provided for purchased components. An SDoC must be provided by the
importer/supplier/distributor where material is sourced internationally. The SDoC must include
reference to the verification test report or reports used to support a claim of conformity. Refer to
Appendix D for a typical example of the form of the SDoC.
e) The test and inspection certificate would usually be relied on to provide the documented link
connecting test and inspection outcomes to the marking and identification on the product
f) It can be challenging to establish the traceability of product. Instances of fraud (e.g. altered copies
of certificates) and deliberate misleading information (e.g. certificates not applicable to the steel
purchased) have been reported. The procurer must check documentation rigorously and may need
to implement a robust verification testing process as described in Section 5.3 where anomalies in
documentation exist.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 22 of 68
a) Section 11.1 of each of the Australian product Standards (Refs. 6, 7, 8, 9) specifies the
requirements for identification and marking of product (refer Appendix B). Material not identified
and marked in this manner must be treated as non-compliant with the requirements of the
relevant Standard.
b) Section 11.1 of each of the Australian product Standards (Refs. 6, 7, 8, 9) requires that where
identification is removed (e.g. by unbundling of product), the identification is transferred to each
remaining portion of the product.
c) Where requested by the procurer, the supplier/distributor must provide photos of the typical
member marking and tags for the batch of material supplied.
d) Section 11.2 of each of the Australian product Standards (Refs 6, 7, 8, 9) specifies the
requirements for test and inspection certificates (refer Appendix C) and that they must be
available to the purchaser. The Standards specifically state “A test and inspection certificate
shall be available to the purchaser for all products manufactured to this Standard for each batch
produced” (or “for each section produced” in the case of AS/NZS 3679.2). It is recommended
that test and inspection certificates are requested for all steel procured.
e) Section 11.2 of the product Standards requires the manufacturer to provide as part of the test
and inspection certificates a declaration that the products supplied comply to the requirements
of the Standard (refer Appendix C). AS/NZS 5131 recommends a Supplier Declaration of
Conformity is provided for purchased components. An SDoC must be provided by the
importer/supplier/distributor where material is sourced internationally. The SDoC must include
reference to the verification test report or reports used to support any claim of conformity. Refer
Appendix D for a typical example of the form of the SDoC.
f) The test and inspection certificate would usually be relied on to provide the documented link
connecting test and inspection outcomes to the marking and identification on the product
g) It can be challenging to establish the traceability of product. Instances of fraud (e.g. altered
copies of certificates) and deliberate misleading information (e.g. certificates not applicable to
the steel purchased) have been reported. The procurer must check documentation rigorously.
The use of verified importers/suppliers/distributors (refer Section 4.6.4) is recommended.
i) The evidence of suitability required depends on the type of product and compliance pathway
selected. Refer Section 4.7 for details. The scope and extent of verification testing shall be the
same as for the ‘trusted supplier’ (refer Section 4.6.5).
k) The audit of the importer/supplier/distributor must include the elements detailed in this Technical
Note, specifically the elements of the performance monitoring protocol outlined in Section 4.6.5.
The auditor may either document this within the audit report or as a separate audit outcome.
2. Has been third-party certified for their QMS, with specific addition to the audit report of the
elements detailed in Table 4.
Note: ASI are planning the implementation of distributor certification under the ‘National Structural
Steelwork Compliance Scheme’ (Ref. 42).
1. The supplier or distributor has in place a QMS, preferably certified, that also addresses the
elements detailed in Table 4.
2. The supplier or distributor has in place a performance monitoring protocol for their steel
source when that steel source is other than MVL1 (refer to Section 4.4.2).
3. For supply from an MVL2 steel manufacturer, the performance monitoring protocol shall
require batch verification testing to Level 2 (refer to Section 5.3.5) for the first two similar
batches of product from a new steel source and thereafter no specific verification testing
unless the processes of the steel manufacturer change. A similar batch is a batch that is
considered similar to another batch by having the same product form (e.g. UB, UC, PFC,
SHS, RHS, CHS, plate), yield stress designation and impact toughness requirements from
the same steel manufacturer.
4. For supply from MVL3 and MVL4 steel manufacturers, the performance monitoring protocol
shall require batch verification testing to Level 2 (refer Section 5.3.5) for the first two similar
batches of product from a new steel source and thereafter Level 1 verification testing for a
minimum of every third similar batch.
5. For MVL5 steel manufacturer, the performance monitoring protocol shall require batch
verification testing to Level 2 (refer Section 5.3.5) for the first two similar batches of product
from a new steel source and thereafter Level 1 verification for a minimum of every similar
batch. Where the mechanical properties (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, %
elongation) vary more than one standard deviation from the mean value established by the
Level 2 verification testing, the batch shall be tested to Level 2.
