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A Methodolgy of Fatigue Analysis

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International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

ISSN 0973-6085 Volume 12, Number 4 (2017) pp. 769-783

© Research India Publications

A Methodolgy of Fatigue Analysis of Pressure Vessels

by FEA

Mr. Ravi Krishnamoorthy Naman Shukla Deepak Taneja Sunny Bhardwaj

Assistant Professor (SG), Student, Student, Student,
Dept. of mechanical engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Pressure vessels contains fluid under pressure and temperature varying with
time, which makes it important to analyse pressure vessel for fatigue loading.
The design should ensure the structural integrity of the pressure vessel during
several transients. This study gives a methodology to performs fatigue analysis
of a pressure vessel by ASME code.ANSYS software is used to perform all
the analyses. Transient thermal and pressure analysis is performed and results
are used to determine cumulative usage factor. Fatigue curves are used to
determine cycles and hence usage factor is calculated. Cumulative usage
factor of fatigue are investigated to determine the adequacy of the design by
using Miner’s law.
Keywords: Pressure Vessel, Fatigue, ASME BPVC codes, ANSYS, Transient
Thermal analysis, Fatigue curves, Cumulative usage factor, Miner’s Law

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure
substantially different from the atmosphere pressure. Pressure vessels have a wide
application in thermal and nuclear power plants. The fluid may be at elevated
temperatures and in a pressurized state varying with respect to time. The paper of
MYUNG JO JHUNG[7], gives details about the procedure of analysis and variable to
be considered during different analysis. The paper of MULLA NIYAMAT[6]
describes about analytical approach towards design of pressure vessel and validation
770 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

of design. The complete analysis is done in stages. First step is pressure analysis and
it is done under design and hydrostatic pressure. Second step is performing a transient
thermal analysis. For the transient thermal analysis, the heat transfer coefficients are
determined based on the operating environment and the thermal transient data are
simplified to prepare a straightforward input deck. The most severe instances are
found considering the total stress intensity range and the stress levels at those times
are obtained along with the applied pressure. These values are then used in a fatigue
analysis to determine the final cumulative usage factor. The usage factors are used to
determine the adequacy of the pressure vessel by Miner’s rule.


A. Determination of shape and type of pressure vessel

Fig 1. Dimensions of a typical pressure vessel

B. Determonation of shell thickness

Design calculation [3]-(From ASME sec.8 div. 1)
 For thickness of cylindrical shell
𝑇𝑐 = 𝑃𝑅/(𝑆𝐸 + 0.4𝑃)
Tc= 309.15 mm, provided thickness = 320 mm
Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 771

 For thickness of hemispherical vessel heads

𝑇𝑠 = 𝑃𝐿/(2𝑆𝐸 − 0.2𝑃)
Ts= 165 mm, provided thickness =180mm
 For tapered joints instructions have been followed from [3] ASME BPVC
2015 Section VIII part 1 Fig UW 13.1.

C. Axissymmetric Modeling in ANSYS
Axis symmetric plane 183 element is chosen in analysis.

D. Design Parameters
Properties are taken for SA-508 Grade 3 Class-1. Data is referred from [2]ASME
Section- II D Properties (Metric).

Table 1. Design parameters

Pressure, P 17MPa
Hydrostatic Pressure 23 MPa
Working Pressure 4.136-15.51 MPa
Design Temperature ,TD 360 °C
Working Temperature 70- 450F
Allowable Stress, S 158MPa
Young’s Modulus 171×103 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Density 7750 Kg/m3
Internal Diameter 5200 mm
External Diameter 5840 mm

E. Meshing
The meshing of the pressure vessel by [4] ANSYS.Total number of nodes after
meshing is 8983.
772 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

Fig 2. Meshed model of axis symmetric pressure vessel


Pressure run is performed on the pressure vessel. Two pressure- design and
hydrostatic are selected for this run. Path operation is performed on three paths at
different position in the vessel. 1-1 is in hemisphere 2-2 is the junction of the
hemispherical and cylindrical shell and 3-3 is center of the cylindrical shell.

