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Subject Benchmark

Mathematics, Statistics and

Operational Research

March 2023
About this Statement ...........................................................................................................1
How can I use this document? ..................................................................................................1
Relationship to legislation ..........................................................................................................1
Additional sector reference points .............................................................................................2
1 Context and purposes of a Mathematics, Statistics and Operational
Research degree ...................................................................................................................3
Purposes and characteristics of an MSOR degree ................................................................... 4
Equality, diversity and inclusion.................................................................................................6
Sustainability ............................................................................................................................10
Enterprise and entrepreneurship education ............................................................................12
2 Distinctive features of MSOR courses .............................................................. 14
Design ......................................................................................................................................14
Progression ..............................................................................................................................15
Partnership ...............................................................................................................................17
Monitoring and review..............................................................................................................17
3 Content, structure and delivery .......................................................................... 19
Content .....................................................................................................................................19
Subject-specific knowledge and understanding ...................................................................... 19
Teaching and learning .............................................................................................................23
4 Benchmark standards............................................................................................ 28
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................28
Academic standards ................................................................................................................28
Professional standards ............................................................................................................29
5 List of references and further resources .......................................................... 31
6 Membership of the Advisory Groups for the Subject Benchmark
Statement for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research ....................... 33
About this Statement
This document is a QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Mathematics, Statistics and
Operational Research that defines what can be expected of a graduate in the subject, in
terms of what they might know, do and understand at the end of their studies. Subject
Benchmark Statements are an established part of the quality assurance arrangements in UK
higher education, but not a regulatory requirement. They are sector-owned reference points,
developed and written by academics on behalf of their subject. Subject Benchmark
Statements also describe the nature and characteristics of awards in a particular subject or
area. Subject Benchmark Statements are published in QAA's capacity as an expert quality
body on behalf of the higher education sector. A summary of the Statement is also available
on the QAA website.

Key changes from the previous Subject Benchmark Statement include:

• a revised structure for the Statement, which includes the introduction of cross-
cutting themes of:
- equality, diversity, and inclusion
- accessibility and the needs of disabled students
- education for sustainable development
- employability, entrepreneurship and enterprise education
• a comprehensive review updating the context and purposes of Mathematics,
Statistics and Operational Research (MSOR) including course design and content
in order to inform and underpin the revised benchmark standards.

How can I use this document?

Subject Benchmark Statements are not intended to prescribe any particular approaches to
teaching, learning or assessment. Rather, they provide a framework, agreed by the subject
community, that forms the basis on which those responsible for curriculum design, approval
and update can reflect upon a course, and its component modules. This allows for flexibility
and innovation in course design while providing a broadly accepted external reference point
for that discipline.

They may also be used as a reference point by external examiners in considering whether
the design of a course and the threshold standards of achievement are comparable with
those of other higher education providers. They also support professional, statutory and
regulatory bodies (PSRBs) with the academic standards expected of students.
You may want to read this document if you are:

• involved in the design, delivery and review of courses in Mathematics, Statistics and
Operational Research
• a prospective student thinking about undertaking a course in Mathematics,
Statistics and Operational Research
• an employer, to find out about the knowledge and skills generally expected of
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research graduates.

Relationship to legislation
The responsibility for academic standards lies with the higher education provider which
awards the degree. Higher education providers are responsible for meeting the requirements
of legislation and any other regulatory requirements placed upon them by their relevant
funding and regulatory bodies. This Statement does not interpret legislation, nor does it
incorporate statutory or regulatory requirements.

The regulatory status of the Statement will differ depending on the educational jurisdictions
of the UK. In England, Subject Benchmark Statements are not sector-recognised standards
as set out under the Office for Students' regulatory framework. However, they are specified
as a key reference point, as appropriate, for academic standards in Wales under the Quality
Assessment Framework for Wales and in Scotland as part of the Quality Enhancement
Framework. Subject Benchmark Statements are part of the current quality arrangements in
Northern Ireland. Because the Statement describes outcomes and attributes expected at the
threshold standard of achievement in a UK-wide context, many higher education providers
will use them as an enhancement tool for course design and approval, and for subsequent
monitoring and review, in addition to helping demonstrate the security of academic

Additional sector reference points

Higher education providers are likely to consider other reference points in addition to this
Statement in designing, delivering and reviewing courses. These may include requirements
set out by PSRBs and industry or employer expectations. QAA has also published Advice
and Guidance to support the Quality Code, which will be helpful when using this Statement -
for example, in course design, learning and teaching, external expertise and monitoring and

Explanations of unfamiliar terms used in this Subject Benchmark Statement can be found in
QAA's Glossary. Sources of information about other requirements and examples of guidance
and good practice are signposted within the Statement where appropriate.

1 Context and purposes of a Mathematics, Statistics
and Operational Research degree
1.1 For the purposes of this document, the term 'MSOR' (Mathematics, Statistics and
Operational Research) should be understood to be more than the disjoint union of its three
named elements and instead be understood to encompass a wide variety of combinations of
the various fields. There is considerable overlap between mathematics, statistics and
operational research, and the modern practitioner of any of the individually named fields is
likely to be familiar with elements of the others. Indeed, many MSOR courses and modules,
such as those in interdisciplinary programmes in data science, exploit this commonality to
assemble a coherent educational provision that draws together elements of mathematics,
statistics, operational research and other disciplines in order to address particular problems.

1.2 Although, for the purposes of this Subject Benchmark Statement, we refer to MSOR
as a coherent corpus of knowledge and skills in its own right, it is perhaps useful to briefly
describe each of the named subfields.

1.3 Mathematics is a major intellectual subject in its own right, with a history that
extends back through various cultures, both ancient and recent. It has its roots in the
systematic development of methods to solve practical problems in areas such as surveying,
mechanical construction and commerce. The subject evolved with the realisation that such
methods, when stripped of the details of the particular situation, had a wide range of
applications and highlighted the essential common characteristics of many different
problems. Therefore, generalisation and abstraction became important features of the
subject. This abstraction allows mathematicians to find deeper relationships within the
patterns than could otherwise have been found from observation or unaided reasoning. This
then enables common solutions to be found to problems that would otherwise have seemed

1.4 Today, mathematics is a subject in which strict logical deductions are used to draw
conclusions that follow with certainty from a given set of assumptions. These assumptions
may be abstractions of fundamental concepts such as number, shape or symmetry, or they
may be simplified models of real-world systems. While the mathematics of earlier times still
remains relevant, it is now only a small part of an ever-expanding and dynamic subject.

1.5 Statistics is the scientific discipline of collecting, analysing, interpreting and

presenting data, particularly in situations where there is random variation in the data caused
by, for example, sampling variation or observational errors. At its heart is probability theory,
a branch of mathematics which formalises concepts such as probability distributions and
stochastic processes based on an axiomatic system. The modern field of probability and
statistics primarily began in seventeenth century Europe through the study of games of
chance but some concepts were explored much earlier; for example, Arab mathematicians
wrote about combinatorics in the eighth century and the Roman Empire routinely compiled
official statistics from census data.

1.6 Today, statistical models are built to represent relationships within data in order to
test hypotheses, describe associations or forecast/predict unobserved values, while
probability modelling is at the heart of areas such as epidemiological modelling and machine
learning. Statistical techniques are also a key part of the rapidly growing interdisciplinary
field of data science where they are used to gain insights from the large amounts of data
generated in this digital age, including non-numerical forms of data such as images and text.
While statistics and probability are mathematical sciences because of the rigorous theory
that underpins them, the subjects are routinely applied in a wide range of contexts, such as
analysing data from scientific experiments or supporting decision-making in business

management and government. Consequently, a key aspect of applied statistics is
communicating conclusions to non-experts.

1.7 Operational research is a more recent subject, beginning during the twentieth
century, and many of its origins are to be found in the organisation of activities during the
Second World War. The subject ranges from complex optimisation procedures with
significant mathematical underpinning to non-mathematical but academically rigorous
problem-structuring methods and techniques for informing decision-making and strategy
development. It finds important applications in many sectors of society, in particular,
business, health and social services, and the armed forces.

1.8 The subject area of analytics has become increasingly associated with operational
research in recent years and operational research has become one of the key quantitative
management approaches of modern times. Although the name 'operational research' is
generally well understood, a number of providers use other titles for courses in this area,
such as 'management science'. Titles of this sort often indicate very application-focused
courses, perhaps with relatively little mathematical content. Such courses, by virtue of their
design, might not fall entirely within this Subject Benchmark Statement.

1.9 The influence of MSOR continues to grow significantly, within and outside traditional
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, and both in research
and in taught courses. MSOR is also distinctive in the extent to which the subject is taught
by subject experts to non-specialists as service courses. Some programmes of study in
other disciplines, or individual courses within those programmes, are sufficiently dependent
on MSOR that this Subject Benchmark Statement is directly relevant, such as mathematics
for engineering.

1.10 MSOR course curricula form a broad spectrum of styles. To meet students’ needs,
courses may combine or focus more on one of these styles. At one end of the spectrum are
'theory-based courses' that are concerned with the way in which theory establishes general
propositions leading to methods and techniques which can then be applied to a range of
problems. At the other end are 'practice-based courses' that cover the understanding and
application of results, methods and techniques to a variety of situations in different contexts.
The subject’s interdisciplinary nature means courses may apply theory and practice to areas
both within and outside MSOR. Providers should take steps to ensure that all MSOR
graduates, whatever the nature of the course they have studied, are able to fully identify as
professional MSOR practitioners.

