Oxodene - Longevity of Honey Bees
Oxodene - Longevity of Honey Bees
Oxodene - Longevity of Honey Bees
case with females. The only relatively nontoxic Davich, T. B., and D. A. Lindquist. 1962. Exploratory
treatment to both sexes was 0.005% for 6 days, studies on gamma radiation for sterilization of the
but it was only 50 to 75% effective in causing ster boll weevil. J. Econ. Entomol. 55: 164-7.
ility. Cast, R. T. 1966. Oviposition and fecundity of boll
Discussion.—Of 79 tests conducted against the male weevils in mass-rearing laboratory cultures. Ibid.
boll weevil, 33% produced an 'effective level of steril 59: 173-6.
ity. Of the successful tests, 42% contained busulfan, Haynes, J. W., P. A. Hedin, and T. B. Davich. 1966.
almost half of which produced excessive mortality. Hempa and apholate as chemosterilants for the
Of 80 tests conducted against the female boll wee boll weevil. Ibid. 59: 1014-5.
vil, 76% produced an effective level of sterility.
Although 26% of the successful tests used busulfan, Hedin, P. A., C. P. Cody, and A. C. Thompson, Jr. 1964.
ENT 61168, and ENT 51904 were much more effec Antifertility effect of the chemosterilant apholate On
tive at nontoxic concentrations. the male boll weevil. Ibid. 57: 270-2.
The best treatment for sterilizing both sexes with Klassen, W., and N. W. Earle. 1970. Permanent sterility
out excessive mortality was busulfan at 0.1% in a induced in boll weevils with busulfan without re
6day feeding. This treatment was successful in 5 ducing production of pheromone. Ibid. 63: 1195-8.
of 7 tests against each sex with only 29% of these Klassen, W., J. F. Norland, and A. B. Bofkovec. 1968.
tests producing excessive mortality. Potential chemosterilants for boll weevils. Ibid. 61:
Bushland, R. C., A. W. Lindquist, and E. F. Knipling. Vanderzant, E. S., and T. B. Davich. 1961. Artihcial
1955. Eradication of screw-worms through release diets for adult boll weevils and techniques for ob
of sterilized males. Science (Washington) 122: 287-8. taining eggs. Ibid. 57: 923-38.
Antibiotics, bactericides, germicides, disinfectants, For the test, the Oxodene was mixed with 50%
and similar compounds, when fed to honey bees. (wt/wt) sucrose solution (sucrose and once-distilled
Apis mellifera L., have a variety of effects. A change water) to provide 6 concentrations of chlorine di
in longevity is among the most noticeable. Tests oxide of 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000 ppm.
have been conducted to determine the effects of Nonanesthetized adult worker honey bees of mixed
several antibiotics and other materials on longevity ages from the same colony were placed in thirty
of caged bees (Moffett 1952, 1953; Moffett et al. 7.6x 17.7x2.5-cm cages made of wood and galvanized
1958; Hitchcock 1964). Oxodene® (chlorine dioxide) screen on Nov. 22, 1967. Because Jones et al. (1964)
was another material submitted to the USDA for de reported a decrease in the longevity of bees anes
termination of its effects on honey bees. thetized with carbon dioxide, nonanesthetized bees
Materials and Methods.—Oxodene is an aqueous
were used. Each cage contained an average 173 bees
solution of stabilized chlorine dioxide used as a de
odorizer, bacteriostat, germicide, fungicide, slimicide, (range 142-251). The test solutions were each fed
and bleach. It is normally marketed as a colorless to the bees continuously (5 cages/solution) by plac
solution containing 10,000 or 20,000 ppm chlorine ing 1 calibrated inverted 25-ml vial (with 2 pinholes
dioxide and has a slight odor of chlorine in the in each top) on each cage. In addition a similar
more concentrated solutions. vial containing water was added to each cage. Solu
tions were changed every week to avoid possible
1 Hymenoptera: Apidae. contamination by molds.
8 Part of a thesis submitted by the 1st author in partial fulfill The cages of bees were arranged randomly on 4
ment of the requirements of a M.S. degree from the University
of Wyoming, Laramie. Published with approval of the Director, shelves of a Cenco® incubator with automatic tem
Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, as Journal Paper no. perature and ventilation controls. Darkness was
450. Received for publication Jan. 27, 1971.
8 Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute endorse maintained in the incubator except at times when
ment by the USDA. data were collected or feeding took place. The aver
* Entomologist, Entomology Research Division, Agr. Res. Serv.,
USDA. Present address; Bee Breeding Investigations, Room 240, age temperature was 32°C (range 30°-33°C). The
Agricultural Center, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.
70803. relative humidity was not controlled and averaged
® Professor, Entomology Section, Plant Science Division, Univer about 17% (range 16-20%).
sity of Wyoming, Laramie 82070.
“Research Entomologist, Entomology Research Division, Agr. Mortality, consumption of food and water, temper
Res. Serv., USDA, Bee Disease Investigation, Univ. Sta., P. O. ature, relative humidity, and the condition of the
Box 3168, University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070.
