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This fan-made document, for all the community to use, was created by Sol Vince, Kacper Kuc, David Bell, alongside
army of other contributors listed below. It is a set of campaign rules, lore, extra characters and gangs describing
hellish setting, created by Sol and located even below the Sump of Hive Primus – the Sumphulk.

Head of the project and creator of the Sumphulk — Main Artist — Sumphulk posters, The Harvest
Sol Vince [https://www.instagram.com/sol_vince/] artworks, the Sumphulk map — Carl Johnston
4 Graphic edition, layout and game rules —
Kacper Kuc [https://www.instagram.com/kacp_k01/] Support Artist — Matriarch, The Silkborn
contributor — Lewis Bingol
Lore and redaction, The Sporekin Contributor — [https://www.instagram.com/thecultofones/]
Alastair Fleming [https://www.instagram.com/grimngribbly/]
Support Artist — Cover and The Twins artworks —
Lore and redaction, chapter-checking — Phil Timothy Eremin
[https://www.instagram.com/scrap.code/] [https://www.instagram.com/timremin/]

Lore and redaction, Reign in Blood contributor — Support Artist — Sump Runner artwork — Mark
Will Cooper [https://www.instagram.com/a_catachan_kiss/]
Support Artist — The Sporekin artworks —
Lore and redaction, Crystal Venom Trading Vanilla Astartes
Company contributor — Andy Rodriguez [https://www.instagram.com/vanilla_astartes/]
Terrain photography contributor — Bryan Paul Rees
Background terrain photos, War Pigs Clan [https://www.instagram.com/bryanpaulreesart/]
contributor — Steve Brice
[https://www.instagram.com/hobby.dad/] The Harvest and Hel’ga Hellspawn contributor,
Cover’s Necromunda Logo creator, Proofreading —
Background terrain photos, The Cult of Evadere Dave Rosewell
contributor — James Gowing-Pope [https://www.instagram.com/dark_kinetix/]
Sporekin infected Port Crew contributor — Olf Awok
Mule & Mire contributor — Kevin Rapley [https://www.instagram.com/olfawok/]
Sumphulk Scavvies contributor — Giovanni Calapaj
Chief Artist — Big, monocolour artworks, including [https://www.instagram.com/giokahnni/]
Gorsak, Keepers of the Book Contributor — David Bell
[https://www.instagram.com/magogwastes/] The Twins models contributor — Jacob
Main Artist — Watercolour artworks, Fen Wardens
contributor — Eric Bauer Sumphulk soundtrack — Sebastian Kling
[https://www.instagram.com/pictos.art.garage/] [https://www.instagram.com/bazzi731/]

Main Artist — Small, chapter-opening artworks, Proofreading — James Dix

Daughters of Ophelia contributor — Cy Dudley [https://www.instagram.com/dixies_den/]

This document is a fan-made extension and supplement for Necromunda Underhive game, for which all rights
are reserved by Games Workshop Limited Group.

All of the lore paragraphs, artworks and photos have been created from scratch, no trademarked logos are
used, and there are no copypaste rules, only reference like “for this see page XXX of the Necromunda Rulebook”.

Font used in cover word “Necromunda” is created by Lecter Johnson by doubletwo.net.

Copyrights (c) doubletwo.net, 2007. All rights reserved.









The Sumphulk.......................................... 7 The Silkborn������������������������������������������ 58
Nowhere To Run...................................... 8 Matron Moncreoux, First Of The Silkborn.61
War Pigs Clan��������������������������������������� 62
Locals Only............................................ 10
Gorsak, Sump Tyrant...............................67
The Docks.............................................. 11
Daughters Of Ophelia��������������������������� 68
6 The Stilts................................................ 11
Ophelia, Queen Of The Drowned.............70
The Heap............................................... 12
The Harvest������������������������������������������� 71
The Carnivora........................................ 12 Akephalos, Harvester Overlord................74
The Stacks............................................. 14 Keepers Of The Book���������������������������� 75
The Umbilicals........................................ 17
Sumphulk Rules.................................... 77
The Lachrymae...................................... 17
Sumphulk Events................................... 78
The Teeth............................................... 18
Territories............................................... 79
The Skirts............................................... 18
Sumphulk Trading Post.......................... 82
The Hulk................................................. 19
Bestiary������������������������������������������������� 86
The Reach.............................................. 20
Spore Spider............................................86
The Mule & Mire..................................... 21
Sump Grubs Swarms...............................88
Map Of The Sumphulk........................... 22
Hangers-On������������������������������������������� 89
Smiler Clans........................................... 25 Rogue Sump Grub Farmer.......................89
Over The Float Habs.............................. 28 Sump Runner...........................................92
Over The Skirts...................................... 28 Power-Jacker...........................................93
Over The Stacks..................................... 29 Pump Chief..............................................94
Over The Places Between...................... 29 Sumphulk Scenarios............................. 95
The Twins............................................... 31 Fungi Lumberjacks................................. 96
The Twins’ Rules.................................... 34 Carnivora Clash..................................... 98
Sumphulk Gangs................................... 36 Grub Harvest........................................ 100
The Sporekin����������������������������������������� 37 Visions From The Dome..................... 102
Vector Prime.............................................40 Characters������������������������������������������� 102
Reign In Blood��������������������������������������� 42 Terrain������������������������������������������������� 122
Angel Of Death.........................................44 Sumphulk Posters������������������������������� 132
Crystal Venom Trading CO.������������������ 46
Fen Wardens����������������������������������������� 48
Jules Vannek............................................52
The Cult Of Evadere����������������������������� 55

“It ain’t so bad down here. You can still make a livin’ while you’re busy dying.”

Sunny the Mek

The once bustling mega dome, coined “The Sumphulk” possibly more, that the ancient dome has been cut off
by its inhabitants, sat at the centre of Hive Primus bottom, from the rest of The Hive Primus. The catastrophic quakes
when the Great Sump Sea was merely a series of small brought destruction to many of the surrounding tunnels,
wetlands and pools of toxic run off. From the days the first access roads and connecting passages to neighbouring
colonial ships coming to the planet, the dome has existed domes, which are now nothing, but graves under the rising
as one of the major foundation structures and a well- Sludge Sea and collapsed passageways leading up to the
diversified community. The years marched on with the Underhive itself.
usual toil of Hive cities, as great ascension into the skies of
Necromunda began. The dome official designation has been forgotten to
time, even by those still scraping to exist. Much of the
Thousands of workers and their families lived and thrived Sumphulk’s Zones are submerged. The once busy streets
around the various manufactorums, foodstuff processing and twisting alleyways are flooded. Every passing year the
or water reclamation facilities and of course the slag Sump waters raise, the shanties and walkways climb ever
heaps and mines. Massive thermal conduits and plasma higher towards the domes leaking summit. Mutations are
generators powered machinery for the habzones of this worse here than elsewhere and the sight of monstrous
dome and many others through-out the Hive Bottom. beasts is not uncommon. Life is beyond the normal
hardships of the Underhive, but those that refuse to give up
As Hive Primus continued to grow into the honeycomb fight for every piece dry land, every meal and every bullet.
titan of adamantium and rockcrete, many sub layers began
to shift and unknown numbers have collapsed. Such is Welcome to the Sumphulk. There is no way in. There is no
life in the Hive cities. According to locals of Downtown way out. We are the forgotten children of the First zones,
(currently known as Sump City) and what few records now doomed to drown like rats. You might as well make the
remain, it has been six generational grand cycles, or best of it and do what you must to survive… While you can.

“Hope is for the weak.”

Sumphulk saying

For the last one hundred and fifty cycles the survivors of testament to it. Even in darkness, they survive. Every new
a catastrophic Hive Quake and their descendants have shift cycle brings some new horror, some new indignity,
clung to life in the harshest, most desperate conditions some new gang lord demanding every last scrap of food,
imaginable. Destruction and death on massive scale not every drop of water as if that was the least of their worries.
seen since the tragic fall of Hive Secundus. The Collapse Such is life in the Hulk, forever shifting just like the rising
destroyed every access way in or out of the dome whose sump waters.
name no one remembers, only the oldest have the vague
recollection of its true past. Gang life and even House identity is twisted shadow of
what it is above. Survival of the fittest takes precedence for
Sumphulk is its name now. nearly all Hulkers, yet gang warfare persists as the struggle
for superiority equals power and power is safety. The
Forged in the aftermath of the Collapse, those who average Underhivers life is short, brutal, and miserable, but
remained, endured and built what they could to stay afloat a Hulkers life is much, much worse. Hive Bottom is known
and rise above the very waters that flooded their home. In for its lawless ways, but the Hulk has become, over the
time they realized the horrible truth, the Collapse had not generations, a nightmare fuel-injected isolated, anarchic
only cut them off from the rest of Underhive, but from Hive feudal society; one that refuses to change due to the
Bottom itself as the Dome sank and became submerged power bases that have risen from the madness since the
under the Great Sump Lake. Collapse.

So it is that the “Hulkers”, as they call themselves, are That madness rules the Hulk with total brutality and
slowly drowning. All hope of escape vanished on the day of their names are spoken so very quietly, so carefully, so
the Collapse, the cruel reality of life in semi darkness and respectfully and fearfully that the most hardened Hulker
the ever-rising waters forces them ever closer to a ceiling dare not cross them.
that will seal their doom, if they ever make it to the top,
that is.

From the wreckage of the past a new society was formed The First Domes official designation, according to
among the anarchy and chaos. Decades came and went records has been lost, yet the Sumphulk and its
as the people built anew as best, they could and life, as inhabitants live on, refusing to be forgotten.
best they could manage, went on. For Underhivers are
a hearty people, and the lost children of the Hulk are
Viatrix and Viator, The Twins, are the ruthless and bloody reality that it rises every day, is enough to drive those of
handed de facto lords of Sumphulk. As long as they have lesser fortitude into an anxiety ridden madness. Death can
held power over the Sumphulk, all others bow to them. find a Hulker in a thousand ways without a bullet being
The Smiler Clans hold the next seat of power due to their fired and the near perpetual darkness is another reminder
hold over the Teeth and answer only to the Twins. All the Emperor has forsaken this place and those who dwell
other gangs, factions, cults and would be guilds fight for in it. To understand the desperation of Sumphulk is to be
whatever scraps of turf and power they can claim and at peace with hopelessness and the freedom that comes
keep. with it. Yet Necromundans, even at their lowest, are
adaptive and creative creatures – and the various habitats
This constant tension of might makes right experts a heavy the Hulkers have created in the ruins of the downside
toll on the rest of the population. The ever-present stench are testament to the persistence of the will to live – even
of a flooding pit of industrial waste paired with the grim against the horrific obstacles that rise from each region. 9

Archmagos Explorator Primus [REDACTED] detonates the substructural support network of the subdome
[REDACTED] of the Hive Primus, Necromunda.

In less than 15 minutes, seven million souls are, with calculus beyond cruelty, sealed beneath the
immovable weight of one of the largest free-standing structures extant in the Imperium.

There is not a single recorded survivor in any record of the genocide that occurred in [REDACTED].
(ref. “Sumphulk”).

Three and a half minutes following the Archmagos’ execution of isolation protocol on the population of
[REDACTED], he establishes First Contact with xenofact 44a9c (ref. “The Traveller Strain”), becoming
simultaneously the architect and Vector Prime of the parasitic intelligence later identified as [REDACTED].

“Don’t care who you run with, this my patch of dry and this sawed offs itchin ta empty“

Muggs Mortimer

What little panorama one can actually see in the half-light The Stacks – where most of what could be called a proper
below, the hydroscape is dotted with massive shafts that settlement, by Underhive standards, climb over one
plunge down from the ceiling into the inky black deep. It another in a desperate and futile scramble to the top they
is around these titanic support cylinders of rockcrete and will never reach.
adamantium that became to be called the Umbilicals.

It is because of the Umbilicals that the many denizens of

the Sumphulk make their homes here – for is where the THE CIRCADIUM
most valued resource can be accessed – the precious Light rigs, going through the Stacks and lightening
power taps that the Smilers up in The Teeth thread along Sumphulk domain, are called “The Circadium”
the power lines down to the eager hands of the population. by the Hulkers. They turn on and off in irregular
patterns, imitating some chaotic night-day cycle.
The Umbilicals of steel around which shelters, shanties No one, even the Smilers or the Twins can control
and habs are made – Umbilicals that rise above the this remnant of older technology, dating long
clouds of choking tox-fog that separate the Downside before the Great Collapse.
from Topside and from those that demand tribute on pain
of death or worse; cutting off the power. The dim glow of
Though the Circadium’s light barely reaches the Lower What little is definitively known of the dwellers in darkness
Rows and less so the area immediately below, amid the in the outer Stilt-Habs is nothing that would tempt a visit to
gentle slosh of the barely moving murky waters float the their tiny communities in the marshy expanses past the East
miles of cobbled-together docking facilities. Intermingled Docks. Nothing more than slagboard shacks propped up on
with miniature mountains of cast-off Stacks refuse and the ill-devised dock piles that somehow seem to always manage
nearly drowned peaks of wreckage, you can find ferrymen, to heave their stinking burden of swamp-rotten slagboard just
salvage divers, privateers and sumplings all going about above the murk no matter how high it rises year after year.
their daily business. The floating gangways of slagboard
and cast-off bulkheads have become a haven for explorers, The Stilt-Habs could be easily mistaken for abandoned 11
refugees, and outlaws-on-the-run. The Docks, although sites of poorly constructed fishing shacks. Tall tales are told
technically part of the Stacks, is a world of its own. of Wyrds and Shivvers, cannibal mad men and worse that
call the Stilts home. Yet for the most part, the downtrodden
Around the Eastern docks especially many would be who loathe the Stacks have made their way here.
fisherman and water recyc workers can be found hanging Hundreds of families and loners make up this tight knit
around. Ratskin and Kaw can also be found for hire as community that no gang dares attack, not even the sump
trackers, hunters, or guides. The Docks are both gathering pirates and Smilers only come heavily armed for tithes.
and cast-off points for many Hulkers.
Yet the stories persist. Especially of the so-called Stilt
Although only few know though about the near sunken Witch, the one who controls death walking. Few have seen
slagboard trails leading through parts of the central sump or claim to have seen her, but many have witnessed her
waters that still contain enough of the old Dome structural tool of vengeance.
pathways to create a weirdly stable series of canals that
prove navigable to the very brave or very desperate. What
little solid ground remains reaches all the way to the Skirts
and wraps around on in the darkness, all the way to the
wreckage of the Hulk itself.
Around the perimeter of the cave-ins and claw-like twists Floating away from the Stacks out in the dark of the
of still-groaning metal that make up the borders of the Sump Sea can be found the only part of the Sump that
expanse below, a number of points of interest can be doesn’t rely on the Circadium or Smiler generators to
found, hastily crammed into rubble heaps or built up produce its dazzling light – the sole source of grand-
on drowned structures that were built up on drowned scale entertainment to be found in the Downside. This
structures that were... you get the picture. Here are tunnels gargantuan gladiatorial arena island (and home-away-
that lead into more tunnels that lead to walls of Collapse from-home of The Twins) is the resurrected CARNIVORA –
ruin, and a makeshift floating dock manned by things that a half-remembered tradition of murder-as-sport revived for
12 can loosely be described as men (if one were charitable) the entertainment of the Downside’s huddled masses.
loading an endless stream of barges full of the ubiquitous
Slagboard that so much of the Downside is built up with. In stark contrast to the generally shabby state of even the
most well-appointed Teeth estate-habs, the Carnivora
The Heap itself is a prodigious mountain of raw trash elevates the aesthetic of ruin to gaudy art – weaving every
and flotsam that can be clearly seen (and, on bad days, scrap of neon the Twins could set their hordes to gathering,
smelled) from as far away as The Stacks despite miles of every bright and colourful light and paint remnant, every
distance between them. In this goldmine of raw materials, loudspeaker, and every shiny distraction that could be sourced
the Sump Lepers both dig for the choicest Slag-sluice to create the ultimate feast for senses all-too-used to decay,
ingredients and also make their homes. Curiously, it corrosion, and despair – at the Carnivora, life bleeds in colour!
remains one of the few settlements that rarely experiences
housing crises or the attendant mad dashes to occupy any Once a holy site discovered and venerated by the
liveable structure. degenerate War Pigs pirate gang, The Twins have
extended their reach to wholly consume and occupy the
Adjacent to The Heap, processing plants churn out the titanic monument to murder – and redecorated it in an
Slagboard that every gangway, emergency strut, dock pile aesthetic more suited to their flashy image, all of which
and scrabble-ladder in the Downside is hastily slapped is powered by the War Pigs’ battery raids on the long-
together with. These processing plants belch out columns suffering residents of the Float-Habs in exchange for
of smoke that leave no doubt as to the nature of their origin a host of occupancy concessions from the Twins.
day and night (well, at least nonstop) – a constant negative
to the otherwise relatively posh lifestyle of the Smiler clans Here, nightly performances of Downside hopefuls run
that make their homes on the ceiling of the Sump. the sluice drains red as they face Carnivora champions
and other rookie fighters in a host of events tailored for
spectacle, all for the roaring crowds of any Hulkers that
can afford to pay the War Pigs’ exorbitant ferrying fees.

SLAGBOARD Sole transit rights are granted to the loathsome pirates by

The miracle product of the Sump, is a noxious the Twins themselves, and anyone attempting to make
substance processed and pressed from solid their way across the waters to the island without hiring one
wastes of myriad description gathered by slag of the War Pigs’ motorized derelicts will find themselves
barges that scour the Sump for solids and float set upon by their fleet long before they reach its neon-
into the welcoming embrace of Sunshine Cove laced splendour.
daily to deliver their miasmic cargo.
This danger doesn’t stop everyone – and the War Pigs sink
plenty of improvised watercraft making desperate attempts
to bask in the bright lights of the Twins’ greatest gift to the
Sump just once.

But for those that can reach it in one piece, by approved

channels or otherwise, there is truly nothing like it in all of
the Sump – sights, sounds, smells, and slaughter unlike
anything anywhere else in the Downside are presided over
by the Twins as they exhort the chain-link-caged onlookers
to ever louder howls and brays for the blood of heroes –
served up nightly by the hosts you can’t ghost.
THE STACKS being sloshed off the gangways and whole hab sections
being emptied of rivals and their families. Yet, for all the
The centrally located and most dense population in mayhem it creates, these gang wars for turf has the rather
Sumphulk is in fact the mega hab zone known as the immediate benefit of opening some prime real estate on
Stacks. In a bizarre parody of pre-Collapse Underhive almost any row in the Stacks, for anyone that’s got the
settlement hab life, this sprawling vertical mass of hovels stones to grab for themselves. The inconsistent results of
and gangways of scrap steel and slagboard is what the patience in times of need have given rise to a decidedly
majority of Sumphulk citizens call home. Countless gangs more direct tactic of “social climbing” – figuring out how
make their bases of operations here and do most of their best to quietly ensure a vacancy in one of the vertically
damage in and around the Stacks. Fresh corpses littering adjacent hovels when needs (and water levels) arise. After
14 the walkways or floating just above the Downside waters is a few months in the Lower Rows, the tell-tale sounds of
normal daily occurrence. a midnight “tenancy upgrade” will hardly wake one from
a light sleep, no matter how loud the splash is.
The stacks themselves are a labyrinth collection of hastily-
lashed-together vertical structures of scrap material left Stacks life is for the bold, and the meek do not survive.
over from the Collapse. The first true downsiders had no Never a dull moment is an understatement in this place.
plan or reason and just continued to build up and outwards It is not without its perks though – if one can get through
from the super massive columns that hold the domes a day without catching a stray slug with their forehead, the
ceiling. The structures and walkways themselves create Stacks offer a host of amenities: Fresh foods, the finest
a weaving skeletal harness that bridge the domes columns craftspeople in the Hulk, dozens of drinking holes such as
together to form a mini Hive City of sorts just above the Smoke Stack Jacks and Hangdog Lilies and the numerous
rising sea of sludge. Thousands of shanties and salvaged fight cages, chem dens and pleasure houses.
containers pepper the area, makeshift power extensions
and spliced wires are everywhere along with looped Other than the faux Underhive life the Stacks offer, the real
cables, bailing media and improvised lamps that augment reason anyone stays or relocates at all is the promise of
the darkness very little. Even the so called Circadium’s unrestricted access to free electricity. This an enticement
lighting cycles, barely light the fog and smog of the too strong for the vast majority of Downsiders to resist,
Downside. Despite this comedic tragedy of a hab zone the and more new residents arrive every day, tiring of trying to
Stacks are still the most imposing sight even at a distance. eke out a life in the darkness of the Skirts or the endless
drudge of the Float Habs.
The perimeters of the individual Stack-rises reveal an
uncountable number of crudely worked and poorly This is due to the Twins deal with the Smiler Clans.
maintained bulkheads, rope ladders, and slagboard A power for product exchange on the surface, but in
catwalks that span the distances between the individual reality, it’s much more than that. Stacks residents get to
Stack-rises. This network of highly dangerous, but often keep what passes for lights on and the Smilers get to keep
used paths, dubbed the Spiderways. These “roads” are the Teeth. This truce is shaky at best, but does stop Smiler
constantly under new management, depending on which embargos upon the masses and keeps the masses down
gang has claimed them and often tolled and fought over where they belong. Such is life under the eyes and fists of
for long periods of time. Such feuds end in gallons of blood the Twins.