Purposes and characteristics of an MSOR degree

1.11 The study of MSOR develops analytical creativity and explores relationships among
abstract concepts without necessarily considering potential real-world counterparts. Many
years later even solely academic research can have ground-breaking impact in new and
developing fields. Equally, MSOR can focus on solving problems with immediate practical
applications. The distinction between theoretical and applied approaches can be blurred with
shared techniques that examine patterns and relationships, with differences only emerging
through purpose.

1.12 As a result of the breadth of MSOR as a discipline, each higher education provider
awarding qualifications in MSOR defines the content, nature and organisation of its courses
and modules. Consequently, MSOR courses offered by individual providers will have their
own particular characteristics.

1.13 MSOR courses include a wide variety of configurations, including foundation years,
apprenticeships, single honours, joint honours, integrated master’s and postgraduate taught
master’s degrees. Many providers find each plays an important and distinctive role.

• Integrated master's courses generally include aspects of MSOR in greater depth

and/or breadth than bachelor's courses and better prepare students for
postgraduate research studies or employment. They typically include a substantial
project. Some MSOR-led integrated master’s courses have a focus in particular
areas of application.
• Postgraduate taught master’s courses have a range of distinct purposes. Some are
conversion courses, allowing graduates from a broad range of other disciplines to
retrain in MSOR. Others allow students to further extend the depth of specialised
study, particularly as preparation for postgraduate research.
• Foundation years enable applicants to develop their foundational knowledge before
progressing onto an honours degree course, either on standalone programmes or
via direct progression.
• Some providers offer courses where learners spend a year, or shorter periods, in a
supervised professional placement (see paragraph 2.28).

1.14 MSOR courses are an intellectual pursuit that develops wide-ranging academic and
transferable skills, open up a range of further study opportunities, and provide an excellent
route to employment. MSOR graduates have a wide choice of careers available to them.

1.15 MSOR has important general characteristics which pervade the culture of the
discipline, including an underpinning in abstract and logical reasoning and a need for
accuracy in numerical work and symbolic manipulation. As these occur throughout the
discipline, time is needed to consolidate learning when developing and practising discipline

1.16 It is an inherent characteristic of the subject that an individual student's performance

may vary greatly over different modules. This non-uniform profile of attainment is a
characteristic feature of MSOR. See also paragraph 3.52 on Assessment.

1.17 An important characteristic of the discipline is the cumulative nature of the subject;
modules often require essential background knowledge and have strict formal prerequisites.
It follows that it is quite normal, and often necessary, to teach very similar subject matter in
different years. For example, identical material taught to single honours students in year one
might be taught to joint-honours students in later years. Students on a conversion master’s
course might well need to learn material encountered much earlier by specialists. While
greater general academic maturity might be expected from learners in subsequent years of a
course there are no shortcuts to prerequisites. See also paragraph 2.12 on Progression.

1.18 MSOR graduates are well prepared to undertake further study in various subject
areas, including, but not limited to, MSOR, and are highly employable. Employment
opportunities may draw on explicit MSOR skills or utilise the skills developed in areas less
directly related to their subject domain. An extensive source of information is available to
students and graduates of MSOR courses from the Maths Careers website.

1.19 As described in both the 2012 report Measuring the Economic Benefits of
Mathematical Science Research in the UK and the 2018 report The Era of Mathematics
reviewing knowledge exchange in the mathematical sciences, MSOR and mathematical
sciences more broadly make a vast, quantifiable contribution to the UK economy and
society. For example, the gross value added by mathematical sciences research in 2010
was over 40% of the UK total. MSOR degrees are key to establishing a workforce to
maintain and drive forward these societal and economic benefits.

1.20 As of 2023 the following societies offer professional recognition schemes based on
the nature of the degree programme, an individual's education, an individual's work
experience or a combination of these.

• The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) accredits courses where
they meet its requirements for graduates to attain its Chartered Mathematician
• The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) accredits courses where they meet its
requirements for graduates to attain its Graduate Statistician status. The RSS also
accredit individual modules that teach statistical literacy, awarding them the RSS
Quality Mark.
• The IMA, RSS and Operational Research Society (ORS) all operate individual
professional recognition schemes based on either the nature of the individual's
education, engagement with continued professional development, their work
experience or a combination of these.
• The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) accredits courses and modules, with
accreditation providing students with exemption from certain IFoA examinations.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

1.21 Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is essential for the health of MSOR, and it is
important that the discipline encourages inclusivity and access to ensure learners are
attracted from diverse backgrounds, that the curriculum and environment enable them to
succeed in their studies, and that the subject is enriched by input from diverse practitioners.

1.22 Students come to MSOR courses with different backgrounds, aspirations,

expectations and academic experiences. As such, all students benefit from developing their
knowledge and understanding within an inclusive learning environment providing rich
opportunities for academic, pastoral and well-being support which recognises this diversity.
This would include the provision of suitable support for students with different needs and
varying pre-university experiences, as outlined in more detail below.

1.23 Values of EDI should permeate the curriculum and every aspect of the learning
experience to ensure the diverse nature of society in all its forms is evident. MSOR providers
should reflect on their curricula and processes to ensure that no group is disadvantaged or
othered; for example, by reflecting on how policies and practices around delivery, admission
and assessment might adversely impact on certain subgroups within the student cohort. EDI
aspects of student engagement and achievement should be monitored, and actions formed
to ensure equity.

1.24 MSOR providers throughout the UK are committed to championing EDI, with
several possessing Athena SWAN awards and/or providing publicly available information
describing their commitment to EDI and initiatives in this domain. The London Mathematical
Society (LMS) runs a Good Practice Scheme supporting women’s careers in MSOR in
higher education and many providers work to these standards.

1.25 There is active discussion in higher education on the topic of decolonising the
curriculum, and this topic is relevant to MSOR. Though there is no suggestion of omitting or
censoring core discipline content, MSOR subjects are not neutral nor detached from society,
and explicit reflection on the history and practice of MSOR knowledge generation can be
useful in attempting to avoid unconscious biases in course design and delivery. While
presenting the positive contributions that MSOR disciplines have made, provision might also
reflect the fact that such contributions sometimes arose from cultural contexts with issues
that would now be considered problematic. For example, some early ideas in statistics were
motivated by their proposers’ support for eugenics, some astronomical data were collected

on plantations by enslaved people, and, historically, some mathematicians have recorded
racist or fascist views or connections to groups such as the Nazis. Further, there are
historical and ongoing issues around power dynamics and gatekeeping in both access to
and generation of MSOR knowledge. Providers should review their practices, in line with
paragraph 1.23, with an explicit focus on equity.

1.26 It is highly desirable that students encounter a wide range of role models within
higher education. This is particularly important given the well-known gender imbalance in the
subject (the 2015 Council for Mathematical Sciences report on The Mathematical Sciences
People Pipeline contains data on the demographic imbalances), retention and awarding
gaps, and the strong focus of curricula on the historical work of white Western males. There
is a need for inclusive language and scenarios in all publicity and teaching material, and for
courses to be informed by the student voice and taught in a way which makes the resources
meaningful to all students and with topics and examples which have relevance to a wide
range of people.

1.27 EDI has implications for all aspects of provision. For example, providers might give
consideration to good practice in areas such as the following.

Environment - good practice here could include:

• making efforts to present visible diverse role models, attracting diverse staff in all
roles and ensuring a suitable working and study environment for all; for example,
having an understanding of caring responsibilities for staff, which considers the
timing of meetings and other practical arrangements
• provision of a suitable study environment for all with accessible facilities and equal
access to specialist software and other technology
• being responsive to the student voice and actively soliciting suggestions to enhance

Recruitment - good practice here could include:

• admissions decisions that acknowledge the variety of qualifications applicants might
have, and consider the provision of opportunities for those without A Level
Mathematics or equivalent (for example, via foundation years) or Further
• providers recruiting from a variety of schools and colleges, promoting diverse role
models and advertising the support they offer.

Delivery - good practice here could include:

• a timetable which considers the needs of students with commitments such as
childcare and other caring responsibilities, religious beliefs and work, and ensures
that suitable teaching spaces appropriate for all are allocated
• provision of materials that are accessible, written in inclusive language, with
examples and scenarios which are appealing to all and relevant beyond the UK,
recommending textbooks and other resources which conform to modern
expectations regarding EDI
• the use of a variety of teaching methods to support learners with differing needs
• the use of tools like recording and electronic provision of resources to support those
who may not be able to attend all lectures, or who may use these to learn more
effectively (see paragraph 1.37)
• taking care over, for example, the assignment of students for groupwork.
• teaching staff being available to support students and possibly a university-wide
mathematics and statistics support provision (see paragraph 3.33).

Curriculum - good practice here could include:
• a curriculum that presents a multicultural and contextualised view of MSOR,
informed by the student voice
• where possible, a curriculum that presents the work of a diverse group of MSOR
• making students aware of problematic issues in the development of the MSOR
content they are being taught
• embedding, within the MSOR curriculum, education in both general EDI matters
and those that are specifically relevant to MSOR, such as the need to consider
diversity in data collection and analysis.

