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Sem 4

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Total No. of Questions : SJ SEAT No.

=I j

PA-1974 [Total No. of Pages : 3

S.Y. B.B.A. (Co~ter Application)
(2~P~rn) (Semester - IV)
Time: 2:1 Hours] ~ \Y [Max. Marks: 70
lnstructio11s to the camli.~es: ~
1) All quest~· ~;~o~ulsory.
2) Figures ri~)ndicate full marks.

~ ~
{0' ~-
Ql) Attem~y $HT of the following (out of TEN). [2X8=}6]
a) What~ncapsulat ion? ,., ~
!:)' .)
b) D~e the following terms 0;·
D EarlyBinding ' 0·
ii) Late Binding ~ ci?
c) What is Inline function? ~ ~"v
d) Explain get() and put O~ - ~
e) What is stream? . ~ ~~
f) Define Friend functipn~ ~':,
g) Explain the use of n~ot\~or, state the syntax.
h) State the need ofvirtual~yword. '.'1""
C"). 0;·
O State user defined d~types in C++. :v
J) Explain the use of Scope Resolution operator. ' 0·
~ ci?
Q2) Attempt any FOUR of the following (out ofFNE). ;::;,, ~"v [4x4=16]

a) List different types of constructor. Explai~~ o~~onstructor with

example. ~ kb ·
b) What is function overloading? Explain)-Yl~ui~ ~ example.

'oh .
Describe different types of 1 entance.
(\ ~
d) Explain virtual base class with suitable ~ m .
. . '~
e) Describe file manipulators with therr s1 =axes.
Q } Attempt an~ F<JL' R
3 \,f th r fo ll\ )'" "t! (o ut of
a) Wnte a C-Y- pm gm rt V E). (4 >< 4._ 1
m to co py co ntent s of on
'b) \\n te a pt"")g.r::\ m e file to another file.
to (akulatc ~~ and ci
rcumference of a l:irclc
mlmc fun -:-twn.
d Deda rt' :1 -:-b ~ ot\~!_
1id c.0 t1 vc d clas~cs ar
a;1d four ,, hN.'tc~ ,s~ e two wheeler, three wh
ee l
the properties of each
ty pe of vehicle usi,
mer.1'.'r fun ...~ ot \,~
ss .
j I W n tr JC " w
og ~ to us e set file () an
d se tio stl ag s () manipul
e1 \\ n~~ ..1 ~ p~ n m ator.
to compare two strings
using overload opera tt
- == -~ {2
{µJ ~
~=-~!\l.:;P " of the following (out
\ F~ R
Tn ce t)J e):}u i-put of the fo of FI VE).
llowing program and ex pl (4x4=16
~~ s- ~, er ro r. ai n it. As su m e there it
= ~ udc <i ostre am.h> :'-)'°'
1cl1. l . ~-
Cb.ss-s.J mple "-) .
0 '°'
Pl!bh c
'-. ;,
t...c' rS?
S3m pk (mt a= 0, i n
t~ ~
: ~' -Y '-.iJ.
; =~;; ~~ .:::-°"
J (J W ( ) ; G ~--y
:\ "
"-. ·
~ I
~ -f, · ' ,...-,.,. J ,...-,.--.. ·~

' ,', J'l j I, , JIil ( J


'I 11J1p l<,; ( 5 IOJ ·

l1 1f & X I'' '
l fJ ) & y j;'
JI '

. ,,- I I y;

b) Explain try, catch and throw in exc
eption handling.
c) Design C++ c\ass which conta,in
function display (). W rit e a progra
count number of times displaM" m to
) function is called (Use static
member) data
d) W ha t is De str uc to~ tat e~ ·im po
rta nc e of destructor with examp
e) W ha t is tokens ~+ +~ pl ai n
in detail.
~" v
. ~
QS ) W nte a sh or t~ e o r~
TWO of the following (out of THREE) [3x2=6}
a) C ~~ ~a ~~ an d call-by-refe
b) D ~ s~ io n
c) D ef a~ en t
!:) .