1. T
 he Stacks themselves are a collection of hastily-lashed-together vertical structures of every
imaginable material one could find an appreciable amount of in the downside that reach from
the water level almost all the way to the Teeth at several of their peaks.
2. A
 ll lights in the Stacks take power from the Power Grid, by which Smilers distribute energy
for the Hulkers.
3. W
 ater reservoirs and pump stations transport fresh water up, for Smilers to use, in exchange
for electricity.
4. The Stacks are cluster of many Umbilicals, whose lights glow in the dark like fireflies.
Surface life in the Sumphulk largely takes the form
of floating villages of shanties and ad-hoc structures
lashed together in loose rings orbiting the “Umbilicals”
– giant vertical pipes of indeterminate original function
that presently serve two purposes: as a base structure
to lash still more shanties and workshops to and see
to the immediate needs of their Umbilical community
– hydroponics rigs, squig farms or slaughterhouses,
slagsmiths, and menders, among others – and the conduit 17
down which the Smilers, from the relative luxury of their
nests in The Teeth above, run the trunk lines and power
taps that the Umbilical communities draw their energy

This power is used to fuel the cook plates that feed their
children, charge their cobbled-together laslocks and
search lamps, and drive the power-assisted motors of the
massive floating water filtration and purification rigs that
nearly every Umbilical resident mans in round-the clock
shifts – for the power comes at a price.

The Smilers exact a heavy toll for their precious power

– the lion’s share of the water purified in the Umbilicals
does not stay with the hands that produced it. Instead, the
purified water largely follows the Umbilical pillars back into
the smoggy heavens to feed the insatiable appetites of
those that lack the appetite to work it into existence.

Thus power, as ever, flows from the top down – while

water flows from the bottom up, on pain of starvation and
blindness in the expansive dark – or worse.

The Lachrymae is in fact, not an Umbilical at all – but
a new feature built post-Collapse. These enormous twin
pistons power the great lift that is the sole means of access
to the suspended network of manicured, craftsman-made
gangways and sprawling steel habs and impressive
defensive gunnery emplacements where the Smiler clans
roost and lord over their lessers.

This frightfully well-fortified industrial-grade elevator is

capable of carrying entire Umbilical communities into the
distant ceiling at once (this is not a design coincidence),
or dropping shockingly overpowered Clan gangs to the
surface level, reinforcing the already nightmarish defensive
structures and eerie chain-link “processing queues” that
cocoon its floating base station.

Access is, at all times, restricted, and enforced at gun

High above the heads of the common folk of Sumphulk, The perimeter of the Sumphulk is lined with tons beyond
the Teeth are a suspended network of durasteel counting of rubble, wreckage, and ruin which, alongside
observation gangways and industrial platform works from their draw for the more adventurous folk, provide shelter
which the middle-management caste of the original dome and home to all manner of social outcasts, scavvies,
once delegated orders, and from which their descendants, lunatic fringers, hopeless crazed mutants and other lesser
the Smiler Clans now rule. beings.

The Smilers retain control of the unique means to deliver Miles of fetid, swampy, stagnant man-made marshland
18 power in any appreciable amounts to the Downside, lines the acres of ruptured ferrocrete and broken pipe
and electricity and embargo alike flow from the ceiling works that spill God-Emperor knows what into the sump,
mounted generators bolted to the ceiling of the ruined and it takes a hard person to survive in these conditions.
dome above the Teeth – in exchange for exorbitant water-
tithes levied on the surface-dwellers below, excluding the Here can be found the various Cultists of the downside’s
Stacks of course. degenerate populace, the ugliest of Twist enclaves, the
malformed and the miserable, all eking out an existence
The man-powered magnetron wheels turn nonstop thanks “off-grid” and largely beyond the reach of the Smiler Clans
to bounty of slaves the Clans possess. The Teeth itself and even The Twins. Few gangs venture here and even
is comprised of expertly machined steel walkways and sludge trawlers, prospectors and pirates tend to avoid
repurposed bulkheads that form the primary construction. the Skirts. Dry land is not a myth in the Skirts – you’ll just
It is near impenetrable by those who live below. Its peoples probably wish it was, should you find yourself there.
and habs are a sick mirror image of the world below and
shockingly perverse homage to the way of life of the Spire
Nobles and Hivers.
THE HULK Only the bravest (or most foolhardy) Downside
adventurers dare enter here – horrors from beyond time
But of all the larger landmarks one can spot simply by and space lurk within. So, too, do the treasures of the long-
casting a look around if the light is kind, one stands forgotten crew of the Hulk. Sadly, in truth, what could have
sharpest in relief to all others. been seized from the parts of the Hulk accessible was
stripped long ago, its secrets buried deep in Mechanicum
The Domes namesake, a piece of antiquity. A relic of Old vaults of The Reach, the rest long since drowned or looted
Night. by raiders with no concept of what they had stolen.

Its massive bulk unable to be obscured by even Still, the monolith in our midst draws the fool and the
incalculable tons of fallen ferrocrete and steel, the feature fighter alike, and its corridors ever ring with the gunfire of 19
of the pre-Collapse dome that gave it its nickname among rivals fighting over nothing in the dark. Or so they say.
Uphivers that hissed it like a curse – Sumphulk. Only
a portion of the once mighty Space Hulk that crashed on
Necromunda eons before the Imperium still exists. For
thousands of years the Mechanicum of Mars secretly Every Hive City has its Rat Herds, but the Rats
excavated the crash site – under feet of the Helmawr. What of the Hulk are ten times bigger, meaner and far
remains of the Hulk juts out from the Sump waters into more mutated than their Uphive cousins.
the sunless void like a threat made of eons old rust and
colours no sane man could render.
THE REACH What they carried away from the Hulk to their facilities in
the Reach might have stayed buried there with them, had
In the far north of Sumphulk still smoulders the epicentre sanity prevailed – but the madness of one posthuman was
of the blast that few know of – the impassable ruin of the enough to not only ruin and isolate the very foundation
Reach. Explorers that brave the northern expanse rarely of one of humanity’s greatest structures, but indeed
return, and those that do almost always come back shells condemn its wretched survivors to the mercy of his
of their former selves, coughing and hacking as rust- greatest discovery.
coloured debris desperately tries to escape their windpipes
in between ragged breaths that drive screams of warning – Very few are beginning to realize the horrors the Reach
that monsters stir in the watery wastes of the Reach. has birthed, and whispers of the “Rustlung” sickness, of
20 silent hunters dragging the unwary off to places unknown,
Millennia before the Collapse, here was the site of and of a shadowy figures called “Fungers“ are just now
a Mechanicum research facility hidden in the dome itself. reaching the ears of the denser population from the
Worker families and Tech Priests salvaged from an ancient northern Float-Habs.
Space Hulk itself they had come to explore, exhume,
and exploit. In those early days of Necromunda’s past, The Reach it seems, is ground zero once again… but this
a settlement Dome was built around its foundations and time for something far worse than an old space hulk.
thus become Hive Primus, so the legend states, but records
do not, yet here it lies buried, undisturbed, and forgotten.
The Mule & Mire is named as a nod to the inhabitants of
THE MULE & MIRE the doomed dome that have become ever more inbred
with interspecies boffing producing offspring that are
A place for those into the nostalgic fuzzy feeling of walking mules unable to conceive. They are also very much mired
into a traditional watering hole depicted on the Old World by their existence in this Emperor forsaken hellhole, as well
of Holy Terra. At least, that is the outward portrayal and as a mire being the swampy, boggy ground of the Sump.
ambition owners of the public house held for the place.
Since Sumphulk, that is to say since its entombment to Despite the outward portrayal of a kitsch nostalgic place to
become this namesake, The Mule & Mire has struggled visit, it has become a renowned place to make a hard pass
to maintain the resources essential to renew its on. It is extremely local with outsiders looked upon with
aesthetic. Most prominently, Sumphulk doesn’t house the scorn. Hulkers need to know who they need to know to get
manufactorums able to produce and replicate the fibre ply grog in this place. 21
fascia that mimics the appearance of aged timber. Instead,
these materials and others like them deteriorate beyond It also attracts, by the employ of the management, a narco
the salvageable from the constant damp. Between that trade post as well as other types of contraband. If one
and the consistent toxin decay, more accessible cheaper is truly ingrained within this society, they may even be
materials patch what once was and prop up its structural introduced to a bounty hunter or two to help settle some
integrity. scores. The owners are, as anyone would undoubtedly
expect, from a tough variety, and employ muscle and
The tavern itself has had to change location since bartenders who won’t take any shit.
Sumphulk. To avoid being consumed by the rising sump
sea, the resourceful owners transformed the whole building It is a family run business owned and run by husband and
into a floating platform they call ”The Barge”. The Mule & wife, Aegir and Olaug Fisker.
Mire’s presence has been prolonged by using buoyancy
aids, knocking out foundations, and tethering the platform
within its locale. It now simply rises with the sea.


“To the murk with the Grell Clan, Filthy Philip been sittin fat and happy for too long. If it wasn’t for his seat at the Table and
his guild connects, I’d’ve have sent ‘em over the rails long ago.“

Dru the Hated, Finx Smiler Clan boss

Smiler Clans are made of several families and gangs that

have bonded together for protection and profit. Each Clan
controls an area below in the Sumphulk and their gangs “In the deepest parts of the Underhive the codes
act as watch dogs and armed debt collectors. of your House still apply to some degree. It’s but
a shadow of a memory down here. I may have
The most powerful of the Smilers is Clan Grell, as their Orlock blood running through my veins, but none of
territory above the Stacks is literally the source of power the old gang bylaws much matter here in the ‘Hulk.
for the Teeth and all of Sumphulk. Next in line is Clan Like all sinking ships, it’s every man for himself...
Fangor, as their turf above the Float Habs gives them the Head on a swivel and boots firm to the slag board...
most direct influence and grip on those below. or end up just another floating corpse at the edge
of the Stacks. “
The clans that operate the Skirts are always in ebb and
flow and are not as established as the others through Ziggy Fitz, Sumphulk Scummer
years of Clan gang wars. Umbilical generators are second
only to the Stacks in prestige and water holdings and
are largely made up of the descendant families and not
specifically former House or Guild leadership. Currently Smiler Gangs themselves operate the day to day of their
Clan Finx has risen to power and making it known they turf and their reach is as follows:
seek more turf and prestige.
The most direct pressure of The Smilers’ electricity The opposite end of the Smilers’ influence spectrum lies
monopoly is felt by the inhabitants of The Float Habs – the further out into the darkness than even the Floats – at
built-up hulls of anything that would float long enough to the very edges of the collapsed dome, where the ruins
reach the outer Umbilicals – where several hundreds of of the world before stand between marshy floodplains,
Downsiders fled to and built up to escape the escalating the farthest-flung Outer Umbilicals punch down into
gang violence that has plagued The Stacks ever since the rubble, each with its attendant Smiler clan standing
the first of the Lower Rows were lashed to the central sentinel over those below.
Umbilicals. Here, the panicked refugees found some
28 breathing space from the constant threat of death by stray The Skirts settlements do not gather round the Umbilicals
stub round, but it was replaced by new hardships. by default as do their sump sea siblings – and many of
them have and want nothing to do with the Smilers in the
Away from the modest day/night cycle produced by the sky. Still, the lure of the promise of easy electrical access is
battered remnants of the Old Domes Circadium (which too much for some of the far-flung Skirts dwellers to resist,
lights the area around the central Stacks in a pale parody and some Umbilical-adjacent settlements and facilities
of daylight in a shifting pattern no one has figured out how (particularly those few involved in large-scale manufactory
to control), the constant, total blackness of the areas away operations, most notably the slagboard refineries at
from The Stacks makes life difficult for a host of reasons – The Heap) exist. In these cases, there is usually some
ranging from food generation to threat detection. profitsharing or production tithe arrangement in place, as
most of these locations do not possess the water access
This perpetual vulnerability makes the Float Habs’ necessary for large-scale purification extraction.
settlers the Smilers’ best customers – they depend on the
electricity passed to them from the generators on high The Smiler Clans that operate the Outer Umbilicals’
for their very existence. Every man, woman, and child of generator facilities (again, with the exception of those
sufficient strength works in shifts at the massive floating feeding industrial output) are among the least prestigious
water purification rigs that ring the outer Umbilicals, and respected of the Smiler clans, usually their ranks
which the radial settlements of the Float Habs are all built heavy with the Faithful as with those clans located
orbiting. The water goes up, the power comes down, and progressively farther from the Central Umbilicals viewed
so long as the flow of each is to the Smilers’ satisfaction, as being of “low ambition” or “poor management skill.” If
the cycle continues. Woe to the Float that does not satisfy they were smarter, after all, they’d be richer. These clans
Clan Fangor – the Wheels await those poor souls enjoy the least influence in Smiler society – a practice that
chafes at the families that took the risk to stake their claims
in the Teeth so far from the nexus of Smiler power.
The Grells are the largest and most powerful Clan in the BETWEEN
Teeth, their gangs and families primarily composed of the
descendants of the true Guilder families of old, unlike other The eyes of the Smiler clans look down on the heads of
Smilers who are crossbred with other Houses and the every single person in the Sump at will. If there is some
Faithful. From the days of the Collapse the Grells have had asset to exploit, some material to own, some market to
a stranglehold on the old wealth of the Dome when it was develop, some profit to be prospected, they see it and can
part of Hive Bottom. Power generators, thermal conduits, reach out to take it – and where their fingers cannot reach
and massive caches of Imperial grade, Helmawr ammo. directly, their influence can still apply pressure to point it in
the proper direction. 29
Master manipulators when cool heads prevail and
butchers when they heat, every member of the Grell The Stilt-Towns that pepper the expanses of the slagboard
families is a force to be reckoned with – and not one is to pathways that spider-web away from the dockyards
be crossed without a plan. Even with a plan in place, it had surrounding the Stacks are peopled with the resourceful
best be several steps ahead of the one they have for you – and the reviled; some need no Smiler convenience, some
and trust they’ve had it in play before you made your first want none. Their reasons for their disinterest in developing
move. a business relationship with the Clans are still not directly
known, but the perimeters of the Stilt-Town settlements are
Generally, more comfortable in the seat beside the throne frequently decorated with smiling-faced rebreathers.
than in the throne themselves, the Grell Clan gangs
operates best in trade-dispute whispers and cryptic threats
through smiles that their masks can’t begin to match for
bloodcurdling effect. Stereotype notwithstanding, they
don’t shy from staggering displays of violence when their
legendary patience finds its end – as too many Clanners
and Downsiders alike have had the misfortune to discover. RAT BLOOD
Unusually to the typical Hive Primus domes
The best example of their gift of manoeuvre is possibly and settlements, more often than not, Hulkers
the fact that they remain the wealthiest of the Smiler clans have Ratskins’ blood flowing in their veins.
despite extracting not one direct transfer of payment for Downhive, it is certainly a boon, which
providing power to the single densest population base sharpens one’s senses and that is sometimes
in the entire Sump – the Grells operate the controlling a difference between staying alive another
majority of the generators that power the Stacks, and day or disappearing forever into the darkness
thanks to the negotiating skill of The Twins, the lights in of the Forgotten Dome.
the Stacks stays on.

“There’re killers and there’re cutthroats and then there’re the Twins…
they’ve got coolant in their veins, but breathe promethium if you cross ‘em.”

Vorbius, Smiler gang leader on the Twins

Viatrix and Viator. Lords of Sumphulk. Maestros of the

Carnivora. Bane of the Smilers. The brother and sister
powerhouse and their gang, the Entourage, rule their BANSHEE TAP
lawless kingdom through sheer strength and total fear. While the Stacks have a number of infamous
They keep the uneasy peace between the Smilers drinking holes, the most notorious, without
clans and the Stacks gangs and every fisherman, deep a doubt, would be the Banshee Tap. Overlooking
scavenger team, sump pirate or dock master pays their the Carnivora, it serves as both a base of
share of taxes to the one true power in the Hulk, the Twins. operations and a prime viewing spot for the chaos
below. The Twins conduct their business here, and
Viator is a cunning, ultra-violent warrior, prone to bouts to be invited is either the highest of honours or
of rage and known as a shrewd businessman. His a death sentence.
unpredictable actions often leave his sister frustrated, but
he usually makes up for his irrational behaviour with his
ruthlessness towards any who cross her. Viatrix is a cold,
smug and calculating killer, with a mind for war and
a voice for politics. Unlike her wildcard of a brother, she is
keen on being calm and collected, but has been known to
hold a grudge for as long as it takes to exact her brand of

The masses both worship and abhor them. Both siblings costs. They knew he was different, special, and anyone
have a love of decadence, a fascination with death who meant him harm ended up a floater, a dozen scrag
and a knack for all things flashy and gaudy. Their mere wounds or worse over their bodies.
presence has been noted as giving the feeling of electricity
in the air itself. They are rarely apart and always seen with Eventually Tertius’ powers grew as he aged. By Underhive
their hunched scribe, Tertius. standards he would be a powerful wyrd by his own rights.
On any other Imperial world, he would be considered
His identity is unknown to the’ Hulkers, even to members a rogue psyker and no doubt bring the attentions of the
of the Entourage. It is a secret the Twins protect more than Inquisition. In Sumphulk, he is the Twins secret weapon,
their empire. To Tertius, however, he is their protector and one which they use if the costs are high enough.
the true power behind the murderous tyrant siblings. He is
the third sibling, for they are in fact triplets. There are many Tertius has several prominent abilities unlike most wyrds.
names Underhivers and Wastelanders have for his kind, for His most powerful being a psychic blast that has literally
he is the Wyrd. blown the enemies of his siblings to nothing, but meat and
bone. The second power is his uncanny ability to protect
As children the three were orphaned at a very young age, his siblings and those nearest to him at the last second,
much like many of the youth in the Sumphulk. Viator and some say it’s similar to a power field of sorts. Tertius body
Viatrix spent their light cycle hours scavenging the heaps, is also twisted and hunched, and he is covered with spiked
doing odd jobs for barge captains and errand running spines that protrude from his very flesh. Few have survived
from one end of the dome to the other. Tertius was a sick attacking him as the spine will lash out on their own,
weakling, but his brother and sister kept him safe at all spearing his opponent.
The one power he has seem to have trouble controlling as of late is his ability to hear with
his mind. The recent appearance of the Sporekin has somehow triggered it to receive and
cast louder and stronger to and from the Sporekin, depending on their location. Its nearly
driving Tertius mad and the Sporekin seem to be attracted to the gruesome little man, like
a beacon or a magnet, the same way Tertius is called by the Hulk itself.

After years of being the top gang of the Stacks the Entourage took over the Teeth, but the
Twins decided its lofty dwellings were best left in the hands of the Smiler clans and began
a bloody campaign to control the flotilla known as the Carnivora, wrestling it from the
tyrant War Pigs. The short war over they decided that the Carnivora be a centre of both
entertainment and a symbol of their power. The citizens of the Sumphulk flock to it day
and night for various reasons while business goes on as usual in The Stacks and above. 33
Controlled chaos is much more to the Twins liking than all out anarchy. While their lackeys
collect taxes and keep the gunplay and violence to a bearable minimum, the Twins and “The closer to
Tertius can sometimes be found roaming the darkest tunnels and canals, always trying to death, the livelier
the day!”
find a way out of the Hulk.
Just because they are the captains of a sinking ship, doesn’t mean they wish to go down
with it.

