The president’s primary role is to lead the club and preside at all meetings of the club and board
of directors. President is the primary Representative of the Club and will be Leading all the
members and Board members of the club. The president motivates, inspires and coaches club
committees to ensure that the club’s professional and leadership development activities and
service projects are executed successfully.
Conduct club meetings with detailed agendas that allow enough time for reports from
officers and committee members.
Chair meetings of the board of directors.
Appoint all standing and special committees, with board approval and serve as an ex
officio member of all committees.
Appoint committee chairs based on individuals’ experience, and seek their opinions
about committee members.
Delegate responsibilities to help members develop their skills for future club leadership
Encourage club members to get involved in projects that build on their skills and
Ensure that club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and executed.
Support a membership strategy that encourages diversity.
Communicate and collaborate with the advisor, sponsor club members, and district
Rotaract officers. In university-based clubs, the president should also consult with the
club’s faculty advisor.
Resolve conflict among club members and ensure your club culture and environment
encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion, and is free from any form of harassment.
Update club and membership data every year by 30 June through the Club
Administration page on My Rotary.
Immediate Past President
Club’s Immediate Past President (IPP) can provide useful opinions and perspective in planning
club activities, assisting with special projects, and supporting board and club members.
Immediate Past President remains on the board the year immediately following their tenure as
President to ensure continuity in leadership and act as an advisor to the New President and
Vice President
The vice president’s primary role is to support the president.
Vice President's main role is to support the President and deputise for them by running
meetings in the President's absence.
Serve on the board of directors and as an ex officio member of all committees.
Handle special assignments as directed by the president.
Stay current on club goals and activities.
Succeed to the office of president if a vacancy occurs.
The secretary’s primary responsibility is to help the club function efficiently. The secretary
should be well organized and have good communication skills.
Maintain all club records, including membership, committee appointments, attendance,
dues payments, and important club documents such as the club’s certificate of
organization, budgets, and reports.
Notify the district leaders of members who are interested in joining a Rotary club, either
as a current Rotaractor or after leaving Rotaract.
Provide club and member information to the president for required annual updates to
Take minutes — a clear, concise written record of meeting discussion and actions — at
all club meetings.
The treasurer oversees all funds and maintains accurate financial records, ensures transparency in
financial operations, and responds to inquiries from club members and sponsor clubs, if
applicable. The treasurer should be a responsible, detail-oriented person.
Chair the finance committee.
Collect membership dues.
Manage all money collected from dues and all proceeds from fundraising projects.
Pay all club bills and reimbursements for club expenses.
Prepare and administer the budget.
Prepare monthly reports that accurately detail the club’s finances and expenses.
Ensure that the club complies with all government financial reporting requirements.
Prepare and distribute an end-of-year report to club members and the incoming
treasurer. Treasurers’ reports become part of the club’s permanent record.
Club Membership Chair:
The membership chair has to ensure the sustaining of members and able to keep the members
engage with one or the other activities within the club.
Able to bring in new members to the club
Build a rapport within members and make them stay in the club
Plans to work on the strategies to improve the membership
Ensure the well-being of members
Foundation Chair:
The Foundation chair has the ultimate responsibility on coordinating the “The Rotary
Foundation” (TRF) activity and Rotary Grants within the club.
Conducting TRF sessions
Making awareness about TRF & Rotary Grants
Motivating the members to contribute towards TRF
Strategies to find CSR & convert them to TRF
Forming foundation committee within club
Public Image Chair:
Public Image Chair is one who comes out and promotes the club's service projects and activities
to other fellow Rotaract clubs and the public. The PRO should be able to outreach the
functioning of the club to the parent rotary club and vice versa.
An Editor is a very important Board Member who is totally responsible for all types of designing
and editorial works for the club.
Service Project Chair (All avenues):
Chair for all avenues will act as the head of all the 4 avenues mentioned above and guide them in
their functioning. The chair should aid the avenue directors to maintain a Well-balanced number
of Projects every month.
Chair - Blood Donor Cell:
The blood donor cell chair will be coordinating the needs of the blood during an emergency or
any required time with club members and district. The chair has to maintain the database of the
club members along with the blood group details and contact. The blood donor cell has to
motivate the club members to donate blood and should be available whenever required.
Chair – Mental Health Care:
The chair has to look after the mental well-being of the club members and should be
coordinating with various district initiatives related to mental health care. It would be more
appropriate, if the person knows to provide counseling to the club members on their mental
health and day to day activities. The chair can conduct any sort of activities related to mental
health status and make them stress busters.
Club committees (Club, Community, Professional and International Service)
Committees help your club carry out its activities and projects. The club president, with the
approval of the board, appoints standing committees, such as club service, community service,
international service, professional development, and finance, and additional committees if
necessary. Your club’s bylaws should clearly define the responsibilities for all committees.
Committees should meet regularly to discuss plans and activities. A committee may divide into
subcommittees to accomplish all of its tasks. All committee activities and expenses are subject to
the board’s approval, so committees should share their plans with the Club President.
Chair/director - district priority projects:
Chair/Director of DPP has an immense participation in implementing the Priority Projects that
is given by the District and also by District governor by bringing in Projects to the club that
fulfills the tasks. He/She comes under the Chairman- District Priority Projects.
Web service director:
A web service director is responsible for the updation of events or activities that are happening
day to day in the social medias. The director is should make sure a website, Mail id, LinkedIn
profile, Facebook profile, and an Instagram profile is being established in the club's name.
He/She is the Social hub of the club.
Seargent at arms:
Sargent at arms is one who maintains basic decorum and code of conduct in the club. He/She is
responsible for healthy communication between members and other club members. Surprisingly,
he/she has an authority equal to that of a President to remove any club member with an utmost
valid reason explaining the mistake of that member.