6. Records of performance monitoring are available from the supplier on request by the
7. The supplier/distributor provides to the procurer a ‘Supplier Declaration of Conformity’ (refer
Appendix D) for the product purchased and has available on request the test certificates
and assessment report providing the basis for the stated design properties of the steel.
Product Type
Australian Standard Equivalent Product Alternative Standard
Product Product
Product Verified, preferably (a) Verified, preferably (a) Verified, preferably (a)
(to MVL 1,3,4,5) (to MVL 2,3,4,5) (to MVL 2,3,4,5)
Traceability Verified (b) Verified (b) Verified (b)
Solution type (c) Deemed-to-Satisfy Performance Performance
Assessment method Expert Judgement Expert Judgement Expert Judgement
Verification Method Verification Method
Comparison with Comparison with
Evidence of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of
suitability (d) Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation
Certificate from Certificate from Certificate from
Certification Body (e) Certification Body (e) Certification Body (e)
Accredited Testing Accredited Testing Accredited Testing
Laboratory report(f) Laboratory report(f) Laboratory report(f)
Report/certificate Report/certificate Report/certificate
from professional from professional from professional
engineer (g) (required engineer (g) engineer (g)
for MVL 3, 4, 5 only)
Other documentary Other documentary
Other documentary evidence evidence
Verification Method Not applicable Test, using a Test, using a
technical procedure (h) technical procedure(h)
Certification from Certification from
professional professional
engineer (i) engineer (i)
a) Regardless of the type of product (Australian, Equivalent, Alternative), the product performance
verification outlined in this Table assumes the steel manufacturer has been verified as described
in Section 4.4 to MVL 1, 2, 3 or 4. A reliable assessment of product performance cannot easily be
undertaken on a product of unknown and/or variable quality. Hence, whilst MVL5 is supported,
MVL5 is not recommended under this protocol.
b) Product whose traceability has not been verified according to the guidance in Section 4.5 must
not be used, as there is no established link between what is used on the project and product
quality that can be suitably demonstrated with the evidence of suitability required by the NCC.
d) Detail of the appropriate evidence of suitability is provided in Table 2 for the steel manufacturer
(steel quality), Table 3 for traceability verification and Table 4 for the supplier/distributor.
g) The NCC Guide to BCA Volume 1 (Ref. 16) states categorically in Clause B1.4 “For designers
seeking structural compliance via Performance Solutions, a major principle in determining
structural resistance is that the reliability level of the structure or its components must be at least
equal to that already achieved in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions”. Refer to Section 3 for
guidance on assessment of reliability in respect of steel product performance.
i) The professional engineer should be registered for practice in Australia based on the registration
requirements for the particular state concerned and the regulatory requirements in the NCC.
The verification of product performance for ‘Equivalent product’ and ‘Alternative Standard product’
is potentially a time consuming and costly path depending on the particular conformity
assessment pathway selected (see Section 6).
The structure types shown are indicative only. The assessment of the construction category is the
responsibility of the engineer based on the guidance provided in AS 4100 and AS/NZS 5131. The
‘Building importance level’ from the NCC is one factor in the assessment of the construction category.
Key takeaways:
5.1 General
Product testing of some form is a necessary feature of any of the conformity assessment
pathways discussed in this Technical Note. The scope and extent is dependent on the point at
which the testing is undertaken and the risk profile exposed by the particular conformity
assessment pathway.
There are two forms of product testing relevant to structural steel:
1. Manufacturer testing: undertaken as part of the manufacturing process in order to verify
initial product conformity (ITT) and maintain ongoing product conformity (FPC) through
production testing. Refer Section 5.2.
2. Verification testing: independent assessment of selected mechanical, chemical and
physical properties, utilising an agreed sampling and testing plan. Within the context of this
current document, verification testing is undertaken either on a project-specific basis to
verify the properties of a batch of structural steel product or by a supplier or distributor as
part of their performance monitoring protocol. Refer to Section 5.3.
Key takeaways:
• Where verification testing is required, the scope and sampling methodology must be
consistent with the requirements for demonstrating compliance to the relevant
Australian Standards
• ‘Level 1’ and ‘Level 2’ sampling and test plans have been defined, with Level 2
including increased statistically based testing of key structural properties
• Selection of the appropriate sampling and test plan must be based on project risk and
the particular conformity assessment pathway assessed as part of the ‘Steel verification
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 32 of 68
Key takeaways:
• Separate conformity assessment pathways are presented based on project risk, that is,
for each of construction categories CC1, CC2 and CC3
• The conformity assessment pathway and the extent of sampling and testing required is
fundamentally predicated on the assessed veracity of the steel manufacturer and
traceability. With verified manufacturers and supply chains, no verification testing may
be required.
