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Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM) Understanding Culture Society and Politics

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Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM)

Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Competencies to Develop Based on Minimum Standards Evaluation of Achieved Competencies

Percentage Remarks
Criteria and
Allocation of
Skills Enabling Standards for a Highest
the Criteria for Final
Necessary to Knowledge to Attitude to Skill Assessment Successful Achievement of w/ Highest And Lowest
a successful Grade
Develop Attain Develop Activities/PT Completion of the Learning Development in Development in
Completion of
PT Competencies in Skill ( ) Skill ( )
the PT
Communication 1.Learners have Learners will Communication Leaners are tasked
Skills the ability to develop an Skills to study and raise Cohesive ness of
identify the attitude of being the influence of Online Exhibit: 40%
Thinking skills barrier of cultural cultural sensitive Thinking skills multiculturalism in goals, plan,
differences in a affirming and your community. To subjected
Problem particular accepting every raise the
audience and
Solving community. one’s culture Collaboration awareness,
breaking the consciousness on evaluation plan
Collaboration 2.learners have barriers of what is common to
the ability to cultural everybody and Language and 40%
value the factors differences and break the barriers Conventions:
of promotes of cultural Clarity, grammar
multiculturalism multiculturalism. differences where language, etc.
and raise its everyone(Audience)
influence on their benefits a mutual Collaborations:
community society (product). 20%
Shared a
Through the ____
responsibility for
following activities: 100%
Online Exhibit collaborative
where the set of work and value
technical and the individual
various Abilities of contributions
different members made by each
of the community team member.
are subjected.

Skill necessary to Criteria and Standards for a Successful 3 2 1

develop Completion of the PT (Very Good) (Good) (Fair)
Thinking skills 40% Cohesiveness of Online Exhibit: Presents a clear statement of purpose of Presents some statement of purpose of the It doesn’t presents statement of purpose of
goals, plan, subjected audience and the exhibit in terms of goal, plan, subjected exhibit in terms of goal, plan, subjected the exhibit in terms of goal, plan, subjected
evaluation plan audience and evaluation plan audience and evaluation plan audience and evaluation plan

Communication 40% Language and Conventions: Appropriate use of language, coherence is Appropriate use of Language but some of the Presented ideas and concepts do not show
Clarity, grammar language, etc. observed on ideas, concepts presented presented ideas and concepts are not properly coherency and need revision on the language
presented used

Collaboration 20% Collaborations: Provides Full interest and value the Provides some interest and value some of the Provides some interest but it doesn’t value
Shared a responsibility for responsibility of every assigned task of each responsibility of every assigned task of each the responsibility of every assigned task of
collaborative work and value the team member team member each team member
individual contributions made by
each team member.

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