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Gatos Tejidos

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ALAN DA‰Tdesigner of knitted & fabric toys

Black and White ... from the Knitted Kitties Collection

26 sts and 36 rows to 10cm, measured
over stocking stitch worked with Bonus
D.K. on 3mm needles.

beg = beginning; cont = continue; dec =
decrease (by working 2 stitches together);
inc = increase (by working into front and
back of stitch); K = knit; P = purl; sl = slip;
ss = stocking stitch; st(s) = stitch(es);
SKPO = slip one, knit one, pass slipped
stitch over; tog = together; YB = yarn back;
YF = yarn forward.

Begin all pieces worked in stocking stitch
with a K row, unless otherwise stated.

BODY AND HEAD make 1 piece

With Black cast on 12 sts for base edge and
ss 2 rows.
1st inc row: Inc into every st to end [24
P 1 row.
MEASUREMENTS 2nd inc row: (Inc 1, K1) to end [36 sts].
28cm/11in tall. P 1 row.
3rd inc row: (K1, inc 1, K1) to end [48
Of Hayfield Bonus D.K. 100g balls: 1 each P 1 row.
in Black 965 and White 961, and small 4th inc row: (K1, inc 1, K2) to end [60
amounts in Silver Cloud 968, Bright sts].
Orange 981 and Sunflower 978; 200g of Ss 3 rows.
washable toy stuffing; pair of 3mm (no.11) 5th inc row: (K2, inc 1, K2) to end [72
knitting needles; long tweezers; pair of sts].
12mm dull green safety cat eyes; scraps of Ss 3 rows.
dark grey and pale peach felt; clear 6th inc row: (K2, inc 1, K3) to end [84
adhesive; black pencil. sts].
Ss 3 rows.


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
7th inc row: (K3, inc 1, K3) to end [96 32nd row: Sl 1, P58, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
sts]. 33rd row: Sl 1, K to end.
Ss 3 rows. 34th row: P across all sts [92 sts].
8th inc row: K19, (inc 1, K7) twice, K32, Work markings and shape back:
(inc 1, K7) twice, K13 [100 sts]. Use a separate ball of yarn for each colour
Ss 11 rows. change and twist yarns where colours meet
Shape top of haunches, 1st dec to prevent a hole forming.
row: K15, SKPO, K2, K 2 tog, K58, SKPO, 1st row: K7 White, 78 Black, 7 White.
K2, K 2 tog, K15 [96 sts]. 2nd row: P11 White, 70 Black, 11 White.
P 1 row. 3rd row: K14 White, 64 Black, 14 White.
2nd dec row: K15, SKPO, K 2 tog, K58, 4th row: P16 White, 60 Black, 16 White.
SKPO, K 2 tog, K15 [92 sts]. 5th row: With White, K9, K 2 tog, K6,
P 1 row. with Black, K10, K 2 tog, (K16, K 2 tog)
Shape back, 1st row: K76, YF, sl 1, twice, K10, with White, K6, K 2 tog, K9
YB, turn. [87 sts].
2nd row: Sl 1, P60, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 6th row: P17 White, 53 Black, 17 White.
3rd row: Sl 1, K58, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 7th row: K18 White, 51 Black, 18 White.
4th row: Sl 1, P56, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 8th row: P19 White, 49 Black, 19 White.
5th row: Sl 1, K54, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 9th row: With White, K9, K 2 tog, K10,
6th row: Sl 1, P52, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. with Black, K5, K 2 tog, (K15, K 2 tog)
7th row: Sl 1, K50, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. twice, K4, with White, K11, K 2 tog, K8
8th row: Sl 1, P48, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. [82 sts].
9th row: Sl 1, K46, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 10th row: P23 White, 36 Black, 23
10th row: Sl 1, P44, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
11th row: Sl 1, K42, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 11th row: K27 White, 28 Black, 27
12th row: Sl 1, P40, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
13th row: Sl 1, K38, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. Cont in White and P 1 row.
14th row: Sl 1, P36, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. Shape chest, right side, 1st row:
15th row: Sl 1, K34, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. K10, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
16th row: Sl 1, P32, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 2nd row and all following even
17th row: Sl 1, K31, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. numbered rows: Sl 1, P to end.
18th row: Sl 1, P30, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 3rd row: K12, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
19th row: Sl 1, K32, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 5th row: K14, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
20th row: Sl 1, P34, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 7th row: K16, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
21st row: Sl 1, K36, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 9th row: (K4, K 2 tog) twice, K6, YF, sl 1,
22nd row: Sl 1, P38, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. YB, turn.
23rd row: Sl 1, K40, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 11th row: K18, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
24th row: Sl 1, P42, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 13th row: K20, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
25th row: Sl 1, K44, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 15th row: K22, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
26th row: Sl 1, P46, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 17th row: (K3, K 2 tog, K1) four times,
27th row: Sl 1, K48, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
28th row: Sl 1, P50, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 19th row: K22, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
29th row: Sl 1, K52, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 21st row: K24, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
30th row: Sl 1, P54, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 23rd row: K26, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
31st row: Sl 1, K56, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. 25th row: K across all sts [76 sts].


