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01 : 01 : 31 ....

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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

The idiom "Putting yourself in someone else shoes'' describes which life
skill? Empathy

Coping with Emotions

Interpersonal Relationship

Coping with stress

01 : 01 : 31 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

The idiom "Putting yourself in someone else shoes'' describes which life
skill? Empathy

Coping with Emotions

Interpersonal Relationship

Coping with stress

01:01:58 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

life skills training has been made a pan: of the curriculum in order to
Bridge the gap between desired and possessed skills

Help youth manage the transition from university to work

Improve economic and educational outcomes for students

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:25 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A novel way of seeing or doing things or putting facts, concepts and

principles together in new ways is Critical Thinking



Problem Solving


( lmww latar)
01:01:25 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A novel way of seeing or doing things or putting facts, concepts and

principles together in new ways is Critical Thinking



Problem Solving


( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 21 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

_____ ,Isthe management of a problem in a way that successfully

meets the established goal. Solution




( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 28 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self introspection helps In dealing with.___ _

Relationship issues

Life situations

Your Plans

All the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:18 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Writing Skills, Verbal and Non-verbal skills. Listening skills are the element
of Effective Communteation

Self Awareness

Creative Thinking

Interpersonal Skllls

( lmww latar)
01:01:18 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Writing Skills, Verbal and Non-verbal skills. Listening skills are the element
of Effective Communteation

Self Awareness

Creative Thinking

Interpersonal Skllls

( lmww latar)
01:02:08 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts are always...?

Dependent on one another

Independent of one another

All are the same

None (a,b & c) are true

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 40 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

What are the Implications of negative peer pressure ?

We tend to bunk classes

We tend to defy authority

We become bullies

All of the above

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01:02:50 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

SelfConfidenceIs affected by comparing ourselvesto others, or social

comparision, Positively



None of the above

( lmww latar) SUBMIT ANSWER

01 : 02: 26 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

SocialIdentity defines self in terms of ____ _

Group membership


Both (a} and (b)

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:28 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

What is the Importance of critical thinking?

Critical thinking can help you analyze questions and problems.

Critical thinking can help you organize your thoughts logically.

Critical thinking can help you focus on issues and gather relevant.
accurate Information.

( lmww latar)
01:01:28 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

What is the Importance of critical thinking?

Critical thinking can help you analyze questions and problems.

Critical thinking can help you organize your thoughts logically.

Critical thinking can help you focus on issues and gather relevant.
accurate Information.

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 4S ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

'It is often said that resistance to influence and strong will power are
essential to limit the peer pressure". Is this statement true?

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01:01:54 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

One among the example Is not critical thinking abilities

Assess and judge a risky situation.

Assess a potential partner.

Monitoring an exam.

Assess one's own skills and behaviours.

( lmww latar)
01:03:49 ...,
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks) OPTIONS
Empatheticlistening does not allow the expansionof thoughts ?


01:02:37 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Why is it Important to ask open ended questions?

To hinder the communication

To stop flow of information

To relax du rl ng process

To Invite expressions into conversation

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 03: 01 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

When we give In to peer pressure, we tend to_.

Take no decisions

Take random and wrong decisions

Take Influenced decisions

Not at all Influenced

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 41 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Positive Self Talk Is

Self- Deafting


Saying positive thlughts about yourself

Saying positive things about yourself to others

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 15 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

You 'Look Within' in .......?

Self Introspection

Self Awareness



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01:01:4S ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Decreased academic performance may be 1he result of___ _

Emotional Imbalance

Disturbed Interpersonal Relationships

Stressful events

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 02 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A person being able 10 end relationships cons1ruc!ively Is said to have the

skill of Problem Solving

Coping with Stress

Coping with emotions

Interpersonal relationship

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 21 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self Formation can be Improved by

Learning to praise yourself

Developing a positive attitude

identifying your strengths

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 05 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Critisism leads to failure of empathetic attitude creation.


( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 34 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Empathetic listening facilitates the flow of ___ _




All of the above

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 15 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Which Life skill is most significant In Self Introspection?

