Asm 519
Asm 519
Asm 519
1. English Write a book report in about 350-500 words on any of the classic
novel written by -
● Charles Dickens
● Jules Verne
● Alaxander Dumas
● Sir Aurtur Conan Doyle
● Oscar Wilde
Students may choose any one novel for the report, written by any
writer mentioned above.The work is to be done in a project file along
with Front page and acknowledgement Book report writing format
An introduction.
Summary of the book.
Main body of text.
A conclusion of the report
Pg.No. 1/2
Do Complete Your Project Work.
Note : Will send some assignments on ENTAB which everyone has
to complete in the assignment file.
10. History 1. Visit any place /building of your choice in Bareilly, having
Historical background and prepare a short presentation on it.
(PPT). (Students can prepare the presentation in a group of 2
or 3, which they can form with mutual understanding.)
2. Solve board papers of History 2022-23, 2020-21. (All sets)
3. Complete your Project Work of history.
14. Applied Mathematics Examples and Multiple Choice Questions of Chapter: 1,2,3 and 4
from M.L.Aggarwal.
Pg. No.2/2