“Words mean more when their backed by bullets.“
Although they are Lords of the Sumphulk, the Twins sometimes venture through their
domain with the Entourage or, extremely rarely, on alone. Each one of them is a merciless
fighter, capable to take on whole Stack’s gang and win. Most opponents will hide deep in
their shelters hearing only slight rumour, that The Twins are coming. For those who dare
to oppose them, well, there is only one ending. Rules for using The Twins and their brother
Tertius in the Sumphulk’s games are presented on the next page. Given the fact, that they
are intended strong Arbitrator tool and should be deployed rarely, each of them ignores
Blaze, Insane and Broken conditions and the effects of Tactic Cards.
“Better to bow and
keep the balance
than risk their
Amada Khan on
The Twins and Tertius are terrifying opponents (they are Lords of such
the Twins hellish place as the Sumphulk after all) and their rules were written to
represent that. They are not advised to be deployed against starting gang
or Underdogs, but rather as a final boss in a campaign ending scenario.
VIATRIX Lightning-fast reflexes: Viatrix
can only use her Overwatch skill
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int once per Round, but when she does,
7” 3+ 2+ 3 4 3 2+ 3 5+ 4+ 6+ 4+ she does not need or spend Ready
Rng Acc marker to use it.
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Throwing knives Sx2 Sx4 - -1 - -1 - 5+ Scarce, Silent, Toxin
Executor 9” 18” +1 - 3 -2 1 4+ Rapid Fire (2), Sidearm,
Master-crafted 35
Master-crafted - E - - - - - - Melee, Toxin,
stiletto knife Master-crafted
WARGEAR: Displacer field, Mesh Armour, Bio-booster, Infra-sight

SKILLS: Dodge, Spring-up, True Grit, Overwatch


Brutal savagery: Viator can make

VIATOR two free Fight (Basic) actions
instead of one, after performing
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int Charge (Double) action. Carry these
5” 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 3+ 5 4+ 4+ 5+ 6+ actions one after another. When
Rng Acc
making Reaction attacks, Viator
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits increases his Attack characteristic
Custom-made, 8” 12” +1 - 4 -2 1 3+ Sidearm by 1.
hot-shot laspistol
Blazing blade E 1” +1 - +2 -2 1 - Melee, Versatile, Shock,
Power, Sever

WARGEAR: Light Carapace Armour, Stim-slug stash, Bio-booster

SKILLS: Nerves of Steel, Unstoppable, True Grit, Rain of Blows


TERTIUS Rising power: Tertius’ first action

of a current used for casting or
maintaining Wyrd Powers Round is
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int free.
4” 3+ 4+ 3 2 3 4+ 3 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
Rng Acc Non-Sanctioned Psykers: Should
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits a psyker with this skill be taken
Fighting knife - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Backstab Out of Action, the enemy gang is
Spike attack 3” 6” +1 -1 3 -1 1 2+ Plentiful, Rending rewarded a bounty of D3x10 credits
at the end of the battle. Should
a psyker with this skill be captured
and sold to the Guilders. they are
WARGEAR: Flak armour, Force field (Conversion field) worth their full value. Note that when
a Hired Gun is captured, they can be
SKILLS: Evade, Escape Artist, Terryfing, Fearsome
sold immediately without the need
WYRD POWERS: Assail, Force Field, Terrify, Mental Assault, Hallucinations to attempt a Rescue mission.

“All the scum gangs fighting here, are like rats — fighting over pile of thrash, before the Sump drowns them all.”

Draken, Pump Station Alfa-3 worker

Sumphulk was sealed from the outside world many cycles The following table consists of the most famous gangs
ago, after the Great Collapse. This caused some of the or groups in the Sumphulk and which official gang list
residing gangs to almost lose their connection to their players should use if they want to play as one of them.
House, by evolving and adapting to the situation. Others, Some gangs, like War Pigs Clan has additional conditions
such as The Sporekin are directly tied to the setting and and name modifications, if one wants to be as accurate in
integral part of it. representing them as possible.

“Count as”
Name Extra notes
official gang
The Sporekin Genestealer Outlaw. Each fighter types are called as follows: Neophyte Hybrids are
Cult Infected, Acolyte Hybrids are Carriers, Aberrant are Bloaters, an Adept is a
Sporeherd, a Magus is a Spore Shepard, Ogryns are Spore Hulks, Alpha is a
Prime Infected and Bilogus is a Moulder.
Reign in Blood Corpse Outlaw.
Grinders Cults
Crystal Venom Escher Mostly consists of Wyld Runners, as proxies for Ratskins until actual rules will
Trading Company come out for them.
Fen Wardens Escher None.
The Cult of Evadere Chaos Helot Outlaw.
The Silkborn Delaque None.
War Pigs Clan Goliath Outlaw, only consist of Unborns, Nurgle Corrupted Fighters, without psychic
powers, ritual or Spawn. Each fighter types are called as follows: Forgeborn
and Bullies are called Ferrumborns, Bruisers are Sumpborn, Stimmers are
Gorgers, ‘Zerkers are Leviathans, Forge Bosses
Daughters of Escher Heavy Death Maiden’s influence, Death Maiden could be used instead of
Ophelia Matriarch as a Leader, gaining access to Leadership Skills and after the first
battle, to Matriarch equipment list.
The Harvest Venators Each fighter types are called as follows: Hunters are Harvesters, Hunt
Champions are Reapers, a Hunt Leader is a Harvester Chief, a Chem Dealer
is a Purifier, Ogryns are Ogryn Bodyguards and Hive Scum are Dregs.
Keepers of the Book Cawdor None.
From the dank and ruinous area known as the Creep, they be affected by their presence now. The missing numbers
came. Raggedy, shambling forms. Grotesque creatures climbed steadily. The sickness spread faster and stronger.
wandering the edge of the Skirts. At first glance they Smilers came less to collect their taxes and even the Twins
seemed a mindless nuisance, shadows in the mist, the odd doubled their patrol near the Creep. The Annex became
groan in the silent half-light. Sumplings scavenging the a no-go zone, save for the Twins and the odd wandering
refuse were the first attacked. Then loners caught unaware Sporekin or two. The gangs began banding together to
between the float habs. The victims sometimes mangled hunt and burn them out wherever they found them. Always
to death, sometimes wounded. The latter far worse as the in the deep, always in the dark. 37
victims suffered an illness never seen before. Some sort
of contagion that spread through proximity and contact. Those that perish at the hands of the Sporekin are deemed
Once they formed into small groups and ventured beyond lucky, their corpses thrown upon the many makeshift
the Creep the problems truly began. At first only a few pyres. Those poor souls who do not, succumb and spiral
mouldy looking roamers were sighted exiting and entering into the sickness.
the recently opened sub dome known to a few as the
Annex. Within weeks it was several dozen. Bodies began The Rust Lung, Black Vein and The Wheeze are the names
turning up and many disappeared. given to those suffering symptoms of the infection. It
begins with pounding headaches, reddening of the eyes
Their numbers now multiplied, the raids of the surrounding and an itchiness that never ceases as the fungal rash
Umbilicals grew, concentrating on areas with any human spreads across the body. A dry hacking cough starts
dwellers, regardless of resources or factions. Captives shorty after which seems to expel and spread brownish
were taken, but not always. They spread out along the
dankest, most inhospitable areas that scavvies and
muties would not hole up in. ‘Hulkers cursed them and
called them fungers, shroom ‘eads, and moulders. The Covered in a carpet of spores, fungal masses and
resemblance to Underhive fungi uncanny yet unfamiliar. iridescent toadstools lies the canal sector known
as the Creep. Surrounded by wrecked barges, rafts
The Sporekin’s ranks now rivalled the Stack gangs. Raids and decades of detritus, it stretches like a sump
tripled and skirmishes broke out across the Hulk. The soaked, moss covered road from the waters of the
rising waters seemed less an adversary compared to the Skirts to the very doors of the Annex.
epidemic the cult like Sporekin brought. Fear and paranoia
grip the settlements. Every corner of Sumphulk seems to
spores. During this phase they begin to hear both a single The Arch-Magos of the Annex became obsessed with
and multiple voices, an incessant gibberish driving them the Obelisk. During the analysing process the Magos was
slowly mad. Their own speech becomes thin and raspy, exposed to the insidious and virulent xeno-fungus that
their lungs clogging with blood clot and spore. The ability laid dormant in and around the surface of the Obelisk. The
to speak lost just before entering a coma like state. The virus took over his organic functions and then spread to
final stage is brain death. The disease now in control of the rest of the adepts in the facility. Before losing control of
its host. However, their bodies undergo a transformation his mind as the organism took over his body, he initiated
instead of decomposing. Rigor Mortis is replaced with full a full lockdown trapping himself and all personnel in the
on mutation; fresh mould blooming across their twisted heart of the Annex, leaving only his apprentice who was on
limbs, their faces and eyes sprouting black fronds. field duty inside the Hulk to continue his work.

38 All humanity gone as they become another vessel for the THE TRAVELLER STRAIN
Sporekin. Thus, a pandemic not seen since the great and The Xeno-borne viral contagion was dubbed the Traveller
vile Zombie Plague of legend from the Underhive had Strain by the Mechanicus research team, due to its
begun. Yet zombies the Sporekin are not. They are in fact unknown origin beyond the known regions of the Galaxy.
something foreign to Necromunda, something altogether Its exact attachment to said relic is unknown, though it
alien and ancient. is archaic as the Obelisk it inhabited. There is not nearly
enough conclusive data as to how or why this parasitic
THE ANNEX fungus erodes the free will within living organisms, but
The Sub Dome known as the Annex is not a zone or sector it has been noted that within days their natural bodies
of Hive Primus, but a clandestine Mechanicus experimental mutate at extremely high rate until the subject is now
facility. Its purpose was the study of dangerous xeno- a completely different entity.
lifeforms and viral contagions. The denizens of the Sump
were ideal for farming test subjects and deemed ultimately
expendable should an uncontainable breach occur. The
facility became a watchtower of sorts to the nearby The traveling scrap artisan known locally as
remnants of the Space Hulk at the core of the First Dome. Gribbly coined the term “Spore-kin” and described
Millennia passed and a relic surrounded by a miasma of them as a herd of half men, half fungoid. Gribbly’s
spores and strange half-heard voices was discovered as workshop abode remains intact and full of the
more sections of the Space Hulk were stripped down and junk Aquillas and other trinkets he made, but the
recycled. Under heavy scrutiny and heavier security, the tinkerer remains missing since he first reported
obelisk shaped relic was transferred into the Annex. Those the incident.
who chose to stay locked themselves in the Annex to begin
hundreds of years of tireless research.
VECTOR PRIME corpus and as such the thinking engines are now enslaved
The name of this Adept is now lost but what is known is to it. The original Magos now refers to itself as Vector
that he re-established the facility once the Traveller Strain Prime – the being first infected by the Traveller Strain.
was secure again and his beloved Magos put into stasis. The many thinking engines and hardwired organic brains
The damage was severe and beyond the skills of the Adept, refer to themselves as “the Quorum”. The Quorum itself is
even with the massive amount of data that was available. the background cacophony of voices that gives orders to
the Sporekin, though in fact it is primarily pheromonal or
The Magos was able to retain control of his body for far telepathic and not actually spoken.
longer than most infected due to his diffused mind. Like
many senior tech Magi, the Magos had augmented his own It is still unknown how the virus and the Magos became
brain with supplementary thinking capacity, both machine free, but if anyone knows the truth, it would be the Twins
and organic. Some of these are part of his body and some and the secret they keep. 39
are remote – a contingency in case of the destruction of his
original body which was slowly occurring now that he was Of the Magos and the Adept, they now call themselves
out of stasis and the Traveller Strain now airborne. Vector Prime, at the head of a growing army of Infected. Its
end goal is unknown, but it leaves a trail of spore-choked
The timeline is vague, but it Annex logs show proof that carnage wherever it goes, each time with a few more
the Traveller Strain now has total control over his organic followers than it had before.

The Imperium of Man is not forgiving of those who designated the Traveller Strain. It took over his
seek forbidden knowledge, and so those who delve organic functions and then spread to the rest of
into such lore are often forced to seek refuge in the the adepts in the facility. Before losing control of
deepest and darkest of holes where their work may his mind as the organism took over his body, he
continue undisturbed. One such seeker was the initiated a full lockdown trapping himself and all
Arch-Magos of an installation hidden in the bowels personnel in the facility.
of Hive Primus, known only as the Annex. The name
40 of this Adept is now lost but what is known is that Now however, the Annex has opened its doors once
he established the facility in the Sump to study again and a new and terrible plague is spreading
Xenos lifeforms free from the scrutiny of the Adeptus through the Sump with the being now calling itself
Mechanicus and the Holy Orders of the Inquisition. Vector Prime at the head of a growing army of
Infected. Its end goal is unknown, but it leaves a trail
While studying a relic the Magos was unwittingly of spore-choked carnage wherever it goes, each
exposed to an insidious and virulent xeno-fungus time with a few more followers than it had before.


Outlaw: Vector Prime is an Outlaw Hired Gun (see page Sporekin Synapse Control: Vector Prime is a Psyker,
38 of the Necromunda Book of Judgement). who knows Hypnosis and Mind Control Genestealer Cult
Wyrd Powers (see page 48 of the Necromunda Book of
Master of the Sporekin: Friendly Sporekin fighters within Ruin).
6” from Vector Prime automatically pass any Cool checks.
Mind of the Machine: This fighter never suffers Perils of
Group Activation (2): When a fighter with this special the Warp. In addition, Vector Prime cannot Disrupt Wyrd
rule is activated, their controlling player can choose to Powers, even though he counts as a Psyker.
activate a number of additional Ready friendly Sporekin
fighters equal to the number shown in brackets that are Non-Sanctioned Psyker: Should a psyker with this
within 3” of this fighter as part of a ‘Group Activation’. skill be taken Out of Action, the enemy gang is rewarded
a bounty of D3x10 credits at the end of the battle. Should
Host of Traveller Strain: Vector Prime can be recruited a psyker with this skill be captured and sold to the
as Bounty Hunter, following rules from page 77 of the Guilders. they are worth their full value. Note that when
Necromunda House of Chains for the cost shown on his a Hired Gun is captured, they can be sold immediately
card or should the player wish, as a House Agent following without the need to attempt a Rescue mission.
rules from page 85 of the Necromunda House of Chains.



M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 2+ 2+ 6 5 3 5+ 4 3+ 3+ 4+ 3+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Spore Fumes - T - - 3 - 1 5+ Gas, Spore
Rod of Magos E 2” -1 - S -2 - - Melee, Toxin, Sever,
Mycelial Tendrils E 3” +1 - 4 -1 1 - Melee, Shock, Versatile,
WARGEAR: Refractor Field, Light Carapace Armour, Armoured Undersuit,
Photo-goggle, Full servo-harness
SKILLS: Nerves of Steel, Unstoppable, Terryfing, Fearsome


Down in the depths of Hive Primus amongst a mess of Three slaves fighting as a singularity circle the final
waste pipes, a drain cover is kicked to the steel grating combatant in the pit. The ogryn man-machine spins
below it. It’s clang echoes throughout the dilapidated nervously as the they close in around him. With united
manufactorum of sector Lv-426. A filthy figure covered precision, they cut him to his knees and swiftly end his
in effluent crawls out onto the catwalk. Her long, matted existence. Underdog wild cards traded from the corpse
clumps of hair hang in her face as she falls to her knees guild to the pits for suspected taint. Credits exchange
42 and spews out what is now just bile after her harrowing over spilled wild snake covered hands and the three get
journey. collared and pulled into yoke.

Born in the hellish nightmare of hive Arcos. Ash Footsteps are heard approaching their cell bars. A grubby
contaminates the hallmark of the soulless abandonment looking woman with a shaved head exits the shadows.
by a supposed great lord. Three dossiers in her hands. She opens the first one.

Scavenging whilst avoiding devolved cannibals, mutants, “Subject 302... Responsible for maintenance and repairs of
and droves of untrustworthy scrappers picking at the guild plant machinery. Subject found to be falsifying status
carcass remains. of valuable operational machinery and accountable for the
misplacement of 32 whole cadavers. When questioned,
Harnessing a strength, she never knew was lying within subject proved machinery status viable and proceeded to
she decided to make an escape. emulsify scribe SLJ-45. Subject has anger management
issues and suspected tainted. Sold to Slavers for inevitable
No one really knows how they will react until their backed gene pool removal”
into a corner. The fight or flight response they call it.
She drops the file and proceeds opening the second
She pulls herself up and undoes the wrapping on her
leg to reveal a shiv crafted from a door handle. A brief “Subject 351... Chief of infection control protocols and
image flashes in her memory of the innocent souls on the scrap minimisation. Subject questioned when high levels
other side of the of the door as she locks it and breaks of product deemed unsuitable heavily effecting product
the mechanism trapping them to their bloody fate as she supply levels. Subject diagnosed by guild medical officer
makes an escape. A dark past of necessity for survival. to be Schizophrenic with hallmark symptoms of auditory
hallucination. Sessions cancelled after medical officer
Clearing some debris, she enters the factories restroom partially consumed by subject. 351 difficult to pacify
and wipes a clean patch on a corroded mirror. requiring 5 orderlies with suppression ordinance. Subject
deemed definitely tainted and extremely dangerous. Sold
With pure resolve, she begins to shave her head clean. to Slavers for inevitable gene pool removal”
Afterward she looks up at the mirror.
The file drops once again as she opens the final dossier.
Rise...... Angel of Death…
Angel approaches the dockside factory. The She lingers in the doorway of the office as a lone
tall, corrugated iron double doors stand slightly man lay hunched over a cadaver muttering to
cracked emitting a dull light. She pushes them himself on the floor. Scribblings in blood adorn
aside and removes her helmet. Cadavers hanging the walls. He finally notices her in the doorway
up on hooks, a wet mess deck, and a waste chute and whips out a stub that clicks vigorously as its
to the river below. A skeleton crew would be an chamber rotates to nothingness in despair. His
understatement. Not a single worker, and no signs mouth covered in blood. She walks to him and puts
that anyone has been there recently. The main one hand over the top of the barrel easing it down
generator seized and no fuel in sight for the backup by his side.
one. Pantries cleared of supplies. 43
She slides beside him in a crouch and with her
What had happened to this place? Why had every other hand she grips her fingers over the top of
location they have visited since crossing the reach his head pulling it back to the air. Her grubby
been so dilapidated and almost completely devoid nails imprinting on his forehead. They both begin
of life? Where had everyone gone? chanting. Her body acting a vessel for the great
one to speak. Favours granted and a sensation
The answers to her burning questions plagued her. of increased power course through her veins. His
The primary resource of value to a cannibal being eyes roll back momentarily as the gibberish runs its
decidedly sparse in this part of the Sumphulk. course. Rise — “Atrocity Vendor”.

“Subject 427... Plant manager M42108-M21111. Reported She takes a swig of a very fancy looking bottle of Wild
by worker 7645-V for suspected taint and delusions Snake and spits it onto the dossiers whilst striking a match
of grandeur like behaviour. Quote// 427 has several on the bars in front of her. She drops it to the pile igniting
personalities and preserved facial skin masks to match it instantly.
them. Upon investigation by scribe SLJ-23, hidden lodging
was found on premises with high levels of contraband “Sounds like you lot are overqualified”
guild property. Scribe SLJ-23 has since disappeared. Risk
evaluated as subject has shown exceptional work ethic. “I got 3 positions I need filling, and your applications look
Taint tax risk deemed unacceptable. Sold to slavers for perfect for the job”
inevitable gene removal”
A war is coming... And it is time to take a side.
The three step out of the shadows to their cell doors and The third
grip their bars eagerly, it’s now apparent that she’s covered
in frank arterial blood splatter. “Be proud you are as worthy as you think, Be our Seven
She unlocks the first gate.
“I am the Angel of Death, and our Reign of Blood has
“Build us armaments... Be our War Ensemble!” begun”

The second

“Listen to the voices. they make us stronger. Be our

44 Fleshstorm!”

Growing up in the ruins of Hive Arcos a nameless A mental resolve and reliance brought about
scavenger was mentored by a poor excuse for by years of hardship. Not realising that a power
a parental figure. Taught to never trust. To strike was beginning to manifest within her. The
first. To do what was necessary to survive. mysterious deity feeding of her sheer will, her
durability, and her immovable stance in the face
The towering inferno of a mighty demon almost of unsurmountable odds. The demonic leech
completely extinguished by the great purging of clinging to her psyche. She arrives in the belly
Helmawr’s iron fist. Instead, the weakened curse of the Sumphulk. The great one insidiously
digs its meat hooks into this scrappy marauder puppeteering her mind with notions of widespread
mirroring her enduring instincts. indoctrination and uprising. The whispering of
a new title — The Angel of Death. She sheds her
She crawls through tunnels of filth, terrifying hair in a rebirth of her ego and begins the hunt to
pitch blackness, and kilometres of claustrophobic find disciples.
pipeway. Destination… Anywhere but here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
6” 2+ 5+ 4 4 2 3+ 3 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Shiv - E - - S - 1 - Melee, Master-crafted,
Backstab, Scattershot

WARGEAR: Skinblade, Wild Snake, Gutterforged Cloak, Butcher’s Mask
SKILLS: Commanding Presence, Evade, Infiltrate


Gang Hierarchy (Leader): During a battle, should this fighter Reign in Blood Leader: Angel of Death can be recruited
pass a Bottle test, friendly Corpse Grinder Cults fighters as Bounty Hunter, following rules from page 77 of the
without this special rule that have not already taken a Bottle Necromunda House of Chains for the cost shown on his card
test this round and that are within 12” of this fighter will or corresponding section in any other “House of...” books.
automatically pass their Bottle test for that round.
Angel of Death: If this fighter made a Charge (Double)
Group Activation (2): When a fighter with this special rule action and will be engage with two or more enemy fighters, it
is activated, their controlling player can choose to activate can, at the end of activation if there are any fighters left in its
a number of additional Ready friendly Corpse Grinder Cults engagement range, it can make a second free Fight (Basic)
fighters equal to the number shown in brackets that are within action.
3” of this fighter as part of a ‘Group Activation’.
Survival is the highest of priorities in Sumphulk and the
Crystal Venom Trading Company has survived the test of
time and hardships that tie it and its people to the Dome
itself. The Company has existed since before the Collapse
and their services are highly sought after. Some say they
deal in death and care only for the Hunt, but the end
46 product speaks for itself in the form of locally sourced,
always fresh and traditionally hunted raft spider meats,
Venom brew and other staples all master crafted by the
firm’s artisans. Whether it be jewellery, weapons, armour or
sustenance, the Company provides and is always willing to
barter for price.