Critical Thinking & Self Awareness

Creative Thinking & Self Awareness



( lmww latar)
01:01:34 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A) creativity is an ability Bl CreatMty Is also an attitude

A only true

B only true

both are true

B only false

01:01:34 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A) creativity is an ability Bl CreatMty Is also an attitude

A only true

B only true

both are true

B only false

01 : 03: 09 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

When we listen to understand, feel and relate to suffering of others it Is

known as ___ _ Empathy



None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:49 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

_____ is an opportunity to make a good Impression on others.


Self Presentation

Self Reflection

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:49 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

_____ is an opportunity to make a good Impression on others.


Self Presentation

Self Reflection

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 51 ...,

Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks) OPTIONS

Your friend is always Joyful and happy. You are always inspired by his
energy throughout the day. You ask him about the secret to this and he
says that volunteering at a nearby hospital In the evening gives him this
happy feeling. He invites you to volunteer for a week. You will ...

Listen to him and don't act on his advice

Respond enthuslastlcally but leave In between

Do not act at all on his advice.

01 : 03: 06 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

An act of sensitizing your friends about womens rights and making them
understand the plight of women in patriarical society and making them Negative peer influence
commit to stand for their rights will be called _____ from your side.

Positive peer influence

Implicit Influence

Explicit Influence

( lmww latar)
01:01:42 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

What is an aspec.tof self-concept?

Social Identity

Personal Identity


Both (a) and (b)

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:02:29 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

If somebody forgets your name while Introducing you, you will

Let them figure it out

Whisper it to them

Be quick to supply It to lessen their embarrassment

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:02:3S ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Behavioural Reflection is Important in empathic Listening as it leads

to ___ _ Showing interest in the speaker

Maximizing attention

Speaking In between

Shouting at the speaker

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01:03:08 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

In influenceof negative peer pressure,we become more obedient and

punctual. true


( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 03 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Do you agree that havinglow self esteem Is linked with falling prey to
negativepeer influence?

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 02 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Spontaneous, curious. seeks problems, enjoys challenges, optimistic.

realistic and imaginative are characteristics of Creativeperson

Ideal person

Empathetic person

Problematic person

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01:01:43 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self Presentation develops your __ _

Social bonds

Pro- social Behaviour



( lmww latar)
01:03:11 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

An empathetic listener will help in sorting the situation and ___ within
a group by proper understanding of everyone's point of view. Trust




( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 46 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

You saw your friend steal a staionary item from a shop. To exert a positive
peer influence, what action will you take? Help him conceal the item

Report the incident to the Shopkeeper

Act like you don·t know about the incident

Ask him/her what was the reason for this act and understand
his/her point of view & help to rectify his/her action 1n future

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 00 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

life Skills are important for students because

They empower them and give them a voice at school, in
community and in society at large

Help them deal with demanding situations In personal,

professional and social life.

Both (a} and (b)

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 24 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self Concept Is Influenced by

Stressful life events

Previous experiences

Both (a} and (b)

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 16 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self Presentation Is the art of ....?

Presenting your thought

Presenting your Personality

Presenting Who you are?'

All the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:48 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

While Introspecting, we focus on our

Thoughts and feelings

Thoughts only

Behaviour, thoughts as well as feelings

Feelings and Behaviour

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 14 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

The experience of feeling competent to cope with the basic challenges in

life and being worthy of happiness is Self esteem


Wishful thinking


( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 44 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

We can avoid substance abuse by ___ _

Having positive self esteem

Having positive peer group

Having Self worth

All of the above

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01:02:25 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Which amongst the following Is not a function of the receiver in a

communication? Giving Feedback

Listening Attentively

Conveying further and distorting the facts

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01:03:47 ...,

Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks) OPTIONS

You have a spare bicycle at home that you don't use, because that you
used as a child. Your house help's son travels 3-4kms for school on foot Think that what shall I do?
dally. You will __

