Smooth T9
Smooth T9
Smooth T9
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Printed in Germany
Table of Contents
Efficiency ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
9 General Rules
................................................................................................................................... 33
Part IX Appendix 50
1 Nomenclature and Definitions
................................................................................................................................... 50
Symbols......................................................................................................................................................... 50
GasTurb ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Map Type .........................................................................................................................................................
Indicator 50
Map Title......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Keywords ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Speed ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Mass Flow ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Efficiency ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Ratio 53
Specific .........................................................................................................................................................
Work 53
Torque ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Power ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Flow Coefficient
......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Work Coefficient
Format of .........................................................................................................................................................
a Table 54
2 File Format Examples
................................................................................................................................... 55
File with Measured Turbine Map Data 55
File with Smooth Turbine Data 57
File with Cycle Data 60
Index 62
Computer programs that calculate the performance of gas turbines or piston engines with turbocharger need as
input a description of the turbine maps (sometimes called also turbine characteristics). These maps are either
calculated or derived from a turbine rig test.
The accuracy of the turbine map representation is very important for precise cycle calculations . Remember,
that 1% error in low pressure turbine efficiency efficiency can mean - dependent on engine type - up to more
than 1% error in specific fuel consumption. It can easily happen, that such an error is introduced into the cycle
calculation by use of a low quality turbine map. Both in case the data are scattered or if there are not enough
speed lines in the map the interpolation of data is prone to errors .
The turbine characteristics are needed in performance calculation programs in a special format. To produce this
format "by hand" is a cumbersome task that takes quite much time because of the scatter in the data.
Moreover the data from the turbine rig test usually are not evenly distributed over the tested speed range or the
distance between speed lines is big. Interpolation and extrapolation of the measured data are required.
The program Smooth T is a tool that quickly produces high quality turbine characteristics from measured data.
Such characteristics can be used not only for performance calculations. One can also evaluate small
differences between different turbine versions, for example the effects of Reynold's number, tip clearance,
restaggered blades and vanes etc.
However, Smooth T is not only a valuable tool for dealing with measured data. It can also be used to check the
quality of any turbine map. One can use, for example, existing turbine maps as input. Various cross plots
offered by the program allow a judgment whether the map is a reasonable description of turbine physics or not.
Deficiencies can be corrected and physical meaningful interpolations and extrapolations of the map are
Instead of genuine measured data - which seldom are available outside industry and research facilities - one
can also take data from figures published in literature. Even relativized turbine map data can be used as input.
The output of the program is tabulated data with the same number of equally spaced points for all speed lines.
These data are suited as input into performance programs simulating gas turbines or turbocharged piston
Dr. Joachim Kurzke is the principal author of Smooth T 9 and this manual. Additions have been made by the
team of GasTurb GmbH.
The accuracy of the turbine map representation is very important for precise cycle calculations.
Remember, that 1% error in turbine efficiency can mean - dependant on engine type - up to 1% error
in specific fuel consumption. It can easily happen, that such an error is introduced into the cycle
calculation by use of a low quality turbine map. Both in case the data are scattered or if there are not
enough speed lines in the map the interpolation of data is prone to errors.
The turbine characteristics are needed in performance calculation programs in a special format. To
produce this format "by hand" is a cumbersome task that takes quite much time because of the
scatter in the data. Moreover the data from the turbine rig test usually are not evenly distributed over
the tested speed range or the distance between speed lines is big. Interpolation and extrapolation of
the measured data are required.
The program Smooth T is a tool that quickly produces high quality turbine characteristics from
measured data. Such characteristics can be used not only for performance calculations. One can
also evaluate accurately small differences between turbines, for example the effects of tip clearance,
re-staggering blades and vanes, cooling air injection, Reynold's number, etc.
However, Smooth T is not only a valuable tool for dealing with measured data. It can also be used to
check the quality of any turbine map. One can use, for example, existing turbine maps as input.
Various cross-plots offered by the program allow a judgment whether the map is a reasonable
description of turbine physics or not. Deficiencies can be corrected and physical meaningful
interpolations and extrapolations of the map are possible.
Instead of genuine measured data - which seldom are available outside industry and research
facilities - one can also take data from figures published in literature. Even relativized turbine map
data can be used as input.
The output of the program is tabulated data with the same number of points for all speed lines. These
data are suited as input into performance programs simulating gas turbine or turbocharged piston
engine performance.
For running the program Smooth T 9 you need a PC with a color monitor which has a screen
resolution of 1024x768 or better. Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 8 are
suitable operating systems. The license server, used for Floating and Site Licenses, can run on
Windows, Max OS, Linux or Solaris.
Run setup for installing the program. A wizard will lead you through the details of the installation.
Install Smooth T 9 in its own, new directory and do not install it in the directory of any previous
program version you may have. Some of the files delivered with Smooth T 9 have the same file name
as those of previous versions, but different file contents. Mixing the files from different versions of
Smooth T will cause a program crash.
Installation on a Network
On a network you can store the program in a directory which everybody can access. The different
users should store their private data in their own directories for maps. Note that the example maps
delivered with the program must reside in the same directory as the program. You can store a copy
of these files in any private component map directory.
A Microsoft security patch now prevents HTML Help .CHM files from being opened on network drives.
When you call help, "Action canceled!" will be displayed instead of the topic text. This will happen
with all HTML Help files that you open over a network connection (note, that local HTML Help files
will not be affected).
The reason for this error is a new and more strict security policy for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Microsoft is permanently updating MSIE to fix potential or real security threats. In case of this error,
the Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-026 disables HTML Help files opened from a network drive.
Learn more about the security threat in the Microsoft Knowledgebase Article KB896358.
When you install the program on a network, please ensure that the help file (file extension .CHM)
gets installed on the local C: drive (this is recommended by Microsoft). If this is not possible or not
desirable, you can explicitly register individual help files and folders to allow viewing them over the
network or edit the Windows registry to make the security settings less strict in general. Microsoft
describes the necessary steps in detail in the knowledge base article KB 896054.
If you want to store your files in a directory different from the program, you need to start Smooth T 9
with a command line parameter. After the program call (separated by a space) add the path to your
data. If your path name contains blanks, then you must enclose the path name with quotation
If you have stored the program in directory C:\Program Files\GasTurb\Smooth T, for example, and
want your data stored in directory C:\My Documents\Smooth T\Data, then you must start the
program by the following command sequence:
C:\Program Files\GasTurb\Smooth T\Smooth_T9.exe “C:\My Documents\Smooth T\data”
Moreover, in case you have a Floating or Site License, a license server has to be installed
somewhere in your local network. Details about the installation of the license server and the
activation of licenses can be found in a guide you have received together with your license
information via email.
If you experience any kind of problems during the installation, please contact the support.
The most important added feature of Smooth T 9 is the enhanced map extension capability which
supports the generation of turbine maps suitable for starting and windmilling simulations. The
physics based methodology is described in detail in Ref. [1] by the inventor of method.
In Smooth T 9 a more consistent and simplified nomenclature than in previous versions is used. For
quantities which are Mach number corrected abbreviations are used. All quantities in the table are
Mach number corrected, but the correction terms are not explicitly shown in Smooth T 9.
In the Beta Grid Definition Window now two types of maps can be selected: Idle and Higher Power or
Starting and Windmilling.
Modifying the beta grid, for example by changing the shape and position of the beta lines 0 and 1, no
longer deletes the already smoothed lines. Also the default beta grid has been improved.
An additional a guess of the zero flow line is shown. This is an advantage since for Starting and
Windmilling purposes the beta line 0 can now approximate the zero flow line.
In the Efficiency Definition Window now a line is shown which indicates the pressure ratio of the
expected peak efficiency.
In previous Smooth T versions the numbers employed in loss correlations are referred to the
minimum loss point along a speed line. The appearance of the loss correlation changes when the
beta value of the minimum loss point is modified which made the interpretation of the loss
characteristics difficult.
In Smooth T 9 the numbers employed in loss correlations are referred to a fixed point on each speed
line. This point has the same blade to jet velocity ratio as the reference point. It is the point on the
speed line for which the peak efficiency is expected. Therefore the location of the minimum loss point
is no longer affected by data modification during smoothing.
