Class 10 Computer Practical Summer Work
Class 10 Computer Practical Summer Work
Class 10 Computer Practical Summer Work
Q3. Write a program take input a number and check Armstrong Number or not? (A number is Armstrong
number where cubic sum of each digit equal to number eg: 153= 13+53+33= 153)
Q4. Write a program take input a number and check Automorphic Number or not? (A number is
Automorphic number where square of number having same last two digit of input number eg: 25=625
where last two digit same as number 25)
Q5. Write a program take input two number and find GCD.
Q6. Write a program take input a number and display sum of all even digit and sum of all odd digit.
Q7. Write a program take input principal , rate and time then calculate compound interest ( formula
CI=(A-P) where A= P*(1+R/100)t
Q8. Write a program input value of last term in n and display Fibonacci series upto n .
Q9. Write a program display Highest number and lowest number , number input until not press zero.
Q10. Write a program input a number and check whether prime number or not.
Q11. Write a program input a number and check whether duck number or not.
Q12. Write a program input two number and find HCF and LCM.
Q13. Write a program to compute series (1*2)+(2*3)+(3*4)+(4*5)+.......+(n-1 *n); where n is last term.
Input value of n.
Q14. Input a Number and check whether it is palindrome number or not.
Q15. Write a program to display all prime number from given range.
Q16. Write a java program input a number and check number is special number or not. ( A special number
which cumulative sum is 9. Ex- 2781= 2+7+8+1=18; 1+8 =9
Q17. Write a Program in Java to print all the Twin Prime numbers within a given range.
Note: Twin Prime numbers are a pair of numbers which are both prime and their difference is 2.
Example: Twin Prime numbers in the range 1 to 100 are :
(3,5) (5,7) (11,13) (17,19) (29,31) (41,43) (59,61) (71,73)
Q18. A company calculate salary using formula netsal=(basic+da+hra)-pf; where da is 80% of basic. Hra is
60% of basic, pf is 18% of basic. Calculate and input basic; calculate net salary display detail with net salary.
Q19. Input a number and input a digit then count how many time digit repeated in number.
Q20. Input Three number and display sum of first digit of all number, then next digit of all number and so
on. ( Example : 1257, 453, 8339 = Output : (7+3+9 = 19, 5+5+3 = 13, 2+4+3=9 , 1+0+8=9)
(NOTE: Last date of practical copy submission on or before 15-june 2023)