• Procurers should consider carefully the benefits a verified solution brings, in respect of
product risk, project schedule risk and reputational risk from the consequences of
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 34 of 68
7.1 Context
The procurement, fabrication and erection of structural steelwork for buildings, infrastructure and
resources projects involves a supply chain that is as varied as it is long. Contractual relationships
and commercial and political pressures all influence the ultimate procurement scenario, which
can also change markedly over the period of project delivery. It is also clear that the Regulatory
environment is continually recalibrating, influenced by tensions that exist between our obligations
under World Trade Organisation (WTO) requirements for free trade, performance solutions
enabling innovation and the most fundamental requirements to ensure our community can expect
risk-minimised safe solutions for their workplaces and habitation.
Regardless of the procurement permutations implemented and the project type, there is an
overarching duty of care prescribed by Regulation for all stakeholders. Taken within the context
of a supply chain, this may be contextualised as a ‘chain of responsibility’, linking the duty of care
of each stakeholder through overlapping responsibilities designed to ensure a shared
responsibility and a consistent and seamless approach to compliant outcomes.
The following sections explore Workplace Health and Safety (WHS), duty of care and the
responsibilities for each stakeholder in the supply chain.
cannot expose persons to a lower level of protection simply because it is in a lesser financial
position than another duty-holder.
Safe Work Australia have prepared a guide (Ref. 41) on determining what is reasonably
practicable to meet a health and safety duty.
7.2.2 Codes of Practice
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 references a range of ‘Codes of Practice’ (CoP) that provide
implementation guidance. CoP’s relevant to the current discussion include:
• ‘Managing the risks of plant in the workplace’
• ‘Safe design of structures’
• ‘Construction work’
The Model Codes of Practice may be freely downloaded from:
Specific state implementations of these may be found on the relevant State Regulator (usually
WorkSafe or SafeWork) website.
Codes of Practice are admissible in court proceedings under the WHS Act and Regulations.
Courts may regard a Code of Practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk or control
and may rely on the code in determining what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances to
which the code relates.
Whilst there are a number of codes of practice relevant to construction work and the supply chain,
the ‘Safe design of structures’ Code of Practice 2015 (Ref. 21) is of particular relevance.
7.2.3 Stakeholder Scope
The overarching focus of the ‘Safe Design of Structures’ CoP is on those who provide design
services and deliverables (including as specifically stated architects, building designers,
engineers, building surveyors, interior designers, landscape architects, town planners, building
contractors and all other design practitioners contributing to, or having overall responsibility for,
any part of the design). However, it is significant to note that the Act/Regulation and/or CoP also
outlines specific duties for:
1. Clients (a person conducting a business or undertaking who commissions a design or
construction work or a construction project)
2. The principal contractor
3. The manufacturer (including of a product or a structure). This includes steel manufacturers
and also fabricators.
4. The importer (including of material or a structure). This includes importers of steel material
and also of fabricated steel structures.
5. The supplier (including of material or a structure). This includes distributors of steel
material and components.
6. The constructor (of the steel structure). This includes steelwork erectors and other
contractors associated with site installation.
Examples of these duties are referenced in the following sections outlining responsibilities of
specific stakeholders. It is important to note that the Act specifically states that duties assigned
to a person under the Act cannot be transferred. The duty of care cannot be abrogated through
contractual undertakings.
Significantly, the CoP states:
“Where more than one person has a duty for the same matter, each person retains responsibility
for their duty and must discharge it to the extent to which the person has the capacity to influence
or control the matter or would have had that capacity but for an agreement or arrangement
claiming to limit or remove that capacity”.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 36 of 68
• Assess risks, if necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the
hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening. This step may
not be necessary if you are dealing with a known risk with known controls
• Control risks – implement the most effective control measure that is reasonably practicable
in the circumstances and ensure it remains effective over time
• Review hazards and control measures to ensure they are working as planned
The ‘steel verification protocol’ outlined in this Technical Note provides the engineer the tools
necessary to dependably address all the points noted above in relation to potential hazards
created by non-compliant steel products.
In respect of establishing documentation, the CoP recommends key information about identified
hazards and action taken or required to control risks should be recorded and transferred from the
design phase to those involved in later stages of the lifecycle. Communicating this information to
other duty holders will make them aware of any residual risks and reduce the likelihood of the
design being altered by those engaged in subsequent work on or around the building or structure.
As regards construction products, this would include procurement decisions, which must be based
on full knowledge of the requirements for steel and steelwork compliance.
The CoP suggests a ‘Safety Report’ (refer Section 7.2.4) as an appropriate vehicle to transfer
this information to other stakeholders.
A detailed discussion of these aspects is beyond the scope of this Technical Note. However,
stakeholders in the steel supply chain would be well advised to educate themselves as to the
likely current and emerging influences of these aspects on supply chain operation.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 38 of 68
Key takeaways:
• WHS Duty of Care is overarching. WHS Codes of Practice, in particular the ‘Safe
design of structures code of practice’ mandate specific duties for most stakeholders in
the supply chain
• Both WHS and legislative changes that have or are being implemented by various
States establish a ‘chain of responsibility’ between all stakeholders in the building
product supply chain.