3 Data Input
3.1 Input Options
You can select between several input options from the menu option File|New:
Selecting File|New|Measured Data opens the data input editor window in which you can enter your
data manually.
If you want to read data from file then select File|Read:
Selecting File|Read|Measured Data allows reading the input data, for which a smooth map is to be
created, from file. Measured Data are stored in a file with the file name extension MEA and may
contain isentropic or polytropic efficiency values. Polytropic efficiency data will be converted to
isentropic efficiency immediately after the data input process.
If the option Measured+Smooth Data is selected, then first a file with measured data is read and
second the file with Smooth Lines (file name extension SMO).
If instead of numerical data only a picture of the map is available, then scan it and store it as a
Windows bitmap (file name extension BMP). With Smooth T 9 you can read numbers from such a
Synthesis Tables contain turbine map data in a special format which is required by some gas turbine
performance simulation programs (file name extension SYN). A GasTurb Map has the format as
required by the GasTurb program (file name extension MAP).
A file with Smooth Lines does not contain measured data but the result of the map smoothing
process. If you want to read a file with smooth lines as measured data, you can cheat the program:
Modify the map type indicator in such a way, that the smooth data are marked as measured data.
Furthermore it is recommended to change the file name extension to MEA.
Measured Data, Synthesis Tables, Cycle Data and Smooth Lines can be read in non-relativized and
in relativized form. Relativized data will be converted to non-relativized data before the map smoothing
process commences.
Cycle Data are data from a gas turbine cycle calculation that can be viewed during the map
smoothing process.
3.2 Units
The system of units that you select in the program main window affects directly the numbers for the
corrected specific work and velocity:
SI system US system
The units for corrected speed and corrected mass flow are arbitrary. However, the numbers for all
quantities which are derived from corrected speed or corrected mass flow depend on the units
The program writes a neutral text near to the x- and y-axes of the graphs. You can edit the text and
add the units that apply to your special map, for example.
A data point of a turbine map to be read by Smooth T is composed of a selection from the following
six numbers:
1. Speed
2. Pressure ratio
3. Mass flow
4. Efficiency
5. Specific work
6. exit flow angle
Before entering the data points some general information is requested. Mass Flow is always an input
parameter, additionally there are two of the three parameters Pressure Ratio, Efficiency and Specific
Work needed. The input of the flow Exit Angle is optional.
Entering data manually is straightforward. Just type the measured values in the corresponding
column. The sequence of the data is of no relevance. You can start with the data group for any speed
value. Within a data group you can commence with the lowest, the highest or a medium pressure
ratio point, for example. Check the graphics for detecting typing errors before closing the window.
Usually you will get your data stored in a file which has been created by a turbine test analysis
program. Instead of true measured data you can use also the results from a turbine map calculation
program as input to Smooth T 9.
The first line of a file with measured data must begin with an integer number which indicates the file
contents. This is the map type indicator.
After the map type indicator there must be at least one blank space. The rest of the line is reserved
for the map title.
The second line in the file must contain the keywords for the input. Valid keywords are:
Mass_Flow (mandatory)
Pressure_Ratio (optional)
Efficiency (optional)
Work (optional)
Angle (optional)
Two out of the three keywords Pressure_Ratio, Efficiency, Work must be used. The sequence of the
keywords defines the sequence of the data columns that follow.
The forth line must begin with an integer. This gives the number of speed lines to follow. After the
number of speed lines there must be at least one blank space. Then either the word relativized or
non-relativized must follow.
After that line there follow the data groups for the various speeds. Each data group consists of a
speed line header and a number of data lines. The speed line header contains as the first number the
speed value. The second number is the number of data lines to follow.
A data line for a turbine map contains the numbers corresponding to the keywords given on the
second line. The sequence of the data is the same as the sequence of the keywords. Note that
efficiencies for a non-relativized map must be a number lower than 1 (except for pressure ratios
below 1).
The sequence of the data groups within a file with measured data is of no relevance. You can start
with the data group for any speed value. Within a data group you can commence with the lowest, the
highest or a medium pressure ratio point. You find an example file with measured data of a turbine
map in the appendix.
The first additional group contains the parabola coefficients that define the beta-line grid and the
second group contains the coordinates of the map reference point (speed and beta) and the work and
flow coefficients of the map reference point. The map reference data group exists only if the file was
written by Smooth T 9. Previous versions of Smooth T did not write these lines; if they do not exist
then you will be asked to enter reference point data before you can work with the program.
If the pressure ratio is in the range from 0.999 to 1.001 then the efficiency values are not suited for
fully describing the turbine operating point. In this special case instead of efficiency the torque value
is written to file. The corresponding number is marked with the letter T.
Have a look at the example for a smooth turbine map in the appendix.
In literature, maps are presented in many different forms. You must tell the program, which form your
map has. Select from the following options:
If in your map representation the corrected specific work is used, then you must tell the program
somehow in which units the specific work is given. The units for specific work will be determined from
the data for a single point:
· Efficiency
· Pressure Ratio
· Work
You can take these numbers from the turbine design point, for example. The program will use the
numbers for efficiency and pressure ratio to calculate the specific work in SI units. This allows
correlating the user input for work with the program internal units for the specific work.
For the following explanations let us assume, that the map is given as two pictures with both
corrected flow and efficiency as a function of pressure ratio.
In the window that opens after loading the bitmap there are two triangles and a square blinking. Click
on the square with the left button of your mouse, keep the button pressed and move the square to
the origin of the graph showing efficiency over pressure ratio. When you release the button, the origin
is fixed and a window opens in which you can enter the values for pressure ratio and efficiency. Note
that Smooth T 9 requires efficiency values as relative numbers normally in the range from 0 to 1.0.
Do not use percentage, even if the picture shows percentage numbers. Click OK to store the data of
the origin.
Next click the triangle pointing to the right and move it to a point on the x-axis. After releasing the
button, you will be asked for the value of the pressure ratio. The efficiency value is the same as for
the origin.
Last click the triangle pointing upwards and move it to a point on the y-axis. Release the button
when the triangle is a the right place, then you will be asked for the value of the efficiency. The
pressure ratio value is the same as for the origin.
Actually it does not matter which of the blinking symbols you move first to the proper location. You
can move the symbols in several steps, and use the scrollbars of the window in between, for
example, before you click the OK button.
As soon as you have set all three symbols, you will be asked for the speed value of the first line.
After this number has been entered, you can move around with the cross-hair cursor in the bitmap. In
the status line the true coordinates are shown as evaluated from the mouse pointer position.
Move the mouse to a point on the first speed line and click. The coordinates of this point will show up
in the table on the left. Add the next point to the table by clicking another point on the speed line.
The sequence of the points on a speed line is of no importance.
If you have placed a point by accident incorrectly, then you can delete this point by clicking the
Erase Point button. Note, however, that you can only delete the latest point.
When you are finished with the first speed line, click the New Speed Line button or Speed|New Line.
Enter the next speed value and proceed. The sequence of the speed lines is of no importance.
After all efficiency values have been read from the bitmap, then reading corrected flow values can
follow. Click on the menu option Key or the Scale Setting Mode button to redefine the system of
Again the three symbols for the definition of the origin and the maximum values of the x- respectively
y-axis will appear and blink. Place these symbols as required and enter the corresponding values.
After the coordinates have been set, then click a line in the table on the left. This will draw a vertical
line for the corresponding pressure ratio into the efficiency graph. Next move the cross-hair cursor to
the bitmap and pick the corrected flow value by clicking at the right place.
Click one table line after the other and pick the corrected flow values from the bitmap. Go also to the
other speed lines and complete the map reading.
For the following explanations let us assume, that the map is given in this format:
Set the blinking symbols for the x- and y-axis as described in the previous section.
Move the mouse to a point on the first speed line where it crosses an efficiency contour line and
click. The coordinates of this point will show up in the table on the left. Then move your mouse to the
column with the heading Efficiency and type the efficiency value into the table.
In the picture collection you can switch between graphs with or without the cycle data points. Select
Plot|Cycle Data in the menu to toggle between the options.