Centuries before the first foundations of the Hive Cities
were laid down across the planet now called Necromunda,
the proud, nomadic tribes of the Ratskin peoples ruled
the wastelands. By ancestral rites the Ash Wastes and
the Underhive are their spiritual home and their sacred
hunting grounds. When the first walls of adamantium
and the great rockcrete ceilings were completed, dozens
of tribes chose to remain and settle what became the
First Dome of Hive Primus. For a millennium they lived
and thrived alongside Imperial worker families, miscreant
Guilders and exiled gang lords that found their way down
to what is now considered Hive Bottom and the Great
Sump Lake.

All things change with the passing of time. Many of the COMPANY IS FORMED
clans faded away due to following the War Path or chose After the Collapse only the strong survived and the
to follow the rat herds and reverted to their nomadic ways. Overbosses of the Crystal Venom Trading Company rebuilt
Those few tribes that stayed began to take a different their small empire with the help of many Ratskins and
approach from the Old Ways and mixed with the others such as the Sheen Bird worshippers of the Kaw.
Underhivers or other Outlanders. This caused a rift, and Underhive mercenary hunters flocked to the Company for
an exodus was decreed to those that wished to remain protection as well as employment and life and business
true Ratskins. Some believed that the Ratskins departure continued in what now was dubbed the Sumphulk.
from the First Dome was the shamans listening to the Hive
Spirits warnings; doom was coming and those that stayed On the Lower East Docks area of the Stacks the Crystal
would be lost forever. Venoms fortress warehouse sits guarded and patrolled at all
times. It is however open to the public for trade, purchases
and hunting contracts. With the Guilders power severed
from the Company, the Overbosses took full control, and the
Amada family has treated all members of the firm better than
The Outlanders known as the Kaw are a scavenger any Guild boss of the past. Company members and their
people who traditionally followed the flocks of Ash families tend to be in much better health than the average
Crows across the Wastes. Those Kaw that found Hulker, due to their constant physical prowess as well as
their way into the Underhive revere the Sheen Bird their access to better food stuffs. The integrated families
as a sacred deity. of Ratskin, Kaw and Hulker even have their own language
using a combination of light flashes and hand signals.
Spears, harpoon guns, compound bows and hand-to-hand The most famous hunter of the Crystal Venom was Ixtaz
weapons are favoured by the hunters of the Crystal Venom Death Hand, his kills could not be counted over time and
and many are fashioned and crafted directly from the his trophies hang in the Amadas throne room. It is said he
bones and sinew of the creatures they hunt. chose the Murder Road when he grew tired of the Hunt
and there are rumours, he still stalks the great tunnels
The Current Overboss, Amada-Khan, sits upon a throne and canals seeking out a worthy rival…but that is another
made entirely of Spider Eyes and his tolerance of Venom story…
consumption rivals the staunchest Ratskin harpooner.
Although small in stature his presence is gigantic,
or perhaps it’s the size of his half cousin, the Ogryn
bodyguard Khong. The company is currently spending Necromundan Spider venom is deadly to most
most of their resources on what they call, the “Mother human and sacred to all Ratskins, but the Crystal 47
Hunt “, a quest to find the great mother mare and her lair. Venom Trading Company distils it into a drinkable
Amada-Khan believes she is the key to finding a path out yet highly potent beverage that rivals the infamous
of the Hulk and his dreams of getting his treasure off world. Wild Snake.
FALL OF PAUKERT STATION thermoelectric cycles of the Well continued to churn power
from the planet’s abused bounty. The miracle of its survival
3.028.749.M41 was owed partly to luck and partly to the quick thinking of
Within the dome, life and light was delivered by the its ruling adept of the Mechanicus.
Mercator Lux of Paukert Station. This station consisted
of three geothermal wells thrust into the mantle of the Magos Hertha Ayrton of the Adeptus Mechanicus was
world itself. Geographically, the station is located in the the highest authority on station for Well Beta at the time
48 northwest region of what is now known as the Skirts. The of the Collapse. Her fate was directly bound to that of
operation of these wells was a joint effort between the her Well for her once mobile form had been harnessed
Adeptus Mechanicus and the Power Guilders, though not into the command cradle of the facility. What she lost in
all saw it in the same light. Some of the greedier guilders locomotive potential, she gained in peerless awareness
demanded the Mechanicus remove the governors harmful of the machine spirit she was entrusted with. Her ruthless
to business. Every watt should be available to them—the response to the coming disaster helped prevent a similar
masters of the grid economy. Still others disagreed that the fate to Well Gamma yet simultaneously sealed her sister’s
governor limits were already too high and shamed their fate. As the first waves of sump death crashed against
brethren within the Mechanicus for their egregious abuse Paukert Station, she began the conduit disengagement
of the holy Motive Force. The latter group naturally blamed rites that linked Beta to its sisters. To prevent her own
the former when the Collapse came. rolling blackout, Magos Ayrton damned the rest of the
Station. The collective death scream of thousands of
Events of the flood are nigh unknown outside of the dome. machine spirits echoed through her cogitator banks. In
Within it, the events are remembered with mouldering the same stroke of cogitation, the Magos reduced sump
clarity. The Collapse and impulse of cavernous debris intake volume to its absolute minimum functional rate.
sent large waves and sump swells outwards. Once The thermoelectric cycles might have never restarted
these floods came, the thin veil of power tumbled into had she shed all generation—such was the blessing
its depths. Shattered gantries became aqueous prisons required to undertake for the Rites of Initialization. In the
for those workers caught in the open. The supervisors space of a few seconds, Magos Ayrton had prepared the
and shift captains that hid inside the nearest distribution rest of Well Beta to weather the storms and surges of
hub or control nexus quickly paid for their error. As the Collapse. Her domain mostly survived—her actions
plasma conduits shorted outside, the distribution nodes mitigating catastrophic failures—but her psyche was
overheated and incinerated the inhabitants. Those irreparably damaged. Between the death knell of her sister
in control nexuses either slowly suffocated or were facilities and the cognitive stress of the Collapse, her
immediately crushed as seals gave way. primary cogitators overloaded. Her training and decades
long integration into the Well had allowed her to offload
Topographically, Well Beta was built furthest from the routine tasks to secondary process banks, but Hertha
sump sea, yet closest to the tap into the central heat sink Ayrton ceased to exist. Magos Ayrton was reduced to
of the hive. Before the Collapse, this distance from the a high-grade servitor, the blank mistress of the command
sump necessitated a more complex relay system for the cradle, fully capable of keeping the geothermal facility
purpose of water intake and filtration. This complexity functioning in its crippled hibernation.
reduced its spin up/down dynamics by 0.5% compared to
its sister, Well Alpha, which was neatly positioned nearest After nearly a half-generation, the flood waters had
to the sump. Despite this performance black mark, the receded enough that those trapped inside could safely
longer thermal containment shroud and sump proximity open the exits in the upper levels. Before them lay the
spelled doom for Well Alpha. While not as dangerously beginnings of Paukert’s Fen. In time, even the namesake
exposed as Alpha, luck alone could not save Well Gamma. would sink into the mire to simply become the Fen.
The loss of generation cascaded the power demand up
the chain to Gamma. The uncontrollable imbalance defied LIFE AND DEATH IN THE FEN
the plasma generation limits and the stabilizers failed For the guilders and families that survived the initial
spectacularly. calamity, starvation haunted them for years after. Trapped
within the Beta Well complex, traditional food stores
Through these cataclysmic events, two geothermal wells eventually ran out and desperation set in. Once demi-
went dark—forever lost to the sump. These other wells had noble guilders were forced to chase and devour rats—the
taken the brunt of the floodwater’s shock. In the case of very same rats that perhaps devoured the bodies of fellow
Well Alpha, its thermal containment shroud was breached guildkin days earlier. Darker rumours speculate that some
by the brutal sweep of debris. The ensuing steam skipped the middleman.
explosion decimated its local complex and overloaded its
sister facility’s plasma stabilizers in a flash of actinic pink. Meanwhile the members of the Adeptus Mechanicus
One facility remained—Well Beta. As crippled as it was, the sheltered and defended their inner enclaves within the
Well complex. Their means of sustenance throughout the clan sowed the area with a copse of tantalizing orange
years has always been subject of debate, but the flesh fruits that persists to this day.
of the lesser acolytes proved no more resilient than their
guilder compatriots. One group did not waste away during If it wasn’t the food trying to kill them, the remains of
this isolation, however. A small congregation of Fulgurite their electrical dominion certainly tried. The crippled
electro-priests drew strength from the “miracle”. To them, Well Beta still wheezed with life, and in the years of
the fate of Beta Well was a miracle granted to the devotees isolation, it had extended its reach through dormant
of the Omnissiah and protectors of the Motive Force. They plasma conduits. With flood waters receding to a viable
fell into a state of suspended animation—sustained by the level, some hubs and transmission lines had come back
energies of the Well—until the laboured sounds of pressure online—though not untouched. The damage sustained in
seals began whining. Until the doors opened. the cataclysm ruptured many protective seals and bent
many containment windings. All over the Fen, plasma 49
The egress could not have come at a better…and worse leaked from unmaintained infrastructure. Many unlucky
time for those sheltered inside. The guilders rushed from interlopers have met their end from sudden arcing events.
their starving prison into the changed landscape before Some main corridors have been eschewed for longer
them. Where once a maze of pipework, steam and plasma routes due to the regularity of such breaches. From the
whine would have greeted them, nature stood. It was not top of Well Beta, the surrounding Fen may look like the
the kind of nature one would immediately recognize. It twisting, humming root system of a tree stump. Each
was not the verdant forest of a shrine world or even the deadly tendril forms an uncaring extension from the
monotone landscape of an over-tithed agriworld. Instead, corpse-mind of Magos Ayrton.
twisting black-green forms leered hungrily at the human
exodites. From these leaking energies, the flora evolved into the
fulminous ecosystem the surviving generations know
The dangers of the Fen were not immediate. For several today. Immediate dangers aside, the vegetation relies
weeks, the surviving families and crews explored the on small parasitic currents and ultra-violet bursts for its
mire. Hungry and desperate, they ate anything edible or adapted photosynthesis. En masse, the Fen wears down
at least anything that looked edible. In the case of a few the crippled capacity of Well Beta’s power grid with its
roots, they were tough but nutritious enough to sustain thousands of parasitic loads. Left unchecked, the Fen
them. However, the berry bushes were another story. would fatally overload the Well Beta and extinguish the
Their delicious orange flesh stirs the stomach, and the borrowed hope of its inhabitants. Perhaps the crueller
unknowing victims are compelled to eat more and more. twist of fate is their inescapable dependence on the Fen
And still more. Among the Fen clans of present day, the for daily sustenance. Without the suckling flora, they would
Legend of the Orange Copse warns of such folly. It tells of have died generations ago—yet their dependence spells
an entire clan being vaporized in a simultaneous plasma doom for their miraculous bastion. No clan in particular is
arc. Near enough to an arc source, the doomed individual willing to altruistically die off, however.
acts as a lightning rod. The pits, once properly saturated
in electrical force, can begin to open and germinate in the
charred remains of their carrier. The remains of an entire
from heathens who might squander such a gift—including
THE PEOPLES OF THE FEN the very menials and guilders who had once commanded
the Well’s output. The Fen and its power were no longer
THE FULGURITE ORDER for sale. Spread thin from increasing duties, the Order
Along with the starved masses of former guilders, an resolved to draw help from a captive audience.
Order of Fulgurite Electropriests survived the cataclysm.
Originally stationed in Distribution Hub Primus, the Order THE FEN WARDENS
guarded the sacred switching gear and conduits that With questionable prospects of survival, the terrified
routed power to the ancient facilities within the now- former menials and former guilders were eager to
buried Reach. After the Collapse, the outbound switches accept the Fulgurite Order’s offer. They would help the
opened to prevent disastrous faults from negating Magos dispossessed populations flourish in the Fen. No more
50 Ayrton’s pyrrhic survival protocols. Isolated from overload, would they face starvation or certain electrocution once
Hub Primus survived, although the conduit to the Reach they had learned the ways of Fen survival from the priests.
has never hummed with energies since. Despite this, In fact, the priests would teach them to restore the defunct
the Order remained there in steadfast guard for within Hub Secundus and Hub Tertius to liveable condition. What
the inner sanctum of the Hub, an ancient Mechanicum power could be spared would be routed there to ensure
treasure rests. Some say it is just some old cogitator from their survival. Continued power distribution would depend
the Reach, stored as a spare long before the Collapse. on the health of their covenants.
Others speculate at some more ghastly intelligence,
slumbering absently. The Order does not speculate, In exchange, the Order demanded several covenants.
however. The Order simply does not know what it guards, First, every man, woman and child must accept the divine
and it never has. Ancient dogma is enough to bind their nature of the Fen and never seek to steal its divinity for
duty to this inner sanctum of Hub Primus. selfish gains. The old ways of selling power to the highest
bidder were part of a sinful past that they could not repeat.
Still the Order did not stay impassive in the face of such Second, they must learn to manage the parasitic nature of
calamity. A cohort of their kind ventured forth to extend the Fen in a manner respectful of its sacred nature. Third,
their stewardship to the corpsemind of Magos Aryton the halls of Well Beta were forbidden to all unless invited
within her command cradle room. From there, the Order by members of the Order. Finally, every decade each clan
protected the remaining faculties of Well Beta from the of the population must submit their best to the Order for
starving menial and guilder populations trapped within. a test of worthiness.
Eventually these starving denizens stayed away from
protected passages and chose to fight among themselves With no way to replicate the holy indoctrination and
for what little food could be had. gift of new sight, the supplicants had to prove they had
developed the sixth sense needed to thrive in the Fen.
After the half-generation of isolation, the Magos Should they prove worthy, they would begin their journey
determined the immediate area around Well Beta safe into priesthood with the Order. Those found wanting would
enough for the facility to unseal and electropriests of the not survive the trials that awaited them. New priests were
Order followed the human exodus outside. Unlike the needed to carry on the traditions, warrior rites and dogma
human explorers, the priests fared much better within the of the Order after the original electropriests had passed on.
novel dangers of the Fen. Though blind in a conventional After all, even with Omnissiah-blessed lifetimes, they were
sense, their blessed initiation to their Order saw fit to mortal and the flesh is weak.
grant them vision of the Holy Motive Force. With holy
sight, they could more easily navigate the hidden dangers With little other choice, the surviving humans joined
of the fulminous mire. These priestly explorers retraced in covenant with the Order and became the first Fen
vegetation-laced conduits and power channels throughout Wardens.
the Fen in order to assess the extent of the damage in the
absence of the pre-collapse servitor flock. THE CLANS LOW AND CLANS LUX
Thousands of years of social structure is hard to erase
It was the Order that originally discovered the inevitable even after calamity strikes. The new Fen Wardens were
parasitic death of Well Beta at the hands of the Fen. a bifurcated people with the chief division being between
Despite this fate, many of that explorer cohort saw surviving clans of menials and surviving clans of former
strange beauty in the mire. Each leaf, root and berry were Mercator Lux members. Given the choice between two
the living transmutations of the Holy Motive Force. This distribution hubs for residence, the two groups separated
sacred grove of motive force given root was a near perfect and set off to reclaim their new homes. The clans of former
manifestation of the Fulgurite’s conservative philosophy. guilders declared Hub Secundus as theirs, while the clans
The Fen had to be managed so as to grow without killing of former menials made haste to the Hub Tertius. In defiant
itself by overloading Well Beta. It also had to be protected tribute to their old status, the former guilders named


themselves the Clans Lux. Given the lower elevation of BEYOND THE FEN AND
Hub Tertius, and the pedigree of their peoples, the Clans
Lux referred to their lesser Wardens as the Clans Low.
Eventually the name stuck, even amongst the inhabitants Unknown to the Fen Wardens, the remainder of the
of Hub Tertius, though “Lowbody” is still a grave insult hulk’s drowning denizens had reached its own cruel
among the Clans Low. equilibrium. The umbilical refuges of sumpkind held their
own challenges, but their endless quest for potable water
After several generations, both clans of Fen Wardens and light led too many to seek the Skirts. Whether to run
had reclaimed their new homes from the ravages of the from the pitiless Smilers or to find forgotten treasures, it
Collapse and the creeping Fen. Each kept their covenants was only a matter of time before an expedition discovered
and in turn learned to survive the unforgiving mire beyond Paukert’s Fen.
their keeps. The Clans Lux comparatively fewer than that
of Low and have begrudgingly agreed to barter for crafts Several sumpcraft moored themselves to the bones of
they cannot be bothered to make themselves. Meanwhile, Well Alpha before depositing their search parties into
they venture into the Fen seeking the glorious hunts of the depths of the Fen. The invaders did not last long
local fauna in order to feed their fellow Lux Wardens. undiscovered, but by then it was too late. The sump
On the other hand, the Clans Low has adapted to the dwellers had seen the leaky-yet-functional power conduits
bounty of the Fen’s materials and biological life. In part running through the roots of the Fen. A hunting party led
of managing the creeping Fen, they harvest numerous by Col Vannek, chief of the Clan Vannek Lux, encountered
heaps of black moss. Combined with a bit of scrap metal one of the invader’s search parties. The crude firearms and
and fen water, the moss makes for a decent electrolyte numbers overwhelmed the hunting party, killing Col and
for a battery. Together with the priests of the Order, the much of his kin. A few escaped back into the Fen in order
Clans Low have mastered the martial rites of taser goads to warn the Order of the danger within their grove.
powered by these black moss batteries. Such devices
of portable Holy Motive Force proved to be contentious By the time the Order and Clans had mobilized to the
among the Order, but their efficacy beyond the Fen has unfamiliar threat, the Fen had taken its own gruesome
quelled any complaints to murmurs. toll on the invaders. The search parties picked their way
back to their moored boats as static pools claimed some
and fulgurous crocs ambushed others. The vanguard of
the Fen Wardens managed to reach the shores of Well
Alpha in time to catch the foreign expedition. This time, It was decided that a few of the best Wardens must sally
the advantage had shifted to the protectors of the grove forth on the remaining vessel to eliminate any knowledge
and the invaders scrambled to unmoor their sumpcraft. of the Fen. A few members of the Clans Low and the Clans
By and large, their expedition was slaughtered by the Fen Lux were chosen by the Order for this task. Additionally,
Wardens, yet one party survived and escaped into the the exodite band would be led by Order initiate, Jules
sump sea on a sputtering vessel. Vannek. As the heiress of Clan Vannek Lux, Jules must
prove her dedication to the Order by balancing the
THE THREAT OF KNOWLEDGE revenge of her father with the elimination of all knowledge
No craft had ever been sighted in the generations after the contamination in the wider hulk. Her band must act
Collapse. In the Warden’s complacency, their knowledge covertly and misdirect their intentions so that their actions
of their sunken world was inadequate to protect their do not inadvertently spread the whispers of Paukert’s Fen
52 obscurity. Their existence was newly exposed to the further.
desperation of the sump sea dwellers and the greed of
those called the “Smilers”. Although only one craft had
escaped, the knowledge of a place of power would not die
out easily.

