Review article
ISSN Print: 2664-6862
ISSN Online: 2664-6870
A pharmacological evaluation for the ethanolic extract
Impact Factor: RJIF 8
IJPRD 2023; 5(1): 19-22
of Alpinia Calcarata rhizome for it’s anti - asthmatic,
www.pharmaceuticaljournal.net antioxidant and anti -inflammatory activities
Received: 03-03-2023
Accepted: 07-04-2023
Asthma is characterized by
Airway inflammation: The airway lining becomes red, swollen, and narrow.
Airway obstruction: The muscles encircling the airway tighten causing the airway to
narrow making it difficult to get air in and out of the lungs.
Airway hyper-responsiveness: The muscles encircling the airway respond more quickly and
vigorously to small amounts of allergens and irritants.
Pathophysiology and pathogenesis of asthma effects on airway function. After the discovery of these
Airflow limitation in asthma is recurrent and caused by a distinct lymphocyte subpopulations in animal models of
variety of changes in the airway. allergic inflammation, evidence emerged that, in human
These include: asthma, a shift, or predilection, toward the Th2-cytokine
profile resulted in the eosinophilic inflammation
Bronchoconstriction characteristic of asthma. In addition, generation of Th2
In asthma, the dominant physiological event leading to cytokines (e.g., interleukin- 4 (IL-4), IL-5 and IL-3) could
clinical symptoms is airway narrowing and a subsequent also explain the overproduction of IgE, presence of
interference with airflow. In acute exacerbations of asthma, eosinophils, and development of airway hyper-
bronchial smooth muscle contraction (bronchoconstriction) responsiveness. There also may be a reduction in a subgroup
occurs quickly to narrow the airways in response to of lymphocytes, regulatory T cells, which normally inhibit
exposure to a variety of stimuli including allergens or Th2 cells, as well as an increase in natural killer (NK) cells
irritants. that release large amounts of Th1 and Th2 cytokines. T
Allergen-induced acute bronchoconstriction results from an lymphocytes, along with other airway resident cells, also
Ig E-dependent release of mediators from mast cells that can determine the development and degree of airway
includes histamine, tryptase, leukotrienes and prostaglandins remodeling.
that directly contract airway smooth muscle.
Mast cells
Airway edema Activation of mucosal mast cells releases bronchoconstrictor
As the disease becomes more persistent and inflammation mediators (histamine, cysteinyl-leukotrienes, prostaglandin
more progressive, other factors further limit airflow. These D2). Although allergen activation occurs through high
include edema, inflammation, mucus hyper secretion and affinity IgE receptors and is likely the most relevant
the formation of inspissated mucus plugs, as well as reaction, sensitized mast cells also may be activated by
structural changes including hypertrophy and hyperplasia of osmotic stimuli to account for exercise induced
the airway smooth muscle. These latter changes may not bronchospasm (EIB). Increased number of mast cells in
respond to usual treatment. airway smooth muscle may be linked to airway hyper-
responsiveness. Mast cells also can release a large number
Airway remodeling of cytokines to change the airway environment and promote
In some persons who have asthma, airflow limitation may inflammation even though exposure to allergens is limited.
be only partially reversible. Permanent structural changes
can occur in the airway; these are associated with a Eosinophils
progressive loss of lung function that is not prevented by or Increased numbers of eosinophils exist in the airways of
fully reversible by current therapy. Airway remodeling most, but not all, persons who have asthma. These cells
involves an activation of many ofthe structural cells, with contain inflammatory enzymes, generate leukotrienes, and
consequent permanent changes in the airway that increase express a wide variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
airflow obstruction and airway responsiveness and render Increases in eosinophils often correlate with greater asthma
the patient less responsive to therapy [2]. severity. In addition, numerous studies show that treating
asthma with effecter cell in asthma, it likely has a distinct
Pathophysiologic mechanism in the development of air role in different phases of the disease. Corticosteroids
way inflammation reduces circulating and airway eosinophils in parallel with
Inflammation has a central role in the pathophysiology of clinical improvement. However, the role and contribution of
asthma. As noted in the definition of asthma, airway eosinophils to asthma is undergoing a re-evaluation based
inflammation involves an interaction of many cell types and on studies with an anti-IL-5 treatment that has significantly
multiple mediators with the airways that eventually results reduced eosinophils but did not affect asthma control.