While you are working on the speed lines or the efficiency there will be one or several of the cycle
data points shown as a blue crosses. These points have speed values near to the speed you are
working on. The deviation between the cycle data and the map will be shown in the mass flow and
efficiency definition windows below the working panel.
Problems may be caused by normally invisible symbols like tabulators instead of blank spaces and
special end of line markers.
4 Smoothing a Map
4.1 Map Reference Point
In Smooth T 9 a map reference point must be selected before smoothing the map can begin. For this
reference point the Mach number at the exit of the first stator of the turbine (the Nozzle Guide Vane
NGV) must be given as well as values for the flow and work coefficients. It is desirable to use the true
turbine design point as map reference point, however, that is not mandatory. A reasonable estimate
for the flow Mach number is sufficient if an exact number is not known and for the work and flow
coefficients Φref=1 and Ψref=1 can be used.
Assigning a Mach number to the corrected flow value of the map reference point allows calculating
the stator throat Mach number for every other point in the map. Additionally, the axial component of
the rotor inlet flow velocity Vax can be calculated. This velocity, divided by speed, yields a number
proportional to the flow coefficient Φ. If an absolute number for the flow coefficient at the map
reference point is known, then the true flow coefficient can be evaluated for every point in the map. If
the true flow coefficient at the reference point is not known and Φref is set to 1.0, then one can
observe at least how the flow coefficient varies throughout the map.
Similarly, the true work coefficient Ψ can be found if its value at the map reference point is known.
Relative values for Ψ are produced if Ψref=1 is used.
While smooth data are not available, the reference point can be selected from the available measured
data points. After having at least a first guess of the smooth lines the map reference point can be set
without restrictions.
The reference point coordinates can be selected automatically employing the following rules:
· If one of the speed lines is labeled 1 in the original map, then this speed is selected.
· Otherwise, the speed with 90% of the highest speed value in the map will be chosen.
Alternatively to the automatic selection of the map reference point you can pick a point from the map
with your mouse or enter numbers for Pressure Ratio and Speed to fix a point. If you are working on
a map to be used with GasTurb for creating a model that fits to given data, then you should use the
map scaling point of GasTurb as the reference point.
If the Freeze Reference box is checked then the smooth lines cannot be unintentionally modified in
close vicinity to the reference point.
A line with constant blade to jet velocity ratio through the Map Reference Point indicates the
expected location of the peak efficiency.
Freezing the reference point is helpful if this point is employed in GasTurb as the map scaling point
which is the location of the GasTurb cycle design point in the map. If the reference point is frozen
during the map smoothing process, then the map scaling factors employed in GasTurb will remain
unaffected by the modifications made in other parts of the map. This makes it easier adapting a map
to given off-design data.
Map scaling in GasTurb is done in such a way, that Pressure Ratio, Mass Flow and Efficiency are
factored with the aim that at the map scaling point the respective values of the cycle design point are
equal to those read from the map. Moreover, all speed values are factored to such an extent that the
speed value for the map scaling point is equal to 1.0.
For a more detailed explanation of the problem let us assume, for example, that the cycle efficiency
is 0.85 and the efficiency in the unscaled map is at the reference point equal to 0.83. While in
GasTurb the map is scaled, all efficiency values in the map are factored up by fη = 0.85/0.83 = 1.024.
Let us further assume that from the scaled map at the off design point "A" an efficiency value of 0.9
is read, but the given data to be reproduced with GasTurb say that efficiency there is only 0.89.
In this case the unscaled map must be modified in such a way, that after scaling the efficiency at
point "A" is 0.89. In the unscaled map the efficiency at this point is 0.9/1.024 = 0.879. For getting
there in the scaled map η=0.89 the efficiency in the unscaled map must be reduced to 0.89/1.024 =
0.869 which is easily done with Smooth T.
However, that yields the desired effect only if the data of the reference point remain unchanged, i.e.
the reference point is frozen. If the reference point is not frozen and the efficiency at the reference
point would be changed to 0.825, then the efficiency scaling factor (which is applied in GasTurb to all
values in the map) would become fη = 0.85/0.825 = 1.03. The efficiency at point "A" would be
affected as every point and the scaled map would show at point "A" the value 0.869*1.03 = 0.895
instead of the desired value of 0.89.
The described unpleasant side effect of modified reference point data can be avoided by "freezing" it.
Switching between these options will affect the graphical and the table output for specific work and
for torque.
Early versions of Smooth T have used option 1 with gas constant = 287 J/[kg*K] while the isentropic
exponent was an input property.
The beta line grid can be defined graphically or by the input of the parabola coefficients.
You get a proposal for the auxiliary coordinates on your screen with the two lines for beta=0 and
beta=1. In the background there are lines with constant blade-jet speed ratio and the peak efficiency
The final map will contain only data on and between the lowest (Beta=0) and the highest (Beta=1)
line. Make sure that the line for Beta=0 is below the other line.
From principle the beta lines have no physical meaning. However, if you make your beta lines follow
the lines of constant velocity ratio, then they will be correlated with turbine physics.
In the low speed range the efficiency changes rapidly with pressure ratio. There the beta lines should
be near to each other and follow approximately the lines of constant velocity ratio because only then
you will catch the efficiency values accurately with a dense beta line grid. Following this advice will
minimize the interpolation errors that happen when reading data from the map.
Be careful and enclose all your important data points between the two parabolas. Measured data
points that are intentionally outside the beta line grid should be eliminated by selecting the menu
command Cut respectively by clicking the Ignore Points with Beta>1.1 button.
If you are not interested in the map region with turbine pressure ratios below unity, then you should
select the Beta=0 line in such a way that pressure ratio is everywhere greater than 1. Since for
pressure ratio 1 the isentropic specific work is zero, working with efficiency in the region around
pressure ratio 1 is not practical. Smooth T 9 can handle pressure ratios below 1.0, however,
smoothing the lines in that part of the map is more difficult than smoothing other parts of the map.
If the map is intended to be used for Starting and Windmilling the value of speed and circumferential
Mach number are used for estimating the zero flow line. The Beta=0 line should be defined in a way
that it coincides with the estimated zero flow line, like shown in the figure below. It is recommended
to use 50 beta lines. The shape of the zero flow line is defined implicitly by the circumferential Mach
number (Mach U). A first guess for the circumferential Mach number at a relative speed of 1 might be
0.5 for example.
You can define and edit the beta line parabola coefficients directly after clicking the Edit Parabola
Coefficients button.
The input of the parabola coefficients is convenient if you want to use the same beta line grid for two
or more maps. Employing the same beta line grid makes it easy to evaluate the differences between
two maps.
Click in the program main window the Work on Mass Flow button or select the menu option Smooth|
Mass Flow to open the mass flow smoothing window. This window shows in the top left figure the
data points of the first three mass flow lines and all beta lines. The beta lines are vertical because
the pressure ratio of any beta line is fixed by the intersection of the beta line with the speed line in
the beta line grid definition window.
The line for the lowest speed is illuminated which indicates, that this line is now the active one. The
other two mass flow lines are shown for cross reference and comparisons.
The other three figures show alternative views on the data that can be selected from the selection
boxes above the figures.
Clicking the tabs below the main menu line will show the most important correlations in full size.
Note that you can resize the individual pictures on the Modify Mass Flow Lines page with your
mouse: click one of the small blue bars between them, hold the mouse button down and move it as
required. After releasing the button all figures will be refreshed.
There are two operating modes in this window: the Zoom Mode and the Working Mode.
In Zoom Mode you can change the viewport. Zooming out will give you a better overview while
zooming in will give you more details. Note that the cursor will indicate that you are in zoom mode by
adding a little rectangle to the mouse pointer.
While the pointer has the zoom shape you can draw a rubber rectangle (press the left button and
hold it down while selecting an area) to enlarge a part of the map. Another way to change the view is
by selecting from the menu option Zoom|In or Zoom|Out.
The scale for the y-axis in the top left figure is selected automatically according to the corrected flow
range of the active line. If you do not want that the flow scales change when the speed is increased
or decreased then select Zoom|Auto Scale or click the Automatic Scaling On/Off button to toggle
between automatic scaling on and off.
