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Market Price Index Q1 2023

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First Quarter - 2023

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 |Page

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Data Processing..............................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Classification .....................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Currency of MPI .............................................................................................................................................3
3. APPLICATION OF THE MARKET PRICE INDEX .......................................................................................... 3
4. SURVEY RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 CATEGORY A – GOODS AND SERVICES ............................................................................................................5
Table 1: Agriculture and Livestock ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Table 2: Beverages and Tobacco .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3: Borehole Equipment and Accessories ............................................................................................................................ 10
Table 4: Branded and Printed Materials ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 5: Building and Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials ................................................................................................................................. 32
Table 7: Clothing, Textiles and PPEs............................................................................................................................................. 36
Table 8: Computer Software and Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 38
Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures ...................................................................................................................... 40
Table 10: Fire Suppression Equipment ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Table 11: Food Products .............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Table 12: Hotel and Conference Service ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Table 13: Internet Service ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments ............................................................................................................................... 56
Table 15: Miscellaneous Goods ................................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 16: Motor Vehicles ............................................................................................................................................................. 77
Table 17: Newspaper Advertising ................................................................................................................................................ 78
Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories .................................................................................................................................. 82
Table 19: Office Refreshments and Supplies ............................................................................................................................... 87
Table 20: Office Stationery .......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Table 21: Security and Surveillance Services ............................................................................................................................... 93
Table 22: Sportswear and Accessories ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Table 23: Television Advertising .................................................................................................................................................. 95
Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories ...................................................................................................................................... 96
Table 25: Water Fitting and Fixtures .......................................................................................................................................... 101
4.1 CATEGORY B: WORKS ................................................................................................................................. 104
Table 26: Drilling of Borehole .................................................................................................................................................... 104
Table 27: Floor, Wall and Ceiling Finishes .................................................................................................................................. 104
4.2 CATEGORY C: INTERNATIONAL TRADE MPIs ................................................................................................ 106

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 i|Page


In accordance with Section 12 (3) of the Public Procurement Act No. 8 of 2020 (PPA), the Authority is
mandated to issue a quarterly Market Price Index (MPI) to be used by a controlling officer, chief
executive officer and procuring entity for purposes of an informed price decision. Further, Section 12
(2) of the PPA provides that a procuring entity shall procure standard goods, services and works in
accordance with the price index issued by the Authority. Additionally, procuring entities will use the
MPI as a tool for budgeting, annual procurement planning, and bid/tender evaluation.

The Market Price Index is a metric that represents price position relative to competitors across key
categories and brands, suppliers of goods, works and services. The MPI is a key component in the tender
pricing strategy which looks at prices of commonly procured items, specification units of purchase,
neutral specification of items or brand names that are standardized items and procured by procuring
entities in different categories described herein.

The frequency of production and release of the MPI is on a quarterly basis, intended to be made available
to all stakeholders involved in the public procurement process and supply chain. This is necessary in
order for the stakeholders to make informed decisions during their respective budgeting, tendering and
supply processes.

The Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) is responsible for the coordination of production and
publication of official statistics in Zambia, in accordance with the Statistics Act No. 13 of 2018. The
Authority and ZamStats entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for purposes of collecting
market price information. The MoU provides for exchanging of related information between the two
institutions and for the publication of such data. The market price information in this index was
collected and analyzed by ZamStats.in collaboration with the Authority.

2.1 Data Processing

The data processing phases included data entry, cleaning and analysis. The following variables were
computed and employed during the data processing phases: namely, geometric mean, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation and the count (i.e. number of quotations per item). The maximum and
minimum prices for each item were also computed by province and at national level.

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 2|Page

ZamStats used some of these variables in the MPI report as explained below:

The Geometric Mean of prices was calculated by getting the product of their values and taking
the nth root of the product (as opposed to the arithmetic mean which uses the sum of their values
divided by n) where n refers to the number of observations. The geometric mean represents the
average price and was calculated for each item in each province from a minimum number of six
price quotations. The ‘National Average’ price was also derived by calculating the geometric
mean from the provincial average prices on each item.

The Standard Deviation is a measure of dispersion and was calculated to show how far data
sets deviate from the group geometric mean.

The Coefficient of Variation (CV), is a measure of spread that describes the amount of
variability relative to the mean and is calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the
geometric mean and multiplying by 100.

The Count ‘N’ is the number of valid prices which is used to calculate the geometric mean.

2.2 Product Classification

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)’ international coding system was
used to code all the items. The UNSPSC coding system enables buyers and sellers to describe goods and
services in a common way without referring to any suppliers' in-house catalogue codes and
descriptions. The UNSPSC framework adopts a four or five level classification, using the labels Segment,
Family, Class, Commodity and Business Function.

This index has a total number of 27 categories and 3,176 items up from 2,810 items covered in the
previous quarter.

2.3 Currency of MPI

The prices of the items collected are presented in Zambian Kwacha, unless otherwise explicitly stated
in the index.


Procuring entities are advised to refer to the Average Prices from their respective provinces. However,
where the price(s) for a particular item(s) are not provided for in the respective province, the National
Average Prices may be used. Procuring entities are required to ensure that the range of prices for goods,
works or services are plus or minus ten percent (±10%) of the prices in the Market Price Index. The
MPI shall be used during the following stages:

(a) Budgeting;
(b) Annual Procurement Planning; or
(c) Bid/Tender Evaluation.

The brand names included in the price index were mentioned as emphasis for most commonly procured
goods and services in the public sector. Therefore, the stated brand names are not an exclusive

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 3|Page

recommendation or prescription by the Authority to procuring entities, but are merely mentioned for
purposes of additional information in the market place.

Procuring entities are reminded to undertake Price Reasonableness Analysis (PRA) where an item to
be procured is not covered in the current MPI.

All procuring entities are reminded of the provisions of section 12 (5) of the PPA which provides that
‘…An office holder who willfully or negligently engages or is involved in a transaction in which
standard goods, services and works are procured at an inflated price commits an offence…’.

The Authority shall continuously review and update the MPI to ensure that goods, works or services
that are commonly procured by procuring entities are covered in the subsequent MPI’s.


The dash (-) or blank spaces in the tables in place of a price indicates that the price is not shown
due to one of the following reasons:

1. Number of quotations collected were less than 3 to determine an objective average price

2. Product was unavailable at the time of data collection

3. Outlets were not found/outlets were not accessible at the time of data collection

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Table 1: Agriculture and Livestock
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
101520011 Banana suckers Each 36 31 33 30 37 30 30 57 35 37 35
241129001 Crate - Fruit and Veg Each 157 160 130 143 122 150 120 139
241129002 Crate - Heavy Duty LA084 Each 189 189
101016011 Day old Chicks - Broilers Each 12 13 14 13 14 12 13 15 14 13
101016012 Day old Chicks - Layers Each 18 19 17 16 21 16 18 18
101215001 Feed - Broiler Finisher Pellets (50 kg/bag) Each 455 465 484 463 456 475 480 463 458 486 468
101215002 Feed - Broiler Grower Pellets (50 kg/bag) Each 466 473 512 478 477 496 498 495 469 518 488
101215003 Feed - Broiler Starter Crumbs (50 kg/bag) Each 498 498 512 502 490 527 524 490 500 548 509
Feed - Village Chicken Urban Finisher (25
101215004 Each 177 199 213 191 173 229 248 333 205 389 228
Feed - Village Chicken Urban Starter (25
101215005 Each 205 213 222 185 195 252 249 268 216 221
Feed - Village Chiken Urban Grower (25
101215006 Each 187 193 257 185 186 274 283 280 196 247 225
Fertilizer - Ammonium Sulpahe (50
1017160001 Each 633 788 713 870 690 705 707 765 613 684 713
1017160002 Fertilizer - B-Compound Fertilizer 50 Kgs Bag 1221 951 959 956 913 883 894 938 869 958 950
1017160003 Fertilizer - CAN/LAN Top fertilizer 50 Kgs Bag 994 998 880 908 893 893 938 854 881 914
Fertilizer - Compound D (Basal dressing)
1017160005 Each 852 880 918 830 923 816 922 834 858 869
50 kg/bag
Fertilizer - KelpMax (natural ferilizer) per
1017160006 Litres 91 87 80 90 87
Fertilizer - MaxiBoost per litre (foliar
1017160007 Litres 196 188 192 268 300 291 234
Fertilizer - Nursery Fertilizers S Comp
1017160009 Bag 172 170 163 171 173 170
Fertilizer - Omni boost per litre (foliar
1017160010 Litres 51 80 88 100 85 54 74
1017160011 Fertilizer - Urea (50 kg/bag) Each 902 945 975 975 869 973 923 907 933
701019051 Fingerlings Each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1019150001 Fumigant - Buccanner per litre Litres 228 228
Fumigant - Fungicide - Copper II Sulphate
1019150005 Each 123 112 135 123
( liquid) 100 mls
Fumigant - Fungicides Copper
1019150006 Each 55 58 69 38 100 78 57 100 66
Oxychloride /Kg

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Table 1: Agriculture and Livestock
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
1019150008 Fumigant - Fungicides Dithane /Kg Each 123 120 143 115 122 124
Fumigant - Herbicide/ Fungicide - Copper
1019150009 Each 295 299 280 222 272
II Sulphate (liquid) 500 mls
Fumigant - Herbicide/ Fungicide - Copper
1019150010 Each 75 75 75
II Sulphate (powder) 100 grams
Fumigant - Herbicide/ Fungicide - Copper
1019150011 Each 295 295
II Sulphate (powder) 500 grams
1019150014 Fumigant - Herbicides Dual 5 litres Each 1475 1475
1019150016 Fumigant - Insecticide Confidor 1Kg Packet 300 300
1019150017 Fumigant - Insecticide Dusban 1 Kg Packet 200 252 149 196
Fumigant - Insecticide Karate (Lamda) 1
1019150018 Packet 150 175 162 243 146 172
1019150019 Fumigant - Lambda per litre Litre 174 148 122 169 126 194 103 145
1019150020 Fumigant - Paraquat per litre Litre 88 112 167 90 119 146 100 94 90 109
1019150023 Rat Poison (Rat Pellets) kg 118 160 103 90 115
211019031 Incubator - digital Auto Combo SH1300 Each 18721 18721
211019032 Incubator - digital Auto Combo SH1700 Each 16300 16300
211019033 Incubator - digital Auto Combo SH680 Each 20015 20015
301116021 Macronized Lime 50 Kgs Bag 38 50 40 45 50 44
311515071 Rope - Twine T2 - 2kg per roll Roll 312 322 310 385 317 328
241021091 Sack - New Empty (Polypropylen) Each 6 6 6 7 6 6 6
Sack - Sack/Pic Bag for storage (plastic
241021092 Each 42 48 45 46 50 43 47 46
inside) - (100 kg/bag)
Sack - Sacks/Bag AgroZ for Storage
241021093 Each 56 58 44 51 59 53
(Plastic inside) - (100 kg/bag)
Sack - Sacks/Bag AgroZ for Storage
241021094 Each 29 39 36 32 39 35
(plastic inside) - (50 kg/bag)
Sack - Sacks/Pic Bag for storage (plastic
241021095 Each 43 45 44 36 22 45 38 48 39
inside) - (50 kg/bag)
Seeds - Maize Seed early maturing (10
501017002 Each 358 364 390 359 376 420 519 370 391
Seeds - Maize Seed late maturing (10
501017003 Each 562 570 532 501 451 512 492 465 509
211018011 Sprayer Knapsack - 16 lt Each 521 684 451 678 680 359 933 590
211018012 Sprayer Knapsack - 20 lt Each 1268 1279 855 874 624 1381 1275 1042
422115011 Watering canes - Metal - 10Litres Each 161 128 150 119 139
422115012 Watering canes - Plastic - 10Litres Each 167 163 128 115 94 129 130

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Table 1: Agriculture and Livestock
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
422115013 Watering canes - Metal - 20Litres Each 320 388 352
422115014 Watering canes - Plastic - 20Litres Each 303 250 275
422115015 Watering canes - Plastic - 10Litres Each 100 100

Table 2: Beverages and Tobacco

Muching National
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Northern Nw Southern Western
a Average
5020220201 Ciders - hunters dry 6 x 330ml Each 111 123 115 104 136 169 124 128 138 177 131
5020220202 Ciders - Hunters gold 6 x 330ml Each 111 121 117 113 136 159 124 116 145 177 130
5020220203 Ciders - Savanna dry 6 X 330ml Each 122 135 141 129 147 182 136 135 136 177 143
5020220101 Lager -Armstel lager lite 6 x 330ml Each 105 102 120 102 103 150 113 101 125 157 116
5020220102 Lager -Black label - big bottle 1x12 crate Each 240 240 240 240 240 300 240 240 240 264 248
5020220103 Lager -Black label small bottle 1x24 crate Each 360 324 312 360 264 360 336 300 288 322 321
5020220104 Lager -Budweiser NRB 6 x 330ml Each 150 117 120 150 109 150 150 150 120 147 135
5020220105 Lager -carling black label 6 x 340ml Each 80 83 80 82 83 122 84 92 108 134 93
5020220106 Lager -Castle - big bottle 1x12 crate Each 240 260 240 155 185 245 240 264 260 300 235
5020220107 Lager -Castle lite - big bottle 1x12 crate Each 240 230 215 256 218 240 264 264 300 246
5020220108 Lager -Castle lite can 6 x 500ml Each 88 86 83 106 89 117 81 90 108 102 94
5020220109 Lager -Castle lite small bottle 1x24 crate Each 320 300 288 385 264 360 312 357 320 360 325
5020220110 Lager -Castle lite small dumpy 6 x 340ml Each 79 90 74 93 78 90 72 78 80 101 83
5020220111 Lager -Castle small bottle 1x24 crate Each 288 290 300 312 280 348 336 290 288 294 302
5020220112 Lager -Eagle - big bottle 1x12 crate Each 168 130 180 218 130 268 171 240 183
5020220113 Lager -Flying fish 6 x 330ml Each 107 90 97 96 98 120 93 101 95 165 105
5020220114 Lager -Heineken can lager beer 6 x 330ml Each 115 115 116 109 105 150 119 116 127 150 121
Lager -Heineken premium lager beer 6 x
5020220115 Each 127 116 105 104 100 152 119 110 132 165 121
5020220116 Lager -Miller genuine draft beer 6 x 330ml Each 150 180 164
5020220117 Lager -Mosi - big bottle 1x12 crate Each 240 264 240 275 210 300 260 269 240 270 256
5020220118 Lager -Mosi small bottle 1x24 crate Each 360 252 288 300 335 289 312 286 324 360 309
5020220119 Lager -Stella artois 6 x 330ml Each 117 114 103 99 111 151 120 115 120 180 121
5020220120 Lager -windhoek draught can 6 x 500ml Each 85 118 126 113 111 161 120 125 123 210 126
5020220121 Lager -windhoek lager cans 6 x 330ml Each 84 90 94 93 87 150 120 86 111 150 104
5020220123 Opaque beer - Shake Shake Each 13 8 7 12 12 12 12 8 12 14 11
5020220601 Liqueur - Amarula cream 750ml Each 176 217 188 207 229 281 129 205 239 354 215
5020220602 Liqueur - Jagermeister Liqueur 750ml Each 510 526 543 492 391 466 518 528 525 600 507

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Table 2: Beverages and Tobacco
Muching National
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Northern Nw Southern Western
a Average
5020220603 Liqueur - Strawberry lips liquer 750ml Each 322 240 254 233 259 260 259 253 240 320 262
Liqueur - Wild Africa cream Liqueur
5020220604 Each 230 258 258 245 230 300 250 275 260 303 260
Spirit cooler - Sminoff spin assorted 6 x
5020220605 Each 130 122 128 123 118 188 152 157 147 180 143
5020220606 Brandy - Klipdrift brandy 750ml Each 206 231 226 249 280 221 275 219 249 281 242
5020220607 Brandy - KWV 3 year old brandy 750ml Each 156 151 156 156 132 179 168 143 145 159 154
5020220608 Gin - Double shot pink gin 750ml Each 47 66 70 75 62 73 70 66 69 72 67
5020220609 Gin - Gordons london dry gin 750ml Each 136 142 120 159 152 173 151 132 170 153 148
5020220610 Rum - Captain Morgan dark rum 750ml Each 275 270 200 251 237 181 223 241 250 226 234
5020220611 Rum - Tipo Tinto Rum All Variants 750ml Each 222 179 207 223 220 209 210 209
5020220612 Vodka - Aura lime vodka 750ml Each 47 62 47 52 69 54 66 60 56 56
Whiskey - J & B blended scotch whisky
5020220613 Each 265 263 288 273 295 250 325 265 224 279 271
5020220614 Whiskey - chivas regal whisky 750ml Each 450 720 400 750 559 450 825 702 450 725 584
5020220615 Whiskey - Glenfiddich whisky 12Y 750ml Each 1350 1575 1384 801 . 1575 1439 1322
Whiskey - Grants triple wood scotch
5020220616 Each 231 233 234 228 260 252 242 275 200 255 240
whisky 750ml
5020220617 Whiskey - Harrier whisky 750ml Each 130 188 160 130 190 189 180 200 169
5020220618 Whiskey - Imperial Blue Whiskey 200ml Each 33 33 32 37 29 35 33 30 33 36 33
5020220619 Whiskey - imperial Blue Whiskey 750ml Each 117 130 130 119 108 122 118 128 113 137 122
5020220620 Whiskey - jameson black barrel 750ml Each 423 586 530 353 989 423 650 666 400 537 532
5020220621 Whiskey - jameson caskmate 750ml Each 460 355 408 361 358 452 450 453 360 575 418
5020220622 Whiskey - Jameson irish whiskey 750ml Each 306 298 301 357 327 363 327 297 342 333 324
Whiskey - Johnnie Walker Red Label
5020220623 Each 286 288 280 228 295 248 284 289 222 224 263
Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml
5020220624 Whiskey - Monarch malt whiskey 750ml Each 81 90 69 79 95 108 92 90 90 85 87
5020220625 Whiskey - Red label whisky 750ml Each 244 263 239 232 236 252 252 247 250 369 256
5020220626 Whiskey - Royal circle whisky 750ml Each 135 149 159 178 114 151 145 154 150 299 158
Whiskey - Singleton single malt whisky
5020220627 Each 866 1048 849 1122 964
750ml Y12
Whiskey - Tiger eye café rhum whisky
5020220628 Each 144 51 131 149 168 130 138 161 125 180 132
Wine - Chateau del rei sparkling white
5020220501 Each 191 300 158 300 229
wine 6 X 250ml
5020220502 Wine - J.C LE ROUX sparkling wine 750ml Each 212 156 222 145 161 137 162 245 140 380 186
5020220503 Wine - KWV sparkling demi sec 750ml Each 177 125 177 170 157 172 164 171 169 180 165
Wine - Non Alcoholic Sparkling wine
5020220504 Each 95 150 103 130 132 142 143 122 129 126
Wine - Robertson sparkling non-alcohol
5020220505 Each 150 152 190 127 139 142 151 140 144 148
wine 750ml

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Table 2: Beverages and Tobacco
Muching National
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Northern Nw Southern Western
a Average
5020220301 Wine - Autum Harvest 750ml Each 63 63 100 71 66 73 56 62 59 122 71
5020220302 Wine - Four cousins 750ml Each 99 107 117 101 102 133 105 118 95 106 108
5020220303 Wine - Cellar cask red wine 750ml Each 119 168 118 115 114 124 109 110 122 219 129
5020220304 Wine - Robertson chapel wine 750ml Each 180 179 190 171 125 142 180 180 200 170
5020220305 Wine - Duet Nederburg 750ml Each 188 186 240 160 151 198 191 240 192
5020220306 Wine - Nederburg sauvignon blanc 750ml Each 159 67 240 210 182 203 177 165 200 170
5020220307 Wine - Genesis red wine 750ml Each 46 48 97 63 72 75 50 62
5020220308 Wine - 4TH Street sweet red wine 5 litres Each 390 157 67 190 360 348 392 141 350 480 249
5020220309 Wine - Mosi-o -tunya cape wine 3ltrs Each 307 390 216 157 299 261
Wine - mosi-o -tunya falls all variant
5020220310 Each 100 93 97 88 100 180 140 117 133 150 117
5020220311 Wine - Nederburg chardonnay 750ml Each 195 201 240 180 191 203 201 184 204 180 197
5021150201 Cigarette - Consulate (20 sticks) Each 21 29 22 19 26 20 20 20 20 21 22
5021150202 Cigarette - Peter Stuvysant (20 sticks) Each 38 41 35 39 26 20 26 36 20 37 31
5021150203 Cigarette - Dunhill (20 sticks) Each 47 49 45 42 47 60 40 40 40 72 48
Soft drink - Coke/Sprite/Fanta 300ml
5020230601 Each 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 4 6 7 6
Soft drink - Coke/Sprite/Fanta 300ml
5020230602 Each 8 6 7 10 8 6 6 7 6 7 7
Soft drink - Coke/Sprite/Fanta 500ml
5020230603 Each 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 13 12 12
Soft drink - Mirinda/pepsi/ 7up 300ml
5020230604 Each 6 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 8 7
Soft drink - Mirinda/pepsi/ 7up 300ml
5020230605 Each 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 8 7
Soft drink - Mirinda/pepsi/ 7up 500ml
5020230606 Each 10 10 8 8 10 12 9 12 8 14 10
5020230401 Juice - Just juice 2 Ltrs Each 42 42 44 42 45 40 40 41 38 37 41
5020230402 Juice - Orange Crush Local 2 Ltrs Each 40 42 43 44 36 53 42 39 48 37 42
5020230403 Juice - Orange Squash 2 Ltrs Each 29 34 33 39 36 53 44 48 37 39

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Table 3: Borehole Equipment and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Single Phase Electric Submersible
4015151302 Each 6,041 6,663 4,388 5,150 3,900 3,834 4,886
Pump-0.5 HP
Single Phase Electric Submersible
4015151301 Each 9,740 10,259 6,473 6,019 7,899
Pump-0.75 HP
Single Phase Electric Submersible
4015151300 Each 11,242 11,396 7,044 9,046 9,506
Pump-1 HP
Single Phase Electric Submersible
4015151299 Each 13,000 12,693 10,148 9,128 11,119
Pump-1.5 HP
Single Phase Electric Submersible
4015151298 Each 15,748 14,639 13,976 10,197 13,463
Pump-2.0 HP
Three Phase Electric Submersible
4015151297 Each 19,748 17,569 21,898 16,997 17,400 17,800 18,493
Pump-3.0 HP
2612160201 Submersible Cable 1.5 mm*3 core Meter 45 33 30 36 35
2612160202 Submersible Cable 2.5 mm*3 core Meter 56 36 35 41
2612160203 Submersible Cable 4.0 mm*3 core Meter 67 39 51
2612160204 Submersible Cable 1.5 mm*4 core Meter 42 42
2612160205 Submersible Cable 2.5 mm*4 core Meter 72 47 46 54
2612160206 Submersible Cable 4.0 mm*4 core Meter 87 57 54 65
Mono Hand Pump-30 meters
4015150601 Each 12,854 9,885 9,500 12,000 11,225 11,021
maximum head (Steel Pipes)
Mono Hand Pump-60 meters maximu
4015150602 Each 16,153 14,882 15,944 16,550 15,870
head (SteelPipes)
Mono Hand Pump-30 meters
4015150603 Each 8,748 9,405 7,500 8,514
maximum head (PVC Pipes)
Mono Hand Pump-60 meters maximu
4015150604 Each 10,900 10,900
head (PVC Pipes)
4014211501 Poly Pipe 32 mm class 6 by 100 meters Each 1,200 1,369 2,120 1,049 1,107 1,323
4014211502 Poly Pipe 40 mm class 6 by 100 meters Each 1,800 1,925 2,524 1,449 1,887
4014211503 Poly Pipe 50 mm class 6 by 100 meters Each 2,000 2,572 4,518 1,950 1,819 2,416
4014211504 Poly Pipe 63 mm class 6 by 100 meters Each 3,000 4,061 5,151 2,755 3,033 3,499
Poly Pipe 32 mm class 10 by 100
4014211505 Each 4,210 4,210
Poly Pipe 40 mm class 10 by 100
4014211506 Each 6,749 6,749
Poly Pipe 50 mm class 10 by 100
4014211507 Each 10,197 10,197
Poly Pipe 63 mm class 10 by 100
4014211508 Each 14,298 14,298

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Table 4: Branded and Printed Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
8212150001 Design and Printing - A1 one page calendar Each 87 81 124 100 42 113 100 110 90
Design and Printing - A4 books (self crbonating)
8212150002 Each 221 245 250 250 239 250 248 100 217
50pages x 3 NCR
8212150003 Design and Printing - Brochures - A4, Artmart, 90g/m2 Each 26 24 26 25 11 25 16 21
Design and Printing - Brochures three fold - standard
8212150004 Each 30 30 13 23
Design and Printing - Business Cards Full Colour
8212150005 Pack 546 570 400 399 386 410 480 388 433 441
Double Side Print gloss (banch of 100)
Design and Printing - Business Cards Full Colour Single
8212150006 Pack 352 318 250 289 230 250 373 311 331 297
Side Print gloss (banch of 100)
Design and Printing - Calendar (A2, Full colour
8212150007 Artpaper gloss, 170g/m2, 12 pages, metal spiral Each 132 135 150 131 165 144 151 165 146
Design and Printing - Desk Calendars - A2 Size 12
8212150008 pages, full colour, Bond 80gsm, padded with plastic Each 164 170 190 230 165 250 169 189
Design and Printing - Executive Diaries - Thermo PU
8212150009 leather cover with strap, 80 gsm paper, embossed logo, Each 365 361 378 212 215 296
Pen loop, Organiser on inside cover, A5 Size
8212150010 Design and Printing - ID Cards (full Colour) with ribbon Each 50 55 68 64 61 65 72 60 65 62
8212150011 Design and Printing - ID PVC bend 32mm Each 67 75 73 59 78 69 70
Design and Printing - Notebooks - Thermo PU Cover,
8212150012 Each 112 125 119 119
Pen loop, embossed logo, A4 size
Design and Printing - Posters A 1 on gloss paper - with
8212150013 Each 71 80 75 68 75 75 74
self adhesive
Design and Printing - Standard Diaries - Thermo PU
8212150014 Each 274 280 278 285 287 281
leather, 80 gsm paper, embossed logo, A5 size
Design and Printing - Table (Tent) Calendars - A5 Size,
8212150015 Each 83 90 75 83
13 Pages, 300 gsm gloss, wire spiral binding
Design and Printing - Wall Calendars - A2 size, 7 pages
8212150016 Each 173 170 135 159
full colour, gloss 300gsm, wire spiral binding
Design and Printing of A4 booklets 78 pages full colour
8212150017 - Inside pages 280gsm and 350gsm gloss laminated full Each 245 346 235 271
colour with perfect binding
Printing - Official Letter heads - full colour A4,
8212150018 ream 621 632 717 615 717 574 566 632
executive bond paper
8212150019 printing of Cabinet Charts (200g) Each 300 320 301 307
8212150020 Printing of Presidential Portraits (A3) Each 34 39 25 35 45 25 35 25 32
8212150021 Printing of Presidential Portraits (A4) Each 50 50 30 10 33 30 35 35 31
8212150022 Printing of programmes A5 on gloss 128g (per page) Each 11 10 7 9 7 10 10 9

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 11 | P a g e

Table 4: Branded and Printed Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Supply and Branding - Backdrops - 2500mm (height x
8014160001 3000mm (wide) on granulated flex with aluminum Each 2,309 2,219 6,270 3,178
Supply and Branding - Branded Corporate (bush) long
8014160002 sleeved shirt - Embroidered Bush Shirt 160-180gram, Each 397 400 350 436 350 385
100% cotton
Supply and Branding - Branded Corporate (bush) short
8014160003 sleeved shirt - Embroidered Bush Shirt 160-180gram, Each 397 400 437 411
100% cotton
Supply and Branding - Branded Corporate
8014160004 Each 103 110 150 110 150 134 122 124
Embroidered Baseball Caps
Supply and Branding - Branded Golf T-shirts -
8014160005 Each 266 275 350 249 350 295
Embroidered Golf TShirt 180-200grams, 100% cotton
8014160006 Supply and Branding - Dust Coats - branded Each 265 299 260 260 271
Supply and Branding - Flags - Customised flags/
8014160007 Each 474 450 380 676 380 461
organisation branded flags - standard size
Supply and Branding - Flags - Zambian flag - Standard
8014160008 Each 483 500 380 604 485
Supply and Branding - Gazebos - Frame: Folding, Steel
8014160009 Each 9,661 9,661
Black or Silver Coating 3m X 3m Waterproof, Anti-UV
Supply and Branding - Heavy duty customised door
8014160010 M2 2,577 2,577
mats per square mtr
Supply and Branding - Parasols - Width 270cm – Height
8014160011 230cm-Aluminium Central Tube 32cm, Waterproof, Each 3,385 3,385
8014160012 Supply and Branding - Pop- up c/w stand Each 1,576 1,643 1,283 1,492
Supply and Branding - Pull Up Banners - 2000mm
8014160013 (high) x 850mm (wide) on Ferrari Material with Silver Each 1,632 1,732 2,400 1,626 2,400 1,700 1,886
8014160014 Supply and Branding - PVC Banner - 2m x 1m Each 397 500 300 400 365 300 400 375
8014160015 Supply and Branding - PVC Banners (17m x1m) Each 3,774 5,029 3,000 3,500 2,370 3,000 3,500 3,372
Supply and Branding - PVC banners- Per sq mtr, non
8014160016 M2 222 296 100 120 141 100 150 150
8014160017 Supply and Branding - Raincoats two piece - Branded Each 624 650 609 628
Supply and Branding - Roll Up Banners - 2000mm
(high) x 850mm (wide) on Ferrari Material with Silver
8014160018 Each 1,632 1,732 1,700 1,539 2,000 1,714
Base; XBanners - 1600mm (high) x 600mm (wide) on
Ferrari material
Supply and Branding - Tear Drops - Double sided flag
8014160019 material 866mm x 3500mm with Flag, Pole Set & Carry Each 2,396 2,500 2,203 2,363
8014160020 Supply and Branding - Teardrop Flags, 4.3metres Each 3,476 3,742 2,055 2,990
8014160021 Supply and Branding - Telescopic Flags, 4metres Each 2,486 2,486
8014160022 Supply and Branding - Telescopic Flags, 6metres Each 2,640 2,640

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 12 | P a g e

Table 4: Branded and Printed Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Supply and Branding - Triangular Decorative Buntings
8014160023 m 411 411
(e.g used for Independence Day celebrations)
Supply and Branding - Washable cloth face mask
8014160024 Each 14 10 15 10 22 10 15 15 15 15 14
Supply and Branding - Wind Spinners - Rotating section
- 1000mm x 515mm x 80mm; Dimensions: Whole unit
8014160025 Each 2,929 2,929
- 1250mm x 515mm x 470mm; Mass of base - 3.5kg
(empty) 21kg when full)
8014160026 Supply and Branding - Worksuits two piece - Branded Each 296 306 385 327
Supply and Branding - X – Banner - Large X Frame
8014160027 Each 2,345 2,325 1,076 1,804
Banner 1.8mm X 800mm

Table 5: Building and Construction

Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Conforce wire 86 x 50meters
3120151101 Each 1,099 860 1,053 1,151 830 1,285 1,162 1,047 847 1,200 1,042
Conforce wire 257 x 48meters
3120151102 each 1,908 2,478 2,376 2,050 1,900 2,100 2,500 2,600 2,350 2,230 2,236
Roofing sheet - 0.21mm
3015150101 m 45 71 75 67 50 54 70 48 46 64 58
Roofing sheet - 0.25mm
3015150102 m 50 87 85 85 57 95 51 65 82 71
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm
3015150103 m 75 95 105 68 64 95 82
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm
3015150104 m 80 107 115 125 82 127 120 106
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150105 m 104 117 130 125 132 130 122
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150106 m 96 92 99 71 100 110 81 105 93
IBR/IT4 colour coated sheet
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150107 IBR/IT4 non-coloured roofing m 80 89 97 69 70 107 93 85
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150108 m 120 69 93 119 70 258 92
IBR/IT4 non-coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150109 m 90 117 87 129 92 102
versatile sheet
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150110 m 145 119 114 116 117 122 122
versatile sheet

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 13 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150111 m 123 128 149 145 134 136
versatile sheet
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150112 m 115 79 50 73 135 104 107
IBR/IT4 coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150113 m 138 90 111 104 90 100 128 147
IBR/IT4 coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150114 m 141 158 127 140 163 165 138 158 83
IBR/IT4 coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150116 m 125 115 100 119 155 122
IBR/IT4 non-coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150117 m 140 121 120 135 82 148 122
IBR/IT4 non-coloured Valley
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150119 m 92 117 127 88 140 150 141 158 130
IBR/IT4 colour coated sheet
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150120 m 146 149 133 117 150 80 158 131
IBR/IT4 colour coated sheet
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150121 m 88 81 81 69 65 70 75
IBR/IT4 coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150122 m 90 96 89 77 68 69 78 72 79
IBR/IT4 coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150123 m 65 82 93 76 70 80 75 77
IBR/IT4 coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150124 m 65 68 60 63 59 65 79 65
IBR/IT4 non-coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150125 m 74 75 67 69 67 69 70 83 72
IBR/IT4 non-coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150126 m 78 78 84 62 70 73 94 86 77
IBR/IT4 non-coloured ridge
Roofing sheet - 0.3mm thick
3015150127 IBR/IT4 non-coloured roofing m 78 87 98 71 73 103 84
Roofing sheet - 0.4mm thick
3015150128 IBR/IT4 non-coloured roofing m 101 112 145 94 160 103 117
Roofing sheet - 0.5mm thick
3015150129 IBR/IT4 non coloured roofing m 128 141 164 120 170 103 136
3018150101 Bathtub - 1700 x 700mm fibre each 1,686 1,583 1,761 2,174 1,995 1,768 1,732 2,537 1,802 1,574 2,027
Bathtub - 1700 x 700mm
3018150102 each 1,799 1,817 1,966 2,127 2,184 2,000 2,295 2,077 1,842
stainless steel
Bathtub - 1795 x 975mm
3018150103 Each 2,200 2,200 2,056 2,345 2,277 1,732 2,550 2,550 2,224
stainless steel
Wash-hand basin - 560mm x
3018150101 each 691 650 725 622 596 561 474 594 521 466 584
405mm Ceramic