On the books—or whatever is left of them—Jules craft, the menials and guilders alike vowed to protect
Vannek is the leader of the “Sumpsea Power Jacks”. the Fen as a sacred grove for the Holy Motive Force.
Her gang of miscreants specialize in the theft and Collectively, Vannek’s ancestors became the first Fen
resale of power and energy within the myriad Wardens.
umbilical communities. Whether it is a simpler
energy heist or setting up a clandestine power Trouble in paradise began when the rest of the
parasite, Vannek’s crew can make it happen—for the sump found them. A lucky crew of sump privateers
right price. Usually, their service can be bought for happened upon their stretch of the Skirts and saw
any combination of weapons, ammo and potable an untouched opportunity. Live plasma conduits
water, but for the right information, the Power and power hubs were a golden resource in the
Jacks offer a steep discount. Namely, “Who knows drowning hulk, especially when they lay unclaimed
anything about Paukert’s Fen?” by the Smilers. While the Wardens were able to
eliminate most of the exploration party, enough of
Like all her crew, Jules is Skirts-born in the swamp- the crew remained to escape into the sump sea. If
strangled corpse of Paukert’s Geothermal Station. word were to spread, the sacred grove of Paukert’s
Whether through luck, divine intervention, or careful Fen would not be safe from the desperation of those
planning, Geothermal Well Beta survived enough of below or the greed of those above. Hence, Vannek
the calamity to still produce power. In cataclysm’s and her fellow Wardens set off seeking to excise any
wake, the compromised power network gave rise to knowledge, myth, or rumour of Paukert’s Fen. Under
arc-resistant flora and fauna feeding off Beta. This the guise of outlaw power jacks, Jules hunts down
deadly mire became known as Paukert’s Fen to anyone with information on the Fen all the while
its inhabitants. The remaining station menials and misdirecting Smiler attention with petty theft, lest
Mercator Lux members learned how to survive from they know her true purpose.
the electropriests. In exchange for teaching this fen-

Shock Field: When Jules performs Fight (Basic)

Action or Reaction attacks, she can release
shockwave of energy. Every Fighter within 2”
from Jules suffers 1 Strength 3 AP – Damage 1 hit
with Shock Special Rule.

Gang Hierarchy (Leader): During a battle,

should this fighter pass a Bottle test, friendly
Fen Warden fighters without this special rule
that have not already taken a Bottle test this 53
round and that are within 12” of this fighter will
automatically pass their Bottle test for that round.

Group Activation (2): When a fighter with this

special rule is activated, their controlling player
can choose to activate a number of additional
Ready friendly Fen Warden fighters equal to the
number shown in brackets that are within 3” of
this fighter as part of a ‘Group Activation’.

Fen Warden Leader: Jules Vannek can be

recruited as Bounty Hunter, following rules from
page 66 of the Necromunda House of Blades for
the cost shown on her card.



M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2+ 3 5+ 6+ 6+ 5+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Fen Rod
- Range 3” 6” +1 - 2 -1 1 4+ Scattershot, Shock
- Melee E 2” - +1 +2 -2 1 - Melee, Power, Versatile

WARGEAR: Gutterforged Cloak, Armoured Undersuit, Respirator, Photo-goggles,

Data Thief
SKILLS: Savvy Trader, Fixer


“Death within the dome is inevitable. Food and water... Their efforts where no secret and many began to pray
Both are rare commodities. Industrial accidents are for their success. Over time these efforts soon stopped.
frequent occurrences and murder is not uncommon over Realisation and resignation to their fate soon took over.
the few scarce resources that exist. Death within the dome Life within a trapped dome was not life, instead it was
is inevitable. If you don’t die in some accident, starve to a sentence to a slow and agonising death
death or find yourself facing down the barrel of some
stranger’s gun you will drown. Death in inevitable.” As time passed and it became clear there was no escape.
A new faith emerged from within the dome. Those who 55
This is a fact that several of the citizens of Sumphulk have had led the efforts to find routes to freedom were seen
realised. What do you do when faced with such a reality? as heroes. Very few of these individuals survived these
Over the decades following the great quake. Many had attempts. Resigned to their fate many of those within the
tried to find ways out of the dome. Escape parties formed dome soon began to consider alternative routes of escape.
and those skilled enough tried to seek routes that could Physically leaving the dome was not an option, what if
be used. These folks soon began to be referred to as the however, there was another option?

A hidden identity is core to the beliefs of the cult. wishes to achieve. The grinning iron masks provide
Being able to blend in with the rest of the surviving the greatest source of this anonymity. Forged
society is seen as key. No one dares to admit that from scrap metal it is seen as a rite of passage
they are a part of the cult, lest those who do not hammering these masks.
believe in their work seek to end what the cult
In the generations following the Collapse, the reverence
of those who led the escape efforts grew within the MARK OF DAMNATION
populace. The idea of escaping the dome had long passed. The ritualistic nature of the cult is something
Most had accepted their fate and eked out what life they often whispered about, those who believe in
could. A growing number however sought another way… the salvation the cult provides see them as their
savior. There are those however who do not
The Cult of Evadere was born from the belief that death believe in this salvation. The spilling of blood,
was the true escape from the dome. It was not only the chanting, names whispered echoing against
a release from the pain and the suffering but also a chance the backdrop of flickering flame. Sigils adorn the
for salvation. When the lumens within the dome dim walls where they work with the same 8-pointed
56 to their lowest the cult of Evadere emerge. Not from sigil carved into flesh of those they promise to
one single location, but from shacks, huts and holes release from the depths of the Sumphulk.
throughout the entire dome.

Cult members were drawn from all areas of the dome. No

single allegiance or faction could lay claim to belonging Anyone could be a member of the cult, the impoverished
to the cult. Instead, individuals pledged themselves to the fisherman trying to survive on the docks, those who clung
cause. Iron death masks worn when the lumens dimmed to some former guild life. The bar keeps serving your
being the only identifier of cult membership. drinks or perhaps it was even your own daughter.
A DARKER PURPOSE By day those within the sump would have little to no
The cult is often seen as charitable, they seek out the weak thoughts of the cult. They operate during the darkest
and the sick, they take them to salvation, giving peace to cycles; they slink from their hovels and congregate to carry
those who are surely doomed to die without hope. They out their work. The iron marks concealing their identity,
offer escape from their physical prison and a chance for flaming torches casting a flickering light against their
a better beginning, cloaks and masks provide an almost ethereal atmosphere
as they move through the bowels.
The process by which the cult carries out their duty is
whispered about. Those who keep the faith often blindly
offer up those who they believe can be saved. Those who
do not follow the faith however whisper of sacrilegious
worship, of arcane rituals and desecration of those who 57
they claim to be saving.
A HISTORY SCRIBED IN SILK The once innocuous Fangs now stand as a monument to
Of those unfortunates trapped in the fall, the Delaque gang their perverted beliefs. The Fangs once held the pinnacle
once known as the Watchers in the Web were perhaps of distilling machinery, but as the Watchers retreated into
best equipped to survive. Pre-fall, the gang was infamous shadows and spiritualism, the great edifice became an
for distilling potent venoms harvested from a menagerie icon of worship. The spider farms were woven into every
of spiders residing in the north-eastern vents of the Dome. aspect of the Silkborn’s culture, and the creatures became
Their farming of arachnids, once a source of infamy, the divine symbol of life and death. As time passed the
58 became their only means of survival. Under the leadership residents of the Fangs became ensnared within the cult,
of Lady Moncreoux, the Watchers in the Web became the uniting them under the banner of the Silkborn.
Silkborn, and isolated from their House they grew insular
and xenophobic.


When all else falls apart, belief is the strongest the web to watch the universe pass them by, forever
crutch. For the Silkborn, belief in a higher power bound to the heavens.
which weivs the strands of fate one might walk Those who preach this twisted religion know not
was comforting. In the writings, Cyrcna’illichat the origins of their words, yet speak in anyways. The
takes the form of a twelve legged spider who onlookers who are unlucky enough to hear the lilting
weaves the heavens and ensnares the stars in whispers of Silkborn prayer hear sounds that no
their web. For them, death means the judging of human should be able to speak. Outsiders dare not
their soul, if deemed worthy they are consumed by attempt the words for they fear the shadowspeech
Cyrcna’illichat and become one with the silk of fate; as it is as twisted as the Silkborn themselves.
if unworthy, they are spun into a star and left along
Those who didn’t die in the fall were forced to adapt to The years of solitude have sculpted the Silkborn into gaunt,
the new reality of life in the hulk, for the Silkborn that was pale things which wouldn’t look out of place in a juve’s
securing their chance at survival. Led by Lady Moncreoux, horror story. The skin of the Silkborn has grown as pale as
the Watchers in the Web would develop small alliances bleached bone. With the rise in spirituality within the ranks,
and trades to keep those who would dare mess with the tattoos made from the burnt remains of spiders mixed
now crippled gang’s recovery. The first of which was that of with a distilled compound found in the spider’s venom.
those now known as the Daughters of Ophelia. This small The adverse effects of this practice left all blessed with the
alliance granted the Watchers a source of drinking water. sacred ink, and their children, with alopecia.
When the first Black Tear was shed, Lady Moncreoux
tested her ally in demanding a trade of silks for the life The Tattoos, however damaging, have their own unique
prolonging elixir. This trade sparked the metamorphosis meanings. In the hierarchy of the fangs there is three paths 59
from Lady to Matron. Her knowledge was shared far one may walk; The path of the Arachi’ahn (the fangs which
beyond her generations and her longevity led to her status bite) known to outsiders as Webrunners, the path of the
as leader becoming that of the gang’s Idol. As it stands Ciuhne’ech (The body which protects) or Nestwardens,
today, this trade continues as the withering corpse of and the path of the Dinna’ach (legs which weave) or
Matron Moncreoux is injected with the ichor. Most who are Silkspinners. For one to tell them apart, they only have to
aware of the deal struck between old allies refer to this as look at the pattern which the tattoos take.
the Black Fountain of Life.
For that of the Webrunners, their tattoos take the form of
The waters however became polluted and in exchange two lines that run the length of their arms and neck and
for their Black Fountain, the Silkborn were forced to trade end in points underneath the bottom lip.
with the Smilers. Parties of Silkborn would be sent out with
scuttling caravans of silk in a grim parade to the stacks. The Nestwardens have the pattern of a web running down
This Caravan was susceptible to raiding parties as even their left arm.
though it denied the Smilers’ quality textiles, it was the
Silkborn who suffered the consequences. Many ambitious The Silkspinners have 6 dots which mimic the eyes of
Smilers would covertly arrange for such raiding parties to a spider along their forehead.
collect the silks and then follow this action up with threats
to withhold the flow of clean water. The Silkborn became The modifications to the body for the Silkborn do not
prey to their needs of survival and acquiesced to the end in cosmetics alone. The fervent belief of the Silkborn
wishes of the smilers. The flow of silk in exchange for the leads some to take on the augmetics of their elders. Eye
flow of water continued regardless of the loss of life and implants handed down to next of kin to Arms used by the
sacred silk. first generation, all are sacred relics meant to be used.


The Matron, a living cadaver fused with ancient She cannot speak for her vocal chords are long
and abominable tech, is at the core of the Silkborn’s withered away. The horrible machine is granted
beliefs and the nightmares of the young. A divine movement by eight needle-like legs reminiscent of
symbol and icon of worship to all of her faithful. The a spider. Though previously secluded to the depths
Matron herself is a tormented soul who has been of the nest, The Matron has made herself known to
merged with a life sustaining machine of ancient the Hulk as waters rise and threats to the nest are
make which sustains her body and binds her soul to more plentiful than ever.
cold steel and rotting flesh.



The Silkborn Idol: The Matriarch can be
recruited as a House Agent following rules from
page 74 of the Necromunda House of Shadows.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 3+ 3+ 5 5 3 5+ 2 7+ 5+ 6+ 6+
Rng Acc
Mistress of Darkness: Matron Moncreoux
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits is a Psyker, who knows two Wyrd Powers
The Spider’s Fangs 6” 12” +1 - * - 1 5+ Rapid Fire (2), Toxin chosen from Madness, Delusion and Darkness
Scything - E - - S -2 1 - Melee, Power, Paired, disciplines (see page 97 of the Necromunda
Appendages Sever
House of Shadows)

WARGEAR: Light Carapace, Respirator, Refractor Field, Photo-goggles Non-Sanctioned Psykers: Should a psyker
SKILLS: Nerves of Steel, Fearsome, Iron Jaw, Inspirational with this skill be taken Out of Action, the enemy
gang is rewarded a bounty of D3x10 credits at
the end of the battle. Should a psyker with this
skill be captured and sold to the Guilders. they
are worth their full value. Note that when a Hired
Gun is captured, they can be sold immediately
without the need to attempt a Rescue mission.
HISTORY OF CLAN matters into his own hands. He entered the pit and
Little is known of the War Pigs clan prior to the Great challenged Gorsak himself, charging towards his Unborn
Collapse, except the rare data that was collected over time slave in a stimm-fuelled rage. The Alpha swung his power
by the local Scriveners of the Sumphulk. A cataclysm of hammer, just missing Gorsaks face. Gorsak continues to
events would forever change the once humble clan. To evade his much slower attacker until he spots his opening.
understand the War Pigs, is to understand their past. Side stepping the Alphas last attack, Gorsak rips the
power cables from the Alphas heavy carapace armour,
62 The War Pigs of House Goliath were barbaric, even by stopping him in his tracks. Knowing what must be done,
House Goliath standards. Like most clans of House Gorsak swung his custom-made chain glaive with such
Goliath, they would venture out on raiding parties. As animosity, he severed the Alpha in two.
long as the Guilders were getting their cut of the profits,
they would turn a blind eye to a missing hiver here and PILGRIMS UNCHAINED
there. The clan had a dark reputation for experimenting on Their chains broken and branded as outsiders, they flee
their pit slaves with ancient genetic growth technologies to find the ‘Last Forge’. A story among the clans of a free
purely for sport in the pits, as this technology produced Goliath state, yet to be found. They venture further into
savage results. As such, the clan contained an unusually Hive Bottom on their pilgrimage, trying to find clues to the
high number of Unborn fighters. Those that showed an Last Forges location. The Unborn lost many brothers and
extreme lust for violence and bloodshed were welcomed sisters in their journey down into Hive Bottom. The lower
as brothers and sisters into the War Pigs clan, and treated they went, the deadlier the creatures they encountered.
as any other Goliath. Continuing to push forward, Gorsak does not give up
hope. He owes it to his crew. They discovered an unusual
One intake of slaves was a product of failed genesmithing. settlement hidden in the depths of Hive Bottom. A large
Like any Unborn, they were physically gifted subjects, structure clung to the dome’s ceiling, stabbing downwards
but their Unborn nature however, caused flashbacks towards the sump sea. Perhaps this was the Last Forge
of their past, peaceful life, thought to be erased during they had been seeking all along. The group of Unborn
the experiments. With the onset of these flashbacks, believe their pilgrimage has soon come to an end and
the subjects no longer sought violence, other than self- take shelter on the edge of the Sump Sea. They scavenge
preservation. The Alpha saw this ungrateful behaviour the surrounding area for parts and begin construction of
as disrespect and wanted them dead. A brave Unborn a simple barge with the scavenged materials. The Unborn
pit slave that called himself Gorsak fought to protect fend off their camp from the creatures that inhabit the area,
his brothers and sisters, and crushed anyone the Alpha losing more of the crew with each cycle to the beasts.
sent. They would not break, no matter what the Alpha
unleashed on them. Blinded by his rage, the Alpha took Finally, after the many labouring cycles of construction, the
barge was complete, and they ventured into the dark void and desperation grew, it was every hulker for themselves.
of the Sump, towards what they believed to be the ‘Last Gorsak rallied his Unborn, gathering what they could, and
Forge’. Upon arriving at what appeared to be a flourishing floated off into the sump to take shelter from the chaos.
settlement, the Unborn realise they have crossed into a new, They drifted for what felt like cycles, every so often, a fight
unknown dome, the locals call the Sumphulk. Floating would break out, and Gorsak would have to calm his crew
through the settlement, they see an opportunity to help once more. They continued to float, and did the one thing
the locals with maintenance and upkeep. The discovery of they’ve done all along. Survive.
a unique Sump Barnacle species they called ‘Screechers’
that posed a significant problem for floating hab settlements Searching for a shred of hope in the darkness, they
and effluent tanks in the region. When removed properly, discover a landmass tucked away in the outskirts of
they provide a sustainable food source for trade, and the Sumphulk, floating off in the distance. As they set
would prevent further corrosion of the structures. The their eyes on this floating berg of rock and metal, they 63
Unborn’s proprietary method of removing the clusters has encounter a sustainable source of screechers living on the
eluded the settlement’s inhabitants for decades, as they rock face. Mooring their barge, they board the structures
struggle to deal with the invasive species. Screechers got gangway one by one to explore its future potential, and
their name after the Unborn’s first attempts of removal. stake a claim in this new world they’ve been thrown
A screecher will internally release an acid strong enough into. A bulkhead door at the end of the gangway opened
to dissolve anything it touches, including itself. This sort of into a large hall with a few tables, and a place to sleep.
self-destructive mechanism erupts from the screecher’s Revelling in their discovery, the Unborn head back to their
mouth in an ear-piercing screeching sound. Spraying their barge for supplies and to gather food for a celebratory
corrosive insides in a violent display of nature, anything feast of screechers inside the berg.
inside a 2-meter radius is ultimately reduced to slag.
Fortunately for the Unborn, their physiology has made their SUMPBORN
skin near immune to harsh environments and chemicals, The invigorated clan feasted on barnacles throughout the
resulting in minor burns. Larger clusters of screechers often night, and drank their remaining swill that was on board
surround the effluent tanks outflow pipes. The screechers their barge. They all sat around the tables, exchanging
use these outflow pipes as a breeding ground, feeding off of stories of old and celebrate their future. Unknowing to
the waste to feed their offspring. Travelling from float hab to them that the barnacles were a mutant strain and disease
float hab on their newly constructed barge, the clan get to ridden from events caused by the Great Collapse, the clan
work on removing the screechers in exchange for batteries members begin to fall ill. Wreathing in pain, the physically
and other valuable supplies. weakest clan members succumb to the tainted meat and
experience an excruciating death. Their organs slowly rotted
THE GREAT COLLAPSE from the inside, until they were just but a husk of dried flesh.
The Great Collapse affected everyone in the Sumphulk Gorsak and the stronger clan members however, blacked
in various ways. While the few flourished, most grew out from the toxins in the meat. No one remembers how
desperate... and the Unborn were no different than the long they were in this state, but they all had one occurrence
rest of the doomed souls. As food supplies diminished in common. All of them had the most vivid flashbacks of
their violent past imprinted in their data-slug. False engrams from their skin, and consume them in a maddening,
overlaying their memories led them to believe they were gluttonous frenzy. Thus, the War Pigs were born…
the original War Pigs clan that they freed themselves from.
Memories of slaving raids and fighting in the pits was all Their barbaric practices continued through the clan’s
they could remember. They woke, feeling a change take over newly twisted minds. Raiding settlements and enslaving
them... their skin had become dry, and rough. Cracking, as defenceless hulkers were the only memories left in their
their gorged and swollen bodies sprouted the very barnacles corrupt data-slug.
they consumed during the feast. They pick the barnacles

War Pigs are infamous for their raiding parties. Pit Main forces of the War Pigs consist mainly of
slaves that thrive in the arena of death are brought Sumpborn fighters. The origins of the first Sumpborn
to the Sump Tyrant for indoctrination into their date back to the Great Collapse on the night of the
ranks. There, they are given a choice between life celebratory feast. Their bodies eagerly accepted
or death. Join the War Pigs, or be cut in two by the the mutations gifted to them by the screechers.
gang relic, Rust Maw, and fed to his sump beast. Sumpborn can be promoted from a Ferrumborn that
A Ferrumborn fighter was a pit slave that proved has undergone close monitoring of a screecher diet
themselves worthy to the Pit Boss and have been and has participated in at least half a dozen raids.
indoctrinated into the War Pigs Clan. Pit Chirurgeons Once promoted, they can begin to hone various
will affix crude weapons to limbs, often knives, and skills the Tyrant feels necessary to the crew they join.
other weapons for melee combat. Ferrumborn A Sumpborn was a hulker at one point or another,
stand out over their much larger kin, most notably is coming from all walks of life. A life forever gone.
their size. Smaller than a Sumpborn, a Ferrumborn This makes a Sumpborn fighter especially deadly, as
has much to prove, and their diet of screechers is their skills vary from fighter to fighter. Where some
closely monitored, as their mutations haven’t fully might prefer to crush their enemies in glorious hand
developed. Ferrumborn are spineless and have no to hand combat, others prefer the path of ranged
shame in sticking a knife in your back or slitting your weaponry, obliterating the enemies with a salvo of
throat. Chances are if you spot one during a raid, gunfire.
you’re already dead.