While modifying the mass flow line in the upper left graphic you can simultaneously look at the
implications which your modification has on other views. Select between different options from the
drop down boxes above each graph. If you move your mouse away from the top left graph then the
cursor is configured as zooming tool: you can draw a rubber rectangle to enlarge a part of the
graphic. To go back to the default view, click the Reset Scale button above the respective graph.
If you have difficulties restoring the normal size then switch to a different speed line and back to the
speed line you want to deal with. To do this select the menu option Speed|Incr or Speed|Decr to
increase respectively decrease the speed value. Alternatively you can click the Increase Speed or
Decrease Speed button.
Click the right mouse button while pointing to the top left picture for a popup menu which allows you
to switch to working mode.
In Working Mode you can modify the map in the top left graph. There are different options for
modifying the smooth speed lines. First of all there is the option to modify single points on the speed
line. Additionally there is the option to modify the whole line at once and the third option is to create
a Constant Flow Line at high pressure ratios.
Move your mouse pointer to the location where you want to modify, press the left mouse button and
hold it down while modifying the line. Note that the selected point of the smooth line moves along the
beta line to which it belongs. Release the button when the line is at the right place. In the example
figure below the active line has been distorted intentionally for demonstration purposes.
While you are modifying a speed line, the new numbers for mass flow and pressure ratio are derived
from the pixel coordinates on the screen. If the graph in which you are working is small, then the
number of pixels that make the x-axis, for example, is also small. The conversion process from the
pixel coordinates to the true mass flow numbers is not very accurate in such a case. Therefore it is
recommended to make the graph in which you are working as big as practical.
The speed line is modified in Point Working Mode only at one point. In Line Working Mode the whole
speed line is affected.
Click the Line Working Mode button first. Move your mouse pointer to the ß-line where you want to
modify, press the left mouse button and hold it down while moving your mouse. The selected point of
the smooth line moves along the ß-line to which it belongs. Release the button when the point is at
the right place. The complete speed line is modified as shown in the next figure.
In this example the line was re-shaped in such a way that the ß=0 point remains at its place and the
ß=1 point moves to the place selected with your mouse. If you modify the line at an intermediate ß-
value then both the ß=0 and the ß=1 points remain fixed.
While modifying a speed line you can employ as guide a line which is linearly interpolated between
the two neighboring speed lines. Click the Interpolated Line button to make it visible. Since turbine
physics is a non-linear science, the true mass flow line will not be identical to this guide line.
Nevertheless the interpolated line can be of help for shaping the true line, especially if only a few
measured data points are available.
You need not to make the shape of a line very smooth manually. You can use for the final smoothing
the menu option Smooth|Poly Line or click the button titled Polynom of Order and a best fit
polynomial will be found based on the breakpoints of the speed line. Note that the measured data are
not taken into account for finding this polynomial. Try with different order polynomials (the order is
selected with the spin box to the right of the Polynom of Order button) if the shape of the smoothed
line does not satisfy you. Use the Undo Polynom button or the menu option Smooth|Undo Line to go
back if necessary.
At high pressure ratios the corrected flow can be constant which makes the speed line horizontal.
There is a tool which makes drawing a horizontal line easy: While in working mode click the
Constant Flow Line button or select the menu option Smooth|Const Flow. The cursor will change its
shape to a double headed arrow. Now move it to the pressure ratio above which the corrected flow is
constant, press the left button and move the mouse while holding the button down. Release the
button when you have found the best place of the horizontal part of the mass flow line.
A smooth line represents measured data that have some scatter. Most of the measured data will not
be part of the smooth line, there will be deviations. Click the Show Deviations Table button or select
the menu option Deviations|Show to get a table with numbers for the deviations of the measured data
from the smooth line. Deviations lower than the threshold - which you can select depending on the
scatter in your data - will not be listed.
In the drop down box of the lower left figure you can select the plot Mach No = f(P/P). Since the
stator throat Mach number can not exceed 1.0, all corrected flow values of the smooth lines must
remain below that limit.
Remember that the content of this plot depends on the data of the Map Reference Point. If you
increase the highest value of the corrected flow found in the map while smoothing a flow line, then
this can invalidate the input data for the map reference point.
Click the Incompressible Region button to see in many plots a green line which connects points with
a NGV throat Mach number of 0.6. This line is an indication where in the map the incompressible
flow region approximately ends.
Click the Work on Efficiency button or select the menu option Smooth|Efficiency in the program
main window to see in the top left figure the data points of the first three efficiency lines and all beta
lines. One of the lines is illuminated which means that this line is now the active one. A vertical line
indicates the expected location of the Peak Efficiency on the active line.
There are three versions of the top left picture in which the beta lines are vertical. This is because the
position of any beta line is fixed by the intersection of the beta line with the speed line.
It depends on the shape of the speed lines which of the three graphs is most convenient for
smoothing the efficiency line. You can switch between the various graphs at any time. For getting a
line roughly right use specific work H/T=f(P/P) or specific torque Trq/Flow=f(Flow). For the fine trim
smoothing efficiency is more convenient.
In the Smoothing Efficiency window there are three operating modes: the Zoom Mode, the Working
Mode and the Straight Line Function, which is explained in the next section. You can switch
between them by clicking the corresponding button or by selecting from the pop up menu that opens
with a click of the right mouse button.
If there are cycle data available then those cycle data points that have a speed value near to the one
you are working on will be shown as a blue crosses. Note that not the true cycle data values are
shown in the top left picture, the values shown are from points that are shifted along a line of
constant beta to the point where the beta line crosses the speed line in the pressure ratio - mass
flow picture.
With the Straight Line Function a distinct section of a speed line can be made straight. This function
is available at the plot of specific torque where straight sections might appear.
Click at the Straight Line button first. Now like in the Point or Line Working Mode move your mouse
pointer to the ß-line where you want to start the straight section. Press the left mouse button and
hold it down while moving the mouse. The selected point of the smooth line moves along the ß-line to
which it belongs. Release the button when the point is at the right place. You can also release the
button without having moved the mouse, if the starting point is already in the desired position. The
starting point always is marked by a short horizontal line:
Then move the mouse pointer to the where you want to end the straight section. Press the left
mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse. The section to be modified moves according
to the mouse movement. This way the change in slope of the modified line section can be observed.
Release the mouse in the position required. Afterwards a second short horizontal line indicates the
end position of the straight line section. The start and end positions are obvious in the given
example, but in practice they are often hard to recognize without any mark. The marks disappear by
conducting the next action or changing the view.
The Peak Efficiency Line is a line which connects the points with the highest efficiency on each
speed line. This line is also called the Backbone of the map.
In the Peak Eff plot the efficiency along the backbone of the map is shown over speed:
For many problems, and especially the interpolation and extrapolation of a map, the specific work is
a very helpful parameter to use. However, because of the limited resolution on the screen, the
required accuracy in efficiency cannot be achieved in all cases by using the specific work alone.
You need not to make the shape of the efficiency respectively specific work line very smooth
manually. You can use for the final smoothing the menu option Smooth|Poly Line and a best fit
polynomial will be found based on the breakpoints of the smooth line. Note that the measured data
are not taken into account for finding this polynomial. Try with different order polynomials (the order is
selected with the spin box to the right of the Polynom of Order button) if the shape of the smoothed
line does not satisfy you. Use the Undo Polynom button or the menu option Smooth|Undo Line to go
back if necessary.
After smoothing specific work it is a good idea to check the different efficiency plots and the loss
characteristics. Fine-tuning efficiency will not change specific work significantly, but is worthwhile
doing it.
Drawing efficiency along a speed line becomes difficult where the line work over pressure ratio
passes through pressure ratio = 1. At the location where the isentropic specific work is zero, the
work or torque and use the plots specific work over pressure ratio or torque over pressure ratio for
defining efficiency implicitly. Make sure, that the effective specific work is always lower than the
isentropic specific work. Otherwise, you imply a drop in entropy and thus violate the second law of
For extrapolation of the map to very low speeds you should consider the similarity of those speed
lines to the shape of the speed line for speed = 0. This specific speed line must pass through the
point {pressure ratio = 1, mass flow = 0} and will in all other parts have a pressure ratio above one.