l59 54 ]-4 02 3

,,, No or Questions : 5]
'(oW1 '
SEAT No. : I'--------'
pA-1973 [Total No. of Pages : 2
~ I

[59~J ~401
~ Y. BJi.A. (C.A.)
C.\:f 4 ~ NETW ORKI NG
(20I?,_~tt~1 (CBCS) (Semester - IV)
c,'-.J ~
r,me: 2½ I/ours} _"" '-.; [Max. Marks : 70
/ns1ructio11 s t~o t¢!._"W,,di~'t :
/) A. ,i/4lho"_!)are compulsory.
2) Ne di~~,s 11111st be drawn wherever necessary.

Oi ~
QI) Attem ~~y three of the following: ./:5 ·
. [3 x 5 = 15]
a) Define Network Topology? Explain ~eren({ ypes of topologies.
b) Explain function of each layer ort@'- o~efer ence Model.
c) What is wireless transm ission ~la~y two media in detail.
d) Define the bridge? Expla i~~fb ridge .

Q2) Attempt any three of t ~ o ~ ) : [3 x 5 = 15]

a) Define Computer Netwo ~~xpla in goals of Computer Network . '"J

b) Explain different type~ Addresses. I\~

'~ d . d ·1
Explain propagation metho s m eta1 . '- 0~·
d) Explain Firewall and its Security features. ~ ,§>
Q3) Attempt any three of the followmg :
. ~ ~~~[3 -- 15]
~ x :, -

a) Draw TCP/IP model and state the functi on.$c ~er.

b) Compare connection oriented and cot;~° !~~erv ices.
. . (o
c) What is Router? Exp lam its compone . ,
d) What is Ethernet? What are it's types? E~'ih any one in detail.
~ P. T.O.

Q4 J Attempt any three of tbe foUo,"ing :

(3 X 5 :: lSJ
a) Expbm IEEE standards 802-11 in deta iJ.
(. -
b) Compue ISO-OS I re ference ~ e l and TCP/IP model.
,c) \\ bat is cryptography? ExJ½~ encryption and decryption process.
d) faplam Fiber ~ ~b~de tnil

Q5, Write notes o ~ y ~ ' ~) :

{2 x 5 == IOJ
al \1~ o~r:a tion_


~'hi t.ecture.
~1~ wi th it's Frame Format.
~ -

I59S4J .. 40J
j 2
rt,tsl :'\(I. of Qurstions : ~l ~U:AT No. :c-=·-~1
ITotul No . or Pu~cs : )
p_.\-\ 975
S.Y. B.B.A. (Co~~itter Applkntion)
(l~P~rn) (Semester - IV)
fM(J.(. Mark.v: 70
foct : J1: }lours/ _' \V
f ~(-riv11.s to tlt1:· ca ~ cs: ~
l) .411 ({IU"~~~ -C'flHl(JUIS<>rj\
:1 ,·,·ar ~~ 'J!!!'t,' drawco ,.,frercver comssury.
. . ~- 12x8=l 61
Ql> ..\::c:.'\~Y ~ t of the followin g.
a) Defu~}ie term operating system. .f:.:,
::i) De~ system program. ('\~ ·
~ ;v
c) Wlucb scheduler controls the degre~mul~gramming?
di What is Tum-Around Time? ,)J' {:;i
e1 \Vhat is meant by Deadlock? ~ ~
fl \Vhat is demand paging? ~ ~
s_l List any four attributes of~. !:.;-
h) What do you mean b:~~Ti~"i'n Disk Scheduling.
i) What does FIFO ar{YFU~hd for?
j) Define Rollback?
(\ •
(/1) Anempt any four of the f~wing. (4~161
a) List and explain services provided by the operating '111'"'),,,m·
\J", ~" · .