Located in the Outskirts, The Ferrumberg is a large
landmass that separated in a violent hive quake during the GORGERS AND LEVIATHANS
great Collapse. Forever floating in the sump, the cobbled Sometimes the Tyrant will order his Chirurgen
together shanties cling to its cliffside, with an ancient to inject the weaponized variant of screechers
strato-plane landing pad opening into the belly of The directly into his strongest Sumpborn,
Ferrumberg. Makeshift floatation devices litter its sump transforming them into hulking monstrosities.
line and help keep the Ferrumberg afloat. As the War Pigs Capable of ripping a hulker in two with his
grew, so did their territory, as more docks were needed to bare hands, they are the Tyrants ultimate killing
harbour their increasing fleet. The need for a power source machine when required. The Chirurgeon has
grew ever more important. Old backup generators that created a harness that injects a steady flow
could no longer run on promethium, were converted to run of concentrated screechers into the Gorger. 65
on batteries. Old chem vats and other pillaged structures Sometimes, an overdose of the injections
were added over time to fill the needs of a screechers causes extreme mutations rarely seen in
processing plant. Cranes and mechanical lifters are the War Pigs. The mutation is so hideous,
scattered at different elevations to lift the cargo to where it they become unrecognizable. A Leviathan,
is needed. The Ferrumberg has been a thriving settlement, a nightmarish  nightmarish creature of death and
but most hulkers know to stay clear. carnage that cannot be controlled by anyone other
than Gorsak himself. Chitinous armour plates
THE FERRUM burst from it’s back side, swallowing the harness
In the belly of the Ferrumberg lies the Ferrum. This is control mechanism. Gorsak hesitates to unleash
where the unfortunate souls enslaved during raiding the creature except for dire circumstances. Under
parties live the remainder of their short, grim life. Believed advice from the Pit Chirurgeon, a Leviathan
to have been previously used as a base of operations for is contained in a cage hidden deep inside
smuggling chems and narcotics up hive, the War Pigs the Ferrumberg, and heavily sedated until needed.
turned it into their glorious fighting pit. Its interior consists
of an old tunnel system that stretches under the sumpline
of the Ferrumberg. Collapsed tunnels, makeshift structures RAIDING PARTIES AND THE SCREECH
and debris litter the lower levels. Dangling chains from the MANUFACTORUM
ceiling give the combatants a shred of hope with a means
of escape. But all is lost. For once the landing pad doors Raiding is the War Pigs main industry. It fuels the fighting
close, your fate is sealed. No one has ever escaped the pits of the Ferrum, and powers the Ferrumberg with the
Ferrum once inside. In case of a full-on rebellion in the pits, pillaged batteries and other sources of power. As most
it is the Pit Bosses responsibility to activate the failsafe slaves are short lived in the pits, raids are carried out
mechanism. A big red button that once pushed, floods the whenever the supply is in demand. Organised by the Sump
pit with the Sump Sea, drowning all inside. The only way Tyrant and his Sump Bosses, the raids are carried out with
out is to prove your worth to the Pit Boss. ruthless efficiency.

66 Raiding parties were able to capture local chirurgeons, The Pit Chirurgeons developed a method to extract
forcing them to consume screechers in hopes their the ichor responsible for the War Pigs mutation, and
bodies would accept the mutation. Few survived the weaponized it into what they called “Screech”. The
transformation, but those that did were twisted into the discovery created a sub industry for the Pit Chirurgeons to
path of a Pit Chirurgeon. Working closely with the Pit Boss, maintain. They worked with a select group of Sumpborn
most slaves had limbs hacked off and replaced with crude that specialize in the removal of screechers and ensured
bionic arms affixed with rusted knives or other instruments the screechers were not over-farmed. Chem vats were
of death. constructed off the Ferrumberg’s coast to create several
batches every cycle.

SUMP BOSS AND PIT BOSS sits mainly unguarded, except for a small group of
War Pig hierarchy dictates that a Sump Boss is Sumpborn commanded by a Pit Boss. Stixx was one
responsible for keeping the crew in check and of the first Sump Born to wake alongside Gorsak.
focused during a raid. A Sump Boss, like their It was Stixx who discovered the fighting pit, and so
Tyrant, is a fearless leader and steps up to any Gorsak gifted him the task of its warden. A Pit Boss
challenge thrown their way. The Sump Tyrant is rules over their slaves with a modified long rifle
accompanied by his most trusted Sump Boss on dubbed “Reaper” and is passed down from Pit Boss
board the “Rust Bucket”, while the other Bosses to Pit Boss. Overseeing the day-to-day operations
often run escort in smaller crafts during the raiding of the pit is no easy job. Occasionally a foolish slave
party. It is not uncommon for a Sump Boss to speed thinks they have the wits to escape The Ferrum.
ahead to exploit any weaknesses in the settlement’s Warning shots aren’t often fired, as a shell to the
defences and pop their smoke launchers to screen head seems to put the slaves back in their place.
the other ships as they board the docks. The Ferrum
The First of the Sumpborn and Sump
Tyrant of the War Pigs Clan. To be
a Sump Tyrant means to be strong, and
unbreakable. Utterly ruthless in combat,
and a fearless leader. A Sump Tyrant
rules over his clan and its territories
with an iron fist. Gorsak is the First of
the Sumpborn and was gifted a brutal 67
strength upon his body accepting the
mutations. He carves a bloody path with
his handcrafted weapon dubbed Rust
Maw, a heavy chain glaive. Operating
mainly from his Barge the “Rust Bucket”,
he commands his crew of Sumpborn
to pillage and plunder the settlements
and habs that lack the protection of the

Ruling over the slave industry, Gorsak

struck a deal with the Twins. Exclusive
transit rights and taking hulkers
whenever they want to stock the pits
of The Ferrum. Gorsak in turn, allows
the Twins to have free reign in the
Carnivora, their Holy Ground.


Gang Hierarchy (Leader): During a battle,

should this fighter pass a Bottle test, friendly
Goliath fighters without this special rule that
have not already taken a Bottle test this round
and that are within 12” of this fighter will
automatically pass their Bottle test for that
CREDITS Group Activation (2): When a fighter with this
special rule is activated, their controlling player
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
4” 2+ 4+ 5 5 4 4+ 3 5+ 4+ 7+ 7+ can choose to activate a number of additional
Ready friendly Goliath fighters equal to the
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits number shown in brackets that are within 3” of
Rust Maw E 2” -1 - +2 -2 2 - Melee, Unwieldy, this fighter as part of a ‘Group Activation’.
Grenade launcher Versatile, Master-crafted
- frag grenades 6” 24” -1 - 3 - 1 6+ Blast (3”), Knockback
War Pigs Clan Master: Gorsak can be recruited
- krak grenades 6” 24” -1 - 6 -2 2 6+
as Bounty Hunter, following rules from page
WARGEAR: Mesh Armour, Bio-Booster, Stim-slug Stash, frag grenades 77 of the Necromunda House of Chains for the
cost shown on his card or should the player
SKILLS: Nerves of Steel, Unstoppable, Berserk, Rain of Blows
wish, as a House Agent following rules from
page 85 of the Necromunda House of Chains.
Far beyond the light of The Stacks, where all but the The tears may bring her back, but they do not remake
most foolish dare to travel, there is a place known as Dark or repair the body. This makes the Daughters a truly
Water. Somewhere in the unlit black void, there is an island gruesome sight, as each carries the wounds that brought
made of stricken ships, floating debris, and the corpses of about her death. As time goes on, the rot will spread
the drowned, all stitched together by knotted and oozing throughout her body, making her blood as toxic as
weeds. the black waters from which she came. To counteract
this constant decay, the Daughter will seek out fresher
68 It is here among the decay that Queen Ophelia holds replacement parts to graft to herself, which are in turn
dominion over her Daughters: a group of death maidens, reanimated by the tears within her. It is, however, this
constantly reinforced by the corpses of the drowned that cycle of replenishing that brings the Daughters to the
wash up on Ophelia’s floating island. The old ways demand lower Stacks when the tide runs high to seek out suitable
that males be discarded, their bloated remains forming women to rebuild their shattered form.
the wretched decaying shore. Females are dragged before
Ophelia for judgment, herself a rotting corpse sustained THE BLACK WATERS
upon an archeotech throne. Any found lacking are pulled The Black Waters is a region where all structures have
apart for spare parts to repair her damaged Daughters, but collapsed, save for those still clinging to the dome roof. The
the few that are found worthy are resurrected as one of “waters” of this area are contaminated to such a degree
them, fed with the black tears of Ophelia so they can know that the black skin that sits on top will often allow large
her pain, suffering, hatred, and madness. bubbles to form, filled with explosive methane from the
rotting depths. On this stretch of open water grows the
THE DEATH OF A DAUGHTER black tangle weed: a horrible, writhing plant that will attach
It is important to understand that a Daughter is not itself to anything using an ooze. It has become commonly
a mindless creature like a Brainleaf zombie but is, in fact, used and farmed by the dome’s inhabitants as a fixative
a thinking and cunning predator. Resurrected by tears and similar to impact adhesive. The plant also takes advantage
filled with the malice of her new mother, she is sent out of the methane build-up to spread and propagate its
into the dome to wreak bloody revenge on all who have seeds. Apart from the glue farms at the very edges and the
wronged her (which, in the eyes of the dead, is all who still odd fool attempting to cross, the area is completely lifeless.
Forming from the debris that floats throughout The Black
Waters, the Wretched Islands are an ever-changing
environment, collapsing and reforming with the tides. On
occasion, one of these putrid lumps will break free of the
main group and begin to move in towards the water’s
edge. These balls of resources are often too tempting
a prize for the would-be treasure hunter, but it is seldom
riches that await on the shore.


Within each Daughter exists the substance known as the 69
Tears of Ophelia. It is this substance that is responsible
for the reanimation of each of them. This substance can
reanimate not only whole bodies but also individual
limbs that can then be grafted to anyone. Unsurprisingly,
this substance has become highly sought after in an
environment as hostile as the Sumphulk, but it is not
without its drawbacks: it cannot stop the rot, and decay
once set in will spread back to the recipient, causing pain
as the living tissue fights to protect itself and reject the
corruption. The trade of this substance is seen by most of
the inhabitants as a heretical practice and thus is carried
out away from the eyes of the devout. Most of what
does hit the market has been extracted from captured
Daughters, which is a very difficult task in itself.

When they had thrown her from the stacks, remembered how she had cried, when her mother
she had hit the sludge like it was rockcrete, she had ended up tangled and dragged under by the
remembered that moment and every bit of her black noted weeds and when the slavers had
twitched with the memories of pain. Pain had been dragged her for her bed. Now how she wished
part of her daily life before, the pain of hunger and for tears. Tonight, she would have both tears and
the pain of hard labour on the farm at the rising pain, she will drink it in from all that fall before her
waters edge, now how she wished for pain. She screaming. For now, she is death.
Once a beautiful and powerful Esher Queen both As she sunk deeper and deeper down into the
feared and revered. At what seemed the height of Sumphulk, the weight of the hate in her now dead
her power, a combined force of enemies laid her heart sunk her into the ancient vaults deep below.
gang low and captured her. As a final public display It was her destiny to break through one of the now
of the new order, the assembled enemy leaders corroded rooves and lay within a storage space where
each tied a piece of her now destroyed hideout to the throne was sealed away, its ancient protocol
70 her and threw it from the highest gantry above the spitting into life to renew her. And so now she rules
sump sea. over the tangled island as a bitter and twisted carrion
Queen of Death, despair and misdirected hate.


Gang Hierarchy (Leader): Daughters of Ophelia

During a battle, should this Leader: Ophelia can be
fighter pass a Bottle test, recruited as a House Agent
friendly Escher fighters following rules from page 70
without this special rule of the Necromunda House of
that have not already taken Blades.
a Bottle test this round and
that are within 12” of this Archeotech Throne: This
fighter will automatically life-saving device, which
pass their Bottle test for that resurrected Ophelia, is
round. technological wonder, not
only granting her set of
Group Activation (2): When special rules (some of them
a fighter with this special rule are represented by wargear)
is activated, their controlling but also counting as potent
player can choose to activate weapon.
a number of additional Ready
friendly Escher fighters Authority of Death: At the
equal to the number shown end of first round, nominate
in brackets that are within 1 enemy Fighter. Make a Cool
3” of this fighter as part of Check for him, if failed, this
a ‘Group Activation’. Fighter becomes Broken.



M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
6” 2+ 3+ 3 4 2 3+ 3 8+ 4+ 6+ 6+
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Throne Arc
- Range 6” 12” +1 - 5 -2 1 5+ Rapid Fire (2), Shock
- Melee E 3” - - 5 -2 1 - Melee, Shock, Power,
Paired, Versatile

WARGEAR: Mesh Armour, Bio-Booster, Night-Night, Displacer Field,

SKILLS: Spring Up, Fearsome, Hit and Run, Somersault
The group known as “The Harvest” was founded several After being chased out of the Stacks by Clan Grell’s hired
cycles ago by Akephalos; a water-tithe collector formally guns, The Harvest were forced to relocate. They now call
indentured to the great Smiler family – Clan Grell. the mysterious place known as the Creep their new home.
Akephalos along with his followers decided to strike Very few people ever dare to go anywhere near this place,
their own path and made the bold (and possibly stupid) as The Creep is located on the fringes of the Reach and
move to double cross the clan. They started skimming is the outer-limits to Sporekin territory. The Harvest know
water-tithe profits and sold the water back to hulkers very little about the Sporekin, other than they are covered 71
for an extortionate price. As let’s face it, clean water is in weird fungus and are hard to put down.
getting increasingly hard to come by and people seemed
to be quite willing to pay. However, it didn’t take long for However, this location was chosen after Mortek (also
Clan Grell to catch wind of this, sending a feth-load of formerly “employed” by Clan Grell) suggested that the
hired scum after them and putting a huge bounty on The strange fauna that grew here held some interesting and
Harvest’s heads. There are now even rumours of a deadly more importantly very profitable qualities. He wasn’t half
cyborg assassin on their tales. right, if the fungi that grows here is processed carefully,
it can be used to produce medicines or hallucinogenic
Despite the constant tracking by bounty hunters and hired narcotics (certainly some ‘magic’ mushrooms). Their
goons, the members of the Harvest have increased tenfold settlement is built right on the water’s edge and has
over the past few cycles. Word had spread rapidly that a couple of skiffs moored to a makeshift jetty that are used
Akephalos was willing to pay a frag-ton of creds for some for raiding, transporting supplies and product from/to the
extra muscle. The Harvest is now a rag-tag crew of mercs, nearest settlements and black-markets.
delinquents, outlaws and even mutants.
STRANGE FAMILY in command is Ghârtok who leads the gang on all raids and
The gang functions like some strange dysfunctional family against Sporekin incursions. Skalor and Iragor are Reapers
(not surprising considering their various backgrounds) and it’s their job to ensure rest of the gang members follow
and with such a unique medley of characters there is orders. Skalor was another part of Akephalos’ original crew;
always “disagreements”. Akephalos tries his best to keep he is lean, agile and a dead-shot with his Needle Rifle. While
the peace with the promise of creds and the threat of two the towering Iragor (an outlaw formerly of House Goliath) is
towering Ogryn bodyguards. Anyone who over-steps their muscular and as strong as an Ogryn but likes his combat
bounds, can soon find themselves on the receiving end of stimms a little too much. Meanwhile Mortek, who is a Purifier
a rather large fist or syphoning implement. deals with production of the narcotics and medicines with
the help of his “Dreg” minions; he is also one of only a few
Aside from run-ins with the Sporekin, delivering goods/ non-combatant members of the Harvest.
getting supplies and an odd bit of raiding, The Harvest 73
don’t have much contact with others. They are self- Harvesters Härkon, Joråg, Nadija, Sareena, Raiden and
sustaining and have nothing on their minds other than Vadred form the backbone of the gang. Härkon is a former
counting creds and avoiding bounty hunters and Clan Fisherman with a short temper and criminal history. Not
hired scummers. much is known about the mysterious Joråg, he doesn’t talk
much, but he’s pretty handy his trusty spear gun. Nadija
Although the members of The Harvest are from different “Nightshade” was a former gang sister in the Eastern
backgrounds, there is still some form of gang structure. Sump Sirens but joined The Harvest after all her former
Gangers have come to be known as “Harvesters” and gang mates died (under strange circumstances…). The
Champions are called “Reapers”, with the Gang Leader sassy Sareena “Scar” earned the nickname after her face
being a “Harvester Chief”. The gang also uniformly wear was left badly chem-burned in an accident. Raiden, the
deep sea-green robes or fatigues, along with brass newest member is a former Enforcer from the Stacks
or bronze armour plating. Many of the crew also wear turned mercenary. Vadred “The Tracker” has unparalleled
baroque helmets or heavy rebreather masks. knowledge of the layout of Sumphulk and has been
invaluable with helping the gang evade Bounty Hunters.
Akephalos is the gang’s Over-Lord and is often flanked by his Finally, there is Syth – a Ratling Slopper who keeps
bulky Ogryn Bodyguards – Abyss and Gulagh. His second everyone fed with his questionable “Sump Water Stew”.


HARVESTER CHIEF Mortek is a Purifier and he also followed
Akephalos in turning his back on Clan Grell
A former Pit Fighter Champion and now (Akephalos promised him that he would
Harvester Chief – Ghârtok is a smart and be paid handsomely for his services). He is
cunning individual, not to mention brutishly a brilliant scientist, and his vast knowledge of
strong. He was one of the fiercest competitors water purification is unrivalled in Sumphulk. It
in the Stacks’ fighting pits before being bought was him that suggested The Harvest should
in an auction by Akephalos. Akephalos had relocate to the Creep and it has proved more
been watching Ghârtok closely and was than lucrative. He wears a dirty white long
impressed with the level of intelligence he coat that contrasts his dark green fatigues and
showed in fights (along with the blood-letting vulcanized rubber gloves and boots. On his
violence of course). Ghârtok was exactly what back he carries a water purification apparatus
The Harvest need – brains and brawn and that is also useful for processing fungi. He is
leads them into most fights. He wears bulky also followed around by his dutiful and slow-
armour plating with an industrial respirator and witted minions known as “The Dregs”, these
is armed with a Servo Claw and Hunting Spear. muties spend much of the time gathering
mushrooms and sump water for processing.


The two hulking forms of Abyss and Gulagh are Claw and deadly Rockdrill. Whereas Gulagh is slow
enough to make even the most hardened warrior and ponderous, letting out a roar with each swing
think twice about making an attempt on Akephalos’ of his massive, augmented fist. He also carries
life. However, despite their similar statures, they a syphoning gauntlet, a horrifying implement of
couldn’t be more different. Abyss is a hunched, Akephalos’ own design and can drain a victim of its
silent, brooding beast, armed with a huge Servo bodily fluids in seconds.
Having thrown off the shackles of servitude
to Smiler Clan Grell, Akephalos now forges
his own path; fuelled by greed and backed
up by some serious muscle. Formerly
a water-tithe collector, he is now the self-
proclaimed “Harvester Over-Lord” and
74 oversees all of The Harvest’s operations.
Akephalos cuts a sinister figure, swathed in
a murky sea-green robe and wears a brass
diving helmet. If you can get close enough,
you will see a pair of piercing eyes bathed in
the red light behind his visor. His bare, pale-
skinned hands clasp a golden cane, but
don’t let it fool you for it is actually a deadly
syphoning stave. Mounted on his back is
a humming field generator, brass vials for
holding exsanguinated fluids and a servo
arm mounted Needle Pistol. Akephalos can
be described as a cold, uncaring and is
happy to let his followers take a las-bolt for
him. Although he appears lean, advanced
bionic implants help him defend himself if
someone is ever lucky enough to get past
his bodyguards.