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
Shape chest, left side, 1st row: P10, 5th row: With White, cast on 2 sts, K
YB, sl 1, YF, turn. these 2 sts then K19, with Black, K40, with
2nd row and all following even White, K18, inc 1 [81 sts].
numbered rows, excepting those 6th row: With White, cast on 2 sts, P
listed: Sl 1, K to end. these 2 sts then P19, with Black, P42, with
3rd row: P12, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White, P19, inc 1 [84 sts].
5th row: P14, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 7th row: K20 White, 44 Black, 20 White.
7th row: P16, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 8th row: P19 White, 46 Black, 19 White.
8th row: Sl 1, K4, (K 2 tog, K4) twice. 9th row: K18 White, 48 Black, 18 White.
9th row: P16, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 10th row: P17 White, 50 Black, 17
11th row: P18, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
13th row: P20, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 11th row: K16 White, 52 Black, 16
15th row: P22, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
16th row: Sl 1, (K 2 tog, K4) three times, 12th row: P15 White, 54 Black, 15
K 2 tog, K2. White.
17th row: P20, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 13th row: K14 White, 56 Black, 14
19th row: P22, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
21st row: P24, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. 14th row: P13 White, 58 Black, 13
23rd row: P26, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. White.
25th row: P across all sts [70 sts]. 15th row: K13 White, 58 Black, 13
Work markings and shape neck, White.
1st row: Using separate balls of yarn as 16th row: Inserting marker threads at
before, K31 White, 8 Black, 31 White. beg and end of row, P12 White, 60 Black,
2nd row: P28 White, 14 Black, 28 White. 12 White.
3rd row: K26 White, 18 Black, 26 White. Shape top of muzzle: Keeping colours
4th row: P25 White, 20 Black, 25 White. as set, cast off 7 sts at beg of next 2 rows
5th row: With White, (K1, K 2 tog, K1) [70 sts].
six times, with Black, K22, with White, Work right side of head, 1st row:
(K1, K 2 tog, K1) six times [58 sts]. With White, SKPO, K3, with Black, K19,
6th row: P18 White, 22 Black, 18 White. inc 1, turn and work on these 25 sts only.
7th row: K17 White, 24 Black, 17 White. 2nd row: P21 Black, 4 White.
8th row: P17 White, 24 Black, 17 White. 3rd row: With White, SKPO, K2, with
Work head, shape cheeks, 1st Black, K21 [24 sts].
row: With White, K5, (inc 1, K1) six 4th row: P21 Black, 3 White.
times, with Black, K24, with White, (inc 1, 5th row: With White, SKPO, K1, with
K1) six times, K5 [70 sts]. Black, K19, K 2 tog [22 sts].
Shape muzzle, 2nd row: With 6th row: With Black, P 2 tog, P18, with
White, inc 1, P20, with Black, P28, with White, P 2 tog [20 sts].
White, P20, inc 1 [72 sts]. Cont in Black and dec 1 st at beg and end of
3rd row: With White, cast on 2 sts, K next 2 rows [16 sts].
these 2 sts then K20, with Black, K32, with Cast off for top edge.
White, K19, inc 1 [75 sts]. Work gusset, next row: Rejoin Black
4th row: With White, cast on 2 sts, P yarn to remaining 45 sts, inc 1, K18, inc 1,
these 2 sts then P19, with Black, P36, with turn and work on these 22 sts only.
White, P19, inc 1 [78 sts]. Ss 5 rows.


