RG 220116
RG 220116
RG 220116
Mary Jennings Clingan, MD • Zhao Zhang, DO • Melanie P. Caserta, MD • Kelly L. Cox, DO • Vivek Gupta, MD • Deborah A. Baumgarten, MD
Qihui (Jim) Zhai, MD • Lauren F. Alexander, MD
Author affiliations, funding, and conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
The approach to imaging a patient with kidney failure continues to evolve. Overstatement of the risk of iodinated contrast ma-
terial–induced (ie, contrast-induced) acute kidney injury and new guidelines for administration of gadolinium-based contrast
media affect screening and the choice of contrast material. Treatment of kidney failure requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Pretransplant imaging includes assessment for the feasibility of performing a transplant and evaluation for underlying malignancy
and peripheral vascular disease. Patients with kidney failure are at high risk for renal cell carcinoma. Subtypes that occur exclu-
sively or more commonly in patients with kidney failure, such as acquired cystic kidney disease, renal cell carcinoma, and clear cell
papillary renal cell carcinoma, have specific clinical-pathologic characteristics, with indolent behavior. Performing US for dialysis
planning increases the success of placement of an arteriovenous fistula, while postoperative US evaluation is essential in assess-
ment of access dysfunction. Systemic manifestations in patients with kidney failure are multifactorial and may relate to the under-
lying cause of renal failure or may be secondary to treatment effects. Disturbances in mineral and bone metabolism and soft-tissue
and vascular calcifications are seen in patients with chronic kidney disease and mineral bone disorder. Neurologic and cardiotho-
racic complications are also common. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of imaging considerations for patients with
kidney failure, including the appropriate use of CT, MRI, and US with their respective contrast agents; the use of imaging in trans-
plant workup and dialysis assessment; and the common renal and extrarenal manifestations of kidney failure.
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May 2023 Clingan et al
Figure 1. Screening, prophylaxis recommendations, and important considerations from a consensus statement from the American College of Radiology
(ACR) and the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) for the use of intravenous iodinated contrast media in patients with kidney disease (5). AKI = acute kidney
injury, CEUS = contrast-enhanced US, CHF = congestive heart failure, CKD = chronic kidney disease, eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate, ER = emer-
gency room, hr = hour, NS = normal saline.
dialysis. However, authors of a recent systematic review and function is now optional before administration of a group
meta-analysis (8) found that iodinated contrast media may II agent (6). Few if any unconfounded cases of nephrogenic
not result in a significant reduction of residual function in systemic fibrosis have been reported with Group III agents,
patients undergoing dialysis, prompting the Canadian Asso- but data are limited and kidney function screening remains
ciation of Radiologists to conclude that the presence of urine necessary (6). Recommendations for screening, and import-
output in patients undergoing dialysis should not influence ant considerations from consensus statements from the ACR
the use of iodinated contrast media (9). and the NKF for the use of GBCM in patients with kidney
disease are summarized in Figure 2 (10).
Gadolinium-based Contrast Media No prophylaxis reduces the risk of nephrogenic systemic fi-
Gadolinium-based contrast media (GBCM) are categorized brosis. For patients undergoing dialysis, group II GBCM must
into three groups (Fig 2) on the basis of risk of or association be used and attempts can be made to coordinate the MRI ex-
with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Nephrogenic systemic amination before regularly scheduled postexamination dial-
fibrosis is a systemic disease characterized by fibrosis of the ysis. Otherwise, dialysis should not be initiated or altered on
skin and other tissues that is triggered by exposure to GBCM the basis of administration of group II or III GBCM (10).
and occurs almost exclusively in patients with acute kidney
injury or an eGFR of less than 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (6,10). Primary Manifestations of Kidney Failure
Nearly all unconfounded cases of nephrogenic systemic fi-
brosis were linked to Group I agents, which are now contra- Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease
indicated for use in patients at risk for nephrogenic systemic The longer patients are undergoing dialysis, the more likely
fibrosis (6,10). Because the risk of nephrogenic systemic they are to develop acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD),
fibrosis with a standard dose of group II GBCM is so low, which is reported in 10%–20% of patients after 1–3 years and
the potential harm of delaying or withholding it in patients more than 90% of patients after 5–10 years of dialysis (12).