Gang Hierarchy (Leader): During a battle,

should this fighter pass a Bottle test, friendly
Harvest fighters without this special rule
that have not already taken a Bottle test this
round and that are within 12” of this fighter
will automatically pass their Bottle test for that

Group Activation (2): When a fighter with this

AKEPHALOS, MASTER OF HARVEST 200 special rule is activated, their controlling player
CREDITS can choose to activate a number of additional
Ready friendly Harvest fighters equal to the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
4” 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 4+ 2 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ number shown in brackets that are within 3” of
this fighter as part of a ‘Group Activation’.
Rng Acc
Weapon S L S L Str AP D Am Traits
Needle pistol 4” 9” +2 - - -1 - 6+ Sidearm, Silent, Toxin, Master of Harvest: Akephalos can be recruited
Scarce as Bounty Hunter, following rules from page
Syphoning stave E 2” +1 - +2 -1 1 - Melee, Versatile, Shock,
Pulverise, Rending
77 of the Necromunda House of Chains for the
cost shown on his card.
WARGEAR: Mesh Armour, Bio-Booster, Stim-slug Stash, Armoured Undersuit,
Conversion Field
SKILLS: Overseer, Step Aside
THE MONASTERY God Emperor of Mankind himself.
In the Outskirts of the Great Sumphulk Dome, buried
under rubble of countless ages in the deepest depths of A bloody conflict ensued. The Cawdor under the
Hive Primus, lie the ruins of an ancient stone monastery. leadership of Damon Arsenius the Deacon, held the
What appears to have once been a large monastic position that these texts demanded research and further
compound from the early days of the Hive’s construction understanding. The opposition was clear: heresy must
is now only a cluster of collapsed stone walls and be eradicated at any cost. Much blood was shed, but
archways. Every remnant of the ancient structure has ultimately Arsenius and his followers were able to drive 75
been completely charred by fire, and most of the walls are their opposition away and preserve the texts. The Cawdor
broken down and buried in sludge and fallen debris. faithful retreated back to the Stacks. The rebels were
dubbed “Insurrectionists” by their opposition – named
A single tarnished plaque remains riveted to the stone, after the inscription on the plaque – and were left to die in
bearing the signet of the Inquisition and inscribed with two the Outskirts. The Cawdor faithful took a blood oath and
words: “Heretic” and “Insurrectionist”. vowed to murder any Insurrectionist who should cross
the Sump Sea into the region of the Stacks. Without the
Long before the Collapse of the Sumphulk dome, the support of their brethren, they would surely die in the
significance of the monastery has been an object of Outskirts.
curiosity to denizens of the hive bottom. The true story
of the demise had been lost to time, and the place had THE INSURRECTIONIST CULT
become the substance of folktales and unfounded Arsenius was captivated by the text. The information grew
rumours. in his mind, and he found it impossible to shake. He set
up a school of study for anyone who would join him, and
After the great Collapse, the monastery remained in the they devoured the information for months. The language
region now dubbed The Outskirts, separated from the was archaic and at times indecipherable. The text spoke of
Stacks on the further side of the great Sump Sea. The a world so far in the past that it was difficult to understand,
great shift in the dome upended the ruin, further burying yet they began to piece the fragments together. There
parts of it, and uncovering structures previously lost to were books of history, books of prophecy, and books of
time. religious practice, all tied to an alternate history – one
in which the Emperor of Mankind was a mere mortal
THE HIDDEN CHAMBER – a lifeless, propped up artifice – powerless symbol of
Shortly after the Collapse, several generations ago by a galaxy-wide system of lies and manipulation.
Sumphulk reckoning, a monumental discovery was
uncovered. Two Cawdor juves, scavenging the ruins Arsenius was convinced. He began referring to the
for valuables, discovered a hidden entrance to an Imperial religion as The Cult of the Dead Emperor.
underground chamber beneath the ruin. Inside they He proceeded to write a scroll containing a list of 75
discovered nearly fifty steel drums, their contents sealed Grievances against the Imperium of Man, The Inquisition,
and miraculously preserved through the centuries. Each and the God-Emperor of Mankind himself, which he wore
one was filled to the brim with volumes of ancient texts, in a long scroll down the front of his tunic. He preached
data scrolls, and carefully bound leather volumes. They this message to anyone who would listen.
had uncovered a library.
Some of his followers abandoned him, but others were
THE CAWDOR SCHISM convinced by his zeal, and equally inspired by the
The monastic ruin became a hub of activity. The literate information they were discovering. Their numbers began to
leadership of the surviving Sumphulk Cawdor clans were grow. They began to refer to themselves as the Keepers of
promptly alerted and they gathered at the monastery to the Book. Others called them The Unmasked – as they all
carefully begin studying the texts. A camp was set up, removed their traditional Cawdor face coverings in protest.
which quickly became a permanent settlement.
Their opposition grew as well. Dubbed heretics and every
The content of the texts immediately began to cause vile name, they were constantly attacked.
outrage and opposition. Divisions formed amongst the
Cawdor ranks. Cries of heresy rose and several Cawdor
faithful immediately demanded that the relics be burned.
What they found contradicted every common belief and
understanding about the Imperium and the nature of the
PRESENT DAY access to other food has made the grub farms a common
Three generations have now passed since the Books target for gang raids. A particularly strong alliance has
were discovered. The densely populated Stacks and been formed between the Keepers and the Sump Lepers
the communities in the Outskirts on the far side of – A community of Scavvies who have been shunned
the sump sea have grown more severely divided. The by nearly everyone else in the dome, who have settled
Outskirts remain an isolated, flooded ruin – populated in the outskirts near the monastery where they provide
by Sump Lepers, mutants, and other outlaws fleeing the protection in exchange for food.
Teeth Guilder’s manipulative grasp. Right in the midst of
them, the Keepers of the Book maintain their monastic
The original Keepers have passed on their mission to their THE PROPHETIC WORDS
sons and daughters, who continue the task of preserving In the midst of their study, the brothers
the texts against all opposition and preaching the began to see visions. Prophetic words were
prophetic words of destruction and deliverance. uttered on their lips. Impending doom. Rising
flood waters and eminent destruction. Their
LIFE IN THE OUTSKIRTS preaching spread through the Outskirts and
Living conditions in the Outskirts are particularly harsh, beyond. A mantra of the Keeper’s words has
and the exile from the Stacks has made resources even become well known amongst the Sumphulk
more difficult to come by. In the early days, the monastic citizens:
brothers and their families discovered a species of
grubworm in the area that would grow to the size of The Flood WILL CONSUME.
a chicken. The community began growing and harvesting Deliverance WILL RISE.
the grubs, and they now survive largely on a diet of worms. The Waste Places WILL BE OUR ESCAPE.
The Cult of the Dead Emperor WILL FALL.
The grub farm has led to several alliances amongst the
gangs in the area, providing one of the dominant sources
of food for many others in the Outskirts. However, limited

“Sumphulk is the only place where you can’t say that things could be worse.”

Hulkers’ saying

Sumphulk is a wilder and much more dangerous domain The following section consists of additional rules for the
than the already harsh conditions of the Underhive. Dominion Campaign to take place in the Sumphulk, such
Between the exhausting climate, gangs fighting over as twelve new Territories, six new Events, an expanded
resources and merciless Smilers, Hulkers are doing Trading Post, special Hangers-on and rules for the typical
everything they can to survive. Forced to exist in such beasts found there. These are all additional rules, created
a place, their former lives change drastically in order to for a sump specific environment.
adapt to the hostile environment of the Sump bottom.


Although these rules were created with the Sumphulk setting in mind, players can use any or all of
them, with Arbitrator permission, to represent the harshest Badzones in the Underhive.
Sumphulk’s environment is not only hostile, but also
changes constantly, forcing Hulkers to quickly adapt to the
current situation or be another soul lost in the darkness.

At the start of each campaign week, the Arbitrator should

roll a D6 to see what event is currently taking place.

D6 Result
78 1 High moisture level: Moisture rises rapidly, due
to a steam leak, reaching ever more unbearable
levels. This makes walking a lot harder and
running almost impossible.
During a battle, a Fighter who makes a second
Move (Simple) action during their activation
needs to make a Toughness Check. If passed,
the action is made as normal. If failed, the action
is lost and the Fighters activation ends.
2 Low Tide: The surface level of the Sump
decreases a little. Many sunken treasures are
discovered by gangs sending juves to search
through exposed debris.
Each scenario rewards both players with an
extra D6x10 credits.
3 High Tide: Water starts to rise, flooding corridors
and passages, making travel much harder.
The surface level of the board counts as Difficult
Terrain in addition to any other rules.

4 Power Embargo: For reasons known only to

themselves, Smilers decided to cut of this section
of the Sumphulk off from its power.
During games, Pitch Black Rules are in play,
Industrial Terrain effects are inactive, and all
Doors are Locked.
5 Hulk Tremors: Structure of the Sumphulk begins
to shake, causing small earthquakes and testing
strength of Umbilicals.
During games, at the start of each turn, players
roll D6. If a 1 is rolled, every fighter on the board PLASMA STORAGE,
becomes Prone and Pinned.
6 Slave Hunting Season: Raiding parties are on
the hunt, searching for new “volunteers” for the
Pits of Carnivora.
Each gang randomly chooses a juve or a ganger.
The Fighter is caught by the Slavers and deleted
from the Gang Roster. The Gang can bribe the
Hunting Party to save the Fighter by paying his
full cost in credits to the Slavers
To better represent the extremely harsh
environment of the Sumphulk, players are
encouraged to use the Badzone Events from
the Necromunda Book of Peril in addition to
the ones presented above.
The following sections consist of twelve Territories, which can be used individually or added
to a pool of Dominion Campaign territories, while playing in the Sumphulk. With a few
Arbitrator tweaks, they could also be used in Dark Uprising or other types of campaign.

For rules how to use territories see page 97 of the Necromunda Rulebook.


Sump Grub Farms often consist of nothing more than some old sheds, broken fences, and
the grubs feasting field. Nevertheless, they provide priceless food for the controlling gang, 79
and do double duty as the perfect place to hide the bodies of their enemies, as hungry
grub swarms will devour any corpse in just a few minutes. “Gangs are sending
a lot of juves to this
TERRITORY BOON: Skull scrap Island.
This Territory grants the following Boons: I hope that what
they find is worth
Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income. all the lives lost
Recruit: The gang may recruit a Rogue Sump Grub Farmer Hanger-on for free. there.”
Dovan, old Hulker
Scrap Islands, made of various refuse, are bountiful but dangerous grounds for the gangs
that control them. Leaders must often send much bigger search parties, not only for
a better chance of finding something valuable, but as an insurance that most of the search
party will come back alive.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns 2D3x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income, if
after the battle it has 3 gangers, prospects or juves not in Recovery.
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation.


Water Pump stations are ancient mechanisms which transport fresh water up to the
Smilers and fight a hopeless battle against the rising Sump that will sooner or later drown
the Sumphulk. Each station usually has a small crew of tech-adepts serving under the
Pump Chief.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns D3x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation.
Recruit: The gang may recruit a Pump Chief Hanger-on for free.


Power Grid Transformers are receiving centers for electricity sent by the Smilers in
exchange for water. They are run by the Power-Jackers and provide a potent advantage, as
anyone who can turn lights off on command can terrorize entire sectors of the Stacks.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns 2D3x5credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation.
Recruit: The gang may recruit a Power-Jacker Hanger-on for free.
Sump Runners hope that one day someone will find the way out of this hellhole. So, they set
up many outposts on the borders of inhabited Sumphulk, often perceived by travellers and
Hulkers as the last beacon of any civilisation on the edge of darkness and despair.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns D3x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Recruit: The gang may recruit a Sump Runner Hanger-on for free.

80 Wreckfields are places where gangs and Hulkers abandon their broken sump-ships and
boats, or where the Sump currents have thrown sunken wrecks into the shallows. Some of
them still have cargo, so potential rewards are high for gangs willing to risk searching them,
“They are all even if they have to pay for it with juves’ lives.
searching for
this old tanker TERRITORY BOON:
sump-ship, which
transported large This Territory grants the following Boons:
promethium Income: The gang earns up to 2d6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income,
cargo up to the D6x10 for each ganger or juve they send as search party. For each natural roll of 1 on the
Downtown, before income dice, no income is generated, and the Player should roll on Lasting Injury table for
the Collapse. But a randomly chosen Fighter who participated in the search party.
the only thing that
juve will find on the Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +2 to its Reputation.
Sigma Wreckfield is
painful death.” FIRE SPORE CAVERN
Thomas, Sump Sometimes small caves are infested with Fire Spores, which can be used to make crude
Captain Spore Munitions or dangerous and brutal gas shells, strong enough to bring down even
mighty Goliaths’ and ogryns.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns D3x5credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation.
Special: The gang may upgrade up to three of their weapons to have Spore Shells.

Outside the protection of the Stacks there are many shanty-town settlements, where
desperate people fight to survive each hour. Being easy prey for slave hunting parties, their
citizens often asked for a gangs’ protection in exchange for young recruits and a portion of
the materials they scavenge.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns D6x5 credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Recruit: The gang may choose to roll one D6 after every battle. On a roll of 6, the gang
may recruit a single Juve from their House List for free.
Special: Whilst its controls this Territory, a gang may ignore the effects of the Slave
Hunting Season Event.
Shroom Alchemists prepare various medicaments, potions and stims from Sumphulk’s
moulds and fungi. They share their inventions with gangs in exchange for protection, but are
generally regarded as not being completely sane.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns 2D3x5 credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Special: The gang may add one Shroom-shot to their Stash after each Battle. Additionally,
the gang can re-roll the result on the Shroom-shot table, but must accept the second result.

Fungi Sawmills are workshops where fungus is processed to make material called
slagboard, that in many ways resembles real wood. This material is mostly used to create
buildings in the Stacks, as well as causeways that link Umbilicals and shanties. As the Sump “Spore-shock,
levels rise, fungi-wood is in increasing demand. fungi-stim,
TERRITORY BOON: ­— everything
made from the best
This Territory grants the following Boons: Sumphulk moulds
Income: The gang earns 3D3x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income. for all diseases!”
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +2 to its Reputation. Poster on the wall
of the Umbilical
Causeways are integral part of the Sumphulk, linking settlements and shanties. Any gang
who controls them can collect tolls from any trespassers – considering nature of the Stacks,
sooner or later most citizens will be forced to cross it.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: For each other gang participating in the campaign that made a Trade Post-Battle
Action in a previous campaign week, the gang earns D3x5 credits from this Territory when
collecting income.
Reputation: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +1 to its Reputation.


Sump Beast Hunters’ camps are outposts where hunters heal their wounds, repair their
equipment, and sell everything they catch or find in the darkness of the Sump. A gang in
charge of such a camp often has first access to the rare and bizarre items the Hunters fish
out of the ooze.

This Territory grants the following Boons:
Income: The gang earns D6x10 credits from this Territory when collecting income.
Special: Whilst its controls this Territory, the gang adds +2 when searching for Rare and
Illegal equipment from Trading Post and Black Market.


Humans always finds a way to learn from, adapt to and use the surrounding environments to survive. That is why
Hulkers, even before the Collapse, started to manufacture items utilising the limited resources of the Sumphulk. Most
of these “inventions” are crude and dangerous for their creators, but that does not stop gangers from using them to
gain any little edge while fighting their wars. The section that follows presents a collection of additional weapons and
Wargear for players to add to their gang. These items can be purchased in the post-battle sequence from the Trading
Post, or if players are building gangs for a Skirmish game, they may agree to allow their gangs access to some or all of
the equipment that follows.


The following type of ammunition can be purchased for Item Price Rarity
use in any shotgun, combat shotgun or sawn-off shotgun.
Item Price Rarity Spore Grenades 30 Rare (9)

Spore Shells 30 Rare (8) Spore Grenades: Spore Grenades are explosives
containing compressed Fire Spores, an aggressive type of
BOLT WEAPON AMMUNITION fungi unique to the Sumphulk. Anyone unlucky enough to
The following type of ammunition can be breathe these spores will quickly find their lungs dissolving
purchased for use in any boltgun, bolt pistol, heavy rapidly. Even respirators don’t offer much protection, the
bolter, or any combi-weapon that includes a boltweapon acidic properties of Fire Spores means they clog and
component. damage filters, rendering them useless.
Item Price Rarity
Spore Shells 35 Rare (10)
Item Price Rarity
Spore Shells: Made from acidic Fire Spore fungi, Spore Carnivora stimms 35 Rare (9)
Shells are a perfect suppression tool. Designed to explode
Smiler mask 30 Rare (11)
in a cloud of spores upon impact, this kind of ammunition
not only dissolves victims’ lungs, but also clings to their Shroom-shot 25 Rare (8)
protective gear and clogs their respirators. Jacker Code-breaker 15 Rare (11)
Sump Runner Lenses 45 Rare (12)
This section contains rules for the extra ammunition and equipment available to gangs and fighters in the Sumphulk
Trading Post.

Range Acc
Weapon S L S L Str Ap D Am Traits
Spore Shells for:
Sawn-off shotgun 4” 8” +1 - 3 - 1 5+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Limited
Shotgun 4” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 5+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Limited
Combat shotgun 6” 18” +1 - 3 - 1 5+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Limited
Bolt pistol 4” 12” +1 - 3 - 1 6+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Limited
Boltgun 8 24” +1 - 3 - 1 6+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Limited
Heavy bolter 12” 30” +1 - 3 - 1 6+ Rapid Fire (1), Blast (3”), Gas, Spore,
Limited, Unstable

Range Acc
Weapon S L S L Str Ap D Am Traits
Spore Grenade - Sx3 - - 3 - 1 5+ Blast (3”), Gas, Spore, Grenade

Presented here is the new Weapon Trait introduced within this supplement.

Fighters hit by a weapon with the Spore trait treat their Toughness as 1 lower for the purposes of the Gas trait.
Additionally, if a Fighter hit by the weapon with the Spore trait is equipped with a Respirator, the Respirator stops
working until the end of the battle, providing no further benefits against the Gas trait in this game.
This section contains a full list of new Wargear rules.

Carnivora Stimms are stimulants produced by Pit Chirurgeons of the War Pigs Clan. Crude
versions of stimm-slug stashes, they focus purely on increasing strength and toughness
at the cost of a much greater impact on the user, who walks a thin line between unnatural
resistance, toxic shock and circulatory system collapse.

Once per battle, a fighter with a carnivora stimms can use them at the start of their
84 activation. Immediately discard one Flesh Wound from the fighter’s card, if any are present.
Until the end of the round, the fighter’s Strength and Toughness characteristics are each
“Drink these increased by 3. At the start of the End phase, roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, the stimm overload is too
and you will much – roll an Injury dice and apply the result to the fighter.
have a strength
of Goliath. Side
effects? Does it SMILER MASK
matter? You will Respirators shaped in a characteristic grim smile are hallmarks of the Smillers, causing fear
be able to smash
through walls with and uncertainty among the Hulkers. Some brave – or stupid – gangers steal or mimic these
your bare hands!” masks, using Smilers’ authority for their own ends – but woe to anyone whose masquerade is
Almagius, exposed, either by Hulkers or Smiler themselves.
Shroom alchemist
When a fighter with a Smiler Mask is hit by a weapon with the Gas trait, their Toughness
is increased by 2 for the purposes of the roll to see whether they are affected. Additionally,
enemy Fighters decreased their Cool by 2 while within 6” of any fighters equipped with
a Smiler Mask. After each battle, any friendly fighter equipped with a Smiler Mask must
roll a D6. In a roll of 1 the real Smilers notice that someone used their authority. Randomly
choose one of your fighters equipped with the Smiler Mask and roll on the Lasting Injury
table for them.

Code-breakers are unique keys used by Power-Jackers, often stolen from old control rooms of
the Sumphulk’s Grid. They can unlock almost any door or terminal, but their batteries are short
lived, discharging almost immediately.

Once per battle a fighter equipped with jacker code-breaker can use it to automatically
access an Ancient Terminal, Door Terminal, loot casket or any other electronic device that
requires an Intelligence test to unlock.


These strange devices used by Sump Runners are more or less modified photo-goggles. By
adding special lenses made of a bluish crystal found in the deepest part of the Hulk, the range
of the photo-goggles becomes shorter, but the view is sharpened, much like the infrasights
used on guns. This technology, as with everything made in the Sumphulk, is prone to failure
and often fails at a critical moment.

A fighter with Sump Runner Lenses can attack through smoke clouds that are wholly within
18”, can make ranged attacks against fighters 9” away under the Pitch Black rules (see the
Necromunda Rulebook) and may gain other benefits in low light conditions, depending
upon the scenario. In addition, if they are hit by a Flash weapon, add 1 to the result of the
Initiative check to see whether they become subject to the Blind condition. When making
a Shoot action, roll D6. On a roll of 3+ the lenses work correctly and there is no hit modifier
when the weapon targets a fighter in partial cover, and a -1 modifier (instead of -2) when it
targets a fighter in full cover.
Shroom-shot is a collective name for the mixtures and
poisons Shroom Alchemists prepare from various Sumphulk D6 Effects
fungi. As potent as they are, their effects are completely 1 Bad reaction: This fighters activation ends
random, as most of the Alchemists simply throw everything immediately and he becomes Prone and
they see fit into the vial. Seriously Injured
2 I am invincible: This fighter gains the Nerves of
A fighter with a vial of Shroom-shot can use it by making Steel skill and cannot become Broken.
a Take a Swig (Basic) action. After they take this action,
3 Unnatural senses: This fighter gains the
delete Shroom-shot from their Fighter Card. Roll a D6 on Overwatch and the Dodge skills.
the Shroom-shot Table to see what kind of mixture your
fighter just drank. The effects of a Shroom-shot last until 4 Infra-eyes: The fighter is not affected by Pitch 85
Black rules and enemies do not gain the benefit
the end of the battle. of any cover from Ranged Attacks by this fighter.
5 Strength of the Goliath: This Fighter adds +1 to
their Strength and Toughness characteristics.
6 I am the speed: This fighter gains the Sprint
skill, may roll a D6 instead of D3 when making
a Charge (Double) action and adds 3” to their

“If you want to survive in the Sumphulk, watch out for insects. If there are no firemoths or mule flies around, you better run.”