• WHS requires designers to identify potential hazards, which would include that of non-
compliant construction products, and for other stakeholders in the supply chain to
ensure risks are minimised with respect to potential non-compliant construction
• Sustainability and ESG (Environmental – Social – Governance best practice) principals
are key influences that will shape the supply chain moving forward.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 39 of 68
8.1 Context
Section 7 outlined the framework for responsible steel procurement established by the WHS Act
and Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice (CoP). That framework both mandates and
implies a range of responsibilities for the various stakeholders in the supply chain, as further
elaborated in this section.
The Safe Design of Structures CoP provides clarity on who is considered a designer,
• architects, building designers, engineers, building surveyors, interior designers, landscape
architects, town planners and all other design practitioners contributing to, or having overall
responsibility for, any part of the design
• building service designers, engineering firms or others designing services that are part of
the structure
• contractors carrying out design work as part of their contribution to a project.
• temporary works engineers
• persons who specify how structural alteration, demolition or dismantling work is to be
carried out.
• Persons who modify a design without reference to the original designer take on the duties
of a designer
The CoP also provides further clarity regarding responsibilities of designers, paraphrased:
• Safe design begins at the concept development phase of a structure when making decisions
about: …materials to be used…
• In addition to core design capabilities relevant to the designer’s role, a designer should also
have: …knowledge of technical design standards…
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 40 of 68
• So far as is reasonably practicable, the duty holders involved must consult each other on
the hazards and risks associated with the building and work together on appropriate design
The designer has a responsibility to inform his client fully of the expectations regarding process
when the designer is required to certify the structure as fit-for-purpose under the protocols
required in the NCC. It is highly recommended that appropriate wording is added to the drawing
notes and/or construction specification. Recommended wording would be of the form:
“The design of the steelwork has been based on the requirements set out in the contract
specifications and AS 4100, together with the corresponding referenced Australian Standards for
supply of steelwork, supply of fasteners and welding consumables and fabrication. The contractor
is to provide all documentation in English that the steelwork complies with the construction
specification and the Standards. Any deviation to these requirements, unless approved by the
design engineer, may render the structural steel and steelwork not fit-for-purpose and not
compliant with the requirements of the NCC. The structural steel and/or steelwork will need to be
verified and/or re-supplied under these circumstances”.
Clients should also note that there will be additional time and costs associated with certification
by the engineer where verification of steel and steelwork is required. Refer Section 8.2.
Key takeaways:
• The WHS Act and codes of practice, in particular the ‘Safe design of structures code of
practice’, impose particular and very significant responsibilities on most members of the
supply chain
• These shared responsibilities create, in effect, a ‘chain of responsibility’ where all
stakeholders must work together to ensure risk-minimised outcomes
• There will be additional time and costs for the engineer to certify where verification of
steel and steelwork is required.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 43 of 68
9.1 Context
The responsibilities mandated by the WHS Act unite the supply chain for a building or structure
into a ‘chain or responsibility’ through a shared duty of care to ensure risk-minimised outcomes.
Appendix A of the Safe Design of Structures CoP documents the consultation, cooperation and
coordination duties between stakeholders for a range of different contractual project structures.
Contracted responsibili�es
Consulta�on, co-opera�on and co-ordina�on du�es
Figure 7, reproduced from Appendix A of the Safe Design of Structures CoP, illustrates the
responsibilities of and interactions between the stakeholders in a project based on a design-build
contractual model. Other contractual models are, of course, possible. Notice the responsibility for
consultation, cooperation and coordination is required, irrespective of the contractual relationship
between the parties.
Establish supplier
creden�als Review suppliers (3)
• Supplier verified / trusted? • Supplier verified / trusted?
Establish MVL
Prepare list of steel sources (5)
• Manufacturer verifica�on level (MVL)
Responsible party: • Evidence of cer�fica�ons; performance monitoring
Metallurgist or • Project specific verifica�on tes�ng requirements (if any)
materials engineer on
behalf of supplier Responsible party: Supplier
Acceptance of steels
Notes to Fig. 8:
(1) The client must take shared responsibility for understanding the contemporary procurement
environment and engaging with the project delivery team to ensure a cost-effective risk-minimised
quality solution is the outcome. Along with all other stakeholders, clients do have responsibilities
under WHS Regulation. The principal contractor should prepare a Compliance Management Plan
(refer Section 9.3) prior to the project procurement commencing as an agreed protocol to address
potential non-compliance.