He is poor and I am rich

I don't care attitude

Gift him the spare bicycle

01 : 02: 43 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

The group of people whom we want to be associated with & form

friendships are called __ _ Social group

Control group

Reference group

Experimental group

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 03: 02 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Students using drugs and substances will have.____ In your life

Negativepeer influence

Positive peer influence

Implicit Influence

Explicit Influence

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 41 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

No one shares meals with a differently abled classmate. In this situation

you will ___ _ Bully him/her

Make fun of his/ her situation

Leave him In his situation

Share your lunch with him and eat together

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01:01:54 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Recognition of ·self and Identifying our strengths and weaknesses, desires

and dislikes. Empathy


Critical thinking

Creative thinking

( lmww latar)
01:01:20 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

For decision making skills,which one Is helpful?


Active listening



( lmww latar)
01:01:20 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

For decision making skills,which one Is helpful?


Active listening



( lmww latar)
01:01:20 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

For decision making skills,which one Is helpful?


Active listening



( lmww latar)
01:01:27 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

life skills address a balanceof three areas:knowledge,_____ and

skills. Confidence




( lmww latar)
01:01:27 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

life skills address a balanceof three areas:knowledge,_____ and

skills. Confidence




( lmww latar)
01:02:32 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Match the following: I Self Concept II Self Esteem Ill SOclalIdentity IV self
Efficacy A. How I want others to see me B. I'll complete the task successfully I• C, 11·B, Ill· A, IV· D
C. Who am I? D.Am I a good person

I· D, 11·B, 111·
C, IV· A

I· C, 11·D, 111·A, IV•B

I• D, II• C, Ill• B, IV• A

Fl MIT ~ E
01 : 02: 47 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Positive peer influence is characterized by ___ _



Spirit of cooperatlon


( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 01 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

In order to prepare yourself for lhe challenges and opportunities of adult

and working life. apart from academics you should also focus upon Developing life skills

Extra-Curricular activities


None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:43 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

_ Influences self Introspection.




All the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 01 : 41 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

The processof converting a messageinto communication symbols Is

known as Decoding




( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 19 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self Reflection and External Observation are ....?





( lmww latar)
01:02:36 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Growing up in a family where feelings were not talked about is an example

of: A good model for self.awareness

A barrier to self-awareness


A self.awareness booster

A rule for enrichment

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 47 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Among the following options, Which Is an example of positive peer

pressure? Telling someone to bunk class

Motivating someone to join a sports team

Pressurizing parents to buy you a new phone without appropriate


Vandalizing common property resources

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 03 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self-awareness Is an important self-assessment tool to determine

The way you perceive yourself.

How much you need to live on.

What skills you have.

All of the above

( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 19 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

When an individual is telling you about his personal financial problem than
you should be__ _ Non encouraging


Non Judgemental

Not Interested

( lmww latar) SUBMIT ANSWER

01:03:08 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Havinga negative peer group can lead to.__ _



Both 1&2

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:56 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

life skill education is needed:

To enhance vocational efficiency.

To adapt ones own culture

To promote cultural Integration

To face the challenges In life effect,vely

( lmww latar)
01:01:23 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A little boy lost his pet dog. His classmates, who knew how much he loved
his pet. came to see how he is holding up. Piyush consoled him saying ·rm Rakesh
sorry for your loss, but you can always have another pet." Rakesh said ·1
know losing a loyal and faithful friend Isn't easy. He was a special dog and
very lucky to have found a family as loving as yours. May the fond
memories ease the pain of grief for your family at this difficult time." And 73
among all the classmates Shlvam was found saying ·1 really don't know why
he is so sad. It was just a dog.• Who was empathetic towards the boy?

All of them

( lmww latar) ..
01:01:23 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A little boy lost his pet dog. His classmates, who knew how much he loved
his pet. came to see how he is holding up. Piyush consoled him saying ·rm Rakesh
sorry for your loss, but you can always have another pet." Rakesh said ·1
know losing a loyal and faithful friend Isn't easy. He was a special dog and
very lucky to have found a family as loving as yours. May the fond
memories ease the pain of grief for your family at this difficult time." And 73
among all the classmates Shlvam was found saying ·1 really don't know why
he is so sad. It was just a dog.• Who was empathetic towards the boy?