with acute kidney injury or an eGFR of less than 30 mL/ Imaging findings include normally sized or atrophic kidneys
min per 1.73 m2 is likely to outweigh the risk of its use for with multiple small cysts of varying complexity, regardless of
indicated examinations (10). Authors of a 2020 systematic the initial cause of renal failure or the method of dialysis. The
review and meta-analysis (11) showed 0 events after 4931 incidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is threefold to 24-fold
administrations of group II GBCM to patients with an eGFR higher in patients with kidney failure than it is in the general
of less than 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2. Assessment of kidney population (13), and patients with ACKD have more than a
Volume 43 Number 5 3 radiographics.rsna.org
May 2023 Clingan et al
Figure 2. Screening recommendations and important considerations from a consensus statement from the ACR and the NKF for the use of GBCM in pa-
tients with kidney disease (5). AKI = acute kidney injury, CKD = chronic kidney disease, ED = emergency department, NSF = nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
100-fold increased risk (14), so each lesion warrants careful and is the fourth most common RCC subtype after clear cell
evaluation to distinguish among simple cysts, cystic renal RCC, papillary RCC, and chromophobe RCC (13). Clear cell
masses, and solid masses. Noncontrast CT is frequently per- papillary RCC is characterized by cuboidal to columnar clear
formed in patients with renal disease, and any heterogeneous cells, with a tubulopapillary arrangement and horizontally
lesion or a focal kidney lesion measuring more than 20 HU or aligned nuclei, with inverse polarity, and shows at least fo-
less than 70 HU is indeterminate and warrants further evalu- cal papillary architecture (Fig S2) (16). Two imaging patterns
ation (15). Contrast-enhanced US is an alternative to GBCM have been described with clear cell papillary RCC: (a) solid
or iodinated contrast media in this patient population (Fig 3). heterogeneous tumors with minor cystic changes and rare
calcification, which show T2 hyperintensity, arterial enhance-
Kidney Tumors ment, and delayed washout similar to the appearance of clear
All major RCC subtypes have been reported in patients with cell RCC (Fig 5) or (b) cystic clear cell papillary RCC with a
kidney failure to include a higher percentage of papillary RCC predominantly unilocular pattern often classified as Bosniak
and chromophobe RCC (16). Two distinct RCC subtypes oc- III or IV (17) (Fig 6). Clear cell papillary RCC demonstrates
curring more frequently or exclusively in patients with kidney indolent behavior, with no recurrences or metastatic disease
failure have been described (13,16) in studies during the past reported to date (13).
decade: ACKD-associated RCC and clear cell papillary RCC. Anastomosing hemangiomas of the kidney are rare be-
ACKD-RCC is specific to patients with kidney failure and may nign vascular tumors that are seen mostly in patients with
occur in a cyst in a background of multiple cysts. ACKD-RCC kidney failure. They are small (<2 cm) and composed of si-
can be multifocal or bilateral and is usually low grade with nusoidal capillary-sized vessels lined by flat or hobnail en-
indolent biologic behavior, although sarcomatoid and rhab- dothelial cells (13). An anastomosing hemangioma of the
doid features have been described (16). ACKD-RCC has tu- kidney occurs in the medulla, often abuts the kidney sinus
mor cells with abundant eosinophilic or a clear cytoplasm and fat, and demonstrates arterial enhancement indistinguish-
prominent nucleoli with a sievelike appearance secondary to able from RCC (13).
