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Determination of Groundwater Potential in Obiaruku and Environs Using Surface Geoelectric Sounding

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Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308

DOI 10.1007/s 10669-006-0159-x

Determination of groundwater potential in obiaruku and

environs using surface geoelectric sounding
J. O. Oseji • M. B. Asokhia • E. C. Okolie

© Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006

Abstract The interpretation of ten resistivity curves Introduction
in Obiaruku and environs indicates that the area has a
great groundwater potential. Correlation of the curves Groundwater is water that occurs beneath the surface
with the lithologic log from a nearby borehole in Ghana of the earth within saturated zones where the hydro-
quarters, reveals the lithologic succession as an exten- static pressure is equal to or greater than atmospheric
sive sandy unit between the range of 20 m and 136 m. pressure. It is among the natural resources of prime im-
The medium grained sand unit, which is the aquifer- portance to man. From earliest time and in many parts
ous zone, has a resistivity range of between 300 f2m of the world, the development of civilization has been
and 600 £2m. The result of the interpreted data and the dependent upon it. Despite our familiarity with water,
lithologic log from the borehole indicates three to five its occurrence is still a subject of misconceptions. For
geoelectric layers except at Adonishaka, which has a example, it is commonly believed that groundwater
confined aquifer in the third layer and Umukwata that occurs in large lakes or pools beneath the land. The
has a confined aquifer in the second layer, the study truth is that it occurs in pore spaces and fractures in
area generally has an unconfined aquifer, which is in the rocks (Tyson, 1993). Nearly all the water in the ground
second layer. In the event of pollution, the groundwa- comes from precipitation that has infiltrated into the
ter may be contaminated. Sinking of water borehole is earth. Observations have shown that a good deal of
not recommended in these areas. Boreholes for potable surplus rainfall runs-off over the surface of the ground
water are therefore recommended at locations within while the other part of it infiltrates underground and
Adonishaka and Umukwata areas. The present study becomes the groundwater responsible for the springs,
acts as a guide for future groundwater exploration and lakes and wells (Oseji et al., 2005)
exploitation. The town Obiaruku was recently made the Head-
quarter of Ukwuani Local Government Area in Delta
Keywords Vertical electrical sounding • Groundwater State resulting in Government investments. Secondly,
potential • Aquifer thickness and depth • Obiaruku • over 40% of the workers in Delta State University,
Obinomba • Ebedei • Umutu • Umuaja Abraka live in Obiaruku. These factors led to a huge
increase in population and consequently a high demand
J. O. Oseji (El) ■ E. C. Okolie for potable water.
Department of Physics, Delta State University, Abraka
e-mail: Oseji2002@yahoo.com To obtain a potable water supply, surface geoelectric
soundings were necessary in the study area. Hence the
M. B. Asokhia study was carried out to establish baseline geophysical
Department of Physics. Ambrose Ali University. Ekpoma data and hydrological characteristics using the Vertical
id Springer
302 Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308
Electrical Sounding (VES) method and lithologic log Oyedele (2001) were used as guides in the interpreta-
from nearby borehole in Ghana quarters Obiaruku. tion of resistivity data in terms of probable aquifer in
The VES was chosen for this study because the in- this work.
strumentation is simple; field logistics are easy and In a sedimentary environment, high resistivity may
straightforward and the analysis of data is economi- broadly be associated with the presence of fresh
cal and less tedious than other methods. Zhody et al. groundwater in porous medium (aquifer), but low re-
(1974), Ekine and Osobonye (1996), Van Overneeren sistivity may result from the presence of clays and /or
(1989), Etu-Efeotor and Akpokodje (1990) and Ako brackish water (Emenike, 2000).
and Olorunfemi (1989).
The resistivity technique has been used successfully
in investigating groundwater potential in different ge- Location of the area
ological settings. Emenike (2000) used this method to
explore for groundwater in a sedimentary environment. The study area Obiaruku and environs is in Ukwuani
Ako and Osundu (1985) used the method to delineate Local Government Area of Delta State carved out from
aquifer units and established the thickness and depth the former Ndokwa west Local Government Area on
of water bearing formation. Okwueze (1996) used the December 4, 1996. It is located in the southwestern
method to determine the groundwater potential of end of Nigeria called the Niger-Delta basin. The de-
Obudu basement area. tailed description of the geology of Niger-Delta has
Resistivity of water may vary from 0.2 to over 100 been extensively given by Short and Stauble (1967)
Ohm-m depending on its ionic concentration and the and Kogbe (1981). It lies within Latitudes 5° 51' N and
amount of dissolved solids (Ali et al., 1999). Resistivity 5° 521 N and Longitudes 6° 121 E and 6° 18'E and is
of natural water and sediments without clay vary from bounded in the North by Obi-obeti, South by Abraka,
1 to 1000 ohm-m, while the resistivity of clay alone East by Utagba-uno and Amai communities while it
may vary from 1 to 120 Ohm-m (Zhody and Martin, is bounded in the West by River Ethiope (Fig. 1). The
1993). The type of curve (Selemo et al., 1995) and the area is accessible by a network of roads. The Sapele-
modified table of resistivity of water and sediments by Abraka-Agbor Express-way is the major road into the
Fig. 1 Base map of study 5JD0 6-30' 636-