Employment skills - good practice here could include:

• a curriculum that delivers career skills, balancing the needs of students who plan
to go into graduate careers on completion of their degree and those aspiring to
further study
• strategies designed to make teamwork inclusive, addressing issues such as norms
regarding decision-making, attitudes to authority, positioning within a team, past
experiences of task designation, reaching group decisions, and geopolitical issues.

Assessment - good practice here could include:

• the availability of a variety of assessment methods, and acknowledgement of the
difficulties that students from different academic, social or cultural backgrounds may
face with some forms of assessment
• monitoring data on attainment and taking actions to address the issues identified
• making reasonable adjustments where appropriate (see paragraph 1.31)
• design of assessments and assessment schedules giving consideration to students'
mental well-being, taking care to minimise the stress these cause to students.

Support - good practice here could include:

• making support available for all students, including disabled students and those
from diverse backgrounds or different cultures
• an inclusive culture across the institution, including internal workshops and training
sessions to raise the awareness of MSOR teaching staff of issues relating to EDI.

1.28 In order to ensure an accessible course experience, providers should anticipate
their learners’ needs and proactively ensure that these are met. Providing institutions should
support MSOR staff to overcome discipline-specific barriers to accessibility (see paragraphs
1.34 to 1.36) that can significantly increase staff time creating accessible resources and
content. Provider good practice in this area may include support staff with disciplinary and
technology knowledge, MSOR-accessibility-specific training, consideration of MSOR needs
in policymaking, or ensuring learning tools adequately meet the needs of MSOR disciplines.

1.29 Providers should consider the challenges and barriers that need to be overcome to
successfully empower their students to be full participants in their own education and
academic communities. The diverse nature of MSOR courses and individual modules within
courses means these challenges and barriers should be considered both at course level and
within modules to create a coherent and consistent approach to accessibility.

1.30 In addition, it is imperative that providers anticipate the discipline-specific digital,
physical and pedagogical accessibility needs of disabled students, embedding accessibility
in a manner that minimises or eliminates the need for reasonable adjustments.

1.31 Reasonable adjustments respond to both the individual and the discipline, and
provide authentic participation in all course activities. Where reasonable adjustments are
necessary for individual students, providers may need to work with internal or external
specialist disability advisory services to provide them.

1.32 Embedded accessibility has benefits for all students. In addition, it typically further
benefits particular groups of students, such as those with caring responsibilities, those
working part-time, those with a temporary impairment due to short-term illness or injury, and
those experiencing acute mental distress.

1.33 Providers should seek to ensure that their courses are well curated. Well-curated
courses benefit all students by promoting good mental health and well-being and reduce the
administrative burden and cognitive load on disabled students. Well-curated courses include
clearly communicated learning opportunities, assessments that are appropriately spaced
and particular support when concepts and skills are initially introduced.

1.34 Distinctive discipline characteristics that may require specific attention include:

• the use of a wide range of special symbolism which is essential to understanding

the subject matter, and special notation used by all MSOR specialists to
communicate effectively and unambiguously
• traditional practices in teaching MSOR, for example, presenting a technical
argument carefully at a board, which have evolved and are retained for very sound
reasons: the highly compressed nature of the concepts and relationships encoded
in mathematical notation needs to be discussed very carefully, sometimes symbol
by symbol, with extended arguments presented
• discussion of mathematical arguments is often highly non-linear, for example
regularly referring backwards to previous statements in precise ways
• the essential role played by diagrams and pictures in MSOR.

1.35 Specialist technology for MSOR is developing rapidly and continues to remove
barriers to access. There have been significant positive advances in digital accessibility
throughout this century. Further technological changes can be expected for the foreseeable
future; for example, developing mathematical arguments by writing on a tablet can offer
advantages over boards in terms of visibility in the lecture room, handwriting recognition, and
clarity of captured content.

1.36 Mainstream adaptive technologies, for example learning management systems,

screen readers and automatic captioning software, often do not effectively support MSOR
content. To mitigate this deficiency:

• providers should acknowledge the special needs of MSOR and the deficiencies in
many adaptive features of mainstream technology by providing additional resources
which may not be needed by subjects where the medium is primarily text based
• academic staff will require specialist technical support to solve particular digital
accessibility challenges
• staff and students are likely to need special hardware and software to better access
MSOR content.

Consequently, creativity may be required to address challenges which, at the time of writing,

1.37 Including elements of online, hybrid or blended learning across courses can
significantly increase access for students, as can, where appropriate, the provision of
captured content from in-person sessions. Associated enabling technology is required to
capture the live display of extended written material and ensure accurate captions. Within a
physical venue, consideration of the visibility of boards and other display equipment is

1.38 Those in support roles, including scribes, notetakers, readers and communication
support workers, need to have an understanding of MSOR terminology and symbolism since
even minor symbolic differences can radically change the intended meaning.

1.39 Some teaching and learning activities are found relatively infrequently in MSOR
courses. In such instances providers may take advice from other disciplines. This includes
experimental mathematics and fieldwork which, where it exists, allows students to benefit
from local opportunities.

1.40 A flexible course pedagogy provides students with a variety of learning

opportunities, alternative ways to acquire knowledge and time to consolidate material. For
instance, where material is delivered by a traditional lecture, the advanced provision of
accessible lecture notes complemented by in-person delivery of the material which is
recorded may provide such variety.

1.41 Implicit MSOR course requirements, such as social and cultural behaviours
assumed without direct instruction, are context dependent, where a specific task or situation
can change expectations. These can be additional barriers for disabled students. Examples
may include appropriate computational accuracy, study expectations, organising
independent study and teamworking skills. All students will benefit from, and disabled
students may require, explicit instructions on these traditionally implied course norms.

1.42 Assessment design should anticipate and remove potentially irrelevant or context-
dependent barriers that are irrelevant to knowledge, skills or abilities measured by the
assessment. For example, consideration should be given to whether a student will spend
disproportionate time and effort interpreting material; be exposed to distracting and needless
imagery; be unfamiliar with the assumed context, customs or colloquialism of a task.

1.43 The MSOR community supports providers’ accessible course development through
a variety of resources, for example, the LMS website Mathematics and Accessibility.

1.44 MSOR has a vital role to play in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development
Goals, underpinning many technological, scientific and digital developments which have
potential to improve health, drive economic growth, transform societies and enhance our
environment. For example, mathematical models inform forecasts of climate change,
analysis of health data informs public health provision and algorithms help users optimally
navigate transport networks. Policies which encourage sustainable development and reduce
inequalities can be developed and analysed based on mathematical models and data
analysis. MSOR degrees are themselves a driver of social mobility with many graduates
from a range of socio-economic backgrounds earning high incomes.

1.45 MSOR is such a versatile subject that many of the 17 UN Sustainable Development
Goals could be discussed in the context of MSOR degrees. MSOR is often taught using real-
world examples or in the context of applications in other disciplines. Through these
examples and applications graduates can appreciate how MSOR can help society to achieve
the UN’s sustainable development goals. Further, the skills developed through MSOR
degrees, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, are useful in understanding,

analysing and resolving issues in complex systems such as ecosystems, societies and
networks which are impacted by unsustainable development.

1.46 The Education for Sustainable Development Guidance produced by QAA and
Advance HE outlines pedagogic approaches for implementation in UK higher education
institutions. In the context of MSOR degrees these might include the following.

• Projects or dissertations where the focus is on modelling or analysing a problem

connected to sustainability. The project or dissertation may be interdisciplinary in
nature and involve working with students or supervisors in other fields. Topics could
include, for example, modelling energy needs or measuring ecological biodiversity.
• Specific modules which focus directly on the use of MSOR in addressing a specific
sustainability issue. For example, mathematical medicine or environmental
modelling could be the basis of a module.
• Case studies which illustrate the applicability of an MSOR method or technique to a
sustainability issue; or case studies which have motivated new MSOR research.
• MSOR problems where the motivation or context of the question is a sustainability
• Discussion of inequalities, perhaps in the context of professional ethics, protected
characteristics and/or equality, diversity and inclusion.
• Consideration of ethical issues and unintended consequences of MSOR, such as
the environmental impact of high-performance computing or the use of pure areas
such as graph theory in controversial social media practices.

1.47 The following are examples of how MSOR methods may be linked to sustainability

• Pollution levels connected with transport could be reduced by applying fluid

dynamics to improve aerodynamic efficiency or optimisation algorithms to reduce
delays in networks.
• Population dynamics can be modelled using ordinary differential equations in the
context of species growth and decline, using SIR (susceptible, infected, removed)
models in the context of epidemics or using network theory applied to ecosystems.
• Automated diagnosis based on medical images may be achieved using
classification algorithms and low rank approximations of images using matrix
• There are various mathematical models for climate forecasting, such as those
based on Navier-Stokes equations, and extreme value theory to estimate the risks
of weather events.
• Machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science have many applications in
sustainability in the contexts of, for example, energy, resource management,
biodiversity, crop yields and climate.
• Pure mathematics is applied in cryptography and blockchain techniques, which
have significant environmental consequences.

1.48 Sustainable development may be revisited multiple times in the curriculum to

reinforce the connections between different areas of MSOR and economic, social and
environmental issues. Education for sustainable development is an emerging field within
MSOR and providers are encouraged to innovate and evaluate pedagogical developments in
this area.

Enterprise and entrepreneurship education
1.49 In general, as articulated in QAA’s guidance, enterprise and entrepreneurship
education supports behaviours, attributes and competencies that are likely to have a
significant impact on the individual student in terms of successful careers. It prepares
students for changing environments and provides enhanced impact through placements and
activities that build links between academic institutions and external organisations.