b) Explain Process Control Block (PCB) with diagr~ ~

c) Explain ' Dining Philosopher' Synchronization~le~'v
d) What is Frogrnentation? Explain types of its~tai(:0
e) Desc ribe 1/0 Hardware with its type o~r~'i!:;''b
. V ~ t4 x4=t6l
J3) Attem pt any four ofth1.: follow1r. g.
Q (\~
a) Ex pl ain various types vi' systc1 11 progran~~
· · I ·1 ~
b) Ex plain lndcx1.:d All ocat1on 1n ( 1.:t11 . "-,

d Tlw r"'t'qllt.'SI qlll'\ ll' is :,~ f,)II,,,\ ~:
15. -~7. 13 7. I~ . 150. ()). ll)LI. I\
Nutn l'l'I' l)I · IJ·~ll,,11.:-, · () I ' ) I i)O'-b-:'
. · , , 't'on ()~i;un-cn t h~t pusition == 128. Find total
...Srn11m 1,_ pv:-1 1 , , .. .
. head mo\·e~
· ~s1,-;J·s \{)~SI S l'l'k 7 ,me First) dtsk . ..
I npp Iyuig .J• V' - 0,/ .
scheduhnoo aloo n·,,
~~ ,~u llip ruccssor.
J) Li$1:my tw<'
l') Considt.'r ~)0 ~~~~ set of proct'ss~s with leng
th of CPU Burs t L~
and atTi ,~im c'lN nulhs~t.·u nds.
Time Burs t Time

2 6 ' I\
4 4 :v·'
P 8
6 5
2 \c ~I
:; '
Calculate turn around time , wr ~-t it~ \verage wait
ing time and awn ;:
tum around time using pre ~v ~"' F scheduling
~ I\Oo
Q4) Attempt any Fou r of the ~n \\5 )':',
a) Consider the following s~pshot of the system.
Proc ess AI Max
0 1 2 0 0 1
0 0 0 l 5
3 5 4 2
p 0 6 3 2 0

ls the system safe? Justify? ~·

If yes give safe sequence (\':-
b) Explain different methods for rec ove ry~ ~ dead
., ~;

I 5954J-403 2
-'I\~,,. .
'-. '-. X '- ..._
~-~R"!t..".l\-"''- ,• , ... .
, -.....,_ .,1.<::-- -.t.._

•t► ~t\... . •);.'t_,"\_'\' ~ ,3, ·,- . l\. ..:-"41 '\.

"" ..... \ .....--i..r... . , ~ • · ~ , "'-...._,""....... ; '
,-. '- -
. ., , "-
J." ... .:,.,_, "''

1'1'01111 No. of Pagt~ : 2
1~ 9 54:b\405
,S.V.U~'I\. (CA)
( A~O~: ~)VANCl~n PIIP
l201~C~11ttcrn) (Sc111cskr- IV)
/I /ill' .' : ': Jl tlU f ,\/ ~ ;;> /Max. Marks: i U
/1J ,f111 rtiu 11 , to The· ,·1~ Hc's: \~
I) Ill q11,·, r11,~1't· co~ulson~
.') l>1•11t1• ~ ~ u.i.:~ 1d1ft'c'I';.,. ,tc 'c't'SM11:1•.

QI) ,\ tk in.,,t:,1\•\' H(m t \,ftlw follow i,,u p~ x2=161

'-' ' ~ - '- '

.I) ~l (ll\: tk)uqK,~<..' 1..,r Extend Keyword.

,'\ ~
~) \\' h!ft-. r~ l 'l:1~~? .'-..:
~ '6·
~ ~
() \\ h., t i~ $ REQUEST vnrinbk? 0
"' ·
~ "-. '
d) \\'hat 1~ S...:rializlltion?
. . ~ ,~w

\\ h:it 1s IJ01..: uml.'nl object Madehn P!lf"1
Dcscnbe_an: ~wo ~ontent~ge~ t system software.
-"" ~ .

)! ) What ts ~- SERVER vm~ e? ~ct:,

h\ State the purpos~ oµ--~ K~),ord ?
Wha t i:- m~aning ofV.
. ':\._l.o . t·orm.?
1) Wk1t 1~ AJAX SniptJ~ ~
0 ·
"\.. .