Umuaja (Sourcej^Jpk, ©btrQljeti

River y^^&u \
Ebedei N

id Springer
Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308 303
area and the streets are linked together by a network of changes right from the tectonic setting through the pa-
footpaths and roads that are not paved. leogeographic evolution to the present day. This de-
velopment of the Delta has been dependent on the bal-
ance between the rate of sedimentation and subsidence.
Climate, vegetation and drainage The balance and the resulting sedimentary patterns ap-
pear to have been influenced by the structural con-
The soil is reddish brown in colour. The study area has figuration of tectonics of the basement (Evany et al.,
a gentle slope, which makes a V-shape towards River 1979).
Ethiope. The river's source is in the Northern part of the The geology and geomorphology of the Niger delta
area. There is no visible rock outcrop within the study have been described in detail by various authors (Allen,
area. During rainfall, there is a relatively high rate of 1965; Akpokodje, 1979, 1987; Assez, 1970, 1976;
infiltration into the subsurface through the unconsoli- Avbovbo, 1970; Oomkens, 1974; Burke, 1972; Re-
dated soil. This reduces surface run-off. ment, 1965; Short and Stauble, 1967).
Obiaruku is situated within the humid subequatorial The formation of the present day Niger delta started
south climatic belt of Nigeria (Iloeje, 1976), which is during early Palaeocene and it resulted mainly from the
characterized by a relatively long rain season (wet) that build-up of fine-grained sediments eroded and trans-
lasts from March to October. This is alternated with a ported by River Niger and its tributaries (Efeotor and
short dry season that lasts from November to February. Akpokodje, 1990). The sub-surface geology of the
The natural vegetation of the study area is that of the Niger Delta consists of three lithostratigraphic units
rain forest but this has been destroyed by the activities (Akata, Agbada and Benin formations), which are in
of man such as bush burning, farming, construction and turn overlain by various types of Quaternary deposits.
local mining. The area under study is rural with growth The soil type section and locality observed in Ghana
potential. The inhabitants of the area are mostly sub- Quarter. Obiaruku is as follows:
sistence and peasant farmers. They grow crops such
as cassava, melon, maize, yam, pepper, vegetables and
native beans (OLONI). However, they also grow peren- Soil type Layers depth
nial crops like palm and rubber trees. In the areas along
the river channel, the sharp sand is sold to contractors Topsoil 1.0 m
for delivery to construction sites while some is used to Laterite 3.0 m
construct houses locally. Siltstone 6.0 m
Fine-sand 12.0m
Medium-sand 21.0m
Geology of the study area Coarse-sand 36.0 m