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 14 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Wash-hand basin 560mm x
3018150102 405mm Ceramic -complete with each 888 666 828 897 714 900 732 950 930 970 841
Laundry trough - Single bowl -
3018150403 each 1,857 1,293 1,750 1,228 1,350 1,800 1,342 1,497
Stainless Steel
Laundry trough - Double bowl -
3018150405 each 1,541 1,897 1,710
Laundry trough - Double bowl -
3018150406 each 1,950 2,150 1,567 1,500 1,782 1,774
Stainless Steel
Sink - Single drain and single
3018150408 each 1,051 850 913 642 694 680 1,000 1,249 941 1,107 893
bowl stainless steel
Sink - Double drain and double
3018150409 each 1,688 1,050 1,589 1,693 2,217 1,296 1,000 1,971 1,800 1,540
bowl industrial stainless-steel
Sink - Double drain and double
3018150410 each 1,600 1,050 1,499 1,850 1,129 1,650 1,519 1,395 1,800 1,475
bowl stainless steel
3116260601 J-hook (roofing bolt) 3" kg 104 400 116 115 90 105 90 110 105 128 121
3116260602 J- (roofing bolt) 5" kg 136 144 124 112 100 150 140 160 132
Bolts - M12x 50 bolts c/w nut
3116161101 Each 21 14 32 15 17 25 15 10 18 18
and 2 washers
3116161102 Bolts - M16 anchor bolts Each 35 21 26 23 30 32 18 26
Bolts - M16x 55 bolts c/w nut
3116161103 Each 46 31 23 38 29 20 30
and 2 washers
3116161104 Bolts & Nuts M16 Each 21 27 25 26 36 20 5 66 20 23
3116161105 Bolts and Nuts 35X 8mm Each 6 15 15 4 36 7 20 11
3018170101 Sink mixer - Kitchen each 889 880 928 682 546 500 1,000 1,850 793 1,215 867
3116200501 Roofing nails - 75mm GI kg 55 59 55 60 50 47 45 63 57 69 56
Timber - Sawn softwood 50 x
1112160401 Each 72 77 64 68 75 44 120 90 86 75
50mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 75 x
1112160402 Each 105 97 99 104 61 164 125 134 107
50mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 100 x
1112160403 Each 111 115 116 120 134 145 123
25mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 100 x
1112160404 Each 132 129 130 119 122 137 145 130 130
50mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 150 x
1112160405 Each 161 150 160 152 127 180 165 155 156
50mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 150 x
1112160406 Each 175 186 170 170 163 173
75mm x 5m
Timber - Sawn softwood 200 x
1112160407 Each 195 200 213 219 215 208
50mm x5m
Timber - Sawn softwood
1112160408 Each 231 225 241 260 245 251 242
225x25mm x 5m

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 15 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Gumpole - Treated 160-
1112160409 Each 2,800 2,800
Gumpole - Treated 175-
1112160410 Each 3,100 3,100
Gumpole - Treated 175-
1112160411 Each 4,600 4,600
3018150601 Urinal bowl - Ceramic (Manual) Each 565 500 789 493 423 592 594 386 531
Urinal bowl - Ceramic
3018150602 Each 885 452 500 616 592
3018150603 Urinal bowl - Ceramic (Timed) Each 688 893 473 693 670
Urinal trough - Stainless Steel
3018150420 Each 1,269 1,608 1,850 1,557
Toilet suite complete - Ceramic
3018150501 Each 2,323 3,000 2,316 3,201 1,522 1,500 1,500 2,836 2,359 2,605 2,233
Toilet suite complete - PVC
3018150502 Each 1,572 890 1,224 1,458 830 1,200 992 975 1,075 1,111
3018160401 Toilet plastic seat and cover Each 150 180 184 188 186 195 144 158 169 172
3018160401 Toilet wooden seat and cover Each 270 220 282 250 260 290 233 241 255
2327181001 Welding Electrodes 2.5mm Kg 51 40 73 75 58 50 62 55 47 56
2327181002 Welding Electrodes 5mm Kg 80 60 95 90 68 75 59 74
4618170301 Welding shield Each 158 190 157 163 115 193 150 130 155
3116200601 Wire nails 1 inch Kg 40 29 39 41 35 38 42 36 34 52 38
3116200602 Wire nails 2 inch Kg 41 29 40 41 35 38 42 36 34 52 38
3116200603 Wire nails 3 inch Kg 41 29 41 42 36 38 42 37 41 52 40
3116200604 Wire nails 4 inch Kg 42 29 41 42 36 40 42 37 41 52 40
3116200605 Wire nails 5 inch Kg 46 30 43 43 36 40 42 56 41 52 42
3116200401 Concrete nails 3 inch kg 55 45 205 59 42 46 97 68 55 76 66
6012440301 Tying wire - 1.6mm 25Kg each 766 1,290 800 1,000 1,030 1,125 986
Skirting Tiles - porcelean 100 x
3016170601 Box 314 412 200 329 304
Skirting Tiles - Ceramic 100 x
3016170602 Box 303 350 290 369 327
Skirting Tiles - Carpet 100 x
3016170603 Box 350 350 350
3016170604 Skirting - Timber Metre 63 90 42 90 28 57
Pan connector - 100mm
4017251303 Each 50 45 55 68 38 55 50 60 71 58 54
Diameter PVC

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 16 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Gulley trap - 110mm Diameter
4017170802 Each 112 109 122 143 98 110 120 135 126 142 121
Pipe - Sewer - (PVC 110mm
4017170803 Each 345 255 236 190 311 180 200 243 197 202 231
Diameter 6m long)
Vent valve - 110mm Diameter
4017151704 Each 51 45 69 180 49 85 50 57 52 51 62
Tap -Pillar Tap- 13mm Diameter
3018170102 Each 139 99 138 131 108 130 150 234 108 141 134
Chrome Plated
Tap - Bibi Tap- 13mm Diameter
3018170103 Each 125 85 147 136 161 130 180 233 132 141 143
chromium plated
Tap - Garden Tap- 13mm
3018170104 Each 118 90 154 133 105 115 120 136 141 122
Diameter chromium plated
Tap - Garden tap19mm
3018170105 Each 132 165 139 129 125 138 147 139
chromium plated
Shower mixer - 13mm Diameter
3018170106 Each 884 1,300 1,156 835 1,285 1,200 1,399 1,129 1,225 1,142
chromium plated
Connector - flexible 13mm
4017251301 Each 38 38 45 36 46 45 50 57 49 43 44
Diameter copper
Connector - 13mm Diameter
4017251302 Each 29 38 42 37 51 45 50 42 45 45 42
flexible PVC
4017330101 Nipple ½ inch GI Each 10 10 18 17 14 35 10 18 20 35 17
4017330401 Nipple ½ inch PVC Each 6 4 11 10 11 10 10 8 22 9
Rain gutter - 150 x 150mm deep
3015170301 m 70 73 60 63 75 62
Rain gutter - 150 x 150mm deep
3015170302 m 58 66 56 67 68
Rain down pipe - 150 x 150mm
3015170303 m 162 75 187 225 151
diameter PVC
Soap holder - 150 x 150mm
3018160101 Each 75 150 95 139 84 35 159 50 67 85
Toilet roll holder - 150 x 150mm
3018161001 Each 109 127 124 103 87 35 67 55 104 84
4017151701 Pipe 13mm diameter GI m 42 44 57 60 35 42 51 56 53 48
4017151702 Pipe 13mm diameter uPVC m 36 39 33 38 28 35 36 35
4017151703 Pipe 19mm diameter GI m 47 50 45 56 40 45 49 44 48 47
4017151704 Pipe 19mm diameter uPVC m 38 37 37 46 39 42 40 40
4017151705 Pipe 25mm diameter GI m 71 73 77 87 70 73 74 71 78 75
4017151706 Pipe 25mm diameter uPVC m 67 69 70 74 62 69 68 68
4017151707 Pipe 32mm diameter GI m 85 82 81 87 80 83 88 90 97 86
4017151708 Pipe 32mm diameter uPVC m 76 77 74 77 75 87 75 77

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 17 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4017151709 Pipe 38mm diameter GI m 108 110 130 110 96 104 111 123 107 111
4017151710 Pipe 38mm diameter uPVC m 97 95 93 97 82 95 83 91
4017280801 Elbow - PVC 19 mm Diameter Each 15 71 25 29 20 17 21 25
4017280802 Elbow - PVC - 13mm Diameter Each 10 14 13 16 17 15 11 15 14
4017280803 Elbow 13mm GI Each 10 18 9 17 45 16 14 15 16
4017280804 Elbow 19mm GI Each 28 25 11 26 55 22 15 15 22
4017280805 Elbow - Plain 1 1/2 Each 36 9 19 15 23 20 23 11 12 17
4017280806 Elbow - PVC 25mm Each 16 15 25 12 15 12 10 15 15
4017280807 Elbow - 90 Deg GI Each 31 30 35 35 17 29
4018311201 Reducer - 25 x 19mm(PVC ) Each 19 20 15 15 35 17 19
4018311202 Reducer - 25 x 19mm(GI) Each 25 23 15 29 37 11 22 22
4018311203 Reducer - 19 x 13mm(GI ) Each 11 18 10 18 28 21 17
4018311204 Reducer - 19 x 13mm(PVC ) Each 9 10 11 25 12
4014161301 Gate valve - 1 inch PVC Each 55 43 52 40 35 49 53 58 47
4014161302 Gate valve - 1 inch GI Each 196 187 150 144 146 161 174 164
4014161303 Gate valve ½ inch GI Each 90 68 102 95 162 151 98 47 95
4014161304 Gate valve ½ inch PVC Each 75 38 57 45 36 25 80 71 95 47 53
4014161305 Gate valve 3/4 inch GI Each 117 106 121 68 194 85 100 244 131 47 110
4014161306 Gate valve 3/4 inch PVC Each 85 38 75 83 43 85 100 75 120 47 71
4014161307 Gate valve 1 ¼ inch GI Each 347 317 200 385 520 417 302 47 268
4014161308 Gate valve 1 ¼ inch PVC Each 300 143 150 121 35 250 75 165 47 117
4014161309 Gate valve 1 ½ inch GI Each 446 428 164 516 500 866 455 47 333
4014161310 Gate valve 1 ½ inch PVC Each 325 106 161 25 500 1,250 185 46 171
4014161311 Return valve 1 ½ inch GI Each 340 389 135 362 500 1,170 93 321
4014161312 Return valve 1 ½ inch PVC Each 442 93 271 120 500 1,750 268 93 271
Non return Valves - 1 ½ inch
4014161313 Each 340 320 250 246 55 400 1,069 173 30 210
4014161314 Stop cork Valve - ¾ inch PVC Each 116 45 111 85 133 60 100 225 131 106 102
4014161315 Stop cork Valve - ¾ inch GI Each 134 110 114 96 163 65 100 155 85 118 110
4014161316 Stop cork Valve - ½ inch GI Each 96 70 107 94 129 80 80 118 180 118 103

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 18 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4014161317 Stop cork Valve - ½ inch PVC Each 80 30 56 45 23 45 80 75 10 114 46
4017170801 Male adaptor ½ inch GI Each 23 10 22 25 25 15 10 20 10 62 19
4017170802 Male adaptor ½ inch PVC Each 22 10 23 25 11 35 15 15 10 62 19
4017170803 Tee adaptor 13mm Diameter PVC Each 15 25 19 25 14 20 15 16 18
4017170804 Tee adaptor 25mm Diameter PVC Each 25 33 27 41 25 25 30 20 17 26
4017170805 Tee adaptor 13mm Diameter GI Each 23 15 19 29 25 10 17 13 18
4017170806 Tee adaptor 25mm Diameter GI Each 33 33 30 45 62 15 10 25 16 26
4017170807 Tee UPVC 50mm Each 35 12 55 93 53 15 105 75 44
4017170808 Tee - PVC 13mm Diameter Each 65 36 36 25 69 10 12 29
Tee - PVC 19mm x 19mm x
4017170809 Each 47 31 31 35 26 35 10 30 28
13mm Diameter reducing Tee
Inspection Tee - 110mm
4017170810 Each 100 77 77 91 70 75 63 78 64 77
Diameter PVC
4017170811 Coupling 50mm UPVC Each 75 43 45 25 19 40 55 56 41
4017170812 Adaptor 25mm UPVC Each 15 24 28 45 8 45 24
4017170813 Adaptors 32mm UPVC Each 15 39 39 85 17 40 33
Inspection bend - 32mm
401715174 Each 22 16 21 15 11 20 14 15 10 62 18
Diameter PVC
Inspection bend - 38mm
401715175 Each 13 15 22 15 13 14 16 62 18
Diameter PVC
401715173 Bend - 32mm Diameter PVC plain Each 12 16 20 15 14 20 14 19 10 57 17
Waste pipe - 32mm Diameter
4017151711 Each 92 72 76 88 80 60 80 15 85 104 68
Waste pipe - 38mm Diameter
4017151712 Each 107 82 86 97 84 75 40 85 112 82
4017151713 Waste pipe - 40mm diameter PVC each 84 86 89 108 78 60 99 81 112 87
4017151714 Waste pipe - 50mm diameter PVC each 98 107 110 100 106 137 88 132 109
4017151715 Waste pipe - 75mm diameter PVC each 184 171 120 260 132 167
4014251301 Waste trap - 32mm Diameter Each 53 59 60 67 53 60 67 53 66 60
4014251302 Waste trap - 38mm Diameter Each 54 61 62 66 48 83 55 66 61
4014251303 Waste trap - 40mm diameter each 53 60 60 67 52 60 75 50 66 60
4014251304 Waste trap - 50mm diameter each 45 71 70 67 56 50 150 55 66 66
4014251305 Waste trap - 75mm diameter each 86 116 109 67 66 45 325 66 91
4014251306 P-trap - 32mm Diameter Rubber Each 46 58 59 67 55 67 60 50 66 58

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 19 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4014251307 P-trap - 38mm Diameter Rubber Each 45 58 59 65 54 72 60 50 66 58
4014251308 S-trap - 32mm Diameter Rubber Each 65 62 62 65 63 62 54 66 62
4014251309 S-trap - 38mm Diameter Rubber Each 67 65 66 65 78 62 54 72 66
4014251310 U-trap - 32mm Diameter Rubber Each 76 62 64 65 54 60 53 65 72 63
4014251311 U-trap - 38mm Diameter Rubber Each 70 71 65 98 53 65 72 70
Waste outlet with plug and chain
4014251312 Each 62 67 73 65 62 72 69 69 113 71
- 32mm Diameter
Waste outlet with plug and chain
4014251313 Each 62 70 76 65 72 70 77 69 116 74
- 38mm Diameter
Block - Concrete 4 inch(100mm)
3013150201 Each 6 7 7 10 5 6 7 8 6 8 7
thick hollow
Block - Concrete - 6
3013150202 Each 7 8 8 12 5 7 8 10 7 10 8
inch(150mm) thick hollow
Block - Concrete - 8
3013150203 Each 8 10 10 15 6 11 9 11 8 12 10
inch(200mm) thick hollow
Brick/Refactory brick (229 x 114
3013160701 Each 6 8 7 9 5 7 7
x 64mm)
Brick/Refactory brick (229 x 114
3013160702 Each 10 12 8 9 7 7 9
x 76mm)
3013160703 Burnt brick - (229 x 114 x 76mm) Each 3 4 4 3 3 1 3
3013150204 Concrete brick Each 7 8 8 5 7
3120161001 Glue - PVC 250ml Each 57 44 47 46 42 35 44 33 51 66 46
3120161002 Glue - PVC 500ml Each 97 75 76 69 87 55 50 89 74 90 75
3120161003 Glue - Wood 250ml Each 46 51 52 75 43 35 51 38 62 61 50
3120161004 Glue - Wood 500ml Each 97 84 83 97 98 55 55 57 65 72 75
Door - 525 x 1960 x 44mm
3017150401 each 1,215 1,323 1,620 1,694 764 1,628 975 846 1,208
Mukwa louvered
Door - 625 x 1960 x 44mm
3017150402 each 1,371 1,426 1,713 764 975 1,263 1,211
Mukwa louvered
Door - 725 x 1960 x 44mm thick
3017150403 each 2,145 1,562 1,482 2,750 1,720 850 849 1,663 1,000 1,754 1,477
Door - 825 x 1960 x 44mm thick
3017150404 each 2,300 1,769 1,713 2,750 1,923 850 917 2,289 1,651 1,754 1,683
Door - 825 x 1960 x 44 mm thick
3017150405 each 2,091 1,832 2,850 2,653 2,530 1,796 2,360
rosewood veneered H/C
Door - 525 x 1960 x 44mm thick
3017150406 each 363 422 420 453 453 374 391 341 405 401
Door - 625 x 1960 x 44mm thick
3017150407 each 377 429 426 453 503 462 403 341 405 420

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 20 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Door - 725 x 1960 x 44 mm thick
3017150408 each 495 484 631 634 400 524 630 347 405 496
Door - 825 x 1960 x 44 mm thick
3017150409 each 543 526 770 560 400 574 630 347 405 514
Door - 525 x 1960 x 44mm semi
3017150410 Each 611 503 707 400 405 512
solid Core Flush
Door - 625 x 1960 x 44mm semi
3017150411 Each 800 576 522 784 400 500 405 550
solid Core Flush
Door - 725 x 1960 x 44 mm semi
3017150412 Each 777 544 873 400 500 405 557
solid Core Flush
Door - 825 x 1960 x 44 mm semi
3017150413 Each 802 559 873 400 500 405 563
solid Core Flush
Tiles - 330 x 330mm x 10mm
3016170605 Box 189 113 121 118 128 151 177 140
Tiles - 350 x 250mm 10mm
3016170606 Box 237 141 151 147 160 189 222 175
Tiles - 500 x 500mm x 10mm
3016170607 Box 296 176 189 184 201 236 277 218
Tiles - 600 x 600mm x 10mm
3016170608 Box 270 220 236 230 251 295 246 249
Tiles - 500 x 500mm x10mm-
3016170609 Box 199 212 230 237 265 185 263 290 233
Tiles - 330 x 330mm x 10mm
3016170610 Box 173 205 270 245 300 234
Tiles - 350 x 250mm x 10mm
3016170611 Box 230 300 225 286 258
3016170612 Tiles - 400 x 400mm-Porcelain Box 277 314 287 276 290 277 350 295
Tiles - 600 x 600m x 10mm non-
3016170613 box 190 235 257 225 237 256 194 288 184
slip porcelean
Tiles - 600 x 600m x 10mm
3016170614 box 190 198 160 200 185 175 175 190 233
slippery porcelean
3016170615 Tile Fix (20kg) Each 39 45 46 60 43 40 45 50 46
3016170616 Tile Trimmer 8 inch Each 37 59 58 62 45 40 37 47 50 48
3016170617 Tile Trimmer 10 inch Each 47 61 60 66 47 41 50 52 52
3016170618 Tile Trimmer 12 inch Each 50 67 65 70 56 60 61
Towel rail - 600mm long
3018160201 Each 146 138 120 217 110 104 135
chromium plated
Shower tray - 800 x 800mm
3018150701 Each 465 438 453 548 409 454 700 539 494
4010150301 Air vents - PVC pair 14 14 15 16 10 15 14 14 15 19 14
4010150302 Air vents - Concrete pair 23 23 26 17 24 26 23

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 21 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 25
3010150401 Each 157 143 149 149 133 160 135 122 190 148
x 25 x 3mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 30
3010150402 Each 190 175 194 161 191 180 170 136 330 186
x 30 x 3mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 40
3010150403 Each 335 340 270 375 650 200 227 280 379 321
x 40 x 5mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 50
3010150404 Each 489 487 493 385 454 750 350 509 467 541 483
x 50 x 5mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 60
3010150405 Each 628 606 614 557 545 800 390 746 569 675 603
x 60 x 5mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 70
3010150406 Each 860 821 836 710 843 850 950 1,020 1,000 955 880
x 70 x 8mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 80
3010150407 Each 1,260 1,091 1,098 985 1,109 950 1,253 1,425 1,305 1,149 1,154
x 80 x 8mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Equal Angles 90
3010150408 Each 1,610 1,520 1,700 1,608
x 90 x 8mm angle iron x 6 metres
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150409 75 x 50 x 6mm angle iron x 6 Each 1,305 1,375 1,235 1,304
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150410 100 x 50 x 8mm angle iron x 6 Each 1,513 1,650 1,319 1,570 1,508
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150411 100 x 75 x 10mm angle iron x 6 Each 1,700 1,700
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150412 150 x 75 x 10mm angle iron x 6 Each 2,000 2,000
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150413 150 x 90 x 12mm angle iron x 6 Each 2,450 2,450
Structural Steel-Unequal Angles
3010150414 150 x 100 x 15mm angle iron x 6 Each 2,700 2,700
10191508 Anti termite 1L Each 103 117 138 69 91 62 89 105 80 67 89
2711201101 Axe-wooden handle each 68 67 69 50 70 85 65 78 50 77 67
2711201102 Hoe-wooden handle Each 75 77 71 50 65 69 81 68 50 59 66
2711201103 Grass slasher (poly handle) Each 65 85 82 75 89 79 81 69 100 86 80
2711201104 Spade-Metal handle Each 140 174 174 129 121 136 173 371 149 170 165
2711200401 Shovel Each 201 171 171 129 178 136 116 287 149 171 166
2711200101 Machete Each 83 102 96 119 64 150 123 81 50 92
2711161801 Claw hammer Each 91 114 110 69 125 114 87 169 146 78 107

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 22 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
2711200701 Grass cutter (Secateur) Each 82 78 75 94 95 87 151 49 85
2711155901 Hack-Saw Each 73 109 106 69 147 62 77 164 171 87 100
2711280201 Saw Blade 3x6tp Each 29 37 37 50 25 60 20 23 55 35
2711280202 Hacksaw blade - lasher flex Each 40 23 23 15 15 32 15 25 22
2711214701 Crimping tool RJ45 Each 432 432 426 300 393
2313150301 Grinding Disc Each 93 83 76 82 70 85 91 83 79 86 83
2310150601 Grinding Machine Each 3,899 3,050 2,836 1,662 2,602 3,500 2,938 3,912 1,342 2,710
2310150901 Sanding machine Fs 3208 Each 2,876 2,876 1,750 1,607 5,271 2,616
2711200301 Rake - all steel 16 tooth Each 134 152 150 153 125 125 142 235 155 134 148
2711200302 Rake -wooden handle Each 40 106 104 94 55 100 45 92 74
2711200303 Rake-Plastic handle Each 74 77 123 58 68 82 38 95 73
2711160501 Pick- Plastic laminated handle Each 160 100 150 136 120 147 180 150 158 143
2711160502 Pick -wooden handle (hardwood) Each 197 159 169 142 186 180 142 175 159 167 167
3026580201 Polythene sheet(DPM) - Black Roll 781 700 648 632 710 753 654 669 749 698
3026580202 Damp-Proof Course Roll 70 86 88 110 71 70 75 88 103 83
Dam Liner - (500 microns) 5.8m
3026580202 Roll 2,925 2,925 2,100 3,750 2,865
x 100m
3026640901 Brickforce Wire 4 inch roll 28 29 29 30 25 32 27 28 30 35 29
3026640902 Brickforce Wire 6 inch roll 30 33 34 35 27 35 32 35 38 39 34
3026640903 Brickforce Wire 8 inch roll 47 44 43 44 33 35 35 42 40 40 40
3116240301 Hinges - Butterfly Each 37 47 48 42 51 55 40 61 40 62 47
111117011 Building Sand ton 200 286 286 250 289 200 270 205 245
111117012 River sand ton 200 296 296 250 274 200 270 280 255
3015170416 Laterite ton 200 261 261 322 257
3015170446 Black soil ton 200 296 296 332 248 300 400 290
111117013 Quarry Dust (A) ton 100 120 983 90 120 180 128 162
111117014 Quarry Dust (C) ton 150 172 191 133 120 173 143 153
111117015 Stones 5mm Ton 311 298 241 255 280 278 276
111117016 Stones 10mm Ton 200 209 257 204 237 209 243 222
111117017 Stones 20mm Ton 108 117 150 169 160 112 134

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 23 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
3011160101 Cement 32.5-50Kg Each 125 126 135 120 125 139 137 128 133 147 131
3011160102 Cement 42.5-50Kg Each 127 135 140 123 130 146 145 142 140 147 137
4411190601 Chalk board 4800 x 1200mm Each 362 333 475 370 500 403
Blockboard - 18mm thick for
4411190603 shelvings and pelmet x 1220x Each 1,023 950 669 1,450 985
2440 mm²
4411190604 Pin boards 1220 x 2440mm sheet Each 1,188 1,375 1,000 1,178
Ceilling - 6mm Fibre cement pre-
3016160201 painted inlay panels 1200 x Each 154 129 179 153
3016160202 Ceiling - Particle boards Each 170 155 161 185 158 199 160 195 172
3016160203 Ceiling - PVC Ceiling m2 490 402 450 410 357 430 421
Ceiling - Cornice 3.6mm (20 per
3016160204 Each 45 53 53 66 65 77 59
Ceiling - Cover Strips 3.6m (20
3016160205 Each 57 67 45 51 66 73 59
per bundle)
3018151501 Cistern ceramic 9L Each 575 886 870 675 654 700 840 775 739
3018151502 Cistern PVC 9L Each 314 413 430 350 380 366 487 369 542 400
4014160701 Brass Ball Valve c/w floater 112 110 173 124 102 122
3121170701 Clear varnish - 1 Litres Each 109 104 107 100 98 89 91 146 94 129 106
3121170702 Clear varnish - 2.5Litres Each 230 205 213 210 195 135 250 262 209
3121170703 Clear varnish - 5Litres Each 418 420 427 456 467 416 545 362 484 441
5213170201 Curtain track single 2m Each 174 158 148 151 157
5213170202 Curtain, Curtain Steel rod 2.5m Each 374 277 288 294 286 350 184 287
Curtain, Curtain Steel rod Curtain
5213170203 Each 349 339 395 351 313 424 289 349
3018151503 Cyphone bottle - 1 ¼ inch Each 300 278 264 365 242 350 150 175 255
2711283801 Diamond Cutting Disc 3 inch Each 117 109 114 68 126 72 151 105
2711283802 Diamond Cutting Disc 6 inch Each 153 133 149 50 69 55 95 145 152 102
2711283803 Diamond Cutting Disc 9 inch Each 180 149 149 85 129 94 149 257 181 145
2711283804 Diamond Cutting Disc 12 inch Each 196 164 167 132 174 224 225 180
2313150701 Sand paper Each 18 22 23 30 24 15 27 17 29 23
Padlock - Brass long shackle
4617150101 each 78 90 86 80 69 75 81 68 78

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 24 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Padlock - Brass long shackle
4617150102 each 85 124 119 176 80 90 132 102 110
4617150103 Padlock - Discus 60mm each 106 122 120 64 87 65 85 102 65 97 89
4617150104 Padlock - Discus 90mm each 136 130 126 113 98 75 90 119 99 108
4617150105 Padlock - Iron 32mm each 58 63 63 45 57 40 62 69 56
4617150106 Padlock - Iron 52mm each 57 84 83 50 69 50 95 76 69
3017151201 Door rubber stopper Each 34 38 29 40 25 20 35 31
3010240901 Earth rod Each 105 132 135 100 114 100 173 181 146 163 132
Earth Copper cable 185mm x 30
2612151701 Each 428 305 452 401 368 407 419 339 387
4017170814 Female adaptor ½ inch PVC Each 27 23 28 25 13 19 15 15 25 25 21
4017170815 Female adaptor ¾ inch PVC Each 32 26 31 28 20 23 25 20 40 35 27
4017170816 Female adaptor - ½ inch GI Each 30 25 30 35 15 20 20 20 30 30 25
4017170817 Female adaptor - ¾ inch GI Each 35 29 34 44 16 25 24 35 36 30
3026410001 Flat sheets 20mm Each 466 390 723 508
3026410002 Flat sheets 50mm Each 628 739 620 857 705
3026410003 Flat sheets 70mm Each 679 766 674 410 1,658 751
4017251301 Flexible connector ½ inch PVC Each 28 40 41 30 37 45 42 54 53 40
2711201001 Garden folk all steel Each 150 184 183 176 120 170 180 165
4014200802 Hosepipe 12mm x 25m GHP Each 600 409 483 555 414 250 435
4014200803 Hosepipe 12mm x 50m GHP Each 780 643 671 782 631 750 775 870 734
4014200801 Hosepipe 12mm x 100m GHP Each 1,500 1,352 1,389 2,250 1,154 1,225 1,500 1,647 1,473
4014200804 Hosepipe 20mm x 30m GHP Each 350 855 817 560 541 300 450 549 522
4014200805 Hosepipe 35mm x 25m GHP Each 490 550 530 560 532
Paint - PVA (Emulsion paint) -
3121150101 Each 91 127 131 136 123 110 90 220 112 170 131
Paint - PVA (Emulsion paint) -
3121150102 Each 310 312 497 486 674 665 649 681 409 498
3121150103 Paint -Undercoat paint -5 Litres Each 110 123 103 104 117 126 190 126 174 140 129
3121150104 Paint -Undercoat paint - 20Litres Each 282 213 324 432 474 274 270 326 266 374 315
3121150501 Paint - Gloss (Oil paint) - 5 Litres Each 310 373 372 365 446 313 270 409 297 369 349
Paint - Black Bituminous - 5
3121150503 Each 146 148 123 178 100 106 119 129

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 25 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
3121150301 Paint - Red oxide 5 litres Each 302 287 295 340 351 270 307 264 269 354 302
3121170701 Paint - Brick Varnish 5 litres Each 425 535 533 440 532 310 400 437 402 517 447
3121170702 Paint - Clear Vanish 5 litres Each 417 423 430 465 469 268 400 524 410 485 423
3121170703 Paint - Wood Vanish 5 litres Each 398 418 426 428 478 253 400 581 380 489 417
3121180301 Thinners (5ltrs) Each 287 303 312 357 269 296 284 333 288 385 310
1019150901 Wood preservative 5 liters Each 49 71 72 47 50 150 47 94 61 78 67
3120163101 Roof Seal 5 litres Each 275 293 310 410 307 150 331 266 431 297
3121190401 Paint Brush 1.5 inch Each 16 16 17 19 14 9 12 22 15 29 16
3121190402 Paint Brush 2 inch Each 20 21 23 20 26 14 15 27 25 35 22
3121190403 Paint Brush 4 inch Each 33 34 35 36 29 29 25 46 36 42 34
3121190404 Paint Brush 6 inch Each 50 47 47 47 48 37 59 51 44 47
3121190405 Paint Roller brush Each 46 46 45 38 35 52 62 58 48 47
3121190406 Paint Roller brush with tray Each 62 66 68 57 66 55 98 60 78 65
1216300101 Roller wash 5 Litres Each 400 369 337 368
High tensile steel rod; 6mm
3010240401 Each 72 87 96 152 117 101
diameter round bars x12meters
High tensile steel rod; 8mm
3010240407 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 94 105 103 165 150 120
High tensile steel rod; 10mm
3010240403 Each 108 109 135 170 160 134
diameter round bars x12meters
High tensile steel rod; 12mm
3010240404 Each 113 156 188 221 220 174
diameter round bars x12meters
High tensile steel rod; 16mm
3010240405 Each 166 254 253 298 400 296
diameter round bars x12meters
High tensile steel rod; 20mm
3010240406 Each 489 456 380 385 570 442
diameter round bars x12meters
High tensile steel rod; 10mm
3010240408 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 222 149 165 110 177 170 162
High tensile steel rod; 12mm
3010240409 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 300 202 208 160 195 247 214
High tensile steel rod; 16mm
3010240410 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 325 311 323 292 275 438 324

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 26 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
High tensile steel rod; 20mm
3010240411 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 597 494 375 923 565
High tensile steel rod; 25mm
3010240412 diameter deformed bars x12 Each 643 648 600 780 664
High tensile steel rod; 32mm
3010240413 diameter deformed bars Each 891 632 1,150 865
3910180301 Lamp holders Each 32 24 24 26 23 23 18 20 23
3912162101 Neutral bar each Each 33 38 38 23 30 57 48 35 36
3115150403 Nylon rope, 6mm x 50m Each 235 202 201 150 222 197 199
3115150401 Nylon rope, 12mm x 50m Each 389 476 472 366 624 518 490 442 466
3115150402 Nylon rope, 20mm x 50m Each 450 816 847 506 948 804 702
4713170701 Hand dryer - Automatic (PVC) each 802 802 740 865 801
Hand dryer - Stainless Steel
4713170702 each 1,123 1,123 1,696 1,550 1,350
Automatic Electric
3115200101 Raizer wire 500mm x 15 meters Each 550 458 519 474 448 400 422 465
3015200001 Chicken wire 1.58m x 25 meters Each 1,021 1,073 1,080 941 875 784 983 1,125 979
Diamond mesh wire 1.2m x
3015200002 Each 2,195 2,267 2,281 1,895 2,151 2,176 1,850 2,110
75mm x 30 metres
Rectangular tube 50 x 25 mm x 6
3010290301 Each 220 320 385 347 300 316 249 776 338
Rectangular tube 60 x 40mm x 6
3010290302 Each 308 406 473 434 430 420 316 873 435
Rectangular tube 100 x 40mm x 6
3010290303 Each 330 617 681 776 475 981 1,000 652
Rectangular tube 160mm x
3010290304 Each 420 230 230 281
80mm x 6 metres
3912172101 Electrical Shackle Each 47 60 69 59 65 62 65 65 61
4017530701 Saddles - GI Each 1 10 2 3
4017530702 Saddles - PVC Each 1 5 2 5 3
2711200901 Scrapper 1.5 inches Each 17 23 23 12 15 20 14 33 21 19
2711200902 Scrapper 2.0 inches Each 22 29 29 13 20 20 26 44 27 24
2711200903 Scrapper 2.5 inches Each 27 31 31 14 25 28 58 34 29
2711200904 Scrapper 3 inches Each 29 32 33 17 50 35 36 58 40 35
2711200905 Scrapper 4 inches Each 31 44 44 18 25 40 90 61 42 40

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 27 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4111195001 Spirit level 600mm Each 72 126 117 107 180 107 170 65 119
4111195002 Spirit level 1200mm Each 95 217 209 149 200 200 232 235 154 182
2011161001 Sewer rod - 2 meters Each 200 305 410 292
3018180001 Shower clip 13mm GI Each 12 12 11 12
3018180002 Shower clip 19mm GI Each 18 20 22 20
3018160701 Shower Curtain 2 x 2m Each 159 242 196
3018160801 Shower rose 13mm PVC Each 42 74 81 46 118 85 112 75
4017490801 Socket union 13mm PVC Each 15 16 19 17 14 31 18
4017490802 Socket union 19mm PVC Each 20 23 25 17 35 19 32 24
4017490803 Socket union 38mm PVC Each 25 32 32 29 55 20 30 34 31
4017490701 Socket union 19mm GI Each 20 50 48 46 45 25 40 34 37
4017490702 Socket union 38mm GI Each 46 51 47 60 55 40 39 48
2110180301 Sprinkler-1 Way (Steel) Each 99 119 134 104 150 150 75 228 126
Sprinkler-18 Hole Oscillating
2110180302 Each 110 219 222 325 230 209
Square tube 16 x 16 mm x 6
3010290304 Each 100 110 118 119 120 112 90 169 116
Square tube 20 x 20 mm x 6
3010290305 Each 115 134 143 144 150 144 108 199 140
Square tube 25 x 25 mm x 6
3010290306 Each 185 183 191 212 190 181 136 243 188
Square tube 30 x 30 mm x 6
3010290307 Each 225 215 223 215 230 205 194 268 221
Square tube 40 x 40 mm x 6
3010290308 Each 350 286 288 263 290 270 252 305 287
Square tube 50 x 50 mm x 6
3010290309 Each 348 352 332 430 348 280 369 349
Standard aluminium window
3017190101 frame Overall size 600 x 500mm each 1,340 1,008 1,284 657 750 969
Standard aluminium window
3017190102 frame Overall size 1200 x 500mm each 1,500 1,403 1,572 1,039 1,500 1,388
Standard aluminium window
3017190103 frame Overall size 1200 x 900mm each 2,307 2,408 2,258 2,366 2,700 2,403
Standard aluminium window
3017190104 frame Overall size 1200 x each 2,965 2,875 2,345 2,892 3,300 2,858
1100mm high