"' \,)'- ---j..ix..i=I61

(J :) :\tt 1..·1np t :my h)urvf tln: fo llowi ng.
~ ~I

b,phin fl: :11t1n.:s 1..11'Jnu1rnd/1Jrupal.
- . .
\\I h:il ;~ SOA P? L~p lu1n 111 ddutl.
~' ,
"'.. _

Fx1,1 a111 XML MVC rrnmrwurk . ~ l\'t,

d) Dilfrr1..·11rr h1..·1wr1.:11 (,LT um\ POST 1).l-e~I. ::;':

\.') \)t~· , ·t 1·1-1 1' 11 p·1 Fxr l:~i n~h (,~~11ple.

11· 0\\' Ill (rl' :l t L' '.1l t · ., '.\ .

,. • \ll \I' , 1·1..)" l"' l lll whic h imot?lnents r\J .-\ X fo r :iddition of
\\, nt1..' !\ ~ Ill\\) 1L'. . 1 !:: '
:--..r,.._,· •
t\\'1..l 1n1111b1..·r~ .~ ~
P.T. 0.
r I

QJ) Aucmpt :my Four of the following. [4x4:::;:l6j

il) Create a form to accept Custom;s Details and Display it on Next P~ig1.•
b) Write n Pl-IP script to Design a~rm to accept a number from the user to
check whether number is P.a@idrome or not. (Use the concept uf ~cir
processing page).'-,, .::;> ·
c) Write XML s.c~ t~int the names of the students present in
"St11dcnt.xml(X¼'. /'"\(:)
~ ' I
d) Define a ({~ErnJti'byee having private member id, name, salary, dept
Define .~)rn_e~d ~onstructor. Create object and display details lo
emplo~avu;ig maximum salary.
y 1\1.,J
c) Wfi~ sivp.ie PI-IP program which implements AJAX for addition or
Q4) Attemp~y Four of the following.
a) Explain the structure of WSDL. ~ ~- ·
b) Explain XML Parser._ ~ (}')
c) Write a PHP script to displa ~;) ~ · .
SERVER). . ~~stye~'-c) "nnat,on m table format (Use s_

d) W~at arc the advantages~J~?'

c) Write a PHP Script~~ ~tik . . .
format using simpUMT\c-i C · XML and pnnt book details m tabular
book name author year --~-) on tent of book. XML are (bookcode.
' , ,~tee.
~ >
~- 0
Q5) Write a '> hort note o ~ 0,·
,. n any two of the following. rw;<J===6l
a) Wc:b se rvices • • '- ~~
. cornmu111cation models . '- ~
b) Strcky Forms. ~ f5;
Encapsulation. ~ ~I
~~ '~<;::,
*** ct~f\Cb
:-i'- "'O
IS9s4 1~405
P213!°' ,\I''- ,\- . .
I ,"lio
C: ,

I ssoj1t..;4o i I lotal 'lo. uf l' a-; ;:, . {

s.v. n ~: .
C~ . . ~ A. (C. A.)
(20 19 -J...~ ~1'~ ET\ .VO R1< 1 NG
A-l lC~ '<C 8CS ) ,
1im<' : l ' , H o u r!. / '-
~ (Se rne ster _ IV)
t,1-,I r'll("f lnn ~ro •~da f..(;., __~
hr ~ /Max . Mar k,· : 70
I) ., c,tf.: u, ( ar
"\. '- "con rpul ,ol'J •.
.:J ~ td" :fr mus t b e d rawn ivhe
rag am ,
<.--. . reve r nece ssar y.
'-..., \::-

' ·
Q I ) A ll ~mp l a-~1h re<.: o fth r-... fiollo w ing : ~---=-
f3 x 5=I .5j
,..;_ -
::i } \\ ~ 1s ne two rkin g'! Exp la ·In d ·r-i-:
I iere nl type s o0~ two rk.