cytoplasmic or intracellular vacuolation and characteristic in- Although long-term (>20 years) hemodialysis has been as-
tratumoral calcium oxalate crystals (Fig S1) (16). CT features sociated as an unfavorable prognostic factor for RCC because
of ACKD-RCC have been described as rounded, well-defined, of the potential for sarcomatoid transformation, patients with
and often exophytic lesions that are commonly isoattenuating RCC and kidney failure have a favorable overall prognosis
on noncontrast CT images and can be solid, cystic, or mixed (13,18) likely because of the indolent histopathologic charac-
in attenuation on contrast-enhanced CT images (Fig 4) (14). teristics of kidney failure–associated RCC and the likelihood of
Clear cell papillary RCC has been reported in patients with early diagnosis. The risk of recurrent RCC in patients with kid-
kidney failure or ACKD, but it also can occur sporadically ney failure is lower than that in the general population, which
Volume 43 Number 5 4 radiographics.rsna.org
May 2023 Clingan et al
Figure 3. Suspected papillary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in a 57-year-old man who un-
derwent CT evaluation for a kidney transplant. (A) Coronal noncontrast CT image shows an
indeterminate mass (arrow) in the upper pole of the right kidney, with attenuation of 34 HU.
(B) Transverse color Doppler US image shows that the lesion (arrow) is hypoechoic with
low-level internal echoes, possibly a solid component, but without vascularity. (C) Trans-
verse contrast-enhanced US images show homogeneous hypoenhancement of the mass
(arrow) relative to the kidney parenchyma. Papillary RCC was confirmed at surgery.
is important for patients in whom a kidney mass is discovered imaging is more likely to be ordered for patients older than
while awaiting transplant (18). 50 years, those with diabetes or hypertension as the cause of
chronic kidney disease, and those with known atherosclerosis
Imaging in Patients with Kidney Failure such as ischemic heart disease or peripheral vascular disease
Pretransplant Imaging Evaluation of the external iliac arteries and their inflow
Imaging may be requested for a potential kidney transplant re- for peripheral vascular disease guides surgical planning, be-
cipient before surgery. Typically, noncontrast CT is performed cause detection of peripheral vascular disease in patients with
to assess the technical feasibility of a transplant, evaluate for kidney failure is associated with worse patient and allograft
peripheral vascular disease, and detect coexisting conditions survival (20). Heterotopic transplants usually involve the ex-
that would change patient treatment, such as renal stones, ternal iliac arteries, and surgeons need an arterial segment of
infection, or an underlying malignancy (19). Pretransplant at least 3 cm, without calcifications (19). Peripheral vascular
disease involving the external iliac arteries can lead to renal Contrast-enhanced US for Problem Solving in
artery stenosis of the allograft, hypertension, and graft fail- Kidney Failure
ure (20). The degree of calcification involving the common Incidental detection of indeterminate lesions in patients with
iliac arteries and external iliac arteries is often subjectively as- kidney disease is common. Traditionally, contrast-enhanced
sessed as mild, moderate, or severe, if present. However, scor- CT or contrast-enhanced MRI examinations are performed for
ing systems have been described (21). In a 2021 study (21) of a further characterization of the kidneys. However, patients and
simplified iliac artery calcium scoring system to guide periop- providers may be hesitant to use GBCM or iodinated contrast
erative management for renal transplant, the investigators media, despite the evolving guidelines. Contrast-enhanced US
found that patients with severe plaque in the external iliac is an excellent alternative modality to contrast-enhanced CT
arteries were significantly more likely to require intraopera- and contrast-enhanced MRI for patients with kidney failure.
tive arterial reconstruction and postoperative amputation of Off-label use of US contrast agents for renal examination has
the lower extremity, whereas plaque burden in the common been evaluated in published studies (23–27), and the contrast
iliac arteries was associated with major postoperative adverse agents are listed in Table 1. US contrast agents have no neph-
cardiac events (21). rotoxicity, making them safe for patients with kidney failure.
