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Apocrypha Necromunda - Twins of Two Tunnels

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The passage provides background on the twins Gaen and Vunder Gorvos who were born into a criminal family in the underhive of Necromunda. It also describes Gaen's repeated attempts to kill her brother Vunder.

Gaen repeatedly tried to kill her brother Vunder growing up, seeing him as weak and entitled, though she was never successful. They were born into a powerful criminal family that controlled territory in the underhive.

The Gunk Tank is a large container in the centre of the battlefield that stores valuable gunk. The scenario involves one gang defending the Gunk Tank while another tries to topple it. Toppling the tank would deprive the defenders of an important resource.



The wilds, wastes and badzones of Necromunda are filled with legends and myths of every colour and kind
imaginable. Some of them are even true. Wander into any drinking hole in Hive Primus and crack open a
bottle of Wild Snake (or Second Best if you’re a little light on creds) and within moments some crusty-faced
local will be bending your ear with a tale or two. Maybe their little corner of the underhive was once the
site of a showdown between the notorious Carrion Queens and the equally nefarious Irontree Reavers,
or perhaps the legendary bounty hunter Kal Jericho drank at the very bar you’re sitting at now and they
got close enough to touch the hem of his duster. Whatever the yarn, you’d do well to listen carefully, for
hidden in every story is at least a grain of truth, and maybe even a lesson or two that might keep you alive
when you’re next out wandering the badzones looking for trouble…