bl Exp lain TCP /J P prot oco l in deta ils '

c) ~ r-rf.c
\\ "ha t 1s gui d ed med ia? Exp lain - ~ o
t" d .
~ e med ia.

dJ E,x p lam Acti ve and Pass ive H ~

~ I\~.
'1,, ~
13 x s = 15)
Q2J A ttem pt an y thre e of the fol~ O\~ : 1

type s of repe aters .

a) \1,.l Jat are repe ater s? ~ ~ n ~fff eren t
b ) \~'hat are diff eren t m't,-de Iok~ mrn unic atio n? Exp lain with sket ch.
\ .
secu rity mec hani sms to pru , ,J : ·i •
,....., .r.' Exp lain
c J \~na t 1s s ec urit y serv ic6s
( ....V

d) Ex plai n Blu ctoo th in deta ils.

X) '
:'13 X 5= J51
(:) /

' . :'--. 6 '

the foll owi ng·
Q3) A ttem pt any thre e of , . l ? E I · ~ tw,t\_ t.ypes of stan dard .
at is thei r nee<. s. xp a~ 'i
a) Wh at is s tand ard ? Wh
~ ~as~E..L11crne t.
b)\V ha l is fa s t Eth erne t? E xpla in cate gori es
J.. ~-l':) ·
Ex plai n serv e r ba sed and peer to peer cd-p_filr c;ib 1e.
. . tic: and 1U1
wc(; n fibe r op (' ·
d) Oif fcrc ntia tc IJt:t

P. 7. u.

• i
(3 X 5 == 15\ Total ('lo. of Questions : SI
Q4) Att em pt any three of the
a) What is attack? Explain P2136
var. ious types of attacks.
Cc- . media in details .
b) Explain wireless tran
smission. r:si:, 1atn any one

c) Whal is addressing?
Explairf'rjffiercnl types of add S.Y. 8.8.A.(C
rcssc-; .
d) Explain IEEE st ~d
~~j (WLAN) in details. CA - 402 : OBJECT ~

(d ~ (2
5 == \0\
Q5) \\/rite notes on ,c&w/ry X
Time: 2½ Hours/
~ ·'-.
a) Proxy s ~ /j Instructions to the 'i:twdiddhii.·
1) All. ~, e~ m
(J't c:om,1,'so
b) Switch\°" ~ '-- 1 r
2) Ff! u es to_1.Jie right i11dicaf<
c) \S G~ l ~~ ren ce model.
d) L~ -o ~~ igh t
~- - QI ) Attemp~~ fl~ EIGHT
of the foll o
a) What is extraction and .
b) Explain any two manipulate
c) Define constmetor.
d) What is inline function .
e) What is reference variabl~
f) What is Abstraction and fui(
g) What is compile_ Tm ; p~l v
h) What is default arg u~ nt ~
i) What is the use o; scope~ e·s,
j) What arc the access ~pcci fie
~ 9
Ql ) Attempt any four of
the following .
a) Explain memory management
b) Explain memory allocaliun
static data member.
e) When do we mak e a clas s
J) Exrilain array of objcL'l in C+
c) Explain any four fo rm ;i ttcd ir.

\58031-401 2
fot:tl , o of \)ont h) n~ <1

P2 1.l f\

• IX ~ l - I hi

" : ~ \, 1 "'""~ n.·-, o lu11on opcrn tor.

ow- l •he 1t,II, \.., ,n~ tOu t of Fivt: ) \..:.' J-' x 4 :ai 161
r n - ~ rT'l.ll.r',.h.'l.:'fTh:n l vp-.:ra tor<; w ith the b~ o l' sui1;1bk cx t11npk
b • ~ ;Jl!,,-. .. t1on tv r v bJ1.:1.: h w 11h n~)s tu 111.: cl:11 11 111r111h1.:
r :ind
~ it'"" d ~-:e nuke .i
·- -
cla:.'> \ ,nual ba-.;e 4.Q.q, '? ~'<'pl u111 1t w ith ,u1tub k