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [20 and cont in ss.
sts]. 1st inc row: (Inc 1) twice, K2, (inc 1)
Ss 15 rows. four times, K2, (inc 1) twice [20 sts].
Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [18 P 1 row.
sts]. 2nd inc row: (Inc 1) twice, K4, (inc 1)
P 1 row. eight times, K4, (inc 1) twice [32 sts].
Work markings, 1st row: Using P 1 row.
separate balls of yarn as before, with Black, Shape front of paw, 1st row: K25,
SKPO, K6, with White, K2, with Black, K6, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
K 2 tog [16 sts]. 2nd row: Sl 1, P18, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
2nd row: P7 Black, 2 White, 7 Black. 3rd row: Sl 1, K17, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
3rd row: With Black, SKPO, K5, with 4th row: Sl 1, P16, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
White, K2, with Black, K5, K 2 tog [14 sts]. 5th row: Sl 1, K15, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
4th row: P6 Black, 2 White, 6 Black. 6th row: Sl 1, P14, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
5th row: With Black, SKPO, K3, with 7th row: Sl 1, K13, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
White, K4, with Black, K3, K 2 tog [12 sts]. 8th row: Sl 1, P12, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
6th row: P4 Black, 4 White, 4 Black. 9th row: Sl 1, K11, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
7th row: With Black, SKPO, K2, with 10th row: Sl 1, P10, YB, sl 1, YF, turn.
White, K4, with Black, K2, K 2 tog [10 sts]. 11th row: Sl 1, K to end.
8th row: P3 Black, 4 White, 3 Black. 12th row: P across all sts [32 sts].
Cont in White and dec 1 st at beg and end 1st dec row: K8, (SKPO, K4, K 2 tog)
of next row. twice, K8 [28 sts].
P 1 row. P 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows once more [6 sts]. 2nd dec row: K8, (SKPO, K2, K 2 tog)
Ss 11 rows. twice, K8 [24 sts].
Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [4 sts]. P 1 row.
Cast off for nose edge. 3rd dec row: K8, (SKPO, K 2 tog) twice,
Work left side of head, 1st row: K8 [20 sts].
Rejoin yarns to remaining 25 sts, with Ss 11 rows.
Black, inc 1, K19, with White, K3, K 2 tog Shape leg, 1st inc row: (K2, inc 1, K2)
[25 sts]. to end [24 sts].
2nd row: P4 White, 21 Black. Ss 5 rows.
3rd row: K21 Black, with White, K2, K 2 2nd inc row: (K2, inc 1, K3) to end [28
tog [24 sts]. sts].
4th row: P3 White, 21 Black. Ss 5 rows.
5th row: With Black, SKPO, K19, with 3rd inc row: (K3, inc 1, K3) to end [32
White, K1, K 2 tog [22 sts]. sts].**
6th row: With White, P 2 tog, with Ss 5 rows.
Black, P18, P 2 tog [20 sts]. Cast off for top edge.
Cont in Black and dec 1 st at beg and end of
next 2 rows [16 sts]. RIGHT FRONT LEG make 1 piece
Cast off for top edge. Work as given for left front leg from * to
LEFT FRONT LEG make 1 piece Ss 9 rows.
*With White cast on 12 sts for base edge Cast off for top edge.


