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Grade: 12 Semester: First

Applied Subject Title: EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/semester

Applied Subject Description: Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning
in the professional track
Culminating Performance Standard: Create an output of a Multimedia Presentation Software through Prezi.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in

Highest Thinking Skill to
Learning competencies developing the Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Content Performance
Content Essential
Standards Standards Flexible
Topics KUD
KUD Assessment Enabling
Most Class RBT Flexible Learning
Complete Classifi Activities (FAA) General
Essential ifica Level Strategies (FLS)
cation Strategy
tion Performance
Quarter 1
Introduction to The learners Week 1 The learner shall be A1. Defines A6. Use the Online Activity 1:
Information improve their Introductio able to: Information and advantages The learners will
Technologies knowledge on n to Communication U of Online D Creati Create a communicati classify different
how ICT affects Information Independently Technologies; systems, ng foundation of on websites as static or
and compose an insightful functions understanding dynamic.
their everyday
Communica reflection paper on A2. Explains the and the world of
lives and the tion platforms
the nature of ICT n the nature of ICT. Online Activity 2:
state of our Technologie context of their lives, Information and The learners will
nation. s society, and Communication identify different
professional tracks. Technologies; websites classified
The learners under Web 1.0, 2.0
demonstrate an A3. Compare and and 3.0.
understanding contrast the
of the use of differences Distance Activity 1:
advanced tools The learners shall be between online The learners will
and techniques able to independently platforms, sites classify different
apply advanced and other content; websites presented
found in
productivity tools to A4. Understand in a table as static or
and software create or develop ICT the features of dynamic.
applications in content for use in web 1.0, 2.0 and
developing ICT specific professional 3.0 Distance Activity 2:
content for tracks. The learners will
These may be in the A5. Learn the identify different
form of, but not different trends in websites presented
professional limited to ICT and use them in a table and will
tracks to their advantage be classified under
1. Layout catalogue of Web 1.0, 2.0 and
creative works (Arts) 3.0.
2. letterhead/
business card design
business/academic. Online Activity

1. “How safe are

you?” The leaner
will identify the risk
of the type of
inputted in different
web applications

2. “Think before
you click” the
The learners A1. Consider one learner will promote
improve their and other’s safety a safe online
awareness on when sharing environment by
how to protect information using Video posting several tips
themselves and the Internet; analysis for Online safety in
others while A4. Browse Reacting to a particular website
A2. Consider one U the Internet several video application.
using internet.
and other’s efficiently clip about the
Week 2
reputation when and properly risk of input of
Rules of the
using the Internet; through personal Distance
referencing information in
A3. Determine and and different web 1. “How safe are
avoid the dangers appropriate applications. you?” The leaner
of the Internet; use of social will identify the risk
networking of the type of
sites information
Video Analysis inputted in different
React to the web applications.
possible cause
of identity theft Distance
in an online
situation. 2. “Think before
you click” the
learner will promote
a safe online
environment by
posting several tips
for Online safety in
a particular website

The learners
maximize the
features of
Microsoft Word
in manipulating
text, graphics
and images.

The learners shall be

Week 3
Intercultural A7. Online Activity 1:
Communica Demonstrat The learners will be
tion U es sensitivity D Apply Connections analyzing Editorial
to the socio ing cartoons and
– cultural photographs about
dimension cultural and gender
of sensitivity.
tion Online Activity 2:
situation The learners will be
with focus watching a
on culture Connections conversation
and gender. between two
individuals with
different culture.
They will analyze
the communication
breakdown that
happened and
provide solutions
for the breakdown.

Distance Activity 1:
The learners will be
analyzing Editorial
cartoons and
photographs (sent
as a printed
material) about
cultural and gender

Distance Activity 2:
The learners will be
watching a
between two
individuals with
different culture
(sent through a
flash drive). They
will analyze the
B. The learner Regulation/ The learner writes a B1. Identifies B1, B2. Situational Online Activity 1:
Functions of values the Control 250-word essay of strategies used Examines Analysis The learners will be
Communication functions/ Social his/her objective by each speaker sample oral students will analyzing and
Regulation/Control purposes of Interaction observation and to convey his/her U communica U Analy listen to Communicatio classifying
 Social Interaction zing different n communication
oral Motivation evaluation of the ideas effectively. tion
 Motivation communication situations based on
communication. Information various speakers activities situation and their functions.
 Information Emotional watched and B2. Evaluates the analyze the Afterwards, they
 Emotional Expression listened to effectiveness of functions used. will try to explain
Expression an oral They will also why these situations
communication evaluate the are classified as
activity. effectiveness of such.
U strategies used
by the speaker Online Activity 2:
to deliver the The learners will
message. create a Graphic
Organizer which
explains and shows
the functions of