1.50 Preparing students of MSOR to move successfully from education into employment
is an essential part of a degree course. While there is a personal responsibility for students
to take ownership of their career development, and other departments within institutions will
provide support, development of employability skills should be embedded into MSOR
courses, including through enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

1.51 Enterprise is defined here as the generation and application of ideas, which are set
within practical situations during a project or undertaking. This is a generic concept involving
creativity and problem-solving that can be situated in an MSOR context and applies across
all areas of professional life. MSOR courses are particularly well suited to developing this,
with a generalised focus that will prepare students for a range of possible future careers.

1.52 Entrepreneurship is defined as the application of enterprise behaviours, attributes

and competencies into the creation of cultural, social or economic value. This can, but does
not exclusively, lead to venture creation.

1.53 Enterprise and entrepreneurship education is defined here as the process of

developing students in a manner that provides them with an enhanced capacity to generate
and evaluate ideas, and to broaden their behaviours, attributes and competencies to
implement them.

1.54 A key part of any MSOR degree is its focus on problem-solving, which is one of the
core competencies associated with enterprise and entrepreneurship education, along with
problem identification, creativity and strategic thinking. Other relevant behaviours, attributes
and competencies developed through many MSOR modules are adaptability, curiosity,
determination and resilience.

1.55 Modules such as a final dissertation or project can foster a student’s ability to
reflect, take responsibility and take risks in a supervised environment. Modules enabling
students to work in groups can provide opportunities for developing and improving skills in
influencing, leadership, negotiation and communication. In advance of any group work,
students should be supported in developing an appreciation of the differences between
working individually and working with others, group management and general good group
working behaviours. An ability to work with and interrogate large data sets is key to
successful entrepreneurship and enterprise and a module that provides this opportunity will
enable students to develop many of the competencies mentioned above.

1.56 A problem-based learning approach in taught modules can help students to

appreciate the complex nature of real-world problems. This approach can also help students
to develop resilience and encourage them to be adaptable in their approach to problem-
solving. These skills are sought after by employers.

1.57 Project work for simulated or real clients can be especially effective in embedding
entrepreneurship and enterprise skills in the curriculum and can be a satisfying alternative to
placements which provides students with opportunities to develop similar skills. When
possible, collaborating with employers on the design of student projects can be a mutually
beneficial endeavour which helps to ensure that academic institutions are setting projects
that are current, relevant and authentic. Consulting with employers on suitable outputs can

lead to a range of possible authentic assessment strategies, with posters, executive
summaries and client reports being just some of the possible assessed outputs.

1.58 As graduates can find rewarding employment in many different areas, it is useful for
academic institutions to organise regular, targeted events for students where they can hear
from and network with employers and alumni.

1.59 During their course, students may have the opportunity to apply for a wide variety of
placement opportunities. Students reap many benefits from placements, especially in terms
of skills development. Placement opportunities can also help students to develop
entrepreneurial skills such as an awareness and appreciation of business, cultural or societal
considerations and priorities. By undertaking placements, students are able to see how
MSOR work can make a significant contribution to understanding and tackling complex
problems in an organisation.

1.60 In order for graduates to build on these skills in their future career or further studies
they need to be able to reflect, understand and articulate how their degree has given them
the opportunities to develop many areas of entrepreneurship and enterprise as well as
general employability skills.

2 Distinctive features of MSOR courses
2.1 Some courses are concerned more with the underlying theory of the subject and the
way in which this establishes general propositions leading to methods and techniques, which
can then be applied elsewhere. Other courses are more concerned with understanding
MSOR results, methods and techniques and their application in MSOR and beyond. For
convenience, these different 'styles' will be referred to, respectively, as 'theory-based
courses' and 'practice-based courses' (see paragraph 1.10).

2.2 While there are a few courses that are entirely theory or practice-based, most have
elements of both approaches and there is a complete spectrum of courses covering the
range between the two extremes. It is possible for courses with the same title to have very
different emphases; it is the curriculum of a course, rather than its title, that makes clear its
position within the spectrum. These different emphases are all equally valuable.

2.3 Possible paths to undergraduate degree study include academic routes,

apprenticeships and vocational routes, with some providers offering routes for students with
relevant access qualifications. The majority of undergraduate MSOR courses require an A
Level or equivalent in a relevant MSOR subject area, for example A Level Mathematics.
Some also require A Level Further Mathematics or have other admissions requirements,
such as STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper). Some courses offer foundation years which
are designed to provide preparatory work for Level 4 study in the subject. Equally, some
applicants may undertake international foundation year courses allied with MSOR degree
providers. Such foundation courses may be studied as standalone courses or may be
integrated into the degree to enable direct progression to Level 4 of the degree.

2.4 Possible routes to postgraduate taught degrees also vary depending on the nature
of provision. The broad discipline area of MSOR encompasses several types of master’s
degrees. These include conversion master’s provision and specialist master’s degrees.
Conversion provision is often in the areas of data science and statistics, where students may
come from a variety of backgrounds with varying levels of MSOR content. More specialist
provision is often in areas such as pure mathematics, where students need the mathematical
rigour obtained from an appropriate undergraduate qualification.

2.5 Undergraduates in MSOR may choose to study a standard bachelor’s degree with
honours (FHEQ Level 6; FQHEIS Level 10) or an integrated master’s degree with honours
(FHEQ Level 7; FQHEIS Level 11). These each have distinct learning outcomes to reflect
the level of the award. Bachelor’s degrees should provide students with the subject-specific
knowledge, understanding and skills, as well as the wider transferable skills and attributes
that prepare graduates for a wide range of careers in many sectors.

2.6 Integrated master's degree with honours courses, such as MMath, encompass both
bachelor's degrees with honours and master's degree outcomes. An integrated master's
degree is awarded after an extended course which allows students to study an MSOR
subject to a greater breadth and/or depth than is possible on a bachelor's course, and to
extend the opportunities to develop specialist knowledge, advanced skills and undertake
more extensive project work. These master's degrees thus provide a coherent, integrated
opportunity to develop a deeper and/or wider level of knowledge, understanding and
experience, sufficient to prepare students for a professional career in MSOR. Standalone
master's degrees in MSOR, such as MSc and MRes, are self-contained courses, normally
involving the equivalent of one or two years of full-time postgraduate study in a specialist

2.7 In addition to single honours courses in MSOR subjects, many joint honours
courses studying MSOR in combination with another distinct discipline are available. In joint
honours courses, undergraduates will study core elements of the specific and generic skills
for each subject, and will add others according to the modules on offer within the degree.
Additionally, students may explore the overlap between their two subject areas, creating
opportunities for interdisciplinary study. In interdisciplinary degrees, such as data science,
students will study a set of core knowledge across the subject areas while potentially
specialising in one or more of the component disciplines.

2.8 Some MSOR courses will enable students to learn outside the formal academic
environment. This may be through placements or internships in industry or educational
settings, for example, within schools or colleges through initiatives such as undergraduate
ambassador schemes, or to study at an international university. Such placements may last
for a few weeks, a term, a semester or an entire year and can also be arranged on a part-
time basis. They typically take place after completion of the equivalent of at least two full
years of study.

2.9 Both bachelor's and integrated master’s degrees may include such periods of study,
and this may or may not extend the period of the degree, depending on the expected
learning undertaken during that period. Credit awarded during such study also varies
according to the learning and assessment workload during the experience. Credit-bearing
placements (see paragraph 2.27 in the Partnership section) should, however, be integrated
within the programme of study, so that students can relate their experience to, and use the
skills that they have developed in, their academic study. Many providers also offer or
facilitate non-credit-bearing industrial and research placement experiences during vacations
to enhance student experience and development.

2.10 Where a provider offers several MSOR courses, these may be based around a
common core of shared compulsory modules, especially in the early years, with options in
later years that allow students to specialise. This approach enables both flexibility and
efficiency of delivery and may even allow students to defer selection of the award title until
later years, by retaining the option to transfer between cognate courses (see paragraph 2.17
on Flexibility).

2.11 The academic component of integrated degree apprenticeships in MSOR should

follow the guidelines in this Subject Benchmark Statement. Degree apprenticeships in higher
education are covered explicitly in the Characteristics Statement for Higher Education in
Apprenticeships which describes the general characteristics and distinctive features of
higher and degree apprenticeships in the UK.

2.12 Over the course of a bachelor’s degree with honours (FHEQ Level 6; FQHEIS Level
10) or an integrated master’s degree (FHEQ Level 7; FQHEIS Level 11), an MSOR student
will progress from one level of study to the next, in line with the regulations and processes
for each institution. However, it is expected that each level would see the attainment of
knowledge, expertise and experience that build towards the final achievement of meeting at
least the threshold-level subject-specific and generic skills listed in this Statement. This
would include successful completion and the award of credit for the full range of learning and
assessment. Upon graduation from an undergraduate degree, it would be expected that a
student who has achieved a second-class degree or higher would be capable of, and
equipped for, undertaking postgraduate study in MSOR or an associated discipline. Entry
requirements to postgraduate courses are, however, determined by individual providers and
may require specified levels of achievement at undergraduate level.

2.13 Undergraduates studying joint honours or interdisciplinary courses will achieve core
elements of the specific and generic skills for each subject (see paragraph 2.7).