The study area Obiaruku and environs is within the Here all other units are similar in properties to those
Niger-Delta Basin. The Niger-Delta in this paper ap- of Oliogo except the depth of occurrence. The addi-
plies to the entire 3-Dimensional bodies of continental, tional unit observed, as siltstone, is the vertical variation
transitional and marine deposits formed by sediments from laterite to fine sand. The siltstone layers consist
from Rivers Niger and Benue. The continental deposits of fine-grain particles with mud as the cementing ma-
form the land area otherwise called the sub-aerial re- terial. Its colour is predominantly pink and it occurs at
gions. The marine deposits are the water filled region the depth of 6.0 m-9.0 m.
otherwise called the sub-aqueous region. The transi- Rivers Ethiope and Okumeshi are the surface water
tional deposits form the swampy (mangrove) regions. sources that drain the study area. There are no hand—
(Hospers, 1965; Ejadiavwe, 1981). dug wells in Obiaruku. Rivers Ethiope and Okumeshi
The structure of the continental geologic framework supply the domestic water need for the inhabitants of
directed Rivers Niger and Benue towards the present the study area. The river is being polluted by the activ-
site of the Delta. Hence the geology of Niger-Delta, ities of the farm produce (melon) and fermentation of
like other parts of the earth has undergone different cassava, washing of clothes and other household effects
id Springer
304 Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308
Table 1 Qualitative analysis of curve types where p represents The apparent resistivity values obtained from the
resistivity of the layer measurement were plotted against half the current elec-
No of trode spacing on a log-log graph in order to deter-
Geo-electric mine the resistivities and thicknesses of the layers.
VES Curve type Curve characteristics layers The early method of interpreting sounding curves used
1 H Pi < Pi < Pi 3 curve-matching techniques. This method has the dis-
2 KH Pi < Pi < Pi < Pi 4 advantage that only experienced personnel can use-
3 H pi < pi < Pi 3 fully handle it, particularly where the layering exceeds
4 AK Pi < Pi < Pi < Pi 4 two.
5 KH Pi < Pi < Pi < Pi 4 In this paper, the vertical electrical sounding field
6 K Pi < Pi < Pi 3 curves were initially interpreted using partial curve
7 A PI < PI < Pi 3 matching (Zohdy et al., 1974). The results were im-
8 HKQ Pi < Pi < Pi < Pi < Pi 5 proved upon by employing an iterative computer pro-
9 A pi < PI < Pi 3
gramme. The lithologic log from a nearby borehole was
10 H pi < Pi < Pi 3
used to correlate the resistivity of the layers to the local
geology and strategraphy (Osemeikhian and Asokhia,
into the river and worst still toileting. These activities
make the water from these rivers unhygienic and unsafe
for domestic use and drinking. Results and discussion
Materials and methods The sounding curves were analyzed both qualitatively
by partial curve matching method and the results were
Electrical prospecting makes use of a variety of princi- used in the quantitative interpretation through com-
ples, each based on some electrical properties or char- puter iteration to obtain the layer resistivities and their
acteristics of the materials in the earth (Chukwurah, corresponding thickness (Table 2).
1992). Ten VES curves whose layers vary generally from
A total of ten VES were carried out in the study 3 to 5 were analyzed. The curves are prominently of
area. Three stations each were established and H, KH, AK, A, K and HKQ type curves (Table 1)
surveyed in Obiaruku and Ebedei while two stations Locations 1, 3, and 10 from Secretariat Road
each were surveyed in Obinomba, and Umutu Obiaruku, Ghana quarters Obiaruku and Michelin road
respectively. Umutu towards Utagba—uno are three-layered "H"
The resistances of the layers were measured using type curves. The aquifer in these sites is at about 30
the ABEM SAS 300B Terrameter. The Schlumberger m in the third layer and is unconfined. Therefore in
electrode configuration was used for the measurements. the event of a spill of other pollution activities, the
The maximum current electrode separation is 215 m groundwater may be contaminated. Sinking of water
for each of the ten VES stations of 170 sounding borehole is therefore, not recommended in these ar-
points. eas. The type section and locality observed indicates
Table 2
Site/Location Curve Type ClCflm) tlKlml 3(«m)
hl(/n) •>2 im) 1>3 (m) h-I im) 1>5 (m) RMS (%)

