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DTDM Sample Question

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01 .

One-fourth of a circular 'disk is :ca,Ued-a

a} Semi-circle b) Quadrant c) Sector d1 Arc
02. The base of a" pac;8l1elog~!Jl IS 14 em, and its distance from the eppostte side is 8 em. Then its
area is
a) 144 cm2 b) 64 cm2 d~1'12 cm2
03. 'In an examination, 3,0% :candipatesfailed fn English, 35% failed in Mathematics' and 27·%.falled in
both the subjects, Th:e:petcentag~ of total passed is --:
. '.
a) 61% b) 65% b) 60% d):62%

04. The degree of5xl + 4'i,iS _, ,_

a)1 b.)2 0)3 d)4
05. If a,path of uniform wjdtlt4 m r:uhsarooht:Hl1e quts,ipe qf a,rectangular filed 2.4·m x 18 rn, then the
area ofthe path is. m? '. . iin~:i:i'i\\.
a) 400 . 0):"446 c)'497 d) 49a.!,,:,..
.,;,' .'

",06. The device used to testwhether;aJ>artJeulsLmaterjal altQws,electl'ic pu

C} Capacitor

07. Which of the tollowinqliqulds is a pootconduetor of,electri~\i{. '.

a) Lemon juice bfVinegar ' c) S4~@[ J~J~i9.1~
~:}>.. ·':~q1~i:;>..~;-,:!.:::.:;.-
d) Salt,solutlon

08. When two forces act a'iong the same 'direc.tion~i~.ai{'~pj~lfltthen the net force acting on the object
is of the two forces If /":'li; ",.(.:~:!,
a) the average .b) le~s than the :!~!i;. ~l~~r~ter Ulan th~ sum d) egual tothe:<sum
'.._ ,... __..·:::;?::i::;:;~;::l~'
09. .:with the .same velo.city_ Whi9h of the
Two objects, A and B, qne over,,~ other~ ~~~!~h10'l.in9
following staternents is;:, " ..,::i;:'" ;' '

a) Friction on A is in tl;l~f: 0) Friction Oh Als jrrth~e b~clMafd~irept~on

c) FriCtion on B'is 10. dJ No-'ffiCtit)ttactbetween Aand':a
10.. If an obJectoscill~;, .~rse.t:((qdj:iti~;~id to havearrequency of -_
a) 80 sec .t; c~8(:) hr d)0.012&':tdz.

11. Which.,.e thg;,'Celsstiat,bQQJe$aPpec;lriSto ch~nge its position with respeet'to thest9rsr?

. C:P: G'$tands
for ....___..........
_ ......
c) The ~tfky way dl (3al.axie$:

a)'liquid petroleum gas 15):liquetled~peVQleumg'8,S

e) liquid petrol gas d) Hquefie.Q]l>etroi gas
13. A box kept on a rough surface is;pc!=!ssedfrom the top .. While moving the box, we ~bsefVe1ha.Uhe
friction between the box and the"suttace '. .
a) increases' b) decrea.ses c) remains -the same d) becomes Zero

14. light travels along a _

a) straight line b) circular p-ath c) zigzag path
d) straight line for some,oistilnceand.then travels in a zigzag path
15. Which of the following ohangesthe djrection of light?
a) A board painted,black tI)A. plqc!<.body
c) Carbon suit d) A mirror
16. The remind$rWh~n;~~%'.:.·.'e~ - 2: 1$;
.. -t,is dl'J:I~'ibt'a~b~(x
a) 12, 'hJ:'1" c} ~~,

17, The three vertices' 0 a:rectangle ABCD are A(2, - i3), 8'($., .. ~} ~nd(DE5'.'0), ·The:~in.ates
of fourth v~rte:x0 is ._.-<-_. ____
a) (2, - a) . ;~J(2'ja;}
Ioi .

18. The area ~f ali egl.l,i1aterartriaog.lewhose perimeter is 36\(3 cm'i$

',}',. '5""¢rfl 2. ""5" ··2'

20. Simplify ~'2:11/6 ;K2.11,~

a) 12

21, Find the area bra trjapgle;With sid,es.;2B em, 21 em 'anc:l35em..

22. Two sides of a 'triangle:With penmeter :1<1'2em are 50 em . . '0 ,tJ1e' f,ll'$"a ~ tfj~mangle,

a) 235 em
. b) 336 cm2
Also, find the l~rigth·.pf'ClJtittitlecorresponding to the sid~{

* cnt 'l~rlfythe;t!$!J!t
.... , '.