The right iliac fossa is preferred for renal transplant, given Additional advantages of contrast-enhanced US include the
the shorter renal vein graft (22). Preoperative imaging should absence of ionizing radiation, portability, high sensitivity for
be performed to assess the iliac fossa for any space-occupying small areas of enhancement that may not be visualized at con-
mass from the adnexa or uterus such as a leiomyoma or prior trast-enhanced CT or contrast-enhanced MRI (Fig 4), the abil-
transplant (Fig 7). Likewise, nephromegaly in patients with ity to perform multiple injections, and real-time assessment
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease could interfere of vascularity (24,25). Specific to imaging the kidneys, US
with the site of the intended transplant and necessitate the contrast agents allow improved visualization of the collecting
performance of nephrectomy (19). system and differentiation of the cortex and medulla because
reflections that appear as thin lines (Fig S4). Doppler US is stenosis and 2:1 for draining vein, central vein, and feeding
used to evaluate the feeding artery, arterial-graft anastomosis, artery stenosis (43). Evaluating the ipsilateral internal jug-
graft (arterial side and venous side if it is a loop graft), venous ular and subclavian veins with spectral Doppler US allows
anastomosis, and draining and central veins. The flow volume assessment for signs of central stenosis (Fig S5).
is assessed in the middle portion of both arterial and venous AVG stenoses are characterized by visual narrowing, an
limbs with loop grafts (43). elevated peak systolic velocity ratio at the venous or arterial
anastomosis, and identification of a high-velocity jet with
Complications of Hemodialysis Access color Doppler US. Although stenosis can occur anywhere
Failure of hemodialysis access can be a result of failure to ma- along the AVG or draining vein, the venous anastomosis is the
ture or secondary failure after a period of successful use. Com- most common location.
plications of access include stenosis, thrombosis, pseudoaneu-
rysm, fluid collections, infection, and the steal phenomenon. Thrombosis
Complete thrombotic occlusion of an AVF or AVG manifests
Stenosis as a lack of a palpable thrill or a failed cannulation at hemo-
AVF stenosis is characterized by (a) visual narrowing greater dialysis. US can allow confirmation of a thrombus and evalu-
than 50% on B-mode US images and (b) an elevated peak sys- ation of its extent to plan a potential intervention for salvage.
tolic velocity ratio when peak systolic velocity is measured at At US, a thrombus is hypoechoic and fills the lumen, with no
or just distal to the narrowed site when compared with the flow at color Doppler US (Fig 11). Draining vein stenosis is
peak systolic velocity 2 cm upstream from the narrowed site the most common cause of AVF thrombosis, with resultant
(Figs 9, 10) (44,45). Using a peak systolic velocity criterion of access failure; other causes include prolonged hypotension or
500 cm/sec for predicting a stenosis of 50% or greater has a hypovolemia, compression after hemodialysis or during sleep,
sensitivity of 89% and a positive predictive value of 99% (46). inflow arterial stenosis, and hypercoagulable states (49).
Stenoses may involve the feeding artery, juxta-anasto-
motic region, draining vein, or central veins. Juxta-anas- Pseudoaneurysm
tomotic stenosis is usually found early after creation of an Pseudoaneurysms can be differentiated from diffuse dilatation
AVF, while draining and central vein stenoses occur later of the hemodialysis access as a focal pulsatile outpouching
(47). Characteristic areas of stenosis relate to the type of that develops because of inadequate compression after can-
access and include the juxta-anastomotic segment in a ra- nulation or repeated access in the same location, occurring
diocephalic AVF, the cephalic arch where the cephalic vein in up to 6% of AVFs and 2%–10% of AVGs (50,51). This false
empties into the axillary vein in a brachiocephalic AVF, and aneurysm is lined only with reactive fibrous tissue, with a
the proximal swing segment of the basilic vein, a surgically high risk for rupture and the potential for catastrophic results
created curve just peripheral to the confluence with the bra- if there is breakdown of the overlying skin (51). Doppler US
chial vein in a brachial artery to a transposed basilic vein shows the characteristic yin-yang flow pattern with to-and-
fistula (48). The ratio criteria for hemodialysis access ste- fro flow in the pseudoaneurysm neck (Fig 12). The distance
nosis differ according to location: 3:1 for juxta-anastomotic from the skin surface to the anterior pseudoaneurysm wall
Figure 11. Brachiobasilic AVF of the left arm in a 48-year-old woman who underwent graft reconstruction and presented with arm swelling
and loss of thrill on examination. (A) Longitudinal spectral Doppler US image in the brachial artery proximal to the AVF shows a triphasic
arterial waveform with high resistance. (B) Longitudinal color Doppler US image of the AVF draining vein shows an echogenic clot and no
flow (arrow), which is compatible with graft occlusion.
