5.excel Question Bank Math (Analgeom1-Ans)
5.excel Question Bank Math (Analgeom1-Ans)
5.excel Question Bank Math (Analgeom1-Ans)
1. The line 2x – 3y + 2 = 0 is perpendicular to 10. Find the distance from a point (1, 3) to the line
another line L₁ of unknown equation. Find the 4x + 3y + 12 = 0?
slope of L₁. Ans: 5 units
Ans: –3/2
11. What is the length of the line with a slope of
2. A triangle with an area of 2 sq. units has two 4/3 from a point (6, 4) to the y-axis?
of its vertices at (2,4) and (-2,3). Find the Ans: 10
locus of the third point.
Ans: x – 4y + 10 = 0 12. A line with an inclination of 45° passes
through (-5/2,-9/2). What is the x-coordinate
3. The points (a,1), (b,2) and (c,3) are collinear. of a point on the line if its corresponding y-
Which of the following is true? coordinate is 6?
Ans: c – b = b – a Ans: 8
4. Find the coordinates of a point equidistant 13. Find the trisection point nearer P2 of the line
from (1, -6), (5, -6) and (6, -1). segment determined by P1(-3, -5) and P2 (-1,
Ans: (3, -3) 7).
Ans: (-5/3, 3)
5. Find the equation of a straight line with a
slope of 3 and a y-intercept of 1. 14. What is the acute angle between the lines y =
Ans: 3x – y + 1 = 0 3x + 2 and y = 4x + 9?
Ans: 4.4°
6. Line A whose equation x/5 + y/a = 1 passes
through (13, 32). Line B parallel to line A has 15. In Cartesian coordinates, the vertices of a
an equation of x/b + y/3 = 1. Find the distance triangle are defined by the following points: (-
between the two lines. 2, 0), (4, 0) and (3, 3). What is the area?
Ans: 5.58 units Ans: 9 sq. units
7. The line segment connecting (x, 6) and (9, y) 16. What is the equation of the line joining the
is bisected by the point (7, 3). Find the values points (3, -2) and (-7, 6)?
of x and y. Ans: 4x + 5y = 2
Ans: 5, 0
17. Find the centroid of the triangle formed by
8. Find the equation of the bisector of the obtuse joining the points A (3, 2), B (-1, 4), and C (5,
angle between the lines 2x + y = 4 and 4x – 2y -3).
= 7. Ans: (7/3, 1)
Ans: 4y = 1
18. Determine the coordinates of the point which
9. Find the equation of the line through point (3, is three-fifths of the way from the point (2, -5)
1) and is perpendicular to the line x + 5y + 5 = to the point (-3,5).
0. Ans: (-1,1)
Ans: 5x – y = 14
19. A point P(x, y) is on an extension of the line 22. Find the slope of the line having a parametric
segment joining A(-1, 4) and B(5,1). Find the equation y = 4t + 6 and x = t + 1.
coordinates if P is three times as far from B as Ans: 4
from A.
Ans: (-4, 11/2) 23. A line passes through point (2, 2). Find the
equation of the line if the length of the line
20. The two points in the line 2x + 3y + 4 = 0 segment intercepted by the coordinates axes is
which are at a distance 2 from the line 3x + 4y the square root of 5.
– 6 = 0 are: Ans: 2x – y – 2 = 0
Ans: (64,-44) and (4,-4)
24. The vertices of the base of an isosceles
21. Find the centroid of the triangle formed by triangle are at (-1,-2) and (1,4). Find the area
joining the points A (3, 2), B (-1, 4), and C (5, of the triangle if its third vertex lies on the line
-3). 4x + 3y – 12 = 0.
Ans: (7/3, 1) Ans: 10 sq. units