2.14 Integrated master’s degrees (FHEQ Level 7; FQHEIS Level 11) typically require the
equivalent of an additional full-time year of study when compared to a bachelor’s degree.

2.15 In undergraduate honours degree courses, students may exit earlier and be eligible
for a Certificate of Higher Education, a Diploma of Higher Education, or a pass or ordinary
degree depending upon the levels of study and credit completed to a satisfactory standard.
In Scotland, bachelor’s degrees with honours are typically designed to include four years of
study, which relates to the structure of Scottish primary and secondary education. For
students following part-time routes, their study time would be the equivalent of the three or
four-year degree.

2.16 The progressive acquisition of knowledge and skills within the subject area also
enables flexibility between courses, both within and between institutions.

2.17 As has been set out in paragraph 2.10 in the Design section, MSOR courses
designed around a common core of shared compulsory modules in the early years, followed
by specialisation in later years, facilitate both flexibility and efficiency of delivery. They can
also enable students to defer selection of their award title until later years and can make the
transfer between cognate courses more straightforward.

2.18 MSOR students should also have flexibility to select some optional modules in
alignment with their interests, and therefore appropriate guidance on option choices should
be made available to the students.

2.19 The cumulative nature of the subject limits the flexibility that can be designed into
some MSOR courses that require certain prerequisites for certain modules. This will also
limit the flexibility of the credit transfer process as, in such cases, students will require a
sufficient number of specific credits that cover the prerequisites in order to transfer onto
some MSOR courses.

2.20 In England, some higher education providers use a flexible approach to the staging
of modules in order to offer courses where learners spend part of their final year in a school
in order to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and a full honours MSOR degree without
extending the duration of the degree course.

2.21 Flexible educational approaches enable learners to adapt their education to their
situational and contextual individual needs and constraints, and may also play a key role
in increasing access to further and higher education and social mobility. For example,
such approaches could provide scope for learners to select educational opportunities that
are better suited to their current level of proficiency and interests (see paragraphs 1.22 and

2.22 To this end, it is beneficial for higher education providers to have:

• flexible approaches to assessment tasks that enable learners to demonstrate

different competencies
• flexible approaches to awarding and transferring credits, for example the integration
of alternative recognition of learning (such as prior experiential learning and micro-
credentials) with traditional modular credits
• flexible approaches to recruitment processes that recognise prior learning and/or
work experience in the field of MSOR.

2.23 In addition, across the sector, it is beneficial to have:

• flexible delivery modes, including, but not limited to, campus-based, distance
learning, block release and hybrid (campus-based and distance learning)
• flexible study patterns in terms of intensity of study and start dates.

2.24 MSOR courses should be sufficiently flexible to be able to respond to and anticipate
change, in the advancement of the subject and its interface with other disciplines, as well
as in the needs of its graduates and their employers. They should also take account of
learners’ needs and make appropriate reasonable adjustments, as required.

2.25 Partnerships may be academic, as a collaboration with other educational
organisations, or may be professional, as a collaboration between providers and industry.

2.26 An academic partnership may be between providers and other UK or international

educational institutions. These may include partnership programmes that give advanced
standing to students with prior study abroad, for admission into year two or three of existing
UK degree courses.

2.27 Partnerships between providers and industry can involve employers or professional
organisations and may include, but are not limited to, placements and work-related projects.
These can be offered, organised and advertised by external organisations, but can also be
developed as a collaborative effort between higher education providers and employers. They
may be part of the formal curriculum, be awarded credit and the employer might contribute to
assessing the students’ work.

2.28 Placements may include working for an employer for a short time each week over
the length of a module or in a block in or outside term time. Employers include private and
public sector organisations as well as charities and other voluntary groups. Organisations
such as schools and colleges can provide placements for MSOR students analysing and
presenting student data or applying MSOR in areas such as timetabling. Work can be
focused on a specific project or include a variety of tasks as directed by the employer.

2.29 Many employers are keen to take on MSOR students for a year-long sandwich
placement between years of study. MSOR students are in demand especially due to their
potential skills around handling data and programming as well as their knowledge of specific
MSOR techniques.

2.30 Students gain numerous benefits from working with employers on placements or
projects (see paragraph 1.59). Work-related projects may involve employers posing
problems for students to work on which have arisen or are inspired by the business of the
employer. Some of these are detailed in paragraph 1.57. Any partnership with a potential
employer or professional organisation can lead to input into curriculum design or other
activities that enhance the curriculum as well as students’ employability and graduate
outcomes. Some providers offer degree apprenticeships, for example in data science, in
conjunction with employers. Providers should develop processes for oversight to ensure that
partners involved in degree delivery meet all relevant safeguards, quality standards and

Monitoring and review

2.31 Degree-awarding bodies, and their collaborative partnerships, routinely collect and
analyse information and undertake periodic course review according to their own needs.

They draw on a range of external reference points, including this Subject Benchmark
Statement, to ensure that their provision aligns with sector norms. Monitoring and evaluation
is a periodic assessment of a course, conducted internally or by external independent
evaluators. Evaluation uses information from both current and historic monitoring to develop
an understanding of student achievement or inform future course planning.

2.32 Externality is an essential component of the quality assurance system in the UK.
Providers will use external reviewers as part of periodic review to gain an external
perspective on any proposed changes and ensure threshold standards are achieved and
content is appropriate for the subject.

2.33 The external examination system currently in use across the UK higher education
sector also helps to ensure consistency in the way academic standards are secured by
degree-awarding bodies. Typically, external examiners will be asked to comment on the
types, principles and purposes of assessments being offered to students. They will consider
the types of modules on offer to students, the outcomes of a cohort and how these compare
to similar provision offered within other UK higher education providers. External examiners
are asked to produce a report each year and make recommendations for changes to
modules and assessments (where appropriate). Subject Benchmark Statements, such as
this one, can play an important role in supporting external examiners in advising on whether
threshold standards are being met in a specific subject area.

2.34 MSOR courses can achieve accreditation from various professional bodies, each of
which have specific requirements to award the accreditation (see paragraph 1.20).

3 Content, structure and delivery

3.1 As discussed in previous sections, the subject area of MSOR covered by this
Statement is very broad. Therefore, the knowledge and skills that may be expected of
graduates in the area are correspondingly wide-ranging.

3.2 Courses develop graduates who have knowledge and skills that are specific to
areas within MSOR. In this Subject Benchmark Statement, such knowledge and skills are
referred to as subject-specific. At the higher levels of study, this knowledge and these skills
naturally vary between graduates because of the different areas of the subject(s) that
different students pursue. This diversity, which is a natural feature of the MSOR subject
area, is to be welcomed, and must not be restricted in any way. Furthermore, it is dynamic
and evolving, as courses develop to encompass new areas of study. It is, however, possible
to discern subject-specific knowledge and skills that are demonstrated by all MSOR

3.3 Although most of the foundations of knowledge and skills in MSOR are generally
laid in the earlier parts of courses, this is not exclusively the case. Equally, the earlier stages
are not necessarily exclusively concerned with laying foundations; in many courses it may be
entirely proper for more advanced work or for work on applications to start at an early stage,
provided always that any necessary prerequisite knowledge is in place.

3.4 No attempt has been made to construct a comprehensive listing of subject-specific

knowledge for all courses covered by this Statement. Such a listing would be far too
prescriptive, may well force unnecessary and undesirable modifications in some existing
courses, and would confer no positive benefits.

3.5 Courses in the MSOR area will also produce graduates who have highly developed
skills of a more general kind. Obvious examples are that they should be highly numerate and
that most graduates are competent with applications in computing and modelling.

3.6 MSOR subjects are central to data-related analysis. For example, data science has
emerged as an interdisciplinary field combining MSOR subjects, computer science and
others. It is expected that many graduates will wish to pursue careers in data-related
activities and MSOR courses will play a leading role in supplying these graduates.

Subject-specific knowledge and understanding

General principles

3.7 Courses develop graduates who have knowledge and understanding of methods
and techniques appropriate to their main field of study, and from a range of other areas of
MSOR. In addition, most graduates have met at least one major area of application of their
subject. Different types and levels of understanding are developed in the graduates
according to the focus of the course.

Methods and techniques

3.8 Common ground for all courses includes calculus, linear algebra and probability/
statistics. All courses cover methods and techniques that pertain to a range of areas of
MSOR, developed in depth according to their own requirements. As examples, graduates

from courses in operational research may have considerable knowledge of constrained
optimisation and its application to allocating scarce resources, or of modelling different
decision-making processes; whereas graduates from courses concentrating on applications
of mathematics in physics or engineering may have correspondingly deep knowledge of
methods for working with differential equations. These examples have been deliberately
chosen as being fairly far apart in the spectrum of MSOR courses, but it is to be emphasised
that the methods and techniques covered in them are not mutually exclusive.

Areas of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research

3.9 Courses develop graduates who will have knowledge of a range of areas of MSOR
with the level of understanding of derivation of results and their application commensurate
with the course’s placement on the spectrum between practice-based and theory-based.

3.10 Mathematics courses develop graduates who have in-depth knowledge of concepts,
methods and techniques in a range of mathematical topics. Examples may include algebra,
analysis, geometry, number theory, differential equations, continuum mechanics and
mathematical physics, but there are many others. Graduates may also have understanding
of mathematical models and how and when they can be applied.