TWINS OF TWO TUNNELS While Talon’s old gang captains were soon deferring
Some twenty odd great cycles ago a special pair of to her daughter, no one respected the preening
twins were born into the cruel underhive of Hive Vunder, who seemed more interested in uphive
Primus. Unlike most children born on Necromunda fashion than trying to protect the family gunk trade.
their fate was not to be one of crushing social This was not to say Vunder was a complete simpleton,
obligation and endless work quotas. Rather they were indeed he was a masterful swordsman and a skilled
born into criminal nobility. The twins were Vunder fighter, only that, in his naivety, he considered himself
Gorvos and his sister Gaen Gorvos, heirs to the to be somehow better than the filth he shared the
Gorvos gunk fortune of Two Tunnels. Their mother, underhive with.
Talon Gorvos, was the last survivor of the Gorvos
clan, having managed to broker an alliance with the Numerous times during their childhood Gaen tried to
Faebrun and Kaorka criminal families for a stake in kill Vunder. Once, during a trip to Drake’s Gantry to
the running of Two Tunnels, Drake’s Gantry and the watch the hanging of some outlanders she pushed
Grey Wastes Trading Post. Rumour had it that Talon her brother off the edge of the Abyss – though
had fed her own husband Gravis (Vunder’s and Gaen’s frustratingly for her he only fell half a dozen metres
father) to her pet Sumpkroc when he tried to double before his ridiculously extravagant cloak snagged
cross her. That the creature still wore the remnants of on a broken pipe. Then there was the time she was
Gravis’ favourite hat was a timely reminder as to the cleaning her mother’s boltgun and it ‘accidentally’
lengths Talon would go to protect her business. went off. Once again Gaen was foiled by Vunder’s
charmed life as the bolt round failed to detonate
Vunder and Gaen grew up with everything a pair – merely leaving a nasty dent in the lho stick case
of underhive brats could want – bullets, blades Vunder kept in his chest pocket. A few times, in her
and experimental chems, along with a gang of more reckless moments, Gaen even simply tried to
sycophantic followers willing to do anything they stab her brother in the face, though he thought they
asked (on pain of being fed alive to a Sumpkroc). were sparring and merrily duelled away until Gaen got
While Gaen took to heart the lessons their mother bored and gave up.
taught them, and earned her scars fighting with the
gutter gangs, Vunder quickly became an entitled fop.
Perhaps the closest Gaen has come to killing her Axon Hammer, Scourge of the Spider Points and
brother was when the Goliath Forge Tyrant Axon master of the Irontree Reavers, was imposing, even for
Hammer and his Irontree Reavers came to Two a Goliath. An outlaw of the ash wastes and favoured
Tunnels. By this time the Gorvos twins were fully agent of the Over-tyrant, Axon had been dealing with
grown and leading their own criminal syndicate, their a ‘dispute’ between the Goliath and Escher in the
mother Talon having long ago ‘wandered off into Nexus of Hive Primus when he was approached by
the badzones’ to let her children run the business. the supposed ruler of Two Tunnels with promises of
Not a drop of gunk flowed through Two Tunnels alliance and trade between the Gorvos crime family
without the Gorvos twins getting their cut, mostly and Clan Goliath. Amused by the little man in the
due to the savagery of Gaen and her zero-tolerance pretty coat, and intrigued by the wealth of gunk
policy on betrayal. When the propagandist Ecke Shill Vunder claimed Two Tunnels possessed, Axon had 3
strode into town shouting something about a falling agreed to let the Gorvos twin lead him to this prize –
hammer, Gaen was among the first to see what all if the people of Two Tunnels didn’t see them coming
the racket was about. Festooned with vox-casters until it was too late then all the better.
and pict screens, Ecke stood in the middle of Two
Tunnels and proclaimed the coming of Axon – the Unfortunately for Axon, there was another Gorvos
one true Tyrant of House Goliath, come to claim his twin – and she was not about to cede control of her
due in gunk. Gaen might have gunned down the gunk to any Clan House. So, as Axon and Vunder
mouthy Ecke right there and then, had not it been stopped to watch Ecke and Url engage in their verbal
bad luck to kill a propagandist in plain sight – as your war, Gaen squared off against them from the other
reputation is trashed throughout the underhive by the side of the street, her hive scum spreading out to
other propagandists. Instead she went back into the counter Axon’s Goliath fighters, who themselves
Gunk Tank – Two Tunnels’ main drinking hole (not to were arrayed around their boss. For what seemed
be confused with the actual Gunk Tank that stood like minutes the two sides eyed each other over the
just behind the bar) – and kicked awake Url Twice- squabbling propagandist and agitator, though in
broke, the local agitator. Dragging the ragged man reality it was probably only seconds. Then Vunder,
out onto the street she gave him a shove, propelling enjoying the show, caught his sister’s gaze and the
him toward Ecke. Shaking off a Wild Snake hangover, smile fell from his face as he read her murderous
Url quickly came to his senses and began yelling intent. His hand was already falling to his pair of
obscenities at the propagandist. Soon the two were gold-plated stub guns when Gaen hurled a throwing
circling each other in the street, trading insults and knife with a flick of her wrist – the blade taking
overblown lies about their respective masters. the Goliath next to Vunder in the throat. Both Ecke
and Url abruptly stopped their dance and threw
This was the scene that greeted Axon as he walked themselves down, as gunfire erupted from both sides
into Two Tunnels with Vunder at his side, the Gorvos of the street.
twin happily pointing out the sights. To say Gaen was
displeased with her brother’s in-character betrayal was
an understatement, and she ordered her hive scum
out into the street to meet the Goliaths – promising
anyone who could put a bullet between her brother’s
eyes their body volume in gunk.
This was a language Axon knew well, and the When a bullet sparked off his furnace plate, Axon
Forge Tyrant grinned as he pumped bolt rounds into turned on the Gorvos twins, his combi-bolter coming
anything that moved. To his left and right scum and up, its plasma coils glowing a brilliant blue. Gaen
Goliath fighters traded bullets and grenades, turning threw herself to the ground as the blazing energy
the street into a warzone. Those few residents of bolt seared the air where she had been standing a
Two Tunnels who had come out to watch the war of moment before – while Vunder, standing next to her,
words between Ecke and Url now wisely fled back merely looked a bit surprised. From the ground, Gaen
inside, though not before a few of them were torn yanked a gunk bomb from her belt and pulled the pin
apart in the crossfire. out with her teeth. Vunder was flanking the massive
gang leader now, firing pistol shots to keep him
4 Gaen, driven by hatred for her sibling, rushed across distracted and more importantly stop him helping his
the street, dodging spud jacker swings and stub gangers as they continued to haul at the Gunk Tank.
rounds. She was only a stride away from Vunder With an overhand throw, Gaen pitched the gunk
when a Goliath ganger loomed up before her, a bomb into Axon’s chest, the explosive bursting over
massive renderizer gripped in his hands. The brute him in a shower of glowing goo. With a scream of
swung the weapon in a wide arc, Gaen sliding under tortured metal, the Gunk Tank tipped a dozen degrees
its teeth and flinging a pair of knives into his groin. toward the ground and a tide of gunk washed down
Darting in under the surprised fighter’s reach she drew over the gathered Goliaths. The enormous brutes
and thrust her sword in a single fluid motion, driving slipped and fell in the mess, but were starting to get
the blade through the Goliath’s jaw and up into his to their feet when Vunder and Gaen shared a look
brain. Even as the brute collapsed, she vaulted over – the pair turning their fire on the spreading pool of
his body and crashed into her brother. fluid. Rounds tore up the ground until one, catching a
piece of scrap, threw up a shower of sparks, and the
Gaen bore Vunder to the ground and was ready to gunk roared into the sea of flame.
drive her sword into his neck when her brother’s
panicked look stopped her. Following Vunder’s gaze Burning Goliath fighters, including Axon, ran in all
she saw Axon and a group of Goliath had reached directions, rushing to be free of the inferno. Seeing
the Gunk Tank and were hauling on chains to bring it their leader aflame, those Reavers not caught in
down. Even as she watched, the tank’s supports were the fire soon lost heart and joined the retreat. The
bending and precious gunk was slopping out onto Gorvos twins followed them with precise shots from
the dusty streets of Two Tunnels. For a moment her autogun and stub pistols, the surviving scum rallying
rage at her brother was stayed by the small voice of around them as they drove the Goliaths back into the
reason in the back of her mind that was telling her badzones. The last sight the pair had of Axon was of
she still needed him – at least to undo the mess he the Forge Tyrant hurling himself into the Abyss on the
had created. outskirts of town, trailing flame as he vanished into
the darkness.
Gaen dragged Vunder to his feet, her brother visibly
relieved his sister was not about to murder him, and High on the triumph of their victory over the Goliaths,
turned on the remaining Goliaths. the Gorvos twins drank and laughed together all cycle
– until Vunder made a remark about marrying Gaen
Having recovered from the initial chaos of the battle, off to one of the other Two Tunnels families, and she
Ecke was now rousing the Goliath with his vox array, went back to plotting his murder. The true victor of
while Url did the same for those scum not bleeding the battle for the Gunk Tank, however, was Url. The
out on the ground. What had started as a furious agitator showing off his new vox array and practising
close quarters gunfight had now descended into his best insults on Ecke – whose broken corpse now
a dozen smaller shootouts, groups of scum and decorated the taproom of the Gunk Tank.
Goliaths chasing each other between the narrow
streets and alleys surrounding the Gunk Tank. Gaen
and Vunder ignored these lesser foes and made
directly for Axon; Gaen peppering the area with
autogun fire while Vunder snapped off stub gun shots
between apologies to his sister for bringing Axon to
their doorstep.
Presented below are special rules that will allow you to recreate the events described in Twins of Two
Tunnels, as well as new options for Underhive Outcast and Goliath gangs. If the Arbitrator wishes, these
rules can be used during a campaign.