23. The remainderWtlet'l·,.,..'3i{'+·.7t,....71 ..

a) 5 d)9
A plane,surface is a $JJ

aJ Points

25. 0:.C.rtJ 'i$:

2,:. The .IeflQt!:l· ofthe ~lti~d~;t~:~Id~~'1
0) 4.8:cm d)-4:,orr!'"
26: 'arigletllatis '72°mGre'than its$~pplemerifl$
oJ 1269 e) 66° d) '$1°
,~'aY2'19256227 b) 291256472 c) 219256722 d) 234256227 .
28: Find ( -3 )4 x (-9 f X (3y2 X ~2

a) 50949 b~?49Qg c) 59094 d) 59049

29~ Evaluate: "23::4,x·22-.6
a1528~89 b) 528,'84 c)54a~84

30. The region o,ccupled ~y q"Simple closed figure-in a plane-ls calleg

a} L~!1gth . . ,b}VQlume '. c) 'Perimetiar

, CotittJ.J'
31. It was Sunday: on Jai\luary ,t;:20tl$; WtncitiwasAhe day aHhe-week January 1,..2010'7'
a) Sunday t,l}l$at1:Jtday c} Friday d):Wedne.sday

~2. Today is M9nc;ja~t After:61' 'd.@y~,itwm pEJ

a) Wednesday" 17;)$~iJJd~Y c) Tuesday
a:a,. A., P~~RfX, $: and'Za,re.sjtti,n9:~lh;~\'roW~~$;and·:Zaca in tlJe centre;; A:an~'P:,~~~'~t
th~ eod$~, R is
sittin9:tO'the'Jeft,of~. WhQ;'t~to:1he,;:o9rrt ofP?
a) A 'b);X c) S d).Z

34. EntQmQI~y i$'th~,s¥i~l1ce;th~~t;~stu4J~$

a). Behavi.Qr.9f~\ilrrt~g~E!im.g:~:
.' ". . .",', :b~1!'I$~Gt~,
" "c) The origtj') ~nd tl'l~;t9ry'Qf1~rtnical SRd$,Qientificterms

35. For whiCh Qf the;fI;)Jlowi,ey9 '!;Ii~Qiplh:res,JI') N(I~MIprize awarcled~?

al Ph¥$i~S ~,rr~:'~~trti~try; " b) .RO,~.siolqg'ofMediciit!:e;
c} Literatdr~,.Pe.ace:'an:(t!l3tt()ri'dmiCS :CI):,AIL6,fth .. ,<va '
36. In Which ¥$a(Of'F,Jt..st;WotlctW~rl;Getma~;y declar~ WBI'0rt atl
a) 1914 b.),: 191)5: c},1St6
India·'haS.laFQestd.epOsif~>C)t ....,....._
a) Gold b)Co:pper d) none onhe above

38. The unit of currenUs

a) Oh'ffi . >
d) none oHhe abeve ,
3,9, Where iSJb~ I1I$b CQ4~>of:Q~I~ha?
a) 8h.ub~l1ea~r b~:C, :1(

40. Themember:s
',,:> ...
" ·'_o"·
a? the, peOple J;) 1;,~J¢~&a§~a
'C), elect~;men;i" d) e.!ected members'of. tbeJ~isl~ijy~':colJl'i¢li',
41, ,e
> r
b 10lli tok,Sablia
t ~.,
~. \ ..;:'
Ttie,. IMdiao:;_State;Q,y~pop'tJlation
::~!mlf:i"': t:m~lm~lj!~than. 'b);Mahar~sh~@

4;~; "<:ili:'jto, ·9'9; $,(1, ~.4b'., ?,

44. In the series'2·,.€K t$'; '$4, """" WhaVwill be the 81h'term 'I
" >

a) 4370 . ..> J:j)'431'4: 0) 7443

45. The btair:l{'ofaflY' t;!l,lmplilterisY$t~:i~

- ,
a) ALU . 't»iMeI1l9.fY
46. A mirror chanqes t~e,;tlir:eQtiQ,i'l·.bflig!lit:that
falls, on it This'iptoperty is ,called, ... .of light. '

a) changing . b) ben'dl'119 c) spreading d),reflectiOn

47. Travelling' at 'anayerag,~ :s~' of;$Q 'kmp!!, a' car takes 3 h0~rs, to'go frOM Cl'lenr(af ,to ·P(),ni!iche~.
, The distance betweeFl>'the·tY/.o'places is. km. '
a) 200 b) 1'50 c) 100 d) 400

48. Ram is observing 11Isrhna,ge.in 3iJlane,mirrol:.,.lf the distance :between ~am and the r.piq()f'Js 4 m,
then .the distance b:~M'e.e'i:i'bf$'imq9~and the mirror is' m. ' .
a) 4 b}'8 c) 2 d) 1$

49. The.Boiling p()intofwat~f on Fahte,n~eitspale is o F.

a) 100 c) 212

50. A rocket works on the,

a) first law,of motion
c) third law of motion

51. If no force-acts on.a body~it-wiU

a) break b) get deshaped
c) move with increasing velOCity d) eitherremail1:

52. Sl unit of pressure is .,,~'' .'1:~;!~$j!tw

.a) pascal b) atmosphere ~ ~~\P';< d) mm of;mer:cI;J.CY

53. The heat from the sun 'comes ,to U$ by the

a) conduGtion b) iGOnvection
54. The nplmal temperature of the human'
a) 37° C bj:3S\}C'

55. On increasing tHe"extel1'l~m bOiling point ofa,:nquid

a) is raised c) remains unaffected d) non-e Onn~,&
56. A train 125 III Ip .'.' f.~i1njl1gat' 5 knilhr in 'ttle"same>ijite¢ti(ln: hi w!iUch ;the:"tfciih .Is
going, in 10;$~, ttaihis
a)45 km/tut,i~:;\f~r';i., 'N c}'54 ~mlht d) 55 Km/hf
, i-? :f:\;)j\,;..' :!:~:~l~/
- .. . . '. . . '.. .
.57. ,.:Two :,t,t. 'nj~f:ngin O'pj?,.p~~te:dir~qtitm$>cros$ a.rnan standing orr-the: pl~orhlln 27',~I')(fs, and'
,: ' T7 set: spe'ctivefy and they cross each other' in 26 'seconds; Ttle ratio of their sp9ds is
a) 1 ::3 bP :2 c) 3 : 4 d) none of these

58. A train passes a statlen platform in 3q seconds and man standing on the, platform in 20 seconds. If''¢;
the speed of the train is $4 kmlhr, what is the length of.the platform?
a) 120 m b)240 m c) 30'0 m d) notl'eo:of1hese

59, Father is !=lsedthte~fttm~,~rJ)ore Jhan liii$ son Remit, After a yearS, "he:would be,t'wo';and a ha1f
.times of'Rciftlt's a~e~ .Aft~~tui:tl'ler &,ye,ars~.t:1ow.many times ,wauld 'he be of ROAjfs:age~'
,< "'" " . <

a) 2 tlrrte$ b'12 11'times. . cJ 2 %'time dr3"tim~

60. The Sl;Jrf'tOf'ages;;Qf:5:ehildreh 150ma~the intervals or$ years each IS 5'zyyears, What ,is the age of
the youhgest anitd?
a) 4 years b) 8 years c) 10 years
Write,answer in Answer Sheet Gn/y.

Ot. WIiEmthe directiono,f ct;ilt~ftltin' a e,ondueior is;reversed, then 'the defle~on ;of'{heroeedle. :(jfthe
compassplaCednear'~;~frEIDt'~trYiil9'conduGtor' " , ,

02. Current carrying cdndllclot placed 'in ~lmagnetic fiekiI experiences a foree. The device based on
the principle is ___...,...;

03. If a, force of 75 ,N ~ctihQ 'oq' EimQbj~~l 'pr9d.uce~:ail aCCel!=ratibrl' of 1;.5 ml$2 in: it, .then.
the object is . . 'kg. ' ,':

04. The distance through wl'i'ich a booy moves ,when a constant force Qf .
KE from 20 J to 40 J is .' m. .'.

05. GOld and Silver' are jJ~e;,~for rtlakJog: je-we.I,"

.i\,su.nable 'fGrm~kil1gjeW~f!e,'ry'1
10. • 't t " .: .

06. IS. man who weighs 70 kg 'c( .$,e;~rryii1g a 10 kg' load.on his head. The staircase has
25 steps and each step is'! , e work done by the persen is J, .

08: When ..Mo unequal ma$$~$ pessess the $ame momentum, then; the, kinetic energy 9f the he~;rl,(,ier
maSs'is .ttle kinetici~liergy ofthe;Ugbrer mass:

09. Automobiles are fitted With a devibe that shows the distance traveled, which is known as _

1.0. A ,lJoqy s,~~i~JtQm:J~~tlf@y,~j~,W)m,

:b(l~~~ ,a~,1efati0il. . Il:~fttrav'eJs200 m in 10 5, thE;n the
vallie of tl1eacceleratlor;l ~~, ", ' .mIs '.

11. A + B = if and sih Ai ;: i ,tl'ren<sfn e
2 3

12, If -.13 tan A = t, thehlheva,lue Of A is_~ .

13. . tan24SP .+ 2 tan~ 60° = ........--

15. The value of3S0jn raa'an$.ls ...._ _



18. fftb,e}~6mof the squares of "two consecutive natural numbers ;5·41, then thenum'bers are ....-.__ .

19. The number 32760 can be expressed in the form of product of prime:·exptments .as_. _

20. A hemispherical boWI·of radius 18 em is full of water and the water is poUred into ~¥lif.ldri~1bottles
of each diam~ij3r 3"cm:~mdh.eight 4 em, Then the number,of bottles reqUired to empty the'pOwl is

**_*.'**·••• H

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