(2) The requirements for the ‘construction specification’ are defined in AS 4100 (Ref. 3) and AS/NZS
5131 (Ref. 14). The construction specification, including drawings, is prepared by the designer. ASI
have developed the ‘National Structural Steelwork Specification’ (Ref. 24) to support designers in
properly implementing AS/NZS 5131 into the project process.
(3) The review of suppliers and the use of verified / trusted suppliers is strongly recommended. Support
for verification of the supply chain in this manner provides the best opportunity to introduce cost-
effective compliant outcomes.
(4) Orders for steelwork placed with suppliers must clearly transcribe the relevant requirements of the
construction specification and state that steel must meet the ‘Steel verification protocol’ defined in
this Technical Note. Purchase orders might conveniently be appended with a summary of the
protocol as part of the standard conditions.
(5) The selected supplier(s) must provide details of the steel sources proposed. The credentials of the
steel sources, including the assessed MVL, evidence of certifications and results of performance
monitoring must be available. Where project specific verification testing is required, this must also
be available for review. It would be convenient for the supplier to develop these credentials for the
steel sources commonly utilised.
(6) Specific review of the proposed steel source list and evidence of conformity are recommended hold
points. A mandated review will help ensure the veracity of the procurement process.
(7) Any requirement for project-specific verification testing is dictated by the particular conformity
assessment pathway adopted. Refer to Appendix G. The supplier may need to rationalise stock
responsive to the need to supply material for both CC2 and CC3 projects.
(9) Depending on project type and size, the responsibilities of the fabricator may also be assumed by
the structural steel contractor, who subcontracts fabrication to the fabricator.
Key takeaways:
1. Australian Building Codes Board, ‘National Construction Code’, 2019.
2. Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth.). Retrieved from on 21 Jan 2021.
3. Standards Australia, AS 4100:2020 ‘Steel structures’.
4. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 4600:2018 ‘Cold-formed steel structures’.
5. NASH Standard – Residential and Low-Rise Steel Framing Part 1 or Part 2
6. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 3678:2016 ‘Structural steel - Hot-rolled plates, floorplates
and slabs’.
7. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 3679.1:2016 ‘Structural steel - Part 1: Hot-rolled bars and
8. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 3679.2:2016 ‘Structural steel - Part 2: Welded I sections’.
9. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 1163:2016 ‘Cold-formed structural steel hollow sections’.
10. Pham, L. and Bridge, R.Q. and Bradford, M., 1986, ‘Calibration of the proposed limit states
design rules for steel beams and columns’, Civil Eng Trans, I.E. Aust.,Vol. CE28, No. 3,
July 1986, pp 268-274.
11. ABCB Handbook: Structural Reliability Verification Method. Available from:
12. International Standards Organisation, ISO 2394:2015 ‘General principles on reliability for
13. Standards Australia, AS 5104:2017 ‘General principles on reliability for structures’.
14. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 5131:2016 ‘Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection’
15. Australian Steel Institute, Technical Note TN011 ‘AS/NZS 5131 - Structural steelwork
fabrication and erection - Implementation guide for engineers, specifiers and procurers’,
version 3, Aug 2020.
16. NCC Guide to BCA Vol. 1. Available from:
17. Australasian Procurement and Construction Council, ‘Procurement of construction
products - A guide to achieving compliance’, 2014. Available for download from
18. Shergold, P. and Weir, B., ‘Building confidence. Improving the effectiveness of
compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across
Australia’, 2018. Available for download from
19. International Standards Organisation, ISO 12491:1997 ‘Statistical methods for quality
20. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002 ‘Structural design actions’.
21. Safe Work Australia, ‘Safe design of structures. Code of Practice’, October 2018.
Available from
22. ASI ‘Questions Answered’ connecting WHS to non-compliant product. Available at:
23. ‘Building and Construction Legislation (Non-conforming Building Products – Chain of
Responsibility and other matters) Amendment Act 2017’, accessed from View -
Queensland Legislation - Queensland Government on 1 st Feb, 2021.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 48 of 68
24. Australian Steel Institute, ‘National Structural Steelwork Specification’. Available for
download from
25. Shergold Weir Report Implementation | ACA - Association of Consulting Architects
Australia, accessed on 1st Feb, 2021.
26. NSW Government response to the Shergold Weir Building Confidence Report, accessed
from NSW Government Response to the Shergold Weir Building Confidence Report | NSW
Fair Trading on 1 st Feb, 2021.
27. ‘Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW)’, retrieved from Design and Building
Practitioners Act 2020 No 7 - NSW Legislation on 1 st Feb, 2021.
28. ‘Review of Victoria’s Building System’, accessed from Review of Victoria's Building
System ( on 1 st Feb, 2021.
29. ‘Code of Conduct for Building Surveyors’, accessed from Code of Conduct for Building
Surveyors | Victorian Building Authority ( on 1 st Feb, 2021.