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 28 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Standard aluminium window
3017190105 frame Overall size 1800 x 900mm each 3,500 3,495 3,189 3,239 4,050 3,482
Standard aluminium window
3017190106 frame Overall size 1800 x each 5,500 4,650 3,797 4,352 4,950 4,614
1100mm high
Standard aluminium window
3017190107 frame Overall size 2400 x each 8,170 7,949 6,737 7,887 9,000 7,915
1500mm high
Standard aluminium window
3017190108 frame Overall size 3000 x each 9,500 9,696 8,175 9,859 11,250 9,646
1500mm high
Standard Aluminium-Single door
3017150701 each 5,500 3,607 3,516 2,592 2,820 3,479
frame 600 x 2000 mm
Standard Aluminium-Single door
3017150702 each 6,495 4,304 4,366 3,067 3,290 4,150
frame 700 x 2000mm
Standard Aluminium-Single door
3017150703 each 6,500 4,580 4,556 3,505 3,760 4,472
frame 800 x 2000 mm
Standard Aluminium-Single door
3017150704 each 7,800 5,248 5,019 3,944 4,230 5,093
frame 900 x 2000 mm
Standard Aluminium-Double
3017150705 each 8,000 7,593 7,660 7,098 7,614 7,587
door frame 1800 x 1800 mm
Standard Aluminium-Double
3017150706 each 9,900 8,835 8,079 8,476 8,883 8,814
door frame 2100 x 1800 mm
Standard Aluminium-Double
3017150707 each 10,436 10,858 10,110 11,042 11,844 10,842
door frame 2100 x 2400 mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150708 each 580 572 742 400 492 546
frame 600 x 2000 mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150709 each 653 612 773 400 613 597
frame 700 x 2000 mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150710 each 660 632 824 400 613 610
frame 800 x 2000mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150711 each 689 615 870 400 613 618
frame 900 x 2000 mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150712 frame 900 x 2200 mm with each 750 883 1,221 550 796 829
Standard pressed steel door
3017150713 each 1,174 953 1,291 600 960 964
frame 1200 x 2000 mm
Standard pressed steel door
3017150714 each 838 1,216 1,656 900 1,470 1,277
frame 1800 x 2000 mm
Standard steel window frame
3017190109 each 285 362 361 700 200 262 333
Overall size 600 x 500mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190110 each 475 587 715 800 350 495 550
Overall size 1200 x 500mm high

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 29 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Standard steel window frame
3017190111 each 569 710 1,044 900 450 685 699
Overall size 1200 x 900mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190112 each 569 858 1,265 1,200 500 757 809
Overall size 1200 x 1100mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190113 each 1,084 1,439 1,532 2,800 700 1,077 1,310
Overall size 1800 x 900mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190114 each 1,084 1,651 1,691 3,500 900 1,080 1,475
Overall size 1800 x 1100mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190115 each 1,581 2,274 2,405 4,000 1,700 1,687 2,151
Overall size 2400 x 1500mm high
Standard steel window frame
3017190116 each 1,826 2,675 2,861 4,500 1,850 2,336 2,545
Overall size 3000 x 1500mm high
3017200101 Grill gate 1040 x 2060mm Each 1,265 1,175 1,359 900 1,161
3 Steel nails 3' (Box) kg 62 50 53 44 50 58 85 58 72 58
3116200402 Steel nails 4' (Box) kg 52 71 71 54 75 94 95 58 72 70
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160001 Each 1,249 1,318 1,460 1,059 1,300 3,493 1,712 1,532
75 x 50 x 20 x 3mm - 12m
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160002 Each 1,255 1,784 1,772 1,105 1,500 2,025 1,539
100 x 75 x 20 x 3mm -12m
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160003 Each 1,688 1,832 1,939 1,630 2,000 1,904 2,474 1,908
150 x 50 x 20 x 3mm - 12m
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160004 Each 2,163 2,180 2,379 1,978 2,200 3,174 2,318
200 x 50 x 20 x 3mm - 12m
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160005 Each 2,522 2,436 2,436 2,350 2,435
250 x 50 x 20 x 3mm - 12m
Structural Steel-Lipped Channels
1117160006 Each 2,900 2,979 2,979 3,059 2,979
300 x 50 x 20 x 3mm - 12m
Swicth and Socket box 3 x 3
3912130601 Each 12 17 20 25 14 14 35 18
Swicth and Socket box 3 x 6
3912130602 Each 20 30 31 38 36 19 37 35 30
3120151401 Thread tape small Each 8 10 10 11 10 7 12 10 15 10
3120151402 Thread tape big Each 15 16 16 25 12 12 11 20 20 16
3017151201 Two lever, mortice door lockset each 157 176 183 175 187 149 203 228 181
3017151202 Three lever, mortice door lockset each 182 197 201 195 192 198 212 228 200
Universal Columns152 x 152 x
3016190206 Each 8,456 6,511 4,567 6,311
Universal Columns 203 x 203 x
3016190202 Each 16,849 16,739 16,628 16,739
Universal Columns 305 x 305 x
3016190203 Each 36,247 35,492 34,736 35,486
96kg/m x13m

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 30 | P a g e

Table 5: Building and Construction
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Universal Columns 356 x 356 x
3016190205 Each 56,991 54,879 52,767 54,852
Universal Columns 406 x 406 x
3016190207 Each 61,927 57,988 54,049 57,899
Universal Beams 203 x 133 x
3010170401 Each 9,299 9,178 9,057 9,178
25.1kg/m x 13m
Universal Beams 254 x 146 x 43
3010170402 Each 15,400 14,875 14,351 14,869
Kg/m x 13m
Universal Beams 305 x 165 x 54
3010170403 Each 16,044 15,796 15,548 15,794
Kg/m x13m
Universal Beams 406 x 140 x 39
3010170404 Each 19,824 19,349 18,874 19,345
Kg/m x13m
Universal Beams 457 x 191 x
3010170405 Each 24,489 24,489 24,489
3011170101 Wall filler kg 20 30 59 23 15 27 35 27
3011150601 Grout kg 56 61 60 66 52 44 56
2410150701 Wheel Barrow (heavy duty) Each 1,687 1,744 1,235 1,500 1,776 1,598 1,670 1,591
Wheel Barrow (Standard/light
2410150702 Each 1,221 990 510 566 1,449 1,201 920
3017160802 Window handle Each 17 24 15 17 15 14 20 17
3017160801 Window hinge (pair) Each 20 18 14 24 15 11 22 17
3120160501 Window Putty 1kg kg 19 20 15 20 22 24 20 20
3017160701 Window peg stay Each 19 18 13 15 15 26 20 18
3017160702 Window slide Each 27 24 21 17 34 23 24
3017170601 Glass - 4mm thick clear glass m2 480 454 309 600 500 335 500 443
3017170603 Glass - 6mm thick clear glass m2 490 828 612 600 849 790 681
3017170605 Glass - 8mm thick clear glass m2 750 1,000 900 650 814
3017170602 Glass - 4mm thick obscure glass m2 726 793 402 1,100 500 794 1,237 743
3017170604 Glass - 6mm thick obscure glass m2 697 490 600 1,000 673
3017170606 Glass - 8mm thick obscure glass m2 1,260 1,325 1,010 1,190
Glass - 6mm thick georgian wire
3017170901 m2 1,549 1,431 1,345 1,399 1,429
2711151401 Glass cutter m2 60 58 48 40 35 45 50 51 48
2711150301 Glass putty knife m2 25 27 36 15 22 35 26

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 31 | P a g e

Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
4713181201 Air Freshener - 180ml Each 29 30 32 30 29 28 27 30 32 29 30
4713181202 Air Freshener - 200ml Each 27 42 30 31 30 32 38 37 33
4713181203 Air Freshener - 210ml Each 32 29 31 32 30 29 29 32 36 30 31
4713181204 Air Freshener - 300ml Each 42 33 37 38 43 26 40 28 36 35
Deo Block/UrinalBlocks/Toilet Blocks,
4713181601 Each 49 48 50 56 48 50 45 49
Deo Block/UrinalBlocks/Toilet Blocks,
4713181602 Each 316 390 535 469 419
5kg /bucket
Deo Blocks/UrinalBlocks/Toilet Blocks,
4713181603 Each 253 212 360 349 395 306
4713180701 Bleach 1 l Each 46 31 35 37
4713180702 Bleach 1.5 l Each 45 49 51 53 51 38 48 50 48
4713180703 Bleach 750ml Each 28 29 27 31 31 30 39 32 30 31
Broom - floor broom, 28 cm brush head, ,
4713160401 Each 78 99 135 85 79 134 72 95
35 mm long PP bristles
Broom - floor broom, 28 cm brush head,
4713160402 Each 79 110 138 157 99 109 85 108
75 mm long PP bristles
Broom - floor broom, 25 cm broom head,
4713160403 angled brush head, 100 mm long PP Each 98 105 115 153 110 87 110
4713160404 Broom - Hard Brooms Each 76 100 160 122 113 75 150 110
Brush - Floor brush, 100cm metal handle
4713160405 with hanger hole, 28 cm brush head, , 35 Each 169 99 145 145 137
mm long PP bristles
Bucket, Mop Bucket Side Press Cleaning
4712180601 Each 131 161 152 164 151
Wringer Trolley, 20 litres
Aluminium Sulphate Al2O3 Iron free - for
4110420101 Each 1,474 1,547 1,510
water treatment (50 kg)
Chlorine - High Test Hypochlorite
4110420103 Each 10 6 7 7 7 10 8
Chlorine for water treatment 250 ml
Chlorine - High Test Hypochlorite
4110420104 Chlorine granular for water treatment Each 1,776 1,776
Chlorine - High Test Hypochlorite
4110420105 Chlorine granular for water treatment Each 2,483 2,483
4713181001 Cleaning agent - Scouring powder- 400g Each 20 14 18 17 19 18 21 16 14 17
Cleaning agents - All purpose cleaner
4713180501 Each 25 33 33 30 30 26 26 28 29 29
Liquid/ Cream - 750ml
Cleaning agents - All purpose cleaner,
4713180502 Each 514 514
Pine gel 25 litres

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 32 | P a g e

Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Cleaning agent -All purpose cleaner
4713180503 Each 29 30 30 26 29 20 30 28
Liquid/ Cream 500 ml e.g Hand Andy
4713180504 Cleaning agents - Anticeptic liquid 750 ml Each 94 94 101 92 98 95 97 96
4713180505 Cleaning agent - Tile Cleaner 750mls Each 34 47 52 55 37 52 44 45
Cleaning agents - Oil and fat remover,
4713182101 Each 198 198
degreaser 5 liters
Cleaning material - Toilet Brush with
4713160801 Each 36 50 60 40 42 35 58 60 47 47
4713160107 Cobweb remover with plastic handle Each 47 50 59 64 84 60
4713160108 Cobweb remover with wooden handle Each 53 47 33 42 37 38 57 43
4713181101 Detergent paste per 400g Each 16 18 14 17 19 20 19 19 18 18
4713181102 Detergent - Washing Powder 1.8 kg Each 79 75 86 81 70 76 40 86 85 74
4713181103 Detergent -Washing Powder 1kg Each 44 48 47 46 46 53 77 35 44 39 47
4713181104 Detergent -Washing Powder 2 kg Each 89 83 82 85 84 103 93 80 75 95 87
4713181105 Detergent -Washing Powder 2.5 kg Each 114 118 144 124 122 115 153 124 126
Detergent -Washing Powder 3.5 kg
4713181106 Each 165 165 170 166 176 167 170 168
4713181107 Detergent -Washing Powder 4 kg Each 174 163 163 181 179 178 187 175
4713181108 Detergent -Washing Powder 4.5 kg Each 190 183 182 172 192 184 180 183 192 179 184
4713181109 Detergent -Washing Powder 5 kg Each 201 194 194 205 210 212 224 231 212 200 208
4713181110 Detergent -Washing Powder 500g Each 27 26 25 24 27 26 24 29 26
4713181001 Dish washing paste 400g Each 19 18 22 19 19 17 18 18 17 19
4713181002 Dishwash liquid- 500ml Each 32 24 24 26 34 28 30 25 28
4713181003 Dishwash liquid- 750ml Each 31 28 33 38 32 49 36 38 33 29 34
4713180301 Disinfectant liquid plus 20 liters 5% Each 556 556
4713180302 Disinfectant liquid ultra 20 liters 10% Each 1,450 1,450
4713160101 Dust pan - Domestic Dust pan Each 22 28 23 30 26
Dust pan - Domestic Dust pan with
4713160102 Each 111 108 93 84 85 128 100
4713160103 Dust pan - Domestic Dust pan with brush Each 60 45 45 79 68 61 88 73 63
Dust pan - Industrial Dust pan with lid
4713160104 Set 506 506
(lobby dust pan) and broom
Dust pan - Industrial Dust pan with lid
4713160105 Each 162 162 150 158
(lobby dust pan) - plastic

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 33 | P a g e

Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Dust pan - Industrial Dust pan with lid
4713160106 Each 269 269
(lobby dust pan) and brush
4713181111 Fabric softerner 2l Each 59 77 70 67 73 54 65 48 64 63
4713181112 Fabric softerner refill 500ml Each 56 69 51 75 47 49 57
Floor squeegee (floor squeezer/rubber
4712180301 broom), heavy duty, double blade, 18 Each 55 103 47 57 62
Floor squeegee (floor squeezer/rubber
4712180302 broom), heavy duty, double blade, 24 Each 155 111 180 215 165 162
Floor squeegee (floor squeezer/rubber
4712180303 Each 62 106 48 68
broom), heavy duty, single blade, 18 inch
Floor squeegee, fold squeeze, water
4712180304 Each 48 118 170 67 100 92
absorbent sponge mop (butterfly mop)
1019150901 Insecticide insect killer 180ml Each 33 27 31 29 32 33 31 31 32 34 31
1019150902 Insecticide insect killer 300 ml Each 40 35 34 34 35 43 33 37 31 36 36
Mop - Full Mop with handle and cotton
4713160001 Each 72 73 78 66 61 62 96 103 98 77
yarn - Plastic handle
Mop - Mop with handle and cotton yarn -
4713160002 Each 58 100 110 124 134 119 104
Wooden handle
Mop and Bucket, Squeeze Mop bucket
4713160003 Each 169 274 148 242 202
complete set with mop, 20 litres
Mop and Bucket, Squeeze Mop bucket
4713160004 Each 119 174 171 152
complete set with mop, 30 litres
4713180301 Multi-surface cleaner - 300ml Each 55 40 35 46 42 46 48 44 42 44
4713180302 Pine gel all purpose cleaner 5 litres Each 133 135 151 138 153 129 145 126 138
4713150201 Mutton cloth, 1/2 kg Each 72 51 82 74 75 81 85 90 74 75
4713150202 Mutton cloth, 1/4 kg Each 55 46 34 42 43 42 53 66 47
4713150203 Mutton cloth, 1kg Each 134 114 158 147 151 155 158 150 145
4713150204 Mutton cloth, 2kg Each 230 250 220 217 227 238 229 192 225
4713180202 Polish - Car polish 200ml Each 58 81 86 52 53 75 86 69
4713180201 Polish - Car polish 750ml Each 109 101 101 110 77 99
4712160301 Polish - Floor Polish (Wax) 350ml Each 39 38 36 37 34 38 40 36 38 37 37
4712160302 Polish - Floor Polish (Wax) 875ml Each 86 89 93 90 60 84 89 82 94 85
4712160303 Polish - Liquid floor polish 1 ltrs Each 53 59 61 51 57 56
4712160304 Polish - Liquid floor polish 750ml Each 25 40 50 46 39
2711200301 Rake - garden rake Each 70 67 62 52 56 51 59

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 34 | P a g e

Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
2711200302 Rake - leaf rake, metal Each 208 208
2711200303 Rake - Leaf rake, plastic Each 70 41 39 37 50 66 49
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 100 litres, draw
4712170101 Each 53 60 57 57
string, 72 x 90 cm, (10 bags)
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 5kg load, 45 x 50 42
4712170106 Each 41 35 51
cm, 20 bags
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 30 microns, 470 50
4712170103 Each 45 42 60 56
X 520mm, 25 pieces
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 18 microns, 50 47
4712170102 litres, 600 X 600mm, 20 pieces, draw Each 44 50
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 50 litres, 72 x 90 70
4712170105 Each 69 71
cm, 10 bags
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, 30 microns, 750 66
4712170104 Each 80 61 50 70 81 60
X 900mm, 20 pieces
Refuse bags/Bin liners, 750 X 900mm,
Each 95 100 84 90 92
e30 microns, 20 pieces , draw string
Refuse bags/Bin Liners, e30 microns, 750 101
4712170108 Each 110 96 98 99
X 900mm, 25 pieces
Refuse Bags-20
4712170109 Each 53 53
microns,750x950mm,110 litres,20 bags
Refuse Bags-e20
4712170110 Each 71 71
microns,750x950mm,110 litres,20 bags
Refuse Bags-Drawstrings,30 microns,27
4712170111 Each 121 121
litres,540x549mm,15 bags
Refuse Bags-Drawstrings,30 microns,10
4712170112 Each 49 49
Refuse Bags-Drawstrings,30 microns,20
4712170113 Each 75 75
Refuse Bags-750x900mm,80 litres,10
4712170114 Each 87 87
bags,30 microns
Refuse Bags-Drawstrings,350x450mm,30
4712170115 Each 57 57
microns,15 litres,20 bags
Refuse Bags-Drawstrings,e30
4712170116 microns,750x900mm,110 litres,20 Each 104 104
bags,Heavy duty
Refuse Bags-Wastebin Liners,30
4712170117 microns,470x520 mm,25 bags,Medium Each 50 50
Refuse Bags-Wastebin Liners,30
4712170118 Each 75 75
microns,470x520 mm,25 bags,Large size
Refuse Bags-Wastebin Liners,50
4712170119 Each 102 102
litres,750x950mm,25 bags
Refuse Bin - Dust bin of plastic material
2411200001 Each 1,346 1,300 765 1,102
120 litres

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 35 | P a g e

Table 6: Cleaning and Treatment Materials
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Refuse Bin - Dust bin of plastic material
2411200002 Each 1,449 1,428 1,282 1,384
240 litres with wheels
Refuse Bin - Dust bin of plastic material
2411200003 Each 134 141 219 144 172 200 174 167
50 litres
2411200004 Refuse Bin - Plastic waste bins 20 litres Each 100 161 178 123 156 141
5313162601 sanitizer - Hand sanitizer 20 litres Each 963 963
5313162602 sanitizer - Hand sanitizer 400mls Each 45 53 59 46 53 69 36 65 52
5313162603 sanitizer - Hand sanitizer 5 litres Each 257 225 294 152 226
5313160801 Soap - Bathing soap 100g Each 11 11 10 10 16 11 15 10 9 11
5313160802 Soap - Bathing soap 150g Each 15 15 14 17 15 10 16 11 13 14
5313160803 Soap - Bathing soap 175g Each 16 18 17 17 18 17 15 15 16
5313160804 Soap - Foam bath, liquid soap 2 liters Each 77 81 92 83 100 56 80
5313160806 Soap - Guest soap, 25 grams, 100 pieces Each 290 258 217 253
5313160807 Soap - Guest soap, 25 grams, 200 pieces Each 580 398 435 465
5313160808 Soap - Hand liquid wash 250ml Each 26 30 28 26 25 27
5313160809 Soap - Hand Wash 200ml Each 48 50 59 45 41 40 49 49 41 47
5313160811 Soap - Hand wash soap 400mls Each 31 21 34 46 32 46 61 44 43 38
5313160812 Soap - Laundry Bar soap 500 grams Each 25 24 27 22 25 25 20 25 18 23
1235230001 Spirit of salt 2.5 ltrs Each 64 45 53 42 70 65 46 66 55
1235230002 Spirit of salt 5 ltrs Each 140 145 130 138
4713182901 Toilet cleaner - 500ml Each 25 25 26 27 27 25 26 28 26 27 26
4713182902 Toilet cleaner - 750ml Each 30 34 31 30 38 38 36 27 35 34 33
4713182401 Window cleaner 650 ml Each 62 66 76 75 71 81 71

Table 7: Clothing, Textiles and PPEs

Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
5310250101 Belts - Men's Waist belt - Leather Each 140 196 190 190 182 150 195 134 153 153 167
5310150201 Jeans - Men’s denim plain colour Pair 294 249 350 278 267 280 300 324 331 298 296
5310150401 Jeans - Ladies’ denim plain colour Pair 244 236 250 222 276 250 300 250 300 245 256

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 36 | P a g e

Table 7: Clothing, Textiles and PPEs
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
5310160201 Shirt - Mens Smart shirt Each 312 238 292 259 310 250 292 254 281 262 274
5310160401 Shirt - Ladies Smart Shirt Each 265 315 280 246 344 250 250 240 281 251 270
T-shirt -Golf T-shirt Short
5310160202 Each 240 229 240 176 225 189 242 224 250 211 221
sleeved(100% Cotton)
T-shirt - Round Neck T-Shirt Short
5310160203 Each 165 125 144 162 199 150 100 134 119 152 143
Sleeved (100% Cotton)
5310190201 Suit - Gents suit two piece Each 1,249 2,047 2,240 1,310 2,510 1,250 1,251 1,970 1,643 1,350 1,625
5310190202 Suit - Gents suit three piece Each 1,944 2,904 2,500 1,845 2,950 1,800 1,885 2,525 2,300 1,633 2,184
5310190401 Suit - Ladies smart corporate Each 1,475 1,361 1,100 1,058 2,891 1,300 1,548 2,000 1,430 2,009 1,546
Chitenge material 6 meters 100%
6012191101 Each 178 176 150 199 174 190 200 214 190 209 187
6012191102 Chitenge material 6 meters wax Each 250 258 189 206 180 225 240 237 254 261 228
5310250201 Tie - Necktie Each 137 113 122 125 192 150 122 150 162 153 141
5310250202 Tie - Bow tie Each 124 90 89 90 150 120 115 120 100 146 113
5311160101 Shoes - Mens leather shoes Pair 1,050 1,091 1,285 903 1,343 1,100 1,285 955 1,125 842 1,086
5311160102 Shoes - Mens Sneaker shoes Pair 487 671 760 687 880 850 650 643 716 587 684
5311160201 Shoes - Ladies leather shoes Pair 639 461 600 570 1,049 800 652 581 600 505 629
5311160202 Shoes - Ladies Sneaker shoes Pair 356 498 550 437 591 450 399 350 500 332 438
4618153301 Coat - Dust Coat (cotton) Each 159 150 167 159
4618153201 Coat - Lab Coat (polyester) Each 183 186 184
4618150301 Overalls - Ordinary Each 285 272 290 320 272 250 290 284 282
4618150301 Work suit - Ordinary Each 250 272 280 261 275 280 280 296 274
4618150302 Overalls with reflective tape Each 241 300 448 246 300 362 309
4618150303 Work suit with reflective tape Each 350 252 300 371 261 270 300 303 298
4618150401 Gloves - Chrome Leather Each 45 69 63 60 61 59 55 48 57
4618150402 Gloves - PVC open cuff 27 cm Each 45 70 45 42 66 50 45 51
Vest - Reflective Vest with ZIP and ID
4618150701 Each 69 73 56 79 71 50 56 98 67
4618170101 Hat - Safety Hard Hat Each 45 95 89 62 84 49 89 71
4618200201 Mask - Dust Respirator Re - usable Each 120 135 114 120 122
4618154301 Raincoat two-piece jacket with hood set 160 172 483 210 247 233
4618154302 Raincoat two-piece jacket without hood set 150 250 176 250 202

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 37 | P a g e

Table 7: Clothing, Textiles and PPEs
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4618154303 Raincoat one piece Each 90 163 211 231 161 150 211 185
4618154304 Raincoat one piece with hood Each 90 162 242 174 173 286 242 185
Raincoat two-piece jacket with hood
4618154305 set 276 290 339 262 328 290 296
and reflector
Raincoat two-piece jacket with reflector
4618154306 set 491 369 401 417
without hood
4618154307 Raincoat one piece with reflector Each 150 129 155 149 180 429 180
Raincoat one piece with hood and
4618154308 Each 173 222 172 279 207
4618160501 Safety shoes - leather with toe cap Pair 449 541 572 387 451 536 451 480
4618160502 Safety shoes - leather without toe cap Pair 644 534 665 400 472 560 560 541
4618160501 Safety boots - leather with toe cap Pair 367 734 534 663 753 500 472 560 560 559
4618160502 Safety boots - leather without toe cap Pair 300 645 452 307 635 400 344 451 451 428
4618160503 Gumboots - Domestic Pair 130 179 134 189 134 150 161 140 151
4618160504 Gumboots - Industrial Pair 215 238 230 249 230 232

Table 8: Computer Software and Accessories

Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
432332051 Anti Virus - Internet Security - proffessional Plus Each 678 690 696 709 670 691 706 703 693 693
Anti Virus - Kaspersky End Point Security Anti-virus
432332052 Each 416 423 427 550 411 424 433 432 438 438
(1 user – Annual Licence)
Anti Virus - Kaspersky End Point Security Anti-virus
432332053 Each 573 583 589 600 567 585 597 595 700 598 598
(Multi user – Annual Licence)
Anti Virus - Kaspersky Internet security 1 +1 (1 user –
432332054 Each 491 499 504 513 485 500 511 509 250 464 464
Annual Licence)
432332055 Anti Virus - Kaspersky Internet security, 3-users Each 650 661 668 680 642 663 677 674 500 644 644
Anti Virus - Norton Anti-virus (1 user – Annual
432332056 Each 374 380 384 391 369 381 389 388 382 382
Anti Virus - Norton Anti-virus (Multi user 3 + 1 –
432332057 Each 1,265 1,288 1,300 1,324 1,250 1,290 1,318 1,313 1,293 1,293
Annual Licence)
8111180001 Licence - App Store Licence renewal Each 7,818 7,957 8,034 7,725 8,111 7,928 7,928

8111180002 Licence - CISCO Licensing Each 46,906 47,741 48,204 46,350 48,668 47,566 47,566

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 38 | P a g e

Table 8: Computer Software and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
8111180003 Licence - Computer Software License – Nitro Each 15,635 15,914 16,068 15,450 16,223 15,855 15,855

8111180004 Licence - Computer Software License (Autocad) Each 15,114 15,383 15,532 14,935 15,682 15,327 15,327

8111180005 Licence - Computer Software License (Etabs) Each 15,635 15,914 16,068 15,450 16,223 15,855 15,855

8111180006 Licence - Computer Software License (WinQS) Each 10,424 10,609 10,712 10,300 10,815 10,570 10,570
Licence - Github Enterprise for version control
8111180008 Each 60,113 61,182 61,776 59,400 62,370 60,959 60,959
amongst multiple external vendors (15 users yearly)
8111180013 Licence - Oracle Trueup Each 20,847 21,218 21,424 20,600 21,630 21,141 21,141

8111180015 Licence - Sage Evolution System package 8,860 9,018 9,105 8,755 9,193 8,985 8,985

8111180016 Licence - Sage Pastel Accounting System package 13,030 13,261 13,390 12,875 13,519 13,213 13,213

8111180019 License - Dove Payroll Management License package 88,601 90,177 91,052 87,550 91,928 43,764 79,697

8111180020 Microsoft Office 2013 Proffessional license Each 1,000 1,000

8111180021 Microsoft Office 2013 Standard license Each 6,512 6,628 6,500 6,816 6,435 6,782 6,757 5,507 6,479
Microsoft Office 2016 Professional licence (2019
8111180022 package 3,648 3,713 6,500 3,605 3,720 3,800 3,785 3,975 4,015
professional )
8111180023 Microsoft Office 2016 Standard licence package 3,127 3,183 5,200 3,273 3,090 3,189 3,257 3,245 3,395 3,395

8111180024 Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus licence package 4,508 4,589 4,500 4,718 4,455 4,598 4,696 4,678 4,592 4,592

8111180025 Microsoft Office 2020 Professional licence package 4,169 4,244 4,500 4,364 4,120 4,252 4,342 4,326 4,288 4,288

8111180026 Microsoft Office 2020 Standard licence (life time) package 4,691 4,774 4,635 4,783 4,885 4,867 5,090 4,816

8111180027 Microsoft Office 2021 proffessional plus - single Each 5,716 5,818 5,874 5,648 5,953 5,931 4,998 5,697

8111250006 Software - Lumion 12 Each 14,674 14,935 14,500 15,225 14,831 14,831

8111250010 Software - Oracle - TOD Enterprise Each 12,144 12,360 12,000 12,600 12,274 12,274
Software - Windows 10 Standard operating system
8111250012 package 3,947 4,017 3,500 3,900 4,025 4,111 4,095 3,428 3,869

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 39 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Cable - 1.5mm2 single
2612160001 Roll 463 501 499 608 486 763 663 560
cable -100m
Cable - 2.5mm2 single
2612160002 Roll 712 751 705 814 787 981 1,026 817
Cable - 4mm2 muti-strand
2612160003 m 15 18 20 19 15 22 20 23 20 19
Cable - 0.75mm twin flex
2612160004 m 9 9 10 6 9 11 9
Cable - 6mm2 multi-
2612160005 m 21 20 25 25 18 29 27 28 30 25
strand cable
Cable - 10mm2 multi
2612160006 m 33 51 45 36 28 38 37 36 45 38
strand cable
Cable - 16mm2 muilti-
2612160007 m 49 39 48 40 39 50 45 55 75 48
strand cable
Cable - 1.5mm 2 core
2612160008 m 17 16 19 17 15 40 17 16 22 19
Cable - 1.5mm 3 core
2612160009 m 26 35 24 27 20 41 22 33 31 32 28
Cable - 2.5mm 2 core
2612160010 m 24 28 19 30 19 36 17 28 36 25
Cable - 2.5mm 3 core
2612160011 m 33 30 42 33 29 55 27 50 42 42 37
Cable - 2.5mm 4 core
2612160012 m 43 60 67 39 33 65 42 63 47 50
2711201401 Lawn mower - electric Each 4,000 5,200 3,240 4,300 2,900 2,745 2,483 3,442
Lawn mower Battery
2711201402 Each 2,950 1,900 3,000 3,880 2,912 2,355 1,789 1,800 2,482
Lawn mower - Manual
2711201403 Each 3,000 3,100 2,339 2,300 2,380 3,010 2,665
Bulb - Energy Saving (8
3910160001 Each 34 38 30 26 31 46 17 30 30 30 30
Bulb - Energy Saving (11
3910160002 Each 40 40 40 35 34 52 20 37 30 37 36
Bulb - Energy Saving (14
3910160003 Each 55 55 48 43 48 56 45 49 50
Bulb - Energy Saving (15
3910160004 Each 55 58 50 45 55 59 54
Bulb - Energy saver
3910160005 Each 65 65 61 64 60 68 58 53 42 59
Bulb - Energy saver
3910160006 Each 133 110 85 68 119 77 70 56 69 84
Bulb - Energy saver
3910160007 Each 165 98 130 73 144 101 125 87 95 110
Bulb - Energy Saver (60
3910160008 Each 190 156 129 134 178 159 160 164 128 154

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 40 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Bulb - Energy Saver (100
3910160009 Each 265 180 180 186 252 220 244 250 163 212
3910160010 Bulb - LED (8 Watts) Each 26 30 35 33 26 35 34 42 32
3910160011 Bulb - LED (11 Watts) Each 45 33 25 34 33 36 25 32
3910160012 Bulb - LED (14 Watts) Each 55 45 50 44 35 45
3910160013 Bulb - LED (15 Watts) Each 40 55 50 30 44 60 45
Fluorescent Fitting 4 ft
3911150101 Each 470 500 475 510 482 384 450 466
Fluorescent Fitting 4 ft
3911150102 Each 308 478 390 342 316 210 299 350 329
Fluorescent Fitting 2 ft
3911150103 Each 440 400 450 467 257 225 359
Fluorescent Fitting 2 ft
3911150104 Each 262 182 200 125 258 158 225 195
Fluorescent LED Fitting 4
3911150105 Each 450 500 399 502 461
ft double
Fluorescent LED Fitting 4
3911150106 Each 235 450 478 450 306 370
ft single
Fluorescent LED Fitting 2
3911150107 Each 365 365
ft double
Fluorescent LED Fitting 2
3911150108 Each 51 50 46 83 72 65 60
ft single
Fluorescent Ordinary tube
3910160501 Each 31 40 45 42 35 40 50 35 39
4 ft
Fluorescent Ordinary tube
3910160502 Each 26 19 24 27 25 39 30 25 26
2 ft
3910160503 Fluorescent LED tube 4 ft Each 79 100 98 113 89 30 95 150 87
3910160504 Fluorescent LED tube 2 ft Each 35 38 46 45 59 44
3911181001 Fluorescent Starter Each 12 10 11 11 13 12 13 12
3912101201 Fluorescent Choke Each 118 118
Street light - Solar (80W -
3911160801 Each 1,050 1,198 1,168 1,135 1,136
Street Light -Solar 150
3911160802 1,600 1,500 2,800 1,326 1,300 1,632
6010470101 Solar panel 330W Each 3,240 3,500 3,700 3,468 3,468
3911161103 Flood lights LED 100watts Each 998 1,000 760 497 996 822
3911161104 Flood lights LED 150watts Each 1,109 1,300 987 750 1,292 1,311 1,104
3911161101 Flood lights LED 200watts Each 1,867 1,306 1,400 850 1,343 1,070 1,269
3911161102 Flood lights LED 300watts Each 1,950 1,670 1,500 1,039 1,859 1,440 1,474
3912130301 Metallic boxes 3 x 6 Each 16 16 12 15 31 13 23 16 17
3912130301 Metallic boxes 3 x 3 11 10 10 9 16 10 10 8 10
4017530701 Saddles - Steel each Each 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 41 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
4017280801 Elbows - PVC ½ inch Each 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 3 3
3116150701 Screws - Self-taping Kg 136 165 156 145 103 106 150 174 140
Boilers elements for
4010183001 Each 120 95 110 197 70 120 113
electrical pots
3912170301 Cable tie 4.8 x 250mm Each 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
cable tie 5 x 300mm
3912170302 Packet 55 90 100 64 100 119 85
Nylon 100pcs
3912133001 Switch - 1 gang Each 39 35 19 36 33 23 35 36 50 33
3912133002 Switch - 2 gang Each 54 56 27 42 42 25 28 58 57 41
3912130601 Distribution box 6 way Each 40 39 33 41 36 43 45 45 40 47 41
3912130602 Distribution box 8 way Each 51 50 43 52 46 55 57 57 51 60 52
3912130603 Distribution box 12 way Each 72 70 59 74 65 78 81 81 72 85 73
3912130604 Metre box each 39 38 35 37
3912160101 MCB 5 each 42 45 52 50 40 45 40 54 53 44 46
3912160102 MCB 10 each 52 50 55 53 45 47 50 68 44 51
3912160103 MCB 20 each 58 52 70 60 55 47 61 68 74 44 58
3912160104 MCB 25 each 61 65 72 67 47 80 44 61
3912160105 MCB 30 each 67 85 80 80 71 50 72 86 44 67
3912160106 MCB 60 each 127 110 115 128 112 118 121 120 103 120 117
3912160107 MCB 80 each 124 140 150 150 113 153 134 137
3912160108 MCB 100 each 166 143 152 167 145 170 157 156 166 156 158
3912160109 MCB 150 each 182 157 167 183 160 187 173 172 182 172 173
3912160110 MCB 200 each 201 173 184 201 176 206 190 189 201 189 191
3912160111 MCB 300 each 261 225 239 262 229 267 247 245 261 245 248
2711170401 Socket - Double outlet Each 85 75 80 91 105 89 75 75 134 82 88
2711170401 Socket - Single outlet Each 56 63 76 40 67 64 59 65 61 65 61
Socket -Galvanised Mild
2711170401 Each 197 150 199 187 198 224 205 186 192
steel - Double
Socket -Galvanised Mild
2711170401 Each 121 123 119 134 141 114 125
steel - Single
Extension cable (3 way) 3
3912144001 Each 260 244 222 245 266 165 178 165 191 212
Extension cable (4 way) 3
3912144001 Each 285 302 293
Extension cable (5 way) 3
3912144001 Each 299 298 226 326 285
Extension cable (6 way) 3
3912144001 Each 315 300 424 296 330
3912130401 Cooker control unit - 6 x 6 Each 652 800 462 812 497 537 611
3912130402 Cooker control unit - 3 x 6 Each 289 250 272 298 233 267