Specific work is exactly = 0 along all of the line. The mass flow range is from negative choking mass
flow to positive choking mass flow. The speed line in terms of flow over pressure ratio will not be
symmetrical around the point {pressure ratio = 1, mass flow = 0}.
4.5.5 Deviations
You can check easily the magnitude of the deviations between the smooth lines and the measured
data, click the Show Deviations Table button for that and adjust the threshold as required.
In the top left figure you can modify the lines, check the other three graphs if your modification
makes sense.
If the speed lines are not narrowly spaced and if the beta lines are not approximately parallel to the
peak efficiency line then a linear interpolation of the final map in the program that employs the
smooth map can result in a significant interpolation error:
One solution to the problem is to interpolate additional speed lines with the help of Smooth T 9.
Select the menu option Interpolate from the program opening screen and enter the desired speed
values. You should first smooth all the mass flow and efficiency lines before you do that. The
automatically generated speed line proposal will have a poor quality if the lines from which it is
derived are not smooth.
The speed line zero has several interesting features which make it very interesting for the
extrapolation of a turbine map towards very low speeds. The line passes through the point {Pressure
Ratio = 1, Mass Flow = 0}. Blowing through the turbine will yield a corrected mass flow > 0 and
requires a pressure ratio P1/P2 > 1. The specific work remains zero for any value of mass flow and
pressure ratio, but there will be some force (torque) required to prevent the rotor from turning if the
mass flow is not zero.
For moderate corrected flow, if the Mach number is everywhere in the turbine lower than say 0.6, the
pressure loss through the turbine will be proportional to dynamic head. Since density ρ and the gas
constant R are invariable it holds
W T1
1 k P'
P1 P1
Thus for moderate corrected flow the speed line zero is a parabola passing through the point
{Pressure Ratio = 1, Mass Flow = 0}.
In the mass flow definition window click the Speed=0 button to get a parabola which shows how the
speed line zero could look like. Reshape it employing the slider above the button to make it
consistent with your map. Note that the actual speed line zero will deviate from the parabola at high
flow values respectively Mach numbers.
Between the line for the lowest speed for which you have data and the speed line zero proposal you
can interpolate additional speed lines. Note that you can not create a line for exactly speed=0 in
Smooth T 9 because efficiency and other quantities like work and flow coefficients are unsuitable if
Torque divided by pressure P1 is a quadratic function of corrected flow for the speed line zero.
1) over corrected flow.
Note that the considerations above are only strictly valid as long as the Mach number remains
moderate everywhere within the turbine. If the flow is increased more and more by, for example,
decreasing the turbine exit pressure with constant P1, then the Mach numbers will increase until
finally somewhere in the turbine, the flow becomes sonic. Further decreasing the exit pressure will
no longer increase the mass flow, the speed line plotted as the mass flow over pressure ratio will
become horizontal.
In order to extend a map with Smooth T 9 it is required to follow a sequence of several steps. The
steps must be executed in the given sequence. Otherwise the process of extending a map might
become cumbersome. The necessary steps are described in the following. Additional information can
be found in reference 1.
First of all, relative speed N/NRef should be used for the data input.
The beta line grid must be suitable for Starting or Windmilling simulations. This means the Beta=0
line should approximate the zero flow line and a high amount of beta lines should be used. Additional
information can be found in the section Defining the Beta Line Grid.
After the beta lines are defined, it is necessary for the map to be smoothed, if it hasn't been done
before. The process of smoothing has been described in the sections before.
With the smooth map the first step is to extrapolate the mass flow for the highest speed down to the
Beta=0 line. The mass flow of each speed line on Beta=0 should be (approximately) zero like shown
in the figure below. The speed line then should approach the measured data points smoothly. On the
highest speed line the rhombus will be placed according to the position of the speed line.
Extrapolate the mass flow for all the other speed lines down to the Beta=0 line. Each line must pass
through the middle rhombus on the pressure ratio 1.0 line, see figure below, except for the lowest
speed line which must pass through the lowest rhombus.
Modify the mass flow for the highest speed if the flow-speed relationships of the other speed lines do
not look plausible.
In order to check the results of the mass flow extrapolation process the Mass Flow=f(N) graph in the
upper right of the Mass Flow smoothing window can be regarded. As shown in the figure below, the
points of each speed line where pressure ratio 1.0 is reached should align in in a straight line.
After having checked that the mass flow lines are smooth working on smoothing the efficiency lines
can be started.
Using the Straight Line Function the Torque/Flow=f(Flow) lines should be made straight in the low
pressure ratio respectively mass flow region. Furthermore all the torque lines should be parallel in the
low pressure ratio region.
If that does not lead to a plausible overall picture, then check and modify the mass flow assumption
in the low pressure ratio region.
In the next step the flow for interpolated speed lines is estimated. Add one speed line after the other
and adapt the mass flow line first in such a way that they match the previous lines in the isentropic
work coefficient graph shown below reasonably well. As in the extension to zero flow, the lines
should pass through zero flow on the Beta=0 line.
Subsequently efficiency can be adapted. At the beginning the focus should be on the region where
pressure ratio is greater than 1.
Efficiency should follow the trend of η=f(blade to jet velocity) found for the lowest speed with
measured data, like shown in the figure below. Additionally the other loss characteristics should look
Then the region where pressure ratio is lower than 1 can be worked on. Specific work or specific
torque can be adapted. Torque/Flow=f(Flow) is of special interest. As described in the paragraph
above, it should be a straight line in the incompressible region (low ß region) and it should be parallel
to the lower part of Torque/Flow=f(Flow) correlation of the lowest speed which has measured data. If
it is not feasible to get both efficiency and Torque/Flow lines right, then the form of the function
Flow=f(Pressure Ratio) needs to be modified. Go back to the mass flow definition window and modify
the flow lines in such a way that the Torque/Flow lines have the desired shape.
To get all the correlations right requires only a few iterations. Store the result and then add the next
speed line.
Often the turbine operating points from a full engine simulation do not cover all regions of the map.
However, it is most important and often sufficient to get only the given turbine operating points right in
a re-construction of the cycle model of interest.
The cycle data points are shown as blue crosses in the working panel. Only those cycle data are
visible that have approximately the same speed as the one you are working on.
With the default picture selection the deviation between the given cycle data and the values read from
the map are shown in the lower left picture while in the lower right picture the cycle points are shown
in the map. It is not difficult to shape the speed line in such a way that the given mass flow values
are in line with those read from the map.
4.8.2 Efficiency
In the efficiency definition window again the cycle data points are shown as blue crosses. Note that
not the true cycle data values are shown in the top left picture, the values shown are from points that
are shifted along a line of constant beta to the point where the beta line crosses the speed line in the
pressure ratio - mass flow picture.
It depends on the design of the turbine, whether the maximum corrected flow W* 1/P1 is dependent
on corrected speed N/ 1 or not. Highly loaded single stage turbines do often operate at design
pressure ratio with a choked stator and in this case obviously the maximum corrected flow remains
constant in a significant part of the map. In the case of an un-choked first stator of a turbine, the
maximum corrected flow is a weak function of corrected speed and W* 1/P1 decreases when N/ 1
It is general practice to plot the corrected flow over pressure ratio or specific work. In a plot of mass
flow over speed with lines of constant ß one can check the consistency of trends both for maximum
flow and the partload range.
One can see from a turbine map plot with "efficiency islands" whether the map data are smooth or
not. However, one cannot see whether the data makes sense physically. For that purpose it is much
better to look at the shape of the lines (H - His)/N² = f (H/N²) (loss characteristic 1) or the lines 1 -
P2/P2,is = f(Exit Corrected Flow) (loss characteristic 2). These lines look like a bucket with a
consistent trend of the minimum loss location with speed.
5 Checking a Map
5.1 Flow-Speed Relationship
Often the upper beta lines collapse in this plot. This represents the choking mass flow as a function
of corrected speed. When the flow through the first vane of the turbine - the Nozzle Guide Vane - is
sonic, then the choking mass flow will be independent from corrected speed.