in the characteristics pathophysiologic features of the Therefore, although the eosinophil may not be the only
disease, bronchial inflammation and airflow limitation that primary
result in current episodes of cough, wheeze, and shortness of
breath. The process by which these interactive events occur Neutrophils
and leads to asthma are still under investigation. The pattern Neutrophils are increased in the airways and sputum of
of airway inflammation in asthma, however does not persons who have severe asthma, during acute
necessarily vary depending upon the disease severity, exacerbations, and in the presence of smoking. Their
persistence and duration of disease. The cellular profile and pathophysiological role remains uncertain; they may be a
the response of the structural cells in asthma are quite determinant of a lack of response to corticosteroid
consistent [3]. treatment. The regulation of neutrophil recruitment,
activation, and alteration in lung function is still under
Inflammatory Cells: Lymphocytes study, but leukotriene B4 may contribute to these processes.
An increased understanding of the development and
regulation of airway inflammation in asthma followed the Dendritic cells
discovery and description of subpopulations of These cells function as key antigen-presenting cells that
lymphocytes, T helper1 cells and T helper2 cells with interact with allergens from the airway surface and then
distinct inflammatory mediator profiles and asthma as a Th2 migrate to regional lymph nodes to interact with regulatory
disease, recognizing the importance of number of families cells and ultimately to stimulate Th2 cell production from
of cytokines and chemokines has advanced our naive T cells.
understanding of the development of airway inflammation
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Signs of inflammation
The main signs of inflammation are
Redness (Latin rubor)
Heat (calor)
Swelling (tumor)
Plant description
Pain (dolor)
Selected plant: Alpinia Calcarata
Inflammation may be classified as
Acute inflammation
Chronic inflammation
Kingdom Plantae
Division Mangnoliphyta
Antioxidants Class Liliopsida
The ability to utilize oxygen has provided humans with the Order Zingiberales
benefit of metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates for Family Zingiberaceae
energy; however, it does not come without cost. Oxygen is a Genus Alpinia
highly reactive atom that is capable of becoming part of Species Alpinia Calcarata
potentially damaging molecules commonly called “free
radicals.” Free radicals are capable of attacking the healthy Synonyms
cells of the body, causing them to lose their structure and Alpinia Calcarata Rosk., Alpinia erecta Lodd. and Steud.,
function [13]. Alpinia bracheata Rosk., Alpinia cerrnta Sims., Renealmia
Cell damage caused by free radicals appears to be a major calcarata Haw., Globba eracta Retx., Languascalcarata Mem
contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases of aging [31]
such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, immune
system decline, and brain dysfunction. Overall, free radicals Selected Vernacular Names
have been implicated in the pathogenesis of at least 50 Sinhala- Heen aratta, Aratta English- Galanga, Small
diseases. Fortunately, free radical formation is controlled galangal Tamil-Amkolinji Sanskrit- Rasna [32].
naturally by various beneficial compounds known as
antioxidants. It is when the availability of antioxidants is Distribution
limited that this damage can become cumulative and It is native to India. Occurs in Southern Malay Peninsula
debilitating [14]. and Sri Lanka. It is common in village gardens in Sri Lanka
Free radicals are electrically charged molecules, i.e., they [33]
have an unpaired electron, which causes them to seek out
and capture electrons from other substances in order to Conclusion
neutralize themselves. Although the initial attack causes the In current study Alpinia Calcarata significantly inhibited
free radical to become neutralized, another free radical is histamine induced indicating its H1 receptor antagonist
formed in the process, causing a chain reaction to occur. activity supports anti asthmatic property of the plant. The
And until subsequent free radicals are deactivated, antioxidant property was studied by hydrogen peroxide
thousands of free radical reactions can occur within seconds scavenging assay and reducing power assay. Hydrogen
of the initial reaction. Antioxidants are capable of peroxide scavenging ability of ethanolic extract of Alpinia
stabilizing, or deactivating, free radicals before they attack Calcarata rhizomes revealed that the extract scavenges the
cells. Antioxidants are absolutely critical for maintaining hydrogen peroxide. However, the hydrogen peroxide
optimal cellular and systemic health and well-being [15]. scavenging ability was low comparing to standard (ascorbic
acid). Reducing power of ethanolic extract of Alpinia
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