30. ‘Strengthening the professional indemnity insurance environment for building industry
professionals in Queensland’ – Interim report, retrieved from
31. ‘Queensland Building Plan 2017’, accessed from on 1st Feb,
32. South Australian ‘Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016’, accessed from PDI
Act 2016 | PlanSA on 1 st Feb, 2021.
33. South Australian ‘Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Accredited professionals)
Regulations 2019, accessed from Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Accredited
Professionals)Regulations 2019 ( on 1 st Feb, 2021.
34. Have your say on building industry registration | Department of Mines, Industry Regulation
and Safety ( accessed on 1 st Feb, 2021.
35. ASI Technical Note TN-005. Guidelines for Designing to AS 4100 when Imported
Materials are Involved. Version 4, 2020. Available at:
36. ASI Technical Note TN-007. Compliance Issues and Steel Structures. Version 3, 2020.
Available at:
37. Standards Australia, AS/NZS 1554:2014 Structural Steel Welding set.
38. Australian Technical Specification SA TS 103:2016 Structural steel welding—Limits on
boron in parent materials.
39. WTIA Technical Note 1 The Weldability of Steels. Available at:
40. Standards Australia. AS 4100 Supplement 1-1999. Steel Structures Commentary.
41. Safe Work Australia Guide on ‘what is reasonably practicable to meet a health and safety
duty’. Available at:
42. ‘National Structural Steelwork Compliance Scheme’
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 49 of 68
The Technical Note was prepared under the guidance of an ASI steering committee and was peer
reviewed by a range of representatives and organisations as listed below. The contribution of these
entities for the benefit of the Australian steel community is gratefully acknowledged.
B.1 Context
The Australian steel product Standards (Refs 6, 7, 8, 9) mandate specific requirements for
identification and marking of steel product claiming to comply to the Standards.
Steel manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and fabricators must be familiar with these
requirements for identification and marking to ensure product is compliant. They must have
access to current copies of the relevant product Standards.
(f) The manufacturer’s name or mark or both
(g) Reference to the relevant Standard eg AS/NZS 3678
(h) The grade of steel
(i) The identification of the heat of steel from which it was made
(j) The nominal size and shape
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 51 of 68
C.1 Context
The Australian steel product Standards (Refs 6, 7, 8, 9) specifically state “A test and inspection
certificate shall be available to the purchaser for all products manufactured to this Standard for
each batch produced”. They also mandate specific requirements for test and inspection
certificates in Clause 11.2 for steel product claiming to comply to the Standards.
Steel manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and fabricators must be familiar with these
requirements for test and inspection certificates to ensure product is compliant. They must have
access to current copies of the relevant product Standards.
(q) A declaration from the manufacturer that the products supplied comply with the
requirements of the Standard in question. This shall be validated by the manufacturer’s
authorised inspection representative, including their name and position. Where the
document has been validated by the purchaser’s authorised representative or by an
inspector designated by a third party, their name and position shall be on the document.
1. It is important that stakeholders check the accreditation of the testing laboratory specifically covers
the range of tests documented on the test and inspection certificate. There have been reported
instances of both fraudulent and misleading documentation. Check ILAC website at International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (
2. Market feedback indicates that in certain regions internationally, there are concerns with the
reliability of test results from some accredited test facilities. Where concerns exist, it is
recommended that a duplicate set of samples is collected by an independent authority and the
duplicate set sent to an accredited testing facility in Australia.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 53 of 68
D.1 Context
AS/NZS 5131 (Ref. 14) recommends a Supplier Declaration of Conformity is provided for
purchased components. An SDoC must be provided by the supplier or distributor where material
is sourced internationally. The SDoC must include reference to the verification test report or
reports used to support any claim of conformity.
1. Company Details:
4. Intended use:
5. Evidence of conformity:
Mill cer�ficates:
Assessment reports:
I hereby declare that the product noted at item 2 complies with the
Standards noted at item 3 based on the evidence of compliance noted at
item 4
Name: Signed: Date:
E.1 Context
Verification testing is the independent assessment of selected mechanical and chemical
properties of a test sample. Such testing should be undertaken by a suitably accredited test
facility. The sample or samples will be taken from a batch or lot of product intended for use in a
building or infrastructure project. The procurer or the project designer needs to specify the
material properties to be assessed, the sampling plan and the basis on which decisions about the
quality of batches of product will be made (pass/fail or statistical sampling).
Testing must be undertaken by test facilities accredited by signatories to the International
Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation’s (ILAC’s) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). The
scope of accreditation should include the specific tests required in the relevant material supply
standard. In Australia, the national accrediting body is the National Association of Testing
Authorities (NATA). To check the scope of test facility accreditation, reference can be made to
the website of the relevant accrediting body.