3.11 Statistics courses develop graduates who have knowledge of core areas of
mathematics and a range of major areas in statistics. Examples may include exploratory
data analysis, inference, likelihood, linear models, stochastic processes, time series and
data analytics. Graduates are able to use a statistical package for data analysis.

3.12 Operational research courses develop graduates who have experience of a wide
range of applications. These may include examples from fields such as healthcare,
transportation, logistics, strategic planning, manufacturing and retail distribution. It is often
the case that specialised modules in these areas are available, sometimes being taught by
staff from the respective subject departments.

Mathematical thinking and logical processes

3.13 Courses develop graduates who have an understanding of the importance of

assumptions and a recognition of where they are used and of possible consequences of
their violation. This includes an appreciation of the distinction between the roles of validity of
assumptions and validity of arguments. This may also take account of, where appropriate,
the ethical consequences of assumptions.

3.14 Courses develop graduates who also appreciate the power of generalisation and
abstraction in developing mathematical theories or methods to use in problem-solving.
Theory-based courses may tend to emphasise the role of logical mathematical argument
and deductive reasoning, often including formal processes of mathematical proof; practice-
based courses may tend to emphasise understanding and use of structured mathematical or
analytical approaches to problem-solving. In both cases, problems often include unfamiliar
small or large-scale tasks that may require the independent evaluation, analysis and
selection of appropriate strategies and techniques applied to create a complete solution.
Resilience and reflection over longer timescales may be required to learn from approaches
that are not successful to develop the final successful approach.

3.15 Knowledge and understanding under this heading inform and underpin many other
activities that may appear in various courses, such as axiomatic approaches to advanced
pure mathematics or the general role of modelling.

Numerical computation

3.16 Courses develop graduates who have knowledge and understanding, at the level
required for their courses, of some processes and pitfalls of numerical approximation.

3.17 Courses develop graduates who have some knowledge and understanding of
programming in service of computation. With computation regularly used in the workplace
and familiarity with software packages an essential part of data analysis, graduates will have
familiarity with at least one programming language and direct experience of specialist
software for the problems being addressed and, when feasible, knowledge of the nature of
the algorithms on which it is based.


3.18 Mathematical and statistical modelling involve abstract representations of

processes. All graduates are expected to have some knowledge and understanding of this
activity. Generally, the problems come from at least one application area, but they may also
come from other areas within MSOR.

3.19 Courses develop graduates who have knowledge and understanding of a range of
modelling techniques and their conditions and limitations, and of the need to validate and
revise models. Graduates also know how to use models to analyse and, as far as possible,
solve the underlying problem or to consider a range of scenarios resulting from modifications
to it, as well as how to interpret and communicate the results of these analyses.

Related areas

3.20 Degrees may include content closely related to MSOR subjects and their
professional practice, for example, history of mathematics, mathematics education and
career development skills. Such content can increase motivation and better prepare students
for appropriate employment.

Depth of study

3.21 Courses develop graduates who have knowledge and understanding developed to
higher levels in particular areas. The higher-level content of courses is sometimes reflected
in the title of the course. For example, graduates from courses with titles involving statistics
have substantial knowledge and understanding of the essential theory of statistical inference
and of many applications of statistics. Courses with titles such as mathematics may range
quite widely over several branches of the subject, but, nevertheless, graduates from such
courses have treated some topics in depth. Integrated master's courses generally include
aspects of mathematics, statistics and operational research in greater depth and/or breadth
than bachelor's courses.

Subject-specific skills

3.22 MSOR graduates have subject-specific skills developed in the context of a very
broad range of activities. These skills have been developed to a sufficiently high level to be
used after graduating, whether it be in the solution of new problems arising in professional
work or in further study, including interdisciplinary work involving MSOR.

3.23 Many of the subject-specific skills to be expected of all MSOR graduates are
directly related to the fundamental nature of MSOR as a problem-based subject area,
whether the problems arise within MSOR itself or come from distinct application areas.

3.24 Graduates from courses focused on particular branches of MSOR have other
subject-specific skills that are relevant to those particular branches. An exhaustive list of
such skills is not helpful, but, as examples, graduates from:

• Mathematics courses may have skills relating particularly to logical argument and
solving problems in generality, and facility with abstraction, including the rigorous
development of formal theories. In addition, they may have skills relating particularly
to formulating real-world problems in mathematical terms, solving the resulting
equations analytically or numerically, and giving contextual interpretations of the
• Statistics courses have skills relating particularly to the design and conduct of
experimental and observational studies and the analysis of data resulting from them
• Operational research courses have skills relating particularly to the formulation of
complex problems of optimisation and the interpretation of the solutions in the
original contexts of the problems.

General skills

3.25 MSOR courses develop graduates who acquire many general skills honed by their
experiences of studying MSOR subjects. All these are essentially problem-solving subjects,
whether the problems arise within MSOR itself or come from areas of application. Therefore,
the graduates' experiences are embedded in a general ethos of numeracy and of analytical
approaches to problem-solving. In addition, an important part of most MSOR courses is to
take theoretical knowledge gained in one area and apply it elsewhere. The field of
application is often a significant topic of study in its own right, but the crucial aspect of the
process is the cultivation of the general skill of transferring expertise from one context to

3.26 A number of general skills are to be expected of all MSOR graduates, although
these are likely to be developed to different extents in different courses. These lead to
competencies that enhance the general employability of MSOR graduates and include:

• study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently

• the ability to work independently with patience and persistence, pursuing the
solution of a problem to its conclusion
• efficient management of processes and deadlines
• adaptability, in particular displaying readiness to address new problems from
new areas
• the ability to transfer knowledge from one context to another, to assess problems
logically and to approach them analytically
• highly developed skills of numeracy, including being thoroughly comfortable with
numerate concepts and arguments in all stages of work
• the ability to apply specialist software appropriately
• information technology (IT) skills and the ability to obtain information from a variety
of sources, always taking care that these sources are referred to appropriately
• working in collaboration and building on the work of others
• communication skills, generally including verbal and non-verbal, and to
communicate results clearly in various ways (for example, reports, presentations,
• knowledge of ethical issues, including the need for sensitivity in handling data of a
personal nature and the impact of MSOR in its application.

3.27 In summary, MSOR courses develop graduate attributes which include an

enhancement of many general skills, such as numeracy, IT skills, critical understanding and

assessment of complex problems, and the ability to identify and analyse problems leading to
formulation of solutions, as well as subject-specific skills such as mathematical modelling,
data analysis and numerical methods.

Teaching and learning

3.28 A variety of teaching and learning methods are in use in MSOR. These may differ
markedly depending on, for example, the style of the course, the subject matter, the level
and progression route of the learners and the resources which are available. Providers
should carefully choose their approach, having evaluated a wide range of available
pedagogies. It is anticipated that multiple approaches will be necessary, even within a single
module, but consideration should also be given to maintaining a coherent experience for the
student over the duration of the course.

3.29 Students within MSOR are likely to meet a range of learning activities, including, but
not limited to, lectures, small group tutorials and computer laboratories. Students benefit
from seeing arguments developed by tutors in 'real time' and it is common for tutors to
present extended arguments in classes, particularly in lectures. Some associated
implications for physical spaces are detailed in paragraph 3.37. Alternatives to lecture-based
teaching in MSOR courses include active learning and flipped classroom approaches, where
the primary focus is on student engagement in the activity through discussion, consolidation,
or extension activities.

3.30 With any approach, providing appropriate learning materials in advance increases
the accessibility of a live class and facilitates preparation work, enabling all students to
engage more fully in the session. Regular work on practice exercises is important in many
MSOR courses as this helps students to achieve a good understanding of core techniques
and methods. In addition to setting practice exercises, it is useful to provide students with
opportunities to consider unseen or open-ended problems, and to discuss and critically
analyse MSOR discipline content in classes where possible. These activities can help to
highlight important aspects of the subject area to learners and encourage the development
of graduate skills and attributes.

3.31 A consequence of the cumulative nature of MSOR is that, to a greater extent than
for many subjects, topics may need to be revisited at different stages of the course. This
helps to reinforce a deeper learning of the material. For example, students may need to
revisit topics at the start of a teaching session or at the start of the module if it is later to
become an ingredient for more advanced work. This is particularly the case if something
familiar is expressed in a different, but mathematically equivalent, way or if a different
notation for something familiar is introduced.

3.32 The practice and repetition required for MSOR lends itself to collaborative learning.
It is common across a cohort to find a range of strengths and weaknesses, and students
vary in the speed in which they gain proficiency in different concepts. Therefore, peer-based
learning enriches an individual’s learning experience, providing an important and valuable
resource. Peer-based learning is facilitated through certain teaching formats, such as
workshops, tutorials and seminars. Peer-based learning also exists outside of scheduled
teaching activities and can be student-led, including, for example, group study sessions and
student society events. Providers should ensure access to appropriate formal and informal
learning spaces for students to facilitate group activities. Providers should promote and
encourage peer-based learning in a way that follows good academic practice. As such,
students develop understanding of how to learn from others without compromising academic

3.33 A consequence of the need to practice developing skills and techniques, the
revisiting of topics at multiple points in the course and the fact that the discipline builds on
content learned at school is that some students may need additional support as they come
to understand MSOR content. Providers may need to resource availability of tutors for
individual help outside of scheduled classes and promote the effective use of such sessions.
Some providers additionally operate a formal peer support scheme, perhaps involving
students from later stages of the course as tutors. Some providers will offer a mathematics
and statistics support service either through the same department that is offering the MSOR
course or otherwise. This is an MSOR-specific facility offered to students of multiple
disciplines which provides extra assistance in addition to course-based teaching and
learning, including via workshops, drop-in sessions, and one-to-one appointments, that may
be suitable for MSOR students seeking additional help.