Online Activity 3:
The learners will
choose one function
of communication
and write a 250-
word essay about
what they
regarding this

Distance Activity 1:
The learners will be
analyzing and
situations based on
their functions.
Afterwards, they
will try to explain
why these situations
are classified as
C. Communicative The learner 1. The learner C1. Engage in C1. Analy What to Say? Communicatio Online Activity 1:
Competence recognizes that Strategies demonstrates various speech U Responds U zing The students n The learners will be
communicative in Various effective use of situations using appropriat will be provided given one minute to
competence Speech communicative the types of ely and with speech express their
situations and thoughts regarding
requires Situations strategy in a variety communicative effectively
they will be the speech situation
understanding of speech situations. strategies. to a speech tasked to give they have listened
of speech 2. Types of act appropriate to.
context, speech Communica response to
style, speech tive each of the Online Activity 2:
act and Strategy situation to test The learners will be
communicative their shown/sent a
strategy. communicative random word which
competence. they will be relating
to themselves. In a
maximum of 2
CommunicAsso Connections minutes, they will
ciate video record
themselves as they
associate the word
to themselves.

Distance Activity 1:
The learners will be
given one minute to
express their
thoughts regarding
the speech situation
they have listened
to and their outputs
will be sent through
a flash drive.

Distance Activity 2:
The learners will be
having a Word
Search. The learners
will be associating
the first word they
see from the Word
Search to
themselves. They
will write it a
paragraph with 100-
D. Types of Speeches The learner 1. The learner D1. Distinguish U D1. U Analy Speech Typing Communicati Online Activity 1:
realizes the According proficiently delivers type of speeches. Distinguish zing on The learners will be
rigors of to purpose various speeches es type of identifying the
crafting one’s (informativ using the principles speeches dominant purpose
speech. of each examples of
e, of effective speech
demonstra delivery Online Activity 2:
tive, The learners will
persuasive, choose one among
entertainm Online Selling the basic necessities
ent) (Persuasive Creating during this
Speech) pandemic (alcohol,
2. face mask, face
Principles shield, sanitizer,
of Speech thermal scanner,
etc.). The learners
will audio record
themselves for a
maximum of 3
minutes as they try
to sell the item they
have chosen to sell.

Online Activity 3:
The learners will be
thinking of a current
or recent issue
during this
 Within three
minutes, the
learners will
audio record
themselves as
they talk about
Chika Minute Creating the issue with
(Entertainment the purpose of
Speech) entertaining
their audience.

Distance Activity 1:
The learners will be
identifying the
dominant purpose
of each examples of
speeches and they
will send their
output through a
flash drive.

Distance Activity 2:
The learners will
choose one among
the basic necessities
during this
pandemic (alcohol,
face mask, face
shield, sanitizer,
thermal scanner,
etc.). The learners
will audio record
themselves for a
maximum of 3
minutes as they try
to sell the item they
have chosen to sell.
Their output will be
sent through a flash

Distance Activity 3:
The learners will be
thinking of a current
or recent issue
during this
 Within three
minutes, the
learners will
audio record
themselves as
they talk about
the issue with
the purpose of
their audience.
Their output will be
sent through a flash
D2. Uses principles D2. Uses
of effective speech principles
delivery focusing of effective The learners will
on articulation, D speech D Creati SPEECH Problem write and deliver a
modulation, stage ng WRITING AND Solving speech based on a
delivery in
presence, facial DELIVERY given topic.
expressions, different
gestures, situations.
movements and
rapport with the

Performance Task:

The Municipality of Magsingal in the province of Ilocos Sur is one of the municipalities affected by the widespread case
of the COVID-19 virus. The Local Government Unit, together with the help of the frontliners, is doing everything they can to
help stop the spread of the virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic. In relation with thisc issue, you are asked
to compose and deliver a formal speech as a frontliner about the COVID-19 pandemic in your municipality and how you are
going to increase the awareness in your community about the pandemic. You will choose among the following what type of
frontliner are you: nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others. After writing the speech, you are
asked to submit your speech to the Local Government unit for checking and validation. After your speech is checked and
validated, first) you are going to upload your written speech in your created Facebook page and second) you will post the
video of your delivered formal speech in the same Facebook page for the local viewers to view and share at the same time.
Your final outputs should follow the set standards for composing and delivering a formal speech. Pay attention to the
content, organization, structure and sources for your written speech, while focus on content, verbal skills, nonverbal skills,
and preparedness for your video-recorded speech.