1 • ~.I n(. '

\\ 1t h 1.· \t.1 1llr k

f >.pl. rJ r _. 'rJ r 1 vnn 11 \; d 1r;111 1 lHll p L1 1 l1111 CtH1n ,

. ,__ _.

e J
: fol/owing.
O frill' • (0 u1 of Five) . /4 x 4 :::: 16/
(! JJ 1\ 11,•mpt ,n .I I our lass which con la ins two da la rnellJb
. C H rogrn m 10 create a c ers
a) Wrirc
\\'rue'memberP f11nc11ons
. lo acc';t:'.',
. .Nisp/ay and swap two
... entered nullJb er: Cout <<"\n
u,int! ca l/ by reference. -;: . . . i = v:
Q4) At
b) \\•'rile' a C i... prognun lo LI. .~ate
, , n c·/ass
· Book
. .which contains
. data 111
. b,r\
a) 0 0111
:is B- ld. 0-1Nam~, • '
~ B-t\trlhor B- publ1cat1on. Wnte . ,
member luncrion \ Void print
to :lC'CCpl JIL~p lav'-B~ok
J •
infonnation also display count of books .

(list' sta1ir+1 m~1b~r to maintain count of books) .

Coul ' '
cI \\'riie" ,Q\ progOm, 10 eo lculatc square nnd cube of rnlcgcr number bi
using inJthe' t~1ion. } , ...
}; "--
Vo is:l ~ r
dI Dr, i)i;,C'+,j:'eiass which contains func lion di sp Ia y(). Write a progran,
, v\.;,; ,,uq_\;lcr of tirncs display() is called. ( use s ta f ic da ra membei). 10
\ - .. .
cl ll'ri<e ; ('+, program to read contents of a text r./e' and cou111 n«mhc,·or
~h~"1cters. Words and lines in a file. -abc ~/i'i
" a~·b :

~ I6J
,----.. .
. ~ 0 - '8, -pnnt
Q41 ttempt nn y four of the following : (out 'tl1.Fi vi,1•,. f4 x 4
b. print
al Can we pass class obj ec1 as func,(~;;-a rg,1;;, ~n ts? Exp /a in with the he/ p r
an example_ , , · ·.
b) Ex.plain various strearn i-0:~ 1L~'c\_'\l O

·(Vo) operations.
. ~ I'+
~-~ses ":"' to perfom, console input/output QS) Write n short
c) What is class Templ at?lx , ;;,, ' .
1 a) Exccptic
example. . ~ . n syntax of class lenirla te with suitable b) Opernto
d) Write a program lo P«:k/nn addition oft " . . c) Pointer
overloading. .; - · wo matrices usrng opern1or
e) Trace the output ofrhe followj (J -

nc- prog1am and c;x I . .

no sym,x error. ' P arn rt Assurnc there is
include< iostrcarn .h>
Class abc

inr i;
public :
abc (int v .,._ O)



l ('1\.11

\ ,,.J r 1""'' ( , .\,J \

' u 1dl

~ 3 ~ \,, ,

a~ b.
'L'pnnl ( ),
b pnru c l.

b) Opc r.1LN O\ertoading - ',-

CJ Po.ntcr lu vbJect wir\u:,xaro~ e.


\58031 -402
p ), ' \ J l.J 1\l 'I, , .·l-
. l
I I 111111 N ,, • , I r ,•., f~ (: ~ '. ]

II t-11 '

/11\/1/11 f/11 11\ I•' tft ! ' I fl ll ' // ' / •It,• \ 1 :

/Mux . Muri, ~ ; 7()

J I 111\11•, ' 1 ,ill •(ll 1' \fln11, .

1, ' r i.• 111 , . , ,,, , ,,,. I lu l, f'
/,t,, 11111/, •,11,,. "1)1/I ,,,,,,.I ~.