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
BACK LEGS make 2 pieces Inc 1 st at beg of next 8 rows [16 sts].
With Black cast on 8 sts for back edge and Cast on 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows for
ss 2 rows. base edge of opening [24 sts].
1st inc row: Inc into every st to end [16 Ss 8 rows.
sts]. Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row.
Ss 15 rows. Ss 11 rows.
2nd inc row: K6, (inc 1, K1) twice, K6 Repeat the last 12 rows four more times
[18 sts]. [14 sts].
P 1 row. Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row [12
3rd inc row: K7, (inc 1, K1) twice, K7 sts].
[20 sts]. Ss 7 rows.
P 1 row. Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread
4th inc row: K8, (inc 1, K1) twice, K8 through sts on needle, draw up tightly and
[22 sts]. fasten off.
P 1 row.
5th inc row: K9, (inc 1, K1) twice, K9 EAR BACKS make 2 pieces
[24 sts]. With Black cast on 16 sts for base edge and
P 1 row. ss 2 rows.
6th inc row: K10, (inc 1, K1) twice, K10 Dec 1 st at beg and end of next row.
[26 sts]. Ss 2 rows.
P 1 row. Repeat the last 3 rows three more times [8
Change to White and ss 6 rows. sts].
Shape front of paw, 1st row: K20, Dec 1 st at beg and end of next 2 rows [4
YF, sl 1, YB, turn. sts].
2nd row: Sl 1, P14, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. Cast off for top edge.
3rd row: Sl 1, K13, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
4th row: Sl 1, P12, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. EAR FRONTS make 2 pieces
5th row: Sl 1, K11, YF, sl 1, YB, turn. With Silver Cloud work as given for ear
6th row: Sl 1, P10, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. backs.
7th row: Sl 1, K9, YF, sl 1, YB, turn.
8th row: Sl 1, P8, YB, sl 1, YF, turn. CATNIP MOUSE BODY make 1
9th row: Sl 1, K to end piece
10th row: P across all sts [26 sts]. With Bright Orange cast on 8 sts for back
Ss 2 rows. edge and ss 2 rows.
1st dec row: K5, SKPO, K 2 tog, K8, 1st inc row: Inc into every st to end [16
SKPO, K 2 tog, K5 [22 sts]. sts].
P 1 row. P 1 row.
2nd dec row: K4, SKPO, K 2 tog, K6, 2nd inc row: (Inc 1, K1) to end [24 sts].
SKPO, K 2 tog, K4 [18 sts]. Ss 3 rows.
P 1 row. 3rd inc row: (K1, inc 1, K1) to end [32
Cast off for front edge. sts].
Ss 11 rows.
TAIL make 1 piece Shape front, 1st dec row: (K4,
With Black cast on 8 sts for top edge of SKPO, K 2 tog, K2) three times, K2 [26
opening and ss 2 rows. sts].