Goal: The learner will compose and deliver a formal speech.

Role: The learner will act as a frontliner (nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others).
Audience: The local viewers/Community
Situation: You are to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic in your
Product: The learners are tasked to upload their written speech in their created Facebook page and post the video of the
delivered speech in the same Facebook page for the local viewers to view and share at the same time
Standards: Written Speech: Content, Organization, Structure and Sources, Video-Recorded Speech: Content, Verbal Skills, Nonverb
Skills, and Preparedness

The Municipality of Magsingal in the province of Ilocos Sur is one of the municipalities affected by the widespread case
of the COVID-19 virus. The Local Government Unit, together with the help of the frontliners, is doing everything they can to
help stop the spread of the virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic. In relation with this issue, you are asked
to compose and deliver a formal speech as a frontliner about the COVID-19 pandemic in your municipality and how are you
going to increase the awareness in your community about the pandemic. You will choose among the following what type of
frontliner are you: nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others. After writing the speech, you are
asked to submit your speech to the Local Government unit for checking and validation. (You may ask your
parent/guardian/barangay officials to submit it for you. Take note that it should be properly coordinated.) After your speech
is checked and validated, you are going to submit your written and video-recorded speech using your flash drive and
coordinate it to your designated barangay official so that they will submit your materials to the Admin of your
municipalities’ Facebook page for the local viewers to view and share at the same time. Your final outputs should follow the
set standards for composing and delivering a formal speech. Pay attention to the content, organization, structure and
sources for your written speech, while focus on content, verbal skills, nonverbal skills, and preparedness for your video-
recorded speech.

Goal: The learner will compose and deliver a formal speech.

Role: The learner will act as a frontliner (nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others).
Audience: The local viewers/Community
Situation: You are to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic in your
Product: The learners are tasked to give their written and recorded speech to the Admin of their municipalities’ Facebook page.
Standards: Written Speech: Content, Organization, Structure and Sources, Video-Recorded Speech: Content, Verbal Skills, Nonverb
Skills, and Preparedness

The Municipality of Magsingal in the province of Ilocos Sur is one of the municipalities affected by the widespread case
of the COVID-19 virus. The Local Government Unit, together with the help of the frontliners, is doing everything they can to
help stop the spread of the virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic. In relation with this issue, you are asked
to compose and deliver a formal speech as a frontliner about the COVID-19 pandemic in your municipality and how are you
going to increase the awareness in your community about the pandemic. You will choose among the following what type of
frontliner are you: nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others. For relevant inputs in your speech,
you may interview the frontliners in your area. You may want to coordinate with the frontliners in your barangay then in the
municipal office. After writing the speech, you are asked to submit your speech to the Local Government unit for checking
and validation. After your speech is checked and validated, first) you are going to upload your written speech in your
created Facebook page for the local viewers to view and share at the same time and second) you will deliver your speech in
front of the members of your community. Make sure to coordinate with your barangay officials. Your final outputs should
follow the set standards for composing and delivering a formal speech. Pay attention to the content, organization, structure
and sources for your written speech, while focus on content, verbal skills, nonverbal skills, and preparedness for your video-
recorded speech.

Goal: The learner will compose and deliver a formal speech.

Role: The learner will act as a frontliner (nurse, doctor, police, volunteer, barangay frontliner unit, and others).
Audience: The local viewers/Community
Situation: You are to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to increase awareness about the pandemic in your community.
Product: The learners are tasked to upload their written speech in their created Facebook page and deliver their speech in front of
the members of their community. An interview of the frontliners near the learner’s area is conducted as an additional relevant
input to the speech.
Standards: Written Speech: Content, Organization, Structure and Sources, Video-Recorded Speech: Content, Verbal Skills, Nonverbal Skills,
and Preparedness

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