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3(1) 2013
This paper aimed at determining factors effecting customer satisfaction in terms of
service quality as well as evaluating satisfaction level of shoppers in Big C Supermarket.
A survey of 158 shoppers in various Big C supermarkets in HCMC has evaluated retail
service quality according to Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) which composes of 5
dimensions namely physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving
and policy. The findings show that there are three factors mainly effecting on customer
satisfaction in Big C, those factors are Reliability, Problem Resolving and Policy. Based
on the result of survey, practicle solutions recommended to Big C for improvement of
service quality in order to close gaps that could lead to increasing customer satisfaction.
Keywords: customer satisfaction, service quality, RSQS, supermarket, HCMC.
that affect strongly to satisfaction of apply into retail industry, 28 items of scale
customer. It also indicates that the higher includes 17 items kept from SERVPERF
service quality customers perceive, the scale and 11 items found out from a
more satisfied they are. In five elements qualitative research and are devided into
affecting customer satisfaction, Service 5 dimentions which are Physical aspects,
qualiy is choosen for this paper in order Reliability, Personal interaction, Problem
to enhance satisfaction level of Big C’s solving, Policy.
customers. Physical aspects: Physical aspects
Service Quality and Measuring are widely recognized as the factor of
Scales for Retail Industry evaluation process of service quality. Three
In the past decades, many practitioners forces primarily cause the assessment:
and researchers has paid attention to equipment and fixtures, physical facilities,
service quality for retail. Amongst various materials. Accordingly, the authors define
service quality models proposed, three ease of physical ammenities and layouts.
models are used widely: SERVQUAL Their perspectives are concerned with
and GAP model, SERVPERF, and Retail tangible dimension and more meaningful
Service Quality Model (RSQS). than SERVQUAL is. The layout of
Servqual Scale (by Parasuraman et physical facilities also has been put in
al.) includes five dimensions tangibles, high consideration. The more favorable
reliability, responsiveness, assurance comments on physical we receive, the
and empathy. According to this model, better our service is.
there are five gaps which influence Reliability: The researcher not
customer’s perception toward sevice there is no difference between reliability
quality. These gaps occur in the internal construction in their models in a
process of delivering service, they define comparision with SERVQUAL model.
the difference between what is expected Reliability can be described as keeping
and what is perceived clarified the basic promise, offering exact service, remaining
premise (Parasuraman et al, 1985). the availability of merchandise and
Based on findings from Parasurman recording error-free sales transactions.
et al, Cronin and Taylor (1992) developed They notice that marketing needs to address
a service quality measurement as reliability as their own positive features in
“performance - based” called SERVPERF. obtain customer service satisfactions.
Theoritically the previous research explored Personal Interaction: The dimension
the decisive factors affecting the customer of personal interaction is another variable
perception on service. Cronin and Taylor that affect service quality assessment.
made a further step into operationalizing It is made based on staffs knowledge to
service quality measurement. Different answer questions, stimulating confidence,
from SERVQUAL in a combination of giving service offers, keen to take action
expectations and perceptions, SERVPERF to customer’s requests, paying attention
maintains only what exists in the mind to giving private customers, staying
of customer (customer’s perceptions for consistent courtesy with customers and
service quality). even treating all your phone customers
Dabholkar et al. (1996) developed properly. The more favorable inter-
a spatial model of 28-item scale called personal contact, the greater the likelihood
Retail Service Quality Model (RSQS) to of good service evaluation is.
70 Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science- No. 3(1) 2013
H3: Personal interaction has positive Perceptions will base on mean value of
impact on overall evaluation of retail scores for variables.
service quality. Items building and survey
H4: Problem solving has positive The research is carried out through
impact on overall evaluation of retail two main stages: pilot study which has
service quality. been conducted by qualitative research
H5: Policy has positive impact on via group discussion/ trial interview to
overall evaluation of retail service quality. construct and test measuring scales, actual
To determine which factors study has been conducted by quantitative
impacting on customer satisfaction, linear research to get primary data for analysis.
regression analysis is applied. Linear Customer satisfaction (SAT)
regression model is a regression form in of shopping in Big C supermarket is
which the relationship between dependent theoretically affected by five dimensions
variables (dimensions of service quality) that are Physical aspects (PHY), Reliability
and independent variable (customer (REL), Personal interaction (PER),
satisfaction) is described by a linear Problem solving (PRO), Policy (POL).
function in order to explain the impact of
changes in a independent variable on the Original RSQS model of Dabholkar
dependent variable (Berenson et al. 2004). including 28 dependent variables.
Linear regression equation is represented Dependent variable is dimension of
as below customer satisfaction including three
questions based on framework proposed
Y = â 0 + â 1x i + åi by Lassar et al (2000) for customer
satisfaction: (1) overall satisfaction level
To get the rate of answers, Likert Using SPSS version 16.00 to analyse
five points scale is used for measuring the result. Firsly, checking reliability of
satsfaction level of customer basing Scales by Cronbach’s alpha index in order
on rule: 1 for very disagreed (the less to ensure the measuring scale is reliable
satisfied), 2 for disagreed, 3 for neutral, 4 and consistent. The result shows that
for agreed and 5 for strongly agreed (the all Cronbach’s alpha of dimensions are
most satisfied). higher 0.7 and no Corrected Item-Total
4. RESULT ANALYSIS AND Correlation of any variable less than 0.33,
FINDINGS the scale therefore is reliability and kept
unchanged (no variable rejected). Table 2
4.1 Result analysis
shows the result in detail.
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