Vol. 65, no. 1
Journal of Economic Entomology
Table l.-Longevity and mean cumulative consumption of Oxodene and water per cage of caged honey bees fed
concentrations of Oxodene in sucrose solutions (5 cages/treatment). Laramie, Wyo. 1967-68.
Treatment Week
(ppm chlorine 9 10 11
Mean* survivors (% )
95.8 83.8 65.8 51.5 41.4 28.9 11.58 ah
0 (controls) 99.0 97.1 97.0 96.3 21.41 ab
94.4 92.9 91.2 88.3 78.0 57.1 46.0 29.1
1 98.9 96.2 90.4 86.7 69.1 48.82 c
99.2 98.2 98.2 97.5 96.6 94.8 92.6
10 93.2 87.0 79.9 49.5 36.17 be
98.8 97.3 96.5 96.3 96.0 95.5
1000 97.9 69.1 Dead
10,000 Dead
Mean* cumulative amount of Oxodene consumed (ml)
102.8 120.0 143.4 161.2 176.6 186.0 195.0 201.4 a
0 (controls) 29.6 58.0 80.4 190.0 195.8 a
66.6 86.6 108.6 129.8 147.2 161.6 174.0 183.2
1 33.8 169.0 181.8 197.0 209.0 a
26.0 53.2 72.8 89.8 108.2 130.0 150.6
81.8 93.6 109.6 127.2 145.8 158.4 169.0 178.0 a
100 26.2 49.4 66.2
1000 14.4 25.0 30.0 Dead
10,000 4.8 Dead
Mean" cum Illative amount of water consumed ( ml)
76.0 88.2 106.2 117.8 133.8 143.4 152.6 160.2 166.2 a
0 (controls) 33.0 63.8 169.4 177.2 182.8 a
29.0 64.0 75.4 91.2 109.0 129.2 147.0 161.6
1 90.6 105.2 120.4 137.2 152.6 165.2 176.6 187.6 a
10 39.8 62.0 74.6 185.2 a
72.8 87.6 103.0 120.0 137.8 152.4 165.0 176.0
100 28.0 59.2
26.8 48.0 55.2 Dead
10,000 10.8 Dead
a The means of each treatment followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.01 level by Duncan’s multiple
ange lest.
bees were recorded each day for 11 weeks. Dead or test did not differ significantly among the treatment
moribund bees (no longer able to take food) were groups (Table IB, C). However, the analysis does
removed daily by using the sliding bottom screen of not include the ingestion of the groups fed 10,000
and 1000 ppm chlorine dioxide, because all these
Results and Discussion.—Ten and 100 ppm chlor bees had died.
ine dioxide fed to caged honey bees increased their A compound that significantly prolongs the life
longevity significantly compared with all other closes span of adult bees could be of great value to the
tested and bees fed these doses built honeycomb m beekeeping industry, because increased longevity
the cages and actually stored some of the sucrose solu could enable more bees to make more trips to the
tion after dehydrating it below the concentration field to forage for nectar, pollen, water, and propolis.
Increased longevity could result in a larger adult
necessary for fermentation.
All bees fed 1000 or 10,000 ppm chlorine dioxide population and greater honey production, and the
died before the test was concluded, and all those feci beekeeper who rents colonies for pollination purposes
10 000 ppm died within 1 week; 100% mortality did could expect more efficient pollination with a larger
no’t occur in those fed 1000 ppm until 3 weeks. Be number of bees per colony. Thus, field tests to de
fore dying, these bees regurgitated a greenish liquid termine the effects of chlorine dioxide on field colon
Also, excessive defecation occurred among bees fed ies are warranted.
10,000 ppm; these sick bees were very weak and had REFERENCES CITED
difficulty climbing the sides of the cage and maintain Hitchcock, J. D. 1964. Effects of two erythromycin
ing balance. Each moribund bee was noticed and formulations on the longevity of the honey bee. J.
sometimes mauled, by other stronger bees; death fol Insect Pathol. 6(4) ; 408-10.
lowed soon after. Tones, F. A., R. E. Showers, and F. E. Moeller. 1964.
At the completion of the experiment, an average Longevity of honey bees as affected by chemical gases
of 11.58% of the bees fed unmedicated sucrose sur and vapors commonly used in beekeeping. Amer. Bee
vived, and the average survival for those fed 1 ppm Moffett, T. 104(9) : 334-5.
J. O. 1952. Effect of iodine on the longevity
was 21.41%, which was not significantly different of caged bees. J. Econ. Entomol. 45; 135.
from the controls. However, survival in the groups 1953. Effects of several compounds on the longevity
fed 10 and 100 ppm was 48.82 and 36.17%, respec of caged honey bees. Ibid. 46: 164-6.
tively (Table lA), and these differences were sta Moffett, J. O., W. T. Wilson, and R. L. Parker. 1958
tistically significant (P<0.01). The effects of penicel, tetracycline, and erythromycin
The amount of food (sucrose solution) and water on adult bees, brood-rearing, and honey production.
consumed by caged bees that survived the 11-week Amer. Bee J. 98 (1) : 22-24.