This document provides a lesson plan summary for an English class on the topic of "In My Classroom" for 4th grade students. It outlines the learning objectives which are to identify and name classroom activities, read the text and understand new vocabulary, and complete exercises. The lesson plan involves introducing themselves and their classmates, learning classroom activity vocabulary through a miming game, listening to and singing a classroom song, and completing an exercise in their workbook. The students' participation will be evaluated and homework will be the assigned workbook exercise.
This document provides a lesson plan summary for an English class on the topic of "In My Classroom" for 4th grade students. It outlines the learning objectives which are to identify and name classroom activities, read the text and understand new vocabulary, and complete exercises. The lesson plan involves introducing themselves and their classmates, learning classroom activity vocabulary through a miming game, listening to and singing a classroom song, and completing an exercise in their workbook. The students' participation will be evaluated and homework will be the assigned workbook exercise.
This document provides a lesson plan summary for an English class on the topic of "In My Classroom" for 4th grade students. It outlines the learning objectives which are to identify and name classroom activities, read the text and understand new vocabulary, and complete exercises. The lesson plan involves introducing themselves and their classmates, learning classroom activity vocabulary through a miming game, listening to and singing a classroom song, and completing an exercise in their workbook. The students' participation will be evaluated and homework will be the assigned workbook exercise.
This document provides a lesson plan summary for an English class on the topic of "In My Classroom" for 4th grade students. It outlines the learning objectives which are to identify and name classroom activities, read the text and understand new vocabulary, and complete exercises. The lesson plan involves introducing themselves and their classmates, learning classroom activity vocabulary through a miming game, listening to and singing a classroom song, and completing an exercise in their workbook. The students' participation will be evaluated and homework will be the assigned workbook exercise.
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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:
dhe Anglisht e dyte IV
komunikim Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit: In My Classroom Listening and game! Rezultatet e të nxënit sipas kompetencave kyçe
Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:
mësimore: Colouring, counting, cutting, - Identify and name classroom activities. listening, playing a game, using - Read the text and get the meaning of the new words. the computer, watching a DVD, - Complete the exercises in the text book. writing. Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat ndërkurrikulare: Text book Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve Metodologjia Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve: Enter the classroom and say Hello while waving to students. Have students in pairs and practise introducing themselves to each other. Hello! I’m (....), What’s your name? After this activity have students introduce their partner to the class saying: This is my friend .... Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja For activity 1 ask students to think and share with each other about the things they will do in the classroom this year like: colour, sing, cut, play, learn etc. Then make this activity as a game. Ask pupils to mime what they could do in the classroom. Read the directions to them aloud and then play the recording. Have them listen, look at the photo for each corresponding activity and then say the word. For activity 2 point to the classroom activities in the activity 1 and say the name of each activity. Have them repeat after you. Then play the recording and ask students to point each item from activity 1. For activity 3 play this miming game as a class. Use flashcards. Show one flashcard at a time and ask students to do the action. In case you do not have flashcards write the action on the board or say it and ask students to mime it. Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura For activity 4 ask students to listen to the song carefully anfd follow it on page 5. Play the recording once or twice. Then replay the audio again and have students sing along. You can do this several times. When they get familiar with it have them practise it using karaoke version. If time do activity 5 page 5. Vlerësimi: I will evaluate them, based on her participation. Detyrat Exercise 6, workbook page 5.