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 42 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Conduit pipes 20mm
3913170601 Each 166 150 179 147 200 149 173 165
(packet 1x25)
4017360801 Couplings - PVC 20mm Each 2 3 2 5 3 2 2
Air Conditioner 9000 BTU
4010170101 Each 8,745 9,500 8,499 7,171 8,585 8,965 8,546
split type
Air Conditioner 12000
4010170102 Each 9,490 10,100 10,499 8,350 10,020 9,889 9,699
BTU split type
Air Conditioner 18000
4010170103 Each 12,545 12,679 10,181 12,655 13,314 12,223
BTU split type
Air Conditioner 24000
4010170104 Each 18,000 15,999 12,659 17,405 15,871
BTU split type
Air Conditioner 30000
4010170105 Each 22,505 22,505
BTU split type
Air Conditioner 36000
4010170106 Each 25,235 25,235
BTU split type
Air Conditioner 36000
4010170107 Each 33,464 33,464
BTU ceiling cassette
Air Conditioner 18000
4010170108 BTU Ceiling Cassete - eco Each 20,685 20,685
Air Conditioner 36000
4010170109 BTU Ceiling Cassete - eco Each 30,376 30,376
Air Conditioner 18000
4010170110 BTU Wall Mount Split - Each 11,848 11,848
eco friendly
Air Conditioner 24000
4010170111 BTU Wall Mount Split - Each 13,432 13,432
eco friendly
Fridge - Deep Freezer
5214150601 Each 4,947 6,106 5,461 4,215 4,444 5,006 4,992
Fridge - Deep Freezer
5214150602 Each 6,300 5,900 6,688 5,536 5,745 5,410 5,334 5,200 5,745
5214150901 Fridge - Upright 157L Each 7,850 6,700 6,999 6,758 5,486 6,457
5214150902 Fridge - Upright 310L Each 10,300 7,100 7,143 9,114 7,045 7,500 6,500 7,720
5214150201 Microwave 18 ltrs Each 2,195 1,970 2,672 1,745 2,119
5214150201 Microwave 19 ltrs Each 3,050 2,936 2,013 2,622
5214150201 Microwave 20 ltrs Each 3,120 2,799 3,243 2,275 2,275 2,200 2,538 2,101 2,537
5214150201 Microwave 26 ltrs Each 3,910 3,607 3,755
5214150201 Microwave 30 ltrs Each 4,410 4,083 2,845 3,714
5214150201 Microwave 45 ltrs Each 4,488 4,488
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 3,137 3,137
18 ltrs

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 43 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 3,321 3,321
19 ltrs
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 3,695 3,000 2,840 3,199 3,560 2,136 3,025
20 ltrs
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 4,250 3,400 3,499 3,980 2,770 3,199 3,482
26 ltrs
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 4,595 4,000 3,699 4,042 2,312 3,600 3,286 3,579
30 ltrs
Microwave Oven Digital
5214150201 Each 5,694 5,694
45 ltrs
3912162101 Lightening arrestor Each 92 61 88 72 77 75 105 82 80
3912130301 Looping box - PVC 2way Each 10 9 10 10 10 12 14 4 9
3912130302 Looping box - PVC 3 way Each 15 10 12 12 14 13 15 6 12
3912130303 Looping box - PVC 4 way Each 20 22 17 23 24 23 21
3912130304 Looping box cover - PVC Each 1 1 3 2 3 2 2
2611160101 Genset - Diesel 11KVA Each 66,935 59,734 52,700 59,506
2611160102 Genset - Diesel- 30KVA Each 129,248 129,248
Genset 125 kVA Power
2611160103 (with automatic transfer Each 344,339 344,339
switch) -Diesel
Genset 150 kVA Power
2611160104 (with automatic transfer Each 457,459 457,459
switch) -Diesel
Genset 320 kVA Power
2611160105 (with automatic transfer Each 715,547 715,547
switch) -Diesel
Genset 5.5Kw - Petrol
2611160107 Each 12,051 12,000 12,025
single phase 4 stroke
Washing machine Front
2318150601 Each 4,095 8,940 12,130 9,878 8,138
Loader - 8kg
Washing machine Front
2318150602 Each 13,999 10,276 14,240 12,300 14,240 12,911
Loader - 9kg
Washing machine Front
2318150603 Each 12,990 12,990
Loader - 12kg
Washing machine Front
2318150604 Each 15,603 15,603
Loader -13kg
Washing machine Top
2318150605 Each 8,433 8,409 7,615 6,500 7,736 7,705
Loader - 8kg
Washing machine Top
2318150606 Each 9,000 9,638 7,000 8,468
Loader - 9kg
Washing machine Top
2318150607 Each 11,610 9,200 10,335
Loader - 12kg
Washing machine Top
2318150608 Each 14,625 14,625
Loader -13kg

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 44 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
2310150201 Drilling Machine 650w Each 750 1,100 4,111 1,502
2310150202 Drilling Machine 850w Each 7,640 7,640
Cooker - Electric 2 plates
5214154401 Each 445 415 390 398 424 370 406
Cooker - Electric 2 plates
5214154402 Each 668 600 508 561 614 305 420 525 512
Cooker - Electric 4 plates
5214154403 Each 7,050 6,259 6,000 5,017 6,037
Cooker - Electric 4 plates
5214154404 Each 7,243 6,272 6,888 6,797 7,370 7,218 6,955
4711160101 Pressing Iron Each 437 412 389 500 309 400 404
4711160102 Pressing Iron - Steam Each 271 279 371 255 291
Cable Female XLR
2612163601 Each 250 300 230 258
Photo Cell 10A, AC 105-
3212160301 Each 216 196 200 195 127 184
Water Dispenser-Free
4810171101 Each 2,900 3,200 2,930 3,273 2,450 3,056 2,955
standing Hot and Cold
Heater - Radiant heater (2
4010182401 Each 619 600 750 519 591 500 591
Heater - Halogen heater (2
4010182402 Each 357 357
Cable -Armoured 1.5mm ×
2612162101 Metre 65 59 50 44 56 67 56
3 core
Cable -Armoured 1.5mm x
2612162102 Metre 85 66 60 67 69 68 69
4 core
Cable -Armoured 2.5mm ×
2612162103 Metre 32 45 70 48 74 51
2 core
Cable -Armoured 2.5mm x
2612162104 Metre 42 75 64 81 64
3 core
Cable -Armoured 2.5mm x
2612162105 Metre 102 115 113 96 106
4 core
Cable -Armoured 4mm × 2
2612162106 Metre 100 112 100 104
Cable -Armoured 4mm x 3
2612162107 Metre 115 150 131
Cable -Armoured 4mm x 4
2612162108 Metre 145 158 156 131 147
Cable -Armoured 6mm x 3
2612162109 Metre 142 142
Cable -Armoured 6mm x 4
2612162110 Metre 160 164 166 154 161
Cable -Armoured 10mm ×
2612162111 Metre 157 157
2 core

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 45 | P a g e

Table 9: Electrical Appliances, Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Cable -Armoured 10mm x
2612162112 Metre 210 224 217
3 core
Cable -Armoured 10mm x
2612162113 Metre 236 236
4 core
Cable -Armoured 16mm ×
2612162114 Metre 254 254
2 core
Cable -Armoured 16mm x
2612162115 Metre 277 277
3 core
Cable -Armoured 16mm x
2612162116 Metre 350 375 390 348 365
4 core
Cable -Armoured 25mm x
2612162117 Metre 481 481
4 core
Cable -Armoured 35mm x
2612162118 Metre 572 572
4 core
2327140801 Welding machine 150A Each 1,772 1,772
2327140802 Welding machine 200A 1,916 1,916
2327140803 Welding machine 500A Each 4,153 4,153
2711274901 Angle Grinder 3,082 2,680 1,990 3,106 2,673
3120150201 Insulating tape - small Each 12 10 10 10 18 16 11 12
3120150202 Insulation Tape Big 27 20 23 29 26 27 25 25

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 46 | P a g e

Table 10: Fire Suppression Equipment
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
4619160101 Fire Extinguisher - 2 Kg CO2 Each 918
4619160102 Fire Extinguisher - 5 Kg CO2 Each 2,076
4619160103 Fire Extinguisher - 1 kg DCP Each 281
4619160104 Fire Extinguisher - 2 kg DCP Each 431
4619160105 Fire Extinguisher - 4 kg DCP Each 679
4619160106 Fire extinguisher 4.5Kg DCP Each 841
4619160107 Fire Extinguisher - 6 kg DCP Each 856
4619160108 Fire Extinguisher - 9 kg DCP Each 1,506
4619160109 Fire Extinguisher - 3 litre Foam Each 350
4619160110 Fire Extinguisher - 6 litre Foam Each 800
4619160111 Fire Extinguisher - 9 litre Foam Each 1,328
4619160112 Fire Extinguisher - 3 litre Water (H20) Each 350
4619160113 Fire Extinguisher - 6 litre Water (H20) Each 800
4619160114 Fire Extinguisher - 9 litre Water (H20) Each 1,397
4619160301 Fire Hose Reel, 36 metres Each 3,555
4619160302 Fire Hose Reel, 30 meters Each 4,109
4619160001 Fire hydrant - 65.. Each 4,486
4619150201 Detector - Heat Detector Each 853
4619150101 Detector - Smoke Detector Each 761

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 47 | P a g e

Table 11: Food Products
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
5011200501 Tinned Meat _300 Grams 300 Grams 29 33 36 34 40 33 30 32 37 34
5011200901 Bacon _250 Grams 250 Grams 68 44 50 54 52 51 56 54 55 54
5011201001 Chicken Frozen_ per Kg per Kg 59 57 80 61 56 84 50 53 64 59 62
5012153702 Fish - Frozen Buka Buka _ per Kg per Kg 73 90 78 73 76 83 72 82 78
Fish - Frozen Tilapia/bream _ per
5012153703 per Kg 44 65 78 52 68 80 74 63 70 65
Eggs - Chicken eggs, per Tray
5013163301 1Tray 53 66 48 62 61 63 62 54 60 63 59
5013170001 Sour milk _500 Grams 500 Grams 12 12 10 11 13 17 11 10 12 11 12
5013170101 Fresh Milk _500 Millilitre 500 Millilitre 10 11 10 13 11 11 10 11 12 12 11
5013170201 Condensed Milk _400 Gram 400 Gram 45 42 46 50 50 56 77 38 48 49
5013170401 Milk - Powdered milk 400g Each 95 113 106 93 108 89 94 95 79 89 96
Powdered Milk for Babies _400
5013170402 400 Grams 121 103 59 112 117 89 87 99 112 98
5013180101 Cheese - Natural cheese_ 1 Kg 1 Kg 136 136
5013180201 Cheese - Processed cheese _ 1 Kg 1 Kg 212 220 253 227
5013180203 Cheese (Cheddar) 100grms Each 25 40 22 28 60 40 27 22 29 31
5013180204 Cheese (Cheddar) 230grms Each 100 73 67 65 65 88 70 62 68 72
5013180205 Cheese (Cheddar) 250grms Each 65 66 76 61 89 69 71
5013180206 Cheese (Cheddar) 850grms Each 220 270 220 200 247 244 254 222 234
5013180207 Cheese (Gouda) 100grms Each 40 23 40 22 38 55 57 22 40 35
5013180208 Cheese (Gouda) 230grms Each 75 70 66 93 67 62 72 69 71
5013180209 Cheese (Mozzarella) 400grms Each 99 92 67 85 155 117 98 99
5013180210 Cheese (Parmesan) 400 grams Each 85 85 153 103
Cheese Cheddar flavoured,
5013180211 Each 43 44 37 46 42 63 48 46
individually wrapped, 200g
Cheese Cheddar flavoured,
5013180212 Each 75 87 85 79 85 113 87
individually wrapped, 400g
Cheese Gouda flavoured,
5013180213 Each 45 44 37 45 42 63 45
individually wrapped, 200g
Cheese Gouda flavoured,
5013180214 Each 80 85 85 80 85 113 87
individually wrapped, 400g

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 48 | P a g e

Table 11: Food Products
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Cheese sweet milk flavoured,
5013180215 Each 40 42 42 30 43 65 47 43
individually wrapped, 200g
Cheese sweet milk flavoured,
5013180216 Each 80 82 65 85 82 95 81
individually wrapped, 400g
5015151301 Cooking oil 500ml Each 27 28 29 30 28 22 25 28 29 27
5015151302 Cooking oil 750ml Each 56 57 59 44 54 60 59 55 54 57 55
5015151303 Cooking oil 1 ltr Each 79 64 62 61 68 67
5015151304 Cooking oil 2.5 ltr Each 117 136 115 123 133 105 117 139 121 137 124
5015151305 Cooking oil 5ltr Each 215 255 226 238 261 227 202 240 221 262 234
5015151306 Cooking oil 10L Each 361 424 453 336 383 380 388
5015151307 Cooking oil 20ltr Each 1249 804 834 900 745 790 710 862 850
5015151601 Margarine 1kg Each 85 100 100 103 102 86 97 96
5015151602 Margarine 250g Each 21 27 40 27 30 35 42 32 31
5015151603 Margarine 500g Each 54 50 70 32 49 47 50 49
5016151201 Golden Syrup _500 Grams 500 Grams 27 24 32 30 34 29
Chocolate bar - Plain Chocolate bar
5016181301 Each 19 29 24 28 24 28 25
_100 Grams
5017155001 Spice - Brown onion seasoning 1kg Each 107 115 125 131 202 113 129
5017155002 Spice - Chicken spice 1kg Each 77 115 113 180 131 132 99 82 112
5017155003 Spice - Curry powder 250g Each 23 40 25 22 41 30 37 30
5017155004 Spice - Fish seasoning 1kg Each 120 122 100 116 150 113 75 112
5017155005 Spice - Fish spice 1kg Each 120 116 100 116 150 113 118
5017155006 Spice - Garlic powder 1kg Each 180 180 98 157 137 147
5017155007 Spice - Ginger powder 1kg Each 112 118 100 162 94 120 157 100 118
5017155008 Spice - Paprika 1kg Each 150 211 100 104 153 134 138
Spice - Portuguese chicken spice
5017155009 Each 77 86 60 129 87 119 106 92
5017155010 Spice - Soup thickener 250g Each 24 23 25 21 26 24 24
5017155011 Spice - Turmeric 1kg Each 135 164 140 100 141 145 131 180 155 184 146
5017155012 Spice - Curry Powder _50 Grams Each 12 10 10 10 13 15 10 13 11 11
5017155101 Salt - coarse 1kg (Iodized) Each 32 25 26 39 31 30 30
5017155102 Salt - coarse 50kg (Iodized) Each 225 255 165 211

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 49 | P a g e

Table 11: Food Products
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
5017155103 Salt - fine 50kg (lodized) Each 272 250 261
5017155104 Salt - Fine 1kg (Iodized) Each 31 33 32 34 28 20 24 28 29
5017170701 Brown Vinegar_750 ml Each 15 16 12 15 15 15 17 15
5017170702 White Vinegar_750 ml Each 15 17 11 16 15 15 17 15
5017170703 Brown Vinegar_1 Ltr 1 Ltr 20 16 18 15 17 15 19 17
5017170704 White Vinegar_1 Ltr 1 Ltr 16 15 19 25 15 18 18 18
5017183101 Tomato Ketchup_ 350 grams Each 20 22 33 18 21 20 21 24 22
5018000001 Bread - Loaf of bread 700grams Each 15 15 15 14 16 18 18 14 19 16
5018000002 Bread Bun Each 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
5018000003 Fritters Each 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Soda Bicarbonate (cooking
5018170006 Each 20 17 18 18 22 12 18 17
soda)_100 Grams
5018171001 Yeast _1 per Kg Each 52 52
5018171002 Yeast 125 grams_ Each 13 12 17 12 17 10 17 14
5018171101 Baking Powder _100 grams Each 27 28 24 15 23
5018171102 Baking Powder 200g Each 43 39 47 46 42 49 45 42 44
5019150701 Soups 60 grams Each 8 8 7 7 10 8 8
5019210901 Potato Crisps _25 Grams Each 6 8 5 7 5 6 7 6
5019211101 Fillet Steak _ per Kg per Kg 135 170 143 96 175 87 188 85 135 130
5019211102 Rump Steak _ per Kg per Kg 104 118 123 120 142 85 134 76 100 109
5019211103 Brisket _ per Kg per Kg 90 87 85 83 87 85 79 73 84 83
5019211104 Mixed Cut _ per Kg per Kg 70 71 73 74 73 85 65 68 72 72
5019211105 T-bone _ per Kg per Kg 85 152 53 119 135 85 124 87 105 101
5019211106 Mince Meat _ per Kg per Kg 79 87 27 86 95 87 87 81 78 75
5019211107 Ox-liver _ per Kg per Kg 72 100 140 99 105 88 95 65 96 93
5019211108 Offals _ per Kg per Kg 48 40 39 41 39 75 36 30 43 42
5019211109 Beef Sausages _ per Kg per Kg 86 90 97 87 97 89 93 81 90 90
5019211110 Plain Pork Sausages _ per Kg per Kg 69 110 73 101 86 82 73 78 84 83
5019211111 Pork Chops _ per Kg per Kg 72 71 29 72 91 81 65 69 66
5019211112 Goat Meat _ per Kg per Kg 87 92 92 92 104 83 87 84 90 90

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 50 | P a g e

Table 11: Food Products
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Fish - Dried Bream-Medium Sized-
5019211301 per Kg 154 50 117 208 107 115
Opened _ per Kg
5019211302 Fresh Kapenta _400 Gram Each 30 33 29 25 33 30 30
5019211303 Dried Kapenta Mpulungu _ per Kg per Kg 193 81 166 180 197 156
5019211304 Dried Kapenta Siavonga _ per Kg per Kg 210 240 139 217 196 151 189
5019211305 Dried Kapenta Chisense _ per Kg per Kg 50 48 49 49
5019211306 Tinned Fish _155 Gram Each 19 19 27 19 24 21 20 21 21
5019230001 Custard Powder_250gm Each 27 30 30 28 26 16 27 30 28 27 26
5019240101 Marmalade _500 Grams 500 Grams 26 24 23 35 25 25 26 25 26 26
5019290201 Macaroni _500 grams Each 25 26 42 22 22 20 25 17 22 25 24
5019290202 Spaghetti_500 grams Each 24 23 14 23 22 20 21 17 22 21 20
5019290203 Noodles - Instant Noodles 70g Each 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7
5019300101 Soya pieces, 15kg Each 213 231 244 229 229
5019300102 Soya pieces, Case of 50 X 90g packs Case 339 339 339 339
5020230701 Milo 250g Each 40 50 53 48 51 46 51 53 67 51 51
5020230702 Milo 500g Each 95 95 74 100 79 84 68 75 84 83
5020230703 Hot Chocolate 250g Each 63 64 73 70 62 53 65 60 73 65 65
5022000001 Rice Local_25 Kg Each 639 344 450 645 429 410 665 429 488
5022000002 Rice Local_50 Kg Each 900 1407 520 1019 1250 1019 974
5022000003 Rice Imported_10 Kg Each 246 250 137 237 280 232 245 232 228
5022110101 Maize grain_50 Kg Each 218 358 266 222 261
5022110102 Samp_1 Kg 1 Kg 30 22 33 24 25 27 27
5022110201 Wheat/Bread Flour_25 Kg Each 402 382 400 502 360 356 398
5022110202 Wheat/Bread Flour _50 Kg Each 763 729 799 773 990 700 659 768
5022120101 Cornflakes_500 grams Each 53 56 44 54 58 51 50 45 51 51
Breakfast Mealie Meal/Corn
5022130301 25 Kg 169 184 166 179 168 190 172 179 148 165 172
flour_25 Kg
Roller Mealie Meal/Corn flour_25
5022130302 25 Kg 127 147 155 148 132 174 146 159 129 140 145
Roller Mealie Meal/Corn flour_500
5022130303 500 Grams 50 41 47 46 46 46
5030150001 Apples _ per Kg per Kg 32 16 36 36 34 32 29 44 31 31

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 51 | P a g e

Table 11: Food Products
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
5030410001 Lemons _ per Kg per Kg 27 37 40 39 33 34 28 34
5030465701 Water Melon _ per Kg per Kg 24 23 23 18 26 24 27 20 31 24
5030500001 Oranges _ per Kg per Kg 23 33 21 30 29 16 28 29 41 30 27
5030510001 Pawpaw _ per Kg per Kg 28 15 20 22 21 19 21 20
5030520101 Bananas _ per Kg per Kg 15 14 16 16 16 10 14 11 14 14
5030560001 Pineapples _ per Kg per Kg 24 17 20 20 16 22 33 22 21
5032350001 Raisins _250 Grams 250 Grams 40 46 45 40 40 33 35 39
5040480001 Mushrooms _ per Kg per Kg 27 18 18 34 20 23 23 23
5040530001 Onion - White onion, pocket of 7kg Pocket 77 122 80 118 131 101 80 99
5040530002 Onion - White onion, per kg per Kg 16 18 16 14 16 26 18 20 18 18
5040531201 Onion - Red onion, pocket of 7kg Pocket 142 180 132 140 140 106 139
5040531202 Onion - Red onion, per kg per Kg 25 20 15 25 22 23 31 23 23
5040550001 Groundnuts _ per Kg per Kg 40 70 57 29 42 52 46 31 46 44
5040570001 Irish potatoes _ per Kg per Kg 25 18 40 20 26 26 23 28 25
5040640001 Sweet potatoes _ per Kg per Kg 25 27 25 20 34 26 24 26
5040650001 Tomatoes - fresh tomato _ per Kg per Kg 15 13 15 15 19 11 14 11 14 14
5041170001 Avocados _ per Kg per Kg 11 18 19 10 11 12 14 12 13
5042180001 Dried beans _ per Kg per Kg 35 36 28 33 33 46 32 35
5061180001 Baked beans _410 Grams 410 Grams 19 16 19 20 28 26 18 20 20

Table 12: Hotel and Conference Service

Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Bed/Night Executive standard
9011150001 room (full English breakfast Night 932 1,114 733 900 501 775 981 876 901 839
inclusive) - 2 star equivalent
Bed/Night Executive standard
9011150002 room (full English breakfast Night 1,509 1,218 1,570 1,501 1,860 1,670 1,542
inclusive) - 3 star equivalent
Bed/Night Executive standard
9011150003 room (full English breakfast Night 2,128 2,420 2,100 2,211
inclusive) - 4 star equivalent

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 52 | P a g e

Table 12: Hotel and Conference Service
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Bed/Night Executive standard
9011150004 room (full English breakfast Night 4,190 3,800 3,990
inclusive) - 5 star equivalent
Bed/Night standard room (full
9011150005 English breakfast inclusive) - 2 Night 800 1,000 1,000 825 596 512 424 643 840 710
star equivalent
Bed/Night standard room (full
9011150006 English breakfast inclusive) - 3 Night 1,500 1,034 1,622 1,124 1,390 1,458 1,338
star equivalent
Bed/Night standard room (full
9011150007 English breakfast inclusive) - 4 Night 2,333 2,548 1,900 2,244
star equivalent
Bed/Night standard room (full
9011150008 English breakfast inclusive) - 5 Night 3,078 3,771 3,500 3,438
star equivalent
Conference - Full Conference
Package per person (conference, 2
9011160301 Day 354 300 295 384 331
teas, water, lunch)-2 star
equivalent )
Conference - Full Conference
Package per person (conference, 2
9011160302 Day 303 301 400 332
teas, water, lunch)-3 star
equivalent )
Conference - Full Conference
Package per person (conference, 2
9011160303 Day 580 580
teas, water, lunch)-4 star
equivalent )
Conference - Full Conference
9011160304 Package per person (conference, 2 Day 658 655 656
teas, water, lunch)-5 star )
Conference - Half day conference
package per person (conference, 1
9011160305 Each 295 217 161 224 262 227
tea, water, lunch)- 2 star
equivalent )
Conference - Half day conference
package per person (conference, 1
9011160306 Each 287 363 384 342
tea, water, lunch)- 3 star
equivalent )
Conference - Half day conference
package per person (conference, 1
9011160307 Each 325 325
tea, water, lunch)- 4 star
equivalent )
Conference - Half day conference
package per person (conference, 1
9011160308 Each 448 448
tea, water, lunch)- 5 star

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 53 | P a g e

Table 12: Hotel and Conference Service
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160309 hall (10-50 persons) 2 star Day 1,612 1,651 1,687 1,216 1,957 1,095 1,000 1,769 1,000 1,400
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160310 hall (10-50 persons) 3 star Day 1,033 2,622 1,500 1,596
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160312 hall (10-50 persons) 5 star Day 3,000 3,500 3,240
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160313 Day 1,612 1,003 1,033 2,127 1,200 1,336
hall (20 persons)-3-star equivalent
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160315 Day 15,500 15,500
hall (20 persons)-5-star equivalent
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160317 Day 12,200 12,200
hall (50 persons)-3-star equivalent
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160318 Day 12,200 12,200
hall (50 persons)-4-star equivalent
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160319 Day 11,972 11,972
hall (50 persons)-5-star equivalent
Conference -Hire of Conference
9011160320 Day 1,700 1,533 1,216 1,789 1,000 1,415
hall (20 persons)-2-star equivalent
Conference -Hire of Conference
9011160321 hall (200 persons)-2-star Day 1,702 1,651 1,500 1,957 1,695
Conference -Hire of Conference
9011160322 hall (200 persons)-3-star Day 1,330 1,800 1,650 1,581
Conference -Hire of Conference
9011160323 Day 2,118 1,687 1,095 1,837 1,637
hall (50 persons)-2-star equivalent
Conference - Hire of Conference
9011160324 hall (200 persons)-4-star Day 14,240 14,240
Projector - Hire of Projector 4
9011160201 Day 780 780
star equivalent
Projector - Hire of Projector 2 star
9011160202 Day 442 707 500 500 300 472
Projector - Hire of Projector 3 star
9011160203 Day 293 200 300 260
Projector - Hire of Projector 5 star
9011160204 Day 1,000 1,000
Lunch buffet per person - 2 star
9010160301 Service 158 129 133 153 108 82 180 131
Lunch buffet per person - 3 star
9010160302 Service 158 274 190 202
Lunch buffet per person - 4 star
9010160303 Service 330 330

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 54 | P a g e

Table 12: Hotel and Conference Service
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Lunch buffet per person - 5 star
9010160304 Service 336 350 343
Dinner buffet per person - 2 star
9010160305 Service 131 166 153 108 113 95 180 132
Dinner buffet per person - 3 star
9010160306 Service 161 274 150 188
Dinner buffet per person - 4 star
9010160307 Service 326 326
Dinner buffet per person - 5 star
9010160308 Service 363 390 376

Table 13: Internet Service

Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western National Average
8111210101 1 to 3 mbps internet speed - Commercial users 1 month 479 475 450 489 479 450 499 476 479 479 475
8111210102 4 to 5 mbps internet speed- Commercial users 1 month 649 650 649 674 649 600 699 649 650 650 652
8111210103 6 to 10 mbps internet speed- Commercial users 1 month 974 990 1050 974 974 1050 999 998 949 949 990

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 55 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731017012 Abdominal Swabs 1x5 71
731017010 Aminophylline Tablets 10x10 19
731017009 Amlodipine 5mg Tablets 10x10 38
731017008 Amlodipine 5mg Tablets 3x100 68
731017007 Amoxicillin Capsules 250mg 10x10 51
731016996 ASCORIL 100ml Bottle 1x5 38
731016995 Asprin 300mg Tablets 10x10 17
731016994 Asprin 75mg Tablets 1x5 107
731016993 Asprin 75mg Tablets 10x10 226
731016992 Azithromycin 500mg Tablets 1x3 20
731016991 Azithromycin 500mg Tablets 10x3 143
731016990 Azithromycin 500mg Tablets 10x10 172
731016989 Azithromycin Suspension Bottle 1x5 Each 80
731016988 Benylin 4 Flu 200mls Bottle 1x5 Each 738
731016987 Benylin 4 Flu 200mls Bottle 1x3 Each 388
731016986 Benylin 4 Flu 200mls Bottle 1x10 Each 1,497
731016985 Benylin Dry Cough 100ml Bottle 1x5 Each 274
731016984 Benylin Dry Cough 100ml Bottle 3x100 Each 273
731016983 Benylin Dry Cough 100ml Bottle 10x10 Each 930
731016981 Benylin Peadiatrics Bottle 3x100 Each 291
731016980 Benylin Peadiatrics Bottle 10x10 950
731016979 Benzathin Injection Vial 10x10 110
731016978 Benzathin Injection Vial 1x5 64
731016977 Benzyl Penicillin Injection Vial 1x5 55
731016976 Benzyl Penicillin Injection Vial 1x10 107
731016972 Cadiphen Cough Syrup 100mls Bottle 1x5 Each 99
731016971 Cadiphen Cough Syrup 100mls Bottle 10x10 Each 198
731016969 Caloshell 500mg Tablet 10x10 100
731016968 Caniderm Cream Tube (Candederm) 10x10 Each 235
731016967 Carbamazepine Tabs 10x10 81
731016966 Carbamazepine Tabs Tin 660
731016965 Catheter 18fr 10x10 54
731016964 Cefixime Suspension Bottle Each 35
731016963 Cefixime Tab 10x10 36
731016962 Cefixime Tab 1x10 42
731016961 Cefotaxime Injection Vial 10x10 110
731016959 Cephalexin Capsules 10x10 161
731016958 Cephalexin Suspension 1x5 107
731016957 Cephalexin Suspension 1x10 214
731016956 Cephalexin Tab 500mg 10x10 155
731016955 Cetrizine 10mg Tabs 10x10 41
731016954 Cetrizine Syrup Bottle Each 45
731016953 Chlorpromazine Tab 100mg 10x10 32
731016952 Clarithromycin Tablets 1x10 58
731016951 Clotrimazole Cream 15mg 1x5 37
731016950 Clotrimazole Cream 15mg 1x10 74
731016949 Clotrimazole Pessarries 1x5 18
731016948 Clotrimazole Pessarries 1x10 35
731016947 Cloxacillin 250mg Caps 10x10 49
731016946 Cloxacillin Injection 1x10 61
731016945 Coldrid Tab 10x9 97
731016944 Colostomy Bags 1x10 330
731016943 Cord Clamps 1x100 100
731016942 Cotton Wool 500g Each 54
731016941 Cotton Wool 500g 1x5 270
731016939 Crepe Bandage 15cm 1x3 27
731016938 Deep Heat 75mg 1x5 368

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 56 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016937 Deep Heat 35mg 1x5 251
731016936 Deltaprim Tablets Per 30 99
731016935 Dexamethasone Eye Drops 10ml Bottle 1x10 87
731016933 Diamox Tablets 10x10 140
731016932 Diclofenac Gel 20mg 1x5 42
731016931 Diclofenac Gel 20mg 1x10 86
731016930 Diclofenac Injection 1x10 25
731016929 Diclofenac Injection Each 3
731016926 Diclofenac Tablets 10x10 46
731016923 Doxycyline Caps 10x10 64
731016922 Ferrous Sulphate 100x10 200
731016921 Ferrous Sulphate 10x10 25
731016919 FLAGYL SYRUP 100mls 1x5 46
731016918 FLAGYL SYRUP 100mls 1x10 90
731016917 Fluconazole Caps 10x10 149
731016916 Fluphenazine Injection 25mg 1x10 30
731016915 Folic Acid Tab 5mg Per 1000 46
731016914 Folic Acid Tab 5mg 10x10 10
731016913 Folic Acid Tab 5mg 10x20 17
731016912 Funbact Cream 1x5 63
731016911 Funbact Cream 1x10 127
731016910 Funbact Cream 1x20 254
731016909 Gastracid Syrup 100mls 1x5 69
731016908 Gastracid Syrup 100mls 1x10 138
731016907 Gauze Roll 1kg Each 316
731016906 Gentamycin Eye Drops 1x10 19
731016905 Griseofulvin Tab 500mg 10x10 183
731016904 HAEMUP 200mls 1x5 177
731016903 HAEMUP 200mls 1x10 354
731016902 Haloperidol Tab 5mg 10x10 62
731016901 Hydralazine Injection Each 17
731016900 Hydrocortisone 200mg Injection Each 4
731016899 Hydrocortisone Cream 15g 1x5 51
731016898 Hydrocortisone Cream 15g 1x10 98
731016897 Hydrogen Peroxide 2.5l Each 70
731016896 Hydroxyurea Cap 10x10 116
731016895 I.V Cannula 18g Each 2
731016894 I.V Cannula 20g Each 2
731016893 I.V Cannula 22g Each 2
731016892 I.V Cannula 24g Each 2
731016891 Ibuprofen Tab 200mg 100x10 190
731016890 Ibuprofen Tab 200mg 10x10 19
731016889 Idephen Cough Syrup 1x5 56
731016888 Idephen Cough Syrup 1x10 100
731016887 Ketoconazole Cream 10x10 130
731016886 Ketoconazole Cream 15g 1x5 60
731016885 Ketoconazole Cream - Big 10x10 130
731016884 Losartan Tablets 3x10 132
731016883 Lozenges Per 120 85
731016882 Magnesium Triscillicate Tablets Per 1000 73
731016881 Magnesium Triscillicate Tablets Per 100 8
731016880 Mannitol Injection 1x10 64
731016879 MEFENAMIC ACID 250mg 10x10 85
731016877 METFORMIN TABS 500mg 10x10 21
731016875 Methydopa 250mg 10x10 107
731016874 Methylated Spirit 2.5l Each 104
731016873 Methylated Spirit 2.5l Per 6 636
731016872 Metronidazole I.V 100ml Each 10
731016871 METRONIDAZOLE SUSPENSION 100mls 1x5 50