Fig 3. Defined Paths

A. Boundary Conditions
Two boundary conditions are provided for this structural analysis also shown in
Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 773

1. Symmetric Boundary Condition at axis of symmetry

2. Displacement Boundary Condition at bottom line of symmetry for hemisphere

Fig 4. Defined boundary conditions

B. Design pressure structural analysis

Design pressure is applied on the inner walls of the vessel with the boundary

Fig 5. Stress contour in the Z direction

Following are linearized stress plots for hoop stress in all three paths 1-1, 2-2, 3-3.
774 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

Fig 6. Linearized stress curve for path1-1 in z dir.

Fig 7. Linearized stress curve for path2-2 in z dir.

Fig 8. Linearized stress curve for path3-3 in z dir.

Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 775

Table 2. Final results for Design pressure structural analysis and Comparison with
calculated values

Path 3-3(cyli.) Calculated Values(lame’s theory) ANSYS linearized values

Ri Rm Ro Ri Rm Ro
Hoop Stress σc 146.1 136.95 129.24 146.97 138.3 130.1
Radial Stress σr -17 -7.816 -0.101 -16.34 -8.03 -0.11
Axial Stress σa 65 65 65 65.06 65.06 64.93
All stress units are in MPa

C. Hydrostatic pressure structural analysis

Hydrostatic pressure is applied on the inner walls of the vessel with the boundary

Fig 9. Stress contour in the Z direction

Following are linearized stress plots for hoop stress in all three paths 1-1, 2-2, 3-3.

Fig 10. Linearized stress curve for path1-1 in z dir.

776 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

Fig 11. Linearized stress curve for path2-2 in z dir.

Fig 12. Linearized stress curve for path3-3 in z dir.

Table 3 Final results for Hydrostatic pressure structural analysis andcomparison with
calculated values.

Path 3-3 (cylinder) Calculated Values(lame’s theory) ANSYS Linearized value

Ri Rm Ro Ri Rm Ro
Hoop Stress σc 199.04 186.5 176.04 198.6 187.6 175.5
Radial Stress σr -23 -10.5 0 -22.07 -10.84 -0.02
Axial Stress σa 88.02 88.02 88.02 85.4 87.9 90.4
All stress units are in MPa
Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 777


A. Loding Conditions
Following plot shows transient loading from 0 to 20000 seconds for heat up process
of the vessel. The pressure variation is shown by light spotted line and temperature is
shown by dark line.

Fig 13. Loading condition for transients

B. Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculation

The heat transfer coefficient for natural convection on a vertical surface was
calculated by using Heat and Mass Transfer data book. The methodology for
calculation of heat transfer coefficient is as follows [9]:
𝑁𝑢𝐷 = 𝐶 × (𝑅𝑎)𝑛

𝐷3 × 𝜌 × 𝑔 × 𝛽 × ∆𝑇
𝐺𝑟 =

𝐶𝑝 × 𝜇
𝑃𝑟 =
𝑁𝑢𝐷 × 𝑘

Constant for use with these equations for isothermal surfaces are C=0.590
𝑁𝑢𝐷 = Nusselt Number
Gr = Grashoff’s Number
Pr= Prandtl Number
778 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

D= Diameter of the vessel (m)

ρ= Density (Kg/m3)
g= Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
Cp= Specific Heat (J/Kg-°C)
µ= Dynamic Viscosity (N/m2-s)

Table 4 Thermal Properties at loading temperatures

Temperature Density Dynamic Specific Thermal conducti-
(°C) (Kg/m3) Viscosity(N/m2-s) Heat(J/Kg-°C) vity (W/m-°C)
21.1 999.86 0.000973 4171.9 0.6022
51.6 989.06 0.00053 4170.7 0.6473
232.2 835.89 0.00011 4591 0.6526
343.3 601.6 6.927 8557 0.4628

Following values of heat transfer coefficient (h) came for different points of time.
Table 5 Heat transfer coefficients at different loading condition
Time (s) Pressure (MPa) Temperature (°C) Heat transfer coefficient(h)
0 4.12 21.1 49.54
2800 4.136 51.6 179.3
7800 15.5 232.2 2030.11
10200 15.51 343.3 2311.45

C. Thermal Transient Analysis

Table 6 Parameters for thermal transient analysis
Temperature ,T 21.1° C- 343.3°C
Allowable Stress, S 158MPa
Young’s Modulus, E 171×103 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Density, ρ 7750 Kg/m3
Thermal Conductivity, α 37 W/m-k
Specific Heat, CP 5.84×105 J/kg-°c
Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 779

Transient thermal analysis is performed from 0 to 20000 seconds and temperature is

changed according to time as load steps.