The magnitude of the constant k depends on the vane and blade exit flow angles that are assumed to
be constant because the flow will essentially follow the respective profile geometry.
In the subsonic flow regime the axial velocity can increase proportional to the circumferential speed.
At higher Mach numbers this is no longer possible because the axial velocity component achieves a
maximum value due to choking of a vane or blade passage.
In the user interface of Smooth T 9 Greek symbols are employed for the work coefficient which can
be identified as Ψ or as H/N² and the flow coefficient as Φ respectively Vax/N.
In addition to the plots with Φ there are alternative plots employing 1/Φ as x-axis. These are useful at
extremely low speeds where the numbers for Φ become very big; In contrast, the numbers for 1/Φ
remain in a reasonable range.
In the first loss characteristic the x-axis values are a measure of the distance from the peak
efficiency point, expressed as difference in Ψ values squared. On the y-axis there are the losses Ψ -
Ψis, compared to those of the point with the peak efficiency. This loss characteristic is very well
suited for the normal speed range. However, for low speed values it becomes extremely sensitive to
small changes.
The second option for describing the losses works very well over the full speed range. Here the
losses are described as a total pressure loss from the pressure P2,is - which would be achieved by an
isentropic expansion process with the actual work output - to the real exit pressure P2.
The third method of describing the losses shows Ψ - Ψis over Φ - Φmax eff which is flow coefficient
difference from the location with maximum efficiency:
The turbine velocity ratio, also called the blade to jet velocity ratio, is defined as the ratio of
circumferential speed and the jet velocity corresponding to an ideal expansion from inlet total to exit
static conditions. In Smooth T the blade to jet velocity ratio is calculated as
N T1
2 H is T1
In Reference 2 it is shown for an idealized case of a single stage turbine how static efficiency can be
related mathematically to the blade-jet speed ratio. The static efficiency variation is parabolic and
reaches its maximum at a blade to jet speed ratio which depends only on the turbine stator exit
angle. The conclusion from Reference 2 is that also for a real case the blade-jet speed ratio is a very
good correlating parameter for both static and total efficiency.
For each of the speed lines you can apply a different scaling factor by editing the numbers in the
table. Note, however, that by doing that you can easily produce a map which violates the laws of
GasTurb accepts only maps with relative speed, and all speed values must be lower than 1.5. If you
have used absolute speed values or speed in percentage during the map smoothing process then
you can convert the speed numbers by scaling them before clicking the GasTurb Map button.
1 Speed
2 Mass flow
3 Efficiency
4 Pressure ratio - 1 scaling Specific work scaling
Scale P/P - 1 Scale specific work
Calculate specific work from Calculate pressure ratio from
pressure ratio and scaled specific work and scaled
efficiency efficiency
5 Calculate torque from new specific work and scaled speed
Consequently scaling speed affects also torque, and scaling specific work affects also pressure ratio
and torque. It is highly recommended to go again through the picture collection after scaling a map.
The menu option Modify|Shift Efficiency opens a window in which you can shift the efficiency islands
up and down in pressure ratio. Furthermore you can modify the slope of the corrected flow versus
pressure ratio - see what happens when you move the vertical respectively horizontal slider.
Note that using this feature has nothing to do with the laws of physics; it is pure manipulation of
data. Check your results carefully before using a manipulated map in any gas turbine performance
simulation program.
7 Data Output
7.1 Output Options
A list of predefined graphics is offered in the picture catalog for printing and copying to the Windows
clipboard. If you do nor find your favorite graph there, then you can create it as a special plot.
The file format for smooth data is nearly the same as that of measured data. The decimal separator
which is used as default for file output depends on your country settings in the Windows
environment. Synthesis tables and GasTurb tables use always . as decimal separator.
You can save the smooth lines by clicking on the Save Smooth Data button or from the menu File|
Save|Smooth Data in the program opening window. Synthesis tables and GasTurb maps are only
produced from the output window (activate it from the menu option Output or with a click on the
Output Map button in the program opening window). Before writing output files you have the option to
scale the map either manually or automatically.
Note that you cannot use relativized maps with GasTurb. If you have only relativized data of a turbine,
then read the relativized map into Smooth T, guess the turbine design data, and output the map in
non-relativized format as GasTurb map.
If you need numbers, select Pick from the menu in the picture collection and you can read data from
the graph. Picking in Smooth T employs a linear interpolation between the speed and ß lines.
The program selects the scales of the graphics automatically with round numbers on both the x- and
y-axis. You can easily modify the scales by using the menu option Scale. In this way, you can
produce a series of plots with the same scale. If you modify the scale of a plot, the program will
accept your input only if your wish implies round numbers for the x and y-axis.
In many places you can zoom into a picture: Press the left mouse button and hold it down while
moving the mouse. Enclose with the rubber rectangle the region you are interested in and release the
button to initiate repainting the figure. With a click of the right button of your mouse you will zoom
out to the standard scaling.
If the range of values is very small, an appropriate number will be subtracted from the values and
noted separately at the axis. If for example all values are between 32000.3 and 32000.4 the scale will
begin with 0.3 and end with 0.4. Near to the axis the string +32000 will be written.
You can produce graphs with or without grid lines. From a figure with fine grid lines you can read
numbers without the help of a ruler. Reading numbers from a plot without grid lines is a cumbersome
task because the spacing between grid lines on paper will not be even centimeters or inches. While
running Smooth T you can easily read numbers from a map: Go to the picture catalog and select
Pick from the menu.
If you are missing a special plot in the picture collection, then you can define yourself a graph.
Select Plot|Special from the menu in the picture catalog and enter formulae for the x and the y
axes. The list of property names which may be used in the formulae is shown to the right of the input
window. You can use the operators +, -, *, / and ^ in the formula, and also brackets.
You can edit most of the text which is written near to the x- and y-axes. You can add the unit for the
corrected mass flow, for example. Store your modifications in a file if you want to reuse them.
Be careful with your modifications: the program will not check whether the text on an axis is
according to the content of the graph or not.
The program offers a selection of tables, choose what you need for your purpose. Mass Flow is
always an output, the other tables are optional. If you want to read later the synthesis tables
produced as "measured data" with Smooth T 9, then make sure that the set of tables is consistent
with the requirements for the keywords.
Synthesis tables that employ ß as auxiliary coordinates and also tables without ß can be produced
as output.
In a map employing ß the distance between the data points increases with speed. Thus the distance
is small in regions where efficiency changes rapidly with pressure ratio. In the upper speed range
there are no rapid efficiency changes and the distance between the points can be bigger without
loosing accuracy.
In a map without auxiliary coordinates the distance between the data points is independent from
speed. The number of data points must be selected in such a way that the map reading accuracy
requirements are met everywhere. Usually synthesis tables without auxiliary coordinates will be
much bigger than those with ß for a given accuracy. Moreover, there will be many useless data
points in the map region where low speed is combined with high pressure ratio.
The following tables are offered for output with auxiliary coordinates. ß can mean a relative pressure
ratio or a relative specific work.
In the program in which you are using the synthesis tables with ß as relative pressure ratio, for
example, read first the Min and Max Pressure Ratio tables which yields P1/P2,min and P1/P2,max.
Then calculate ß as
ß = (P1/P2 - P1/P2,min) / (P1/P2,max - P1/P2,min)
Now you are ready to read the data from the other tables.
The following tables are offered for output without auxiliary coordinates.
The table argument can be specific work, isentropic specific work or pressure ratio. The number of
argument values is selected in the top right corner, a number of 50 or more is required for adequate
efficiency accuracy in the low speed region of the map.
GasTurb tables can be read by Smooth T as "measured data". The Reynolds correction data are
described in detail in the GasTurb manual; They are of no relevance for Smooth T.
A GasTurb turbine map is described with a set of 4 or 5 tables stored in one file. The extension to
the file name is "MAP". The table with the turbine exit angle is optional.