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 57 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016870 METRONIDAZOLE SUSPENSION 100mls 1x10 97
731016869 Metronidazole Tablets 10x10 21
731016868 Metronidazole Tablets 100x10 160
731016867 Mucolyn Adults Bottle 1x5 Each 118
731016866 Mucolyn Adults Bottle 1x10 Each 212
731016865 Mucolyn Chest Bottle 1x5 Each 146
731016864 Mucolyn Chest Bottle 1x10 Each 292
731016863 Mucolyn Peadiatrics Bottle 1x5 Each 118
731016862 Mucolyn Peadiatrics Bottle 1x10 Each 212
731016861 Muconazole Oral 1x10 332
731016860 Multivit Syrup (Adult - Dawavit) Bottle 1x5 Each 61
731016859 Multivit Syrup Children - Dawavit) Bottle 1x5 Each 64
731016858 Multivitamin Syrup 100mls 1x5 83
731016857 Multivitamin Syrup 100mls 1x10 166
731016856 Multivitamin Tablets 10x10 21
731016855 Needles 21G 1x100 31
731016854 Needles 23g 1x100 31
731016853 Nifedipine 20mg Tab 10x10 35
731016852 Normal Saline Nasal Drops 10x10 40
731016851 Omeprazole 20mg Cap 10x10 33
731016850 Orefer Syrup (Orofer) 1x10 400
731016849 Ors Per 100 Satchets 219
731016848 Paracetamol Syrup 100ml 1x5 75
731016847 Pen V Tablets 10x10 58
731016846 Peppermint Cough Syrup Bottle 1x5 Each 52
731016845 Peppermint Cough Syrup Bottle 1x10 Each 91
731016844 Piriton Tablets 1x10 2
731016843 Plaster Of Paris (Pop) 15cm Each 14
731016842 Plaster Of Paris (Pop) 15cm 1x3 42
731016841 Polygel 100mls Bottle 1x5 Each 71
731016840 Polygel 100mls Bottle 1x10 Each 100
731016839 Povidone Iodine 100ml Per 5 61
731016838 Povidone Iodine 2.5l Each 348
731016837 Prednisolone Tablets 10x10 29
731016835 Risperidone 2mg Tab 10x10 328
731016834 Salbutamol Inhaler 1x5 Each 250
731016833 Salbutamol Inhaler 1x3 Each 151
731016832 Salbutamol Inhaler 1x10 Each 444
731016831 Salbutamol Tab Per 1000 77
731016830 Salbutamol Tab 10x10 11
731016829 Septrin Syrup 100mls 1x5 42
731016828 Septrin Syrup 100mls 1x10 80
731016827 Silver Nitrate Pencil 10x10 822
731016826 Spinal Needles 22 G Each 10
731016825 Spinal Needles 23 G Each 10
731016824 Spinal Needles 24 G Each 10
731016823 Spinal Needles 25 G Each 10
731016822 Spironolactone 25mg Tab 10x10 91
731016821 Sugical Gloves 7.5 Box Of 50 197
731016820 Sugical Gloves Size 8 Box Of 50 197
731016819 Surgical Blades 21g 1x100pieces 131
731016818 Surgical Blades 22g 1x100pieces 131
731016817 Syphillis Strips Box 403
731016816 Syringes 10mls 1x100 126
731016815 Syringes 50mls 1x25 111
731016814 Syringes 20mls 1x50 79
731016813 Syringes 5ml /2ml 1x100 80
731016811 Tamsulosin Cap 0.4mg 10x10 150
731016810 Telma H Tablets Per 10 62

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 58 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016809 Telma H Tablets 3x10 199
731016807 Timolol Eye Drops 1x10 298
731016806 Tramadol Cap 50mg 10x10 148
731016803 Tranexamic Acid Tablets 10x10 333
731016802 Triphen Expectorant Syrup 100ml Bottle Each 21
731016801 Ultrasound Gel 5L 374
731016800 Umbilical Cord Clamps 1x100 91
731016799 Urine Analysis Strips Per 100 153
731016798 Absorbent Gauze 90x100m Each 307
731016797 Vitamin C 500mg Tablet 1x100 61
731016796 Zecuf Cough Syrup Bottle Pack 126
731016795 Zinc Oxide 10cmx5m Plaster 1x3 66
731016794 Zinc Oxide 10cmx5m Plaster Each 22
731016793 Artovastatin 20mg 3x100 52
731016792 Canula 16g Each 3
731016791 Canula 18g Each 3
731016790 Canula 20g Each 3
731016789 Canula 22g Each 3
731016788 Canula 24g Each 3
731016787 Chromic Catgut 2 Rb 1x12 100
731016786 Clopidogrel 75mg 3x10 67
731016785 Glucostix (Oncall) 1x50 182
731016784 Nylon 0 Rc 1x12 100
731016783 Nylon 1 Rc 1x12 100
731016782 Prenacare Supplements 30 151
731016781 Sodium Cromoglycate Each 37
731016780 Urine Bags Each 5
731016779 Vicryl 1rb 1x12 192
731016778 Vicryl 2/0 Rb 1x12 192
731016777 Vicryl 2rb 1x12 192
731016776 Vicryl 2rc 1x12 192
731016775 Vitamin B6 Tab 60 25
731016774 Vitamin C 500mg 30 35
731016773 Xray Developer Automatic Each 1,213
731016772 Xray Films 24 X 30cm 1x100 877
731016771 Xray Films 35 X 35 Cm 1x100 1,490
731016770 Xray Films 35 X 43 Cm 1x100 1,831
731016769 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 14g 1 X 100 312
731016768 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 16g 1 X 100 312
731016767 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 18g 1 X 100 312
731016766 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 20g 1 X 100 312
731016765 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 22g 1 X 100 312
731016764 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 24g 1 X 100 338
731016763 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 26g 1 X 100 481
731016762 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 24g Without Inj Port Each 481
731016761 Lm.Iv Cannula Size 26g Without Inj Port Each 481
731016760 Stop Cock 3 Way Lipid Resistent Lr-Blue Each 5
731016759 Stop Cock 3 Way Link Blue Each 5
731016758 Burette Set 110ml Each 16
731016757 Burette Set 150ml Each 17
731016756 Nebulizer Kit With Mask Adult Each 25
731016755 Nebulizer Kit With Mask Pead Each 25
731016754 Nebulizer Kit With Mask Neo Each 25
731016753 Silicon Resuscitator (Ambu Bag) Adult Each 515
731016752 Silicon Resuscitator (Ambu Bag) Pead Each 464
731016751 Silicon Resuscitator Neo Each 469
731016750 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 6 Each 31
731016749 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 8 Each 27
731016748 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 10 Each 23

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 59 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016747 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 12 Each 15
731016746 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 14 Each 24
731016745 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 16 Each 27
731016744 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 18 Each 25
731016743 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 20 Each 27
731016742 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 22 Each 27
731016741 Folley Catheter 2 Ways Size 24 Each 27
731016740 Stop Cock 3 Way With Ext. 10cm Each 9
731016739 Stop Cock 3 Way With Ext. 100cm Each 9
731016738 Stop Cock 3 Way With Ext. 150cm Each 9
731016737 Stop Cock 3 Way With Ext. 200cm Each 9
731016736 Oxygen Mask Adult Each 14
731016735 Oxygen Mask Pead Each 14
731016734 Silicon Catheter 2 Way Size 16 Each 65
731016733 Silicon Catheter 2 Way Size 18 Each 65
731016732 Silicon Catheter 2 Way Size 22 Each 65
731016731 Silicon Catheter 2 Way Size 24 Each 65
731016730 Ryles Tube Size 6 Each 8
731016729 Ryles Tube Size 8 Each 8
731016728 Ryles Tube Size 10 Each 8
731016727 Ryles Tube Size 12 Each 8
731016726 Ryles Tube Size 14 Each 8
731016725 Ryles Tube Size 16 Each 8
731016724 Ryles Tube Size 18 Each 8
731016723 Stomach Tube Size 6g 80cm Each 6
731016722 Stomach Tube Size 8g 80cm Each 6
731016721 Stomach Tube Size 10g 80cm Each 6
731016720 Stomach Tube Size 12g 80cm Each 6
731016719 Stomach Tube Size 14g 80cm Each 6
731016718 Stomach Tube Size 16g 80cm Each 6
731016717 Stomach Tube Size 18g 80cm Each 6
731016716 Stomach Tube Size 6g 125cm Each 6
731016715 Stomach Tube Size 8g 125cm Each 6
731016714 Stomach Tube Size 10g 125cm Each 6
731016713 Stomach Tube Size 12g 125cm Each 6
731016712 Stomach Tube Size 14g 125cm Each 6
731016711 Stomach Tube Size 16g 125cm Each 6
731016710 Stomach Tube Size 18g 125cm Each 6
731016709 Suction Catheter Plain 6g Each 3
731016708 Suction Catheter Plain 8g Each 7
731016707 Suction Catheter Plain 10g Each 7
731016706 Suction Catheter Plain 12g Each 7
731016705 Suction Catheter Plain 14g Each 7
731016704 Suction Catheter Plain 16g Each 7
731016703 Suction Catheter Plain 18g Each 7
731016702 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 6g Each 4
731016701 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 8g Each 4
731016700 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 10g Each 4
731016699 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 12g Each 4
731016698 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 14g Each 4
731016697 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 16g Each 4
731016696 Suction Catheter Finger/Tip 18g Each 4
731016695 Suction Catheter T/C 6g Each 4
731016694 Suction Catheter T/C 8g Each 4
731016693 Suction Catheter T/C 10g Each 4
731016692 Suction Catheter T/C 12g Each 4
731016691 Suction Catheter T/C 14g Each 4
731016690 Suction Catheter T/C 16g Each 4
731016689 Suction Catheter T/C 18g Each 4

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 60 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016688 Lung Excerciser 3ball Each 45
731016687 Ab Drain 20fg Each 23
731016686 Ab Drain 24fg Each 23
731016685 Ab Drain 28fg Each 23
731016684 Ab Drain 32fg Each 23
731016683 Cautery Pencil Each 55
731016682 Catheter Mount Each 22
731016681 Solo Connect Each 9
731016680 Extension Low Pressure 100cm Each 4
731016679 Extension Low Pressure 150cm Each 4
731016678 Extension Low Pressure 200cm Each 4
731016677 Uni Connect Each 16
731016676 Flow Regulator 40cm Each 16
731016675 Iv Set With Flow Regulator 150cm Each 20
731016674 Under Water Sealed Chest Drain 1000ml Each 13
731016673 Twin O2 Set Adult Each 8
731016672 Twin O2 Set Neo Each 8
731016671 Resp. Circuits Corrugated Tube- Adult Without Water Trap Each 102
731016670 Resp. Circuits Corrugated Tube- Adult With Single Water Trap Adult Each 127
Respiratoy Circuit Corrugated Tube Paediatric Without Water Trap
731016669 Each 120
Respiratoy Circuit Corrugated Tube Paediatric With Single Water Trap
731016668 Each 127
731016667 Brain Circuit Adult Each 222
731016666 Brain Circuit Pead Each 206
731016665 Yankaur Suction Set 250cm Each 24
731016664 Constant Ele. Kitchen Scale 1g-5kg 14192-269b Each 414
731016663 Constant Ele. Kitchen Scale 1g-5kg14192-249b Each 260
731016662 Constant Measuring Cup Scale 1g-5kg 14192-291b Each 359
731016661 Constant Kitchen Scale 5kg 14192-274b Each 359
731016660 Constant Kitchen Scale 5kg 14192-K812 Each 303
731016659 Constant Kitchen Scale 5kg 14192-60 Each 54
731016658 Constant Kitchen Scale 5kg 14192-278b Each 118
731016657 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-104a Each 359
731016656 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-302a Each 402
731016655 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-309a Each 427
731016654 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-318a Each 365
731016653 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 150kg 14192-382a Each 303
731016652 Constant Bathroom Scale 150kg 14192-905d Each 773
731016651 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-366a Each 544
731016650 Constant Mecha. Personal Scale 125kg 14192-41 Each 241
731016649 Constant Mecha. Personal Scale 130kg 14192-152d Each 483
731016648 Constant Mecha. Personal Scale 130kg 14192-201d Each 241
731016647 Constant Hanging Scale 25kg 14192-64 Each 136
731016646 Constant Height & Weighing Scale 120kg 14192-K833 Each 1,207
731016645 Constant Dial Spring Kitchen Scale 10kg 14192 Each 322
731016644 Constant Dial Spring Kitchen Scale 15kg14192 Each 322
731016643 Constant Dial Spring Kitchen Scale 20kg 14192 Each 322
731016642 Constant Ele. Personal Scale 180kg 14192-183a Each 303
731016641 Constant Mecha. Personal Scale 130kg 14192-915d Each 241
731016640 Camry Mechanical Scale Br2001 Each 241
731016639 Chromic Size 0 R/C 1X12 128
731016638 Chromic Size 0 R/B 1X12 128
731016637 Chromic Size 1 R/C 1X12 128
731016636 Chromic Size 1 R/B 1X12 128
731016635 Chromic Size 1/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016634 Chromic Size 1/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016633 Chromic Size 2 R/C 1X12 128
731016632 Chromic Size 2 R/B 1X12 128

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 61 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016631 Chromic Size 2/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016630 Chromic Size 2/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016629 Chromic Size 3 R/C 1X12 128
731016628 Chromic Size 3 R/B 1X12 128
731016627 Chromic Size 3/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016626 Chromic Size 3/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016625 Vycryle Size 0 R/C 1X12 235
731016624 Vycryle Size 0 R/B 1X12 235
731016623 Vycryle Size 1 R/C 1X12 235
731016622 Vycryle Size 1 R/B 1X12 235
731016621 Vycryle Size 1/0 R/C 1X12 235
731016620 Vycryle Size 1/0 R/B 1X12 235
731016619 Vycryle Size 2 R/C 1X12 235
731016618 Vycryle Size 2 R/B 1X12 235
731016617 Vycryle Size 2/0 R/C 1X12 235
731016616 Vycryle Size 2/0 R/B 1X12 235
731016615 Vycryle Size 3 R/C 1X12 235
731016614 Vycryle Size 3 R/B 1X12 235
731016613 Vycryle Size 3/0 R/C 1X12 235
731016612 Vycryle Size 3/0 R/B 1X12 235
731016611 Vycryle Size 4/0 R/C 1X12 235
731016610 Vycryle Size 4/0 R/B 1X12 235
731016609 Vycryle Size 5/0 R/C 1X12 235
731016608 Vycryle Size 5/0 R/B 1X12 235
731016607 Vycryle Size 6/0 R/C 1X12 261
731016606 Vycryle Size 6/0 R/B 1X12 261
731016605 Nylone Size 0 R/C 1X12 128
731016604 Nylone Size 0 R/B 1X12 128
731016603 Nylone Size 1 R/C 1X12 128
731016602 Nylone Size 1 R/B 1X12 128
731016601 Nylone Size 1/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016600 Nylone Size 1/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016599 Nylone Size 2 R/C 1X12 128
731016598 Nylone Size 2 R/B 1X12 128
731016597 Nylone Size 2/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016596 Nylone Size 2/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016595 Nylone Size 3 R/C 1X12 128
731016594 Nylone Size 3 R/B 1X12 128
731016593 Nylone Size 3/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016592 Nylone Size 3/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016591 Silk Size 0 R/C 1X12 128
731016590 Silk Size 0 R/B 1X12 128
731016589 Silk Size 1 R/C 1X12 128
731016588 Silk Size 1 R/B 1X12 128
731016587 Silk Size 1/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016586 Silk Size 1/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016585 Silk Size 2 R/C 1X12 128
731016584 Silk Size 2 R/B 1X12 128
731016583 Silk Size 2/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016582 Silk Size 2/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016581 Silk Size 3 R/C 1X12 128
731016580 Silk Size 3 R/B 1X12 128
731016579 Silk Size 3/0 R/C 1X12 128
731016578 Silk Size 3/0 R/B 1X12 128
731016577 Abdomi Nal Belt L Each 127
731016576 Abdomi Nal Belt M Each 127
731016575 Abdomi Nal Belt Xl Each 127
731016574 Ankle Binder S Each 59
731016573 Ankle Binder M Each 59

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 62 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016572 Ankle Binder L Each 59
731016571 Ankle Binder Xl Each 59
731016570 Ankle Brace M Each 166
731016569 Ankle Brace L Each 166
731016568 Ankle Brace Xl Each 166
731016567 Anklet S Each 39
731016566 Anklet M Each 39
731016565 Anklet L Each 39
731016564 Anklet Xl Each 39
731016563 Ash Brace Long Each 388
731016562 Ash Brace Short Each 388
731016561 Cast Shoe L Each 132
731016560 Cast Shoe M Each 132
731016559 Cast Shoe X L Each 132
731016558 Cervical Collar Soft S Each 54
731016557 Cervical Collar Soft M Each 69
731016556 Cervical Collar Soft L Each 54
731016555 Cervical Collar Soft X L Each 54
731016554 Cervical Traction Kit Uni Each 307
731016553 Clavical Brace S Each 90
731016552 Clavical Brace M Each 90
731016551 Clavical Brace L Each 90
731016550 Coccyx Sheet Each 377
731016549 Contoured L.S. Support L Each 223
731016548 Contoured L.S. Support X L Each 223
731016547 Contoured Ls (Eco)S Each 152
731016546 Contoured Ls (Eco)M Each 152
731016545 Contoured Ls (Eco)L Each 152
731016544 Contoured Ls (Eco)Xl Each 152
731016543 Cool Eye Pack Uni Each 54
731016542 Dorsolumbar Brace Short Uni Each 405
731016541 Dorsolumbar Brace Long Uni Each 405
731016540 Dorsolumbar Brace Short Spl Each 428
731016539 Dorsolumbar Brace Long Spl Each 428
731016538 Elas. Shoulder Immobilizer S Each 160
731016537 Elas. Shoulder Immobilizer M Each 160
731016536 Elas. Shoulder Immobilizer L Each 160
731016535 Elas. Shoulder Immobilizer Xl Each 160
731016534 Elas. Shoulder Immobilizer Xxl Each 160
731016533 Elastic Wrist Splint Left M Each 79
731016532 Elastic Wrist Splint Left L Each 79
731016531 Elastic Wrist Splint Left Xl Each 79
731016530 Elastic Wrist Splint Right M Each 79
731016529 Elastic Wrist Splint Right L Each 79
731016528 Elastic Wrist Splint Right Xl Each 79
731016527 Gel Ball Soft Uni Each 62
731016526 Finger Cot M Each 25
731016525 Foot Drop Splint Left Large Each 200
731016524 Foot Drop Splint Left Medium Each 200
731016523 Foot Drop Splint Left Small Each 200
731016522 Foot Drop Splint Right Small Each 200
731016521 Foot Drop Splint Right Medium Each 200
731016520 Foot Drop Splint Right Large Each 200
731016519 Large Hot & Cold Pack Each 90
731016518 Knee Cap (Pair) M Each 65
731016517 Knee Cap (Pair) L Each 65
731016516 Knee Cap (Pair) Xl Each 82
731016515 Knee Cap (Pair) Xxl Each 82
731016514 Leg Traction Brace S Each 130

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 63 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016513 Leg Traction Brace M Each 130
731016512 Leg Traction Brace L Each 130
731016511 Leg Traction Brace Xl Each 130
731016510 Lumbo-Sacral Support L Each 175
731016509 Lumbo-Sacral Support Xl Each 175
731016508 Lumbo-Sacral Support 2xl Each 200
731016507 Pattelar Support Uni Each 54
731016506 Pouch Arm Sung S Each 62
731016505 Pouch Arm Sung M Each 62
731016504 Pouch Arm Sung L Each 62
731016503 Pouch Arm Sung Xl Each 62
731016502 Pregnancy Belt M Each 248
731016501 Pregnancy Belt L Each 248
731016500 Pregnancy Belt Xl Each 248
731016499 Skin Traction Adult Each 73
731016498 Skin Traction Child Each 73
731016497 Stocking Below Knee Xl Each 166
731016496 Stocking Below Knee Xxl Each 166
731016495 Stocking Full Leg Xl Each 223
731016494 Stocking Full Leg Xxl Each 223
731016493 Wrist Support S Each 37
731016492 Wrist Support M Each 37
731016491 Wrist Support L Each 37
731016490 Wrist Support W. Thumb Uni. Each 39
731016489 Wrist & Forearm Spunt Uni. Each 101
731016488 Safety Boxes 5 Ltr Each 24
731016487 Safety Boxes 10 Ltr Each 48
731016486 Foot Insole S Each 276
731016485 Foot Insole M Each 276
731016484 Foot Insole L Each 276
731016483 Pelvic Traction Kit M Each 431
731016482 Pelvic Traction Kit L Each 431
731016481 Pelvic Traction Kit Xl Each 431
731016480 Abdominal Belt M/L/Xl/Xxl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 220
731016479 Ankle Binder S/M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 83
731016478 Anklet S/M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 50
731016477 Cervical Collar Soft S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 85
731016476 Cervical Collar W Sup S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 117
731016475 Cervical Pillow (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 324
731016474 Clavical Brace S/M/L Each 118
731016473 Contoured Ls Eco S/M/L/Xl Each 181
731016472 Contured Ls Belt M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 259
731016471 Coccyx Sheet Memory Foam Each 518
Dorsolumbar Brace Sh./Long S/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture
731016470 Each 570
731016469 Elastic Knee Support M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 207
731016468 Elastic Shoulder Immo Each 207
Elastic Wrist Splint Left/Right S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture
731016467 Each 101
731016466 Elbow Support S/M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 47
731016465 Finger Cot (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 34
731016464 Foot Insoles S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 440
731016463 Frog Splint M (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 34
731016462 Heel Cushion S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 155
731016461 Insole S/M/L Each 337
731016460 Knee Cap M/L/Xl/Xxl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 83
Knee Cap With Open Patella M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture
731016459 Each 90
731016458 KNEE CAP RIGID HINGE S/M/L Each 137
731016457 Knee Immobilizer M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 207

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 64 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016456 Lumbo Sacral Support L/Xl/Xxl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 233
731016455 Philadelphia Collar S/M/L Each 246
731016454 Pillow Uni Each 251
731016453 Poch Arm Sling S/M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 78
731016452 Rib Belt L/Xl Each 155
731016451 Sternal Support S/M/L Each 241
731016450 Tennis Elbow S/M/L/Xl (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 60
731016449 Thumb Spica Splint (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 78
731016448 Wrist Support With Thumb (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 47
731016447 Wrist Supp Forearm Splint Uni Each 130
731016446 Wrist Support S/M/L (Orthopeaedic Or Fracture Appliances) Each 36
731016445 Cotton Ball - 4856 Each 5
731016444 Sterile Gauze Swabs 5x5cm 12ply 19*10 - 1659 Each 56
731016443 Sterile Gauze Swabs 7.5x7.5cm 12ply 19*10 - 1662 Each 68
731016442 Sterile Gauze Swabs 10x10cm 12ply 19*10 - 1655 Each 98
731016441 Sterile Gauze Swabs 10x10cm 8ply 19*10 - 4857 Each 79
731016440 GAUZE ROLL 4PLY 90CM X 100YDS ,1000g/Roll - 4858 Each 222
731016439 Gauze Swabs 7.5x7.5cm 8ply Nonsterile19*10 - 4859 Each 17
731016438 Gauze Swabs 10x10cm 8ply Nonsterile19*10 - 4860 Each 30
731016437 Gauze Swab 5*5cm , 12ply , Non-Sterile , 19*15 - 1658 Each 14
731016436 Gauze Swab 7.5*7.5cm , 12ply , Non-Sterile , 19*15 - 1661 Each 28
731016435 Gauze Swab 10*10cm , 12ply , Non-Sterile , 19*15 - 1654 Each 43
731016432 GAUZE BANDAGE 7.5cm*4.5m,19*12 - 4862 Each 22
731016430 PARAFFIN GAUZE EACH PACKED 10/PKT,10*10cm - 4864 Each 27
731016426 PLASTER OF PARIS SIZE 7.5cmx 2.7M - 4868 Each 13
731016425 Plaster Of Paris Size 10cm X 2.7m - 4869 Each 18
731016424 Plaster Of Paris Size 15cm X 2.7m - 4870 Each 11
731016423 Cotton Wool 500g - 4871 Each 53
731016420 Alcohol Pad - 4873 Each 25
731016419 Infrared Thermometer Wall Mounted - 5020 Each 574
731016418 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 304 Each 539
731016417 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 452 Each 486
731016416 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 452ac Each 566
731016415 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 452bcn Each 561
731016414 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 453 Each 595
731016413 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 453ac Each 582
731016412 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 453bcn Each 614
731016411 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 456 Each 1,090
731016410 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 617 Each 521
731016409 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 618 Each 479
731016408 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 657 Each 660
731016407 Citizen Bp Monitor Ch 657bcn Each 685
731016406 Citizen Bp Monitor Chu306 Each 616
731016405 Citizen Bp Monitor Chud 330 Each 618
731016404 Citizen Bp Monitor Chud 514 Each 597
731016403 Citizen Bp Monitor Chud 517 Each 621
731016402 Citizen Bp Monitor Cnu 305 Each 664
731016401 Citizen Bp Monitor Cnu 503 Each 896
731016400 Citizen Large Cuff Each 211
731016399 Abdominal Swabs 45 X 45 8ply Each 62
731016398 Blood Collection Needle 21g Each 21
731016397 Blood Collection Needle 23g Each 21
731016396 Blood Giving Set Each 20
731016395 Edta Grey Top 3ml Glucose Each 11
731016394 Edta Purple Top 3ml K2/K3 Each 10
731016393 Edta Red Top 3ml Plain Each 10
731016392 Edta Yellow Top 3ml Gel+Clot Activator Each 12
731016391 Elastic Bandage 10cm Each 9
731016390 Elastic Bandage 5cm Each 5

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 65 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016389 Elastic Bandage 7.5cm Each 8
731016388 First Aid Kit Red Pouch 16items Each 168
731016382 Folley Catheter 3 Way Size 14cm Each 12
731016381 Folley Catheter 3 Way Size 16cm Each 14
731016380 Folley Catheter 3 Way Size 18cm Each 12
731016379 Pop 10cm Each 7
731016378 Pop 15cm Each 10
731016377 Stitch Cutter Blade Size 110mm 1 X 100 215
731016376 Stitch Cutter Blade Size 65mm 1 X 100 215
731016375 Surgical Blade Size 15 1 X 100 62
731016374 Surgical Blade Size 20 1 X 100 62
731016373 Surgical Blade Size 22 1 X 100 62
731016372 Surgical Blade Size 24 1 X 100 62
731016371 Urine Bag Each 7
731016370 Zinc Oxide Plaster 10cm Each 30
731016369 Zinc Oxide Plaster 2.5cm Each 9
731016368 Zinc Oxide Plaster 5cm Each 17
731016367 Zinc Oxide Plaster 7.5cm Each 24
731016366 Camry Scale Br 2016 Each 174
731016365 Camry Scale Br 9015b Each 170
731016364 Camry Scale Br 9706 Each 227
731016363 Camry Scale Br 9707 Each 210
731016362 Camry Scale Br 9709 Each 230
731016361 Camry Scale Dt 613 Each 800
731016360 Camry Scale Dt 2151 Each 376
731016359 Camry Scale Dt 602 Each 589
731016358 Camry Scale Dt 605 Each 419
731016357 Camry Scale Dt 612 Each 579
731016356 Camry Scale Ek 4150 Each 459
731016355 Camry Scale Ek 4250 Each 479
731016353 Camry Scale Er 9061 Each 289
731016352 Camry Scale Er 9063 Each 299
731016351 Camry Scale Er 9213 Each 409
731016342 L'docile Lbps 2020 With Bluetooth Each 1,159
731016341 X-Ray Films 18cm X 24cm - 4398 1 X 100 542
731016340 X-Ray Films 24cm X 30cm - 4399 1 X 100 894
731016339 X-Ray Films 30cm X 40cm - 4400 1 X 100 1,461
731016338 X-Ray Films 35cm X 35cm - 4401 1 X 100 1,482
731016337 X-Ray Films 35cm X 43cm - 4402 1 X 100 1,798
731016336 Examination Gloves Lightly Powdered (Safecare) Small - 5546 1 X 100 146
731016335 Examination Gloves Lightly Powdered (Safecare) Medium - 5547 1 X 100 111
731016334 Examination Gloves Lightly Powdered (Safecare) Large - 5545 1 X 100 111
731016333 Surgical Gloves Size 7.5cm (Truskin) - 3902 1 X 50PAIRS 89
731016332 Surgical Gloves Size 8cm (Truskin) - 3904 1 X 50PAIRS 89
731016331 Oxygen Concentrator 5ltr Each 17,013
731016330 Medical Regulator With Humidifier And Nasal Prongs Cannula Each 569
731016329 Nasal Oxygen Prongs Cannula Each 20
731016328 Humidifier Bottles Each 168
731016327 Ventilation Full Face Mask Large Each 1,188
731016326 Bandage Cutting Scissors 7" HMW1281 Each 263
731016325 Plaster Saw Electric - Deluxe PRE1263 Each 5,880
731016324 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 00 Sterile AN501 00 Each 25
731016323 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 0 Sterile AN501 0 Each 25
731016322 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 1 Sterile AN501 1 Each 25
731016321 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 2 Sterile AN501 2 Each 25
731016320 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 3 Sterile AN501 3 Each 25
731016319 Guedal Airwayspvc Size 4 Sterile AN501 4 Each 25
731016317 Anaesthetic Face Mask Size 0 Round Shape Silicon AN595 Each 37
731016316 Cold Box Long Range - 6L 264SL Each 3,775

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 66 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016315 Cold Box Short Range - 16L 246LS Each 5,043
731016314 Vaccine Carrier Short Range - 0 8L 24 Each 364
731016313 Vaccine Carrier Long Range - 1 5L 44 Each 497
731016312 Syringe Ear - 100ml DG207 Each 292
731016311 Electrocardiograph (ECG) Machine - Single Channel DG3116 Each 9,507
731016310 Electrocardiograph (ECG) Machine - Three Channel DG3216 Each 18,361
731016309 E N T Sets DG108 Each 1,763
731016308 Head Band & Mirror Set DG115 Each 236
731016307 Sphygmomanometer- Universal DG176b Each 818
731016306 Apron & Pyjama With Pockets HGA20 Each 257
731016305 Apron - Reusable HGA30 Each 45
731016304 Hospital/Patient Gown Large HGG60L Each 240
731016303 Hospital/Patient Gown Extra Large HGG60XL Each 242
731016302 Hospital Gown HGG40 Each 268
731016301 Female Bed Pan With Lid Deluxe PH020 Each 98
731016300 Breast Pump With Milk Container PH038 Each 54
731016299 Spittoon Muground With Lid Whiteblue PH040 Each 48
731016298 Urinal Pot Malefemale Virgin HDPE 800ML1000ML PH030 Each 60
731016297 Urinal Pot Male And Female 2in1 1000ML Capacity PH032 Each 66
731016296 Bunsen Burner With Stop Cock LE180 Each 252
731016295 Centrifuge Round Electric LE185 Each 2,280
731016294 Heating Mantle - Capacity 2Ltr Rating 450 Watts LE170 Each 1,722
731016293 Microprocessor Hemoglobin Meter LE182 Each 5,544
High Temprature Furnace (1200 Deg Cel ) - 100x100x225mm (4x4x9
731016292 Each 27,960
Inches)- 2 5 KW LE83
731016291 Laboratory Hot Plate (Round) Diameter 205mm Approx LE160 Each 2,279
731016290 Laboratory Incubator- Universal Type - 91L LE66 Each 11,233
731016289 Medical Waste Container 21L - Premium WB552 Each 575
731016288 Wringer Trolley - 1 Bin - With Plastic Frame WT001 Each 1,040
731016287 Wringer Trolley - 2 Bin - With Plastic Frame WT002 Each 2,185
731016286 Student Medical Microscope MP56 Each 3,607
731016285 Advanced Senior Precision Rotary Microtome MT70 Each 46,854
731016284 Advanced Pathological Binocular Research Microscope AMP61c Each 34,345
731016283 Revolving Chair GOF220 Each 2,349
731016282 Gel Ball Hard GR27m Each 294
731016281 Gel Ball Soft GR26m Each 294
731016280 Gel Mattress - 6 X 3 Inches GR58 Each 9,415
Mobile Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp With Battery - Back-Up
731016279 Each 25,698
For 1 Hour Halogen 4 Lamps GSL473 01
Ceiling Mounted Surgical Operating Lamp - Halogen 7 Lamps GSL453
731016278 Each 29,633
Ceilling Shadowless Surgical Operating Lamp - Double Domes -
731016277 Each 52,783
Halogen 7 + 4 Lamps GSL464 01
Instrument Sterilizers/Disinfectors Stainless Steel Size : 400 X 150 X
731016276 Each 1,225
100mm ISE21 40
Instrument Sterilizers/Disinfectors Stainless Steel Size : 450 X 200 X
731016275 Each 1,862
150mm ISE23 45
731016274 Abdominal Retractors (Gusset) - Balfour Retractor SI1313 Each 502
731016273 Abdominal Retractors (Ricard) SI1318 Each 710
731016272 Artery Forceps (Halsted-Mosquito) - Straight 12 5cm SI945A Each 136
731016271 Artery Forceps (Halsted-Mosquito) - Straight 14cm SI945B Each 160
731016270 Artery Forceps (Halsted-Mosquito) - Curved 12 5cm SI945C Each 147
731016269 Artery Forceps (Halsted-Mosquito) - Curved 14 Cm SI945D Each 160
731016268 Artery Forceps Crile Straight 14cm SI969a Each 129
731016267 Artery Forceps Crile Curved 14cm SI969b Each 129
731016266 Cervical Biopsy & Specimen Forceps-Kevorkian 24 5 Cm SI1460 Each 720
731016265 Cheek & Lip Retractors- Sternberg 12 Cm SI1503A Each 144
731016264 Cheek & Lip Retractors- Sternberg 14 Cm SI1503B Each 144
731016263 Cheek & Lip Retractors- Sternberg 16 Cm SI1503C Each 144
731016262 Clips Applying Forceps- Mckenzie Curved 15 Cm SI1084A Each 208
731016261 Clips Applying Forceps- Mckenzie Curved 19 Cm SI1084B Each 282

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 67 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016260 Clips Applying Forceps- Mckenzie Straight 15 Cm SI1086A Each 208
731016259 Clips Applying Forceps- Mckenzie Straight 19 Cm SI1086B Each 282
731016258 Mayo Dissecting Scissor Straight - 11 Cm SI1912a Each 48
731016257 Mayo Dissecting Scissor Curved - 11 Cm SI1912b Each 48
731016256 Dissecting & Fine Operating Scissors Kilner - 12cm Straight SI1906A Each 107
731016255 Dissecting & Fine Operating Scissors Kilner - 12cm Curved SI1906B Each 110
731016254 Dressing Forceps Standard - 14 5 Cm SI1096C Each 47
731016253 Dressing Forceps Standard - 16 Cm SI1096D Each 47
731016252 Dressing Forceps Standard - 18 Cm SI1096e Each 108
731016251 Dressing Forceps Standard - 25 Cm SI1096G Each 112
731016250 Dressing Forceps-Taylor (17cm) SI1104 Each 113
731016249 Forcep Dressing Adson 12cm SI1116a Each 92
731016248 Forcep Dressing Adson 15 Cm SI1116B Each 98
731016247 Ear Dressing Forceps- Troeltsch (Wilde) - 11 Cm SI1475 Each 89
731016246 Ear Dressing Forceps- Lucae - 13 Cm SI1478 Each 112
731016245 Ear Polypus Forceps- Hartmann 14 Cm SI1483B Each 205
731016244 Hysterectomy Forceps-Negus SI1039 Each 366
731016243 Hysterectomy Forceps- Henney Single Cut SI1031C Each 295
731016242 Hysterectomy Forceps- Henney Double Cut SI1031F Each 359
731016241 Scissors (Universal) - Straight 12 Cm SI921 Each 191
731016240 Scissors Spencer 9 Cm SI925A Each 152
731016239 Scissors Spencer 13 Cm SI925B Each 138
731016238 Gum Scissors Quinby - Straight 11 5 Cm SI944A Each 92
731016237 Gum Scissors Quinby - Curved 11 5 Cm SI944B Each 92
731016236 Mouth Gags (Molt) - 14 Cm SI1518 Each 253
731016235 Nasal Specula - 13 Cm SI1466 Each 365
731016234 Needle Holder Mayo-Hegar 14 Cm SI1162A Each 160
731016233 Needle Holder Mayo-Hegar 18 Cm SI1162B Each 194
731016232 Needle Holder Mayo-Hegar 20 Cm SI1162C Each 207
731016231 Operating Scissors Metzenbaume Nelson 18cm - Blunt Points SI893A Each 252
731016230 Operating Scissors Metzenbaume Nelson 25cm - Blunt Points SI893D Each 366
731016229 Operating Scissors Metzenbaume Nelson 30cm - Blunt Points SI893F Each 420
731016228 Operating Scissors Standard Straight 16cm SI803F Each 186
731016227 Operating Scissors Standard Curved 16cm SI803N Each 186
731016226 Operating Scissors Standard Curved 15 5cm SI825D Each 186
731016225 Operating Scissors Standard Curved 20 5cm SI825G Each 252
731016224 Bandage Scissors Lister 14cm SI930B Each 252
731016223 Bandage Scissors Lister 20cm SI930D Each 348
731016222 Retractors-16cm SI1251 Each 984
731016221 Retractors (Kocher) SI1291 Each 234
731016220 Retractors (Kelly) -26cm SI1309 Each 366
731016219 Rhinoplasty Instrument Cottle 15cm Both Ends Pointed SI1571A Each 96
Rhinoplasty Instrument Cottle 15cm Right End Pointed Left End
731016218 Each 96
Round SI1571B
Rhinoplasty Instrument Cottle 15cm Left End Pointed Right End
731016217 Each 96
Round SI1571C
731016216 Scalpel Handles SI801 Each 72
731016215 Scalpel Handles SI797 Each 54
731016214 Yankeur Suction Tube - Brass SI799 Each 198
731016213 Pools Suction Tube 25cm - Brass SI798 Each 198
731016212 Sponge Holding Forceps - Foerster - Straight - 25cm SI1072a Each 366
731016211 Sponge Holding Forceps - Foerster - Curved - 25cm SI1072b Each 366
731016210 Sponge Holding Forceps (Rampley) - 25 Cm SI1073 Each 366
731016209 Cheatle Forceps - 27 Cm SI1524 Each 420
731016208 Tissue Holding Forcep Allis 19cm SI1059C Each 324
731016207 Organ Holding Forcep Babcock 16cm SI1063A Each 276
731016206 Organ Holding Forcep Babcock 20cm SI1063C Each 324
731016205 Organ Holding Forceps (Lovelace) - 20 Cm SI1091 Each 534
731016204 Tissue Forcep Four Teeth - 16cm SI1134C Each 96