Fig 14 Nodal temperature solution

D. Thermal+Pressure Transient Analysis

The results of thermal transient analysis is taken as input for combined pressure and
thermal analysis.

Fig 15 Nodal stress solution for Thermal + Pressure analysis

780 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

From solutions of this combined run it is obsevered that node 1100 is the severe node
with peak value of stress.
On this severe node time history plots are obtained for different stresses σ1, σ2, σ3, (σ2
– σ1), (σ3 – σ2), and (σ3 - σ1).

Fig 16 Time history solution for stress For (σ2 – σ1)

Fig 17 Time history solution for stress For (σ3 – σ2)

Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 781

Fig 18 Time history solution for stressFor (σ3 - σ1)

Graphical Representation of Principal Stresses W.R.T. Time at Severe Node 1100 for
(σ3 - σ1) shows maximum stress range and hence chosen to find max alternating stress
at service loading.
A. Calculation for Range and Alternating Stress
• For Hydrostatic LoadingRange
= σmax-σmin=179.817-0= 179.817
σalt= range/2= 179.817/2= 89.9
• For Combined loadingRange
= σmax-σmin= 322-(-50) = 372
σalt= range/2= 372/2=186

All stress values in MPa


S-N curve for SA 508 Grade 3 Class 1 is taken from [1] ASME BPVC 2015 Section
III A 2015 Figure I-9.5M.
C. Calculation for Modified Alternating Stress
• Stress concentration factor= 1.2 (ASME SectionVIII Div-2 Table 5.11)
782 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

• Modified σalt= ks* σalt= 1.2*186= 223.2

• Effect of elastic modulus[ASME section 3,nb3222.4,e,4]
=(195/171)*223.2= 254.5
• Similarly for hydrostatic conditions σalt= 123.03

All stress values are in MPa

D. Determination of number of cycles

• For Hydrostatic conditions, σalt= 123.03 MPaFrom SN curve N1 = 1584893
• For Combined service Loading, σalt= 254.5 MPaFrom SN curve N2= 39180
• Applied Loading Cycles for hydrostatic condition = n1= 15cycles
• Applied Loading Cycles for Combined Service Loading= n2 = 300cycles

E. Calculation for usage factor

• U2 (For Hydrostatic conditions)
=n2/N2 =15/1584893= 0.000009
• U1 (For Combined service Loading)
=n1/N1 =300/39180= 0.075


Miner’s law is given by

By substituting values given above

0.075009 ≤ 1
Hence, the design is safe.
Elliptical Magnetic Binary Problem when the Primaries are Oblate Spheroids 783

• This paper provides the methodology to perform fatigue analysis on a typical
pressure vessel to ASME.
• Likewise, other transient cycles, if any, can be included in the same way.
• The stress concentration factor is one of the most important factors affecting
the fatigue usage factor.

[1] ASME, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division 1, Subsection NB
Class 1 Components, 2004, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
[2] ASME-Section-2 for Materials-PART-D-Properties-Metric.
[3] ASME Section 8 division 1 for rules of construction of boiler and pressure
[4] ANSYS, Inc., Theory Reference for ANSYS and ANSYS Workbench Release
12.0, 2009, Canonsburg, PA.
[5] Bannantine, J.A., Comer, J.J., Handrock, J.L., Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue
Analysis, 1989, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
PRESSURE VESSEL BY USING ANSYS”, 2015, Mechanical Engineering
Department, MRCET Hyderabad, India.
PRESSURE VESSEL FOR SMART” 2011, Research Management
Department, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea.
[8] V. V. Wadkar, S.S. Malgave, D.D. Patil , H.S. Bhore , P. P. Gavade,
2015, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, AITRC, Vita, India.
[9] Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book. CP Kothandaraman, Eighth edition
784 Mr Ravi Krishnamoorthy, Naman Shukla, Deepak Taneja and Sunny Bhardwaj

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