Note that in certain regions internationally, test facility accreditation is no guarantee of reliable
test results. If there are concerns about the reliability of an offshore test facility utilised for project
specific third-party testing, it is recommended a duplicate set of samples is collected. One set of
samples is sent to the offshore test facility while the second is sent to Australia. A robust sample
collection process and tracking system involving a trusted third party is advisable. A small
percentage of the samples sent to Australia can be tested (10-20% suggested). It is
recommended a qualified metallurgist review the two sets of test results and advise if additional
testing in Australia is warranted.
The Level 1 sampling and testing plan shown in Table E1 features a non-statistical acceptance
criteria for all material property testing and inspections.
Table E1
Sampling and testing plan – Level 1
(1) One test for each batch not greater than 50 tonnes. Two tests for batches greater than 50
(2) As per product Standard, typically three test samples for impact toughness testing.
(3) One test for each batch not greater than 70 tonnes. Two tests for batches greater than 70
(4) The ‘Acceptance Number’ is the highest number of nonconforming items that can be found in a
sample for a lot to still be considered acceptable.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 57 of 68
Table E2(a)
Sampling and testing plan – Level 2
Batch acceptance criterion: Non-statistical
(1) As per product Standard, typically three test samples for impact toughness testing.
(2) One test for each batch not greater than 50 tonnes. Two tests for batches greater than 50
(3) One test for each batch not greater than 70 tonnes. Two tests for batches greater than 70
(4) The ‘Acceptance Number’ is the highest number of nonconforming items that can be found in a
sample for a lot to still be considered acceptable.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 58 of 68
(5) Where the plate has been manufactured and ordered for improved through-thickness ductility
(for example, for the avoidance of lamellar tearing), a statistical approach to verification testing
is recommended (refer Table E2(b))
Table E2(b)
Sampling and testing plan – Level 2
Batch acceptance criterion: Statistical sampling
(2) Where the plate has been manufactured and ordered for improved through-thickness ductility
(for example, for the avoidance of lamellar tearing), a statistical approach to verification testing
is recommended
same batch to undergo tests. If all the additional four specimens pass the retests, the batch is
deemed to conform to the standard. Otherwise the batch is deemed non-conforming.
E.6 Traceability
The identification number of the batch shall be identified on the verification test report and on
individual or bundled product.
F.1 Introduction
The international standard ISO 12491 (Ref 19) provides statistical methods for all types of building
materials and components to ensure that they meet the quality control requirements given in ISO
2394 (Ref 12))/AS 5104 (Ref 13), which forms the basis for AS/NZS 1170.0 (Ref 20). The previous
versions of the AS/NZS steel supply standards required steel mills to use a statistical sampling
approach based on the ISO 12491 methods to demonstrate their statistically predicted proportion
of non-conforming product is less than 5% at a 90% confidence level.
Sampling and testing plan (Level 2) features a statistical sampling (inspection by variables)
approach to assessing the conformity of the tensile properties of batches of steel. This covers the
following mechanical properties:
a) Tensile strength (fu)
b) Yield stress (fy)
c) Yield to tensile ratio (fy/fu)
d) Elongation (Agt)
e) Reduction in area for through-thickness properties (where the plate has been manufactured
and ordered for improved through-thickness ductility (for example, for the avoidance of
lamellar tearing))
The statistical sampling (inspection by variables) methodology presented in this Technical Note
is based on ISO 12491 (Ref 19).
Impact toughness, chemical composition, weld quality and out of straightness should be verified
using the non-statistical evaluation of conformity approach proposed in Table E2(a).
���𝑝𝑝 )2 �(𝑛𝑛𝑝𝑝 − 1)
𝑠𝑠 = �∑ (𝑥𝑥𝑠𝑠 − 𝑋𝑋
where x s is the individual test value and n p is the number of test values within the batch.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 61 of 68
Table F1
Statistical multiplication factor K
Consider five tensile tests with measured upper yield strength values of ReH = 365, 340, 355,
400 and 395 MPa. From the above equations, the mean value 𝑋𝑋 ���𝑝𝑝� = 371 MPa and the
corresponding standard deviation s = 25.84 MPa. The estimated nominal value is therefore:
From AS/NZS 3679.1, the minimum yield stress value for Grade 300 yield stress for the material
ReH = 300 MPa, for a thickness of between 11 and 17 mm. As the minimum value criteria is
satisfied and no individual test values fall below the grade minimum, it is therefore concluded that
the batch of steel complies with the minimum yield stress requirement for Grade 300 steel.
Refer Appendix E.
Refer to Appendix D.
The supplier shall employ a qualified metallurgist or materials engineer to undertake the
calculations presented in section F.2.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 62 of 68
G.1 Context
The conformity assessment pathways detailed in subsequent sections have been configured as a
function of the Construction Category (CC) assessed for the project based on AS 4100:2020 and
identically in AS/NZS 5131:2020. Construction Categories from CC1 to CC4 are defined, from least
to most risk. The designer is required to assess the Construction Category for the structure or part
of the structure.