Obiaruku (Ghana Quarter) H 700 500 1100 1400 1.2 4.8 29 a 1.96
Obiaruku (Wire Road) KH 110 300 400 250 800 0.5 2.5 6.5 23.5 a 2.23
Obinomba AK 110 250 250 700 1000 0.5 7.5 32 40.0 1.60
Umukwata Rd K 700 1150 900 800 7.0 1? 35 a 2.23
Ebedei HKQ 1000 400 700 800 800 1.2 8.8 18.8 28.8 a 1.40
Umutu A 110 120 130 600 0.8 4.0 10.0 a 2.25

iJ Springer
Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308 305
Fig. 2 Apparent resistivity 10
versus half current electrode :10 I
spacing curve for the
secretariat road off Amai
road. Obiaruku Ukwuanit L
G A, delta state. Model 2-
parameters: ei < ej < ej (H
type curve) X 3-

100 a

10 1000 in 1KB ie

Fig. 3 Apparent resistivity 10
versus half current-electrode ©n ■

spacing curve for wire road.

Obiaruku, Ukwuani LGA, I
delta state. Model
parameters: ei < e? < e^ < £ »■ -
e4 (kH type curve) X

1000- JZ


10 100
broadly that within the depth penetrated, the lithologic Location 6 from Umukwata is a three-layer "HK"
succession is an extensive sandy formation (Figs. 2 and curve type. It is the most desirable field curve in the
3). area. It consists of clay formation close to the surface.
Locations 2, 4 and 5 from wire road Obiaruku and At about 6 m, where the resisitivity value of 900Ωm,
Obinomba respectively are 4-layered "KH"curves. The there is evidence of groundwater accumulation. Fur-
aquifer in these sites is within the fourth layer. The sec- ther analysis indicates that potable groundwater exists
ond layer is only a thin confining bed. In the event of in form of confined aquifer at about 20 m depth in
pollution, the groundwater may be contaminated Umukwata (Fig. 6).
(Fig. 3). Location 8 from Adonishaka in Ebedei is a 5-layer
Locations 7 and 9 from Ebedei and Umutu consist of "HKQ" type curve. It has two aquifers. The first aquifer
three layered "A" type curves. The layers become more within the second layer at a depth of about 9 m with
resistive with depth. This is not an encouraging trend resisitivity value of 338 Ωm is not confined while the
for viable groundwater prospects. Though one of the second aquifer in the fourth layer at a depth of 136 m
resistive layers contains sand, it will not be a reliable and resistivity value of 18.22 Ωm is confined (Fig. 7).
aquifer because it is not confined and, as such, is prone Boreholes within such field curve contain mineralized
to contamination (Fig. 5). water (Selemo et al., 1995).
%1 Springer
Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308

Fig. 4 Apparent resistivity OBINO
versus half current-electrode
ia 100
spacing curve Obinomba. MBA 1000 10
Ukwuani LGA. delta state.
Model parameters: ei < e? <
ej < e^ (AK type curve) (Ohm-m)
Fig. 5 Apparent resistivity
1 '
versus half 5 10
current-electrode spacing
curve for Umukwata road. S

Ukwuani LGA, delta state. 1

Model parameters: ei < ei 4

X 3-
< ei (K type curve) ? £



■C 4-

t- 1000 S3-

10 100
Fig. 6 Apparent resistivity
versus half
0 i i ia lae laae 10
current-electrode spacing RESISTIVITY <Ohm-m>
curve for Asonishaka,
Ebedei. Ukwuani LGA. 0
4 _
: -
delta state. Model
parameters: ei > e2 < ej >
e<t> e5 (HKQ type curve)
leae- u. .»—«—,


ie iee
Conclusion ence of water in the borehole recently drilled very close to
The study area reveals Obiaruku and environs as an extensive Location 1 is in agreement with the result of the research work.
sandy unit. The interpretation indicates that the water-bearing The results of the interpreted data and the lithologic log from
formation (sandstone unit) is between the range of 30 m and 136 m the borehole indicate 3 to 5 geoelectric layers. Apart from
deep. The pres- Adonishaka in Ebedei and Umukwata that
1=1 Springer
Environmentalist (2006) 26:301-308 307
Fig. 7 Apparent resistivity 1000
versus half current-electrode
spacing curve for Umutu
Ukwuani LGA. delta state.
Model parameters: ei < e2 <
ei (A type curve)

UMUTU ie lee ine

10 100
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