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 68 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016203 Tissue Forcep 10cm SI1119A Each 84
731016202 Tissue Forcep 16cm SI1119E Each 84
731016201 Tissue Forcep 30cm SI1119I Each 162
731016200 Tongue Depressors (Hartmann) SI1498 Each 144
731016199 Tongue Depressors (Tobold) SI1499 Each 144
731016198 Tongue Holding Forcep Young 17cm SI1521A Each 348
731016197 Towel Forceps-Backhaus 13cm SI1050c Each 228
731016196 Towel Forcep Lorma 10cm SI1044A Each 258
731016195 Towel Forcep Lorma 13 Cm SI1044B Each 258
731016194 Towel Forceps-Schaedel (9cm) SI1041 Each 48
731016193 Umbilical Scissor 10 5 Cm SI928 Each 276
731016192 Umbilical Scissor (Busch) SI927 Each 276
731016191 Uterine Dilators (Hegar) SI1438 Each 324
731016190 Uterine Dilators- Set Of 8 Dilators SI1437 Each 324
731016189 Uterine Sound And Depressors Sim 32 Cm SI1430 Each 84
731016188 Uterine Sounds & Depressors (Braun) 28 Cm SI1435 Each 96
731016187 Vaginal Specula Grave 115 X 35mm SI1392C Each 276
731016186 Breast Pumps RG103 Each 66
731016185 Chloroform Inhalers - 500 Ml RG111 Each 84
731016184 Chloroform Inhalers - 1000 Ml RG111 1 Each 126
731016183 Corrugated Drainage Sheet 150 X 300mm RG117 150 Each 60
731016182 Corrugated Drainage Sheet 250 X 250mm RG117 250 Each 72
731016181 Enema Syringes Higginson RG121 Each 60
731016180 Ice Bags Round RG114 0 Each 84
731016179 Ice Bags Oval RG114 1 Each 84
731016178 Invalid Air Cushions 30 Cm RG113 Each 161
731016177 Invalid Air Cushions 40 Cm - 40 Cm RG113 2 Each 120
731016176 Invalid Air Cushions 50 Cm - 50 Cm RG113 4 Each 156
731016175 Mackintosh Sheeting - 90 Cm RG119 Each 96
731016174 Rubber Bladders 2 Inches RG101 1 Each 72
731016173 Rubber Bladders - 3 Inches RG101 3 Each 72
731016172 Rubber Sheeting - 90 Cm (Roll Of 10 Meters) RG118 Each 588
731016171 Syringe Needle Destroyer (Electric) A B S Body SND020 Each 1,494
731016170 MUAC Tapes Coloured - Adult GPS118a Each 34
731016169 MUAC Tapes Coloured - Child GPS118c Each 34
731016168 Height / Length Measuring Board- Wooden GPS120 Each 3,600
731016167 Microprocessor Controlled Intensive Care Incubator BCE44 Each 59,850
731016166 Infant Radiant Warmer BCE34 03 Each 27,222
731016165 Respilife (Bubble C-PAP System) BCE39 Each 119,676
731016164 Resuscitation System BCE40 Each 51,864
731016163 Baby Incubation Open Care System With Inbuilt Printer BCE57 Each 119,676
731016162 Baby Incubation Open Care System BCE34 01 Each 48,972
731016161 Disposable Face Shield CVFS60 Each 38
731016160 Disposable Protective Clothing CVSU81 Each 336
731016159 Baby Cradle GHF31 10 Each 2,940
731016158 Bowl Stand - Double GHF102 05 Each 1,392
731016157 Multi Parameter Patient Monitor ES2216 Each 35,922
731016156 Attendant Bed GHF28 01 Each 4,200
731016155 Surgeons Stool Manually Operated GHF107 02 Each 1,920
731016154 Crash Cart Trolley GHF92 01 Each 16,920
731016153 Overbed Table Patient Food Trolley GHF45 01 Each 2,544
731016152 Wheel Chair Stretcher GHF62 05 Each 9,426
731016151 Gallipot With Cover Capacity : 4 Oz Size : 75 X 40mm GCS80b Each 65
731016150 Gallipot With Cover Capacity : 6 Oz Size : 85 X 46mm GCS80c Each 37
731016149 Gallipot With Cover Capacity : 8 Oz Size : 97 X 50mm GCS80d Each 44
731016148 Gallipot With Cover Capacity : 10 Oz Size : 115 X 50mm GCS80e Each 55
731016147 Gallipot With Cover Capacity : 20 Oz GCS80g Each 94
Sputum Mugs With Cover Stainless Steel Size100mm Dia X 50mm
731016146 Each 96
Height SMS65

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 69 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016145 Catheter Trays With Cover Stainless Steel - 425 X 100mm CSS38 25 Each 223
Conventional Laryngoscope With Reusable Blades (Macintosh Type) -
731016144 Each 1,200
Blade Size - 1 2 & 3 And Handle LGD215
STD Conventional Forte Blades (Reusable) MILLER - Blade Size - 000
731016143 Each 1,200
00 & 1 And Handle LGD216
731016142 Exercise Ball FA120L Each 41
731016141 Gynaecological Couch GHF30 01 Each 6,974
731016140 Delivery Bed Two Sections GHF30 02 Each 10,384
731016139 Delivery Bed-Three Section GHF30 03 Each 8,335
731016138 Instrument Trolley GHF82 03 Each 5,879
731016137 Dressing Trolley With Bowl & Bucket GHF83 03 Each 6,364
731016136 Dressing Trolley With Drawers GHF83 06 Each 7,860
731016135 Medicine Trolley - Mild Steel GHF87 01 Each 6,775
731016134 Medicine Trolley GHF87 02 Each 6,120
731016133 Walker (Fs967l) Each 730
731016132 Walker (Fs912l) Each 884
731016131 Walker (Fs9122l) Each 1,181
731016130 Walker (S)(Fs9121l-A) Each 1,271
731016129 Walking Sticks Elbow Support (Fs933l) Each 182
731016128 Walking Sticks Elbow Support (Fs9331l) Each 182
731016127 Walking Sticks Elbow Support Jl933l-Xl Each 182
731016126 Walking Sticks Elbow Support Jl933l-S Each 182
731016125 Clutches Underarm (Fs9251l) Pair 361
731016124 Clutches Underarm (Fs935 S) Pair 53
731016123 Clutches Underarm (Fs935 M) Pair 422
731016122 Clutches Underarm (Fs935 L) Pair 441
731016121 Clutches Underarm (Fs925l S) Pair 413
731016120 Clutches Underarm (Fs925l M) Pair 413
731016119 Clutches Underarm (Fs925l L) Pair 425
731016118 Bath Bench (Fs7972l) Each 647
731016117 Bath Bench Jl7801 Each 690
731016116 Bath Bench Jl797l Each 580
731016115 Bath Bench Jl780lh Each 830
731016114 Single Foot Step Jl568 Each 676
731016113 Double Foot Step Jl569 Each 1,165
731016112 Single Foot Step Jl781l Each 635
731016111 Baby Coat Jl700 Each 5,341
731016110 Baby Coat Jl701 Each 4,938
731016109 Baby Coat Jl702 Each 16,629
731016108 Bed Side Screen 4 Fold Each 1,694
731016107 Iv Stand Each 570
731016106 Electric Wheelchair (Fs110a) Each 24,489
731016105 Electric Wheelchair (Fs128) Each 30,066
731016104 Wheelchair (Fs258lbygp) Each 10,602
731016103 Wheelchair (Au204l) Each 12,006
731016101 Wheelchair (Fs958lbcgp) Each 8,998
731016100 Wheelchair (Fs954gc) Each 3,601
731016099 Wheelchair (Fs902gc) Each 4,700
731016098 Wheelchair (Fs980la-35) Each 3,670
731016097 Wheelchair (Fs212bceg) Each 3,548
731016096 Wheelchair (Fs609gcu) Each 3,706
731016095 Electric Wheelchair (Fs609gcu) Each 6,182
731016094 Kids Wheelchair Manual (Fs802-35) Each 2,151
731016093 Kids Wheelchair Electric (Fs121) Each 23,511
731016092 Kids Wheelchair Electric (Fs123) Each 38,500
731016091 Walking Aids (Fs965lh) Each 2,650
731016090 Sphygomomanometer Standing Aneroid Each 1,400
731016089 Medical Ultra Sound Gel 5ltr Each 183
Medical Cylinder 250kg High Pressure, Seamless Steel, Cylinder For
731016088 Each 3,401
Oxygen Gas, Having Gas Capacity 250

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 70 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016087 Autoclave Vertical Triple Walled High Pressure Wignut 40ltr Each 13,423
731016086 Instrument Sterilizer 0.5mm - 8" X 5" X 4" Each 452
731016085 Instrument Sterilizer 0.5mm - 12" X 6" X 5" Each 884
731016084 Instrument Sterilizer 0.5mm - 16" X 8 " X 6" Each 522
731016083 Instrument Sterilizer 0.5mm - 24"X8"X6" Each 522
731016082 Dressing Drum- Size 6x6" Each 452
731016081 Dressing Drum Jointed 8x6" Each 478
731016080 Dressing Drum Jointed 8x8" Each 522
731016079 Dressing Drum Jointed 9x6" Each 522
731016078 Dressing Drum Jointed 9x9" Each 449
731016077 Dressing Drum Jointed 11x9" Each 682
731016076 Dressing Drum Jointed 12x10" Each 770
731016075 Dressing Drum- Size 14x10" Each 889
731016074 Dressing Drum- Size 15x12" Each 991
731016073 Kidney Tray 0.5mm - 6 Inch -Without Cover Each 33
731016072 Kidney Tray 0.5mm - 8 Inch Without Cover Each 52
731016071 Kidney Tray 0.5mm - 10 Inchwithout Cover Each 80
731016070 Kidney Tray 0.5mm - 12 Inch Without Cover Each 108
731016069 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 8" X 6" Each 359
731016068 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 10" X 8" Each 395
731016067 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 12" X 10" Each 439
731016066 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 14" X 10" Each 450
731016065 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 15" X 12 " Each 505
731016064 Instrument Tray 0.5mm - 18" X 12" X 2" Each 472
731016063 Bed Pan Female With Cover Each 404
731016062 Bed Pan Male With Cover Each 386
731016061 Urinal Stainless Steel Male Each 303
731016060 Urinal Stainless Steel Female Each 303
731016059 Forcep Jar Each 90
731016058 Cheatle Forcep Jar 2" X 6" (0.8 Mm) Each 406
731016057 12*12*12 Incubators Aluminium Heavy Quality 28 Ltr Each 2,813
731016056 14*14*14 Incubators Aluminium Heavy Quality 45 Ltr Each 3,310
731016055 Digital 12" X 12 " X12" Alluminium Heavy Quality 28 Ltr Each 5,242
731016054 Digital Cpaps Res-P Line Each 66,514
731016053 Icu Bed Mechanical - Clm/Hf/100-Bed - Model Each 20,400
731016052 Icu Bed Mechanical - Clm/Hf/102-Bed - Model Each 15,700
731016051 Hospital Fowler Bed Each 9,581
731016050 Flat Hospital Bed Each 12,150
731016049 Hospital Bed Each 5,149
731016048 Anti Decubitus Mattress Each 1,900
731016047 Patient S Medicine Cupboard Bed Side Table Each 2,471
731016046 Cardiac Table (By Knob Adjustable) Each 1,823
731016045 I.V. Stand Each 1,105
731016044 Bed Side Screen (3 Panels) Each 2,081
731016043 Examination Couch Each 13,209
731016042 Medicine Trolley With 4 Drawer Each 6,329
731016041 Instrument Trolley Each 4,837
731016040 Three Layer Trolley Each 6,430
731016039 Mayo Table Each 1,930
731016038 Foot Step (Single Step) Each 900
731016037 Lab Technician Stool Each 1,440
731016036 Plaster Cutter Electric Each 2,592
731016035 Biopsy Gun Each 1,102
731016034 Autoclave Vertical Triple Walled High Pressure Wignut 78 Ltr Each 32,260
731016033 Autoclave And Sterilizer Pressure Cooker Type 28ltr Electrical Each 2,540
731016032 Autoclave And Sterilizer Pressure Cooker Type 39 Ltr Electric Each 3,260
731016031 Hospital Semi-Fowler Bed- Clm/Hf/109-Bed Each 3,960
731016030 Cardiac Table (Gear Handle Adjustable) Clm/Hf/142-Table Each 3,060
731016029 Patient Steel Stretcher Clm/Hf/159-Ss Each 7,260

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 71 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731016028 Obstetric Delivery Table (3 Section)Clm/Hf/168-Odt Each 5,240
731016027 Examination Table (2 Section) Clm/Hf/173-Et - 4475 Each 2,118
731016026 Dressing Trolley Clm/Hs/180-Dt Each 2,420
731016025 Distribution Chart Clm/Hf/187-Dc Each 8,860
731016024 Stainless Steel Nursing Cart Clm/Hf/188-Ssnc Each 4,840
731016023 Foot Step (Double Step) Clm/Hf/190-Fs - 4479 Each 390
731016022 Pedal Bin 22 Ltrs Ss Each 702
731016021 Pedal Bin 11 Ltrs Ss Each 342
731016020 Pedal Bin 5 Ltrs Ss Each 247
731016019 Bed Side Screen Each 1,878
731016018 Commode Chair With Pvc Seat And Cushion Each 968
731016017 Commode Chair With Grey Armrest Pad And Pot Each 968
731016016 Dressing Drum 9 X 9 " Each 512
731016015 Dressing Drum 12 X 15 " Each 817
731016014 Burette Rotaflow 50ml Each 40
731016013 Beaker 250ml Each 20
731016012 Urinal Male S.S Each 153
731016011 Conical Flask 250ml Each 20
731016010 Bed Sheet 150 X 225cm Each 220
731016009 Bed Side Screen Pvc Curtains Each 280
731016005 Wheelchair FS985LAF1 86X37X79 Each 5,870
731016004 Wheelchair FS954LGCJF4 96X35X85 Each 4,873
731016003 Wheelchair FS902C 80X28X89 20.8KG Each 2,826
731016002 Wheelchair FS901 80X28X89 22KG Each 2,383
731016001 Wheelchair FS809 94X23X89 Each 1,921
731016000 Wheelchair FS809B 94X25X91 Each 2,053
731015999 Wheelchair FS874F5 92X28X89 Each 1,920
731015998 Walking Sticks FS9301L-1 61X35X29 Each 342
731015997 Walking Sticks FS9207LW-3 64X40X14 Each 151
731015995 Walking Sticks FS9414L 78X41X35 Each 282
731015994 Walking Sticks FS946S 78X29X43 Each 230
731015993 Walking Sticks FS9321 72X26X35 Each 221
731015992 Walking Sticks FS911L 85X29X40 Each 246
731015991 Walking Sticks FS920L 65X15X26 7.2KG Each 111
731015990 Walking Sticks FS930L 65X15X27 Each 131
731015989 Walking Sticks FS9206L 65X15X26 6.6KG Each 135
731015988 Walking Sticks FS9306L(14) 63X13X26 Each 219
731015987 Walking Sticks FS9332L 98X33X40 Each 273
731015986 Walking Sticks FS9300L 74X33X15 Each 154
731015982 101 Life-Size Skeleton 180cm Tall Each 3,420
731015980 102A 85cm Skeleton With Spinal Nerves Each 838
731015979 102B 85cm Skeleton With Nerves And Blood Vessels Each 1,128
731015978 102C 85cm Skeleton With Painted Muscles Each 1,249
731015977 104B Life-Size Skull With Painted Muscles Each 901
731015976 104C Life-Size Skull With Colored Bones Each 689
731015975 104E Skull Model With 8 Parts Brain Each 999
731015974 109 Life-Size Shoulder Joint Each 358
731015973 109A Life Size Muscled Shoulder Joint Each 830
731015972 110 Life-Size Hip Joint Each 358
731015971 112 Life-Size Elbow Joint Each 358
731015970 113A Life-Size Foot Joint With Ligaments Each 407
731015969 114 Life-Size Hand Joint Each 354
731015968 115 Life-Size Pelvis With 5pcs Lumbar Vertebrae Each 955
731015967 116 Lumbar Set(2 Pcs) Each 240
731015966 117 Lumbar Set (3 Pcs) Each 316
731015965 118 Lumbar Set (4 Pcs) Each 398
731015964 121 Life-Size Upper Extremity Each 1,363
731015963 122 Life-Size Lower Extremity Each 1,586
731015962 125 Female Pelvic Muscles And Organs Each 844

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 72 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731015961 128 Life-Size Pelvis With 2pcs Lumbar Vertebrae Each 833
731015960 130 Disarticulated Skeleton With Skull Each 2,620
731015959 134 Cutaway Osteoporosis Each 240
731015958 135E Skull With 8 Parts Brain And Cervical Spine Each 1,249
731015957 201 85CM Male Torso 19 Parts Each 2,833
731015956 202A 42CM Male Torso 13 Parts Each 1,370
731015955 204A 85CM Tri-Sex Torso 21 Parts Each 4,100
731015954 206 85CM Sexless Torso 20 Parts Each 4,771
731015953 301 Magnified Human Larynx Model Each 424
731015952 302 Magnified Pulmonary Alveoli Model Each 619
731015951 303D Desktop Ear Model Each 332
731015950 304A New Style Brain Model Each 619
731015949 304B New Style Brain Model 9 Parts Each 786
731015948 307 Jumbo Heart Model Each 867
731015947 307B New Style Life-Size Heart Model Each 370
731015946 307C New Style Jumbo Heart Model Each 1,124
731015945 307D Middle Heart Model Each 707
731015944 308D Brain With Arteries 9 Parts Each 1,061
731015943 310-1 Kidney Model (1 Part) Each 463
731015942 310-2 Kidney Model (2 Parts) Each 540
731015941 310-3 Human Kidney With Adrenal Gland Each 441
731015940 C-310-4 Enlarged Kidney Model 1 Part Each 1,517
731015939 311 Liver, Pancreas And Duodenum Model Each 828
731015938 312 Liver Model Each 907
731015937 313 Enlarged Skin Model Each 825
731015936 313-2 Skin Block Model Each 907
731015935 313-3 Skin Section Model Each 983
731015934 315 Digestive System Each 2,826
731015933 316 Giant Eye Model Each 634
731015932 316A Giant Eye Model Each 634
731015931 316B Eye With Orbit Each 1,110
731015930 318 Brain With Arteries On Head Each 1,015
731015929 318B Head With Brain Each 1,015
731015928 319 Median Section Of The Head Each 1,015
731015927 320 Larynx, Heart And Lung Model Each 1,601
731015926 330 Model Of The Transparent Lung Segment Each 1,781
731015925 332B Human Female Pelvis Section (4 Parts) Each 1,877
731015924 332B-1 Human Female Pelvis Section (2 Parts) Each 1,601
731015923 333 Urinary System Model Each 1,877
731015922 334 80cm Human Muscle Model Male (27 Parts) Each 6,117
731015921 401 Multifunctional Patient Care Manikin Each 3,440
731015920 401A High Quality Nurse Training Doll (Male) Each 8,449
731015919 401A-1 New Style High Quality Nurse Training Doll (Male) Each 10,361
731015918 401A-2(401B-2) Advanced Nurse Training Doll With Blood Pressure Each 15,582
731015917 401B High Quality Nurse Training Doll (Female) Each 10,361
731015916 401B-1 New Style High Quality Nurse Training Doll (Female) Each 12,890
731015915 401C Advanced Multifunctional Nursing Training Doll Each 6,967
731015914 401D-1 Advanced Trauma Accessories Each 1,005
406-1 / 406A-1 Whole Body Basic CPR Manikin Style 100 (Male /
731015913 Each 12,713
731015912 409B Advanced Newborn Care Model(Boy/Girl) Each 5,212
731015911 409C Advanced Neonate Umbilical Cord Nursing Model Each 3,954
731015910 416 Infant CPR Training Manikin Each 15,422
731015909 423 Advanced Infant CPR And Nursing Manikin Each 17,592
731015908 X-Ray Film Developer Each 955
731015907 X-Ray Film Fixer Each 1,147
731015906 Freez Thermometer Good Quality Each 32
731015903 Freez Thermometer With Probe Kp - 4598 Each 43
731015902 Skin Traction Kit Adult Each 98

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 73 | P a g e

Table 14: Medical Supplies and Equipments
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
731015901 Skin Traction Kit Children Each 84
731015900 Dummy Model Man Each 1,091
731015899 Dummy Model Woman Each 1,091
731015898 Sono Paper 110s Each 169
731015897 Sono Paper 110hg Each 292
731015896 Freez Thermometer Regular Quality Each 18
731015895 Medicine Trolley S/S Kp - 4606 Each 3,775
731015894 Mayo Trolley Kp - 2610 Each 1,360
731015893 Medicine Trolley Kp - 2633 Each 3,932
731015892 White Apron Kp - 4351 Each 34
731015891 Clinical Thermometer Mercury Kp - 816 Each 34
731015890 Patella Hammer Double Headed Kp - 5684 Each 34
731015889 Pen Torch Kp - 3217 Each 30
731015888 Male Part Penis Kp - 5682 Each 34
731015887 Female Part Vagina Kp- 5683 Each 34
731015886 Bed Side Table Kp - 349 Each 34
731015885 Fetal Droppler Kp - 1208 Each 34
731015884 White Apron Kp - 4351 Each 34
731015883 Examination Table Kp - 1444 Each 34
731015882 Braille Tablet Kp - 5681 Each 34
731015881 Nurse's/Attendant Chair Cum Bed Kp - 5680 Each 34
731015880 Infusion Chair With Drip Stand Kp - 2036 Each 34
731015879 Human Body Part Kp - 5679 Each 34
731015878 Cyber Sonic Hearing Aid Kp - 5678 Each 34
731015877 Safety Container 5l Kp - 3525 Each 34
731015876 Suction Machine Yuwell 23d Double Bottle Kp - 4609 Each 4,560
731015875 Suction Machine Yuwell 7e-A Single Bottle Kp - 4610 Each 3,505
731015874 Ecg Paper 216mm X 30m Each 101
731015873 Ecg Electrodes Each 8
731015872 Heavy Duty Gloves Sun Brand Each 24
731015871 Nuoning Plaster Water Proof Each 24
731015870 Medicare Plaster Facric Each 15
731015869 Zinc Oxide 2.5cm Each 10
731015868 Timer Quartz Each 31
731015866 Gallipots Each 28
731015865 Bp Machines Each 441
421720012 First Aid Kit - With Plastic Box Each 487
421720011 First Aid Kit - With Wooden Box Each 702

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 74 | P a g e

Table 15: Miscellaneous Goods
Centra Lusak National
Item Code Item Description UoM CB Eastern Luapula Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
l a Average
5215161601 Scaler - Fish scaler-18 cm Each 13 13 17 18 13 20 10 16 20 15
5215161602 Scaler - Fish scalar-19.5 cm Each 14 15 18 19 13 20 15 18 25 17
5215161603 Scaler - Fish scalar-21cm Each 29 24 24 15 20 24 25 23
5215161604 Scaler - Fish scalar- 22.5 cm Each 30 26 25 16 26 24
5215161605 Peeler - Potato peeler (domeestic) Each 27 17 11 19 13 21 27 24 26 20
1213170601 Matches - Match box 1X10 Packet 19 14 10 10 11 9 8 10 10 8 11
1510160501 CHARCOAL - 50 kg bag Each 142 118 143 277 88 73 95 160 117 128
21 15
1510160502 CHARCOAL - 90 kg bag (Green label) Each 173 166 257 409 125 205 200
0 7
5313164101 Petrolleum Jelly (e.g. Baby vaseline) 500mls Each 70 68 67 50 75 65 49 56 63 52 61
4010180001 Brazier - Charcoal Brazier (Mbaulas) - small Each 27 31 26 28 50 30 37 20 20 24 28
4010180001 Brazier - Charcoal Brazier (Mbaulas) - medium Each 50 56 43 39 82 37 52 36 40 49 47
4010180001 Brazier - Charcoal Brazier (Mbaulas) - large Each 161 129 77 181 67 80 60 61 100
26 17
4010180001 Brazier - Charcoal Brazier (Mbaulas) - extra large Each 252 250 245 234 152 110 150 129 188
8 8
6012140001 Picture Frame A0 Each 529 822 646
6012140002 Picture Frame A1 Each 471 300 596 449 441
6012140003 Picture Frame A2 Each 232 200 346 244 323 263
6012140004 Picture Frame A3 Each 190 150 101 215 140 193 191 158
6012140005 Picture Frame A4 Each 97 66 89 78 68 87 72 79
6012140006 Picture Frame A5 Each 59 101 53 66 105 81 75
5212160101 Towels - Kitchen/Tea Towels Each 19 33 37 19 33 37 34 31 33 39 31
5212170401 Towels - hand Towels Each 26 28 37 64 40 43 42 30 30 39 37
5212160201 Sanitary Towels-Pack of 10 Each 18 22 24 21 19 20 27 22 20 26 22
8212160001 Engraving services - Side mirrors engraving services Pair 100 150 80 106
Two Seater desk (Wooden top and seat and steel frame) -
5610170301 Each 1,100 1,100
Lower Primary School
Two Seater desk (Wooden top and seat and steel frame) –
5610170302 Each 1,300 1,300
Upper Primary School

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 75 | P a g e

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 76 | P a g e
Table 16: Motor Vehicles
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
2510190501 Jeep RENEGADE LIMITED 1.4L FWD 6AT MY22 Each 938,080
2510190502 Jeep WRANGLER RUBICON MY22 Each 1,858,120
2510190503 Jeep GLADIATOR MY22 Each 1,840,880
2510190504 Jeep GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED MY22 Each 1,930,280
2510190505 Jeep GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLAND MY22 Each 2,451,636
2510190506 Jeep GRAND CHEROKEE SUMMIT RESERVE MY22 Each 2,540,032
2510190507 Jeep Alfa Romeo STELVIO 2.0L Q4 Each 2,092,640
2510190508 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 4x2 duty paid Each 965,140
2510190509 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 4x4 AT duty paid Each 1,298,880
2510190511 Mitsubishi Triton - 2.4 D/Cab 4x2 (Manual) duty paid Each 770,308
2510190512 Mitsubishi Triton - 2.4 D/Cab 4x4 (Auto) duty paid Each 1,071,576
2510190513 Mitsubishi Triton - 2.4 D/Cab 4x4 (Manual) duty paid Each 943,492
2510190515 MERCEDES-BENZ GLE450 (MOJAVSILVER) Each 2,796,200
2510190516 MERCEDES-BENZ GLE450 (SILVER) Each 2,796,200
2510190517 MERCEDES-BENZ GLE450 (GREY) Each 2,796,200
2510190518 MERCEDES-BENZ GLE450 (RED) Each 2,796,200
2510190520 MERCEDES-BENZ GLB 250 4MATIC Each 1,578,500
2510190522 HAVAL JOLION 1.5T LUXURY AT Each 847,880
2510190523 HAVAL H6 2.0T LUXURY 7DCTAT 4WD Each 1,141,932
2510190524 GWM P-SERIES S.CAB SX 4X2 6MT Each 721,600
2510190525 GWM P-SERIES S.CAB SX 4X4 6MT Each 739,640
2510190526 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD SX 4X2 6MT Each 793,760
2510190527 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD SX 4X2 8AT Each 838,680
2510190528 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD SX 4X4 6MT (PROMO) Each 793,760
2510190529 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD DLX 4X4 6MT Each 820,820
2510190530 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD DLX 4X2 8AT Each 860,508
2510190531 GWM P-SERIES D.CAB 2.0 TD DLX 4X4 8AT Each 907,412
2510190532 GWM P-SERIES Double Cab LS 4x4 8AT (PV) Each 965,140
2510190533 GWM P-SERIES Double Cab LT 4x2 8AT (PV) Each 938,080
2510190534 GWM P-SERIES Double Cab LT 4x4 8AT (PV) Each 1,003,024
2510190535 Nissan Almera 1.5L M/T duty paid Each 472,000
2510190536 Nissan Patrol Y61 - Wagon ZD30, 7 seats (4Auto) GRX duty paid Each 1,558,624
2510190537 Nissan Patrol Y61 - Wagon ZD30, 7 seats (5Manual) GL duty paid Each 1,558,624
2510190538 Nissan Tera P60A 4WD AT PREM + OPTIONS Each 1,508,800
2510190539 Nissan Urvan E26 EWR - 801 WIDE BODY 16-SEATER MIN BUS Each 728,000
2510190540 Nissan X TRAIL SSA - T32R - 1703 3ROW 4WD MR 20H G/P CVT Each 936,000
2510190541 Nissan MAGNITE EM2 1.6T ACENTA CVT Each 462,400
2510190542 Nissan MAGNITE EM4 1.0T ACENTA + CVT Each 499,200
2510190543 Nissan H60A DR0014 YD 2.5 2WD MT XE SC Each 502,400
2510190544 Nissan H60A DR0015 YD 2.5 4WD MT XE SC Each 547,200
2510190545 Nissan H60A DR011 DC YD2.5 MID 4WD MT XE + OPTIONS Each 662,400
2510190546 Nissan H60A DR006 DC YD2.5 HI 4WD MT LE + OPTIONS Each 841,600
2510190547 Nissan H60A DR010 DC YD2.5 4WD AT LE DC + OPTIONS Each 892,800
2510190548 Nissan H60A DR013 YD2.5 4WD AT DC + PRO - 4X Each 985,600
2510190549 Nissan NP200 UA7 1.6 8V PETROL 2WD S/C + A/C Each 330,720
2510190550 Standard Toyota Coaster 30-seater bus 4.2 Diesel (Manual)duty paid Each 1,984,400
2510190551 Toyota Fortuner active 2.4 SUV 4x2 (Auto) duty paid Each 1,410,728
2510190552 Toyota Fortuner active 2.4 SUV 4x2 MT duty paid Each 1,327,744
2510190553 Toyota Fortuner active 2.4 SUV 4x4 (Auto) duty paid Each 1,477,476
2510190554 Toyota Fortuner Executive 2.8 SUV 4x4 (Auto) duty paid Each 1,675,916
2510190555 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 D/Cab 4x4 (Manual) duty paid Each 849,684
2510190556 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 S/Cab 4x4 (Manual) duty paid Each 687,324
2510190557 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 S/Cab 4x2 (Manual) duty paid Each 667,480
2510190558 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 S/Cab 4x2 GD-5 (5Manual) duty paid Each 653,048
2510190559 Toyota Hilux Work 2.4 D/Cab 4x4 (Manual) duty paid Each 782,936
2510190560 Toyota Hilux Comfort 4x4 s/c 2.4 GD-6 6MT Each 741,444

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 77 | P a g e

Table 16: Motor Vehicles
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
2510190561 Toyota Hilux Comfort 4x4 s/c 2.8 GD-6 6MT Each 802,780
2510190562 Toyota Hilux Work 2.4 GD6 Extra Cab 4x4 (6 Manual) duty paid Each 781,132
2510190563 Toyota Hilux ACTIVE 2.8 GD6 Extra Cab 4x4 (6 Manual) duty paid Each 876,744
2510190564 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 4x2 D/Cab (6Manual) duty paid Each 752,268
2510190565 Toyota Hilux Country 2.4 4x4 D/Cab GD6 (6Manual) duty paid Each 849,684
2510190566 Toyota Hilux Comfort 4x4 D/C 2.4 GD-6 6MT Each 896,588
2510190567 Toyota Hilux Comfort PLUS 4x2 D/C 2.4 GD-6 6MT Each 851,488
2510190568 Toyota Hilux Comfort PLUS 4x4 D/C 2.4 GD-6 6MT Each 905,608
2510190569 Toyota Hilux Comfort PLUS 4x4 D/C 2.4 GD-6 6AT Each 934,472
2510190570 Toyota Hilux ACTIVE 2.8 GD6 Double Cab 4x4 (6 Manual) duty paid Each 999,416
2510190571 Toyota Hilux Executive 2.8 GD-6 D/Cab 4x4 (6MT) duty paid Each 1,161,776
2510190572 Toyota Hilux ADVENTURE 4X4 D/C 2.8 GD-6 6MT Each 1,167,188
2510190573 Toyota Hilux ACTIVE 2.8 GD6 Double Cab 4x4 (6 AT) duty paid Each 1,028,280
2510190574 Toyota Hilux ADVENTURE 4X4 D/C 2.8 GD-6 6AT Each 1,179,816
2510190575 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 GX-R 3.3L 10AT Each 2,880,988
2510190576 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 GX-R LEATHER EDITION 3.3L 10AT Each 3,021,700
2510190577 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 VX 3.3L 10AT Each 3,626,040
2510190578 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 VX-R 3.3L 10AT Each 4,053,588
2510190579 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 GR-S 3.3L 10AT Each 4,286,304
2510190580 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 VX 3.4L 10AT Each 3,588,156
2510190581 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 VX-R 3.4L 10AT Each 4,035,548
2510190582 Toyota Land Cruiser 300 GR-S 3.4L 10AT Each 4,273,676
2510190583 Toyota Land Cruiser PRADO TX-L 2.8 D-4D 6MT Each 2,052,952
2510190584 Toyota Land Cruiser PRADO TX-L 2.8 D-4D 6AT Each 2,110,680
2510190585 Toyota Land Cruiser PRADO VX-L 2.8 D-4D 6AT Each 2,716,824
2510190586 Toyota Urban Cruiser delux 2ton automatic 1.5L 4AT Each 624,184
2510190587 Toyota starlet style1.4k 14B 4AT Each 472,648
2510190588 Toyota starlet delux 1.4k 14B 4AT Each 515,944
2510190589 Toyota RAV4 active auto 4x2 2.0 dual vvt-IE A/CVT Each 1,179,816
2510190590 Toyota RAV4 adventure auto 4x4 2.5 dual vvt-IE 8AT Each 1,230,328
2510190591 Toyota Corolla Cross active 1.8 dual vvt-I CVT Each 689,128
2510190592 Toyota Corolla Cross comfort 1.8 dual vvt-I CVT Each 791,956
2510190593 Toyota Corolla Cross limited 1.8 dual vvt-I CVT Each 833,448
2510190594 Toyota Corolla quest active 1.8 dual vvt-I 6MT Each 699,952
2510190595 Toyota Corolla quest limited 1.8 dual vvt-I 6MT Each 750,464
2510190596 Toyota Corolla quest limited CVT 1.8 dual vvt-I AT/CVT Each 748,660
2510190597 Toyota Corolla quest executive cvt 1.8 dual vvt-I AT/CVT Each 837,056
2510190598 Toyota HAICE/ACE delux plus 2.5D4D 5MT Each 784,740
2510190599 Toyota HAICE/ACE delux 2.5D4D 5MT Each 1,421,552
25101905100 Toyota HAICE/ACE commuter 2.8D4D 6MT Each 1,345,784

