4Q .Wiz C Basic Question Paper1
4Q .Wiz C Basic Question Paper1
4Q .Wiz C Basic Question Paper1
System c basic question paper 1
1.What are the types of linkages?
A.Internal and External B.External, Internal and None
C.External and None D.Internal
2.Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name?
A.* (asterisk) B.| (pipeline) C.‐ (hyphen) D._ (underscore)
3. Which of the following is not user defined data type?
1 : struct book
char name[10];
float price;
int pages;
2 : long int l = 2.35;
3 : enum day {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed};
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.Both 1 and 2
4. Is the following statement a declaration or definition?
extern int i;
A. Declaration B. Definition C. Function D. Error
5.Identify which of the following are declarations
1 : extern int x;
2 : float square ( float x ) { ... }
3 : double pow(double, double);
A.1 B.2 C.1 and 3 D.3
6.In the following program where is the variable a getting defined and where it is getting declared?
int main()
{ extern int a;
printf("%d\n", a); return 0; }
int a=20;
A. extern int a is declaration, int a = 20 is the definition
B. int a = 20 is declaration, extern int a is the definition
C. int a = 20 is definition, a is not defined
D. a is declared, a is not defined
7.When we mention the prototype of a function?
A.Defining B.Declaring C.Prototyping D.Calling
8. How many times "IndiaBIX" is get printed?
int main()
int x;
for(x=‐1; x<=10; x++)
if(x < 5)
return 0;
A. Infinite times B. 11 times C. 0 times D. 10 times
9. How many times the while loop will get executed if a short int is 2 byte wide?
int main()
{ int j=1;
while(j <= 255)
{ printf("%c %d\n", j, j);
j++; }
return 0; }
A.Infinite times B.255 times C.256 times D.254 times
10.Which of the following is not logical operator?
A.& B.&& C.|| D.!
11.In mathematics and computer programming, which is the correct order of mathematical
operators ?
A. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
B. Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
C. Multiplication, Addition, Division, Subtraction
D. Addition, Division, Modulus, Subtraction
12.Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch‐case statement?
A.Character B.Integer C.Float D.enum
13. Which of the following is the correct order of evaluation for the below expression?
z = x + y * z / 4 % 2 ‐ 1
A.* / % + ‐ = B.= * / % + ‐ C./ * % ‐ + = D.* % / ‐ + =
14.Which of the following correctly shows the hierarchy of arithmetic operations in C?
A./ + * ‐ B.* ‐ / + C.+ ‐ / * D./ * + ‐
15.Which of the following is the correct usage of conditional operators used in C?
A. a>b ? c=30 : c=40; B.a>b ? c=30; C.max = a>b ? a>c?a:c:b>c?b:c D.return
16 Which of the following is the correct order if calling functions in the below code?
a = f1(23, 14) * f2(12/4) + f3();
A. f1, f2, f3 B. f3, f2, f1
C. Order may vary from compiler to compiler D. None of above
17. Which of the following are unary operators in C?
1. !
2. sizeof
3. ~
4. &&
A.1, 2 B.1, 3 C.2, 4 D.1, 2, 3
18. In which order do the following gets evaluated
1. Relational
2. Arithmetic
3. Logical
4. Assignment
A.2134 B.1234 C.4321 D.3214
19. The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is
A.switch B.goto C.go back D.return
20.In which stage the following code
gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h
A. During editing B.During linking C.During execution D.During preprocessing
21. What is (void*)0?
A.Representation of NULL pointer
B.Representation of void pointer
D.None of above
22. Can you combine the following two statements into one?
char *p;
p = (char*) malloc(100);
A.char p = *malloc(100); B.char *p = (char) malloc(100);
C.char *p = (char*)malloc(100); D.char *p = (char *)(malloc*)(100);
23. In which header file is the NULL macro defined?
A.stdio.h B.stddef.h
C.stdio.h and stddef.h D.math.h
24. What does the following declaration mean?
int (*ptr)[10];
A.ptr is array of pointers to 10 integers
B.ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers
C.ptr is an array of 10 integers
D.ptr is an pointer to array
25. If the two strings are identical, then strcmp() function returns
A.‐1 B.1 C.0 D.Yes
26. In which numbering system can the binary number 1011011111000101 be easily converted to?
A.Decimal system B.Hexadecimal system
C.Octal system D.No need to convert
27. Which bitwise operator is suitable for turning off a particular bit in a number?
A.&& operator B.& operator C.|| operator D.! operator
28.Which bitwise operator is suitable for turning on a particular bit in a number?
A.&& operator B.& operator
C.|| operator D.| operator
29.Which bitwise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on or off?
A.&& operator B.& operator
C.|| operator D.! operator
30. What will be the output of the program?
int main()
const int x=5;
const int *ptrx;
ptrx = &x;
*ptrx = 10;
printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;
A.5 B.10 C.Error D. Garbage value