Francis “The Stranger”, Dome Runner

The Sumphulk is inhabited by many foul creatures; feral One of most common Arbitrator Tools is creating and
swarms of sump grubs, spore spiders, pipe crawlers, adding various monsters and hivers to act as enemies or
firemoths, mule flies and many more. The humid and allies in Necromunda games. Below are presented two
hot environment also creates a perfect ground for most common examples of the Sumphulk fauna — Spore
86 various types of fungi, some completely harmless, others Spiders and Sump Grubs Swarms. Players can also create
aggressive and territorial. Gangs travelling through the their own sump creatures, using rules for creating a Xenos
sunken domes of the Sumphulk often find themselves Abomination found in the Necromunda Book of Ruin, on
under attack. For the the creatures of the Sumphulk, food page 100.
is food, whether it is helpless or armed to the teeth.

The Sump of the Hive Primus is inhabited by many creatures, most common being sump spiders. When
the Traveller Strain infection, which created the Sporekin, was released it infected not only human
beings, but various animals. Especially spiders, which become living vectors of disease, releasing
vicious clouds of spores, which attack the victim and start dissolving them. Those few that survive and
escape soon found themselves to be another host of the Traveller strain.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
5” 4+ 6+ 4 4 3 4+ 3 12+ 5+ 5+ 10+
Spore attack: Once per round, when the Spore Spider performs the Fight Action (Basic), makes
Reaction attacks or an enemy fighter come within 3”, it can release a cloud of spores. Every fighter
within 3” is automatically hit. Treat this as an attack with Gas trait, with -1 modifier to victim’s

A Spore Spider is armed with mesh armour, a bio-booster and Toxin Jaws, with the following profile:
Range Acc
Weapon S L S L Str Ap D Am Traits
Toxin Jaws - E - - S -1 - - Melee, Toxin

A Spore Spider has the Fearsome skill.
One of the main sources of food in the Sumphulk are Sump Grubs, local species of grubworm, bred and
harvested by farmers in the Outskirts. Sump Grubs grow up too one foot tall, two feet in length, and are
mostly calm creatures, feasting upon dead bodies and other organic refuse. But the populations on Grub
Farms decreases rapidly during Harvest Season, so Hulkers send hunting parties to find fera sump grub
colonies and bring them back to the Farms. As calm as they are, without proper feeding Sump Grubs
become aggressive, merging into swarms, and attacking small animals or even Hulkers.

88 M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
4” 5+ 6+ 2 3 4 6+ 4 12+ 3+ 10+ 12+
Small target: Fighters trying to shoot Sump Grubs Swarms suffer a -1 penalty to the Hit Roll in addition
to any other modifiers.

Sump Grubs Swarms are armed with Vicious Jaws, with the following profile:
Range Acc
Weapon S L S L Str Ap D Am Traits
Vicious Jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Shred

Sump Grubs Swarms have the Lie Low and Dodge skills.
Gangs can sometimes hire the local farmers, specialists or guides, who are ready to risk
their lives for a couple of extra credits. The following are special Hangers-on, who can be
hired in campaigns in the Sumphulk (see page 34 of the Necromunda Book of the Outcast
for the full rules on using Hangers-on).

0-1 ROGUE SUMP GRUB FARMER ............................... 30 CREDITS

Rogue Sump Grub Farmers are suspicious individuals who runs small grub farms, trying to 89
make a living in the Sumphulk. They can make some extra credits, if they are lucky and find
grub-rich territory, but every success down here sooner or later will bring the attention of the
Smilers. Some Farmers take the protection offered by local gangs, in exchange for a steady „The water will
kill you. The
supply of grub-food. temperature
is just north of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int unbearably fething
hot. Conditions are
5” 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 9+ 8+ 5+ 7+ perfect for growing
everything from
SPECIAL RULES radioactive algae to
whatever that stuff
Grub’s Up: At the end of the Spend Experience step of the pre-battle sequence, roll a D6 for on your arm is. Be
each of the gang’s fighters that is In Recovery. On a roll of 6, a constant supply of good grub it ever so humble...
worms has helped them recover more quickly – the fighter’s In Recovery box on the gang feth it, this place is
roster is cleared, and they are now available for this battle.
Samson, Rogue
Sump Grub Farmer
Harvest Season: Instead, a player can declare that is a Grub Harvest Season. You can
re-roll any results on the Grub’s Up special rule, but after such an intense harvest the grub
population needs time to recover. You cannot use the Grub’s Up special rule in your next

Outlaw: A Rogue Sump Grub hired by an Outlaw gang is automatically an Outlaw


A Rogue Sump Grub Farmer is armed with a fighting knife and an autopistol.

A Rogue Sump Grub Farmer has no skills.
0-1 SUMP RUNNER ........................................................ 50 CREDITS
Dome Runners, who specialise in exploring the dangerous, uninhabited areas in the
Sumphulk, are often called “Sump Runners”. They are of course better equipped than their
“dome” cousins, in order to survive in such hostile environment. Every gang operating in the
Sumphulk knows that sometimes a good Sump Runner is the difference between returning in
safety to your hideout or being swallowed by the Sump. Some Sump Runners venture to the
furthest parts of the Sumphulk, with a slight hope of finding a way out of this hellish land.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
92 5” 4+ 5+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 10+ 7+ 6+ 7+
“Three steps left, Scout Ahead: Whenever a fighter from a gang with a Sump Runner opens a Loot
one step right and casket, they may choose to re-roll the D6 to determine what the contents are.
you are in shanty
town light!” However, they must accept the result of the re-roll, even if it is worse.
Sump Runners
Rhyme Sump knowledge: A gang employing a Sump Runner has much better information about
surrounding territories. When using Badzone Events from page 50 of the Necromunda
Book of Peril, the player can re-roll dice to discard the event. Additionally, if a mission uses
the Pitch Black rules, in the End Phase the controlling player can roll a D6. On a 6 the Pitch
Black rules no longer apply.

Outlaw: A Sump Runner hired by an Outlaw gang is automatically an Outlaw themselves.

A Sump Runner is armed with a grapnel launcher, a drop rig, mesh armour, a power pick
and either a laspistol or a stub gun.

A Sump Runner has the Lie Low skill.

0-1 POWER-JACKER ..................................................... 40 CREDITS
Power-Jackers are electrical experts working for the Smilers, transmitting power from higher
parts of the Sumphulk to the lower areas. Most of them know exactly which sectors of the
power grid work, which do not and which button to push if you want to turn the power down
or up. Gangs sometimes hire them because shutting lights down in the middle of the fight,
when you’ve equipped your men with photo-goggles beforehand, can quickly turn the tide of

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
5” 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 8+ 8+ 7+ 6+ 93
Shutdown: Once per battle a player can signal a Power- Jacker at the end of the End
Phase. In the next round, the Pitch Black rules will apply, as described on page 120 of the „And now, you can’t
see me. Or anything
Necromunda Rulebook. At the end of the next End Phase, the controlling player rolls a D6 – else.”
on a 4+ the Pitch Black rules will apply for one more round. Gritty,
Power-up: Instead, when a gang fights a scenario with the Pitch Black rules applied, once
per battle player can signal a Power-Jacker at the end of the End Phase. In the next round,
the Pitch Black rules will no longer apply. At the end of the next End Phase, the controlling
player rolls a D6 – on a 4+ Pitch Black rules will not apply for one more round

Outlaw: A Power-Jacker hired by an Outlaw gang is automatically an Outlaw themselves.

A Power-Jacker is armed with a laspistol, shock stave and a hazard suit.

A Power-Jacker has the Connected skill.
0-1 PUMP CHIEF ........................................................ 45 CREDITS
In the Sumphulk, fresh water must always go up to the Smilers in exchange for electricity and
in in order to slow down the sinking of the lower inhabited parts. Water travels through many
pump stations, whose work-bosses are known as “Pump Chiefs”. They are more than ready to
help gangs for credits, of course, and if a gang leader needs one sector “accidentally” flooded
it can always be arranged. Pump Chiefs are also known to sell small amounts of the fresh
water that ‘leaks’ from the Smilers’ pipes.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
94 5” 5+ 4+ 3 3 1 5+ 1 8+ 7+ 8+ 6+
“Cycle report: three Release the water: Once per battle, in the End Phase, a gang may call on their Pump Chief
thousand gallons to release water from a hidden tank. Until the end of the next round, all terrain features lower
up, five hundred
down. Worker’s than 2” (except Impassable Terrain) and open ground are treated as a Difficult Terrain (rules
losses: five souls, for Difficult Terrain are described on page 62 in the Necromunda Rulebook). In the next
status acceptable.” round the gang which has used this ability automatically has priority.
Pump Chief of Outlaw: A Pump Chief hired by an Outlaw gang is automatically an Outlaw themselves.
“Low Tide” Sector

A Pump Chief is armed with a stub gun and a hazard suit.

A Pump Chief has the Fixer skill.



“In the Sumphulk you need two things in order to survive: slagboard to escape the water and food to escape the starvation.”

Sumphhulk locals’ saying

The people of the Sumphulk are mostly trying to survive things necessary to survive, such as slagboard or feral
in its hellish environment. They do what they can to sump grubs, to brutal fights in the Carnivora’s arenas.
escape rising water and starvation. On the other hand,
some things never change, such as the War Pigs, being When a player fighting in the Sumphulk setting has the
descendants of House Goliath, organising brutal fights in option of choosing the scenario for their game they can,
Carnivora’s arenas. with the permission of the Arbitrator, choose one of the
following scenarios instead.
The following scenarios are designed to reflect some of the
daily life tasks of the Sumphulk citizens — from providing


While the scenarios presented here have been designed specifically for the Sumphulk setting, there
is no reason that they can’t be used for other types of skirmish or campaign games, with permission
of the Arbitrator. Some of them also lend themselves well to multi-player scenarios – such as the
Carnivora Clash, where multiple gangs leaders can test their might in a tense stand-off.
Gang protects group of lumberjacks cutting down fungus for slagboard.

This scenario uses the standard Battlefield Set-up rules, as This scenario uses the custom rules for deployment.
described on page 117 of the Necromunda Rulebook.
96 ATTACKER AND DEFENDER Nominate three points on the battlefield more than 12”
In this scenario, one gang is the attacker and the other is from the edge and 6” from each other and deploy Hive
the defender. In a campaign, the player who chose this Dwellers (using rules described on page 149 of the
scenario is the attacker. In a skirmish, players roll off and Necromunda Rulebook), one for each point. They represent
the winner decides whether they will attack or defend. fungi lumberjacks. Defender deploys their gang in 3” of
any Hive Dweller. Attacker deploys their whole gang 3”
CREWS from any battlefield edge. Attacker gains 1 Victory Point
This scenario uses the standard rules for choosing a crew, for each fungi lumberjack killed, while Defender gains
as described on page 118 of the Necromunda Rulebook. 1 Victory Point for each fungi lumberjack that survives the
The attacker uses the Custom Selection (7) method battle.
to choose their crew. The defender uses the Random
Selection (D3+2) method to determine their crew. The REINFORCEMENTS
remaining fighters in the defender’s gang are held off the The defender uses Reinforcements (see page 119 of
table as Reinforcements as described on page 119 of the the Necromunda Rulebook). At the end of the second
Necromunda Rulebook. round, and each round thereafter, a random fighter will
arrive in the End phase.
Each player may randomly choose two Tactics cards from
their Tactics deck. If, during the pre-battle sequence, the CREDITS
total credits value of fighters in one player’s starting crew The attacker adds D3x10 credits to their gang’s stash for
is less than their opponent’s then they may randomly each Lumberjack they kill.
draw an additional Tactics card for each full 100 credits of
difference. The defender adds D3x10 credits to their stash for each
Lumberjack that survived.
The battle ends when all lumberjacks have been killed, or if EXPERIENCE
only one gang has fighters remaining on the battlefield. Each fighter that took part in the battle earns 1 Experience 97
The gang who scored the most Victory points (see Each attacker who killed a Lumberjack earnsWExperience
previously) is the winner. In the case of a tie, if this battle point.
was fought as part of an Uprising Campaign, the gang
whose Allegiance currently has Ascendancy is the winner. REPUTATION
Otherwise, the battle ends in a draw. The victorious gang gains D3 Reputation.

If either gang bottled out, they lose 1 Reputation.


Players can add more watchmen protecting lumberjacks, controlled by the defender or the arbitrator.
They can also make the watchmen work for The Smilers, with two gangs joining forces to stop the
Smiler’s lumberjacks from completing their task. The Arbitrator can use the special event Spore
Clouds from page 53 of the Necromunda Book of Peril representing the inevitable release of clouds of
spores caused by cutting down fungal trees.


Each grand cycle, the best champions are pitted against each other to choose the strongest one.

BATTLEFIELD players use the Custom Selection (5) method to choose

This scenario uses the custom Battlefield Set-up rules. It their crew, and must include their Leader or a Champion
must be set as a square, consisting of four, nine or sixteen within their selection. The remaining fighters in each gang
tiles. are held off the table as Reinforcements as described on
98 page 119 of the Necromunda Rulebook.
IIn this scenario, there is no attacker or defender, and may DEPLOYMENT
be played as a multiplayer scenario for up to four Players, This scenario uses the custom rules for deployment. Each
with all the multiplayer rules that apply. player’s starting Fighter is set up 12” from the centre of the
board, and more than 6” from other Fighters.
This scenario uses the standard rules for choosing a crew,
as described on page 118 of the Necromunda Rulebook. All


Players can model the battlefield as a big Arena to represent the Carnivora. The Arbitrator can also add
beasts, Hive Dweller spectators (the rules for which are found on page 149 of the Necromunda Rulebook) or
even some extra Carnivora Champions to make scenario harder and more interesting.
Each starting Fighter, be it a Leader or a Champion, is The battle ends when only one Carnivora Champion
referred as Carnivora Champion. In this scenario, these remains on the table.
fighters cannot use any range weapons or grenades, even
if they are equipped with them. They must try to kill their VICTORY
opponents in hand-to-hand combat, but as other fighters The gang whose Carnivora Champion put most fighters
jump in the arena, the pit-fight turns into a full gang battle. Out of Action is the winner. In the case of a tie, if this battle
was fought as part of an Uprising Campaign, the gang
Fighters who arrive as Reinforcements can intercept whose Allegiance currently has Ascendancy is the winner.
ranged attacks aimed at their Carnivora Champion, if they Otherwise, the battle ends in a draw.
are within 3” of the Carnivora Champions base. The hit and
all its effects are transferred onto the intercepting Fighter. REWARDS 99
As using grenades and ranged weapons is against the CREDITS
Carnivora Arena rules, any gang who uses them must pay The Player adds D3x10 credits to their gang’s stash
D6x10 Credits to the Pit-Masters. If they do not, they must for each Fighter put Out of Action by their Carnivora
choose one of their fighters not in Recovery – this fighter Champion.
is sent to the Slave-Pits as payment for breaking the rules.
The fighter must make a roll on the Lasting injury table. EXPERIENCE
Each fighter that took part in the battle earns 1 Experience
All players use Reinforcements (see page 119 of
the Necromunda Rulebook). At the end of the second Each Carnivora Champion who puts another Carnivora
round, and each round thereafter, a random fighter will Champion Out of Action earns 1 additional Experience
arrive in the End phase. point.


Each player may choose one Tactic cards from their The victorious gang gains D3 Reputation.
Tactics deck. If, during the pre-battle sequence, the total
credits value of fighters in one player’s starting crew is Any gang who used any ranged weapons or grenades
less than their opponent’s then they may randomly draw loses 5 Reputation.
an additional Tactics card for each full 100 credits of
The best way to catch feral grubs is to find their breeding nest and transport the youngest ones to the grub farms.

This scenario uses the standard Battlefield Set-up rules, as This scenario uses the standard rules for deployment
described on page 117 of the Necromunda Rulebook. from page 119 of the Necromunda Rulebook.


In this scenario, one gang is the attacker and the other is Players set up four Loot Caskets more than 12” from the
the defender. In a campaign, the player who chose this battlefield edge and more than 6” from each other. These
scenario is the attacker. In a skirmish, players roll off and represent cages with young grubs. However, it is not
the winner decides whether they will attack or defend. an easy task to move them, as grubs will try everything
they can to not be transported, such as biting or trying to
CREWS escape. Whenever a Fighter tries to perform Drag Loot
This scenario uses the standard rules for choosing a crew, Casket (Simple) action on a grub cage, they must make
as described on page 118 of the Necromunda Rulebook. a Strength test. If the test is failed, the Fighter’s action is
Both attacker and defender use the Custom Selection (X) lost and the Fighter suffers a Flesh Wound.
method to choose their crew.


Grubs grow very fast, so the main dangers of harvesting their younglings are their escaping from the
caskets, and encountering the parents while harvesting the nests. The larger grubs are much more
aggressive, as they need food for their quick growth cycle, so they will gleefully attack much larger
opponents. The Arbitrator can add several Feral Grub Swarms to the battlefield, or even use the rules
for creating a Xenos Abomination (rules found on page 100 of the Necromunda Book of Ruin) to create
mutated Grubs. These vary in size and behaviour, and are more than ready to eat any “harvester” who
mistakes them for young grubs.
Each player may randomly choose two Tactics cards from
their Tactics deck. If, during the pre-battle sequence, the CREDITS
total credits value of fighters in one player’s starting crew Players adds D3x10 credits to their gang’s stash for each
is less than their opponent’s then they may randomly Grub Casket in their deployment zone at the end of the
draw an additional Tactics card for each full 100 credits of battle.
ENDING THE BATTLE Each fighter that took part in the battle earns 1 Experience
The battle ends when only one gang has fighters point.
remaining on the battlefield.
Players adds D3x10 credits to their gang’s stash for each 101
VICTORY Grub Casket in their deployment zone at the end of the
The gang who collected the most Grub Caskets is the battle.
winner. In the case of a tie, if this battle was fought as part
of an Uprising Campaign, the gang whose Allegiance REPUTATION
currently has Ascendancy is the winner. Otherwise, the The victorious gang gains 1 Reputation.
battle ends in a draw.
If either gang bottled out, they lose 1 Reputation.


by Jacob


by Kacper Kuc

One time, a hiver with a forgotten name was travelling through

the Badzones near the Underhive Settlement of Thundertown.
After being lost in half-collapsed domes, thirst forced him to drink
water oozing from a rusted pipe. Shortly after, a strange disease
started destroying his body, causing deformation and pain. The
lost hiver was no more, and the Lord of Maggots was born. He
did not know that the disease which had corrupted his soul was
the Traveller Strain, which somehow found its way up to the
Underhive from the Sumphulk.
by Giovanni Calapaj




Giovanni Calapaj
by Alastair Fleming



Alastair Fleming






Alastair Fleming
by Alastair Fleming




by Olf Awok






Olf Awok



Olf Awok

These are strange breed of
creatures, who sometimes help
Hulkers working in the Docks
in exchange for food and trash
worthless to anyone except
the most desperate of souls.
Curiously, they seem to be
immune to the Traveller Strain




by Steve Brice











Steve Brice

Steve Brice

by Dave Rosewell

The bloated and disgusting form of Hel’ga

“Hellspawn” is truly a horrid sight to behold, born of
the stuff of nightmares. The old hag’s constant use of
her warp powers has caused her to bloat and mutate,
the lower half of her body now transformed into that
of a giant slug with massive lamprey arms. Able to
114 summon giant Sump Grubs and Slugs, blue warp-fire
dances across her chubby fingers, and envelopes
the skull atop her crude psychic staff. Hel’ga dwells
somewhere deep in “The Skirts”; and her lair is said
to be made of her victims’ bones.

by Lewis Bingol




by James Gowing-Pope

by Cy Dudley








by Will Cooper



Will Cooper
by Andy Rodriguez








Sol Vince

by Eric Bauer




Sol Vince
by Dave Rosewell






Dave Rosewell
by Alastair Fleming



by Steve Birce
by Will Cooper


Sol Vince

Sol Vince Sol Vince

Sol Vince

Steve Brice


by Kacper Kuc
by Kacper Kuc


Steve Brice
by Bryan Paul Rees

Materials for printing, made by Carl Johnston, availiable to download from:

Materials for printing, made by Carl Johnston, availiable to download from:

Materials for printing, made by Carl Johnston, availiable to download from:

Materials for printing, made by Carl Johnston, availiable to download from:

As the thunderous roar from the collapse
begins to fall silent, deep within the void a
signal is received.

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