Table 17: Newspaper Advertising

Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
551015041 Ear piece - black & white Newspaper Back Page (5x2 ) Each 429
551015042 Full page - black & white Newspaper -(54x8) Each 23,267
551015043 Half page PORTRAIT - black & white Newspaper-(54x4) Each 12,027
551015044 Half page LANDSCAPE - black & white Newspaper-(27x8) Each 11,633
551015045 30X4 - Black & white Newspaper Each 6,463
551015046 Quarter page 27x5 black & white Newspaper Each 5,235
551015047 Quarter page Newspaper- (27x4) black & white Each 5,817
551015048 57x7 black & white Newspaper Each 19,692
551015049 54x6 black & white Newspaper Each 16,879
5510150410 54x5 black & white Newspaper Each 14,066
5510150411 54x4 black & white Newspaper Each 11,253
5510150412 40x5 black & white Newspaper Each 10,419
5510150413 40x4 black & white Newspaper Each 8,335

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 78 | P a g e

Table 17: Newspaper Advertising
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
5510150414 38x6 black & white Newspaper Each 11,878
5510150415 36x6 black & white Newspaper Each 11,253
5510150416 36x5 black & white Newspaper Each 9,377
5510150417 36x4 black & white Newspaper Each 7,502
5510150418 35x5 black & white Newspaper Each 9,117
5510150419 30x5 black & white Newspaper Each 7,814
5510150420 25X5 - black & white Newspaper Each 6,512
5510150421 25X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 4,245
5510150422 20X7 - black & white Newspaper Each 7,293
5510150423 20X6 - black & white Newspaper Each 6,251
5510150424 20X5 - black & white Newspaper Each 5,210
5510150425 20X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,596
5510150426 21X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 4,376
5510150427 21X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,393
5510150428 18X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,751
5510150429 18X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 2,908
5510150430 16X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,334
5510150431 16X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 2,501
5510150432 15X4 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,126
5510150433 15X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 2,424
5510150434 12X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 2,004
5510150435 10X3 - black & white Newspaper Each 1,409
5510150436 10X2 - black & white Newspaper Each 939
5510150437 STRIP INSIDE PAGES 12X8 black & white Each 5,345
5510150438 Full page - black & white Newspaper 36x6 Each 6,765
5510150439 30x5 - black & white Newspaper Each 4,698
5510150440 Half page -black & white Newspaper 18x6 Each 3,383
5510150441 36x3 - black & white Newspaper Each 3,383
5510150442 Quarter page - black & white Newspaper 18x3 Each 1,691
5510150443 15x3 - black & white Newspaper Each 1,409
5510150444 10x3 - black & white Newspaper Each 937
5510150445 10x2 - black & white Newspaper Each 626
5510150446 Half page black & white Newspaper 160x266 Each 3,430
5510150447 20x3 - black & white Newspaper Each 2,144
5510150448 Quarter page - black & white Newspaper 160x130 Each 1,715
5510150449 13x3 - black & white Newspaper Each 1,393
5510150450 strip 100x266 black & white Newspaper Each 2,144
5510150451 strip 60x266 black & white Newspaper Each 1,286
5510150452 Newspaper-Ear piece (5x2) Front colour Each 976
5510150453 Newspaper-Ear piece (5x2) back page colour Each 701
5510150454 Newspaper-Full page (54x8) Colour Each 32,848
5510150455 Newspaper-Half page LANDSCAPE (27x8) Colour Each 16,424
5510150456 Newspaper-Quarter page (27x5) Colour Each 10,043
5510150457 Newspaper-Quarter page (27x4) Colour Each 8,212
5510150458 Newspaper-Half page PORTRAIT (54x4) colour Each 16,424
5510150459 Newspaper 57x7 colour Each 28,120
5510150460 Newspaper 54x6 colour Each 24,103
5510150461 Newspaper 54x5 colour Each 20,086
5510150462 Newspaper 54x4 colour Each 6,068
5510150463 Newspaper 40x5 colour Each 14,878
5510150464 Newspaper 40x4 colour Each 11,903
5510150465 Newspaper 38x6 colour Each 16,961
5510150466 Newspaper 36x6 colour Each 1,668
5510150467 Newspaper 36x5 colour Each 13,390
5510150468 Newspaper 36x4 colour Each 10,712
5510150469 Newspaper 35x5 colour Each 13,018
5510150470 Newspaper 30x5 colour Each 11,159
5510150471 Newspaper 30X4 colour Each 9,124
5510150472 Newspaper27x3 colour Each 6,026

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 79 | P a g e

Table 17: Newspaper Advertising
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
5510150473 Newspaper 25X5 COLOUR Each 9,299
5510150474 Newspaper 25X4 COLOUR Each 7,604
5510150475 Newspaper 20X7 COLOUR Each 10,415
5510150476 Newspaper 20X6 COLOUR Each 8,927
5510150477 Newspaper 20X5 COLOUR Each 7,439
5510150478 Newspaper 20X4 COLOUR Each 5,558
5510150479 Newspaper 21X4 COLOUR Each 6,249
5510150480 Newspaper 21X4 COLOUR solus Each 12,498
5510150481 Newspaper 21X3 COLOUR Each 4,790
5510150482 Newspaper 21X3 COLOUR solus Each 9,373
5510150483 Newspaper 18X4 COLOUR Each 5,356
5510150484 Newspaper 18X3 COLOUR - FRONT PAGE Each 4,997
5510150485 Newspaper 18X3 COLOUR - BACK PAGE Each 4,072
5510150486 Newspaper 18X3 COLOUR - OTHER Each 3,547
5510150487 Newspaper 15X4 COLOUR Each 4,463
5510150488 Newspaper 15X3 COLOUR Each 3,872
5510150489 Newspaper 12X3 COLOUR Each 2,798
5510150490 Newspaper 10X3 COLOUR Each 2,281
5510150491 Newspaper 10X2 COLOUR Each 1,721
5510150492 STRIP INSIDE PAGES 12X8COLOUR Each 7,461
5510150493 6x6(Strip) FRONT PAGE Each 3,967
5510150494 6x6(Strip) BACK PAGE Each 2,714
5510150495 Newspaper 36x6 COLOUR (Back page) Each 16,286
5510150496 Newspaper 36x6 COLOUR (other pages) Each 12,528
5510150497 Newspaper 30x5 COLOUR (other pages) Each 8,700
5510150498 Newspaper 27x5 COLOUR (other pages) Each 8,868
5510150499 Newspaper 18x6 COLOUR Half page (front page) Each 11,902
55101504100 Newspaper 18X6 COLOUR Half page (back page) Each 8,143
55101504101 Newspaper 18x6 COLOUR Half page (other pages) Each 6,264
55101504102 Newspaper 36x3 COLOUR (Back page) Each 8,143
55101504103 Newspaper 36x3 COLOUR (other pages) Each 6,264
55101504104 Newspaper 24x4 COLOUR (other pages) Each 5,568
55101504105 Newspaper 6x6 COLOUR (strip) Front page Each 3,967
55101504106 Newspaper 6x6 COLOUR (strip) Back page Each 2,954
55101504107 Newspaper 12x3 COLOUR Front page Each 6,264
55101504108 Newspaper 10x8 COLOUR solus Each 11,903
55101504109 Newspaper 10x6 COLOUR Front page Each 10,440
55101504110 Newspaper 8x8 COLOUR solus Each 9,522
55101504111 Newspaper 6x8 COLOUR solus Each 7,142
55101504112 Newspaper 6x6 COLOUR Front page Each 6,264
55101504113 Newspaper 6x2 COLOUR Front page Each 2,088
55101504114 Newspaper 12x8 COLOUR solus Each 14,283
55101504115 Newspaper 12x6 COLOUR Front page Each 12,528
55101504116 Newspaper 30x6 COLOUR Front page Each 62,640
55101504117 Newspaper 32x6 COLOUR inside pages Each 9,800
55101504118 Newspaper 27x5 COLOUR inside pages Each 6,890
55101504119 Newspaper 16x6 COLOUR inside pages Each 4,900
55101504120 Newspaper 16x4 COLOUR Each 4,761
55101504121 Newspaper 16x3 COLOUR inside pages Each 2,958
55101504122 Newspaper spread COLOUR inside pages Each 19,599
55101504123 Newspaper 10x2 COLOUR inside pages Each 1,021
55101504124 Newspaper 16x6 COLOUR Back page Each 8,575
55101504125 Newspaper 16x3 COLOUR Back page Each 4,287
55101504126 Newspaper 10x6 COLOUR (strip) Back page Each 5,359
55101504127 Newspaper 6x2 COLOUR Back page Each 1,072
55101504128 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified Ear piece 5x2 Each 240
55101504129 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 5x2 Each 150
55101504130 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 10x2 Each 250
55101504131 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 15x2 Each 350

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 80 | P a g e

Table 17: Newspaper Advertising
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
55101504132 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 30x1 Each 400
55101504133 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 6x6 strip Each 600
55101504134 Newspaper ponyamo sme's /classified 10x4 Each 600

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 81 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Laptop (Core i5, 4GB Ram, 500GB
4321150812 Each 22,278 21,969 20,004 23,911 16,636 19,091 20,548 21,856 22,761 16,586 20,420
Hdd, Windows 10)
Laptop (Core i3 8th Gen, 14-inch
4321150813 full HD touch screen, 4GB Ram, 1TB Each 16,160 15,737 16,897 16,416 14,899 14,646 17,999 18,073 16,070 15,404 16,193
Hdd, Windows10)
Laptop (4GB Ram, 500GB Hdd,
4321150814 Each 15,149 13,555 14,125 16,624 12,020 19,091 11,616 14,402
Canon ImageRUNNER 2520
14111507 Each 28,182 29,293 36,262 32,323 31,313 5,496
Multifuction copier
Canon i-SENSYS 4 in 1 laserjet
432121051 Each 14,899 13,788 15,151 14,600
printer (Colour)
Canon photocopier 3 in
432115099 Each 20,155 20,682 22,727 21,159
1(Printer,copier and scanner)
43211509100 Cat 6 cable mtrs 14 3,005
432117062 Corded Keyboard Each 155 138 152 212
432117081 Corded USB Optical Mouse Each 195 130 121 158
Desktop – (1Tb Hdd, Core I5, Ram
432115075 Each 28,495 42,474 24,747 22,980 25,252 28,055
4.0 Gb, 19 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (1Tb Hdd, Core I7, Ram
432115077 Each 28,484 22,980 25,252 30,415
4.0 Gb, 19 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (1Tb Hdd, Core I7, Ram
432115078 Each 17,778 13,642 24,958
8.0 Gb, 19 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (500Gb Hdd, Core I3,
432115071 Each 13,990 11,766 12,929 15,396
Ram 4.0 Gb, 15 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (500Gb Hdd, Core I5,
432115072 Each 25,875 24,848 26,639 27,632 21,525 21,212 27,108 27,253 25,629 29,071 25,558
Ram 4.0 Gb, 17 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (750Gb Hdd, Core I3,
432115073 Each 18,187 20,313 24,242 20,767
Ram 4.0 Gb, 15 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (750Gb Hdd, Core I5,
432115074 Each 21,000 20,818 20,909
Ram 4.0 Gb, 17 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop – (750Gb Hdd, Core I7,
432115076 Each 38,383 38,106 38,383
Ram 4.0 Gb, 19 inchTft/Lcd)
Desktop - Core i5 11th Gen,
2.5ghz.12 GB RAM,1 TB Hard drive,
4321150761 Each 32,828 31,801 32,828
DVD ROM, Windows 10 Pro, 21''
Led screen, microsoft 2019 pro
Desktop computer core i5 8GB
432115098 RAM,1TB HDD with 17 inch Each 30,303 30,179 30,303
432018272 External Hard Drive Disk 1TB Each 1,947 1,919 1,847 1,925 1,626 1,707 1,949 1,683 1,919 1,818 1,831

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 82 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
432018241 External Hard Drive Disk 2TB Each 2,525 2,020 2,259
432018242 Flash Drive Disk - 16GB Each 152 157 157 162 155 157 157 192 203 182 166
432018243 Flash Drive Disk - 32GB Each 287 299 296 305 288 298 303 313 303 299
432018244 Flash Drive Disk - 8GB Each 96 101 96 104 91 101 101 99 96 111 99
432018245 HDMI cable – 20m Each 654 624 654
432018246 HDMI cable – 2m Each 152 133 142
HP Laserje Pro MFP M130FN 4 in 1
432121052 Each 8,283 8,213 8,283
HP LaserJet Pro M404dn (Duplex +
432121053 Each 7,702 7,724 7,702
Network) printer
432018274 Internal Hard Drive Disk 1TB Each 2,404 2,475 2,424 2,383 1,751 2,414 2,380 2,381 2,483 2,525 2,351
432018275 Internal Hard Drive Disk 2TB Each 2,525 2,157 2,525
Laptop - 14 inch (Core i5, 1.6GHz,
432115087 Each 26,767 28,283 25,599 27,689 21,778 28,010 28,642 28,172 27,059 29,117 27,029
4GB Ram, 500GB Hdd)
Laptop - Dell (Celeron Dual Core,
432115089 Each 15,656 12,727 16,436 16,145 12,475 13,545 14,479 14,825 14,610 16,934 14,710
4GB Ram, 500GB Hdd)
Laptop - Dell (Core i5, 4GB Ram,
4321150811 Each 20,707 19,596 21,673 20,884 17,980 16,161 22,280 22,069 20,350 26,248 20,638
1TB Hdd)
Laptop - HP (Core i7, 1.8GHz, 8GB
432115084 Each 34,343 32,323 35,353 30,505 26,262 27,272 29,222 30,131 28,292 29,293 30,174
Ram, 1TB Hdd, Windows)
Laptop - HP 15.6 inch (Core i3,
432115088 Each 13,808 14,262 15,414 16,889 12,323 14,938 16,131 13,140 15,833 15,856 14,794
4GB Ram, 1TB Hdd)
Laptop - HP 15.6 inch (Quad-Core
432115086 Each 30,303 27,272 30,192 32,222 23,040 31,413 36,363 33,938 34,242 37,485 31,366
i5, 4GB Ram, 500GB Hdd)
Laptop - HP (Core i5, 4GB Ram,
432115085 Each 31,313 27,626 34,342 36,282 24,616 34,919 37,879 36,032 32,415 37,667 33,027
500GB Hdd)
Laptop - Lenovo (Core i3 8th Gen,
432115082 14-inch full HD touch screen, 4GB Each 15,787 13,334 15,780 17,440 11,374 14,410 14,242 14,032 14,804 17,042 14,723
Ram, 1TB Hdd, Windows10)
Laptop - Lenovo (Intel Celeron
432115083 N3060, 4GB Ram, 500GB Hdd, Each 16,722 15,150 16,897 14,674 12,727 14,768 15,786 16,869 15,432 17,172 15,562
601049061 Laptop Battery - Acer Each 1,515 1,263 1,383
601049067 Laptop Battery - Dell Each 1,515 1,212 1,355
601049063 Laptop Battery - HP Each 1,515 1,212 1,355
601049064 Laptop Battery - Lenovo Each 1,515 1,212 1,355
261117041 Laptop Charger - Acer Power cable Each 505 501 505
261117042 Laptop Charger - Dell Power cable Each 505 501 505
261117043 Laptop Charger - HP Power cable Each 338 300 338
4321150971 Laptop - core i5 8GB RAM,1TB HDD Each 23,333 20,273 23,636 22,361
Laptop - Core i7 - 10th Generation -
4321150821 Each 12,323 11,784 12,323
((12M Cache, 1.10 GHz, up to 4.70

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 83 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
GHz, 6 cores) 8 GB RAM, 256GB
432121057 Master roll Each 1,025 1,025
Projector - 3,000 Lumens, Poly-
421830373 silicon TFT x 3 with micro lens Each 7,616 6,586 7,929 7,354
army,XVGA (1024 x 768) Pixels
Projector - 3LCD, 2000 ANSI
421830371 Each 14,149 13,909 14,859 13,489 12,121 13,131 13,939 12,737 13,518
Lumens, 800X600 Pixels
Projector - 5,500 Lumens XVGA
421830372 Each 15,606 16,161 16,687 16,666 14,343 15,262 15,353 17,414 15,262 17,626 16,007
(1024 x 768) Pixels
421830375 Riso ink type F Each 1,116 1,101 1,818 1,425
4410180901 Calculator - 12 digit Each 278 262 389 329
4410180801 Scientific Calculator Each 348 330 263 303
4410310360 Toners-Canon 731 black Each 2,054 1,842 2,054
4410310362 Toners-Canon 731 Cyan Each 2,189 1,922 2,189
4410310361 Toners-Canon 731 Yellow Each 2,189 1,922 2,189
Toners-Canon C-EXV 32 IR
4410310351 Each 1,288 1,656 1,288
4410310352 Toners-Canon C-EXV 33 IR Each 1,313 1,320 1,313
4410310353 Toners-Canon C-EXV 50 Each 808 903 808
4410310355 Toners-Canon CRG 045 C - Cyan Each 1,768 1,508 1,768
Toners-Canon CRG 045 M -
4410310357 Each 1,768 1,672 1,768
4410310356 Toners-Canon CRG 045 Y - Yellow Each 1,768 1,649 1,768
4410310359 Toners-Canon CRG 052 Black Each 2,374 2,001 2,374
4410310358 Toners-Canon CRG 737 black Each 1,902 1,813 1,902
4410310348 Toners-CANON IR 2520 Each 1,195 1,290 1,195
4410310354 Toners-Canon IR 5065 NE (BK) Each 1,616 1,328 1,616
4410310344 Toners-HP 17A Each 3,949 3,140 2,932 3,098 1,953 3,931 4,941 4,040 3,709 4,951 3,549
4410310347 Toners-HP 26A Each 2,929 2,322 2,929
4410310348 Toners-HP 415A black Each 2,879 2,057 2,879
4410310343 Toners-HP 42 CEVX Each 1,543 1,212 1,578 1,790 1,010 1,911 2,010 1,692 919 1,566 1,479
4410310346 Toners-HP 53A Each 2,677 1,733 2,677
4410310345 Toners-HP 83A Each 1,909 2,043 1,899 1,788 1,540 1,919 2,020 1,939 2,131 1,919 1,904
4410310342 Toners-HP 05A Each 2,930 2,475 2,697 2,485 2,323 3,030 3,121 3,040 2,465 3,029 2,744
44103103421 Toners-HP 131A black toner Each 2,071 1,966 2,071
44103103422 Toners-HP 131A cyan toner Each 2,273 2,165 2,273
44103103423 Toners-HP 131A magenta toner Each 2,273 2,165 2,273
44103103424 Toners-HP 131A yellow toner Each 2,273 2,165 2,273

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 84 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
44103103425 Toners-HP 203A black toner Each 2,037 1,751 2,037
44103103426 Toners-HP 203A cyan toner Each 2,172 2,082 2,172
44103103427 Toners-HP 203A magenta toner Each 2,172 2,082 2,172
44103103428 Toners-HP 203A yellow toner Each 2,172 2,082 2,172
44103103429 Toners-HP 305A Each 3,283 2,163 3,283
44103103430 Toners-HP 37A Each 5,002 3,827 5,002
44103103432 Toners-HP 415A mangenta Each 3,384 2,736 3,384
44103103433 Toners-HP 415A cyan Each 3,384 2,736 3,384
44103103434 Toners-HP 415A yellow Each 3,384 2,736 3,384
44103103435 Toners-HP 59A Each 2,912 2,851 2,912
44103103436 Toners-HP 83A Cartridge toner Each 2,189 1,601 2,189
44103103437 Toners-HP 90A Cartridge toner Each 4,135 2,129 5,135
44103103438 Toners-HP Black Toner 26A Each 3,828 3,556 3,919 4,646 3,232 4,717 4,823 4,838 3,258 3,939 4,031
44103103444 Toners-HP Cyan toner 201A Each 2,029 2,205 1,911 1,921 2,929 1,745 1,911 1,899 1,778 1,768 1,987
44103103445 Toners-HP laserjet black toner 17A Each 2,424 3,035 2,713
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner
44103103446 Each 2,955 2,242 2,574
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner
44103103447 Each 2,601 2,370 786
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner
44103103448 Each 3,258 3,804 4,708
80A (CF280A)
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner
44103103449 Each 2,525 2,718 2,620
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner
44103103450 Each 3,088 3,243 4,443
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner CE
44103103451 Each 4,545 5,438 4,972
Toners-HP laserjet Black toner CF
44103103452 Each 4,697 4,611 6,360
Toners-HP Laserjet black toner CF
44103103453 Each 3,172 3,591 2,793
Toners-HP laserjet Black toner CF
44103103454 Each 4,461 4,461
44103103455 Toners-HP Laserjet CF380A Each 3,258 4,606 3,874
44103103456 Toners-HP Laserjet CF381A Each 6,621 4,710 5,584
44103103457 Toners-HP Laserjet CF382A Each 4,500 4,500
44103103458 Toners-HP Laserjet CF383A Each 4,556 4,556
Toners-HP Laserjet Cyan toner
44103103459 Each 6,525 6,808 4,146
411A (CF411A)
Toners-HP laserjet Cyan toner CF
44103103460 Each 5,404 5,960 5,050 4,798 5,606 4,030 4,020 3,323 4,838 4,707 5,019

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 85 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Toners-HP laserjet Cyan toner CF
44103103461 Each 3,038 3,038
Toners-HP Laserjet Magenta toner
44103103462 Each 4,303 3,296
413A (CF413A)
Toners-HP laserjet Magenta toner
44103103463 Each 4,353 4,353
CF 363A
Toners-HP laserjet Magenta toner
44103103464 Each 4,444 4,444
CF 453A
Toners-HP LaserJet toner 305A
44103103465 Each 8,401 4,674
Toners-HP LaserJet toner 305A
44103103466 Each 9,343 5,094
Toners-HP LaserJet toner 305A
44103103467 Each 10,808 5,479
Toners-HP LaserJet toner 305A
44103103468 Each 11,111 5,555
Toners-HP Laserjet toner 81A
44103103469 Each 4,793 4,880
Toners-HP LaserJet toner cartridge
44103103470 Each 3,071 3,071
Toners-HP LaserJet toner cartridge
44103103471 Each 3,899 3,899
Toners-HP LaserJet toner cartridge
44103103472 Each 6,783 6,783
Toners-HP LaserJet toner cartridge
44103103473 Each 10,202 10,202
Toners-HP LaserJet toner CE 255A
44103103474 Each 5,583 3,682 3,535 3,214
Toners-HP LaserJet toner Q 5949 A
44103103475 Each 3,460 3,041 3,244
Toners-HP Laserjet Yellow toner
44103103476 Each 2,525 3,089 3,921
412A (CF412A)
Toners-HP laserjet Yellow toner CF
44103103477 Each 6,379 6,379
Toners-HP laserjet Yellow toner CF
44103103478 Each 10,081 5,387
Toners-HP Lasterjet black toner
44103103479 Each 2,525 2,417 2,727 2,624
83A (CF283A)
44103103480 Toners-HP Magenta toner 201A Each 2,542 2,319 2,879 2,705
Toners-HP toner Catridge 42A
44103103481 Each 5,555 5,879 3,999
44103103483 Toners-HP Yellow toner 201A Each 2,542 1,739 2,542
521615054 TV - 32 inch Each 2,919 2,756 2,677 2,960 2,794 2,819
5216150531 TV - 55 inch Smart Each 14,624 11,200 14,624
5216150532 TV - 65 inch Smart Each 24,742 17,451 24,742

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 86 | P a g e

Table 18: Office Equipment & Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
521615053 TV - 75 inch Smart Each 30,803 21,786 30,803
521615051 TV - 85 inch Smart Each 69,691 48,751 69,691
Uninterruptible Power Supply
601049062 Each 2,950 6,734
(UPS) - 750 Volts/500 Watts
Wireless Broadband Router (Dual-
43222640 Each 3,333 2,965 3,333
Band smart wi-fi router)
432117061 Wireless Keyboard Each 1,061 998 1,061
432117082 Wireless Optical Mouse M185 Each 606 206 606
5216155101 Wireless Mic Each 301 550 583 1,033 562
Cable - Speaker Cable (dual cored 6
2612161301 Each 120 115 120 107 115

Table 19: Office Refreshments and Supplies

Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
5018190501 Biscuit - Blue lebel biscuits 200g Pkt 26 27 24 27 25 22 27 27 14 25 24
5018190502 Biscuit - Choice assorted biscuits 200g Pkt 49 54 44 48 49 27 27 56 43
5018190503 Biscuit - Eet sum more biscuit (200g) Each 32 34 29 32 32 25 27 25 26 27 29
5018190504 Biscuit - Marie biscuit (200g) Each 13 13 14 15 13 12 17 14 14
5018190505 Biscuit - Red lebel lemon creams 200g Pkt 22 22 26 27 26 25 26 30 30 30 26
5018190506 Biscuit - Tennis biscuit 200g Each 27 30 29 34 31 25 29 33 26 26 29
5018190301 Biscuit - Salt crackers biscuits 200g Each 44 48 38 32 35 34 35 38
5013170202 Butter _250 Grams Each 23 30 27 37 26 24 25 28 27
50131700201 Butter 250g Each 20 22 30 24 24 22 22 20 32 24
50131700202 Butter 500g Each 37 44 44 39 49 42 54 44
50131700203 Butter 1kg Each 88 103 92 93 101 77 91 92
5041530001 Peanut butter 1kg Each 59 59 54 57 58 47 44 58 56 51 54
5041530001 Peanut butter 500g Each 31 25 28 28 26 27 32 25 28
5019240001 Jam 370g, glass jar Each 33 40 31 23 36 32
5019240002 Jam 450g, plastic jar Each 27 30 27 25 24 25 25 26
5019240003 Jam 450g, tin Each 30 31 32 28 35 34 37 32
5019240006 Jam 900g, plastic tub Each 54 59 62 51 60 61 59 62 58

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 87 | P a g e

Table 19: Office Refreshments and Supplies
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
5019240007 Jam 900g, tin can Each 55 60 60 65 59 59 65 60
50161500201 Cocoa - 125 grams Each 46 43 43 43 45 38 44 48 43 41 43
50161500202 Cocoa - 250 grams Each 100 106 89 102 88 87 73 80 78 89
50161500203 Cocoa - 62.5 grams Each 24 20 23 24 23 29 22 26 22 21 23
50201700101 Coffee - ground 500grms grms 153 142 143 174 202 130 148 154
50201700102 Coffee - Instant Coffee 100g Each 60 38 70 65 29 50 68 52
50201700103 Coffee - Instant Coffee 200g Each 90 138 110 126 91 118 93 108
50201700104 Coffee - Instant coffee 250grms Each 72 70 86 95 98 70 65 65 77
Coffee - Instant coffee with creamer and
50201700105 Each 60 60
sugar, 10 sticks
Coffee - Instant coffee with creamer and
50201700106 Each 118 118
sugar, 20 sticks
5020171401 Creamer (Cremora) 1kg Each 68 71 70 67 67 68 69 84 69 68 70
50201700201 Tea - Five Roses (102 Tagless bags) packet 88 75 76 84 73 59 75
50201700202 Tea - Five Roses tea bags 125g 50's Each 42 51 47 53 56 32 44 57 45 44 47
50201700203 Tea - Freshpak Rooibos (80 Tagless bags) packet 81 78 79 72 78 70 72 94 82 84 79
50201700204 Tea - Freshpak tea bags 100g 40's Each 50 42 50 44 45 65 46 59 50
50201700205 Tea - Quick Brew (100 Tagless bags) Packet 33 50 50 58 48 30 51 69 54 54 48
50161500101 Sugar - Brown Sugar 10kg Pkt 200 200 211 203 185 203 200 200
50161500102 Sugar - Brown Sugar 1kg Pkt 24 26 24 23 26 22 22 27 23 24 24
50161500104 Sugar - Rich dark 1 kg Each 25 26 25 25 27 23 26 25 25
50161500106 Sugar 10kg White Each 214 210 204 215 206 188 207 185 203
50161500108 Sugar 1kg White Each 25 25 25 24 27 23 24 23 25 25 25
50161500109 Sugar 2kg White Each 48 47 45 45 47 47 44 41 45 45
50161500110 Sugar 50kg White Each 932 940 857 999 931
5019240301 Honey 375g Each 40 44 45 44 47 46 41 42 50 46 44
5019240302 Honey 500g Each 48 58 55 53 57 53 51 49 65 64 55
5020230501 Juice - 100% Juice Blend (1 litre) Each 34 42 38 36 45 39 22 46 37
5020230502 Juice - 100% Juice Blend (200ml) Each 14 12 14 12 13 17 16 14
5020230503 Juice - 100% Juice Blend (500ml) Each 18 19 18 22 17 19 19
50131700101 Milk - Fresh Full Cream Milk 1ltr Each 28 29 27 27 28 36 30 20 22 24 27

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 88 | P a g e

Table 19: Office Refreshments and Supplies
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
50131700102 Milk - Fresh Full Cream Milk 500ml Each 10 13 13 12 14 19 11 10 14 14 13
50131700103 Milk - Fresh Milk 1litrre Each 32 29 27 27 22 33 37 21 23 24 27
5019230301 Yoghurt (Drinking) 250ml Each 9 9 11 11 11 16 11
5019230302 Yoghurt (Drinking) 1litre Each 39 39 45 40 39 39 56 48 52 55 45
5019230303 Yoghurt 175 grams Each 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
5019230304 Yoghurt 500 grams Each 25 24 29 34 26 33 30 26 29 30 29
5020231001 Mineral water (Case of 500ml x 12) Case 37 44 38 39 37 35 46 38 44 39 40
5020231002 Mineral water (Case of 750ml x 12) Case 48 58 50 46 46 46 64 48 56 47 51
5020231003 Mineral water 10L container Each 20 20 29 32 30 41 28
Mineral water 18.9L Dispencer water
5020231004 Each 74 67 67 60 62 71 66 66 67
5020231005 Mineral water 18.9L refill Each 48 60 49 40 50 50 55 41 49
Take Away (foam) packs, one
2412150001 Case 86 89 110 62 89 97 88
compartments (case of 100)
Take Away (foam) packs, two
2412150002 Case 113 96 61 90 121 93
compartments (case of 100)
Take Away (plastic) packs, one
2412150003 Case 107 86 65 85 84
compartments (case of 100)
Take Away (plastic) packs, two
2412150004 Case 81 72 90 81
compartments(case of 100)
2412150005 Disposable plastic Cups ( 1 x 100) Each 65 76 81 58 100 75
5212160101 Tea towels Each 26 23 28 23 20 18 23
1412160401 Toilet paper - 2 ply pack of 10 Each 49 62 59 63 72 65 50 81 39 47 57
1412160402 Toilet paper - 2 ply pack of 18 Each 113 112 134 170 138 182 127 97 131
1412160403 Serviettes 100 single ply plain Each 35 22 23 18 22 15 20 25 23 22
1412160404 Serviettes 50 single ply plain Each 18 15 15 14 12 18 15
Tooth picks - tooth picks with dispenser,
5313150701 Each 8 17 13 12 13 12 12 12 15 13
Tooth picks - tooth picks with dispenser,
5313150702 Each 23 23 33 25 30 26
Tooth picks - tooth picks, with dispenser,
5313150703 Each 19 20 14 22 17 18
individually wrapped, 100
Tooth picks - tooth picks, with dispenser,
5313150704 Each 21 18 15 18
individually wrapped, 250

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 89 | P a g e

Table 20: Office Stationery
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Marker - White board Markers (packet
4412170801 Packet 85 75 106 91 63 89 96 76 71 103 84
of 10)
4411190001 Board - White board 900 X 600mm Each 371 446 320 375 341 371 369
Perforator - Paper Punch - Small Size �
2012210001 Each 118 80 120 130 67 124 113 105
22 paper sheets
Batteries - Energizer batteries AA- Pack
2611170501 Each 58 77 65 50 57 60 61
of 2
Batteries - Energizer batteries AA- Pack
2611170502 Each 111 140 124 95 108 114 115
of 4
Batteries - Energizer batteries AA- Pack
2611170503 Each 158 183 176 135 154 162 161
of 6
Batteries - Energizer batteries AAA -Pack
2611170504 Each 56 69 62 52 59 63 60
of 2
Batteries - Energizer batteries AAA -Pack
2611170505 Each 106 127 118 98 112 120 113
of 4
Batteries - Energizer batteries AAA -Pack
2611170506 Each 151 153 167 140 159 170 156
of 6
4411190002 Board - Office white board 1.2m x 1.5m Each 1,036 986 1,371 1,090 1,111
Board - Soft notice boards (Pin Board) -
4411190003 Each 723 820 673 815 1,110 816
1411151411 Book - 24 pages note books Each 10 12 14 25 20 15
1411151412 Book - 36 pages note books Each 12 17 20 27 18
1411151413 Book - 48 pages note books Each 16 23 27 18 32 22
1411151421 Book - Analysis Book -14 Columns Each 206 152 102 445 185 247 201
1411151422 Book - Analysis Book 32 Columns Each 200 224 246 174 350 327 250 300 252
1411151431 Book - Executive writing pads-A4 Each 27 35 20 30 25 40 29
1411151432 Book - Hard Cover Books A4 - 96 Each 20 21 24 18 20 17 24 25 25 21
4412170441 Book - HardCover book A4 - 192 pages Each 25 39 29 30 28 27 31 36 33 31
4412170442 Book - Short Hand Pads Each 15 16 10 18 12 15 13 15 15 20 15
4412170442 Book- 48 pages Hardcover note books Each 14 17 18 11 15 20 16 16
31201605 Bostick Gum Each 33 35 29 18 36 21 38 35 27 29
Cello Tape - 1/2 in. Anti Static Clear Cello
3120150001 Each 28 18 38 45 28 30 32 19 32 29
Tape, 3 in. Core 108 ft long
4411190001 Chalks - Box(100) Coloured Packet 42 34 39 44 29 23 32 26 33 41 34
4411190002 Chalks - Box(100) White Packet 38 30 37 41 27 23 30 20 32 32 30