Note: the explanations (text in blue/italic) are not part of an actual file and tables are abbreviated by
<Table: ...>
the statement, followed by the argument, the parameter and finally the function
Map Type Map Title
99 Arbitrary Text
Reynolds correction data:
Reynolds: RNI=x1 f = y1 RNI = x2 f = y2
Mass Flow
<Table: ß, Speed, Mass Flow>
<Table: ß, Speed, Efficiency>
<Table: ß, Speed, Angle>
8 References
[1] Turbine Map Extension – Theoretical Considerations and Practical Advice
Joachim Kurzke
J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc. 2020;4:176–189, 2020
9 Appendix
9.1 Nomenclature and Definitions
9.1.1 Symbols
a Velocity of sound
A Area
H Specific work
Mn Mach number
N Spool speed
Standard day corrected spool speed
P Total pressure
Ps Static pressure
PW Power
R Gas constant
T Total temperature
Trq Torque
Ts Static temperature
U Circumferential speed
Vax Axial velocity
W Mass flow
γ Isentropic exponent
δ P / 101.325kPa
Θ T / 288.15K
ρ Density
Φ Flow coefficient
Ψ Work coefficient
9.1.2 GasTurb
GasTurb is a cycle program for design and off-design performance of many gas turbine
configurations, see With the help of Smooth T 9 you can produce the component
map format which is needed by GasTurb.
The map type indicator is an integer number which indicates numerically the contents of a file. The
following map type indicators are defined:
1 measured data
2 smooth data (retained for consistency with previous versions)
3 smooth data
20 cycle data without turbine exit angle data
21 Cycle data with turbine exit angle data
any map:
99 GasTurb tables or synthesis tables
The map title is an arbitrary text which describes the map. It will be printed with any graphical output
and also stored with all files produced from Smooth T 9.
9.1.5 Keywords
In a file with measured or smooth data the following keywords are valid:
· Mass_Flow (mandatory)
· Pressure_Ratio (optional)
· Efficiency (optional)
· Work (optional)
· Angle (optional)
Two out of the three keywords Pressure_Ratio, Efficiency, Work must be used.
9.1.6 Speed
A speed line in Smooth T 9 is a line of constant corrected spool speed in a plot with Pressure Ratio
over Mass Flow.
The term speed is actually a shortcut for the corrected spool speed N/ÖT1 which is a measure of the
circumferential Mach number at the inlet to the compressor:
u const N const N
a R Ts R T Ts T
As can be seen from the formula above - since Ts/T is only a function of Mach number and isentropic
exponent - it holds:
f ( , Mnu )
Instead of using N/ÖT1 it is more convenient to use the standard day corrected speed N/ÖQ1 which is
expressed in rpm (revolutions per minute).
Actual numbers for N/ÖQ1 are often very big and this can cause undesired effects (overlapping of
numbers, for example) in the graphical output of Smooth T 9. Therefore it is recommended to use
relative corrected speed values as they are also used in GasTurb:
rel N
In Smooth T 9 the term mass flow stands for the corrected mass flow which is a measure of the axial
Mach number at the inlet to the compressor.
Vax W W R Ts W R T Ts T
a A R Ts A Ps R Ts A P Ps P
As can be seen from the formula above - since Ts/T and Ps/P are only functions of Mach number and
isentropic exponent - it holds:
f ( , Mnax )
A frequently used shortcut of this formula is W ÖT/P. When using numbers then this term has units
unfamiliar to most people. It is better to use standard day corrected mass flow which has in the SI
system the unit kg/s:
W W T 288.15 K
P 101.325kPa
Note that Smooth T 9 works with both W ÖT/P and W ÖQ/d, the units employed can be freely chosen.
9.1.8 Efficiency
Within Smooth T 9 normally the efficiency values are interpreted as isentropic efficiency.
H is
The isentropic work His is calculated from the pressure ratio.
You can use polytropic efficiency while reading measured data from a file, a bitmap, or while you
enter the data manually. The polytropic efficiency data will be converted to isentropic efficiency
immediately after the data input process. In some of the plots in the picture catalog you can choose
between polytropic and isentropic efficiency.
The pressure ratio P/P is defined as the total pressure P1 at the inlet of the turbine divided by the
total pressure P2 at the exit of the turbine.
In Smooth T 9 the terms Specific Work and Work are in many places used as abbreviation for the
Corrected Specific Work H/T1 or H/θ1 which is a measure of the work per unit of mass flow divided by
turbine inlet temperature.
During the map smoothing process the actual corrected specific work H/T1 is calculated from the
total pressure ratio P1/P2 and the efficiency. The isentropic corrected specific work His/T1 is
calculated from the total pressure ratio P1/P2.
9.1.11 Torque
PW c N Trq W H
Trq H T1
W T1 c N T1
W T1 H
Trq P1 T1
P1 N
9.1.12 Power
The true shaft power is the product of mass flow and specific work:
The corrected power is the product of corrected mass flow and corrected specific work:
W T1 H P
PWcorr PW 1
P1 T1 T1
Shaft power can also be expressed as the product of torque and speed:
PW Trq N
This yields another expression for corrected power:
PWcorr Trq P1 T1
53 Copyright © 2022 by GasTurb GmbH
Nomenclature and Definitions
The flow coefficient Φ = Vax/U and the work coefficient Ψ = H/U² are useful for describing turbine
performance in the map region where the Mach numbers are low. The axial component of the first
stator exit flow velocity Vax can be calculated at any point in the map from the Mach number which in
turn can be found from the correlation between corrected flow and the first stator exit Mach number
at the map reference point.
Note that in previous versions of Smooth T 9 corrected mass flow divided by corrected speed was
used as an expression for the flow coefficient. This was an approximation for Φ which is valid for low
Mach numbers only. The graphs created by Smooth T 9 show valid values for the flow coefficient over
the full Mach number range.
Instead of circumferential speed U the speed value N may be employed for calculating a number
which is proportional to the flow coefficient Φ. If the true flow coefficient is known for the map
reference point, then Φ can be calculated for any point in the map. Setting Φref=1 at the map
reference point yields plots with relative Φ values that are nearly as useful as those with the true
The parameters flow coefficient Φ = Vax/u and work coefficient Ψ = H/u² are useful for describing the
off-design performance of a compressor in the low Mach number region because there the influence
of compressibility becomes negligible.
A number proportional to the work coefficient can be calculated as H/N² and the isentropic work
coefficient Ψis is proportional to His/N².
H is T1 H is H is
N T1
2 2
N u2
If at the map reference point a value for the work coefficient is known, then Ψ and Ψis can be
calculated for any point of the map.
A table is a set of numbers and contains argument values (A), parameter values (P) and function
values (F):
The first number of a table is the table key which is composed from the number of rows and columns
of the table:
Key = number of rows + number of columns/1000
The number of rows is one more than the number of parameter values in the table and the number of
columns is one more than the number of arguments in the table. The key for the table above would
be 4.006, for example.
A table starts always on a new line and begins with the key. After the key follow the first four
argument values, separated by at least one "blank" from each other. The rest of the argument values
are on additional lines (five numbers per line). Only on the last line with argument values there may
be less than five numbers.
Parameter values must always begin a new line and the first four function values follow on the same
line. The rest of the function values are arranged as described for the argument values.
The data need not be in specific columns, but there must be at least one blank between each
number. The length of the lines must not exceed 79 columns.
Note: the explanations (text in blue) are not part of an actual file!