Figure 12. Brachiobasilic AVF of the right arm in a 78-year-old woman with a patch to the brachial vein who underwent fistulography 6
weeks previously. (A) Color Doppler US image shows a 3-cm outpouching from the basilic vein with yin-yang color flow (*). (B) Correspond-
ing spectral Doppler US image shows a to-and-fro waveform consistent with a pseudoaneurysm, which was subsequently surgically excised.
as pain and paresthesia worsening during hemodialysis (Fig alysis and offers more independence and mobility because it
9) (53). The steal syndrome in the upper extremity is most can be performed at home. Peritoneal dialysis also offers bet-
common when the brachial artery is used for hemodialysis ter blood pressure control and less cardiovascular stress than
access and in patients with diabetes and older women. US al- does hemodialysis and is preferred for patients with diabetes,
lows confirmation of the reversal of flow in the artery caudal poor vascular access, or cardiac conditions (55). Potential
to the anastomosis that returns to a normal direction toward complications of peritoneal dialysis include infection (bacte-
the hand during brief compression of the AVF. A modified Al- rial or tuberculous peritonitis) and catheter site or “tunnel”
len test before placement of an AVF to document the patency infections (Fig 14). Noninfectious complications include cath-
of the deep palmar arch reduces the likelihood of steal in the eter dysfunction, leakage of dialysate fluid (Fig 15), hernias,
upper extremity. The radial artery is compressed proximal to subcapsular hepatic steatosis, and sclerosing encapsulated
the wrist and imaged at the thenar eminence; if there is rever- peritonitis. The prevalence of sclerosing encapsulated peri-
sal of flow, the palmar arch is patent (43). Arterial steal with tonitis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis increases
limb ischemia has also been described (54) as a complication in relation to the duration of treatment (56). Clinical features
of an AVG of the lower extremity in 7%–10% of patients. include a loss of ultrafiltration, abdominal pain, and bloody
dialysis effluent (55). Radiologic features include thickening
Peritoneal Dialysis and calcification of the bowel wall and peritoneum (Figs 16,
More than 62 000 patients in the United States, approximately 17). Early recognition of sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis is
13% of patients undergoing dialysis, undergo peritoneal dial- essential, with immediate cessation of peritoneal dialysis to
ysis (1). Peritoneal dialysis is less costly than traditional di- prevent potentially fatal disease progression (55).
Systemic Manifestations of Kidney Failure subtendinous, and subligamentous bone resorption. The
Systemic manifestations in patients with kidney failure are earliest involvement is at the radial aspect of the second and
multifactorial and related to the underlying cause of renal third middle phalanges, which is considered pathognomonic
failure or are secondary to treatment effects. They are influ- (Fig 18) (57). Acroosteolysis of the finger tufts occurs in ad-
enced by biochemical, hormonal, inflammatory, and meta- vanced stages. Additional common subchondral locations
bolic derangements (12). Imaging findings commonly involve include the ilial surface of the sacroiliac joints and along the
the musculoskeletal, neurologic, and cardiothoracic systems. acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints (57). Brown
tumors or osteoclastomas are nonaggressive lytic expansile
Musculoskeletal Abnormalities lesions with nonsclerotic margins that represent a reactive
Renal osteodystrophy is bone abnormality resulting from the process related to bone resorption, resulting in hemorrhage,
combination of secondary hyperparathyroidism, osteomala- necrosis ,and cyst formation (57). There can be multiple le-
cia, osteoporosis, and osteosclerosis (57). As kidney function sions, and common locations include the facial bones, ribs,
declines, increased phosphate binds with calcium, leading to and pelvis (Fig 19).
hypocalcemia and increased production of parathyroid hor- Osteomalacia is a consequence of the inability of the fail-
mone to stimulate bone resorption to increase serum calcium ing kidneys to convert vitamin D3 to calcitriol and can result
levels (58,59). Classic imaging findings related to secondary in decreased bone mineralization with coarse ill-defined tra-
hyperparathyroidism include subperiosteal, subchondral, beculae, looser zones or insufficiency fractures, and findings
Volume 43 Number 5 13 radiographics.rsna.org
May 2023 Clingan et al
bone disorder, to reflect disturbances in mineral and bone me- articular locations, is often bilateral and symmetric, and
tabolism as well as soft-tissue and vascular calcifications (59). commonly deposits around the hips and shoulders (Fig 20).