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 90 | P a g e

Table 20: Office Stationery
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
Clips - Paper clips (50mm packet of
4412210401 Packet 15 30 25 22 15 18 16 22 24 20
4412210402 Clips - Paper clips (35mm packet of 100) Packet 15 26 23 12 20 12 16 23 18
4412180201 Correction Fluid (packet of 10) Packet 238 173 192 276 142 167 200 104 248 186
2110180201 Duster - Black Board Duster 25 27 28 29 18 20 25 23 28 24
2110180202 Duster - White Board Duster Each 26 28 28 30 18 30 22 30 26
4412150601 Envelopes - 9x4 inches Each 41 39 35 36 38
4412150602 Envelopes - A3 1x50 Each 95 96 101 107 91 100 97 99 98
4412150603 Envelopes - A4 1 x 50 Each 73 75 69 62 65 68 69
4412150604 Envelopes - A5 1 x 50 Each 76 57 59 100 59 63 69 70 68
4412150606 Envelopes - Envelopes A6 1X50 Each 25 18 21
Fasteners - Paper Fasteners (8cm per
4412210001 packet 39 32 34 51 23 50 33 36
set of 50)
4412200001 File - Box file A4 Each 52 44 86 42 36 43 51 49 43 60 49
File - Executive Lever Arch File (Box
4412200003 Each 51 48 82 66 32 62 70 57
4412200004 File - Ring binder A4 [297x210mm] Each 37 38 35 34 25 30 49 39 35
4412200005 File - Spring files pkt of 12 Pkt 211 161 184
4412200006 File - Subject File Each 8 11 9 10 10 10 13 8 10
4412200007 Files - Medium ring Binders 2 inch Each 30 36 26 50 41 36
4412200008 Folder - Index Subject Folder Each 9 7 7 10 12 5 8
4412200009 Folder -Corporate folders Each 169 119 142
4412200010 Folders - Plain folders - Manila pkt of 100 Pkt 363 229 278 416 228 531 400 428 345
3120160101 Glue - Contact Adhesive Glue Each 51 68 25 18 25 30 20 30
3120160102 Glue - Glue stick pack of 2 Pkt 80 75 97 64 77 47 72
4412171601 Highlighter - Packet 1x10 Packet 99 96 117 138 67 159 175 219 126
4412190001 Ink Pad Each 24 22 68 26 18 20 22 26 26
Markers - Permanent markers packet of
441220115 Pkt 125 101 115 65 77 57 86
4412203401 Page Separators(Binder Dividers) Each 45 40 39 27 39 41 35 45 38
Paper - A4 Mondi CopyRex White Bond
1411150001 Ream 148 140 158 142 108 145 125 120 135
paper (80gm - 500 sheets)
Paper - A4 Typek White Bond paper
1411150002 Ream 137 130 164 136 114 140 118 120 132
(80gsm - 500 sheets)

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 91 | P a g e

Table 20: Office Stationery
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
1411150003 Paper - Manila paper (A4) Ream 111 95 130 135 80 150 114
1411150005 Paper - Ream of paper A3 Each 275 276 288 281 238 324 255 276
1411150006 Paper - Transparencies Cover A4 Ream 200 224 168 118 200 178
Paper - White Bond paper (80gsm - 500
1411150007 Ream 150 144 158 134 108 145 149 140
sheets) A4 Mondi Rotatrim
Paper -Carbon Paper - A4 (Packet of
1412180001 Packet 244 140 217 380 167 300 248 298 238
Pen - Bic Crystal Pens (Ball point box of
4412170401 Packet 225 251 226 256 176 274 118 248 215
60 pens)
Pen - Bic Orange Pens (Ball point box of
4412170402 Packet 299 271 236 343 186 274 253 262
60 pens)
Pen - Eversharp Pens (Ball point box of
4412170403 Packet 100 107 170 105 173 127
50 pens)
4412170403 Pencil - HB Pencil (with rubber top) Each 2 3 2 3 2 2 2
Perforator - Paper Punch Perforator -
2012210002 Each 924 682 365 723 315 405 320 490
Heavy Duty � 63 paper sheets
Perforator - Paper punch-small size-22
2012210003 Each 96 93 112 113 62 147 109 95 101
paper sheets
4412210002 Pin - Drawing Pins - Thumb tacks Packet 15 14 19 22 19 15 15 15 30 18
4410180601 Registers - Period Registers Each 22 27 17 14 15 25 25 26 21
4412210101 Rubber Bands (100G box) Packet 31 33 28 27 20 30 19 27 26
4412210102 Rubber - Plastic Erasers Each 3 6 6 4 4 5 4 2 4 3 4
4111160401 Ruler (metal) - 30cm Each 13 15 15 15 18 10 14
4111160402 Ruler (Plastic) - 30cm Each 8 9 6 6 5 4 5 6
4111160403 Ruler (wood) - 30cm Each 15 16 19 9 14
4412200301 Spiral binders (size 12mm) Pack of 50 Each 200 156 224 106 150 162
4412200302 Spiral binders (size 14mm) Pack of 50 Each 250 191 264 141 150 250 201
4412200303 Spiral binders (size 18mm)Pack of 50 Each 290 224 319 174 150 150 350 224
4412200304 Spiral binders (size 6mm) Pack of 50 Each 126 102 185 52 100 100 104
4412200305 Spiral binders (size 8mm) Pack of 50 Each 150 126 215 76 100 150 100 124
4412200306 Spiral binders (size16mm) Pack of 50 Each 300 220 291 170 150 200 215
4412200307 Spiral Binders 10mm Pack of 50 Each 126 145 222 95 100 200 140
4412200308 Spiral Binders 22mm Pack of 50 Each 151 160 110 150 200 151
4412200309 Spiral Binders 25mm Pack of 50 Each 202 181 131 200 125 164

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 92 | P a g e

Table 20: Office Stationery
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
4412200310 Spiral Binders 28mm Pack of 50 Each 131 186 136 200 125 153
4412200311 Spiral Binders 50mm Pack of 50 Each 232 288 238 250 251
4412160401 Stamp - Date Stamp - Self Inking Each 716 401 746 351 671 400 350 493
4412160402 Stamp - Folio stamp - self-inking Each 241 188 138 184
4412160403 Stamp - Ink Stamp Each 25 29 23 19 24 21 26 24
4412161301 Staple Remover Each 18 17 19 14 20 19 24 19
4412163001 Stapler - plier type (e.g HP 45 kangaroo) Each 187 157 168 107 122 122 200 148
4412163002 Stapler - Heavy duty Stapler Each 493 501 815 451 460 530
4412163003 Stapler - Standard Stapler Each 93 127 145 77 180 123 138 122
4412210701 Staples large (23/13) 1000 per packet packet 36 31 35 21 30 35 30 31
Staples normal (26/6 No. 56) 5000 per
4412210702 packet 32 40 39 20 30 33 27 31
4433353001 Sticky notes - packet of 12 (3x3 inches) Each 15 23 84 15 48 26 25 24 27

Table 21: Security and Surveillance Services

Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
9212150401 Rate Per guard per day 1 month 2,500 1,732 1,008 1,197 3,207 1,587 2,236 1,732 1,785
9212150402 Rate Per guard per night 1 month 1,866 2,000 1,023 666 3,289 1,587 3,742 2,000 1,777
9212150403 Quick response 1 month 1,450 1,150 2,077 1,450 1,497
Panic alarm Maintenance – per
9212170101 1 month 604 723 661
CCTV Camera Bullet with Night
9212170102 Each 1,342 1,342
Vision (HD1080 - 2 MP)
9212170103 CCTV Turret Camera - (HD 3.6mm) Each 725 725
9212170104 HIK 16 Channel NVR Each 6,510 6,510
9212170105 Cat 6 305M Each 2,317 2,317
9212170106 Junction boxes Each 124 124
9212170107 CCTV RJ45 Connections Each 6 6
9212170108 HIK POE 4 - Port Switch Each 852 852
9212170109 HIK POE 8 - Port Switch Each 1,593 1,593

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 93 | P a g e

9212170110 HIK POE 16 - Port Switch Each 4,480 4,480
9212170111 Nano station Each 3,336 3,336
HIK IP Bullet 4MP 30M Dark fight
9212170112 Each 1,848 1,848

Table 22: Sportswear and Accessories

Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western National Average
Football - Professional/Premium
4916150401 Each 881 788 700 666 1,097 670 1,000 850 800 817
match soccer balls - Size 5
Football - Professional/Premium
4916150402 Each 650 756 666 633 815 600 850 650 700 698
match soccer balls - Size 4
Football - Artificial Turf soccer
4916150403 Each 450 390 500 550 490 500 512 420 450 470 471
balls - Size 5
Football - Artificial Turf soccer
4916150404 Each 400 411 390 510 400 350 470 350 400 398 405
balls - Size 4
4916150405 Football - Futsal balls Each 731 650 689
4916150406 Football - Beach soccer balls Each 475 482 678 850 599 602
4916150501 Netball Each 582 550 561 527 557 600 866 550 540 550 582
4916160801 Volleyball Each 500 590 712 481 680 550 700 600 500 370 558
5311190101 Soccer boots Each 725 1,100 650 700 1,386 620 600 850 710 800 786
4916152501 Shin Guard Protector pair 100 100 146 150 145 230 146 140
5310240201 Football Socks pair 65 59 85 80 152 100 79 120 75 120 90
5310290202 Track suits Men Each 600 950 500 450 1,185 650 594 450 750 580 640
5310290102 Track suits Women Each 583 700 466 407 1,241 580 594 450 600 545 587
6013110501 Whistle Each 40 34 35 45 45 51 45 30 45 33 40

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 94 | P a g e

Table 23: Television Advertising
Item Code Item Description UoM National Average
7317150517 Television-Prime Time (during news time) per minute 1 min 3,375
7317150518 Prime News - TV spot advert 60sec 3,786
7317150519 Prime News - TV spot advert 45sec 3,029
7317150520 Prime News - TV spot advert 30sec 2,272
7317150521 Prime News - TV spot advert 15sec 1,515
7317150522 Main news - TV spot advert 60sec 3,889
7317150523 Main news - TV spot advert 45sec 2,981
7317150524 Main news - TV spot advert 30sec 2,323
7317150525 Main news - TV spot advert 15sec 1,469
7317150526 Prime + TV spot advert 60Minutes 3,553
7317150527 Prime + TV spot advert 45Minutes 2,828
7317150528 Prime + TV spot advert 30Minutes 2,178
7317150529 Prime + TV spot advert 15Minutes 1,607
7317150530 Prime time - TV spot advert 60Minutes 2,060
7317150531 Prime time - TV spot advert 45Minutes 1,602
7317150532 Prime time - TV spot advert 30Minutes 1,177
7317150533 Prime time - TV spot advert 15Minutes 655
7317150534 off Prime time - TV spot advert 60Minutes 1,402
7317150535 off Prime time - TV spot advert 45Minutes 922
7317150536 off Prime time - TV spot advert 30Minutes 701
7317150537 off Prime time - TV spot advert 15Minutes 369
7317150538 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 60Minutes 23,682
7317150539 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 45Minutes 15,351
7317150540 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 30Minutes 16,245
7317150541 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 15Minutes 11,698
7317150542 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 10Minutes 6,505
7317150543 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime + and one off 5Minutes 4,937
7317150544 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 60Minutes 20,125
7317150545 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 45Minutes 10,500
7317150546 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 40Minutes 19,627
7317150547 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 30Minutes 13,693
7317150548 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 25Minutes 13,908
7317150549 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 15 Minutes 9,598
7317150550 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime and one off 10 Minutes 8,294
7317150551 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 60Minutes 6,960
7317150552 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 45Minutes 6,419
7317150553 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 40Minutes 11,232
7317150554 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 30Minutes 5,879
7317150555 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 25Minutes 8,721
7317150556 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 15Minutes 4,784
7317150557 TV Programes Airtime rates - Prime Time 10Minutes 2,948
7317150558 TV Programes Airtime rates - Off Prime Time 60Minutes 5,710
7317150559 TV Programes Airtime rates - Off Prime Time 45Minutes 5,068
7317150560 TV Programes Airtime rates - Off Prime Time 30Minutes 3,711
7317150561 TV Programes Airtime rates - Off Prime Time 15Minutes 2,647

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 95 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
2611170001 Battery - Car Battery 622 Each 1,375 1,397 1,450 1,487 1,399 1,640 1,795 1,329 1,209 1,445
2611170002 Battery - Car Battery 628 Each 1,263 1,722 1,774 1,384 1,604 1,670 1,600 1,604 1,779 1,591
2611170003 Battery - Car Battery 631 Each 1,024 1,275 1,245 1,184 1,245 1,280 1,280 1,320 1,185 2,160 1,295
2611170004 Battery - Car Battery 638 Each 1,422 1,402 1,428 2,402 1,726 1,900 1,900 1,805 1,646 2,420 1,772
2611170005 Battery - Car Battery 650 Each 1,948 1,934 1,956 2,047 1,823 2,350 2,350 2,124 1,861 2,850 2,105
2611170006 Battery - Car Battery 652 Each 1,626 1,648 2,085 1,881 2,450 2,060 1,768 2,960 2,020
2611170007 Battery - Car Battery 668 Each 2,737 2,864 2,861 2,872 3,120 2,928 2,872 3,170 2,925
2611170008 Battery - Car Battery 669 Each 2,003 2,726 2,201 2,750 3,120 2,796 2,750 4,023 2,741
2517250001 Bicycle Tube Each 34 44 39 35 42 45 43 40 40 40
2517250002 Bicycle Tyre Each 98 119 116 131 113 125 203 137 154 130
2517290701 Bulbs - H4 Bulbs (Double Contact) Each 31 35 24 36 32 30 40 36 46 34
2517290702 Bulbs - H4 Bulbs (Single Contact) Each 32 34 22 36 32 39 36 35 33
2610177201 Cleaner - Diesel injector Cleaner 350ml Each 103 109 96 88 97 100 99 122 97 103 101
2610177202 Cleaner - Fuel System Cleaner 350ml Each 100 108 100 97 100 113 97 112 103
2610177203 Cleaner - Petrol Injector Cleaner, 350ml Each 96 97 92 97 81 97 109 95
2517400401 Coolant 1 L Each 79 74 44 50 42 64 68 42 54 56
2517400402 Coolant - 5litres Each 207 322 196 232 380 236 396 380 229 276
2517400403 Coolant - Stop Leak 350ml Each 97 50 106 110 75 84
2611170001 De-ionised water for battery (Distilled) 750ML Each 26 27 25 23 18 20 20 17 23 22
2611170002 De-ionised water for battery (Distilled) 1L Each 31 30 20 25 25 26
1512150901 Fluid - Automatic Transmission Fluid 1L Each 131 136 150 150 150 163 146
1512150902 Fluid - Brake Fluid 500ml Each 74 74 62 72 40 79 72 97 70
1512150903 fluid - Brake Fluid 1L Each 192 194 179 124 104 184 124 122 149
1216190501 Flush - Radiator Flush 350ml Each 77 92 100 89 57 89 80 89 53 79
1512190201 Grease 25Kg Each 1,900 2,450 2,450 2,251
1512190201 Grease 500g Each 84 122 97 92 133 65 112 122 133 109 105
1512150101 Oil - Diesel Engine Oil 5L Each 475 487 488 372 510 450 447 516 510 546 478
1512150102 Oil - Diesel Engine Oil, synthetic 5L Each 632 523 565 585 572 550 571 604 572 747 590
1512150103 Oil - Engine oil- non-turbo diesel 5L Each 440 467 336 479 424 468 455 479 554 453
1512150104 Oil - Engine oil- turbo diesel 5L Each 542 521 462 490 513 450 465 513 610 505

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 96 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
1512150105 Oil - Gear oil 5 liters Each 484 511 384 513 426 469 494 513 669 491
1512150106 Oil - Petrol Engine Oil non-synthetic 5L Each 460 480 356 479 424 450 489 479 777 478
1512150107 Oil - Petrol Engine Oil, fully synthetic 5L Each 645 565 544 552 598 593 616 552 827 605
1512150108 Oil - Petrol Engine Oil, multigrade synthetic 5L Each 508 537 469 501 642 471 532 501 635 530
1512150109 Oil - Petrol Engine Oil, semi synthetic 5L Each 454 528 388 557 550 433 518 557 684 512
1512150110 Oil - Shell Helix Diesel HX 15 Each 458 437 450 437 424 444 442
3140170601 Putty - Cork gasket Pratley 50ml Each 70 62 103 77
2110180101 Spray - Dashboard Spray 350mls Each 67 72 69 68 63 62 65 76 65 52 66
2110180102 Spray - Silicone Spray 100ml Each 88 60 53 52 62
2110180103 Spray - Silicone spray 400ml Each 120 103 102 108
2410161201 Trolley Jack long nose Each 2,650 2,250 2,442
2517250001 Tyre - Tyre Size 12.4 R24 Each 6,800 7,510 6,342 7,978 6,249 6,944
2517250002 Tyre - Tyre Size 16.9 R28 Each 18,150 18,459 17,633 18,077
2517250003 Tyre - Tyre Size 16.9 R30 Each 18,750 16,842 19,571 18,351
2517250004 Tyre - Tyre Size 175/60R14 Each 1,650 1,822 1,626 1,700 1,430 1,083 1,000 1,493 1,344 1,435
2517250005 Tyre - Tyre Size 175/65R14 Each 1,160 1,540 1,632 1,880 1,000 1,420 1,402 1,407
2517250006 Tyre - Tyre Size 175/65R15 Each 2,000 1,625 1,250 1,421 1,550
2517250007 Tyre - Tyre Size 175/70R14 Each 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,421 1,093
2517250008 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/55R15 Each 2,020 1,000 1,250 1,414 1,375
2517250009 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/60R14 Each 2,000 1,380 1,463 1,120 1,050 1,488 1,385
2517250010 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/60R15 Each 2,050 1,190 1,261 1,300 1,250 1,507 1,400
2517250011 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/65R13 Each 1,700 1,450 1,507 1,549
2517250012 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/65R14 Each 1,765 1,520 1,350 1,250 1,458 1,050 1,581 1,381
2517250013 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/65R15 Each 2,000 2,300 2,100 1,900 1,700 1,250 2,600 1,842
2517250014 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/70R13 Each 1,590 1,250 1,350 1,554 1,390
2517250015 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/70R14 Each 1,640 1,095 1,285 1,000 1,570 1,050 1,574 1,250
2517250016 Tyre - Tyre Size 185/80R14 Each 2,550 1,590 1,800 1,683 1,300 1,574 1,711
2517250017 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/50R15 Each 1,900 1,410 1,745 1,500 1,350 1,250 1,710 1,200 1,817 1,523
2517250018 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/50R16 Each 2,000 1,610 1,480 1,500 2,033 1,708

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 97 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
2517250019 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/55R15 Each 1,720 1,600 1,500 1,300 2,348 1,660
2517250020 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/55R16 Each 2,000 1,752 1,540 1,500 1,854 1,300 2,438 1,736
2517250021 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/60R14 Each 2,100 1,400 3,065 2,081
2517250022 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/60R15 Each 2,000 1,792 1,781 1,250 1,893 1,300 4,327 1,886
2517250023 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/60R16 Each 2,000 1,600 1,500 1,687
2517250024 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/65R15 Each 1,226 1,939 1,249 1,336 1,000 1,250 1,192 4,667 1,514
2517250025 Tyre - Tyre Size 195/70R14 Each 1,050 1,893 1,928 1,166 1,401 1,000 1,050 1,783 1,100 4,700 1,507
2517250026 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/45R16 Each 2,050 2,120 2,000 1,720 1,350 2,318 1,898
2517250027 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/45R17 Each 1,922 1,986 2,364 1,750 1,350 1,750 1,350 1,750
2517250028 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/50R15 Each 1,975 1,800 1,500 1,747
2517250029 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/50R16 Each 1,897 2,150 2,528 1,800 1,500 2,321 2,003
2517250030 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/55R15 Each 1,873 1,850 1,250 1,500 1,597
2517250031 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/55R16 Each 1,944 1,700 1,500 1,365 1,613
2517250032 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/60R14 Each 2,850 1,900 2,327
2517250033 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/60R15 Each 1,956 1,822 2,610 2,100 1,250 2,230 1,947
2517250034 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/60R16 Each 2,440 1,249 2,200 1,500 1,781
2517250035 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/65R15 Each 2,690 1,649 1,449 1,650 1,100 1,250 1,860 1,400 1,576
2517250036 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/65R16 Each 2,800 2,937 1,750 1,700 1,400 2,200 2,055
2517250037 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/70R14 Each 2,500 5,500 2,670 3,324
2517250038 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/75R14 Each 2,700 3,024 2,700 2,804
2517250039 Tyre - Tyre Size 205/80R16 Each 3,100 3,124 2,789 3,000
2517250040 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/45R17 Each 3,000 1,904 1,625 1,700 1,300 1,750 1,604 1,784
2517250041 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/50R17 Each 2,400 1,750 2,049
2517250042 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/55R16 Each 2,986 2,666 1,450 2,260
2517250043 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/55R17 Each 2,740 1,450 1,690 1,887
2517250044 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/55R18 Each 3,024 2,700 2,857
2517250045 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/60R15 Each 1,894 1,691 1,500 1,687
2517250046 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/60R16 Each 1,438 1,660 1,880 1,500 1,500 1,588

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 98 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
2517250047 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/60R17 Each 1,880 1,750 1,814
2517250048 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/65R15 Each 1,950 1,500 1,710
2517250049 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/65R16 Each 1,350 1,950 1,622
2517250050 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/70R15 Each 1,300 1,932 2,591 1,700 1,450 1,450 1,900 1,718
2517250051 Tyre - Tyre Size 215/70R16 Each 1,515 2,980 2,545 1,600 3,120 2,000 2,204
2517250052 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/40R18 Each 2,900 1,950 1,800 2,167
2517250053 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/45R17 Each 1,450 1,900 1,350 1,750 1,597
2517250054 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/45R18 Each 1,900 1,730 1,900
2517250055 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/50R16 Each 2,200 2,200
2517250056 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/50R17 Each 2,300 1,600 1,750 1,700 1,819
2517250057 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/55R16 Each 2,530 2,675 1,250 2,038
2517250058 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/55R17 Each 2,800 2,800
2517250059 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/55R18 Each 2,950 1,950 2,398
2517250060 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/60R16 Each 2,217 2,350 2,900 3,200 2,637
2517250061 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/60R17 Each 2,063 3,000 1,750 2,213
2517250062 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/60R18 Each 3,323 3,522 3,100 1,950 2,900
2517250063 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/65R17 Each 2,630 3,360 2,050 2,750 2,830 2,691
2517250064 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/70R15 Each 3,500 3,500
2517250065 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/70R16 Each 3,500 3,500
2517250066 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/75R15 Each 3,590 3,590
2517250067 Tyre - Tyre Size 225/75R16 Each 1,160 1,160
2517250068 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/45R17 Each 1,650 1,160 1,950 1,551
2517250069 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/45R18 Each 3,600 1,950 2,650
2517250070 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/50R18 Each 3,766 1,950 2,710
2517250071 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/55R17 Each 3,700 1,750 2,545
2517250072 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/55R18 Each 3,900 1,950 2,758
2517250073 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/60R16 Each 3,980 3,980
2517250074 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/60R17 Each 1,950 1,950 1,950

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 99 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
2517250075 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/60R18 Each 1,950 1,950 1,950
2517250076 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/65R17 Each 3,900 2,400 3,059
2517250077 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/70R16 Each 3,320 3,320
2517250078 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/75R15 Each 4,000 4,000
2517250079 Tyre - Tyre Size 235/85R16 Each 4,000 3,540 3,763
2517250080 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/35R19 Each 4,200 4,000 4,099
2517250081 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/40R 17 Each 4,130 4,130
2517250082 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/40R18 Each 3,548 4,370 4,120 3,997
2517250083 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/45R17 Each 4,500 3,000 3,674
2517250084 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/45R18 Each 4,625 4,134 4,382 4,500 4,320 4,389
2517250085 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/60R18 Each 4,768 4,768
2517250086 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/65R17 Each 4,167 4,700 4,500 4,450
2517250087 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/70R16 Each 3,739 3,600 4,680 4,500 2,424 3,693
2517250088 Tyre - Tyre Size 245/75R16 Each 4,460 3,900 2,500 4,500 4,690 3,913
2517250089 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/40R18 Each 4,780 4,780
2517250090 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/55R18 Each 2,636 2,794 4,312 2,820 3,076
2517250091 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/60R17 Each 4,800 4,500 4,648
2517250092 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/65R17 Each 4,327 4,587 4,650 4,500 4,514
2517250093 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/70R15 Each 4,900 3,697 3,039 4,700 4,500 2,561 3,794
2517250094 Tyre - Tyre Size 255/75R15 Each 4,900 4,500 4,696
2517250095 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/35R18 Each 1,300 1,300
2517250096 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/60R18 Each 4,100 4,820 5,109 4,300 5,621 4,200 4,661
2517250097 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/65R17 Each 2,711 3,670 4,500 3,500 3,538
2517250098 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/70R15 Each 1,950 3,355 4,500 3,500 3,186
2517250099 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/70R16 Each 2,085 4,136 4,384 3,162 3,373 2,200 4,500 3,102 3,248
25172500100 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/70R17 Each 3,641 3,859 4,000 4,500 3,988
25172500101 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/70R18 Each 4,599 4,800 4,610 3,600 4,375
25172500102 Tyre - Tyre Size 265/75R18 Each 4,555 4,555

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 100 | P a g e

Table 24: Vehicle Parts and Accessories
Item Code Item Description UoM Central CB Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern Nw Southern Western
25172500103 Tyre - Tyre Size 275/65R17 Each 4,230 3,880 4,500 4,960 4,375
25172500104 Tyre - Tyre Size 275/70R16 Each 4,229 3,990 4,500 4,235
25172500105 Tyre - Tyre Size 295/ 80R22.5 Each 5,020 5,430 3,787 6,600 5,109
25172500106 Tyre - Tyre Size 315/ 80R22.5 Each 5,500 4,937 6,600 5,638
25172500107 Tyre - Tyre Size175/80R13 Each 1,250 1,900 1,541
25172500108 Tyre - Tyre Size175/80R14 Each 1,390 1,900 1,625
25172500109 Tyre - TyreSize 12.4-28 Each 7,978 7,978
25172500111 Tyre - TyreSize -205/70/15 Each 1,150 2,564 1,400 1,821 1,656
25172500112 Tyre - TyreSize -225/75/16 Each 3,520 3,100 3,680 3,424
25172500113 Tyre - TyreSize 234/70 R 16 Each 3,320 3,320
25172500114 Tyre - TyreSize -265/75/16 Each 5,265 5,265
25172500115 Tyre- TyreSize 265/65R17B Each 2,350 4,211 4,500 2,950 3,385

Table 25: Water Fitting and Fixtures

Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western National Average
4010182501 Geyser - Ordinary (50 litres) Each 3,514 3,671 2,700 2,690 3,145 2,900 3,566 3,146
4010182502 Geyser - Ordinary (100 litres) Each 4,037 4,387 5,123 4,008 3,500 3,819 3,560 3,675 3,985
4010182503 Geyser - Ordinary (150 litres) Each 4,700 4,950 3,846 4,473
4010182504 Geyser - Pressure Geyser (50 litres) Each 3,176 3,571 2,740 3,160 3,567 3,743 3,308
4010182505 Geyser - Pressure Geyser (100 litres) Each 4,100 4,749 3,552 4,870 4,500 4,424 4,343
4010182506 Geyser - Pressure Geyser (150 litres) Each 4,356 5,558 4,857 5,975 5,750 5,263
4010182507 Geyser - Solar geyser (50 litres) Each 2,500 2,398 2,398
4010182508 Geyser - Solar geyser (100 litres) Each each 6,495 9,000 5,249 5,322 9,783 11,133 7,499
4010182509 Geyser - Solar geyser (150 litres) Each 6,401 6,401
2411181001 Tank - PVC tank (200 Litres) Each 650 919 550 582 661
2411181002 Tank - PVC tank (500 Litres) Each 1,950 2,085 2,500 1,675 1,944 3,597 2,218
2411181003 Tank - PVC tank (1,000 Litres) Each 2,500 3,140 4,000 2,111 2,793 2,453 4,228 2,945
2411181004 Tank - PVC tank (1,500 Litres) Each 2,785 4,978 4,900 2,405 2,891 3,550 4,648 3,597

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 101 | P a g e

Table 25: Water Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western National Average
2411181005 Tank - PVC tank (2,000 Litres) Each 4,366 5,054 3,144 4,981 3,623 5,244 4,320
2411181006 Tank - PVC tank (2,500 Litres) Each 4,555 5,546 3,746 5,500 4,220 7,000 4,987
2411181007 Tank - PVC tank (3,000 Litres) Each 5,825 6,336 4,238 6,499 4,649 7,649 5,735
2411181008 Tank - PVC tank (4,000 Litres) Each 6,300 7,652 5,590 8,049 5,000 8,500 6,721
2411181009 Tank - PVC tank (5,000 Litres) Each 7,900 8,151 10,000 6,258 10,600 7,155 10,100 8,454
2411181010 Tank - PVC tank (10,000 Litres) Each 21,804 15,168 25,500 20,502 20,391
2411181011 Tank - PVC tank (12,000 Litres) Each 21,962 21,962
2411181012 Tank - PVC tank (20,000 Litres) Each 32,404 32,404
4015151301 Pump - 0.75 HP submersible pump Each 3,566 4,333 3,093 3,944 3,420 3,150 4,939 4,864 3,855
4015151302 Pump - 1 HP submersible pump Each 3,660 5,225 3,576 5,088 4,220 4,605 5,640 4,966 4,567
4015151303 Pump - 2 HP submersible pump Each 5,388 6,244 4,603 5,568 5,391 5,418 6,905 6,538 5,763
4015151304 Pump - 3 HP submersible pump Each 7,707 6,717 5,971 7,156 7,674 7,014
4015151305 Pump - 4 HP submersible pump Each 9,320 8,934 7,252 7,800 8,284
4015151306 Pump - 5.5 HP submersible pump Each 11,446 10,421 9,392 7,899 9,699
4015151291 Solar Powered Submersible Pump 0.5 hp Each 4,379.52 6,148.17 5,189.03
4015151290 Solar Powered Submersible Pump 0.75 hp Each 5,123.17 6,300 5,681.19
4015151315 Pump - 0.8HP Solar submisible pump Each 3,143 5,457 6,176 6,800.00 5,181
4015151316 Pump - 1.0HP Solar submisible pump Each 6,388 6,910 7,123 6,644
4015151317 Pump - 1.5HP Solar submisible pump Each 6,700 7,069 9,967 7,800 7,790
4015151287 Solar Powered Submersible Pump 2.0 hp Each 7,210.95 7,210.95
4015151318 Pump - 2.5HP Solar submisible pump Each 7,589.61 14,900 10,634
4015151285 Solar Powered Submersible Pump 3.0 hp Each 10,122.62 10,122.62
4015151284 Solar Powered Submersible Pump 5.0 hp Each 10,454 10,453.76
4015156601 Pump - Booster 0.75kw centrifugal surface Each 1,765 1,850 1,962 2,476 1,996
4015156602 Pump - Booster 15 HP centrifugal surface Each 18,205 18,205
4015156603 Pump - Booster 20 HP centrifugal surface Each 18,670 18,670
4015151319 Pump - 0.8HP Portable submisible pump Each 2,042 3,725 2,758
4015151320 Pump - 1.0HP Portable submisible pump Each 3,705 4,950 1,085 2,710
4015151321 Pump - 1.5HP Portable submisible pump Each 5,656 5,054 1,480 3,484
4015151322 Pump - 2.5HP Portable submisible pump Each 8,556 6,169 7,265

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 102 | P a g e

Table 25: Water Fitting and Fixtures
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western National Average
Pump - 0.8HP Portable solar submisible
4015151323 Each 5,640 5,640
Pump - 1.0HP Portable solar submisible
4015151324 Each 6,029 6,029
Pump - 1.5HP Portable solar submisible
4015151325 Each 6,778 6,778
Pump - 2.5HP Portable solar submisible
4015151326 Each 7,728 7,728
4111196501 Water level sensors Each 1,581 1,581
4924170401 Water quality testing kits Each 904 904
1,000 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 7,329.49 7,329.49
3010361802 2,00 liters 6 meters Steal Tank Stand Each 7,500.00 7,500.00
2,500 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 6,200 7,500.00
3,000 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 7,500 7,500.00
4,000 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 11,492.75 11,492.75
5,000 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 12,817.98 8,900 10,680.82
7,500 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 16,748.13 16,748.13
10,000 liters 6 meters Steal Tank
Stand Each 17,942.20 14,500 16,129.54

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 103 | P a g e

Table 26: Drilling of Borehole
Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western
Drilling 50 m and Casing 50 m 0f
7112160901 Each 15,639 19,834 17,597 22,000 23,461 19,442 13,863 18,562
4 inch Class 10 PVC
Drilling 50 m and Casing 50 m 0f
7112160902 Each 23,588 22,382 26,622 25,456 24,457
5 inch Class 10 PVC
Drilling 50 m and Casing 50 m 0f
7112160901 Each 32,970 33,971 39,476 45,000 37,947 37,635
6 inch Class 10 PVC
Drilling 50 m and Casing 50 m 0f
7112160902 Each 66,820 78,310 53,000 56,904 58,000 61,989
8 inch Class 10 PVC
Drilling of Borehole (50m & metal
7318100807 Each
Casing) 8 Inch

Table 27: Floor, Wall and Ceiling Finishes

Item Code Item Description UoM Central C/B Eastern Luapula Lusaka Muchinga Northern N/W Southern Western National Average
7210190001 Ceiling Finishes - Gypsum board m2 80 75 71 69 60 65 85 70 71
7210190002 Ceiling Finishes - Particle board m2 62 70 73 52 46 75 87 65
7210190003 Ceiling Finishes - PVC m2 57 70 52 46 50 60 55
7210190004 Ceiling Finishes - Suspended grid m2 97 106 100 90 95 97
7210250001 Plastering - 19mm plaster, 1:4 mix m2 56 75 50 40 58 50 65 60 45 55
7210250002 Plastering - 19mm plaster, 1:3 mix m2 92 75 55 40 76 50 45 59
7210250003 Plastering - 15mm plaster, 1:4 mix m2 49 65 60 48 54
7210250004 Plastering - 15mm plaster, 1:3 mix m2 63 60 55 50 55 40 45 75 70 56
7210250005 Tiling - Porcelain m2 54 80 61 59 63
7210250006 Tiling - Porcelain Non-Slip m2 69 70 64 65 67
7210250007 Tiling - Ceramic m2 78 65 87 76
7210250008 Tiling - Ceramic Non-Slip m2 62 65 75 67
7210250009 Tiling - Parquet m2 175 141 157
7210250010 Tiling - PVC m2 73 62 52 62
7210250011 Tiling - Carpert floor m2 81 81

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 104 | P a g e

7210250012 Tiling - Flat Stone m2 60 65 62
7210250013 Paving - Concrete Brick m2 27 35 32 25 27 29
Floor Screed - 40mm cement-sand
7210270001 m2 58 50 54
screed,1:3 mix
Floor Screed - 40mm cement-sand
7210270002 m2 55 48 51
screed,1:4 mix
Floor Screed - 10mm cement-sand
7210270003 m2 153 160 125 137 120 115 134
terrazzo screed

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 105 | P a g e

Note: Once the International MPIs for Goods, services and works have been collected and compiled,
they will be disseminated for use by PEs. This shall be done in conjunction with the Zambia Revenue
Authority and ZamStats.

Market Price Index - Quarter One 2023 106 | P a g e

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