When founding an Underhive Outcast gang they can be led by Gaen ‘The Gunk Queen’ Gorvos and have her
brother Vunder Gorvos as a Champion. To do so, apply the following effects: 5
• Gaen ‘The Gunk Queen’ Gorvos is the gang’s Leader. She has the Criminal Organisation Affiliation and
Mastermind Archetype.
• Vunder Gorvos is one of the gang’s Champions. He has the Survivor Archetype.
• All members of the gang may take gunk bombs (see Necromunda: The Book of Peril page 89) for
20 credits each.

Both Propagandists and Agitators gain an additional action they may perform; Propagandists may perform the
Rally Allies (Basic) action while Agitators may perform the Rile ‘em Up (Basic) action:

Rally Allies (Basic): The Propagandist exalts the greatness of their gang and its leader. All friendly fighters
within 12" of the Propagandist may add 1 to their Cool characteristic until the end of this round.

Rile ‘em Up (Basic): The Agitator fires up their allies, extolling the glory that awaits them. All friendly fighters
within 12" of the Agitator may add 1" to their Movement characteristic until the end of this round.


The following additional Goliath Gene-smithing options are available when founding a Goliath gang:

THERMAL RESISTANCE...........................................................................................+10 CREDITS

Vatborn Goliaths only

This fighter has been designed to work the heat of the forges for cycles at a time without breaks and as such
their body has been adapted to withstand great heat without damage. Reduce the Strength of any attacks
made with the Blaze trait against this fighter by 1, to a minimum of 1.

