Q&A v3
Q&A v3
Q&A v3
Q. What does the role involve?
Q. Do I need any special qualification or skills for this role?
Q. Do I require any specific software or are there any technical requirements for this role?
Q. Where are we located?
Q. Can family members also apply for the same role?
Q. What Language will I be working/rating in?
Q. What does the mobile device validation involve?
Q. What contractual obligations am I under?
Q. What is the Contractor Agreement?
Q. What notice do I have to give if I do not want to continue with the role?
Q. What if I am going on holidays or I am sick?
Q. What benefits am I entitled to?
Q. May I be permitted to leave the program for an extended period of time?
Q. What is the process should I wish to leave the program?
Q. What if I’m moving to a new country?
Q. Participation and volume of work?
Q. What does the exam consist of?
If you have a query which has not been answered by the information listed above, please email your question to us. We aim to
get back to all queries within 48 hours Monday to Friday.
The Role
Q. What does the role involve?
A. The role will involve evaluating results from web searches, for their appropriateness to the search query.
You will be required to provide feedback i.e. your opinion of the result displayed on a scale of
appropriateness. Work will be provided to you as a list of tasks through an online work system.
Q. What contractual obligations am I under?
A. As an independent contractor you are self-employed and therefore work for yourself. The payment of
taxes is your responsibility and we may wish to see that you are paying your taxes. Please contact your local
tax office with your tax queries.
Q. What notice do I have to give if I do not want to continue with the role?
A. We would expect that you provide us with reasonable notice but you are not under any legal obligations
to provide us with a specific notice period as you are working in an independent capacity.
The Exam
Q. What does the exam consist of?
A. The exam consists of three sections: Section 1 – an “open book” type exam with 31 multiple choice
questions, Section 2 – 7 practical questions using both your desktop PC & Smartphone Device and Section 3
– 7 practical questions using both your desktop PC & Smartphone Device.
You will have 1 week to complete the exam. Please use your time wisely as Section's 2 & 3 may take some
time to complete. You will not be penalized for completing the exam before the expiry date, but we would
point out that speed is not key - accuracy is.