All of them

( lmww latar) ..
01:01:23 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

A little boy lost his pet dog. His classmates, who knew how much he loved
his pet. came to see how he is holding up. Piyush consoled him saying ·rm Rakesh
sorry for your loss, but you can always have another pet." Rakesh said ·1
know losing a loyal and faithful friend Isn't easy. He was a special dog and
very lucky to have found a family as loving as yours. May the fond
memories ease the pain of grief for your family at this difficult time." And 73
among all the classmates Shlvam was found saying ·1 really don't know why
he is so sad. It was just a dog.• Who was empathetic towards the boy?

All of them

( lmww latar) ..
01 : 02: 06 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

What are ways you can build self-awareness?



Tai king to friends

Discussing with everyones

( lmww latar)
01:01:3S ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Mr. X Is not capable or taking informed decisions, communicating

effectively, thinking clearly, nor has the ability to lead a healthy and Social Skills
productive life. Mr. X, thus, lacks

Interpersonal Skills

Communication Skills

both A and B

( lmww latar)
01:01:3S ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Mr. X Is not capable or taking informed decisions, communicating

effectively, thinking clearly, nor has the ability to lead a healthy and Social Skills
productive life. Mr. X, thus, lacks

Interpersonal Skills

Communication Skills

both A and B

( lmww latar)
01 : 03: 00 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

PositivePeer pressureLeadsto self growth & ____ .





( lmww latar)
01:01:51 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

In order to establish a connection with a group of listeners quickly, one

should Start with formal introductions

Crack a joke

Make eye contact

Ask a question

( lmww latar)
01:02:23 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

(!)Maintaining eye contact during a conversation is unnecessary and makes

the other person uncomfortable. (ii) A person leaning backward during a Both the statements
conversation shows he is open, honest and Interested. Which of the above
statements are correct?
Only i

Only II

Neither of them

( lmww latar)
01:01:47 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Elaboration component of creative thinking mean?

Building on other ideas

Shifting perspective easily

Conceiving of something new

Generating new Ideas

( lmww latar)
01:02:38 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Which statement best describes the virtue of empathy?

Being arrogant towards the feelings of others

Being aware and sensitive to the feelings of others

Feelings of sorrow or pitifulness

Feelings of anger/ hatred

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

01 : 02: 18 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

While giving a presentalion in the class, if your classmates are in a

slouched position leaning on their benches, you will interpret it as They are willing to listen to you

They are too relax.,d and showing disinter.,st

They are tired but attentive

None of the above

( lmww latar)
01:02:11 ....
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Please choose correct answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

You need ..................during the process of self introspection.

Self Esteem

Self Reflection

Self Regulation

Self Love

( lmww latar)
01:02:11 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

In 1heself lnirospeclion, you ....

Love Yourself

Introduce yourself


Look within

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 17 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Out of the following experiences, which one would least likely affect your
self image Discovering a hidden talent of yours

Changing your wardrobe

Going for dinner In a restaurant

Getting suspended for a week

( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 12 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Its easyfor people with low self confidenceto make new friends.


( lmww latar)
01 : 02: 05 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

To bounce back from seatbacks and embarrassments It is necessary to

Get past the emotional turmoil

Find a creative solution to your problem

Both of the above

Neither of the above

( lmww latar)
01:01:52 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

Self is the mental apparatus that allows people to think continuously about


Professional life


( lmww latar)
01:02:39 ....
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Pleasechoosecorrect answer (1 marks} OPTIONS

While travelling In a bus you see your friend hiding in the back to avoid
ticket collecter. He belongs to a Financially Weaker section. What will you Pay for his ticket that day & help him in finding a solution

Tell the ticket collector to not ask him

Will act like you did not see anything and take your ticket

WIii ignore the situation and Justify the action of your friend

( lmww latar) SUBMIT f,$SWER

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