Sglavo 2001
Sglavo 2001
Sglavo 2001
Received 14 February 2000; received in revised form 27 July 2000; accepted 8 August 2000
The threshold stress intensity factor for sub-critical crack growth in fused silica was measured using the interrupted static fatigue
(ISF) test and from observations of indentation crack growth under load. Good agreement was obtained between the two techni-
p p
ques with values of 0.31±0.34 MPa m and 0.300.02 MPa m, respectively. The relative advantages of the two experimental
approaches are discussed. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Crack growth; Fatigue; Glasses; Indentation; SiO2
performed by using F=(j 0.5)/N furnished results shown in Fig. 8. Similar values of K are obtained at the
equal to those shown in Figs. 2±4, except for the Wei- same testing time for the two indentation loads. This
bull moduli, which gave results equal to 7.61.6 and represents a further con®rmation of Eq. (3). For time
7.71.6 in water and silicone oil, respectively. Typical durations longer than 100 ks an invariant stress intensity
uncertainty in K is 5% and this was used to calculate factor is reached. This allows one to de®ne a fatigue limit
the error bars shown in Fig. 4. The KW data in Fig. 4, of approximately 0.29±0.31 MPa m for the fused silica
that are threshold estimates, clearly approach a limiting glass used in this work. More precisely, if the complete set
value in the range of 0.31±0.34 MPa m. of crack lengths recorded at t52 days is considered, the
threshold stress intensity factor is determined to be
3.2. Indentation tests
l 1:5
proposed dependence of n on the sub-critical crack tical growth of the cracks can be directly observed.
growth velocity or on K is in agreement with previous Unfortunately, this technique can be applied only to
results by Michalske et al.34 Similarly, Cook has pro- materials in which indentation cracks can be easily
posed that the values of n may be lower when the lower observed. The interrupted static fatigue test presents the
part of the v(K) curve is explored.40 On this basis, one advantage of being applicable to any material and at
would expect the n values in the indentation tests to be high temperature. The diculty is that it can involve
in the lower range since the measurements were made at testing a large number of specimens.
low crack velocities, in agreement with the current data
for the n values.
The calculated values for v0 reported earlier are dif- 5. Conclusions
ferent for the two indentation loads. This should not be
too surprising. In most papers dealing with fatigue, v0 Two techniques were used to determine whether a
values are not reported and the fatigue behaviour is fatigue limit occurs in fused silica. In the ®rst approach
described only by the n parameter. The calculation of v0 the interrupted static fatigue test was used. In this tech-
uses an evaluation of a power (ex or 10x) where small nique, determining the strength of the weakest sample
dierences in the argument can develop into large var- that survives the constant stress phase of the test iden-
iations in the ®nal result. The dierence in the v0 values ti®es the threshold. A p value for the threshold in the
is mainly a re¯ection of the dierence in the n values. range 0.31±0.34 MPa m was obtained. In the second
approach, the growth of cone cracks under indentation
load was used to determine the sub-critical crack growth
4. Discussion parameters and the threshold value. For this latter
technique, a threshold value of 0.300.02 MPa m was
There was good agreement between the two techni- obtained. Of the two techniques, the indentation
ques used for the determination of the fatigue limit of approach involved less experimental scatter, fewer spe-
silica glass in the water environment. Interrupted static cimens and direct observation of crack growth. Unfor-
p tests furnished values of Kth around 0.31±0.34
p tunately, this technique, cannot be readily applied to all
MPa m while a value of 0.300.02 MPa m was materials, especially at high temperature and it was
obtained by the indentation procedure. At this point, it found to require longer testing times.
is useful to discuss the results shown in Figs. 4 and 8 in
more detail.
The ISF tests were performed using quite long times Acknowledgements
(up to 50 days) and a clear trendp(Fig. 4) in KW towards
a range from 0.31 to 0.34 MPa m was identi®ed. For Dr Edi Degasperi and Miss Alexia Conci are
hold stresses 94 MPa or greater, the threshold is reached acknowledged for their experimental work. NATO is
at t100 ks. The choice for the constant stress in the acknowledged for the ®nancial support (Grant number
ISF test plays an important role in this test. For the CRG 950160).
smallest sampling errors, a similar number of samples
need to fail in the stress hold compared to those that
survive and this only occurs for the higher hold stresses. References
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