\II ' II I I11 ' 11" l ' I ~~II I I I I III\.' h I 11 11\,\1 I lllJ '
I\ l"- • 18 , ._ 2 = 161
I) t' lltl \' lh\' l l 'l 11111p1.•111llt1p, 11y11lc111
II l \ \ Ii •t I I ', I 1' l ' l 111 l . 1-1 y1-1l .
I 1-\' 11111 I l I pn11.: l.'111ii 1111. ,,
' 1
\\' li n t ,,, I'', wv :411'! - .... c 111 .

,I l W l1, l·li '•\' li l' d1tl n l' ut1l1·ul r~

11 · I • l I ..
Ill<. ; ~~~~}~,id' /·.
cc Mull1prn~ ra1111n111 g'1
' I ti l_ 111 :d I ll II I..' . ~ ' .

t) \\'II .II 1:4 '1\' llll'lilllll"l.:H°? <t I '-"

~1 w 11 111 .111 ~' ' ' " 1111..: 11, 1 1 ,r~~116111..:1~-.1
Ii l \ Vl I • \.",
1'11 1·1 111 e :1til liy t\Cl"lrbiH, B,i11di11 1:,'/
1) l 1•· 1 \'i ll lllll S 11 \l l'rlllll) ll un r:ile ,
I l \\ 11:11 du V1llt llll'll\1 li y' ~ cd ; Ti111c in l)isk ~; ~li1,;dul i11g'!

\4 X 4= 161
~ · \ ll ( llllll ,11 \Y l111lr\ll'lll
\.I )}J • t.; r1ill1 )Will l! '.
,I\ I ,..,, a 11d c :xpl:1 i11 advu11tu ecs o f' Mullipron:ssur systcrn .
,,:.xph1i11 l'rnn:s~ ( ·,111tl'lil Hluck (PCH) in dd~ ~\.Vllh dt~~ram.

1:.x pl :11n d i lfrrc11l 111dliu d 1111· r 1·co v1.: ry 1·1un'\. ~~1,;acll9rk.
I,_' ) "' '\ ~- . . I ·1
Wlwt ,s 1:r:11•.1111..: 11lalio 117 t •:xplui11 ty pes (l! r 1tnig111dHat1
..._. o n inc eta, s.
( '11k1tl11IL' :1vcn111.c turn nruu11d tilnc and'41-v'~rag~'waili ng time !°or all set o f
pn H~l·ssc s 11s i11 g. HTS L1l g.nrill1111. . ·
, ~,


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TI-:.: r.umtx:r of Fr.1mcs is 3. Sho~'·p:igc
ttacc and calcul ate page Fault for
~.~.: fo!l o,,1ng p::igc replaceme.!jt sche mes.
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is me::i nt by Free Space Managem ent ?
Define Bit vec10 r and
Greup mg .
Defin e the te mis:
11 logical .-\dd ress -::- '
ii) Phys ical Add ress '
h plam Resource ,\llocation Graph in del
\\ 1!21 are the di 11ere nce between
.-._ _,',. t, PrL·c mpti ~)-n~ iSi~ n-Pr cem ptiv c
'.~ , Scheduling.
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pr~- ht on each sw-face of
~,-, .he d1,;k. If request queue is 68, 172, \ I ?8,
pt)',1t io-n of the head is 2S.
I~~ '40, 118 and 136 initial
:f / Apply FCF'S <Ask scheduling algori thm &
<.alcula1e total he;, Movement.
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J) ,· , . . . .
\\.ha t an: Jiffo rcnt tt!ch nol ogi..: s ,11c used 111 A jax·>
·-, .
\\ nat is Web Serv ice·>
!) \\:ha t is cont ent Man agem ent sys tem
g) \\ 'ha i~ S..:ri aliza tion· >
h) Ddi nc CDD I.

11 \\ .h;.1L ,~ 1'1-lP i'ra111..: ·.,u rk .

_i ) Ddi nc Tcm pbtc of o bject uric1 i!cJ .