Soft-tissue calcification is more common in patients undergo- Metastatic pulmonary calcifications may be seen in the chest
ing dialysis who have a calcium-phosphorus product greater (Fig 21). Vascular calcification of medium-sized arteries and
than 70 mg2/dL2 (61). Uremic tumoral calcinosis favors peri- visceral calcification also occurs and increases cardiovascular
Volume 43 Number 5 15 radiographics.rsna.org
May 2023 Clingan et al
Figure 20. Uremic tumoral calcinosis in a 48-year-old man undergo- Figure 21. Metastatic pulmonary calcifications in a 51-year-old man with
ing hemodialysis after a failed kidney transplant. Coronal noncontrast kidney failure who was undergoing hemodialysis and had an abnormal
CT image of the chest shows a large cloudlike collection of periartic- chest radiograph (not shown). Axial noncontrast CT image of the chest
ular calcifications involving the right shoulder, with similar findings in shows centrilobular high attenuation and ground-glass nodules forming
the left subclavian space (arrows). Note additional calcifications as- small rosettes in the upper lobes, representing calcium deposition in nor-
sociated with known stenosis of the superior vena cava (arrowhead) mal lung parenchyma. Chronic kidney failure and hypercalcemia are pre-
and a vascular stent in the left neck (∗). disposing factors for pulmonary calcifications.
Figure 22. Kidney failure in a 43-year-old woman who was undergoing hemodialysis and
presented with a painful mass and swelling in the right thigh, ultimately developing ulcer-
ation and a chronic wound requiring débridement. (A) 99mTc bone scintigram shows soft-tis-
sue uptake along the right posterolateral thigh greater than that on the left (arrow), which is
consistent with calciphylaxis, or calcific uremic arteriolopathy affecting small arteries and re-
sulting in ischemia leading to skin infarctions and necrosis. (B) Axial noncontrast CT image
acquired before scintigraphy was performed shows small-vessel calcifications (arrow), skin
thickening (arrowhead), and inflammation of the subcutaneous fat in this location, which
were noticed only during a retrospective review of this image.
Neurologic Complications
Neurologic complications are common in patients with kid-
ney failure and may be related to vascular damage from hy-
pertension, uremia, fluctuations in water content and blood
pressure, systemic anticoagulant therapy, infection, and ane-
mia (12,63). Moderate to severe cognitive impairment is re-
ported to be 2.5 times higher in patients undergoing dialysis
(63). Kidney failure is associated with cerebral atrophy and
a loss of gray-matter volume (64). Cerebral ischemia and in-
farction may occur secondarily to arterial damage and emboli,
and chronic white-matter changes related to microvascular
ischemia are nearly twice as common in patients undergoing
dialysis than they are in the general population (65). Uremia
and systemic anticoagulation place patients undergoing he-
modialysis at a greater risk of bleeding, with a five- to 10-times
higher incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage and a higher
Cardiothoracic Complications
More than 50% of patients with kidney failure who are treated
with hemodialysis die of cardiovascular disease (12,73).
Complications are associated with accelerated atherosclero-
sis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, myocardial dysfunction,
and pericarditis, and calcifications of the coronary arter-
ies, valves, and myocardium are common (12). In addition
to myocardial infarction, cardiovascular death also results
from heart failure and arrhythmias. Growing evidence sug-
gests that structural changes occur in patients with uremic
cardiomyopathy related to microvascular ischemia, anemia,
chronic inflammation, and pressure or volume overload, re-
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