ENHANCED STAMINA..............................................................................................+20 CREDITS

Natborn Goliaths only

Some Goliaths come from long lines of cargo handlers, and a genetic legacy of hefting large, heavy and
cumbersome loads around has left this fighter with the ability to carry far more than even their fellow Goliaths
can manage. This fighter may treat weapons marked with a * as only taking up one of their weapon slots.

UNIQUE ORGAN TRANSPLANT............................................................................... -10 CREDITS

Unborn Goliaths only

When this fighter was under the knife being transformed into a Goliath, something went wrong and they only
survived due to the Doc using specially gene-coded organs that are expensive to maintain or replace. When this
fighter suffers a Critical Injury, increase the credit cost of the Medical Escort action for them by D6x10 credits.
‘Waiting for the Hammer to fall? This is the Gunk Queen’s territory and he can’t touch it!’

Url Twice-broke, Two Tunnels Agitator

In this scenario, a gang defends its precious Gunk Tank whilst a rival gang tries to pull it down.


6 In this scenario, one gang is the attacker and the Each player may choose two gang tactics from those
other is the defender. In a campaign, the player who available to their gang. If, during the pre-battle
chose this scenario is the attacker. In a skirmish, sequence, the total credits value of fighters in one
players roll off and the winner decides whether they player’s starting crew is less than their opponent’s,
will attack or defend. they may randomly determine one additional gang
tactic for each full 100 credits of difference.
This scenario can be played as either a Zone Mortalis ENDING THE BATTLE
or Sector Mechanicus battle; vehicles and wargear The battle ends immediately if, at the end of any
that grant the Mounted condition cannot be round, only one gang has fighters remaining on the
included in either gang’s crew. battlefield or the Gunk Tank has fallen.

Set up the battlefield as described in the Battlefield If the Gunk Tank has fallen the attacker wins,
Set-up section of the Necromunda Rulebook. Players otherwise, the defender wins.
should place a Gunk Tank in the centre of the
battlefield (see page 7). REWARDS
CREWS The victorious gang adds D6x10 credits to their Stash.
This scenario uses the standard rules for choosing a
crew as described in the Battlefield Set-up section EXPERIENCE
of the Necromunda Rulebook. Both gangs use the Every fighter who took part in the battle earns 1 XP.
Custom Selection (7) method.
Each time an attacking fighter successfully adds
DEPLOYMENT a Toppled token to the Gunk Tank, they earn 1
The defender deploys their starting crew within 6" additional XP.
of the Gunk Tank. The attacker then deploys their
starting crew within 3" of any battlefield edge. REPUTATION
The victorious gang gains D3 Reputation.

If either gang bottled out, they lose 1 Reputation.

The defender has the Home Turf Advantage. TWINS OF TWO TUNNELS
If players wish, they may use this scenario to
THE GORVOS GUNK TANK represent Axon Hammer’s attempt to destroy the
Central to the fight is the Gunk Tank, with the Gunk Tank at the heart of Two Tunnels. In order
attacker attempting to topple it to deprive the to do this, make the following changes:
defender of much needed gunk. The Gunk Tank can
be represented by any suitable large container (ideally • The attacker’s gang should be a Goliath gang
at least 3" in diameter) – the one found in the Zone including a Propagandist and Axon Hammer
Mortalis: Gang Stronghold is perfect. using the Irontree Reavers rules (see page 5).
• The defender’s gang should be an Underhive 7
Any Standing and Active attacking fighter within 1" Outcast gang including an Agitator and led by
of the Gunk Tank may make the Topple Tank (Double) Gaen and Vunder Gorvos (see page 5).
action: • The War of Words special rule is in effect (see
page 5).
Topple Tank (Double): The active fighter rolls a D6
and adds their Strength. If the total is 8 or higher then
the Gunk Tank starts to fall ­­– place a Toppled token
next to the Gunk Tank.

Once the Gunk Tank has four Toppled tokens, it

falls! All fighters within 3" of the Gunk Tank are
placed Prone and Pinned and suffer a S4, AP -, D1 hit
and the Topple Tank (Double) action may no longer
be performed.


If either gang voluntarily bottles out and subsequently
flees the battlefield, their opponent automatically
wins the scenario.

Permission to download/print for personal use only.

© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2022


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