3.34 Providers should acknowledge their responsibility, shared with their students, for
developing their students into independent scholars and practitioners of their disciplines; this
includes, but is not limited to, recognising the need to provide appropriate scaffolding,
confidence building and development opportunities to enable students to become effective
independent learners.

3.35 A characteristic of MSOR is that significant quantities of domain knowledge and

practice of associated skills are required before a student is able to independently and
meaningfully engage with solving more advanced problems, especially in more abstract
areas. Providers should prioritise equipping students with the discipline-based skills to
enable them to independently learn MSOR content and recognise that in doing so their
provision is enriched by the nurtured potential of their students.

3.36 Providers should assist students in developing effective study skills so that they can
actively engage with teaching and resources. Tutors should model and explain the value of
spending time on tasks which do not easily fit within formal timetabled hours. These tasks
may include reading ahead or around the topic, diligently checking mathematical arguments,
or independent practice of skills, including problem-solving and programming. Scholarly
behaviours, such as playing and experimenting with ideas, challenging the necessity of
particular assumptions, or attempting to solve a question, even if the solution is incomplete
or later found to contain errors, should be encouraged. Students will need time to
consolidate their understanding and develop MSOR discipline skills, perhaps through
spaced repetition, and providers should timetable teaching hours and schedule assessments
to accommodate this need.

3.37 A range of different teaching spaces are typically required for MSOR classes.
These include, but are not limited to, lecture theatres with suitable boards and projection
facilities, computer laboratories, and rooms with adaptable table and chair configurations to
facilitate peer discussions or group work. Where a board-based approach is adopted,
considerable board space may be required for the display of the teaching material. It is
sometimes necessary to display distinct material simultaneously, such as digital output from
specialist software at the same time as arguments being written on boards. Teaching spaces
may require appropriate facilities for this as well as equipment to allow useful recordings of
relevant sessions to be made.

3.38 Effective use of technology to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning is
widespread and expected in MSOR courses. Examples include specialised software that
assesses mathematical input and can offer immediate personalised feedback to students,
and interactive web applications that allow students to explore MSOR concepts in depth,
typically including visual interfaces.

3.39 Computational work is found across MSOR. In teaching and learning, computing for
MSOR may be concentrated within modules or embedded across a course, depending on
the emphasis of the course. Students develop skills in computational thinking, should
encounter at least one programming language, and may use specialist software to carry out
technical MSOR work. Examples include:

• computer algebra systems

• specialised software for particular areas of algebra
• programs for numerical analysis
• statistical packages for data analysis and model building
• mathematical programming software for formulating and solving operational
research problems.

This is in addition to the use of standard spreadsheets, graphics systems and specialised
systems for mathematical typesetting.

3.40 A wide range of learning materials are used to support the delivery of MSOR
courses. These include:

• self-contained lecture notes

• lecture slides
• textbooks
• journals
• video recordings
• problem sheets and model solutions
• diagnostic and formative quizzes
• computer code
• interactive simulations
• forums
• other online digital material.

3.41 Typically, MSOR staff develop bespoke resources, such as lecture notes and
practice questions, for each module rather than following a specific reference. This is a
consequence of modules being specifically developed to fit within the overall course design
of the provider, including the prerequisite structure, and a desire for greater flexibility over
teaching resources. Consequently, MSOR staff need to routinely update materials and
practices in response to both developments in domain knowledge and pedagogy.

3.42 As in all subjects, MSOR teaching is continually evolving, with providers and
individual members of staff responding to changing circumstances and changes to wider
educational practice. Innovation in learning, aimed at improvement, is to be welcomed, with
the outcomes critically evaluated and disseminated. Providers should support new MSOR
staff to take part in relevant training appropriate to their discipline. Where postgraduate
tutors assist staff in the delivery of the programmes, the provider should ensure that
postgraduate tutors receive sufficient discipline-relevant training to best support them in this
role. All MSOR staff have a responsibility to engage in continuing professional development
throughout their career. To support the ongoing enhancement of MSOR education there are
many continuing professional development opportunities for staff run by the MSOR

3.43 Providers should engage with quality assurance processes to maintain and
enhance the quality of their provision; some of these are locally determined, others are
statutory in nature and linked to the retention of degree awarding powers, and others are
linked to accreditation by external bodies.

3.44 Carefully designed assessments enable students to demonstrate their achievement
of the intended learning outcomes. Assessment in MSOR ultimately aims to determine
whether students meet the standards outlined in section 4, including establishing the

• knowledge and understanding of a corpus of well-established material

• operational understanding of the conventions of the discipline, for example, the
norms of mathematical proof or statistical inference
• ability to apply knowledge, work with abstract models, solve problems and to reason
• ability to communicate clearly and accurately in a variety of verbal and/or non-
verbal formats, including appropriate use of mathematical symbols.

3.45 Summative assessment could also establish the student’s abilities beyond
understanding MSOR subject knowledge, such as to:

• pursue substantial independent projects and write reports

• use existing software and write code
• interpret, evaluate and critique the work of others
• work effectively within a team.

3.46 Assessment can facilitate students' learning by providing constructive feedback on

their performance relative to the intended learning outcomes. Such formative feedback helps
students understand how performance could be improved, with subsequent opportunities to
apply what has been learned. This feedback can take a variety of forms: it may be individual
or collective, and written or oral. Informal feedback may be provided in addition to formal
recorded feedback.

3.47 MSOR has important general characteristics which pervade the culture of the
discipline and can be taken to apply to all specific courses as intended learning outcomes.
For example, minor symbolic differences can radically change the intended meaning, and in
applications inaccuracy can have very serious consequences. Similarly, spatial awareness;
appreciation of patterns; agility in complex logical reasoning; writing proof; and clarity of
expression are all important. Some assessments, or some components of assessments, will
seek to establish whether students can demonstrate these intended general learning
outcomes. Assessment design should consider equality, diversity and inclusion issues as
outlined in paragraph 1.27.

3.48 A wide variety of methods may be used for assessment according to context and
purpose, recognising that learners may exhibit different aptitudes in different forms of
assessment. Automatically marked online assessment has widespread application,
particularly for formative work. All assessments, including traditional invigilated
examinations, should be designed taking into consideration both matters of accessibility and
factors around equality, diversity and inclusion.

3.49 Students benefit most where time has been invested in developing skills which
match the format of assessments. For example, where presentations form part of a
summative assessment, students benefit from opportunities to understand what is required,
such as in using visual aids and developing practice in presenting.

3.50 Setting and marking assessment tasks requires a great deal of professional
judgement. While some assessment seeks to establish objective properties, for example,
‘correctness’, marking is not always, as is often thought, entirely deterministic. Examiners

are often required to judge quality, for example, when evaluating a mathematical model,
assessing the discussion of data, or awarding grades to solutions that are flawed but not
wholly incorrect and to different presentations of correct material.

3.51 Some areas of MSOR require particular assessment types to ensure the validity
and integrity of the assessment. Controlled conditions, such as those provided by traditional
invigilated examinations, are often essential. For example, the nature of the subject means
that sometimes students can be expected to provide an answer which is very close to a
model answer. Such controlled conditions also help ensure that only work produced by
students themselves is being assessed, for example by following the principles in QAA’s
guidance Contracting to Cheat in Higher Education.

3.52 In MSOR, assessment marks can span the entire percentile range. It is possible for
an MSOR student to produce a solution that is entirely correct and therefore warrants being
awarded full marks. It is an inherent feature of the subject that the performance of an
individual student may vary significantly between modules and a student's marks on some
modules may not be aligned with their overall performance. Students towards the lower end
of the performance range may fail some modules while still meeting the overall learning
outcomes of the course. Towards the upper end of the performance range, students may still
fail individual modules. MSOR is often best served by allowing examiners to judge the
overall performance of a student against the learning outcomes for the whole course by
using averaging or preponderance systems which take an overall view of a student's
achievements. Consequently, some aspects of provider-wide assessment regulations might
be less applicable in MSOR than other subjects and may need to be adapted to take
account of the inherent nature of the discipline, otherwise the professional judgement of the
examiners (internal and external) could be seriously compromised.

4 Benchmark standards
4.1 The subject area covered by the Subject Benchmark Statement for MSOR is very
wide, and therefore the standards that may be expected of graduates in the area can only be
specified in a fairly general way.

4.2 Benchmark standards for MSOR are defined at threshold levels of competence for
a bachelor's degree with honours and for integrated master's and taught postgraduate
degrees. It is intended that students meet these standards in an overall sense, not
necessarily in respect of each and every criterion listed.

4.3 Aspects of MSOR are integral parts of data science courses and joint courses with
many other subjects. This Statement is a reference point in these cases, in so far as it can
be applied to relevant parts of courses in which the MSOR content is only a proportion of the

4.4 The vast majority of students will perform significantly better than the minimum
threshold standards. Each higher education provider has its own method of determining
what appropriate evidence of this achievement will be and should refer to Annex D: Outcome
classification descriptions for FHEQ Level 6 and FQHEIS Level 10 degrees. This Annex sets
out common descriptions of the four main degree outcome classifications for bachelor's
degrees with honours: 1st, 2.1, 2.2 and 3rd. Students graduating at master’s level will build
on the outcomes expected at Levels 6/10 but focus in greater depth on a specific subject
area and achieving outcomes as described at this level in the Frameworks for Higher
Education Qualifications.