Fabrication and erection requirements for CC1 to CC3 are defined in AS/NZS 5131, including for
material identification, traceability and conformity. CC4 represents projects that are of national
significance or present very high risk or consequence of failure and whose requirements are greater
than CC3 but cannot be pre-defined.
The requirements for CC4 above and beyond CC3 must be defined for the specific project.
Consequently, the conformity assessment pathway for CC4 cannot be pre-defined, excepting to
note that it should be at least as rigorous as CC3.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 63 of 68
Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted
supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier?
Traceability verified? N
None Level 1
required First batch Level 1 Level 1 Level 1
First batch
First batch First batch Level 1 every
2nd batch
Not supported(6)
Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted
supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier?
Traceability verified? N
None Level 2
required First 2
Level 2 Level 2 Level 2
First 2 batches First 2 batches
batches Then Then Every
Level 1 every Level 1 every batch
2nd batch batch
Not supported(6)
Note: This may also be applied to Construction Category 4. Refer to Section G.5 for further detail.
Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted Trusted
supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier? supplier?
Traceability verified? N
Level 2
Level 2
Level 1 First 2 batches
Level 2
First 2 batches
First 2 batches
Every 2nd Then Then
Level 1 every
batch Level 1 every Level 1 every
2nd batch batch
Not supported(6)
G.5 Notes
(1) Refer to Section 4.8 for details of assessment of project (construction) risk.
(2) Refer to Section 4.4 and Table 1 for details of Manufacturer Verification Level (MVL)
(3) Refer to Section 4.6 for details of supply chain verification
(4) Refer to Section 4.5 for details of traceability verification. For the case of a verified or
trusted supplier or supply chain, traceability verification should be trivial. Where the supplier
is (or supply chain if more than one party is involved in the supply chain) not verified or
trusted, traceability verification must be completed, otherwise there is no verified link
between the material provided and the documentation or manufacturer.
(5) Refer to Section 4.7 for details of product performance verification. The verification of
product performance may be undertaken by the verified supplier, the trusted supplier under
a performance monitoring protocol established with the procurer or by the procurer on an
as-needed basis. There are obvious increasing supply chain efficiencies from the former
approaches compared to the latter.
(6) Where there is no verified traceability between the material supplied and the documentation
or manufacturer, it is only possible to establish the steel compliance by testing every piece
of steel, which is considered commercially not viable. In this case, the only option is to treat
the steel as unidentified under Clause 2.2.3 of AS 4100 (Ref. 3).
(7) The conformity assessment pathway selection for CC3 may be applied to CC4 with
consideration as to whether any project-specific additional requirements are necessary.
CC4 is for special purpose structures where the requirements are at least at the level of
CC3 if not greater, but any requirements over and above CC3 are based on the specific
project, as defined in the construction specification.
ASI TECHNICAL NOTE REF: ASI TN015 Version 1 Page 67 of 68
H.1 Context
Issues with non-compliant building products and the pressure on building regulation to address
very public instances of building and structure failure (of various forms) has resulted in a number
of state and federal working groups and reports to understand and ultimately address the root
Currently, all states are addressing the recommendations from the recent Shergold Weir Report
‘Building Confidence’ (Ref. 18), which the Building Ministers Forum commissioned in mid-2017
as an assessment of the effectiveness of the compliance and enforcement systems for the
building and construction industries across Australia, a response to a number of significant and
publicly documented failures in structures to that date (and subsequently).
Of the 24 recommendations in that report, a number are relevant to the responsibilities of
stakeholders outlined in this current discussion:
Recommendation 13: That each jurisdiction requires building approval documentation to
be prepared by appropriate categories of registered practitioners, demonstrating that the
proposed building complies with the National Construction Code.
Recommendation 14: That each jurisdiction sets out the information which must be
included in performance solutions, specifying in occupancy certificates the circumstances
in which performance solutions have been used and for what purpose.
Recommendation 15: That each jurisdiction provides a transparent and robust process
for the approval of performance solutions for constructed building work.
Recommendation 17: That each jurisdiction requires genuine independent third-party
review for specified components of designs and/ or certain types of buildings.
Recommendation 21: That the Building Ministers’ Forum agrees its position on the
establishment of a compulsory product certification system for high-risk building products.
The list of actions following are predominantly focused on those resulting from the Shergold Weir
Report where available.
The Association of Consulting Architects Australia (ACA) provides a summary of implementation
plans for Shergold Weir Report recommendations in each state (Ref. 25).
• The Department of Housing and Public Works Queensland has issued a Building Plan (Ref. 31)
with action items to help address recommendations of the Shergold Weir Report.