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
Ss 5 rows. section, then work a gathering thread
2nd dec row: (K3, SKPO, K 2 tog, K1) through every stitch on base edge, draw up
three times, K2 [20 sts]. tightly and fasten off. Now join muzzle
Ss 3 rows. seam from first knitted row of head up to
3rd dec row: (K2, SKPO, K 2 tog) three marker threads, then remove markers.
times, K2 [14 sts]. Now sew head gusset into top of head,
Ss 3 rows. matching Black markings at each side of
4th dec row: K1, (SKPO, K 2 tog) three gusset to those on head and placing top of
times, K1 [8 sts]. muzzle seam in centre of gusset nose edge.
P 1 row. Mark eye positions with pins on each side
Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread section of head, placing 11 knitted stitches
through sts on needle, draw up tightly and in from muzzle seam and 2 knitted rows
fasten off. down from gusset seam. Spread a little glue
over one side of dark grey felt and leave to
set hard. Trace off eye backing pattern and
cut out a pair from this stiffened felt,
turning pattern over when marking out
second piece and cutting or punching out
marked hole in centre of each piece.
Treating glued side of felt as wrong side,
insert an eye shank into hole on each eye
backing piece, then push shanks through
knitting at marked points, from right side
to wrong. Arrange eye backing pieces so
that front points run in line with gusset
seam, and make sure that eye pupils are
vertical, then fix each eye with a locking
CATNIP MOUSE TAIL make 1 washer at wrong side, pushing it down
piece shank as far as it will go.
With Sunflower cast on 24 sts. Stuff head and body firmly, making sure
Cast off. haunches are stuffed fully, then join
remainder of body seam. To shape neck,
CATNIP MOUSE EARS make 2 work a gathering thread through every
pieces White knitted stitch on first row of head,
With Sunflower cast on 12 sts and K 1 draw up to measure 15cms, then fasten off
row. yarn securely and darn ends into head.
Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread Fold each front leg in half and join across
through sts on needle, draw up tightly and base edge, then up side edges, leaving top
fasten off. open. Stuff legs firmly, then pin in position,
placing centre back of each leg in line with
TO MAKE UP first White row on body and spacing 2
First darn in ends of yarn used for knitting knitted stitches apart at front of body. Sew
markings on body and head. Join side edges in place, adding more stuffing to leg tops if
of body section from base edge, stopping necessary.
5cm up from first row of White chest Join side edges of each back leg piece, then


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart
work a gathering thread through every off ends at nose point, use the remaining 2
stitch on back edge, draw up tightly and strands to embroider mouth with three
fasten off. Use tweezers to stuff firmly straight stitches. First work a 1.5cm
through open front edge then, with seam vertical stitch down muzzle seam, then a
running along underside of leg, fold front 2cm diagonal stitch at each side to form an
edge flat and sew across. Pin legs in inverted Y shape.
position to base of body, adjusting so that Stiffen pale peach felt with glue as before,
legs lie flat and cat sits correctly, then sew then trace off nose pattern and cut from
in place. felt. Position and glue in place.
Arrange front legs so that right paw Separating yarn as before, use 2 strands of
extends 3cm in front of left, then catch Silver Cloud yarn to embroider three
paws together where they touch with a vertical, 2cm long, straight stitches on each
few stitches. paw, spacing 3 knitted stitches apart, then
Join side edges of tail from gathered tip work over these stitches once more
down to base edge of opening, using before sewing yarn ends into paw stuffing.
tweezers to stuff each 5cm section once it Use black pencil to shade Silver Cloud
has been sewn and drawing up yarn slightly knitting round inside edges of ears.
to make seam curve. Position and sew Join side edges of catnip mouse body from
opening to back of body so that tail curls gathered front edge, stopping 3cm from
round left back leg. back edge. Stuff firmly and join remainder
Take ear pieces in pairs and join side and of seam, then work a gathering thread
top edges, then oversew base edges through every stitch on back edge, draw up
together. Fold base edge of each ear in half tightly and fasten off. Position and sew tail
to form a right angle, then pin in position to this gathered back edge, then position
on head, placing inside edges 8 knitted and sew ears in place. Mark eye position
stitches apart and 14 knitted rows back with pins, then embroider with French
from first White knitted stitches at top of knots, using 2 strands of Black yarn as
head. Sew in place. before.
Finally, wrap mouse’s tail under cat’s right
paw and sew in place with a few stitches.

eye backing


ALAN DART hereby asserts and gives

notice of his right under section 77 of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988
to be identified as the author of this
Take a length of Silver Cloud yarn and pattern.
carefully draw out a single strand. Fastening


This pattern has been downloaded from www.alandart.co.uk - it can be printed for your personal use
but not resold or copied without permission.
All patterns and photographs © 2008 Alan Dart

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