Academic standards
4.5 A graduate who has reached the bachelor's degree with honours threshold level
should be able to demonstrate:

• a reasonable understanding of the basic body of knowledge for the course of study,
normally including calculus, linear algebra and probability/statistics, and an ability to
comprehend the basic language of the discipline
• a reasonable level of skill in calculation and manipulation within this basic body of
knowledge and some capability to solve problems formulated within it
• application of concepts and principles in well-defined contexts, showing judgement
in the selection and application of tools and techniques and demonstrating
justification of the methods used
• reasoning using logical arguments, including identifying the assumptions made and
the conclusions drawn
• a reasonable level of skill in comprehending problems, formulating them
mathematically, obtaining solutions by appropriate methods, and drawing valid
inferences from these
• an ability to communicate logical arguments, evidence and conclusions reasonably
accurately and clearly, including, if appropriate, acknowledging the degree of
uncertainty associated with conclusions
• familiarity with at least one programming language and competent use of other
appropriate MSOR technology.

4.6 A graduate who has reached the integrated master's degree threshold level should
be able to demonstrate:

• a good understanding of the main body of knowledge for the course of study,
including some advanced topics
• a good level of skill in calculation and manipulation of the material within this body
of knowledge, and be capable of solving advanced problems formulated within it
• application of a range of concepts and principles in loosely defined contexts,
showing good judgement in the selection and application of tools and techniques
and demonstrating justification of the methods used
• a good level of capability in developing and evaluating logical arguments
• a good level of skill in comprehending problems, formulating them mathematically,
obtaining solutions by appropriate methods, and drawing valid inferences from
• confident and effective communication of logical arguments, evidence and
conclusions accurately and clearly, and, if appropriate, acknowledging the degree of
uncertainty associated with conclusions
• familiarity with at least one programming language and competent use of other
appropriate MSOR technology
• the ability to work competently and independently, to be aware of own strengths
and to understand when help is needed
• competence in planning and conducting an advanced project in mathematics,
statistics or operational research or a related topic area.

4.7 Taught postgraduate master’s degrees will develop some or all of the standards
listed above, depending on the precise nature of the course of study, which may be
specialised within a subdiscipline or interdisciplinary with another discipline area.

4.8 Standards above the threshold may be demonstrated through:

• the depth of the student's understanding of concepts or techniques

• the breadth of the student's knowledge
• the amount of support and guidance the student requires to undertake an extended
• the complexity of the problems that the student can solve or model and interpret
• the ability to go beyond applying a given method and construct creative and
innovative solutions to unfamiliar problems within the context
• the student's ability to construct and present a reasoned argument or proof and how
far the student can progress through it
• the facility with which the student performs calculations or manipulations.

Professional standards
4.9 Alongside the academic standards listed above, students will develop transferable
skills and awareness of standards needed to use MSOR in a diverse array of professional
settings. These are in addition to general professional behaviours and attributes expected of
graduates. Specifically, MSOR graduates should be expected to:

• synthesize information from different branches of the subject

• apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to problems arising in MSOR and in
the context of other disciplines or applications
• work effectively individually or as part of a group to achieve a specific aim
• communicate accurately and clearly verbally and/or non-verbally using a variety of
formats; this may include communication to specialist and non-specialist audiences

• possess digital capabilities, including retrieval of information and the assessment of
its veracity, the use of generic IT, and the ability to select and employ appropriate
digital tools to support mathematical thinking, reasoning and communication
• be aware of the need to work within existing professional and legal frameworks,
including data security, EDI and sustainability, each within an MSOR context
• maintain appropriate ethical standards and be aware of the broader implications of
their work
• be able to initiate self-learning and monitor/adjust personal programmes of work in
light of reflection and feedback received.

4.10 Students at master’s level will have had a deeper or broader experience of a subset
of the skills listed and greater experience of working independently, with additional
opportunities to form novel and creative approaches for tackling non-standard problems.

5 List of references and further resources

QAA (2019) The UK Quality Code for Higher Education


QAA and Advance HE (2021) Education for Sustainable Development Guidance


QAA (2018) Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education: Guidance for UK Higher Education

QAA (2019) Characteristics Statement: Higher Education in Apprenticeships


QAA (2019) Annex D: Outcome classification descriptions for FHEQ Level 6 and FQHEIS
Level 10 degrees

QAA (2022) Contracting to Cheat in Higher Education: How to address Essay Mills and
Contract Cheating (3rd Edition)

Maths Careers Website


Measuring the Economic Benefits of Mathematical Science Research in the UK.


The Era of Mathematics: An Independent Review of Knowledge Exchange in the

Mathematical Sciences.

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications


Royal Statistical Society


The Operational Research Society


The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


London Mathematical Society


London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme

Mathematics and Accessibility, London Mathematical Society


The Council for the Mathematical Sciences


United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Sustainable Development Goals

6 Membership of the Advisory Groups for the Subject
Benchmark Statement for Mathematics, Statistics
and Operational Research
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (2023)

Professor Duncan Lawson (Chair) Coventry University

Dr Peter Rowlett (Deputy Chair) Sheffield Hallam University
Brad Ashley University of Sheffield
Dr Ben Dias easyJet
Professor Noel-Ann Bradshaw University of Greenwich
Dr Chris Brignell University of Nottingham
Professor Jonathan Gillard Cardiff University
Robyn Goldsmith Lancaster University
Professor Rachel Hilliam The Open University
Dr Kevin Houston University of Leeds
Holly Justice University of Nottingham
Kevin Kendall QAA Officer
Tony Mann University of Greenwich
Professor Mary McAlinden Nottingham Trent University
Dr Martyn Parker University of Warwick
Dr Ewan Russell University of Liverpool
Professor Chris Sangwin University of Edinburgh
Dr Calvin James Smith University of Reading
Dr Antonia Wilmot-Smith University of St Andrews

Membership of the review group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (2019)

The fourth edition, published in 2019, was revised by QAA to align the content with the
revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education, published in 2018. Proposed revisions were
checked and verified by the Chair of the Subject Benchmark Statement for Mathematics,
Statistics and Operational Research review group from 2016.
Professor Duncan Lawson Coventry University
Dr Alison Felce QAA

Membership of the review group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (2014)
Details provided below are as published in the third edition of the Subject Benchmark

Professor David Arrowsmith Queen Mary, University of London

Dr Toby Bailey University of Edinburgh
Professor Jeff Griffiths Cardiff University
Dr Mary McAlinden Oxford Brookes University
Professor Duncan Lawson (Chair) Newman University
Professor Andrew Osbaldestin University of Portsmouth
Professor Alice Rogers King's College London
Professor Charles Taylor University of Leeds
Dr Jon Warren University of Warwick

Employer representative
Dr Mark Gittoes HEFCE

Student reader
Justine Edwards University of South Wales

QAA officers
Brigitte Stockton Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Dan Murch Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

Membership of the benchmarking group for the annex to the Subject

Benchmark Statement for Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research

Details provided below are as published in the initial publication of the annex.

Professor Adrian Bowman Royal Statistical Society

Professor Peter Giblin Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences
in the UK
Mr Gerald Goodall Royal Statistical Society
Mr Michael Grove Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for
mathematics, statistics and operational research
Dr Stuart Johns Operational Research Society
Professor Duncan Lawson (Chair) Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for
mathematics, statistics and operational research
Dr Niall MacKay London Mathematical Society
Dr David Salinger Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences
in the UK
Professor Nigel Steele Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Dr Brian Stewart London Mathematical Society
Dr David Stirling Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Membership of the review group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (2007)

Details provided below are as published in the second edition of the Subject Benchmark

Professor Peter Giblin Heads of Departments of Mathematical

Sciences in the UK
Gerald Goodall Royal Statistical Society
Michael Grove Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for
mathematics, statistics and operational research
Dr Stuart Johns Operational Research Society
Professor Duncan Lawson (Chair) Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for
mathematics, statistics and operational research
Dr Niall MacKay London Mathematical Society
Professor Nigel Steele Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Membership of the original benchmark statement group for mathematics,
statistics and operational research (2002)

Details below are as published in the original Subject Benchmark Statement for
Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research.

Professor Rob Archbold University of Aberdeen

Professor Russell Cheng University of Southampton
Professor Neville Davies The Nottingham Trent University
Dr John Erdos King's College London
Dr Judy Goldfinch Edinburgh Napier University
Mr Gerald Goodall The Royal Statistical Society
Mr Tony Palmer De Montfort University
Professor Chris Robson (Chair) University of Leeds
Dr Stephen Ryrie University of the West of England, Bristol
Professor Peter Saunders King's College London
Dr Stephen Siklos University of Cambridge
Professor Joan Walsh University of Manchester (retired)

Fifth Edition

Published - 8 March 2023

We fund our work on Subject Benchmark Statements through our membership fees. For
more information about QAA Membership, please visit www.qaa.ac.uk/membership

© The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2023

Southgate House, Southgate Street, Gloucester GL1 1UB
Registered charity numbers 1062746 and SC037786


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