Map Type Map Title
1 AGARD two-stage turbine
Mass_flow Pressure_Ratio Efficiency
Speed # of Points
0.70000 10
Mass_flow Pressure_Ratio Efficiency
91.40000 1.40000 0.91200
97.10000 1.50000 0.91300
101.30000 1.60000 0.91000
104.30000 1.70000 0.90000
106.40000 1.80000 0.88500
108.70000 2.00000 0.86300
110.30000 2.20000 0.84200
111.10000 2.40000 0.82500
112.00000 2.60000 0.81000
112.30000 2.80000 0.79500
0.80000 12
89.80000 1.40000 0.87800
96.00000 1.50000 0.91100
100.40000 1.60000 0.92150
103.60000 1.70000 0.92170
105.80000 1.80000 0.91900
108.50000 2.00000 0.90500
109.80000 2.20000 0.89000
111.00000 2.40000 0.87900
111.50000 2.60000 0.86200
111.60000 2.80000 0.85300
112.30000 3.00000 0.84200
112.40000 3.20000 0.83400
1.20000 9
109.80000 2.60000 0.93100
105.00000 2.00000 0.86000
111.40000 3.40000 0.94020
111.30000 3.20000 0.94100
100.70000 1.80000 0.79500
110.60000 2.80000 0.93800
107.20000 2.20000 0.89800
110.90000 3.00000 0.94100
108.70000 2.40000 0.92000
1.00000 12
111.90000 3.40000 0.90800
111.60000 3.00000 0.92100
110.90000 2.60000 0.93050
109.00000 2.20000 0.93400
103.50000 1.80000 0.90500
96.80000 1.60000 0.84000
111.80000 3.20000 0.91500
111.10000 2.80000 0.92700
110.00000 2.40000 0.93350
106.80000 2.00000 0.92700
100.80000 1.70000 0.88000
92.30000 1.50000 0.78500
1.10000 11
95.30000 1.60000 0.75000
98.90000 1.70000 0.82000
101.60000 1.80000 0.86000
105.50000 2.00000 0.90700
108.00000 2.20000 0.92600
109.20000 2.40000 0.93500
110.30000 2.60000 0.93920
Copyright © 2022 by GasTurb GmbH 56
0.60000 6
93.00000 1.40000 0.90700
98.50000 1.50000 0.88800
102.30000 1.60000 0.86800
105.00000 1.70000 0.85000
107.00000 1.80000 0.83200
109.70000 2.00000 0.80000
Note: the explanations (text in blue) are not part of an actual file!
Map Type Map Title
3 AGARD two-stage turbine
Mass_flow Pressure_Ratio Efficiency
Speed # of Points
0.60000 15
Mass_flow Pressure_Ratio Efficiency
65.80644989 1.232769966 0.878737569
81.00357819 1.295310020 0.906146169
89.03225708 1.357850075 0.908800006
94.19355011 1.420390010 0.906343281
97.63440704 1.482930064 0.894089997
100.2150497 1.545470119 0.879850745
102.4372787 1.608010054 0.866129994
104.2293930 1.670550108 0.854659975
105.6630783 1.733090162 0.843656719
106.9175568 1.795630097 0.833208978
107.9211502 1.858170152 0.822761178
108.8387070 1.920710087 0.813805997
109.5698929 1.983250141 0.804480016
57 Copyright © 2022 by GasTurb GmbH
File Format Examples
0.800000012 15
80.75269318 1.300983310 0.828849971
93.47669983 1.444365263 0.900539994
100.1075287 1.587747216 0.921329975
104.2293930 1.731129050 0.922760010
106.8906784 1.874511003 0.914160013
108.6379929 2.017892838 0.903410017
109.7168503 2.161274910 0.893369973
110.4695282 2.304656744 0.883329988
111.0250931 2.448038578 0.874010026
111.3978500 2.591420412 0.864700019
111.6845932 2.734802485 0.856090009
111.9390717 2.878184319 0.848919988
112.1147003 3.021566153 0.841759980
112.2580566 3.164947987 0.835300028
112.3297501 3.308330059 0.829569995
0.899999976 15
86.09319305 1.374429941 0.789430022
96.16487122 1.535779953 0.885479987
102.0788498 1.697129965 0.919889987
105.5914001 1.858479977 0.927779973
107.9569931 2.019829988 0.927779973
109.4444427 2.181180000 0.925629973
110.2957001 2.342530012 0.919889987
110.8817215 2.503880024 0.912720025
111.3261566 2.665230036 0.904839993
111.5985718 2.826580048 0.897669971
111.7706070 2.987930059 0.889779985
111.8673782 3.149279833 0.881900012
111.9211502 3.310629845 0.874729991
111.9390717 3.471979856 0.867560029
111.9390717 3.633329868 0.861109972
1.000000000 15
90.89605713 1.474103332 0.768999994
98.20789337 1.638452888 0.852330029
103.5125427 1.802802444 0.908779979
106.5233002 1.967151880 0.927600026
108.2437286 2.131501436 0.932969987
109.3906784 2.295850992 0.933870018
110.2509003 2.460200548 0.932969987
110.8243713 2.624550104 0.930289984
111.2042999 2.788899660 0.926699996
111.5268784 2.953248978 0.922219992
111.7204285 3.117598534 0.917739987
111.8279572 3.281948090 0.912370026
111.8924713 3.446297646 0.906989992
111.8924713 3.610646963 0.901610017
111.8924713 3.774996758 0.897130013
1.100000024 15
95.28674316 1.600003362 0.748390019
100.1254501 1.752383828 0.845160007
103.7992783 1.904764295 0.889959991
106.3082428 2.057144880 0.915950000
108.1003571 2.209525347 0.926699996
109.1756287 2.361905813 0.933910012
109.9068069 2.514286280 0.938210011
110.5519714 2.666666746 0.939930022
110.9820786 2.819047213 0.939930022
111.2688217 2.971427679 0.938780010
111.4121933 3.123808146 0.936559975
111.4838715 3.276188612 0.932969987
111.5197067 3.428569078 0.929030001
111.5555573 3.580949545 0.924009979
111.5555573 3.733330011 0.918420017
1.200000048 15
99.05017850 1.752130032 0.777059972
102.5447998 1.877572894 0.823660016
104.9641571 2.003015757 0.861289978
106.5770569 2.128458500 0.890860021
107.8315430 2.253901482 0.907890022
108.6738434 2.379344225 0.918640018
109.3906784 2.504787207 0.926699996
109.9641571 2.630229950 0.932969987
110.3942719 2.755672932 0.937099993
110.7526932 2.881115675 0.939779997
110.9677429 3.006558418 0.941039979
111.1111069 3.132001400 0.941399992
111.1828003 3.257444143 0.941039979
111.1828003 3.382886887 0.940140009
111.2544785 3.508329868 0.938709974
The sequence of the data lines in a file with cycle data is of no importance. The comment is optional.
Points without a comment will be marked with numbers in the graphics.
Cycle data may be with or without exit angle information. Use 20 as File Type Indicator if no turbine
exit angle information is available:
Note: the explanations (text in blue) are not part of an actual file!
File Type File Title
20 Turbine Operating Line Data Points
Index Deviations
Efficiency 22, 52
Exit flow angle 27
-A- Extrapolating a map 28
Accuracy 26
Advice 33 -F-
Fine-tune efficiency 25 File extension 42
Mach number 22 File reading error 12
Pressure ratio 1 25 Fine tuning efficiency 25
Speed line zero 28 Flow 52
Flow coefficient 13, 35, 54
-B- Flow-speed relationship 34
Backbone 24
Freeze Reference 14
Beta line grid 15
Fuel-air-ratio 14
Define graphically 15
Interpolation error 27 -G-
Parabola coefficients 17
Gas properties 14
Bitmap Gasconstant 14
Corrected flow 10
GasTurb 50
Efficiency 9
GasTurb map 47
Bitmap options 9
Blade-jet speed ratio 15, 39 -H-
Horizontal line 17
Copyright 2 -I-
Corrected flow 17, 52 Installation 2
Corrected power 53 Interpolation error 27
Corrected specific work 53 Isentropic efficiency 52
Corrected speed 51 Isentropic exponent 14
Cycle Data 12, 33
Efficiency 33 -K-
Mass flow 33 Keywords 51
Cycle data file example 60
-D- Loss characteristic 1 36
Data input Loss characteristic 2 37
Bitmap 9 Loss characteristic 3 38
Bitmap with efficiency contour lines 11
Efficiency 9 -M -
File reading error 12 Mach number 22, 51, 52
Format for measured data 7 Manual data input 5, 7
Format for smooth data 8 Map
Keywords 51 Map type indicator 50
Mass flow 10 Mass flow contours 35
Measured data 6, 7 Reshaping 41
Options 5 Title 51
Data output options 42 Map reference point 13
Relativize map 42
Defining efficiency lines 22
Defining speed lines 17 Map scaling 40
Scales in graphics 43
Scaling of a map 40