I-\ ➔ =](ii
Atte mpt Any four of the follo wing :
::i) Expl ain cla s s ,ind obje ct ,,·ith e:-.:11n plc
PHP. .
b) Wha t is Doc ume nt obje ct i\-lod c l in \'' ......
detai l ? , ,
c) Wha t is SOA P'? Expl ain in "-" . \2' .

d) Expl ain featu res ofJo omla / Drup al.

? atab::ise usi n,c! PHP and :\j :1,
e) Expl::iin with ex::implt: how to c.:onn ect ' .

I➔ y ~ == 161
• 1A.nv l·ot1fl)
. 1·1h·f11ll<'"inf
' . , ·p·-=~
·1 ddi ·pla\11 1nnL\. ··· <L~- ..
:\IILITIP . . E , i:~ oi:1a1 an :i ,
Q.l) • t ;icccpt 01D 10,
a) Create a 1om1 o .
stic . l conClj1I) ._
. ky I0m
. , m:111\.,
.1 -j ..1', 1?:
. · : J ··
Cl· ,h;\'•l' \\ ·11· ' I ' ,'
r) Cr~.1 1.: :in ,1h-t:,1,·t ,,,, . t • 'I hrlJ lhl. C1rck ,r" J.,:· ..... .,..
. , l'' i:ct:11v~ktk 11 ~ · .
f)cmCll\ llcl,,, 1 I I 1o·i:rriJ 1nQ).
. 't' I;i I I ,c \ \.'I )(ll \ - .• •
arcanJ, i,\un1l ' . . ( l ·e "Studl..'nL\ .1!L :t. c' ,
.. llowinl! 4UC~IIO lh ' ~
d Wri1ucripl 10 ~uhc 1() " •• , I .; k
nt Ob·cct and load tht~X\1 - ,,
~ Create a nm 1D11cumc
t . . ·nt to ihe bro" ~er. \\ .rii·
. _. .
: .: . , 'ir, r,,
it) (ict the 111np111of 1h1, D,K11tnl . "Stt1d ·n1 \\iL " iik
·I I 't1l Prc~cnl rn 1.: ..

rint the 11:1rnl·~ ol 111! 51U( L • · · n 111 rabk r·ormat I

d) a PIIP Scnpl to display scr1·er intorn1a110
(\lse S_.SERVER). . . 1· to
a. ··T' ., "l':->1oer
c) Wnt~ aP HP Scri1,1for1hcfollo"tn~. :. Dc~1·~n
h a onnb (L~l-
- ~· • ••
11 -- ·,1n\.ept
. • -~
from 1hc um. To t"1nd Sum of the <lt~11s o 1 e 1:um er ~l " ' •
o"fsclfpro~c~~111g pa~c).

QJJ A11cmpt any four of the following : .....

n) ·what is Inheritance? Expla~-~ith suitable example.
b) How art ides arc rreated ihl:>;upal R.Joornala?
BEA CC fl)
..,..., -·
c) Create n XML file which gil'eS det:iils of books a1·:ii!arc"I in ".-\BC
Bookstore" from following:,., · I
Categories i) Tech~ca\_. 'lt) Cooking iii) YOGA
d) Define class Employee having pri vate members id. nam~ d;:-p:?ri111cnt.
Salarv. Define parameterized constrnctor. Create a St:b . L!~, :·J lkd

·:~fan~ger" with pri1·ate member oonus. Create 6 object~ l1 i ; '.: ~ \ ianagcr
dib~ anJ d1~pla1 Lil-: J\!tails ol th-: ivla,wl!er ha, in" ·j,. ,·,1 ,·. ,,. 1· 11 ' , · ,
~ ' -- .. · · ·· '·

salary. (Salary + bonus) - '·"

e) Explain selling Response He~Jm.

o-J w. ·_, I
_:i ne a short note on any two o1· 1he 1·0 11 Ol\'111"
. · ,
a) WSDL. • ~-..
12 X J = 61 I
b) XMLparser. I
\._, ,,1: ·

c) XMLHTTP Rcnuest


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